
The effect of beer on the body of a man. How beer affects the male body

Narcologists talk about the dangers of beer on the body of a man, but the popularity of the drink does not fall from this. The stronger sex uses beer "for football", after work or just when gathering with friends. The fact that the drink is dangerous, changes the hormonal background, negatively affects the liver, heart, stomach, kidneys, intestines, no one thinks.

What does it consist of

The technology for making real beer has long since sunk into oblivion. Previously, the basis of the drink was hops, an annual dioecious plant of the cannabis family. Now surrogates are often used, chemical substitutes of unknown origin. This is especially true of beer, "made on the knee", illegally.

Soft, fluffy buds, which are unfertilized female flowers, are prized in brewing. It is in them that there are all the substances necessary for beer. Abroad, they use granulated hops pressed from different varieties plants.

Hops - beer stabilizer, clarifier, has a calming effect on the body. Gives the drink a fresh aroma.

Ways to hop beer:

  • First.

When brewing with natural malt, hop cones are added at the beginning of the process. Forms bitterness in the drink.

  • Second.

The introduction of cones occurs 20-30 minutes before the end technological process must preparation. The result: an exquisite hop flavor.

  • Third.

Female inflorescences are added to the main composition 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Thus, a specific unique aroma is formed.

Classical brewing uses all three methods. The exception is exclusive beers or a homemade drink.

Natural "live" beer is useful. But consumption and its every day in large quantities undesirable.

Beer contains: ethanol, yeast, water. It is cooked on the basis of cereals - barley, wheat, corn, rice. exotic varieties contain milk, bananas, fruits, vegetables or herbs. Fermentation occurs at low (4–9 C) or high (15–25 C) temperatures. By color it happens: red, dark, light, mixed.

The average strength of beer is 3-6% alcohol. There are fortified options - up to 14%, light - 1-2% and non-alcoholic.

How does beer affect the male body

The danger is feminization, the development of a male body according to the female type under the influence of phytoestrogens (8-PN), plant analogues of female sex hormones. 1 liter of beer contains 30–36 mg of phytoestrogens, their effect on male body akin to the intake of "pure" hormones. The use of beer hops is fraught with the appearance of a rounded abdomen, loose hips, expansion of the pelvis, and enlargement of the mammary glands. Changing the figure in men is one of the obvious shortcomings that cause the harm of beer.

Potency and reproductive functions

Phytoestrogens lower testosterone levels, a man becomes apathetic, phlegmatic. There is no longer any talk of a macho in bed, the very fact of sexual activity is called into question only when looking at the swollen, loose, fleshy figure of a potential “conqueror”.

Plant hormones with constant intake change the hormonal background of a man. The following changes come from beer:

  • a decrease in testosterone production provokes a decrease in the amount of sperm;
  • 8-PN (prenilnaringenin) negatively affects potency, erectile dysfunction develops;
  • for men, daily libations are dangerous due to the risk of developing obesity;
  • the intake of phytoestrogens is harmful, an imbalance is observed at the level of genes, tearfulness, softness appear, the psyche changes.

Even the most exclusive composition of elite beer with daily intake fraught for a man with sexual dysfunction, prostatitis, rapid ejaculation. With feminization come disruption hormonal background, infertility and impotence. According to statistics, the absence of children in marriage through the fault of a man is 50% of all cases of infertility. Much of this is due to beer alcoholism.

Other organs and systems

Dangerous properties of additives:

  1. The unfermented extract contains simple carbohydrates that cause obesity. It also contains amides, ammonia compounds, which are toxic substances.
  2. C4H6CO2 is a substance banned in the United States. Diacetyl in Europe is considered the most harmful component.
  3. Phytoestrogens (8-PN) cause the development of the male body according to the female type. Obesity, “beer belly” appear, libido decreases.
  4. CO2 (carbon dioxide) negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. Violates digestion, provokes bloating in the intestines and stomach.
  5. Higher alcohols dehydrate to form alkene carbons. These are carcinogens that gradually poison the body, provoking the development of malignant tumors.

