
What is beer heart - signs and symptoms of the disease. In such people, each mug of amber drink consumed contributes to progressive heart damage

Alcoholic cardiomyopathy occurs as a result of systematic drinking of alcoholic beverages over a long period. According to statistics, it develops in approximately half of chronic alcoholics and often leads to death. Death from complications of this disease occurs in approximately 10-20% of drunkards.

Since alcoholic cardiomyopathy leads to irreversible changes in the heart muscle, it is completely impossible to cure. Such a disease can only be “healed”, that is, its progression can be slowed down. Moreover, success should be expected only if treatment was started in a timely manner, immediately after the first symptoms appeared.

Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is a disorder of the myocardial structure caused by the long-term toxic effects of ethyl alcohol and its metabolites on cardiomyocytes. It is characterized by diffuse damage to the heart muscle, ischemia of myocardial tissue and progressive heart failure.

In addition to the above, the disease has other names:

  • alcoholic heart damage;
  • beer heart;
  • alcoholic myocardial dystrophy.

Typically, with cardiomyopathy, the heart becomes enlarged, stretched, deformed and becomes unable to perform its functions. This condition of the organ leads to heart failure, swelling, shortness of breath, and chest pain. Symptoms worsen after heavy drinking. In the absence of adequate treatment, severe complications develop, and in some cases death occurs.

Causes of pathology

The main reason for the development of the disease is prolonged drunkenness. In addition, there are a large number of predisposing factors contributing to its appearance. These include genetic predisposition, weakened immunity, unhealthy diet and stressful situations. Each of these factors can be decisive in the development of cardiomyopathy. However, people who do not suffer from alcoholism will never develop the disease.

Typically, alcohol-induced heart disease occurs in people who have been drinking heavily for ten years or more. Ethyl alcohol and its toxic metabolic products act directly on the cells of the heart muscle, disrupting their functions and structure itself. As a result, cardiomyocytes stretch, and the heart loses tone.

Symptoms of alcoholic heart

In the initial stages, beer heart may not have any manifestations. The disease can be suspected only after a person develops symptoms of heart failure, interruptions in heart function, or chest pain.

Symptoms and syndromes characteristic of alcoholic heart:

  • Alcohol intoxication syndrome. Manifested by incoordination, emotional lability, and decreased intelligence. The person becomes inattentive, aggressive, absent-minded, and his thought processes slow down very much.
  • Pain syndrome. An alcoholic experiences severe pain in the heart, which may be accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, coldness of the extremities and a change in the color of the skin. Along with this, a rapid heartbeat and changes in blood pressure may appear.
  • Arrhythmic syndrome. A person has a feeling of interruptions in the functioning of the heart. An ECG most often reveals paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, less often - extrasystoles. Cardiac dysfunction occurs mainly during binge drinking or during abstinence. Treatment of arrhythmia is carried out with magnesium and potassium preparations.
  • Heart failure syndrome. It may manifest itself as swelling of the lower extremities and face, and less often - other parts of the body. Alcoholics also experience acrocyanosis - blue discoloration of the skin of the fingers and the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. Symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing and a feeling of shortness of breath appear.
  • Asthenic syndrome. Characterized by general weakness, emotional lability, and fatigue. An alcoholic also experiences attacks of fussiness, inappropriate behavior and other unpleasant symptoms.

The disease can be suspected only if several of these syndromes are present. As a rule, symptoms of alcohol intoxication or asthenia alone do not indicate alcoholic cardiomyopathy. A person must also have other, more specific symptoms to suspect cardiac pathology.

To make a final diagnosis, it is also necessary to do general and biochemical blood tests, determine the level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood. Instrumental research methods will require an ECG, ultrasound of the heart and great vessels. In some cases, angiography and myocardial biopsy are performed. So the symptoms of the disease alone are not the basis for making a diagnosis.

