
Is it possible to drink alcohol. Is it okay to drink beer in moderation? Alcohol can be helpful


Almost no party or meeting is complete without alcohol. And such a vacation does not always have good consequences. And the evening can be overshadowed by the fact that there is too much alcohol in the body. In this article we will talk about how to drink alcohol correctly, while feeling good, it is permissible to lower or increase the degree.

The main thing is not to lower the degree

Don't downgrade

How you feel in the morning depends on the degree of alcohol. But this is not the only factor influencing your condition. An important role is played by the amount of alcohol consumed, the quality and its combination with other drinks.

Is it possible to lower the degree of alcohol and why, we have to figure it out. When alcohol enters the body, it decomposes into 2 components - ethyl alcohol and acetaldehyde. The second component is a toxic substance. When it enters the body in excess, it poisons it. Subsequently, you may encounter:

  • Headache.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pressure surges.
  • Pain in the region of the heart.
  • Breathing problems.

Lowering the degree leads to the fact that alcohol decomposes much faster, contributing to the formation of toxic substances. They have a negative impact on the functioning of internal organs and systems important for the functioning of the body, are absorbed into the blood. In this regard, the body is dealt a double blow. This is the main reason why you can not lower the degree of alcohol.

Avoid carbonated drinks as well. They contain carbon dioxide. When it enters the body, the absorption of alcohol into the blood is accelerated. And this negatively affects the functioning of the liver and other organs.

How to determine the measure

Controlling how much you drink is sometimes not so easy. And if after the next alcoholic party it was possible to avoid the morning consequences, you should not assume that this will always be the case.

Some people think that it’s easy to find out your measure - if you fall, then drink enough. But this question is not to be joked with. After all, you can drink alcohol, while not harming the body, and feeling great in the morning. How to do it? It is enough to know the measure:

  • For men, this is no more than 40 grams of pure alcohol. This amount is contained in 1 liter of beer, 3 glasses of wine or 100 milliliters of vodka.
  • For women, this figure is somewhat lower and amounts to 30 grams of pure alcohol. It can be 0.75 liters of beer, 2 glasses of wine or 80 grams of vodka.

If there are no health problems, then this amount of alcohol will not harm health, but only if its use is not regular.

How to eat and what

Even if you drink in moderation, be sure to remember that you should not do this on an empty stomach. Before taking alcohol, you need to have a snack so that alcohol is not so quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. This will help you avoid getting drunk quickly. An excellent option would be food containing a sufficient amount of carbohydrates - these are cereals, pasta, vegetables, bread.

It is necessary not only to drink alcohol correctly, but also to know what to eat. Which snack is suitable for a certain type of drink:

  • Vodka - vegetable salads, herring, pickles, dumplings, first courses.
  • Wine - meat, cheese, fruits, chocolate.
  • Beer - meat, cheese, seafood.
  • Cognac - meat, mushrooms, seafood, cheese, chocolate, fruits.
  • Whiskey - seafood, cheese, meat, fruit.

These products go well with certain types of booze, and also prevent quick intoxication and hangovers. If possible, alcohol should not be washed down, especially carbonated drinks.

The body of each person is individual, and may react differently to a particular type of alcohol. Some people feel great with a couple of cocktails, others with a few shots of pure alcohol.

It is better for the body when alcohol enters it clean and in small quantities. Therefore, shots or cocktails are not the best option. Naturally, nothing will happen from one drink, but if you do not plan to drink all evening. After all, this can turn into several types of cocktails in which there is not a single type of alcohol. Despite the fact that shots are inferior in volume to cocktails, they are much superior in degrees.

It is better to drink in small portions of 50-100 grams of pure alcohol. It will not cause severe intoxication, and in the morning you will feel great without any hint of a hangover.

How to understand that there is a problem with alcohol

The regular need for alcohol is an occasion to think about whether the desire to relax and relieve stress has grown into addiction. In fact, it is very scary to do so. After all, alcohol can make you a completely different person - unpleasant, dangerous to society, hopeless.

Controlling the amount of alcohol consumed in this case is not enough. Pay attention to the frequency of its use. If within 2 weeks you drink about 400 grams of vodka, you can talk about systematic drunkenness.

It is a mistake to believe that if vodka is replaced by other drinks, then this is not alcoholism. It is enough to compare them. The calculation can be carried out according to the formula:

(Alcohol strength (percent) * Volume drunk (milliliters)): 1000 = number of units of alcohol.

1 unit of alcohol = 10 milliliters of pure alcohol.

It is worth talking about alcoholism when 3 units of alcohol enter the human body every day. You should think about this diagnosis in the following cases:

  • Thinking about alcohol makes a person feel better.
  • He perceives it as a medicine that can relieve tension, calm.
  • In the absence of an alcoholic drink, a state close to “withdrawal” occurs.
  • Under the influence of alcohol, a person's behavior changes. After its weathering from the body, aggression and irritability appear.

By drinking alcohol correctly, and knowing your measure, you can prevent possible harm to health. Otherwise, in addition to a spoiled evening, a headache in the morning and a disgusting state throughout the day, there is a great risk of becoming ill with alcoholism.


The question of the effect of alcohol on the human body arose in the brain of everyone at least once in a lifetime. Everyone knows about the dangers of frequent drinking in large quantities, but the question "Is it possible to drink alcohol in small doses?" remains open.

There are two opinions: many consider it appropriate and even beneficial to drink a small amount of alcohol, others believe that even a small amount of alcohol destroys the body.

Drinking alcohol by people who are not healthy is obviously contraindicated. Let's figure out if this is so and what consequences a violation of this rule can lead to. In addition, from this article you can find out whether it is worth mixing alcohol and with which foods and medicines it is better not to combine it.

Why is he dangerous?

Alcohol is ethyl alcohol (ethanol) obtained either microbiologically (alcoholic fermentation) or synthetically (ethylene hydration). A psychoactive substance that depresses the central nervous system and is highly addictive.

The use of ethanol causes intoxication, as a result of which the reaction rate and attention decrease in a person, coordination of movements and thinking are disturbed.


History of appearance

  1. Alcohol - this word came to Russian from Germanic and Romance languages, although the word alcohol takes its origin in Arabic al-kuḥl, which literally means "powdered antimony".
  2. Another name for alcohol is alcohol, which comes from the English word spirit, which means “soul” in Russian.

The fact is that alchemists learned to reduce chemicals to powder, and they assumed that this form is pure essence, that is, “spirit”, therefore they began to be called spiritus in Latin, which formed the basis of the English word spirit. And therefore, today in the Russian language there are both terms, although alcohol is used in a narrower sense, and a whole group of organic compounds is called alcohol.

And, for example, alcohols include steroid hormones such as cortisol and estradiol, or vitamins of groups D and A. But in the framework of today's article, we are interested in a specific alcohol, namely ethanol.

