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Egg dishes

What to do if food is too salty?

What to do if food is too salty?

Let's say you OVER SALTED THE MEAT. Quickly add unleavened flour or butter sauce, because it takes on the salt. And add sour cream to fried meat - it gives a tasty gravy and saves the meat. But do not heat the sour cream over the fire in the same bowl. It’s better

Basil - uses in cooking

Dried basil is rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B2 - 66.7%, choline - 11%, vitamin B5 - 16.8%, vitamin B6 - 67%, vitamin B9 - 77.5%, vitamin E - 71 .3%, vitamin K - 1428.8%, vitamin PP - 24.5%,...

Fry, boil, stew and bake

Fry, boil, stew and bake

Housewives often pay little attention to by-products, although they occupy no less important place in a healthy diet than the usual meat. Beef liver dishes, if the main component is properly processed, can find admirers, even children will agree