
Making shortcrust pastry products. Shortbread dough

Anyone who is interested in cooking, and especially baking, has most likely dealt with shortcrust pastry. After all, it is from it that various pies, cake bases, tartlets, baskets, and cookies are prepared. And it is generally accepted that it is quite simple, and it is easy and simple to prepare.

And in principle, this is how it is, it is prepared quickly and simply. And therefore it is widely used in home cooking. For example, I have also been using it for baking for a long time. But what’s interesting is that I had never really thought about the fact that products made from it can be completely different.

For some, they turn out to be tender and crumbly, while for others, they turn out to be too oily or even hard. And I wondered why this was happening. After all, this question is by no means rhetorical! When you bake, you don’t want to waste food, and you also don’t want the baked goods to turn out great one time, but not at all the next time. I want it to always come out with the same result - Excellent!

And then I began to be more attentive to the recipes I cooked according to, and to the recipe of this or that baked product. I studied cooking recipes and analyzed them. I also began to read information on this topic that I came across. And it turned out that this is a whole science that all world-class chefs and confectioners comprehend.

It turns out that to prepare real shortcrust pastry you need to know some basic principles and many nuances and secrets. Knowing them, there will never be any problems with cooking recipes and, of course, with baking, and everything we prepare from it will turn out with a predictable, excellent result.

Most likely everyone knows why it is called that way? Confectionery products baked from it crumble like sand, hence the logical name. What makes it possible to achieve such a consistency and what ingredients are required for preparation? We will consider these questions first.

1. Of course, the first thing we need is flour. What is baking without flour?! It is believed that for “correct” preparation, it must contain an average percentage of gluten or gluten, or, simply put, glue. If the percentage is low, then the finished confectionery products will quickly crumble. If, on the contrary, the percentage is high, then the “glue” will stick it together and the baked goods will not turn out as crumbly as we would like.

We will not now determine how much gluten is in this or that flour. Everything has already been decided for us. And we will simply use ready-made results taken from the Internet. It is believed that the average percentage of gluten contains premium and “Extra” grade flour. So we didn’t go wrong with this, and we always prepared it from the “correct” flour.

Sometimes some additional components are added to the flour, such as nut or almond flour, oatmeal or starch. All these components are added depending on what you would like to cook. Next, we will look at how to add these components.

2. Crumbly products are obtained from a sufficiently large amount of fat, namely butter or margarine in the recipe. This is a very important component and therefore its selection should be taken very seriously.

In Soviet times, butter was a great luxury, and therefore almost all baked goods were prepared with margarine. Currently, I have not used margarine for a long time, too many unflattering words have been written about it, and besides, it is believed that it is poorly absorbed by the body, and is simply harmful for consumption.

I use 82.5% oil, it is natural and healthy. Peasant butter contains 72.5% trans fats, which are also not recommended for consumption.

It is believed that the higher quality and fattier the oil, the tastier the products baked with it will be. Oil prevents the flour from sticking together; it envelops the flour particles and prevents them from connecting to each other. And it is precisely because of this that the baked goods turn out crumbly and tender, with a soft sandy consistency.

Due to the large grains of cold butter, when moisture evaporates during the baking process, the product acquires layered properties. Therefore, sometimes in the literature you can find such a concept as “false puff pastry”.

3. It must also contain a liquid component - and here it is eggs and water. Water, as a rule, is used very cooled, almost ice-cold. And if we cook it with eggs, then you can use only the yolks.

The white contains more adhesive substances, and therefore it glues particles together more than it holds together, while the yolk practically does not glue, but has adhesive properties, which allows it to remain crumbly. With all this, it binds flour and butter together well. This also applies to cold water.

The water must be very cool to prevent the butter from melting.

4. If we prepare it for sweet confectionery, then, of course, we cannot do without sugar. It is better to take small sugar so that it dissolves faster. It’s best to grind the amount of sugar required according to the recipe into powder.

It is clear that we add sugar to sweet dough, but what about the non-sweet dough? It is believed that you should always add a pinch of salt to it, and a pinch of sugar to unsweetened food.

Speed ​​of preparation is the main condition. It should not be in contact with the surrounding air and warm hands for a long time. Our task is to prevent the butter from melting during kneading!

Therefore, to make sugar dissolve faster, a technique such as grinding sugar with eggs is used, and that is why sugar is used fine or ground into powder.

5. Salt, as well as sugar, must always be added, whether we are preparing sweet or non-sweet dishes. Therefore, do not forget about it, and always add a pinch, or as much as required according to the recipe.

It is believed that adding salt and sugar allows you to prepare very tasty, not bland-tasting baked goods.

5. Now we are offered a huge number of different recipes in which soda or baking powder can be found in the ingredients. It must be said that these ingredients are usually not used in classic recipes. But, in principle, they are acceptable. In this case, soda is usually extinguished not with vinegar, as we are used to, but with lemon juice.

This is done so that the finished products do not have an unpleasant specific taste of soda.

6. And what is not added as additional flavoring additives, mainly lemon and orange zest, vanilla and vanilla sugar, cocoa, chocolate, various nuts, including as flour, dried fruits, candied fruits. Ginger and cinnamon are also added.

7. All components must correspond exactly to the recipe. If it says that you need 115 grams of oil, and 75 grams of oil, then that’s exactly how much you should use. In this case, the expression “by eye” is completely inappropriate!

Use electronic scales, and if you don’t have them, there are many tables of weights and measures on the Internet, from which you can accurately determine the required proportions.

Basic cooking principles

Of course, the composition of the ingredients is very important! But it can be the same for everyone, but the end result will be different for everyone.

Let's figure out together the basic principles of cooking, and also learn all the secrets, thanks to which our confectionery products will always turn out perfectly.

1. To prepare the chopped dough, all ingredients, including flour, must be chilled in the refrigerator.

The oil must be chilled. Someone puts it in the freezer to cool - this is wrong. The butter should be easy to cut into cubes with a knife, and when you press on it, it should “flatten” slightly.

2. All kitchen utensils that we will use must also be pre-cooled in the refrigerator. This is a board, a rolling pin, and a knife. If you use a mixer, you will also need to keep it in the refrigerator for some time.

This is important because it must have a certain structure, otherwise the baked goods may turn out very far from ideal. That is why you also need to knead it extremely quickly! So that the butter does not have time to melt!

3. Before starting mixing, you need to combine all the bulk components separately, and all the liquid components separately.

Flour and baking powder (if you use it, or it is in the recipe) must be sifted through a sieve. Add salt and starch to the flour if it is in the recipe. Bulk ingredients include nut flour, oatmeal, cocoa, cinnamon, and dried ginger.

If we use these ingredients, we also mix them with flour. But make sure the proportions are correct. If you introduce additional ingredients into a recipe yourself, then enter them according to the principle of substitution. We decided to introduce a spoonful of almond flour, remove a spoonful of regular flour from the recipe.

It is believed that no more than 10% of flour can be replaced. So if your recipe specifies 300 grams of flour, and you decide to add almond flour, then add 30 grams of almond flour and 270 grams of regular flour. The same goes for cocoa. If you add a spoonful of starch or cocoa, remove the spoonful of flour.

Sugar is also a bulk ingredient, but it is better to mix it with the egg yolks in advance. This way it will dissolve faster and you won’t have to knead the dough for a long time. We remember that this is unacceptable.

You should also not add sugar; stick to the recipe - excess sugar will make the finished products too hard.

In general, the rule is simple - dry ingredients are always mixed with flour, and liquid ingredients with an egg, and only immediately before kneading they are combined.