  • The discovery of ethanol by man is shrouded in the darkness of history, because people learned to pamper themselves with alcoholic beverages back in the early Neolithic era in 7000-6500 BC.
  • Our ancient ancestors obtained intoxicating drinks by fermenting fruits and honey.
  • The first records of obtaining alcohol date back to the 6th-7th century AD, records of which can be found in the manuscripts of the Persian alchemist Ar-Razi.
  • But we will not delve into the history of the development of alcoholism, but move on to the characteristics of ethanol, its functional purpose in the body, as well as the consequences of its moderate and immoderate consumption.

Characterization of ethanol

Ethanol is an alcohol that is synthesized in the body itself, in particular, in the neurons of the brain, since it is a necessary element of the energy exchange between mitochondria and the cytosol.

  1. The fact is that these cell structures are separated by a membrane that prevents their direct communication, so they need a carrier, the function of which is performed by ethanol.
  2. Moreover, since the function of mitochondria includes the synthesis of ATP, and ethanol is involved in the energy metabolism of mitochondria, it follows that ethanol affects the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate.
  3. And this is confirmed by the studies of A.G. Antoshechkin, in which it was found that the body tries to compensate for the lack of ATP by the synthesis of ethanol.

Exogenous ethanol is also able to regulate the energy metabolism of cells and, in particular, cells of the nervous system. That is why moderate, we emphasize once again, moderate doses of alcohol are the best antidepressant.

What are these doses? If measured in ethanol, it is about 10-15g, which in alcoholic beverages is approximately 100-150ml of wine, 40-45ml of forty-degree spirits and 350-375ml of beer. It is recommended to break this dose into two parts and drink one in the morning and the second in the evening. Why is that?

Because it is this amount of ethanol that the liver manages to process in an hour. And for the liver, ethanol is a priority product for processing, since it is very easy to extract energy from it.

The energy value of ethanol is 7 Kcal, but they are "empty", that is, they participate in energy metabolism, and cannot be deposited in the form of subcutaneous fat. Although, this does not mean that you can drink during a weight loss diet, since alcohol affects the metabolism of other nutrients, prevents lipolysis, disrupts the endocrine system, and has many other side effects.

And yet, in the form of subcutaneous fat, ethanol cannot be deposited, since there is nothing to deposit there. The bottom line is that caloric content, in general, is an artificial characteristic that determines how much heat can be obtained by burning one or another element in conditions of pure oxygen.

What effect does alcohol have on a person?

From the first seconds after drinking a dose of alcohol, it begins to penetrate into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, in other words, the stomach.

During the first three to five minutes, the blood thins and begins to circulate better throughout the body. At the same time, another interesting phenomenon occurs. As mentioned above, alcohol is a strong psychoactive substance that contributes to the production of a shock dose of endorphins, they are also called “happiness hormones”. That is why we feel a surge of strength, an improvement in well-being, the so-called “warming up” and, as a result, an improvement in mood.

Unfortunately, this is where the “miraculous” properties and “benefits” of alcoholic beverages end.

  • The ethanol that enters the blood increases its acidity, as a result of which erythrocytes stick together - blood cells responsible for delivering oxygen from the lungs to all human organs, including the brain.
  • Clusters of red blood cells are formed, which more or less freely pass through large vessels, and small vessels, such as brain vessels, gradually begin to clog, forming "plugs", thereby depriving the cells of vital oxygen.
  • Which, in turn, leads to the inevitable death of brain cells, which a person feels under the guise of "noise in the head", impaired speech, coordination and consciousness.
  • With each new dose, the situation worsens, brain cells begin to die off more and more actively, which leads to well-known consequences, such as “sleep in a salad”, fights, quarrels, “Ichthyander’s call” in a public toilet and other actions that you have to regret on the next day.
  • Unfortunately, under the influence of endorphins, a person no longer feels this. His mind is clouded and the fun continues.

Effects on the brain and organs

It is this mechanism that gradually transforms the brain of a healthy person into the brain of an alcoholic. And no one can know for sure which part of your precious brain will die after another glass of champagne on New Year's Eve or ritual 50 grams for your birthday.

At the same time, alcohol inflicts a terrible blow on the rest of the human organs: even with a single use, the gastrointestinal tract, liver, cardiovascular system, and genitourinary system suffer. Each point should be devoted to a separate article, which will soon be done.

A whole volume can be written about the detrimental effect of ethanol on human genes. In short, ethanol damages human DNA, which causes irreversible mutations. This may not affect the life of a drinking person, but his offspring, most likely, will suffer very much for this momentary weakness.

The most interesting point is that, contrary to popular belief that alcohol can be consumed in moderation, it has a detrimental effect on the brain, other organs and human DNA, regardless of the dose.

Small doses kill fewer brain cells, large doses kill more, but they do anyway, no matter how much you drink. The same thing happens with other human organs.


How to drink alcoholic beverages correctly

First of all, you need to know the measure. Do not regularly get involved in alcohol. Drinking so much at a time that coordination and logical thoughts are lost is also not necessary. In order to have fun at the holiday with friends and not experience a hangover the next morning, you need to remember a few rules that are not difficult to follow.

  1. A couple of hours before drinking alcohol you need to eat. This improves the digestibility of alcohol, and intoxication will be gradual, which will make it possible to control when it is time to stop. However, you can’t eat up to satiety, it threatens with nausea and pain in the abdomen.
  2. Before the upcoming feast, you can drink a glass of water or milk at night.
  3. You can eat a little fatty half an hour before drinking alcohol, for example, a piece of butter or lard.
  4. A glass of kefir will help protect the esophagus from the effects of alcohol.
  5. A raw egg contributes to a slower absorption of alcoholic beverages. But in view of the delayed intoxication, you need to stop in time and not overdrink.
  6. Do not downgrade or mix alcoholic beverages.
  7. Do not mix strong alcohol with foamy drinks (soda, beer, champagne).
  8. If a feast is planned for the evening, you can have a small aperitif before dinner.

You have to be very careful with snacks. Do not eat fatty and heavy foods. Each drink has its own appetizer. You don’t need to eat a lot, otherwise alcohol will not have time to be absorbed at all, and there is a chance to overdrink.

While taking alcohol in large quantities, as usually happens on all kinds of holidays, a harmful effect is exerted on the body. Regardless of how you feel in the morning, it's best to take medications like activated charcoal, aspirin, or vitamins, especially vitamin C.

Food and drink compatibility

The speed of intoxication and damage to health during a feast depends not only on the quantity and quality of alcohol, but also on the presence of food and other drinks.

Alcohol and drinks

  • Alcoholic drinks should not be mixed with carbonated drinks.
  • A cocktail with energy drinks will be very bad for the heart.
  • Do not mix alcoholic beverages with different degrees. Also, alcoholic beverages that differ in production technology (vodka with wine, whiskey with cognac, etc.) are not suitable for a cocktail. Strong alcohol should not be mixed with foaming, the most ignoble thing is to mix champagne with something.

Alcohol and food

  1. Eating a lot during a feast is harmful. Food should not be heavy and in large quantities.
  2. Lots of dietary fiber and pectin - the perfect snack. This includes vegetables and fruits, apples are best.
  3. Krebs cycle acids. They contain citrus fruits, sauerkraut, apple and grape juice, juicy fruits and berries, honey.
  4. Foods with a diuretic effect: mint, green tea, watermelon, etc.
  5. The consumption of mushrooms, meat, spicy and fatty foods, indigestible foods (legumes, starchy foods, etc.) should be minimized.