Treatment and possible consequences

On the left is the heart of a healthy person, on the right is the “beer heart” of a drinker

Unfortunately, alcoholic cardiomyopathy is not completely curable. This disease is based on morphological changes in the myocardium, which even modern expensive treatment cannot eliminate. The disease can not only cause serious health problems, but also lead to death. The prognosis for this disease is generally unfavorable.

Timely treatment can greatly slow down the progression of the disease and give a person several years, or even decades, of a full life. However, alcoholic cardiomyopathy requires complete abstinence from drinking alcohol. This means that an alcoholic needs to code himself and become a completely sober person. Only in this case can we hope for success.

Alcoholic myocardial dystrophy is treated in this way:

  • Regime and diet. A person should eat well, eat enough protein and vitamin-rich foods. It is very important not to return to drinking alcohol - this will worsen the course of the disease.
  • Vitamins and minerals. For alcoholic cardiomyopathy, vitamin B1 (thiamine), B6, C is very useful. For arrhythmias, it is necessary to compensate for the deficiency of magnesium, potassium and other electrolytes.
  • Cardiac glycosides. Necessary for heart failure. They stimulate the heart, help eliminate shortness of breath and swelling. You can take drugs from this group only with the permission of your doctor.
  • Antiarrhythmic drugs. Indicated if a person has rhythm disturbances. Prescribed after an ECG and a full examination of the patient.
  • β-blockers. Used for palpitations and other heart problems.
  • Diuretics. Their use is justified only for congestive heart failure, accompanied by the appearance of edema in the legs and other parts of the body.
  • Metabolic drugs. Nourishes the heart muscle and improves metabolism in it. They are selected individually together with a doctor.

This treatment is symptomatic. This means that it eliminates the leading symptoms of the disease, improving the person’s condition. However, it does not help him become healthy. The most drastic is surgical treatment of cardiomyopathy and heart transplantation. However, these techniques are fraught with complications and do not guarantee recovery.

The most dangerous consequences of cardiomyopathy include coronary heart disease (angina, heart attack), arrhythmias, and heart failure. Death occurs not from the disease itself, but from its complications.

Over the past twenty years, beer has become a popular drink among a large number of consumers. Young people are especially addicted to it. A new serious problem has appeared in society. When drinking beer in excessive quantities, the processes responsible for the normal functioning of all organs and systems begin to fail. In principle, any alcohol leads to such consequences. All body systems are negatively affected, including the cardiovascular system.

Beer cannot be considered a safe product. As for beer alcoholism, it comes with serious illnesses, one of which is beer (bull) heart. The affected organ lacks vitamin B, which leads to pathological growth of the heart muscle, and this cannot but affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. But few people guess about such a diagnosis, because at the initial stage of beer alcoholism, dangerous symptoms do not appear.

What is beer heart - signs and symptoms of the disease

The effect of beer on the human body

When drinking beer, not only the drink itself enters the body. The decomposition products of the main component - hops - are added to it. These are monoamines and cannabinoids, due to which the process of dullness occurs, as well as drug intoxication. If you combine all these elements, the result is beer addiction, which leads to alcoholism.

The habit of drinking beer, which develops into an addiction to an intoxicating drink, is the most complex type of alcoholism, in comparison with dependence on the same vodka.

With large consumption of beer (and some individuals need at least two liters per evening), the body is subjected to a colossal load, which in intensity is comparable to the overload during training of professional athletes.

Alcohol has a negative effect on the heart and vascular system. In the meantime, the body needs to pass this poisonous liquid through itself, which is filtered through the kidneys and liver. For these organs, alcohol poisoning also does not go unnoticed.

The relationship between the heart and well-being

The presence of a beer heart leads to problems that affect not only the cardiovascular system.

To high blood pressure, arrhythmia and rapid contraction of the heart muscle, you can add the following symptoms:

  • after minor physical exertion, shortness of breath begins and the pulse increases significantly;
  • problems with potency appear;
  • liver enlargement occurs.

If these symptoms have been diagnosed, then it is necessary to take an x-ray, which will show whether the heart has enlarged or not.