Sometimes ice water is added instead of eggs, or together with them.

How to Knead and Use Baking Dough

There are also certain rules in this regard, breaking which is not in our interests if we expect to bake delicious pastries. How to knead and work with flour:

  • Sift the flour into a mound through a sieve onto a cooled board.
  • add sugar, vanilla sugar, baking soda and lemon juice on top
  • Cut the chilled butter into cubes measuring 1x1 cm, add to the flour

  • Chop the butter with a knife or two (this will be faster) along with all other ingredients
  • chop with movements from the edges to the center
  • add eggs when crumbs form

  • Do the kneading by hand. This should be done as quickly as possible, especially if the kitchen is warm. The carbon dioxide formed during long kneading will evaporate and the finished product will become too dense.
  • try to touch it with your hands as little as possible, otherwise it will be too sticky, and the baked goods will turn out hard and not crumbly
  • put the dough in a bag, crush it into a thick pancake and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour
  • if you use a large amount of the finished product, then divide it into several bags and take it out one at a time so that the butter in it does not have time to melt and not disturb its texture
  • it should be rolled out on a table or board sprinkled with flour so that it does not stick
  • it cannot be stretched or pulled out, because During baking, it may shrink and then the products will lose their desired shape.
  • thick layers do not bake well, so you need to roll it into a layer no more than 4-8 mm thick
  • when you need to roll out the layer thinly, you can do this on a sheet of baking paper
  • transfer it to a baking sheet; in this case, you can roll it onto a rolling pin

  • It should be rolled out evenly, otherwise during baking thin layers will burn and thick layers will not be baked
  • If you make cookies from the dough, the cutting grooves should be sharp. Blunt grooves crease the edges of the products and this will not allow the products to rise
  • When baking blanks for open pies or cakes, the rolled out layers are pierced in several places with a fork. This must be done so that bubbles of released carbon dioxide do not form on the surface and so that the products do not bubble
  • When placing the workpiece in the mold, press it against the mold with your fingers, not allowing air pockets to form, otherwise during baking the mold or products may become deformed and become unsightly
  • thick layers should be baked at a low temperature, and thin layers, on the contrary, at an increased temperature
  • There is no need to grease the baking sheet with oil, all products already contain a sufficient amount of it
  • Products made from such preparations should be baked at a temperature of 200 degrees, in the lower third of the oven, so that the lower part of the pie turns out crumbly and the top does not burn
  • the finished baked goods should have a nice golden color

  • It is allowed to cover the baking dish with the products with foil so that the top does not burn and the middle is baked
  • If the finished products are stuck to the sheet or are difficult to reach, then they should be given a little time to cool. Then lightly hit the sheet on the edge of the table, the sheet will move and you can pick it up with a spatula or your hands
  • When using the filling, you should be aware that fruit fillings and custard can be spread or brushed onto the cakes while they are still warm. If you use buttercream, wait until the cakes have cooled completely.

In addition to the fact that the dough can be kneaded by hand, you can also use a food processor or mixer for these purposes. In it, kneading occurs much faster, and the butter does not have time to melt. In addition, contact with warm hands is reduced to almost nothing.

The only thing you need to pay attention to when working with a mixer is that you don’t need to turn on high speed. Grind flour and butter at low speed so that they do not heat up excessively.

If something doesn't work, possible errors

1. Why does the dough turn out too greasy when rolled out?

  • You may be using oil at room temperature
  • it might be very hot in the kitchen
  • kneading too long, your hands become hot and melt the butter

How to eliminate: put the product in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Use small portions for rolling.

It should be smooth and matte in appearance, but if it is shiny and glossy, then the butter has melted.

2. Why is the product tough?

  • flour with a high degree of gluten is used
  • use a lot of egg white or eggs
  • uses a lot of sugar
  • kneaded for a very long time, especially in warm conditions, carbon dioxide evaporated and the product became dense

How to fix: the products are already baked - no way! Just keep this in mind for the future!

3. Why did the dough after baking become uneven, decreased in size, or covered in bubbles?

  • They did not keep it in the refrigerator for a sufficient amount of time before baking. The butter melted before the necessary processes began to occur in the flour.
  • When they laid it out in a mold, or on a baking sheet, they stretched it very much. It returned to its shape when baked.
  • the layers were not pricked with a fork, and the bubbles of the resulting carbon dioxide swelled the baked goods.

How to fix: Consider these rules for your next baked goods.

What types of shortcrust pastry exist and their recipes?

From a properly prepared product you can prepare various sweet and savory baked goods. And there are several methods for proper preparation and different baking options.

Chopped method

The product, which is prepared by chopping, received this name. This is often the method used to make savory pies. And traditionally, flour, ice water, butter, a pinch of sugar and salt are used to prepare it. Proportions 1-2-3, you've probably heard this concept. Everything is very simple, the proportion is given for ease of remembering - take 1 part of water, for example 50 ml, oil - 2 parts, that is 100 g, and flour - 3 parts, this turns out to be 150 g, and of course a pinch of salt and sugar.

The easiest way to prepare it is in a food processor; this speeds up the cooking process by 2-3 times, thereby preventing the butter from melting. But you can do it with your hands, but you need to do it quickly!

It is prepared this way.

—Pour flour onto the table or into a mixer, add salt and sugar

— Cut the cooled butter into 1x1 cm cubes, add to the flour and chop with a knife, or do it using a food processor

- Grind flour and butter into crumbs

— Gradually add ice water and quickly combine the mixture into a ball

— Place it in a plastic bag, slightly flatten it with your hand and put it in the refrigerator to cool for 30-60 minutes.

From the product prepared in this way, you can bake meat and fish pies, open pies, French quiche, or tart, which are also prepared open and closed.

It is from this that you can make tartlets.

In this version, the dough is first laid out in a mold and a piece is baked, which is subsequently filled with filling, which is already ready or will be baked additionally.

Sweet butter dough

This option is suitable for sweet baked goods - cookies, pies, cakes, baskets and cake layers. For proper preparation, there is also a proportion, which is called “one-two-three dough” - this is the easiest and simplest option. That is, for example, take one part of sugar, for example 50 g, two parts of butter, this will be 100 g, and 3 parts of flour - 150 g.

In general, the classic recipe is this:

  • flour - 3 cups
  • butter - 300 gr
  • fine granulated sugar - 2/3 cup
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • soda - on the tip of a knife
  • zest of 1/2 lemon
  • vanillin - to taste
  • salt - a pinch
  • lemon juice - to extinguish soda

Instead of water, add both whole eggs and egg yolks. It all depends on what kind of baked goods you want to make. Therefore, if the recipe states that you need to use eggs - we use eggs, it says to use yolks - then we use only yolks.

We remember that using proteins makes the product denser, and using yolks makes it more crumbly. It is prepared this way.

— Sift the flour onto the table or into a mixer bowl.

— If you make a product with the addition of starch, cinnamon, nut flour or other dry additives, add them to the flour.

— Cut the cooled butter into cubes and add to the flour. Chop with a knife or mixer.

- Separately, mix the yolks with fine sugar or powdered sugar, grind thoroughly until the sugar dissolves.

— Add the egg-sugar mixture to the flour and butter and knead quickly.

— Place the resulting mass in cling film or a plastic bag, wrap tightly and place in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes.

The baked goods turn out crumbly and tender - these are everyone’s favorite kurabye cookies, rings with nuts, Viennese cookies, and various baskets.

You can use it to make Italian crostata, open and closed pies with fruit, berry or curd fillings, everyone’s favorite. And just recently I shared with you a recipe with a very nut cream, just like this with a base.