Is it possible to drink during illness

Ulcer and gastritis

Those suffering from an ulcer can provoke stomach bleeding, which can only be eliminated by surgery. It's life-threatening! It is because of gastric bleeding that the mortality from untreated stomach ulcers is so high. If you have symptoms of internal bleeding, then you urgently need to call an ambulance and not wait until everything goes away by itself.

Also, alcohol can cause hemorrhoids, internal bleeding, cracks, as well as many other diseases associated with the digestive system.

liver problems

After the alcoholic drink has entered the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, its absorption into the blood begins. The next obstacle on the way is our most important filter - the liver.

There are many products that restore the liver and improve its proper functioning. Alcohol is not like that.

  • One of the main functions of the liver is to remove harmful substances and toxins from our body. Alcohol is a strong poison and our natural filter is not able to fully cope with the neutralization of the consequences of its intake. It strikes both at the liver itself, destroying its cells, and throughout the body as a whole.
  • Even the use of a small amount of alcohol introduces a serious disorder in the work of this vital organ. If ethanol is a constant life companion, then this leads to the development of serious chronic diseases, such as fatty liver disease, jaundice, and ultimately cirrhosis.
  • Dying liver cells are replaced by connective tissue that does not perform any functions. As a result, the number of functioning cells decreases each time and the liver ceases to cope with its tasks normally.
  • The liver of a constantly drinking person changes not only functionally, but even externally. She becomes deformed and wrinkled.

If you notice various symptoms of a liver disorder, then you should stop drinking any kind of alcohol!


For many, a diagnosis of diabetes sounds like a death sentence. Sweet, fried, alcohol and fatty - all this is banned.

A person suffering from this disease will have to completely change their diet and lifestyle. It is unlikely that you will be able to consume all those products that you loved before, besides drinking alcohol.

Alcohol that does not contain sugar or other additives does not increase blood glucose levels. However, it affects many organs and their functions, so large doses of alcohol can cause serious harm.

  1. Once in the circulatory system, alcohol enters the liver, where it begins to break down into many components. A large dose of alcohol slows down the formation of glycogen in the liver, which can lead to hypoglycemia.
  2. The amount of alcohol you drink directly affects the lack of glucose. Lack of sugar just the same can lead a person to a situation where the threat to his life will be real.
  3. It is also worth considering that drinking alcohol on an empty stomach and after physical training is dangerous, because during this the body naturally loses glycogen stores.

Once and for all, you will have to forget about sugary drinks, dessert wines, cocktails and some sweet beers. The sugar content increases the amount of glucose. The feeling of hunger caused by alcohol can provoke you to eat forbidden food. The consequences of a violation of the diet in men and women will be the same.

The only difference may be in the amount of alcohol taken. If you decide to still drink a glass of wine, then you need to carefully monitor the reaction of your body to the level of sugar.

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes, unfortunately, is an incurable disease that accompanies a person all his life. Patients need lifelong insulin, which normalizes blood sugar levels. In the diet of such people, as a rule, low-carbohydrate foods predominate. Alcohol, on the contrary, contains a lot of this nutrient, so diabetics should be careful in taking even small doses.

So can diabetics drink alcohol? There are a number of strict rules that will help minimize the consequences of taking it:

  • can't drink on an empty stomach
  • alcohol increases the effectiveness of insulin, so you need to reduce the dosage,
  • control your sugar levels to prevent it from dropping.

For patients with type 1 diabetes, it is not easy to calculate the required dose of insulin to compensate for the level of carbohydrates that are in alcohol. Therefore, we strongly recommend not to drink alcoholic beverages at all.

The possible risks are not worth the short-term joy!

type 2 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes differs from type 2 diabetes in that the body produces insulin on its own, but the cells are unable to absorb it.

Type 2 diabetics must follow clear rules:

  1. you can’t drink on an empty stomach, alcohol enhances the effectiveness of insulin, so you need to reduce the dosage, control your sugar level to prevent it from dropping;
  2. eat as little as possible simple carbohydrates and products made from refined raw materials,
  3. keep track of your sugar levels
  4. take sugar-lowering pills
  5. stick to proper nutrition and take care of yourself.

For diabetics of any type, alcohol is equally dangerous. It leads to sugar spikes, so almost all the same rules that we indicated above apply here.
Particular attention should be paid to the points:

  • do not drink on an empty stomach and empty stomach,
  • Do not drink alcohol containing sugar.

As you can see, the risk of developing complications is extremely high. Is he worth it? It's up to you, but we recommend cutting alcohol out of your life entirely.


Epilepsy - severe neurological a disease in which a person suffers from recurrent seizures.

It is believed that people suffering from this disease should take good care of their health. Any alcoholic drink can cause onset epileptic fit.

  1. Alcohol is a powerful toxin. It disrupts normal biochemistry and can cause metabolic and hormonal imbalances, disrupting normal functioning organism as a whole.
  2. During a seizure, the neurons of the brain and nervous system receive multiple electrical discharges, from which they die in large numbers. Drinking alcohol speeds up the process of neuronal death, exacerbating the damage. functioning brain .
  3. Many people with epilepsy seek refuge in alcohol in order to get rid of the depression and depression that the diagnosis causes. Many unfairly feel inferior.
  4. Frequent alcohol consumption in an adult sooner or later causes dysfunction and the development of various pathologies and diseases.
  5. In an epileptic, the constant use of alcohol will aggravate the situation and increase the number of seizures and their strength.
  6. In addition, in a state of alcoholic intoxication, mortality during an attack increases significantly.

All this is a vicious circle. The reasons that a person is trying to overcome by drinking alcohol only get worse. Increasing sense of anxiety irritability and depression.

Even small doses of alcohol can trigger a severe seizure!

The combination of alcohol and antiepileptic medicines

In order to reduce the number of seizures, patients need to take certain drugs. The disease is permanent and therefore it is necessary to drink medicines all your life.

The compatibility of these serious drugs and alcohol is not fully understood.

But you can say for sure that the reception potent drugs that affect the brain, nervous system and alcohol - this is not the best idea! The results may be unpredictable!


Many who have diagnosed this disease, don't take it seriously. They don't change their gastronomic habits, so everyone still consumes spicy, fried, fatty and alcohol.

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. The causes of occurrence can be very different. Most often it is malnutrition and bad habits. The pancreas is a vital organ that affects digestion, as well as regulating the work of certain hormonal processes, such as insulin production.

  1. Due to inflammation, the gland swells and the produced enzyme stagnates inside. The process of digestion of the gland itself begins, which is accompanied by acute pain, fever, vomiting, diarrhea and a number of other symptoms.
  2. During the chronic course of the disease, instead of dead cells, connective tissue begins to appear and whole scars are formed that are not able to secrete insulin. This leads to the development of diabetes.