With prolonged exposure to ethyl alcohol, addiction occurs. A daily bottle of beer for a man is the first step to beer alcoholism. As a result of the splitting of C2H5OH, acetic acetaldehyde is formed, it is he who is responsible for the hangover. Fusel oils destroy the liver, kidneys, negatively affect the work of the heart, destroy brain cells and lead to encephalopathy.

Development of beer alcoholism

Gambrinism or addiction to beer at the level of psychophysical dependence - there is no such concept in the ICD, however, beer alcoholism is very well known to both narcologists and family members of a beer alcoholic. The term is not used as a diagnosis, beer abuse is considered as alcohol consumption, but in a form different from strong drinks. For those who every day drink a dose that is many times higher than the norm, the same methods of treatment and prevention are applied.

Danger of beer alcoholism:

  • rapid formation of mental dependence (4 times relative to fortified drinks);
  • harder to cure due to the fact that men do not perceive beer as alcohol;
  • more destructive effect on the body, unlike wine, vodka.

Beer alcoholism develops quickly and imperceptibly. It can be suspected by signs:

  1. A man drinks more than a liter of beer a day.
  2. Anger, irritation in the absence of drinking.
  3. Insomnia, daytime sleepiness.
  4. Problems with potency, headaches, "beer belly".

An alcoholic, hooked on a foamy drink, reaches for a bottle in the morning. If she is not within walking distance, he becomes irritable, looks for reasons to run to a bar or store. On final stages beer alcoholism strong alcohol is mixed with beer.

When binges pathology is considered as chronic alcoholism, compulsory treatment is required. Addiction is fraught with destruction internal organs, leads to fatty hepatosis, cirrhosis, obesity, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular pathologies (syndrome beer heart), hepatitis and oncopathology.

How to use without harm

Norms of beer intake per day is a conditional concept, it is about 1 g pure alcohol per 1 kg of weight per week. However safe use is based on old recipes brewing beer, corresponding quality. A real drink contains up to 90% water, proteins, carbon dioxide, carbohydrates, nitrogenous compounds, organic acids, etc. We are not talking about chemically created beer containing preservatives, dyes, acidity regulators, stabilizers and others like them. And, of course, one cannot talk about the dangers and benefits of using a liquid created in garages by an artisanal method and unknown manufacturers.

Real beer can be drunk no more than 0.5 liters per day. The substances contained in it contribute to the fortification of the body, the normalization of stools, enrichment with minerals, and the prevention of osteoporosis.

A safe dose was determined in the Middle Ages by Paracelsus, he "allowed" to drink 2-3 cups a day. But then the quality of beer left no doubt, the chemical industry and artificial ingredients had not yet been born.

Whether beer is useful or not is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. You should drink it remembering that in a teaspoon - good, in a mug - poison. Uncontrolled libations are unequivocally harmful to the body, especially detrimental to adolescents at the time of intensive body growth and personality formation.

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There is not a single person who does not like beer. Few people thought that its effect on the body of a man is negative. A real intoxicating drink is brewed at a certain temperature. It is rich in vitamin B and is very high in calories. It has less alcohol than wine, vodka. In case of poor-quality cooking of the product, non-compliance temperature regime, the drink becomes hazardous to health.

A little about beer

The first country to produce this drink , was Germany. In this country, to this day, a potion with a unique intoxicating taste is brewed. Every year, a beer festival is held here, which lasts a week. Beverage producers exhibit their products, demonstrate new products. Beer is brewed not only in Germany, but all over the world. This intoxicating drink of different brands differs in taste and color. When brewing the product, the manufacturer adds its own ingredient, providing a unique taste. But three products will always be an invariable part of the recipe: malt, yeast and water. There is a division into 4 categories of cooking:

  • by composition;
  • according to the method of fermentation;
  • by color;
  • by the fortress.

Compound. Many people believe that they brew a beer potion from water, yeast, malt and barley. Producers can replace barley with millet, rice and corn. And there are also varieties that are boiled in milk or banana. Fermentation occurs with alternating high and low temperature cooking. Some drink manufacturers start brewing with high temperature and gradually lower it to 25 degrees. This product has a special taste.

Color. It is light and dark. When using some ingredients, the drink may turn out white color. Today it has become fashionable to mix dark beer with light beer.

Fortress. It can be non-alcoholic, light and strong drink.

