
Permissible dose of alcohol per day for men. Safe limits for drinking different types of alcohol

It is known that alcoholic beverages can be both poison and medicine. It all depends on how much alcohol you drink. Is it possible that ethyl alcohol is beneficial or even safe for life and does not harm the health of an ordinary person - a question that worries a lot of people. A safe dose of alcohol is a problem that has been addressed by many different opinions from official medicine.

How much can you drink without harm

The World Health Organization gives specific figures that give an answer to the question posed, how much alcohol per day a healthy adult can drink without negative consequences.

For comparison, it is useful to give the following figures indicating the content of 10 ml of ethyl alcohol in drinks:

  • Vodka, cognac, whiskey - 30 ml;
  • Sweet fortified wine - 75 ml;
  • Dry wines, champagne - 100 ml;
  • Beer - 250 ml.

Permissible weekly alcohol intake for men

The average man is not harmed by a weekly intake of alcohol in the amount of 200 ml, which is 2 bottles of beer drink, 100 ml of vodka, 3 glasses of wine. At these levels of alcohol consumption, men are at low health risks. The average degree of risk occurs with the use of 210-350 ml, taking a larger amount leads to a high degree of risk.

Permissible weekly allowance of alcoholic beverages for women

WHO recommendations set the permissible weekly rate of alcohol consumption for the weak half. A woman can, without expecting health problems, drink up to 140 g of alcohol dissolved in alcoholic beverages for a week; at medium risks - up to 280 g, over - to a high degree of risk.

  • On average, a woman's weight is lower than that of a man, which is the reason for the smaller amount of alcohol processed by the body per unit of time.
  • Women drink less because they have a less pronounced tendency to drink alcohol, which is more painful after drinking.

It should be remembered that alcohol is contraindicated for expectant and nursing mothers due to the detrimental effect on the baby's body. Drinking mothers are criminals.

Daily safe dose of alcohol

Very often there is such a situation when during the week a person did not drink alcohol, but on weekends he breaks away, filling in the gaps in drunkenness. You should be aware that such an approach is fraught with dangerous consequences. It is much more difficult for the body to process a large portion of a poisonous substance administered at one time than the same dose in small portions.

An increase in the amount of alcohol consumed leads to a negative effect on the organs and systems of the body.

If there is an event ahead, when large portions of drunk alcohol are difficult to avoid, it should be remembered that 150 ml of vodka is the maximum alcohol taken once a week at one time. You need to know how long it takes for alcohol addiction to appear.

Medicine claims: excess dose leads to the development of alcoholism, which can develop over 1-3 years. With a daily intake of 75 ml of vodka, the liver will definitely suffer. The use of 5-11 ml of ethyl alcohol per 1 kg of human weight will be fatal.

Important! The maximum allowable dose of alcohol per day depends on gender, weight, frequency of alcohol intake, and individual characteristics of the body.

How much beer can you drink a day

To drink alcohol, you need a reason, and a glass of beer for so many people, convinced that it is a safe and even healthy drink, is a pleasure that is hard to refuse. Indeed, beer contains vitamin C, B 1, zinc, chromium, but at the same time the drink is a full-fledged alcohol, often provoking the development of alcohol dependence. According to WHO, a safe daily intake of beer is 4 average doses for men, 3 for women per day.

Who is in danger of beer

These include:

  • People with a history of alcohol addiction.
  • Those who have an increased resistance to alcohol.
  • People for whom alcohol is contraindicated by doctors.
  • Having contraindications by profession.
  • Elderly people.
  • Minors.

Even the permitted dose of beer can lead some categories of people to significant health damage.

Children are strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol. It should be noted that the indicated norms of alcohol consumption will not bring harm in case of complete abstinence from alcohol for 2 days a week. A dangerous degree of risk in men and women is diagnosed in case of non-compliance with the sobriety regimen.

Such an attitude often leads to the development of alcohol dependence, as well as to the appearance of diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, stomach ulcers, and heart pathologies. It should be remembered that focusing on average indicators does not always give accurate predictions, since each person's metabolism is expressed differently. An interesting fact is that representatives of some peoples do not have an enzyme in their blood that breaks down alcohol, therefore, alcohol is forbidden to them.

From the above facts it follows that the permissible dose of alcohol depends not only on gender, but also on the weight of the person who drinks, his nationality, as well as genetic characteristics. Age also has an impact on the definition of acceptable alcohol levels. Even the smallest doses are contraindicated for those who suffer from destructive addiction.

Is alcohol allowed while driving?