What does this disease lead to?

Today there are many ways to get rid of alcoholism. This includes the Dovzhenko method, folk remedies, and medical assistance from experienced narcologists and psychotherapists.

The last few years can be described in two words - the beer boom. Moreover, both adult lovers of the foamy drink and representatives of the younger generation, including teenagers, take part in it. Recently, beer has become one of the favorite drinks among women who do not consider it hazardous to health.

The “alcohol limit” is an illusory concept invented by society. Half a liter of beer will not have a strong effect on the body of a healthy person, which cannot be said about people with chronic diseases. A person with heart problems, together with drinking 0.5 beer, begins to feel worse. Gas affects the rapid absorption of not only alcohol, but also liquid. Because of this, the vascular bed becomes overfilled and the load on the heart becomes greater.

By the way, beer contains cobalt, an excess of which is very dangerous for the human body. The effect of the substance is extremely toxic and can lead to:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • thyroid disorders;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the heart.

Constant consumption of beer has a strong effect on the heart muscle. If the organ constantly works in such an intensive mode, this will lead to its growth. In order to compensate for the weakness of contractions, a large heart is formed, which is also called a beer heart or a bull heart.


Diagnosis of this disease is difficult because symptoms often indicate other cardiovascular diseases. Plus, patients do not always mention that they regularly drank beer. The prognosis for such patients is very disappointing. Because it turns out that the disease has reached stage II or III by this point and nothing can be corrected. At the same time, a person is no longer able to refuse to use the foam potion, so the probability of death in the next five years is close to 100%.

Beer heart disease poses a great danger to human life, and in particular to problems with the heart and circulatory system. It occurs against the background of alcohol abuse. The very concept of “beer alcoholism” is absent in medicine. But the fact that beer is drunk en masse creates a big problem in the fight against alcoholism.

Beer, like any other alcoholic drink, if consumed in large quantities and not in moderation, leads to disruption of all processes in the body, negatively affecting the functioning of all organs, including the heart. It is generally accepted that beer, being a low-alcohol product, cannot cause addiction. However, this is far from the case, and beer alcoholism is proof of this. The heart is under severe stress, constant failures occur, which leads to a dangerous illness, one of which is an enlarged heart from beer abuse.

Alcoholics lack the concept of a proper lifestyle, the need to exercise and develop spiritually. The only entertainment is getting the next portion of the potion to relieve a hangover and lift your spirits. Drinking strong alcohol in everyday life is unlikely to be acceptable, but a couple of glasses of beer will be accepted normally by society. However, if the alcohol is weak, this does not mean that it is harmless. It, like strong alcohol, leads to addiction, and subsequently to complications in the functioning of internal organs. In the photo, the difference between a healthy and a beer heart is very noticeable. This is due to constant poisoning of the body with alcohol, At the same time, there is no normal nutrition, and this leads to vitamin deficiency, and in particular to a lack of thiamine. The heart muscle grows, and problems appear in the functioning of this system. At the initial stage of the disease, problems are not identified and symptoms do not cause concern.

Naturally, alcoholism due to the consumption of strong alcohol is more difficult and difficult for the patient, but with beer abuse the consequences can be much more insidious, since the alcoholic drink is not strong.

Beer is a high-calorie product.

Fans of this drink can be seen by:

  • A bulging “beer” belly.
  • Hormonal imbalances accompany lovers of this drink.
  • Body hair loss.
  • Excess weight.
  • Phlebeurysm.

These are not all the complications of beer abuse. Decreased intelligence and lack of mood are caused by disturbances in the functioning of the brain.

Taking a large amount of this drink puts a lot of stress on the entire body. The liver cannot cope with its excretory function, the heart experiences the same stress as during strength sports training. In the presence of congenital anomalies, the heart muscle begins to grow. The heart increases in volume.

After drinking a foamy drink, your legs may hurt. Swelling occurs. Alcohol constricts small blood vessels and dilates large ones. Because of this, the circulatory system of the legs suffers greatly and varicose veins appear.