The benefits and harms of beer

Beer contains a large amount of vitamins B and PP. It is rich in calcium, potassium and essential oils. Information about high calorie product is a myth, because quality drink cooked without adding sugar.

Drinking beer in moderation, it can prevent kidney disease and improve metabolism. When drinking beer, you need to know the measure. You can calculate your rate yourself, guided by the formula: 1 gram of ethyl alcohol per kilogram of a man's weight. For example, a man weighing 80 kg can afford to drink 2.5 liters of beer once a week. This hop product is very common in cooking and in cosmetology. Skillful housewives add it to the dough for lush pastries. For good growth and hair shine, masks and shampoos with the addition of beer are recommended.

Few people thought about how beer affects the male body. Drinking a drink in large quantities or drinking it daily in small portions, a man provokes the development of many diseases and behavioral disorders. Such people may experience varicose veins, hypertension. At regular use one liter a day, brain cells are destroyed, memory deteriorates, liver failure appears, and cirrhosis of the liver develops. As a result of a decrease in the amount of pancreatic enzymes, pancreatitis develops. There is joint pain caused by the destruction of the tissues of the joints. A man has osteochondrosis and arthrosis.

But this is not a complete list. side effects foamy drink on the human body. It should be taken into account the fact that many manufacturers are negligent in production. Nowadays, the product is not boiled, but produced artificially, where the mass obtained as a result of fermentation is filtered, diluted with water and ethyl alcohol. The process is called the preparation of beer from a powder base. Such powders usually have a short shelf life. Beer prepared according to a similar recipe causes great damage to the body.

Hop cones are an obligatory ingredient in the recipe. They are phytoestrogen. Latest Research scientists allowed to establish that phystoestrogen in its composition and action coincides with the female hormone. An increase in its amount in the blood suppresses the production of the hormone testosterone, which negatively affects male potency and sperm quality.

The effect of beer on potency

Almost none of the men who drink beer at least once a week does not think about the threat to potency. Usually they prefer to remember that high-quality beer is rich in vitamins and should not harm the body. Do not forget that beer is made from barley, which contains phytoestrogen. And such a fresh, high-quality product negatively affects the sexual function of men. A regular increase in the concentration of the female hormone progesterone in the blood ensures a stable decrease in the amount of testosterone. Gradually, progesterone completely replaces the male hormone, causing infertility, impotence, physical and mental changes.

For female body Increasing the concentration of the hormone progesterone is safe. For men, this process is dangerous for several reasons:

— Russian scientists have proved that the estrogen in beer is the smallest fraction, which cannot adversely affect the human body when single use intoxicating drink. The negative effect is provided by regular use. If you give preference to real beer, prepared with heating of raw materials, then in the end the man will enjoy the product with the minimum amount female hormone.

The effects of beer on the joints

Drinking even soft drinks causes great harm to health. It is known that people suffering from alcohol addiction, diseases such as pathology of the heart, kidneys and lungs appear. And from the intoxicating drink there is a disease of the joints. The inevitable encounter with pathology is the influence of beer on the human body.

With regular alcohol consumption, premature wear of cartilage cells occurs. The ethyl alcohol contained in the composition is to blame, which contributes to the breakdown of the cell membrane. Because of this, intracellular metabolism is disrupted, and cells have to work in an enhanced mode to maintain a normal state of health.

With the constant use of carbonated and alcoholic beverages potassium is flushed out of the body. Without potassium, the process of accumulation of fluid in the body begins, swelling appears. Accumulating fluid in the joints of the lower extremities causes severe pain.

Under the influence of the drink, the human immunity decreases, which allows the process in the joints to become inflammatory and become chronic. Studying how beer affects the body of a man, they also note the stagnation of urine caused by a slowdown in the functioning of the kidneys. In this case, alkali is combined, insoluble salts are formed. It is this salt that is deposited in the joints, limiting the mobility of the knee. The next day after the abuse of an intoxicating drink, the blood vessels constrict in a person. Lack of blood supply provokes increased pain in the joints.

A bad habit provides a man the development of arthritis, gout, arthrosis, aseptic nervosa. Each of the pathologies progresses slowly, but it is difficult to get rid of it. Long-term treatment requiring compliance strict diet regular intake of medications.