According to Russian legislation, the presence of 0.16 ppm in the exhaled air and 0.35 in the blood of the driver is allowed. The 2013 Drivers' Alcohol Permissibility Amendment abolished zero ppm. In Russia, cases of irresponsible attitude to the adoption of alcohol on the part of transport managers have become more frequent. The reason was the presence of alcohol in some foods.

These include:

  • nonalcoholic beer,
  • chocolate,
  • kvass,
  • kefir,
  • oranges,
  • overripe bananas,
  • a number of medicines.

It should be noted that the breathalyzer has the ability to accurately calculate the presence of alcohol in the driver’s body, and all tricks to hide drinking before trips are useless. So that the breathalyzer does not show the presence of alcohol in the exhaled air, you simply do not need to drink.

Permissible dose of alcohol after surgery

When you can start drinking alcohol after surgery, only the attending physician can decide on an individual basis. If the surgery did not cause negative consequences, and the body of a healthy person recovers quickly, the first dose of alcohol can be taken after 2 weeks.

The most acceptable option is red wine, which helps restore strength and improve blood circulation. Beer promotes gas formation, which is undesirable in the postoperative period. Many are interested in the dose of the first alcohol consumption after the removal of appendicitis. Medicine advises to start with 100 ml.

Be sure to eat well at the same time, so as not to harm the mucous membranes of the stomach. With a normal reaction of the body, you can increase the dose within reasonable limits. In case of complications after surgery and treatment of consequences with antibiotics, alcohol intake is postponed for 2 months. It should be remembered that alcohol and antibiotics are incompatible.

With all the negative characteristics of alcoholic beverages, there are several positive aspects of the influence of alcohol, in particular red wines, (2-3 glasses per week) on the human body.

Red wines activate the processes of digestion, prevent the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels.

Red wines are made from grape varieties that contain resveratrol, a natural compound with a strong antioxidant effect that, when ingested, prevents:

  • development of diabetes;
  • the appearance of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • malignant growth.

Resveratrol also slows down the aging process. Some people claim that they drink vodka for treatment and provide information about the ability of an alcoholic drink to: reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease, prevent malignant growth, slow down the formation of plaques in atherosclerosis, fight insomnia.

You need to face the truth: alcoholic beverages are not consumed in order to enrich the body with useful substances (they can be obtained from other products), but to experience a state of intoxication.

According to experts, you can drink vodka without harming the body and even get some benefit, it’s nice to drink beer to relax after a hard day, but you can’t deny the fact: even in small quantities, the most healthy alcoholic drink remains poison. The popular saying: “Drink to your health”, it is better to rephrase it into a slogan: “Do not drink - you will be healthy!”

Many are interested in what safe dose of alcohol, and how to drink properly so as not to get drunk and not harm your own body?

Taking into account the recommendations prescribed by the World Health Organization, in order not to harm his own body, a man is shown to drink no more than 40 g of alcohol in pure equivalent - this is about 2 bottles of beer, 100 g of vodka or 3 glasses of dry wine.

If we talk about statistics regarding a safe dose, here we are talking about 30 g of alcohol in net terms, i.e. about 1.5 bottles of beer, 80 g of vodka or 2 glasses of wine. Moreover, all the calculations presented come with the condition that the patient will take a two-day break, giving his own body a rest from alcohol.
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How much alcohol can you drink

However, not everyone can admit that a person suffers from alcohol addiction. Most believe that they drink little, some even rarely, and therefore do not classify themselves as alcoholics.

But who is considered an alcoholic suffering from a certain addiction? WHO experts, in their conclusions and taking into account the conducted studies, note certain statistics, and identified 4 categories of the level of alcohol consumption:

1. A safe stage when a man consumes no more than 210 ml of alcohol in its pure equivalent per week, and a woman no more than 135 ml. At the same time, the consumed dose per day for a man is a maximum of 40 ml, for women - 30 ml in net terms.

2. Dangerous form, i.e. in this case, a person exceeds the limit of a safe level, but at the same time observing the regime of sobriety. In this case, the patient may eventually become addicted to alcohol and get very unpleasant diseases and health problems (for example, a stomach ulcer or cirrhosis of the liver) in his asset.

3. Consumption of alcohol, accompanied by harmful consequences. In this case, doctors state that a person continuously consumes alcohol for several days, he has an irresistible desire to hangover and, most importantly, he loses control over the amount of everything he drinks. The sense of proportion disappears, and this stage can be considered the initial stage of dependence, when the internal organs and systems of the body suffer and wear out quickly.