Non-alcoholic beer is also harmful, since it also contains alcohol, albeit in small quantities. Alcoholics begin their next binge with a glass of non-alcoholic beer.

Beer contains gas and alcohol. Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the stomach and spreads into the blood thanks to the gas, which leads to rapid intoxication and increased stress on the heart. Fans of a foamy drink receive a dose of alcohol gradually, since it is impossible to do this quickly.


This type of alcoholism goes through several stages. The first and most harmless at first glance stage passes without visible changes. A person is able to control the amount of alcohol he drinks, but this leads to an increase in the amount of drinks he drinks, as it manifests itself in high spirits and positive emotions. There are no symptoms of addiction yet. The initial stage is manifested in a weakening of control over the beer drunk, and strong alcohol is often added to this drink. Drinking beer every day does not give positive emotions, but it allows a person to maintain a constant presence of alcohol in the body. The photo already shows significant changes in the heart muscle, with a tendency to grow. At the last stage of beer alcoholism, a person completely lacks will. Drinking becomes the main purpose of life. He cannot imagine further existence without a glass of alcohol, intoxication sets in quickly, aggression and fog appear. At this stage, symptoms of liver and brain diseases may appear. The heart reaches its maximum size.

Symptoms of beer alcoholism manifest themselves in a number of signs:

Ultimately, beer alcoholism leads to serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart. Its walls thicken, the vessels become fragile, and the supply of oxygen decreases because of this. The person becomes irritable. All this is beer heart syndrome. Patients experience heart pain, shortness of breath, rapid fatigue, and arrhythmia. Weakening of heart function leads to the development of heart failure, which, in turn, leads to cardiac arrest.

Diagnosing beer heart disease is very difficult. The symptoms of the disease are very similar to the symptoms of other heart diseases and patients do not tell their doctor about the abuse of the foamy drink. What’s worse is that when symptoms appear, the patient is in the second or even third stage of the disease and he cannot imagine giving up beer.

Stages of disease development:

  • The heart is already sick;
  • Increased in size;
  • Heart failure is present.
  • The consequence of this is a stroke.
  • And if the heart muscle is very weakened, then death can occur.

If the disease does not progress, then it is possible to restore the main functions of the heart and prolong the patient’s life.

Beer addiction is mainly psychological. And giving up the foamy drink won’t be difficult. It is necessary to gradually give up drinking beer, thereby replacing it with a more productive pastime. Drug treatment together with psychotherapy are effective methods in the fight against beer alcoholism. There must be a clear intention to quit drinking, and if it is serious, then eventually the person will come to a healthy lifestyle without alcoholic beverages. The main thing is to believe in yourself and support your loved ones.

Negative effects of beer on the heart - how serious is it? How much of it already has a detrimental effect on people with heart disease? What is this impact? How can the condition of the heart change from an excessive amount of fluid resulting from beer abuse? What is the likelihood of a heart attack due to this? What is the mechanism of changes in the human heart that precede a heart attack with systematic use of this drink?

What damage can half a liter of beer cause to your health?

Everyone has long known that a moderate amount of alcoholic beverages, including beer, can have a positive effect on human health. If we talk about red wine, which contains substances called antioxidants, its benefits have also been proven, but only if you drink one glass three times a week. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to follow the above rules. It’s hard to resist and refuse the treasured half-liter of cold beer in the heat, especially when everyone around you strongly recommends it. Many claim that it not only helps to freshen up, but also enriches the body with useful substances and minerals. Few and rarely do people at such moments think about the degree of negative impact of beer on a person and specifically on his heart.

It turned out that there are groups of beer lovers for whom drinking this drink can be disastrous. Their number is quite large, the main part of them are people with heart disease. Life shows that the leading causes of death in people are heart and vascular diseases. While the second position of this sad statistic is relatively unstable and can undergo changes (this could be cancer, diabetes, other diseases), the first one still holds its position.