Attention, only TODAY!

Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink. He evokes special sympathy in men, being like celebratory drink when any celebration or gatherings with friends are indispensable without it, and a drink ordinary day when you can come home from work, relax in front of the TV with a bottle of this drink.

However, few people think about the consequences of drinking beer. Being a low-alcohol drink, beer affects the entire body of a man.

Its mild effect, unlike strong drinks, is a trap, and a person who often uses this alcoholic drink doesn't think he has a problem.

To avoid sad consequences, it is important to understand how beer affects the body of a man and what consequences arise when drinking this drink.

The effect of the drink on the heart

Most often, men suffer from heart problems. Men do not have such hormonal protection as women, and the fast pace of life and frequent stress have negative impact both for general health and for the heart. Drinking beer makes things worse.

Unlike spirits, beer consumption is measured not in glasses, but in liters. That is, such drinks are drunk in large quantities, which is already a burden on the organs, including the heart. A large number of fluid intake causes the heart to increase blood pressure, as short term at normal pressure, the body will not overtake the incoming fluid.

by the most negative consequence use this drink is the so-called bull's heart. Such a heart is characterized by an expansion of the organ cavity, thickening of the walls, a decrease in mitochondria and necrosis occurring in the heart muscle. This follows from the previous example, since beer contains carbon dioxide, which accelerates the absorption of alcohol into the blood, and a frequent increase in pressure leads to an increase in the heart in volume and a hypertrophied left ventricle. Such an organ loses its strength, the myocardium becomes flabby, and a man who drinks beer increases the risk of getting diseases such as ischemia or angina pectoris, which ultimately turns into a heart attack.

To the advent bull's heart gives one element that is part of the drink. We are talking about cobalt, its content in beer exceeds allowable rate ten times. If it enters the heart along with beer, then this leads to the previously described result. In addition, cobalt negatively affects the liver and stomach.

What does the liver and stomach experience?

The next organ that, along with the heart, suffers from beer is the liver. At frequent use this drink develops the so-called fatty liver, that is, fatty degeneration of the organ. Like the heart, the liver increases in size, and the risk of contracting hepatitis increases several times. The occurrence of chronic hepatitis leads to the death of body cells. In the future, this can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. IN Lately an increasing number of young people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer stomach. These diseases are literally getting younger. But what does it have to do with it? And the problem lies in the very beer that is very popular among young guys, because the effect of beer on the body is very great.

The main factor that has a negative effect on the stomach is the content of the previously mentioned cobalt and carbon dioxide in beer. In addition, beer contains fermentation products, all this explosive mixture irritates the walls of the organ, which causes the stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid. This leads to an increase in acidity, then to gastritis and ulcers, and the end result is stomach cancer.

Initially, the male develops the hypertrophic form, which is characterized by a thickened wall and increased levels of acidity. After some time, the wall becomes thinner, the level of acidity decreases. All this happens against the background of the depletion of the protection of the stomach, so the hypertrophic form of gastritis ceases to the atrophic stage, and this is a harbinger of cancer. Takovo pernicious influence beer on the human body.

Endocrine system and hormones

The composition of beer includes toxic substances, including salts of heavy metals. They lead to undesirable changes in endocrine system. Especially great harm beer on the body of a man is observed with constant use. The fact is that beer, especially unfiltered, contains phytoestrogens, which are some kind of female sex hormones. As a result, the production of the male sex hormone, testosterone, is suppressed, from which female signs begin to appear in men: breasts enlarge, fat is deposited like in women, that is, on the hips and sides, the pelvis expands.

In addition to all of the above, in men, the shoulders are rounded, the so-called beer belly appears. In addition, the hairline on the face and body is reduced, which clearly indicates the impact of beer on men and changes in the body. As a result, the man acquires feminine traits.

As a result of phytoestrogens entering the male body, changes occur at the gene level, and the body itself begins to produce such hormones. Testosterone is inhibited by estrogen, which causes a decrease in sexual desire. This shows the effect of beer on the male body.

Thus, the impact of beer on the male body is great, and in most cases - detrimental. In addition, the drink is so firmly integrated into a person’s ordinary life that the latter, without noticing it, becomes dependent on it, that is we are talking about the development of beer alcoholism. Beer alcoholism is a prerequisite for the formation of dependence on alcohol in general.