The issue of alcohol during pancreatitis worries many. Some doctors allow small doses, like one glass of wine, but these volumes don't stop anyone.

Most often, a continuation follows, which is why: Patients who suffer from pancreatitis of any form are strictly forbidden to take any alcohol, in any form and quantity!

  • Alcohol stops the recovery process of the gland
  • The inflammatory process returns
  • Organ destruction intensifies
  • Even in small doses, such as in confectionery, it can aggravate your health

Those suffering from a chronic form of pancreatitis should forget about alcoholic beverages forever! Taking even a small amount can lead to an acute relapse and nullify all treatment.

It has long been proven that half of the cases of pancreatitis are associated with systematic intake of alcoholic beverages.
Alcohol intensifies all inflammatory processes, including those in the pancreas. It ceases to produce the enzyme necessary for the digestion of food. This leads to a whole chain of violations.

Possible Complications

Even a single use can threaten a number of dangerous complications:

  1. relapses of this dangerous disease, which sometimes exceed the first attack in pain and consequences,
  2. the risk of developing diabetes,
  3. pancreatic necrosis (acute neurotic disease with a high mortality rate)
  4. lethal

Remember that your health depends primarily on you! Alcohol and pancreatitis are absolutely incompatible things under any circumstances. circumstances. The price may be high.


Drug Compatibility

The list of drugs with which it is better not to drink alcohol is quite large.

  • Combined anti-cold drugs. In combination with alcohol, they cause liver poisoning.
  • Antipsychotics, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs used together with alcohol can cause intoxication of the body.
  • Intoxication up to coma threatens a person who is undergoing treatment with tranquilizers and antipsychotics and allowed himself to drink alcohol.
  • Caffeine, koldakt, ephedrine, coldrex, theofedrine increase the risk of a hypertensive crisis when taken with alcohol.
  • Alcoholic beverages, along with antihypertensive and diuretic drugs, can cause a sharp drop in blood pressure.
  • Regular use of aspirin with alcohol threatens stomach ulcers.
  • Alcohol with sugar-lowering drugs and insulin can lead to a critical drop in blood sugar up to coma.
  • Alcohol with nitroglycerin and antihistamines can cause aggravation of allergies and pain.
  • Combining alcohol with antibiotics can result in drug intolerance or reduced/lack of therapeutic effect.

If you follow all these rules and take into account the compatibility of alcohol with other products, you can relax and not harm your health.


Consequences of taking antibiotics

Antibiotics are one of the most powerful, effective and efficient groups of drugs that have completely changed science and medicine. A few centuries ago, the average life expectancy of a person was about forty years, and with the introduction of antibiotics to the broad masses, a person began to live much longer.

Today, antibiotics are very controversial, many young mothers talk about the horrors and consequences of frequent and prolonged use of this medicine by children. Indeed, like any potent medicine, antibiotics require careful attention and special rules for taking them.

And one of them is the refusal of alcohol for the duration of treatment. Otherwise, it can lead to serious consequences.

Decreased drug concentration

As you know, the antibiotic does not begin to act immediately, but only after the accumulation of a certain amount of the drug in the body. And alcohol significantly reduces the absorption of the drug into the walls of the stomach and intestines. This means that alcohol simply cancels the effect of antibiotic therapy by reducing the concentration of the drug in the body.

Because of this, taking the medicine becomes simply useless, and sometimes even dangerous, because the lack of a therapeutic effect leads to the fact that the disease flourishes, the number of bacteria increases. In addition, small doses of an antibiotic lead to the fact that harmful microorganisms develop resistance to this antibiotic, which subsequently becomes ineffective.

Load on the liver

Another negative consequence of the combination of alcohol with antibiotics is an extremely high load on the liver. This body is involved in the process of processing ethyl alcohol and neutralizing the products of the intermediate metabolism of drugs.

That is, during the period of taking antibiotics, the liver works as actively as possible, in combination with alcohol intake, the load on the organ is high, sometimes the liver may fail.

Disulfiram-like reaction

Sometimes taking alcohol with an antibiotic ends with a severe reaction in the form of nausea, vomiting, seizures, and feeling unwell. This occurs when certain groups of antibiotics are taken in combination with ethanol.

  1. Often such a reaction is used to code a person from drinking alcohol.
  2. A special tablet is sewn into the subcutaneous space with a substance that enters the body in equal doses for a long time - several months.
  3. If during this period alcohol enters the human body, all of the above symptoms appear. A person develops a strong dislike for alcohol.

In addition, alcoholic products thicken the blood very much, leading to dehydration. How the antibiotic will behave in such conditions is a mystery, because each organism is individual.

Sometimes the consequences of such a combination can be dangerous and irreversible. Therefore, drinking alcohol during antibiotic therapy is strictly prohibited. This also applies to soft drinks.


Influence on human social relations

Man is a social being. Each of us needs communication and relationships with other people. Both on a physical and psychological level, alcohol can affect this aspect of our lives.

  • In small doses, ethanol even helps fight depression and apathy. The benefits of the same wine have been debated for decades.
  • In large doses, taken on a regular basis, alcohol, on the contrary, destroys the personality. Over time, a person begins to degrade morally and physically.
  • Among other things, alcohol is the cause of most of the crimes in Russia. Most of the murders, robberies, fights, serious accidents happen through the fault of people who are intoxicated. This disappointing statistic speaks of the harmful effects of alcoholic beverages.
  • Relationships within a family in which alcohol is a significant part can rarely be called ideal.

This negatively affects everyone, especially young children. The most dangerous situation is when both adults are addicted to drinking. A child can leave an indelible mark for life. From lack of education to imitation in the future. This can become a really serious obstacle to a normal life.

The best policy would be not to allow the situation to come to this. It is necessary to clearly dose alcohol and not succumb to addiction.

What is the difference between “you can”, “you can’t” and “you can sometimes on holidays”

Modern people are divided into two camps. Some drink alcohol systematically, others do not drink at all. Between them there is a huge layer of people who do not believe that they drink alcohol systematically, but drink it sometimes on holidays. Unfortunately, most of these "moderate drinkers", without suspecting it, have long since moved into the category of systematic drinkers.

We all love freedom and we don't like to be dependent, and to admit that you systematically use alcohol means to admit your addiction. And if there were no such concepts as “moderate drinker”, “alcohol is allowed on holidays”, “drinking culture” and other substitutions of concepts, then the alcohol industry would have gone bankrupt long ago. It is here that the most terrible secret lies.

If only two positions were recognized in society, with no alternatives:

Then the absolute majority of people would never consume such a quantity of alcohol industry products. It is not difficult to guess who benefits from this and who, with the help of marketing psychologists, introduced these concepts into our daily lives.

Teaching children to alcohol

Moreover, we ourselves from an early age were accustomed to alcohol by our own parents. Remember, everyone's favorite holiday - New Year or any other. Adults sit down at the festive table and begin to pour alcoholic drinks - vodka, wine, champagne, it doesn't matter. The child approaches the father or mother and asks: “Can I?”. They answer him: “No, only adults can do this.”