In addition to the main, so-called basic recipes, there are also other cooking methods.

Soft shortbread dough with sour cream or milk

Depending on the composition of the ingredients, you can obtain a product with a softer or denser consistency. It depends on what you want to cook. And in this case, we no longer pay attention to the proportion 1-2-3.

This usually happens when it is prepared with the addition of sour cream or milk. In these cases, there may be twice as much flour as butter. And this dough is prepared a little differently.

The main difference will be that the oil in such recipes is used at room temperature; it must be removed from the refrigerator about an hour before cooking.

How to cook?

- Grind soft butter or margarine with sugar, eggs or egg yolks. With eggs the finished product will be denser, with egg yolks it will be more crumbly.

— Add sour cream or milk, stir

- Mix flour with salt, baking powder or soda, which is quenched with lemon juice

-Pour the flour into the mixture of butter, sugar and eggs. Mix quickly. Form a ball

— Wrap the ball in film, slightly flatten the ball and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours

This dough turns out to be quite soft and sometimes you have to literally spread it on a baking sheet or the bottom of the mold. And to prepare cookies, you will need to squeeze out the mixture through a pastry bag.

Recipe with sour cream

  • flour - 3 cups
  • butter - 200 gr
  • sour cream -2/3 cup
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar -2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • soda - 1/3 teaspoon
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon

Another option is being prepared using the same principle.

Soft shortbread dough recipe

  • flour - 3 cups
  • butter - 400 gr
  • egg yolks - 3 pcs
  • sugar - 2/3 cup
  • soda - on the tip of a knife

The recipes are of course very high in calories, since they contain a lot of oil. This must be taken into account, and such baked goods should not be prepared so often, otherwise you will soon have to go on a very strict diet.

You probably noticed the difference between this method and the chopped method. In the “soft” version there are no grains of butter with flour. It is almost completely ground with sugar and eggs. As a result, no voids are formed inside during baking, which means it will turn out more tender.

By the way, depending on the proportions of flour, oil and water, you can prepare cakes for everyone’s favorite. This recipe is on the pages of my blog, the recipe is secret, if you are interested, read the recipe at the link. This cake turns out to be very tender and tasty.

In addition to the so-called basic cooking methods, recipes with unconventional additives began to appear, such as cheese, cottage cheese or even mashed potatoes. Since there are such recipes, let's look at them too. Moreover, baking with them turns out unusual and quite tasty,

Shortbread dough with cheese

This option can be prepared if we want to bake pies with potato or fish filling. These pies turn out to be very tender, tasty, with a certain piquant cheese flavor.

We will need:

  • flour - 200 gr
  • hard cheese - 200 gr
  • butter - 150 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt and sugar - a pinch


1. Sift flour onto a board. Add salt and sugar. Make a hole in the middle of the slide and crack an egg into it.

2. Grate the cooled cheese and add to the flour. Cut the cooled butter into cubes and add to the total mass.

3. Chop the resulting mass with a knife or grind into crumbs using a mixer.

4. Quickly knead. Then roll it into a ball and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

5. Use as needed.

Recipe with added cottage cheese

This option can be prepared when we want to bake pies with fruits or berries.

We will need:

  • flour - 300 gr
  • cottage cheese - 200 gr
  • butter - 200 gr
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - a pinch


1. Cottage cheese must be fatty, but not liquid. It is not recommended to use stale cottage cheese; it will add unnecessary sourness to our baked goods.

Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

2. Sift flour onto a board, add salt and sugar. Beat an egg into the middle.

3. Cut the butter, add it to the flour along with the cooled cottage cheese. Chop everything into crumbs.

4. Quickly knead, form a ball, wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

In such options, you can add walnuts, chocolate, ginger, cinnamon, cocoa, and condensed milk as additional ingredients.

Potato recipe

Boiled, cooled and coarsely grated potatoes can be added when we want to make pies with meat or vegetable filling.

We will need:

  • flour - 200 gr
  • boiled potatoes - 200 gr
  • butter - 150 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon, incomplete
  • salt - 1 teaspoon, incomplete


1. Sift flour onto a board, add salt and sugar.

2. Make a hole in the middle of the slide and crack an egg into it.

3. Add grated boiled potatoes; by the way, you can grind them into puree.

4. Add cooled and diced butter.

5. Chop the resulting mass with a knife until crumbly, and then quickly knead the resulting mass.

6. Roll it into a ball, wrap it in film, slightly flatten it with your hand and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

And so, let’s summarize what has been said. In fact, preparing the “correct” shortcrust pastry and delicious baked goods from it is not at all difficult. The main thing is to understand what happens as a result of this or that action we perform when mixing it.

If we understand what's what, then firstly, we will not ignore the explanations to the recipe, and secondly, we will not forget the sequence and order of action. After all, in fact, everything here is logical and understandable!

Therefore, if you don’t quite know how to cook it yet, then I hope that today’s article will help you with this.

If after reading you still have questions, then ask them in the comments, and if I know the answer, I will be happy to answer it. If I don’t know the answer, then we’ll try to figure it out together. It's so exciting to learn culinary secrets and tricks.

And I am always grateful to you for sharing articles with your friends. Therefore, I would like to thank you in advance for the CLASS you provided or the repost you made!

Always prepare only delicious pastries. And bon appetit!

The main feature of shortcrust pastry is its sand-like structure. This dough gets its characteristic crumbliness from the large amount of fat and sugar included in its composition. It is the oil, enveloping the flour, that does not allow all the ingredients to tightly connect and stick together, and the feeling of “crumbled sand” appears in the mouth. It is quite possible to prepare such dough at home if you follow basic rules.

In the basic recipe, butter or any other fat is quickly chopped into flour, sugar, eggs, and baking powder are added. To give future baked goods a pleasant aroma, add orange zest, chocolate pieces, chopped nuts, and spices. Quickly knead a soft dough, which is placed in the refrigerator. The required products are formed from the chilled dough. If the dough is well kneaded, you can skip adding baking powder or baking soda. In some variations, part of the flour is replaced with starch and grated almonds. The most important thing to consider when kneading the dough is that it should not be allowed to heat up, otherwise the structure of the finished product will be damaged. Therefore, all recipe ingredients and equipment are pre-cooled.

Shortbread dough is used for baking cakes, cookies of various shapes, cake bases, pies with various fillings.

Delicious shortbread will be a great addition to tea, a good treat for breakfast or an afternoon snack. Try to make more cookies - delicious pastries disappear with lightning speed.


  • Flour - 2 tbsp;
  • Butter - 150 g;
  • Sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • Starch - ½ tbsp.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Baking powder.
  • Cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Lemon zest - 3 tbsp;
  • Starch - 2 tsp;
  • Sugar - ½ tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the egg with sugar. Melt the butter, cool to room temperature.
  2. We combine the ingredients. Add melted butter, flour, baking powder, and starch to the beaten eggs. Knead soft dough.
  3. We divide it into two parts. Place 1/3 in the freezer, 2/3 in the refrigerator (60 minutes).
  4. Let's prepare the filling. Place the cottage cheese in a separate container, knead with a fork, add sugar, eggs, starch, zest. Stir until smooth.
  5. Roll out the chilled dough (most of it) into a layer and place it on a baking sheet. Spread the curd filling evenly on top.
  6. Rub the frozen dough over the curd filling.
  7. Bake in the oven (180 0 C) for 20 minutes.
  8. We cut the finished layer into rectangles or squares.

Interesting from the network

Children especially love crumbly and crispy bagels, but this delicacy is also very popular among adults. The dessert is quite simple to prepare; you don’t have to be a culinary genius. Choose any filling - do not limit the flight of your imagination. The easiest option is to make shortbread bagels with jam or jam.