Here is what beer fans write: "Even in ancient times, they knew that beer increases male potency". In fact, everything is exactly the opposite ... Therefore, today we will consider the effect of beer on the male body and potency.

We all know that with the help of this drink you can relax perfectly, this is facilitated by the content of sedatives and psychotropic substances in it, in addition, it contains a small amount of alcohol, thanks to which many men consider beer to be completely harmless.

But the use beer drink negatively affects the brain, liver and heart, and can also suffer from it very much reproductive system. Therefore, our consideration will begin with this.

The effect of beer on male potency

At the same time, once the balance is disturbed, the female hormone estrogen begins to be produced, which affects appearance men.

In men who abuse this low-alcohol drink, the chest begins to grow and the pelvis widens, fat deposits appear in the same places as in women.

Often in such men, in addition, you can find a sharp decrease muscle mass and its disappearance under a layer of fat. In rare cases, there is an increase in the tone of the voice and the loss of hairline.

Influence on the digestive organs

In addition to all, low alcohol drinks increase appetite, due to the various bitterness contained in it and irritating the digestive organs. The result is a feeling of hunger. And there, obesity is not far away, which greatly increases the risk of developing diabetes 2nd type. These diseases play a significant role in the pathogenesis of erectile dysfunction.

But there is nothing in common between "Beer Belly" and beer. The stomach grows from simple overeating. And there are fewer calories in beer than in champagne, milk or apples.
At the moment, in Russia and Ukraine, there are 65 liters of beer per capita each year. And every year this figure only increases ...

Effect on blood vessels

You should also remember about the negative impact of beer on blood vessels. The carbon dioxide contained in it leads to the fact that the walls blood vessels flabby. As a result, the blood supply to the organs deteriorates. It all starts with the lower extremities and head, due to pathologically strong expansion of blood vessels. In this case, you can soon expect the appearance of varicose veins.

Of course, nothing will happen from one can of beer every couple of months. However, this is the insidiousness of beer, as it is low-alcohol and has a pleasant bread taste, and therefore no one takes it in such doses.

For this reason, very often beer addiction leads to beer alcoholism. And this is already a disease that is treated much harder than classic alcoholism, since most of people do not understand and admit that they are faced with this problem.

It is necessary to know that the abuse of beer in adolescence has a faster effect of beer on a man's potency. Therefore, in order not to turn into a beer alcoholic, impotent with all the ensuing consequences, it is better not to drink this low-alcohol drink at all!

It is generally accepted that it is harmful for men to drink beer: it is gaining excess weight increases the likelihood of illness, etc. These statements are only partly true. Indeed, with the regular use of beer in significant quantities, the body will not say thank you. In this article, we will answer the question of how beer affects the male body and whether there is any benefit from it.

The main negative effect of beer on the body of those who abuse it is to suppress the production of the male hormone testosterone. Instead, the production of a female hormone is activated, due to which avid beer drinkers may increase in size the pelvis and mammary glands.

How does beer affect a man's weight? Directly - no way. But drinking beer increases appetite, which is why we tend to eat more than usual. At the same time, beer perfectly contributes to the absorption of excess food in the form of fat. Besides popular snacks beer is by no means low-calorie.

What affects beer in men?

In a completely different way, beer affects those men who consume no more than 500 ml of drink per day. This amount is considered not only safe for the body, but also conducive to the healing of the body.

  • Beer contains B vitamins and trace elements such as potassium, magnesium and zinc. Even some fruit juices contain less useful elements than beer. Such a complex of vitamins and microelements positively affects the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, thyroid gland and some other organs.
  • Studies have shown that men who use moderate amount beer, the risk of blood clots in the vessels and bone problems is reduced.
  • Beer - perfect drink for hypertensive patients. It contains almost no sodium, which is dangerous for people with hypertension, but there is a lot of potassium, which helps lower blood pressure.
  • Beer can be taken at night as a sleeping pill for those who have trouble sleeping. Beer in this case acts as a good sedative.

How does non-alcoholic beer affect the male body? In this regard, there is no significant difference between non-alcoholic and regular beer.