At first glance, everything is absolutely correct and there is nothing special about it. However, a competent psychologist will immediately tell you that a terrible thing has just happened. And the point here is not that it was the adult who answered the child, but that the child understood for himself from this whole situation.

  • Alcohol is possible. This follows, firstly, from the fact that parents and other adults drink it, and they, as you know, enjoy great authority with the child, and secondly, from the very answer of the adult “It is POSSIBLE only for adults”
  • Adults drink alcohol. If you are an adult, then you can drink, and if you drink, then you are an adult. The sooner you start drinking it, the sooner you will become an adult. Almost all children dream of becoming adults sooner. Result on the face.
  • Holiday - the clink of glasses. If a child sees alcohol on every holiday table, how can he imagine his own holiday, already in his teens, without alcohol. A holiday without alcohol is not a holiday.

Therefore, “alcohol is allowed” and “it is possible sometimes on holidays” are about the same, especially for our children, whether we like it or not.

Why Everyone Knows Alcohol Is Harmful, Yet They Drink It

There are several reasons for this, here are the main ones:

Ethanol is known to be addictive, with most scientists arguing that addiction develops through the systematic use of alcohol. And they are absolutely right, but they omit the fact that this statement is only about physical dependence, and for some reason they are silent about psychological dependence.

Although, psychological dependence, in this case, is much more dangerous than physical, because it arises as soon as you have drunk and you liked it, i.e. if after drinking alcohol you experienced some positive emotions, know that it will be more and more difficult for you to give it up in the future.

Environmental influence

  1. We often say that we make decisions on our own and do not depend on anyone, in fact this is not entirely true.
  2. Mass media full of advertisements, articles and headlines.
  3. Look around, even in light of the ban on alcohol advertising, manufacturers manage to drive its cult into our heads. (Advertising non-alcoholic beer, we do not sell alcohol to anyone under 18).



Safe drinks

The essence of this myth is that there are more and less safe alcoholic beverages, which is a fierce nonsense, since it does not matter what ethanol is diluted in, only its absolute value is important.

You can drink 250 grams of vodka, or you can drink two liters of beer, and the effect will be the same.

Someone will object and say that beer is simply easier to drink, you can drink it with friends while watching football, so there is a stronger psychological dependence. Yes, this is true, but alcoholism is not a psychological addiction, alcoholism is a genetic disorder caused by a bizarre DNA layout.

  • An alcoholic is a person who has the DAT1 gene in the genotype, which causes a need or, what is the same, a desire to drink alcohol in large quantities.
  • Psychological attraction does not cause a physiological need, and such a person, indeed, with due will, can quit at any moment.
  • But an alcoholic is a person who had the DAT1 gene, and he caused addiction to alcohol by drinking, and now he will experience a physiological need for alcohol for the rest of his life. There is no cure for alcoholism!

The benefits of wine

This myth is based on the fact that studies have not found any significant side effects of drinking moderate amounts of alcohol, that is, about 100 ml of red wine per day. And this is true, therefore, if you are used to drinking a glass of wine at dinner, then you can safely continue to do this.

But this does not mean at all that wine is healthy, and you need to start drinking it! Even despite the fact that a whole cascade of speculation has been built around this myth, starting with the fact that wine is able to remove radiation from the body, and ending with the fact that it has an antioxidant effect.

And there is no point and desire to analyze in detail each of these miraculous effects of wine, just remember that wine differs from grapes in fact in that wine contains ethanol, so any other alcoholic drink eaten by grapes should have all the miraculous properties of wine, and it’s not occurs even to the most notorious supporters of moderate alcohol consumption.


Can be used with children

A huge influence on citizens is exerted by the surrounding society, which encourages the use of alcoholic beverages. Parents make the main mistake by drinking "hot" in the presence of children for every convenient occasion.

Well-intentioned adults warn their offspring about the undesirability of drinking, but only until the age of majority. Children treat their parents as an indisputable authority and, striving to be like them in everything, at the first opportunity in adolescence, they begin to use light, and then heavy alcoholic beverages.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol with children is unequivocal - no! The negative influence exerted by alcohol has a prolonged effect. Toxic substances contained in drinks are excreted within 24-48 hours, adversely affecting the organs during this time.

The first step towards alcoholism

People who began to systematically drink wine and vodka products at the age of 25 by the age of 45 are at risk of becoming alcoholics. In fact, addiction occurs earlier, due to harmful environmental factors that weaken the body:

  1. stress;
  2. bad ecology;
  3. increased physical and emotional stress;
  4. combining alcohol with tobacco.

The presence of a hangover syndrome clearly characterizes the belonging of alcoholic beverages to narcotic drugs. The occurrence of withdrawal, caused by the absence of ethyl alcohol in the body, prompts you to apply to the bottle again and again, destroying your body.


Since childhood, we all know about the dangers of alcohol, but at the same time we are firmly convinced that it is impossible to live without alcohol. Not a single holiday can do without it, it is generally accepted that alcohol must be drunk “for courage” and in order to feel more sociable and liberated. But most often alcohol plays a cruel joke with us and instead of benefit, joy, it does more harm. Courage turns into aggression, and sociability into outright stupidity.


From time immemorial, Russia has been one of the least drinking countries. From alcohol, Russians drank only kvass and mead, the strength of which did not exceed 2 - 3%. And then, only male warriors who had at least nine children were allowed to drink them! All other use was strictly prohibited. Grape alcohol was brought to Russia only in the 14th century, but it did not gain any popularity among the people.

"Drunken people are easier to control"

Catherine II

Gradually, by the nineteenth century, drunkenness became noticeably widespread among the Russian population. This was facilitated by the anti-people policy of the authorities, which encouraged the forcible soldering of peasants and workers. Nevertheless, there were quite a lot of teetotalers who saw all the harm of alcohol for a person and understood what its use leads to. People demanded the closure of taverns, a riot broke out that engulfed more than fifteen provinces. The uprising was crushed by armed troops, eleven thousand people were sent to prisons and hard labor. ()

In pre-revolutionary Russia, there was a dry law declared by Nicholas II. This gave an extraordinary boost to the economy. At that time, Russia was the strongest state in the world. After the revolution, the dry law was extended, but due to the subversive activities of the Trotskyist apposition, in 1925 they again began to freely sell alcohol. But, despite this, Russia did not begin to drink too much even during the war years and after it. Indeed, in a difficult situation, one must act, and not take stupefying substances.


With the coming to power of Khrushchev, gradually the imposition of alcohol on the population began to increase. And after him, Brezhnev continued to solder the peoples of the USSR even more, covering it up with the need to replenish the treasury. Then even in popular films, the audience was explained that in small doses you can drink alcohol without harm to health. But as a result, the state received a lot of drunkards and parasites, orphans with living alcoholic parents and the corresponding costs, which exceeded the profit received from the sale of alcohol many times over!


Ethyl alcohol has a powerful toxic effect on the human body. It is rapidly absorbed in the stomach and small intestine, soon after ingestion, alcohol begins to cause severe harm to health:

  • The initial excitation of the central nervous system is then replaced by its oppression;
  • Destroys the meninges;
  • The organs and systems of the body are affected;
  • Causes disturbances in the development of the embryo when consumed by a pregnant woman.