4. Alcoholism, when a person constantly consumes alcohol and does not want to give up such an addiction. The patient's behavior changes for the worse, the organs wear out, and the dose of alcohol increases daily. In this case, a person is no longer able to give up alcohol, even taking into account the deplorable state of his health.

What is the lethal dose for humans?

According to statistics and statements by scientists, a dose of 5-6 ppm is critical for the human body, and it is the excess of this criterion that can lead to death. Speaking in a more accessible language, then 0.5 liters of vodka contains 2.5 ppm and, accordingly, consumed 1.5 alcohol can cause death.

With regards to beer and wine, these alcoholic beverages contain a smaller number of ppm and, accordingly, in a short period of time a person is unable to drink a lethal dose. Nevertheless, it is worth making a certain amendment and reservation: the presented dose is universal, while it is worth considering the age and weight, gender and health of the drinker. Because of this, a lethal dose can be called, which will be less than the specified figure.

What to drink so as not to get drunk?

WHO experts have named safe dosages of alcohol that are safe for a healthy adult per day:

Not more than 50 ml of vodka or cognac;

Not more than 200 ml of fortified wine;

Maximum 300 ml of champagne or red and white dry wines;

Up to 700 ml light beers.

All these doses are indicated on the basis that 2 days a week a person will adhere to the principles of Prohibition, and for women, the presented dosages should be 2 times less.

Nevertheless, as noted earlier, it is worth immediately making a reservation - all the figures presented are relative, since the body of each person is individual, and different age, weight and general health make their own adjustments. It is especially worth being careful with the use of alcohol for those who are diagnosed with chronic diseases, pregnant and lactating women.

In order for the body to feel normal after a dose of alcohol, and to increase your own immunity to the negative effects of alcohol, adopt some rules on how to properly consume alcoholic beverages.

  1. For example, at the very beginning of the upcoming celebration, it is worth taking about 10-15 tablets of ordinary activated charcoal - this is a natural sorbent that relieves rapid intoxication. Also follow the aperitif rule - 1.5-2 hours before the expected celebration, it is recommended to drink 25-30 g of vodka or another alcoholic drink, which ultimately activates the production and flow of bile, thereby preparing the body and stomach for future stress.
  2. If you do not want to drink in advance, just take a tablespoon of any vegetable or butter inside, you can also use a raw egg. In this regard, they act as an activator of bile production, and by forming a protective film on the walls of the stomach, they prevent the rapid absorption of alcohol. Of course, this effect is short-lived, and it is worth remembering that excessive consumption of oil can also have a very opposite unpleasant effect - either indigestion or rapid intoxication, when the accumulated alcohol nevertheless “breaks through” the protective film, and acts with double strength.
  3. It is always worth drinking in moderation, not exceeding your own level of alcohol consumption: any amount of alcohol that exceeds the normal healthy dose will harm the body. To relax a little after a hard day's work or to support the company, there is no need to drink yourself to death. It is enough to drink a couple of glasses of wine, beer or a glass of quality cognac or vodka.
  4. You should not drink on an empty empty stomach either: banal advice, but effective. If you have already started drinking, eat something beforehand, and also be sure to eat while drinking alcoholic beverages, and it is best if these are carbohydrate-containing foods and dishes. Remember that alcohol consumption on an empty stomach will lead to rapid intoxication, and at the same time it will have a very negative effect on the walls and mucous membrane of the stomach, corroding them.
  5. Do not mix weak and stronger drinks with each other, i.e. drinking wine, beer and cognac at the same time is a bad idea, and even if a person does not feel sick, the next morning the state will be very deplorable. And keep in mind that a cocktail of several alcoholic products will lead to the fact that the state of intoxication will come faster, and the negative consequences will have a more pronounced effect.
  6. You should never mix alcoholic beverages and medications with each other. The drug can react dangerously with ethanol and, as a result, there will be a rapid deterioration in health and a very likely fatal outcome.

All these rules are simple and familiar to everyone. But sometimes a person simply forgets about them, and as a result - a morning hangover and headache, a broken state and vows to himself not to drink anymore.

You can consume a good alcoholic drink, but only in reasonable doses!


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Alcohol has a negative impact on the functioning of internal organs, the cardiovascular system and the functioning of the brain. The liver is subjected to the greatest load, as its cells process ethyl alcohol. When a safe dose of alcohol is exceeded, irreversible changes in the brain begin, and hepatocytes are reborn. If you follow the measure, you can avoid a hangover, as well as increase the body's defenses.