  • Butter - 200 g;
  • Sour cream - 200 g;
  • Flour - 400 g;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Jam - 200 g (jam).

Cooking method:

  1. Let's prepare the dough. Separate the yolks from the whites.
  2. Mix the softened butter with sour cream, add salt, yolks, and stir in the flour in parts. Knead soft dough.
  3. Cover the dough with cling film and put it in the refrigerator (60 minutes).
  4. Beat the whites into foam.
  5. Divide the chilled dough into several parts.
  6. Roll each part into a thin layer (3 mm). Using a large plate, cut out a circle from the dough.
  7. We cut the circle into segments, that is, we should get triangles.
  8. Place a small amount of jam on the base of each triangle. Roll the dough into a roll.
  9. Dip each roll first into the beaten egg whites, then into the sugar. Place the products on a baking sheet.
  10. Bake in the oven (180 0 C) for 20 minutes. Cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve with tea.

Baskets are a favorite delicacy for many. And cooked with bright fruits and delicate cream, they will become a real decoration of the festive table. In fact, shortcrust pastry baskets can be filled with any filling: jam, cottage cheese. Let's try to prepare this delicacy with apples.


Dough for baskets

  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp;
  • Butter - 200 g;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • Vanilla sugar - a bag;
  • Baking powder for the dough.
  • Apples - 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Water - 200 ml;
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • Lemon;
  • Powdered sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Let's prepare shortbread dough. Mix softened butter with sugar, add yolks, vanillin, baking powder, flour. Knead the dough, wrap it in cling film, and put it in the refrigerator (60 minutes).
  2. Let's prepare the filling. Cut the apples into beautiful thin slices and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Pour the sugar with water, bring to a boil, lower the apple slices for 1-2 minutes. Carefully remove them from the syrup.
  4. Place a small piece of dough into the basket molds. Distribute it evenly over the entire surface.
  5. Carefully insert flower-shaped apple slices into the dough of each basket. We wrap the “petals” with thread so that they do not lose their shape during baking.
  6. Cook the baskets in the oven (180 0 C) for 20 minutes. Sprinkle the finished products with powdered sugar.

The highlight is the curd filling with meringue. The strawberry layer adds flavor and freshness to the baked goods. We choose any berries or fruits to suit our taste.


  • Flour - 1 tbsp;
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Sugar - 250 g;
  • Egg - 4 pcs.;
  • Fresh strawberries - 500 g (any berries);
  • Cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • Sour cream - 100 g;
  • Semolina - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Let's prepare the dough. Grind the softened butter with sugar (2 tbsp), flour and one egg. Mix the dough.
  2. Wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator.
  3. Separate the whites from the yolks of 3 eggs.
  4. Let's prepare the filling. Mix cottage cheese, yolks, sour cream, sugar (4 tbsp), semolina. Mix well.
  5. Distribute the cooled dough evenly over the baking pan, forming sides (for these purposes it is better to use a springform pan).
  6. Place chopped strawberries on top and fill with curd filling.
  7. Bake in the oven (180 0 C) for 40 minutes.
  8. Let's prepare the meringue. In a clean bowl, beat the egg whites with the remaining sugar.
  9. After 40 minutes, remove the pie from the oven and evenly distribute the protein mixture over its surface.
  10. Cook in the oven for 10 minutes.
  11. When serving, decorate with fresh strawberries, any fruits or berries.

Now you know how to prepare shortcrust pastry according to the recipe with photo. Bon appetit!

Shortbread dough allows you to create real culinary masterpieces: various cookies, pastries, pies, cakes, prepared with all kinds of fillings, decorated with airy cream - a huge scope for delicious culinary experiments. Adhering to basic rules and recommendations, shortcrust pastry can be prepared at home. Experienced chefs share their secrets:
  • Before starting cooking, all ingredients included in the shortcrust pastry, as well as equipment, including a rolling pin, cutting board, knife, must be cooled.
  • Cottage cheese with raisins can be used as a filling for shortbread cookies, bagels, baskets and pie; chocolate, pitted cherries and walnuts; dates, dried figs, dried cranberries; various fresh berries and fruits; nut butters and marzipan; lemon, grated with sugar, nuts and raisins; carrots and pumpkin mixed with honey.
  • Instead of butter, you can use margarine, vegetable spread or any other fat - it's a matter of taste. Try experimenting with different options.
  • Shortbread cookies should be baked on a dry baking sheet: additional grease is not needed in this case.
  • Shortbread dough can be flavored with vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa, nuts, cheese - there are a huge number of options.
  • An important principle for preparing shortcrust pastry is that the longer we knead it, the faster it loses its structure and plasticity and the baked goods turn out hard, without a “sandy” effect. The ideal way is to knead the dough in a food processor.

The easiest to prepare shortcrust pastry serves as the basis for various delicious baked goods. Old grandmothers' chests contain records of interesting homemade recipes for cookies, cakes and pies made from shortcrust pastry.

For the arrival of loved ones, the table is laden with delicious dishes and in the center of the table there is cake, pastries and an abundance of cookies. Each piece crumbles into small crumbs, reminiscent of golden sand near the southern sea, and melts in your mouth.

These products were made from shortcrust pastry. The recipe for its preparation has some subtleties, following simple rules, you can make your own shortbread dough at home. A creative approach to shortbread baking will add variety to your evening tea party or holiday table.

Your imagination turns on and confectionery masterpieces emerge from shortcrust pastry:
original cake with sour cream and strawberries;
“golden” nuts stuffed with boiled condensed milk;
confectionery “sausages” with the addition of nuts, sesame seeds, candied fruits;
various varieties of cookies.
There are hundreds of recipes for making cookies from shortcrust pastry (figured, marshmallow, chocolate, curd).

Cooking secrets and tricks

The most important rule on how to make shortcrust pastry correctly is the need to use a lot of fats and sugar. Particular friability is obtained due to the presence of oil in the product. It absorbs the flour and envelops it, not allowing it to thickly clump and stick together. To obtain a more porous dough, cooks advise using baking powder.

Important! Choose flour that has gluten, the percentage of which will be average, otherwise the resulting products will become dense. When working with flour that has a low gluten percentage, baked goods will quickly crumble.

Skilled chefs say that shortbread dough will turn out good only with proper preparation. The appliances used, kitchen utensils (rolling pin, work surface, among others), as well as products (butter, flour, eggs) must be well cooled. Otherwise, it will cease to be unique, and the baked goods will lose their crumbliness. The time spent kneading should be minimal.

Note! Dry products are always combined with flour, and liquid products are always combined with eggs; at the end of kneading they are combined.

In some cases, replace a little flour with crushed almonds, chopped nuts, and potato starch. When making products from shortcrust pastry, the necessary part of it is removed from the refrigerator, which is used in the work at the moment.

Through experimentation, the imaginations of culinary specialists have developed alternative recipes for making shortcrust pastry. They will make any holiday diverse and original and will unite you more closely at a family dinner.

Shortbread dough - a classic recipe

Quantitative composition of the necessary products for classic shortcrust pastry:

  • 300 g – butter (butter);
  • 3 tbsp. - flour;
  • 1 tbsp. - sugar;
  • 2 pcs. - eggs;
  • vanilla, a little lemon juice and soda.

Classic shortbread dough according to the traditional recipe is prepared as follows (step by step):

  1. flour is passed through a sieve onto the work surface in a small pile;
  2. sugar, soda, slaked with lemon juice, vanilla are placed on top;
  3. butter, cut into small pieces, placed on top, chopped with all the ingredients together with a sharp knife;
  4. eggs are added last;
  5. knead with your hands, then put in the cold for about 1 hour.