Abuse of beer not only causes disturbances in the functioning of the heart, but in the future it further aggravates the situation. A significant number of beer drinkers cause great harm to their health precisely due to ignorance about the effects of beer. Drinking a glass of beer can cause more serious consequences in people with a less than healthy heart. How does this happen? What mechanisms of the heart are affected and how does drinking beer affect them?

How does the condition of the heart change?

First of all, it is worth recalling that beer contains gases. The presence of carbon dioxide in alcohol-containing drinks increases the rate of absorption of alcohol, as well as water. Few people drink beer less than half a liter at a time, this is already considered a considerable amount. A person quickly gets drunk due to the absorption of alcohol, and excess water provokes a process of overflow of the vascular bed, which is also called hypervolemia. The influence of beer makes itself felt and is growing more and more. The main human organ is forced to work hard, because it needs to process large amounts of water. The left ventricle, which is responsible for supplying blood to the aorta and arteries, often experiences overstrain, which can easily cause a disease called hypertension.

The consequence may also be the appearance of atherosclerosis (vascular dysfunction, increased cholesterol). Everything becomes more serious - disturbances in the movement of blood in the heart occur, and it can become clogged with cholesterol plaques. Taken together, all this causes angina or coronary heart disease, and in the worst case, even myocardial infarction. Thus, the process of causing damage to health occurs. So, to avoid this, you should not systematically show weakness for this drink, and drinking an occasional glass of beer will not affect your body. Systematically does not mean being an alcoholic, but rather showing excessive love for beer.

Beer has another destructive property - it contains a substance called cobalt in excessive amounts, thanks to which foam is always present in the above drink. This manifestation of the effects of beer ranks second. The amount of foam consumed at one time may be equal to the volume consumed when drinking beer twice or three times. The addition of cobalt fully complies with the technology and standards for preparing the drink, but this does not reduce its negative impact when regularly entering the human body (the rate of its accumulation is quite high). The muscles of the heart (they are also called myocardium) wear out over time and cannot work at full strength, which can cause the extinction of mitochondria, which perform the function of supplying cells with energy. There is a risk of hemorrhages, microthrombosis, all of which ultimately leads the heart to complete exhaustion.

While the heart muscle has a lot of work to do and is extremely important for the body (it pumps blood through the body), beer is becoming an increasingly large and merciless enemy. In addition, she is often forced to confront the enemy, which is increased pressure. Over time, the heart muscle significantly increases in size due to a decrease in the force of contraction, the result in some cases is the transformation of the heart into the so-called “bull” or “beer” heart. Its contents increase greatly, and eventually the vital organ loses its position. All his efforts to move the liquid through the vessels are nullified. And here comes the so-called peak of the negative effect of beer on the human heart - blood almost no longer passes through the lungs and veins. Next comes heart failure.

Unfortunately, this condition will not go away, even if a person changes his rhythm of life to a calmer one, if he takes homeopathic medicines. At this stage, it is impossible to do without serious treatment, which requires the patient to be in the hospital, without various procedures. When going through this stage, a person needs long-term use of special medications that nourish and support the functioning of the myocardium, in some cases this must be done throughout life. Such drugs include, for example, cardiac glycosides.

It remains unclear that many sad examples do not force a huge number of beer drinkers to give up their favorite mug, and even indulge in fatty foods. The main reason for this is the belief of people, including those suffering from heart disease, that regular and uncontrolled drinking of beer is a normal phenomenon, thereby they want to justify their behavior. They try to convince themselves that there is nothing in common between excessive love of beer and heart disease. This misconception keeps such diseases at the top of the sad list of causes of death. Naturally, such a circumstance does not evoke positive emotions in anyone.

Over the past years, beer has become a favorite drink of men, especially among young people. But few of them think that regular consumption of this drink can cause serious health problems. By and large, any alcoholic drink can lead to such consequences when vital functions begin to fail. The cardiovascular system is especially affected, and beer can trigger the development of a disease called “beer heart.” This happens due to a lack of vitamin B, which leads to enlargement of the heart muscles. Few people know about this disease because dangerous symptoms do not appear immediately.