Harmless norm of alcohol per day

In order to stay awake, it is important to understand how much alcohol is safe. Specific figures depend on the goals that a person sets for himself. Allowable rates vary depending on many factors:

  1. age.
  2. Gender belonging.
  3. The frequency of drinking strong drinks.
  4. The presence of chronic diseases.
  5. individual characteristics of the body.

The Ministry of Health, WHO and narcologists have not yet come to a consensus on the amount of acceptable, safe portions of alcohol. The Ministry of Health assures that when drinking 1.5 liters of beer 3 times a week, a man does not expose himself to risks. It is also safe to take 0.75 liters of wine and 50 grams of vodka at a time. It is better for women to reduce the amount drunk by half, so as not to provoke alcoholism.

According to WHO, a person is allowed to drink no more than 8 liters of alcohol per year, which is contrary to the assurances of the Ministry of Health. In Russia, these figures vary between 15–18 liters, which indicates a direct threat to health.

Narcologists advise focusing on the type of drink, body weight and the intended result. If a person wants to avoid a hangover, he needs to consume less than 90 grams of alcohol per day, which is equal to 12 glasses of vodka. To prevent negative changes in the brain, a serving should not exceed 19 g of pure alcohol or 60 g of vodka.

Calculation of your norm

  • age;
  • body mass;
  • the presence of pathologies;
  • climate;
  • type of drink.

When calculating, the frequency of taking strong drinks is taken into account, since a trained person drinks more without signs of poisoning. Women are susceptible to ethanol, so consumption rates for them are decreasing. In order not to suffer from a hangover, you need to drink no more than the following number of milliliters of drink per day:


Young people get drunk faster from the minimum dose of alcohol, so it is better for them to reduce these figures by half. With a tendency to alcoholism, it is recommended to refrain from taking alcohol-containing drinks in any quantity. Even small portions can provoke a binge. If a person drinks 1-3 liters of vodka per day, a fatal outcome may occur.

  • beer - 0.5 l;
  • wine - 250 ml;
  • vodka - 50 ml.

For women, the numbers are almost halved due to low amounts of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, which breaks down alcohol. Without the risk of falling asleep, it is permissible to drink 200 ml of wine or 50 ml of vodka per week, although some doctors see this as signs of incipient alcoholism. Because of this, be sure to listen to your own feelings and prevent the appearance of symptoms of poisoning. At the same time, any alcohol is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, drivers, as well as patients with diseases of the liver, heart and central nervous system.

How much alcohol is good

Small doses of ethyl can benefit the body, but for this it is necessary to correctly determine them. A useful dose for a heart attack, renal or hepatic colic is 10 ml of high-quality cognac. To increase pressure in case of hypotension, the portion is increased to 30 ml. Also, moderate consumption of cognac can solve the following problems:

  • relieve headaches;
  • reduce nervous tension;
  • support the functioning of the immune system.

Sparkling, no more than 2 glasses, increases appetite, eliminates swelling and corrects the work of the cardiovascular system. The drink is contraindicated in varicose veins, stomach diseases, hypertension, pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

In various sources, you can find completely different norms for alcohol consumption - from vague "one or two glasses 2-3 times a week" to indicating doses in ppm. But if you need norms not for a scientific report, but in order to control the amount of alcohol in your life, you will need intelligible values ​​that will not only be reliable, but also easy to operate. The alcohol consumption guidelines below are developed by WHO.

Doses of alcohol are divided into three groups - according to the level of risk of development, which represents the corresponding dose for the body. The dose of alcohol can be calculated in servings and in milliliters/grams of ethanol (alcohol). One serving of alcohol = 10 ml (8 g) ethanol (alcohol). To represent a serving in a concrete expression, it is enough to know that, say, one bottle of white wine contains 7-8 servings.

One serving of alcohol = 10 ml (8 g) of ethanol (alcohol)!

Low Risk
This level implies that alcohol is on your health and will not cause significant effects. If your consumption falls within these limits, then you drink alcohol moderately, without significant health risks.
For men: 3 servings per day (30 ml ethanol) or 21 servings (210 ml ethanol) per week distributed throughout the week (2 days out of 7 without alcohol).
For women: 2 servings per day (20 ml ethanol) or 14 servings (140 ml ethanol) per week distributed throughout the week (2 days out of 7 without alcohol).

- up to 3 servings per day (75 ml of vodka (40%) or 200 ml of wine (15%) or 500 ml of beer (6%).

Up to 21 drinks per week (525 ml of vodka (40%) or 1400 ml of wine (15%) or 3500 ml of beer (6%), including at least 2 days per week without alcohol).