Then it is used to prepare the intended confectionery products.

Simple Shortcrust Cookie Dough Recipe

Products used:

  • 260 g – butter (butter);
  • 210 g – sugar;
  • 0.5 kg – flour;
  • 2 pcs. - eggs;
  • 0.5 teaspoon – baking powder;
  • 1 sachet – vanillin.

How to make the required dough:

1. Grind the eggs with sugar and vanilla until white foam forms. Fairly soft butter is added to the resulting consistency. For variety and flavor, you can add 0.1 kg of walnuts or almonds, crushed in a blender to a dust-like state.

2. Add baking powder to the flour.

3. Knead the dough from combined flour and eggs with sugar. Knead on a floured surface until smooth and elastic.

4. Place the dough, wrapped in food grade film, in the refrigerator for three quarters of an hour.

5. The dough, taken out of the refrigerator, is divided into parts, rolled out and stars, Christmas trees, circles, bunnies, and hearts are cut out using special molds.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Shortcrust pastry for pie

In addition to cookies, a pie is often prepared from shortcrust pastry, with a filling selected to suit your taste, which can be fruits, jam, cottage cheese, or berries.

For the pie you will need:

  • 160 g – butter (butter);
  • 210 g – flour;
  • 110 g – sugar;
  • 1 PC. - egg;
  • 1 teaspoon – baking powder.

How to cook:

Common and affordable products from which you can prepare a delicious delicacy step by step:
1. Add baking powder to the flour and mix with cold grated butter.

2. Grind the prepared mass by hand until crumbs form. Then the egg and sugar are added and the dough is kneaded. The dough comes out quite elastic with a pleasant aroma, and if you add vanilla, it will turn out extraordinary.

3. The dough is wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the cold for 30 minutes.
After half an hour, you can start working with shortcrust pastry. To do this, prepare a frying pan or springform pan. You can choose any filling at your discretion. Experts believe that the most delicious shortcrust pastry pie is baked with fresh berries and apples or cottage cheese.

4. A certain amount of dough is left to decorate the pie, twigs are laid out on its surface, flowers are cut out with a knife, and decorated with geometric shapes.

Some housewives grate the dough to obtain a grated pie.

Shortbread dough for baskets

According to the given recipe, approximately 20-22 baskets are obtained. If the oven is in molds with a bottom diameter of slightly more than 3 centimeters, and a top diameter of approximately 7 cm. The finished baskets can be filled with any sweets if desired: chocolate, jam, candied fruits, fruits, curd mass. You can come up with many variations.


  • flour – 310 g;
  • butter (butter) – 210 g;
  • powder (sugar) – 110 g;
  • egg yolks – 2 pcs.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

Measure out the required amount of food and start cooking. You should start by sifting the flour, then add a little salt. Remove the butter from the refrigerator, cut into small pieces when cold and place on top of the flour, which must be sifted through a sieve. With a well-sharpened knife, chop along with the flour.

Then add the egg yolks and sweet powder, knead the dough by hand as quickly as possible. A food processor designed for use in the kitchen is suitable for kneading.

It kneads quite quickly, because the heat of your hands makes it sticky due to the melted butter. Wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator for 0.5 hours.

At this time, baking dishes are prepared. Grease the molds with a small amount of heated butter using a special brush.

Cover the work area with foil and place the chilled dough on it. It is leveled to a rectangular shape, covered with foil on top and rolled with a rolling pin. When rolled out this way, the dough does not stick to the foil. The layer is rolled out to approximately 4 mm. The molds are placed on top of it and cut out to fit, the excess is removed from the edges.

A layer of dough is carefully pressed to the bottom of the mold and pierced with a fork in order to rid the product of any bulges that arise during baking. The top is covered with foil of a suitable size and, to maintain the beautiful, even shape of the baskets, rice or buckwheat is poured onto it.

Baking is under control in a hot oven at a temperature of 200 degrees until the products set a little and the danger of spoiled shape disappears. The pieces of foil are removed along with the cereals, and the baskets continue to be baked. The time spent preparing these shortcrust pastry products is just over 10 minutes.

The crumbly and very fragile baskets are left in the molds until they cool completely and only then are carefully removed. It is important to adhere to this rule; when removing the still warm baskets from the molds, their edges may break off and crumble. Filled with any ingredients of your choice. It turns out to be a very exquisite, delicate delicacy.

Shortcrust pastry without eggs. Recipe with sour cream and vegetable oil

The recipe for this test contains:

  • flour – 530 g;
  • odorless vegetable oil – 120 g;
  • sugar – 190 g;
  • sour cream – 120 g;
  • soda, vinegar, salt, vanillin.
  • spicy and aromatic additives.

The fastest and easiest recipe:

Combine vegetable oil with sour cream in a bowl. The rest of the products are added. The mixture is mixed thoroughly, flour is sifted into it, and kneading is done until a soft, homogeneous composition is obtained.

The dough, wrapped in film, is kept in the refrigerator for an hour. After this time, you can start making cookies, which will be incredibly tasty if you sprinkle poppy seeds, sesame seeds, and nuts on top.

How to make shortbread dough without eggs and butter

Required Products:

  • 330 g – flour;
  • 170 ml – odorless vegetable oil;
  • 120 ml – ice water;
  • salt.

Mixing rules:

First of all, combine odorless vegetable oil with ice water. The mixture is shaken to a consistency similar to an emulsion, with the addition of a small amount of salt. Then the sifted flour is added to the resulting mixture and the shortbread dough is kneaded. Place under cling film in the cold and remain there for 20 minutes.

Then a pie is baked with your favorite filling. This shortcrust pastry recipe is suitable for Lenten pies, and can be used to support fasting. This option is prepared from very simple ingredients, but the result will be excellent, the wonderful taste will surprise and delight the whole family.

Video: Shortcrust pastry cupcakes from Yulia Vysotskaya

1. Roll out the shortbread dough into equal and fairly thin sheets so that it is baked well enough. The most suitable thickness should be 4-7mm.

2. Increase the friability of baked goods by replacing several whole eggs with only their yolks. This is especially important if the flour used has a high percentage of gluten.

3. The layers of shortcrust pastry are pierced in different places with sharp objects (fork, knife) before being sent to the oven. This must be done so that unsightly unevenness in the layers from carbon dioxide, which is released during baking, does not spoil the appearance of the finished product.

4. For a product made from shortcrust pastry, it is enough to use a dry baking sheet, because it does not stick to the bottom when baking.
The most suitable temperature for baking is 220-250 degrees.

Hello, my dear readers and guests of my blog. Today I’ll tell you all the secrets of successful shortcrust pastry. Depending on what product you will bake, you will choose the recipe you need.

I’ll be honest, I wrote this post for a long time, a very long time, because I got confused. I collected information on the Internet, checked it in books and even from French bloggers. I tried to structure it so as not to miss anything. The dough seems like dough - everything is simple, not like yeast, but it’s the methods of preparation that led me into difficulty.

Have you noticed in the recipes how to prepare shortcrust pastry, two different options are described everywhere.

  1. Grind the softened butter with sugar and eggs, then add flour.
  2. Cold butter is ground (chopped) with flour, and then eggs beaten with sugar are added.

Sometimes we prepare the same recipe in these different ways. Do your baked goods end up being the same? Let's figure it out.

So the first option is shortcrust pastry, and the second option is considered chopped dough.