What are the dangers of drinking beer?

Beer is a low-alcohol drink and consumers are confident that it cannot lead to addiction. This is the main misconception and confirmation of this is beer alcoholism. With systematic heart disease, the heart suffers first, increasing in size. This drink promotes disorders of all internal organs.

People with alcohol addiction do not understand the correct lifestyle. They don’t play sports and don’t develop intellectually. They consider another feast to be the only way to have fun. As a result, daily alcohol intake leads to disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and the central nervous system. Problems with organs occur due to alcohol poisoning of the body. When a person drinks, he begins to eat worse and less frequently, which leads to a lack of vitamins, especially thiamine.

It is clear that drinking strong alcohol causes more severe complications. But beer can provoke more dangerous problems with the body. A person who abuses beer can be immediately noticed among others by the following signs:

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  • excess weight;
  • a protruding belly, which is popularly nicknamed “beer belly”;
  • hair loss, baldness;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • hormonal changes.

These are some of the clear signs of frequent beer drinking, but not all. Taking this drink leads to disruption of the brain, and as a result, low intelligence and bad mood.
Drinking light alcohol in large quantities puts a lot of strain on the entire body. The liver suffers greatly, as it ceases to cope with its excretory function. The heart receives a heavier load than during strength exercises. If a person has congenital pathologies, the heart begins to increase in volume due to muscle growth. The diagnosis of beer heart is a consequence of such a pathological process.
Drinking a foamy drink leads to painful sensations in the legs, contributing to the formation of swelling. As a result of systematic alcohol consumption, small vessels narrow, and large ones, on the contrary, expand. The circulatory system suffers, causing varicose veins to appear on the legs.

Do not think that non-alcoholic beer will definitely not harm your health. It still contains a low percentage of alcohol. It is interesting that alcoholic binges begin with just a glass of such a harmless drink.

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What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

Stages of the disease

Alcohol addiction can take a long time to develop. This is influenced by the individual characteristics of the body, psychological balance and frequency of drinking alcohol. Regardless of how long the addiction takes, the disease always progresses in the same direction and is characterized by the same dynamics. Experts distinguish three stages of alcohol dependence:

No signs. At this stage, a person can fully control the frequency and amount of drinking. He is not yet experiencing cravings, but there is already a tendency to constantly increase the dose. Every drink brings pleasure and positive emotions.
Initial signs. During this period, a person’s control over the amount of drink and their emotions weakens. The feast can begin with beer and gradually move into drinking stronger alcohol. At this stage, the first manifestations of withdrawal syndrome appear. Taking foamy drinks every day keeps the body in its normal state.
Severe symptoms. Dependence is expressed in the constant use of alcohol. A person starts drinking in the morning and stops only before going to bed. He constantly drinks alcohol in small doses throughout the day. One glass of strong drink is enough to get drunk. The degradation of mental and physical abilities begins.

Symptoms of beer alcoholism

A person who abuses beer exhibits the following psychological symptoms:

  • Throughout the day, a person is haunted by thoughts about beer, and there is a desire to drink.
  • Just the smell of beer lifts your mood and it becomes impossible to think about other things.
  • A dependent person is not afraid of large amounts of alcohol, which regularly increases.
  • A persistent withdrawal syndrome appears.
  • Indifference to the surrounding world.
  • Sloppiness, carelessness.

External symptoms of the disease:

  • Weight increases.
  • Men develop a protruding belly.
  • Men exhibit secondary female sexual characteristics (fat deposits, body shape changes).
  • Sexual dysfunction.
  • Women develop secondary male sexual characteristics (behavior, voice becomes rougher, hair appears in unwanted places).
  • Infertility.