That is, alcohol harms not only us, but also our future children.


There is an extremely dangerous misconception that drinking alcohol during pregnancy is not prohibited, and drinking a glass of red wine is even good for a pregnant woman. Moreover, many gynecologists, instead of lecturing expectant mothers about the dangers of alcohol and smoking, recommend continuing to smoke so that the future mother does not get nervous about giving up nicotine. What can we say about drinking sometimes to calm down.

But studies show that the vast majority of children in the world are born with congenital abnormalities precisely because of the alcohol consumed by the mother during pregnancy. ()

This combination of congenital physical and mental defects is called fetal alcohol syndrome.

The following anomalies are classified as FAS:

  • Mental retardation, impaired intelligence and other anomalies in the structure of the brain;
  • Weight and height disorders;
  • Facial anomalies such as too narrow palpebral fissures or a flat bridge of the nose, cleft palate, etc.


These children have serious problems with learning at school. They will need social protection and treatment all their lives. Even if alcohol was consumed during pregnancy in small quantities, the harm done to the body of the unborn child will be very large. Even if the baby does not receive a noticeable external deformity, he will in any case have problems with mental development, and the risk of congenital heart disease will increase. In addition, these children will already carry damaged DNA and pass it on to future generations.



All children have repeatedly heard that alcohol harms the body. But hardly any of them are aware of exactly how alcohol harms. After all, all adults drink and supposedly nothing bad happens to them. Well, there are some alcoholics, but it always seems that this will never happen to us. “I can quit at any time” - this is what any drug addict thinks. And alcohol is a drug, and a very strong one.


Moreover, it is very important to break it down into points, how exactly alcohol can harm him:

1. First of all, a fragile children's body very quickly becomes dependent on alcohol. Children's psyche is very weak, and alcohol quickly causes drug addiction. And then the child every deuce, falling in love, illness of a friend, etc. makes it an excuse to drink. And after a few years, this teenager is already in a deep alcohol addiction, when for the sake of a bottle he is ready for a lot.

2. Even one glass of vodka can disrupt the brain of a child. Moreover, the harm of alcohol for children who regularly drink alcohol will be strong. The abilities that appeared earlier will be lost, thinking will cease to develop, and moral standards will not be developed. Such teenagers quickly become dumb, physically and morally degrade.

3. The biggest harm to alcohol for adolescents is the so-called "light" low-alcohol products. They are not even considered alcohol, however, they cause "beer" and "can" alcoholism. It would seem, how can poison be sold in a store? But this is really a poison that destroys the entire gastrointestinal tract. Because of canned cocktails, the number of young people suffering from acute pancreatitis has increased hundreds of times in recent years.


Unscrupulous narcologists do not consider this term to be correct. Nevertheless, it is obvious that such alcoholism exists and, unfortunately, is very common. Its danger is that no one is afraid to drink beer. It is believed that it can be drunk every day at dinner. Seeing that parents use this product so often, children begin to believe that such alcohol is absolutely harmless. That is why half of Russian high school students drink beer at least once a week. One in five have tried it before the age of 10. There is even an opinion that alcohol such as beer is harmful only in excessively large quantities, and a small amount can even be beneficial. But this is a terrible delusion! (

  • There is a syndrome of "beer" heart. Necrosis occurs in the heart muscle, mitochondria decrease. This is due to the content of the foam stabilizer, cobalt, in beer. This toxic element harms not only the heart, but also the stomach and esophagus. Beer quickly fills the vessels, the veins and the borders of the heart expand. As a result, the heart sags, tissues become flabby and poorly pump blood. ()
  • Beer, like any other alcohol, causes the death of brain cells, which, as you know, do not regenerate.
  • Any conversation about the dangers of alcohol is perceived as a ban on strong alcoholic products. But alcoholism begins with the so-called "light" cocktails and beer. Moreover, when we drink Sibirskaya Korona or Baltika, we do not support a Russian producer at all. All these enterprises are owned by foreign corporations, and all profits go there. And our country gets only such consequences as increased crime, children of parents of alcoholics and the need to treat diseases accumulated during the consumption of these products.

    But the biggest harm of drinking alcohol is the effect on the brain. Our country has always been famous for its writers, scientists and composers. It is hard to imagine how many geniuses were not born due to the popularization of "cultural" drinking? How many discoveries have we not made due to the fact that we regularly drug our brains with beer or alcoholic cocktail? And do we need to drink alcohol? For what? To make memory problems worse? To make it harder to focus? When will we understand that the harm of alcohol is no less than the harm of other drugs, and will we begin to lead a healthy lifestyle?

    The question - is it possible to drink alcohol is quite relevant in our time, since not a single modern celebration can do without this drink. Indeed, according to doctors, alcoholic beverages in small quantities are beneficial to human health. But is it possible to drink alcohol in large quantities and will it harm? It is known that alcoholic beverages taken in large quantities cause a lot of harm to the body, so you should not abuse them. But, unfortunately, few people know that alcohol does a lot of harm to health, so you should take it carefully.

    What are alcoholic drinks

    This substance is formed in two ways - as a result of the fermentation of alcohol or with the help of ethylene hydration. It is important to note that ethyl alcohol is a strong psychoactive substance, which exacerbates the action of the CNS and also leads to strong addiction. A large intake of ethanol causes alcohol intoxication in a person, which leads to a violation of his reactions and attention, and also disrupts motor activity, coordination and leads to aggravation of the work of most internal organs.

    How alcohol affects the body

    Already a few seconds after drinking alcohol, ethanol enters the bloodstream through the gastric mucosa, where alcohol enters the fastest. After 3-5 minutes, the blood flow becomes more liquid, which undoubtedly benefits a person. In addition, at this time, due to the penetration of ethanol into the body, the hormone of joy begins to actively develop - this causes warming of the body, an increase in mood and a surge of additional strength. However, these signs are considered the only benefits of taking a small dose of alcohol.

    If you take a large dose of ethanol, this will lead to an increase in the acidity of the blood stream, which causes the destruction or clumping of red blood cells. These are useful for the body blood cells that deliver oxygen to all organs and tissues. As a result of this, the clusters formed from these blood cells easily pass through large vessels, and in small ones they begin to get stuck - this leads to the formation of blood clots and plugs, which causes a violation of blood flow. Especially often such blockage of blood vessels manifests itself in the brain. As a result, this phenomenon deprives some organs of oxygen, which negatively affects the work of the whole organism.

    In this case, the brain suffers the most - when the blood vessels are clogged, a person is waiting for:

    • slow development of a stroke (if a person drinks constantly);
    • disturbance of consciousness;
    • the appearance of noise in the head;
    • lack of coordination.

    These symptoms appear due to the fact that brain cells begin to actively die. Also, the frequent use of alcoholic beverages leads to a violation of the functionality and aggravation of the work of many internal organs, namely:

    Every drinking person should understand that every extra glass of wine or vodka drunk leads to irreversible consequences for the body, especially if the alcoholic is not going to treat addiction.