But let's start with the basics of cooking. We will remember and sort out the completely obvious properties of products that are known to you without me and there will be nothing new here. The point is to further learn how to apply this knowledge about preparing the perfect shortcrust pastry.

Properties of ingredients

Shortcrust pastry should be crumbly. How to achieve this? You need to know a little about how each component in the test works.

  • Flour. Flour, as you know, can be different, but what is important to us here is the amount of gluten, gluten. Translated from Latin, gluten means glue. The less it is, the looser the dough will be. Sometimes starch is added to flour to remove the viscosity. It is possible to add another type of flour, for example, oatmeal cookies contain an admixture of oatmeal.
  • Oil. Butter is fat; it prevents the flour from sticking together. The higher quality and fattier the oil, the tastier the baked goods will be. Oil in some recipes is replaced with cooking fat (such as lard). Previously, it was sold on the same basis as margarine and in the same 250 g packages, but now I have not seen it anywhere in stores. You can replace butter with margarine. In Soviet times, all recipes in culinary notebooks were made with margarine. Look at your own financial capabilities. But I still recommend using butter. Do not forget that margarine is a combination of fats that are difficult to digest by the body and are poorly excreted from it.
  • Eggs and water. This is the link between flour and butter. Depending on the recipe, it is added in a certain amount so that the mass is kneaded into dough, otherwise everything will not come together. Protein is like glue, so for a more sandy effect it is better not to use them. Cookies made with yolks are more crumbly and remain soft longer, for example, Palets Breton (Breton cookies).
  • Sugar. Since the dough must be prepared quickly so that the butter does not have time to melt, it is best to replace it with powdered sugar. Another option is to grind with eggs until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  • Salt. Salt must be present in any dough, even in sweet ones, a small pinch is enough to highlight the taste, salt brings out the taste of sugar, makes it brighter. With salt, the dough will not seem fresh.
  • Baking soda or baking powder. Soda is not placed in the shortbread dough; flowability is achieved through proper preparation. But some housewives who are not confident in their abilities resort to the help of baking powder. Baking will definitely be a success with it. So it's your choice.
  • Additional flavoring ingredients. By adding different components, such as vanilla, cocoa, lemon zest, a variety of nuts, dried fruits, drops of chocolate, ground ginger, cinnamon, you will get a new exquisite taste and aroma.

Cooking rules

Now you know how the ingredients work, but there are still mandatory conditions, so to speak, a technological process that must be followed, no matter what recipe you use below.

  1. All ingredients must be weighed on a scale. A recipe in cups or spoons is not suitable here; the recipe must be followed strictly in grams. Of course, you can use measuring cups, but be sure to stick to the recipe more closely. Use the table of weights and volumes.
  2. Dry ingredients (flour, salt, baking soda or baking powder, cocoa powder, ground nuts) are mixed before cooking. But remember that cocoa is equivalent to bulk cocoa, i.e. to the flour. Therefore, if you add cocoa powder to the dough, then reduce the same amount of flour in the recipe. For example, reduce 1 tablespoon of flour and add 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder.
  3. If you are preparing chopped dough, then all kitchen utensils (beating container, whisks, rolling board, rolling pin) must be cold.
  4. You can’t knead the shortbread dough for a long time, just combine all the crumbs into a lump and knead it a couple of times. Strike out.
  5. The finished shortbread dough must be cooled. Place in a plastic bag, seal tightly and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, preferably an hour. To make the dough cool faster and better, do not put it in a ball, flatten it slightly. Why do you need to refrigerate at all? Look, when heated, butter separates into milk fat and liquid. You could observe this if you were preparing ghee, and remaining cold in the mixture with flour will prevent the flour from absorbing moisture, because flour contains gluten, which combines with the liquid and adds viscosity to the dough. And this cannot be allowed.
  6. The dough must be rolled out evenly, otherwise thinner layers will dry out more in the oven. If you are baking one large cake, prick it all over the surface with a fork.
  7. Bake shortcrust pastry products in a preheated oven at 200°C, placing the baked goods in the middle of the oven in the standard “top-bottom” oven mode until slightly golden brown.

Shortcrust pastry recipes

France is considered the founders and unsurpassed leaders of confectionery art. So in France, shortbread dough is divided into three types.

  1. pâte brisée – basic basic chopped dough.
  2. pate sablee – chopped sweet.
  3. pate sukree – tender sweet shortbread dough.

Completely unfamiliar names, incomprehensible to ordinary housewives, but familiar to everyone based on the cooking technology.

Basic chopped shortcrust pastry or pâte brisée

It is considered the most universal, basic test. It is usually used to make savory baked goods, such as meat pies, open pies with vegetables or quiche.

Pate Brise is a minced pastry made with just flour, water and a moderate amount of butter, without adding sugar or salt.


  • flour – 250 g;
  • butter – 125 g;
  • ice water – 50 ml;
  • salt - a pinch.

It is prepared using a food processor or mixer, but you can easily knead it with your hands.

  1. Place well-chilled butter on flour and chop with a knife (grate or cut into small cubes), grind with flour until fine powdery crumbs are obtained.
  2. Gradually add cold water and quickly form the dough into a ball.
  3. Place in the refrigerator.

Due to the large grains of cold butter, when the moisture evaporates during the baking process, the dough acquires layered properties. Sometimes this dough is called “false” or “pseudo-layered”.

Depending on the proportions of water, flour and butter, you can even prepare the dough for the crust of the famous and beloved Napoleon cake.

Chopped dough or pate sablee

This is the same chopped dough as the basic one, but with slightly different proportions of ingredients, or rather, with the addition of sugar, eggs and, if necessary, water.


  • flour – 250 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter – 125 g;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • eggs – 1 pc.

Sweet or buttery shortbread cookie dough (pate sukree)

This is the simplest dough and the easiest to make of all, in my opinion. Cookies from it turn out to be crumbly, they simply melt in your mouth, and the shapes of cookies can be formed into a wide variety of shapes.

The following products can be prepared from shortcrust pastry:

  • Kurabye;
  • Viennese cookies;
  • rings with nuts;
  • baskets with protein cream;
  • envelopes with jam;
  • sugar bagels;
  • and many, many other tasty treats.

Shortbread dough is an excellent base for cakes with curd and fruit fillings, and is also suitable for jam pie.

Depending on the amount of flour, the dough will be either softer or denser. The ideal proportion is 1-2-3, i.e. 1 part sugar, 2 parts butter and 3 parts flour. And, note, this is in grams.

The classic one-two-three recipe for shortcrust pastry looks like this:

  • sugar – 100 g;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • flour – 300 g;
  • egg – 1 pc. whole or two yolks;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp.

But sometimes a different proportion in a recipe is more justified, namely twice as much flour as butter, especially if milk or sour cream is added to the dough.

How to prepare shortbread dough?

It is good to prepare this dough in advance, the night before, put it in the cold overnight, and quickly form cookies in the morning so that you can be content with fresh pastries for tea for breakfast.

Have you noticed that there are no grains of butter during the cooking process? The butter is ground with sugar and eggs, which means that large voids do not form when heated in the oven, as in chopped butter. This will make the cookies more tender.

I hope you understand the cooking features. Maybe I missed something or made a mistake, write in the comments and we’ll discuss it together.