Causes of beer heart disease

Beer heart syndrome is a popular name. In fact, this is a type of complex disease called cardiomyopathy. The main reason for the development of pathology is the pathogenic effect of alcohol breakdown products on the myocardium. Beer heart disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Necrosis with small foci in the cardiac muscle fibers, resulting in tissue fibrosis.
  • Cellular degeneration of tissue leads to a sharp increase in heart volume.
  • Cardiac functions are impaired due to the proliferation of connective tissue.
  • The heart cavities expand.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Poor cardiac electrical conductivity.
  • Heart failure.
  • Cardiomyopathy and, as a consequence, myocardial dystrophy.
  • Cellular changes in the structure of the heart.

The consequence of such manifestations is a serious degenerative process, which quickly develops into cardiosclerosis, which entails hypertrophy of muscle fibers.

Diagnosis of the problem

Bavarian beer heart syndrome is difficult to diagnose due to the similarity of symptoms of most pathological processes of the cardiovascular system. When visiting a specialist, patients do not like to disclose their addiction to the foamy drink. This situation makes it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. At the moment when the disease is identified, it may already be at the second and third stages of development, which entails difficulties in treatment. At this time, the body has already undergone irreversible damage.

When the disease occurs, a characteristic murmur is heard in the heart area. On palpation, a lump is felt. If the doctor suspects beer heart syndrome, he may prescribe the following procedures to the patient:

  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Radiography.
  • Ultrasound of the heart.
  • Echocardiography.

If it turns out that the patient abuses alcohol, he will be referred to a consultation with a narcologist, where he will be asked a series of simple questions. The answers to them will help you understand the degree of dependence.

Treatment of the disease

Beer alcoholism is not recognized as a separate disease requiring a specific approach to treatment. Therapeutic measures are the same as for normal addiction.

Basic treatment measures:

  • psychotherapeutic methods;
  • taking medications.

Cardiomegaly due to beer addiction is treated using complex therapy. The first step is to exclude risk factors that could affect the patient's condition. Particular attention is paid to blood pressure. If it increases frequently and sharply, the patient is prescribed medications that normalize blood pressure.

Treatment cannot be done without medications that improve blood circulation in the heart. These are mainly ACE inhibitors that normalize heart rhythm.
In case of alcohol dependence, it is very important to exclude coronary heart disease and pathological processes in the lungs. If necessary, the patient is prescribed a course of antibacterial therapy.

Treatment for beer heart syndrome requires complete abstinence from drinking alcoholic beverages. It is required to follow a certain daily routine and adhere to a dietary diet. Once a week, cleanse the body by fasting. At this time, only freshly squeezed juices are allowed.

During the rehabilitation period, experts recommend special physical therapy classes. Light physical activity promotes a speedy recovery. It is very important at this time to strengthen the immune system. It is best to take multivitamin complexes and do hardening.

People over forty years of age are more susceptible to the disease. If a person at this age already has problems with the cardiovascular system, then he should stop drinking beer forever. Otherwise, you can achieve irreversible health consequences.

How to stop drinking beer

Beer alcoholism develops over a long period, which makes it possible to make a timely decision to give up this drink. The duration of beer consumption increases the craving for it; giving up the bad habit can be quite difficult. Experts say that this is quite possible to do if the situation is not brought to the last stage. The main thing is to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Avoid drinking beer in the morning. You can drink a little after lunch, or even better in the evening.
  • Remember when and how your addiction to alcohol appeared. After all, it all started with small doses, which gradually increased. In order to get rid of addiction, it is necessary to gradually reduce the dose of alcohol.
  • Don’t set yourself a specific time when you need to stop drinking.
  • Follow your desire and do not chase a quick release from addiction.
  • Try to avoid counters with alcoholic beverages.
  • At first, it is better to avoid companies where drinking is common.
  • You need to find another interest. You can start reading, drawing, making crafts. The main thing is to distract yourself from thoughts about alcohol.

Alcohol always has a negative effect on the functioning of the body as a whole. Don’t think that health problems will pass you by. It is better to immediately contact a specialist for professional help.