    Therefore, answering the question - is it possible to drink alcohol, we can answer with confidence - it is possible, but only in an acceptable dose. After all, its excess will lead to the fact that a person, in addition to self-development of the standard, will have an excess amount in his body. As a result, the body will stop producing it, content with the alcoholic's reserves.

    In this case, one dose of alcohol not taken in time will lead to the fact that the person's condition will deteriorate sharply, since a serious malfunction of the body will occur.

    Even with a single intake of alcohol, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, blood vessels and heart, and urinary organs suffer. So what, then, to talk about if a person drinks alcohol daily, and even in large quantities? In this case, in a few years he will be overtaken by a mass of diseases dangerous to health, the lack of treatment of which will lead to disastrous consequences, and will also cause a lot of complications.

    Especially large doses of alcohol affect human DNA, which leads to mutations. Of course, this will not affect the life of an alcoholic in any way, but his future offspring may suffer greatly.

    Some people are sure that a small dose of alcohol taken will not be able to harm the body, unlike a large one. Although a small dose will not cause intoxication, it will still destroy brain cells. Therefore, it does not matter whether a person drinks a lot or a little - it will in any case be harmful to health.

    Why everyone knows that alcohol is bad for health but still drink it

    There are two good reasons for this question:

    • Ethanol is known to be addictive. At the same time, the more a person drinks alcohol, the faster the addiction develops. Moreover, this dependence is not only physical, but also mental. In other words, even if the human body has enough ethanol, on a mental level, the drunkard will still constantly need to drink alcohol. As a result, each drunk glass of alcohol will increasingly drag a person into an "alcohol pit", from which he will not be able to get out on his own.
    • The influence of the environment. Although many alcoholics claim that they drink on their own and on their own, this is not true. Articles, advertisements, headlines - all this encourages a person to take alcoholic beverages.

    When answering the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol, it should be noted that alcohol can only be taken in the optimal daily dose. Otherwise, it will lead to a host of negative health effects, which are often irreversible. In this case, you will have to take drugs against alcoholism to restore health - you can buy them on the Internet.

    Source http://alcogolizmed.ru/teoriya/mozhno-li-pit-alkogol.html

    Alcohol - this word came to Russian from Germanic and Romance languages, although the word alcohol takes its origin in Arabic al-kuḥl, which literally means "powdered antimony". Another name for alcohol is alcohol, which comes from the English word spirit, which in translation into Russian means "soul". The fact is that alchemists learned to reduce chemicals to powder, and they assumed that this form is pure essence, that is, “spirit”, therefore they began to be called in Latin spiritus, which formed the basis of the English word spirit. And therefore, today in the Russian language there are both terms, although alcohol is used in a narrower sense, and a whole group of organic compounds is called alcohol. And, for example, alcohols include steroid hormones such as cortisol and estradiol, or vitamins of groups D and A. But in the framework of today's article, we are interested in a specific alcohol, namely ethanol.

    The discovery of ethanol by man is shrouded in the darkness of history, because people learned to pamper themselves with alcoholic beverages back in the early Neolithic era in 7000-6500 BC. Our ancient ancestors obtained intoxicating drinks by fermenting fruits and honey. But it was alcohol from wine that was first obtained by the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred, as evidenced by the records of the Necronomicon. Joke! The first records of obtaining alcohol date back to the 6th-7th century AD, records of which can be found in the manuscripts of the Persian alchemist Ar-Razi. But we will not delve into the history of the development of alcoholism, but move on to the characteristics of ethanol, its functional purpose in the body, as well as the consequences of its moderate and immoderate consumption.

    Characterization of ethanol

    - this is alcohol, which is synthesized in the body itself, in particular, in the neurons of the brain, since it is a necessary element of the energy exchange between mitochondria and the cytosol. The fact is that these cell structures are separated by a membrane that prevents their direct communication, so they need a carrier, the function of which is performed by ethanol. Moreover, since the function of mitochondria includes the synthesis of ATP, and ethanol is involved in the energy metabolism of mitochondria, it follows that ethanol affects the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate. And this is confirmed by the studies of A.G. Antoshechkin, in which it was found that the body tries to compensate for the lack of ATP by the synthesis of ethanol.

    Exogenous ethanol is also able to regulate the energy metabolism of cells and, in particular, cells of the nervous system. That is why moderate, we emphasize once again, moderate doses of alcohol are the best antidepressant. What are these doses? If measured in ethanol, it is about 10-15g, which in alcoholic beverages is approximately 100-150ml of wine, 40-45ml of forty-degree spirits and 350-375ml of beer. It is recommended to break this dose into two parts and drink one in the morning and the second in the evening. Why is that? Because it is this amount of ethanol that the liver manages to process in an hour. And for the liver, ethanol is a priority product for processing, since it is very easy to extract energy from it.

    The energy value of ethanol is 7Kcal, but they are "empty", that is, they participate in energy metabolism, and cannot be deposited in the form of subcutaneous fat. Although, this does not mean that you can drink during a weight loss diet, since alcohol affects the metabolism of other nutrients, prevents lipolysis, disrupts the endocrine system, and has many other side effects. And yet, in the form of subcutaneous fat, ethanol cannot be deposited, since there is nothing to deposit there. The bottom line is that caloric content, in general, is an artificial characteristic that determines how much heat can be obtained by burning one or another element in conditions of pure oxygen. But we are simply forced to use this indirect characteristic, because we do not have a more accurate one.

    Statistical data

    And yet, can you drink alcohol?
    To date, studies have not found any negative health effects of alcohol consumed in moderation. Moreover, there are studies that show a positive correlation between reduced mortality and moderate alcohol consumption. However, the results of these studies are most likely a cognitive fallacy due to the fact that among people who do not drink at all, there are a lot of those who are in poor health. You see, if we compare the frequency of deaths from cardiovascular diseases, then in the first place there will be a group of people consisting of alcoholics, then non-drinkers in general, and then those who drink moderately. But the fact is that they do not drink at all, mostly, either former alcoholics, or those who have "poor" health. That is, the reason is not that those who drink in moderation drink alcohol, but that they have good health, which they have not undermined.

    But what do the statistics tell us? For example, according to a study by the American Cancer Society, conducted on 276,802 people, it is clearly seen that if you consume more than 25 grams of ethanol per day, the risk of mortality increases significantly. Moreover, we are talking not only about an increase in the risk of dying from coronary heart disease, cancer or other diseases, but, first of all, about the risk of dying an unnatural violent death. Moreover, statistics show that the risk of dying an unnatural death increases significantly after the mark of 25g of ethanol per day and then again after the mark of 60g. Well, if this is translated into Russian, then the risk of getting into trouble on your ass increases dramatically after 100g of vodka, and then is almost inevitable if you drink 250g. It doesn’t happen once in a while, but regular drinking is very likely to lead to problems, and so serious that the probability of dying from them is higher than the probability of dying from anything else.