Shortcake with fruit filling
Flour 3 cups
Butter 1 cup
Granulated sugar 1 cup
Salt 1/4 teaspoon
Yolks 3 pieces
Jam 1 cup
Soda 1/3 teaspoon

From the prepared shortcrust pastry, roll out a layer 0.5 cm thick. From it, cut round flat cakes into a notch, a glass or a glass, which are placed on a dry metal sheet, greased with egg on top and wavy strips are applied using a fork. The cakes are baked at a temperature of 250-260°. The bottoms of the baked and cooled flatbreads are smeared with jam and glued together in pairs.
Shortbread fruit pie

Flour 3 cups
Butter 1 cup
Granulated sugar 1 cup
Salt 1/4 teaspoon
Yolks 3 pieces
Water 1/2 cup

The prepared shortbread dough is rolled out into a layer 1-1.5 cm thick, the circle is cut to the shape in which the pie will be baked, and placed in a mold sprinkled with flour. A flagellum is rolled out of the scraps, placed along the edges of the round layer and brushed with egg. The dough is baked at a temperature of 230-250°. Fresh or canned apples, plums, peaches, etc. are placed in the baked and cooled pie up to the sides and chilled jelly is poured on top.

Sand cake with yolks

Flour 5 cups
Sour cream 1 cup
Yolks 5 pieces
Butter 3/4 cup
Granulated sugar 1 cup
Soda 1/3 teaspoon

Proteins 5 pieces
Granulated sugar 1 cup
Walnut kernel 1 cup

Grind the yolks with sugar until fluffy, pour in sour cream, mix everything well and combine with flour mixed with soda. Put butter into the mixed dough, preferably of a thick consistency. The dough is kneaded until a homogeneous mass is formed, and then placed in the cold for 20-25 minutes. The chilled dough is divided into three equal buns, rolled out into round layers and placed in a mold greased with butter and sprinkled with flour. Each layer is topped with a nut mass prepared in advance from finely chopped kernels and mashed with a rolling pin, five beaten egg whites and one glass of sugar. The layers layered in this way are baked at a temperature of 220-240°. The finished cooled cake is doused with milk fudge and cocoa on top and decorated with cream.

Shortbread pie with nuts

Flour 1.5 cups
Butter 100 g, or 5 tablespoons
Granulated sugar 1/2 cup
Yolks 3 pieces
Soda 1/4 teaspoon
Powdered sugar 1 tablespoon

Walnut kernels 1.5 cups
Granulated sugar 1 cup
Proteins 3 pieces

Flour mixed with soda is chopped on a table with butter. The yolks are ground white with sugar, mixed with chopped flour and kneaded into a dough, which is placed in the cold for 10-15 minutes. The chilled dough is rolled into a round cake and placed in a mold or frying pan, greased with oil. The surface of the flatbread is sprinkled with chopped nuts mixed with sugar (half a glass), and filled with whipped whites mixed with sugar (half a glass).
The pie is baked at a temperature of 220-240°. The finished cake can be sprinkled with powdered sugar on top.

Shortbread minced pie with lemon

Flour 2 cups
Butter 250 g, or 1 cup
Yolks 4 pieces
Granulated sugar 1 cup
Salt 1/3 teaspoon
Soda 1/3 teaspoon

Lemon 2 pieces
Granulated sugar 1 cup

The flour mixed with soda is sifted and collected into a pile, in the middle of which a depression is made. The yolks are ground white with sugar and salt; when the grains of sugar disappear, add butter, grind everything into a homogeneous mass and place it in a hole made in a pile of flour. The flour is chopped with a knife along with the cooled, ground mass until it becomes fine grains. The mass thus obtained is divided into two piles. One heap is scattered onto a dry mold in an even layer; the lemon mass is placed on this layer, obtained by passing the lemon through a meat grinder together with the crust, but without grains, and adding sugar. The lemon mass is leveled and covered with a second pile of chopped flour, then slightly smoothed and baked at a temperature of 220-240° for 25-30 minutes.

Sour cream pie

Flour 3 cups
Sour cream 1 cup
Granulated sugar 3/4 cup
Soda 1/4 teaspoon
Salt 1/4 teaspoon

Sour cream 1 cup
Granulated sugar 1/2 cup
Vanilla sugar 1/3 powder

Add flour and soda to sour cream mixed with sugar and salt and knead the dough into a weak consistency. The dough is divided into four pieces, which are rolled into round cakes (cakes) and placed on a metal sheet greased with oil. Bake the cakes at a temperature of 230-240° for 10-15 minutes. The cooled three cakes are placed on a dish, sandwiched with sour cream whipped with sugar. The fourth cake is chopped into crumbs, which are sprinkled on the top cake, doused with sour cream. The finished pie is placed in the cold for 3-4 hours so that the cakes absorb the sour cream.


Flour 1 cup
Granulated sugar 1 cup
Sour cream 1 cup
Yolks 3 pieces
Soda 1/4 teaspoon
Lemon zest from 1 lemon

Vanilla sugar 1/3 powder

The yolks are ground with sugar and sour cream until the sugar grains disappear, flour mixed with soda is gradually poured into the ground mass, and lemon zest is added (finely chopped candied fruits can be used). The well-mixed dough is poured into a mold greased with butter and sprinkled with flour or finely crushed breadcrumbs.
Sour cream is baked at a temperature of 220-230°. The readiness of the cake is determined by using a wooden needle. The baked cake is sprinkled with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar.

Sour cream with poppy seeds

Flour 1 cup
Poppy 1/2 cup
Granulated sugar 1 cup
Sour cream 1 cup
Yolks 4 pieces
Soda 1/4 teaspoon
Chopped nuts 1/2 cup
Powdered sugar 2 tablespoons

The dough for sour cream with poppy seeds is prepared in the same way as for sour cream, but washed poppy seeds are used instead of zest. Mix everything well and pour into a mold greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs or flour. The surface of the spilled dough is sprinkled with finely chopped nuts.
Sour cream is baked at a temperature of 220-230°. The finished sour cream with poppy seeds is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Three-layer pie

Flour 3 cups
Eggs 4 pieces
Granulated sugar 1.5 cups
Butter 5 tablespoons
Sour cream 1/2 cup
Chopped nut kernels 1 cup
Jam 1 glass
Salt 1/4 teaspoon
Soda 1/4 teaspoon
Powdered sugar 2 tablespoons
Lemon zest from 1 lemon

Whole eggs are combined with sugar (one glass), zest, salt, beaten into a homogeneous mass, butter and sour cream are added, flour and soda are added and the dough is kneaded, which is then placed in the cold for 30-40 minutes. The cooled dough is divided into three pieces, from which three cakes are rolled out 0.5 cm thick. The first cake is placed on a metal sheet, greased and sprinkled with flour, greased with jam and covered with a second cake, which is also greased with jam and covered with a third cake, the edges of which connect to the edges of the first cake and pinch tightly so that the jam does not leak out during baking. The surface and pinched edges are brushed with egg and sprinkled with chopped kernels mixed with sugar.
Bake the pie at a temperature of 210-230°. The finished pie is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Rusk cake

Vanilla crackers 400 g
Cream for rusk cake

Vanilla crackers are ground through a meat grinder, poured into a frying pan and placed in the oven at a temperature of 200-220° to dry for 15-18 minutes; At the same time, the crackers are mixed with a spoon for uniform drying. The finished crackers are cooled. Then the pre-prepared cream is divided into two equal parts, one part of the cream is mixed with ground breadcrumbs and thoroughly mixed until smooth, the second part is left. for finishing. Place one half of the finished mass on a plate in a 1 cm layer, compacting it with a spoon. The compacted layer is lubricated with cream (two tablespoons). The second half of the finished mass is covered with cream and the edges of the product are aligned. The surface of the cake is greased with the remaining cream. If desired, the cake can be decorated with cream using a straw, but then the portion of cream should be increased or jam (half a glass) should be placed in the layer of the cake instead of cream. The finished cake is placed in a cool place for 25-30 minutes, after which it is ready to eat.