- up to 2 servings per day (50 ml of vodka (40%) or 130 ml of wine (15%) or 330 ml of beer (6%).

Up to 14 drinks per week (350 ml of vodka (40%) or 930 ml of wine (15%) or 2300 ml of beer (6%), including at least 2 days per week without alcohol).

Dangerous level of risk
This level implies that alcohol can cause serious harm to your body - increase, risk, loss of balance and concentration. If your intake is within these limits, then you are in the danger zone and you should consider lowering your dose to a lower level.
For men: 3-7 servings per day (30-70 ml ethanol) or 22-49 (220-490 ml ethanol) servings per week.
For women: 2-5 servings (20-50 ml ethanol) per day or 15-35 servings (150-350 ml ethanol) per week.

Harmful level of risk
This level implies that alcohol is guaranteed to lead you to a mental, personal and social life. If your consumption level is closest to these indicators, you are in the zone of maximum danger: you urgently need to reduce the amount of alcohol you drink!
For men: more than 7 servings (70 ml ethanol) per day or more than 49 servings (400 ml ethanol) per week.
For women: more than 5 servings (50 ml ethanol) per day or more than 35 servings (350 ml ethanol) per week.

Everyone has heard about the dangers of excessive drinking, the only question is what to take as a measure? The World Health Organization has a fairly clear answer to this: allowed amount of alcohol per day for an adult male who does not suffer from chronic diseases should not exceed 30 ml of pure ethyl alcohol. According to WHO, 10 g of pure ethanol approximately corresponds to:

- 30 ml of vodka, cognac, whiskey, brandy or rum (40% vol.);
- 75 ml of fortified sweet wine, port or vermouth (17-20% vol.);
- 100 ml of dry red or white wine, including champagne (11-13% vol.);
- 250 ml of beer (5% vol.).

All the given quantities are relevant based on the consumption of alcohol no more than five times a week. In addition, the allowable dose of alcohol for a particular individual will depend not only on gender and age, but also on body weight, nationality and genetic characteristics.

Is there a specific safe amount of alcohol for women?

According to the same WHO guidelines, permissible dose of alcohol for women calculated from the limit of 20 ml of pure ethyl alcohol per day. However, some medical sources recommend that women adhere to the limit of half the declared volumes. The thing is that the process of splitting ethyl alcohol is affected by the fact that:

– The average woman weighs less than a man, so objectively her body can process less alcohol per unit of time.

- With the same weight and height as a man, a woman produces less alcohol dehydrogenase - the main enzyme responsible for the breakdown of ethyl alcohol.

In addition, when calculating safe alcohol limit for ladies, such a subjective fact is taken into account that, in general, women are less inclined to drink alcohol, and therefore tolerate it worse.

During pregnancy and lactation, alcohol is completely contraindicated, since ethyl alcohol and its products in the body penetrate well through the placenta to the fetus and into breast milk.

Safe dose of alcoholic beverages per day

Often people are indifferent to alcohol during the working week, but at the weekend they begin to catch up with enthusiasm. This is fundamentally the wrong approach. It has been shown that a single intake of a large dose of alcohol is much more dangerous for the body compared to the uniform use of the same total dose during the week, but in small portions. If excessive libation is unavoidable, remember that:

- 75 ml of vodka will not cause significant damage to a healthy man who has no medical contraindications to drinking alcohol.

- 150 ml of vodka - the maximum allowable amount when drinking alcohol once a week. WHO believes that this is the threshold beyond which alcoholism begins - a painful addiction to strong drinks. On average, it takes from one to three years to form a bad habit. Daily consumption of more than 30 g of ethyl alcohol (75 ml of vodka) inevitably has a toxic effect on the liver. If the daily dose exceeds 60 g of ethyl alcohol, then the level of consumption is considered dangerous. In such cases, steatohepatitis develops in every 10th.

- The lethal dose of alcohol is from 4 to 12 g of pure ethyl alcohol per 1 kg of body weight. For a man weighing about 80 kg, this will be equal to 1-3 liters of vodka or other strong liquor. Such a wide range of dangerous doses is due to the different ability of different people to process alcohol.

Thus, maximum allowable amount of alcohol per day depends not only on the sex, weight and constitution of a person, but also on the frequency of drinking alcohol. Think about whether you adhere to the recommended norms or the amount of alcohol you drink is out of your control. If you have any doubts about this, be sure to get checked out by a doctor to make sure that you have not already caused irreparable damage to your health in general, and the health of your liver in particular.


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