    The effect of alcohol on the body

    Alcohol and hormones:
    it should immediately be said that people who regularly drink hormone levels are disturbed, so we are talking about how one-time alcohol consumption affects the body. When using a dosage equal to 1.5g of alcohol per kg of the body weight of the drinker, the following effects are observed: testosterone rises slightly, although with the use of 1.75g ​​it already begins to decrease to 25% of the basal level; does not have a direct effect on estrogen, but since ethanol affects lipolysis, preventing fat oxidation, the level of estradiol can increase significantly, up to 300%; the level of cortisol increases to 152%, which indicates the predominance of catabolism processes over anabolism; there is no significant effect on growth hormone; inhibits the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and, as a result, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, which, through a negative feedback mechanism, suppresses the secretion of testosterone; prolactin levels increase to 412% at 12 hours.

    Alcohol and dietary nutrients: excessive consumption of ethanol leads to a violation of the metabolism of macronutrients and vitamin. For example, it is known that alcoholics are deficient in vitamins A, B1, B3, B6 and K. In addition, since the liver is able to process only about 15 grams of ethanol per hour, and the primary task of the body is to eliminate poisons, then when using a dose of more than 15 grams the body will actually stop metabolizing other nutrients. Of course, not completely, but it will be significantly slowed down. Moreover, ethanol itself and its secondary metabolic products negatively affect protein synthesis in skeletal muscles. Alcohol slows down the processes of synthesis and translation of RNA and the level of insulin-like growth factor, which has a particularly negative effect on the process of hypertrophy of fast type II muscle fibers. From which a quite practical conclusion follows: in no case should you drink after a workout, and frequent drinking leads to beriberi and liver overload.

    Myths about alcohol

    Safe drinks:
    the essence of this myth is that there are more and less safe alcoholic drinks, which is a fierce nonsense, since it does not matter at all what ethanol is diluted in, only its absolute value is important. You can drink 250 grams of vodka, or you can drink two liters of beer, and the effect will be the same. Someone will object and say that beer is simply easier to drink, you can drink it with friends while watching football, so there is a stronger psychological dependence. Yes, this is true, but alcoholism is not a psychological addiction, alcoholism is a genetic disorder caused by a bizarre DNA layout. An alcoholic is a person who has the DAT1 gene in the genotype, which causes a need or, what is the same, a desire to drink alcohol in large quantities. Psychological attraction does not cause a physiological need, and such a person, indeed, with due will, can quit at any moment. But an alcoholic is a person who had the DAT1 gene, and he caused addiction to alcohol by drinking, and now he will experience a physiological need for alcohol for the rest of his life. There is no cure for alcoholism!

    Benefits of wine: this myth is based on the fact that studies have not found any significant side effects of drinking moderate amounts of alcohol, that is, about 100 ml of red wine per day. And this is true, therefore, if you are used to drinking a glass of wine at dinner, then you can safely continue to do this. But this does not mean at all that wine is healthy, and you need to start drinking it! Even despite the fact that a whole cascade of speculation has been built around this myth, starting with the fact that wine is able to remove radiation from the body, and ending with the fact that it has an antioxidant effect. And there is no point and desire to analyze in detail each of these miraculous effects of wine, just remember that wine differs from grapes in fact in that wine contains ethanol, so any other alcoholic drink eaten by grapes should have all the miraculous properties of wine, and it’s not occurs even to the most notorious supporters of moderate alcohol consumption.

    Source http://fit4power.ru/poleznie/mojno-li-piti-alkogoli

    The struggle between drinkers and sobriety fighters is gaining momentum. On the one hand, alcohol advocates tell us that alcohol in small doses is harmless, on the other hand, “teetotalers” scare us with horror stories about the harmful effects on the body and the emergence of addiction. Today we will figure out whether it is possible to drink alcohol and remain a sane person.

    Everyone knows that it is good to eat fruits, as they are rich in vitamins. But try to eat a bucket of apples every day. There will be few benefits, and the negative consequences will not be long in coming. Another example is to exercise every day until you are completely exhausted. How soon will you get sick? The answer is obvious. The same situation is with alcohol.

    Small doses of alcoholic beverages are either harmless or even beneficial. For example, one or two glasses of brandy relieve headaches in hypertensive patients. Wine and vodka help solve some digestive problems. And the French have learned to treat colds with champagne.

    Of course, there are diseases in which alcohol is unacceptable. But then contraindications also apply to other products, the harmlessness of which is not in doubt among most people. For example, sugar for diabetics. Just everyone to know what he can and what not.

    Alcoholic drinks are common foods. Their harm and benefit is determined by the frequency of use and the amount of alcohol consumed. Yes, you can’t get too carried away, but a complete rejection of alcohol does not do any good.

    Addicts, even with a complete ban on alcohol, will "find" themselves in gambling, smoking, drugs, overeating, religious fanaticism, or something else. It is necessary to solve the problem of addiction propensity itself, and not to write off everything as an external manifestation of the consequences.

    Our ancestors have been drinking alcohol for six thousand years, and this did not lead to the death of civilization. Therefore, there is no need to dramatize the situation around alcohol. Yes, there is a problem of alcoholism in Russia. One of its reasons is the lack of a culture of drinking alcoholic beverages, but the situation cannot be corrected by bans. "Dry law" Gorbachev 1985-1987 proved it.

    Most significant events for people often take place not without the participation of alcohol. There are different opinions about the harmfulness and usefulness of alcohol. Let's see who and when you can drink alcohol, and in what cases it is a forbidden product.

    Alcohol can be helpful

    Despite the popular belief that alcohol only harms the body, European scientists conducted studies that proved that regular consumption of a small portion of red wine has a beneficial effect on the functioning of blood vessels, the heart, and also increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. No wonder the French and Italians do not refuse this drink during lunch or dinner!

    Also, everyone knows that a tablespoon of cognac, drunk after a meal, relieves pain in the lower abdomen and warms up the muscles. Thus, we can conclude that certain types of alcohol can be drunk if its consumption is limited to small doses.

    When You Shouldn't Drink Alcohol

    However, alcohol is still a potentially dangerous substance that can change the biological structure of human cells and organs, as well as adversely affect his consciousness. I. P. Pavlov was the first to prove this in his numerous studies.

    That is why the use of alcohol by minors is not recommended. In addition to the fact that the soldering of persons under the age of 18 is an administrative offense, it must be remembered that the child's body is still being formed, and it is not worth interfering with this process with ethyl alcohol.

    For the same reason, pregnant women should not drink alcohol. More about this in the article. Also, nursing mothers and girls who are planning to conceive should refrain from alcohol.

    Contrary to popular belief, alcohol does not relax the body, but rather puts it in a stressful state. Intoxication is nothing more than the death of brain cells. Therefore, alcohol should not be consumed if your activity is related to the management of any serious equipment that requires concentration and attention (for example, a car or a machine in a factory).

    Dietitians advise to refrain from drinking alcohol during the diet (with rare exceptions) so that the body's cleansing of harmful substances is not disturbed. The article will tell you more about this.

    In any case, whether to drink alcohol or not is the business and choice of each person. It's up to you, we can only advise.