Glazed cake with jam

Flour 2 cups
Granulated sugar 1.5 cups
Butter 4 tablespoons
Jam 1 glass
Zest from 1/2 lemon
Eggs 4 pieces

The flour sifted on the table is collected in a heap, butter is added and chopped with a knife until it becomes fine grains. The eggs are ground with sugar and zest, combined with chopped flour and the dough is kneaded, which is divided into two equal pieces. Pieces of dough are rolled out into two round cakes 1 cm thick and placed on a metal sheet greased with oil.
The flatbreads are baked at a temperature of 240-260° until golden brown. Baked flatbreads, layered with jam, are placed one on top of the other. The top of the cake is glazed from a paper pastry bag, decorating the cake with a lattice pattern; Place jam in the recess of the grate.

Cake with whipped egg whites

Flour 2.5 cups
Yolks 3 pieces
Sour cream 1/2 cup
Butter 7 tablespoons
Granulated sugar 1 cup

Proteins 5 pieces
Granulated sugar 1.5 cups
Canned fruits or berries 1 cup

Egg yolks are ground with two tablespoons of granulated sugar, the ground yolks are mixed with sour cream and the rest of the sugar, after which flour and butter are added. The kneaded dough is placed in the cold for 20-30 minutes. The cooled dough is rolled out into a layer 1 cm thick and placed on a metal sheet lightly greased with oil.
Bake the dough at a temperature of 230-240° until golden brown. The finished baked layer is cut into strips 10-12 cm wide, which are decorated with fresh berries or canned fruits and berries, filled with whipped egg whites and sugar, placed in the oven for 10-12 minutes at a temperature of 160-180°, and then cut into cakes.

Krakow cake

Flour 2.5 cups
Granulated sugar 3/4 cup
Butter 1 cup
Eggs 2 pieces
Soda 1/3 teaspoon
Ammonium carbonate 1/3 teaspoon
Salt 1/3 teaspoon

Almond mass:
Flour 3/4 cup
Granulated sugar 2 cups
Proteins 10 pieces
Roasted almonds 300 g

Mix shortbread dough from sifted flour, sugar, butter, eggs, soda, ammonium carbonate and salt and place it in the cold for 20-30 minutes. Then roll out the dough into a layer 1.5 cm thick and place it on a metal sheet wiped dry. Bake the layer until half cooked at a temperature of 200-220°. Roasted ground almonds are mixed with lightly beaten egg whites and sugar. The mass is heated with continuous stirring over low heat until hot (approximately 50-60°), then removed from the stove and cooled slightly, after which flour is added, mixed and immediately (poured onto a sand layer in an even layer. When a film is formed, the layer is cut into cakes, which are additionally placed in the oven at a temperature of 160-180° (until a crust forms).

Almond cake

Flour 3/4 cup
Granulated sugar 2 cups
Proteins 7 pieces
Almonds 1/2 cup

Scalded, peeled and dried almonds are mixed with 2-3 proteins and sugar (one tablespoon), finely pounded in a mortar or passed 2-3 times through a meat grinder with a fine grid. The remaining proteins are added to the resulting almond mass and, stirring, heated until hot (50-60°), then slightly cooled and mixed with sifted flour. The almond dough placed in a pastry bag is deposited on a metal sheet covered with paper in the form of small cakes, which are laid out at a distance of 6-7 cm from one another, since they spread during baking.
Bake almond cake at a temperature of 200-220° until golden brown. The finished cake along with the paper is transferred to a damp napkin. After some time, the cooled cake will come off the paper. You can make a double almond cake; to do this, grease the bottom of one cake with hot jam, jam or heated chocolate and cover it with the bottom of another cake on top.

Whipped cookies with poppy seeds

Proteins 4 pieces
Granulated sugar 1 cup
Poppy 1/2 cup

Beat the egg whites, and at the end add sugar gradually (half the norm). Then add the rest of the sugar, knead the mass and spread it on a metal sheet covered with paper in the form of small cakes, which are lightly sprinkled with washed and dried poppy seeds.
Bake cookies at a temperature of 110-130° for 25-30 minutes. Poppy seeds can be replaced with finely chopped nuts.

Meringues with whipped cream

Egg whites 10 pieces
Granulated sugar 2.5 cups

Powdered sugar 3/4 cup
Vanilla sugar 1/3 powder
Cream 2.5 cups

Beat the egg whites into a strong foam with the gradual addition of one glass of sugar. After whipping is complete, mix the whites with the rest of the sugar and spoon them onto a metal sheet covered with paper in small portions (this is best done using a pastry bag through a metal tube 1.5-2 cm in size).
Bake meringues at a temperature of 100-130° for 20-30 minutes. The finished meringues are removed from the sheet along with the paper; if they do not lag behind the paper, then the paper with meringues is placed on a damp napkin, after which they easily lag behind the paper. Chilled meringues are pierced, filled with whipped cream or the bottoms are greased with some kind of cream and connected in pairs. The top of the meringue is sprinkled with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar.

Almond hedgehogs

Peeled almonds 1.5 cups
Proteins 4 pieces
Granulated sugar 1 cup

Whip the egg whites into a strong foam, towards the end of whipping, add sugar in small portions, then finely chopped almonds, mix it all well and place in small piles on a metal sheet, greased with oil and sprinkled with flour. The sheet is placed in the oven at a temperature of 180-200° for 20-25 minutes. The finished cookies are removed from the sheet while hot.

Whipped cookies

Flour 1/2 cup
Granulated sugar 1/2 cup
Egg whites 3 pieces
Vanilla sugar 1/4 powder

Beat the whites into a strong foam, gradually adding sugar, mix it with the whites, then add flour with vanilla sugar and knead everything well until smooth. The finished dough is placed in a paper pastry bag with the end cut off and deposited on a metal sheet, greased and cooled, in the form of all kinds of figures, rings, spirals, etc.
Bake cookies at a temperature of 180-200° for 10-15 minutes.

Tubes with cream

Flour 2 cups
Powdered sugar 1.5 cups
Eggs 4 pieces
Milk 3/4 cup

The sifted flour is mixed with powdered sugar and the dough is kneaded with eggs and milk. The resulting dough is spread with a teaspoon into even pieces onto a metal sheet greased with oil, then each piece of dough is spread into an even thin pancake. Bake pancakes at a temperature of 230-240° until golden brown. After this, they are hot rolled into tubes or into pounders (conical tubes), which are filled with whipped cream when cold.

Sugar rolls baked in a mold

Flour 1 cup
Granulated sugar 1 cup
Butter 3/4 cup
Eggs 6 pieces
Whipped cream

Grind the butter until white, add sugar without ceasing to grind, and add the eggs gradually, one at a time. Slowly pour flour into the well-pounded mass and knead the dough until elastic. The finished dough is placed one teaspoon at a time into a mold that is hot and greased with oil (the mold needs to be greased only once). When hot, baked pancakes are quickly rolled into tubes, which are then filled with whipped cream while cooled.

Cookie sticks

Flour 2.5 cups
Powdered sugar 2 cups
Crushed cinnamon 2 tablespoons
Proteins 6 pieces
Milk 3/4 cup

Egg whites, beaten with sugar and cinnamon, are mixed with flour and milk. The well-kneaded dough is placed with a teaspoon in small pieces onto a metal sheet greased with oil and spread into thin pancakes.
Bake pancakes at a temperature of 200-220° until golden brown. Hot pancakes are rolled onto even wooden sticks. After the pancakes have cooled, the sticks are removed.
