
Traditional breakfasts from different countries: Spain, Mexico, Italy. Mexican Breakfast: Three Delicious Fried Egg Quesadilla Ideas

With significant Spanish influence, Mexican cuisine is known for its spicy flavors and colorful decorations. National dishes are not complete without at least one of three typical ingredients: tortillas (corn tortillas) and hot chili peppers.


On the weekends, when you have more time, you can prepare traditional Mexican dishes that are perfect for breakfast: quesadillas and scrambled eggs.

1. Huevos divorciados

Mexican scrambled eggs served with two types of salsa and corn nachos. Sometimes roasted bean puree is added to the dish.


Ingredientsfor 4 servings: 200 g red tomatoes, 200 g peeled vegetable physalis, 2 fresh chili peppers, 1/4 green onions, 2 cloves, 2 teaspoons salt, 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro, 1/4 cup water, 8 tablespoons corn oil, 8 eggs, corn nachos.

Preparation: Heat a dry cast iron skillet over moderate heat. Roast the tomatoes, physalis, jalapenos and onions, turning with tongs, until browned on all sides, 10 to 15 minutes. Peel the tomatoes and remove the seeds from the peppers.

For red: Coarsely puree the tomatoes, 1 chili pepper, 1 clove and 1 teaspoon salt in a blender and transfer to a bowl.

For the green salsa: Coarsely puree the physalis, garlic and chili pepper. Add salt, cilantro and water, pour into a separate container.

Prepare scrambled eggs: Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a small skillet over moderate heat. Carefully crack 2 eggs into a cup, keeping the yolks intact, then pour into the pan and cook, covered, for 5 minutes, or until desired doneness. Season with salt and pepper. Fry the remaining eggs in the same way. Serve with two types of salsa and corn chips.

2. Quesadilla with fried egg

A dish of Mexican cuisine, it consists of two tortillas stuffed with cheese, fried in a frying pan or deep-fried. By frying, the cheese in the filling melts and thereby holds both tortillas together.


Ingredients for 2 servings: 40 g butter, 2 eggs, 50 ml milk, salt, pepper, 2 tortillas, tomato salsa, chopped green onions, 50 g grated cheese.

Preparation: Whisk the eggs into a fluffy foam. Pour milk into the mixture, season with ground pepper and salt.

Heat a frying pan with a piece of butter over medium heat. Pour in the egg mixture. When the eggs begin to set, start stirring them at intervals of a few seconds to form small lumps. Salt and pepper.

Mexican cuisine is rich in spices and sauces. One of the main parts of Mexican cuisine is salsas. This is the name for fiery hot sauces that always contain chili peppers and tomatoes. They are served with boiled fish, meat, poultry, beans and eggs. The secret of salsas is the combination of typically Mexican spices. Tortillas are also very popular in Mexico. These are round flat cakes made from corn flour. The Aztecs baked them in their hearths. Moreover, when archaeologists found these flatbreads, even after hundreds of years the aroma still emanated from them. In Mexico, they eat tortillas with a very spicy sauce, usually stuffed with something or simply served fresh and warm. Mexican food is an explosion, a flame. It is spicy, richly seasoned with various spices and herbs, unique sauces of all shades of color, smell and taste. The most famous of them is hot chili sauce. The fire is snacked on exotic tropical fruits and... doused with tequila. Tequila is the famous Mexican vodka made from blue agave. One of the main features of Mexican cuisine is cacti. They eat them differently. Often, after a thorough “shave,” they are cut into a salad - the result is no worse than a cucumber! Here's another unusual dish: fairly large pieces of fried pork skin rolled into a roll. If you cook them correctly and do not overcook them, you will get an exceptionally tender dish. It's called "chicharones". Chicharones are so popular in Mexico that local stores sell them as chips.
One of the Mexican breakfast options.

Cooking method

  • 1. Prepare tomato sauce. To do this, mix all the ingredients in a blender or food processor until the consistency of puree. Heat a saucepan over high heat. Add olive oil. Once the oil is hot, add the sauce. Cook for 15 minutes, season to taste.
  • 2. While the sauce is cooking, crush the corn tortillas to the size of chips and lightly fry in oil.
  • 3. Prepare the chorizo. Peel the chorizo ​​and cut into cubes. Heat a medium skillet over high heat and add 2 tablespoons oil. Add the chorizo ​​and stir-fry until the chorizo ​​is golden brown. This will take you approximately 10 minutes.
  • 4. Add lightly beaten eggs and after 1 minute, corn chips. Stir with a wooden spoon and fry for about five minutes until the eggs are set. Divide the dish between four plates. Sprinkle with fresh cilantro and serve immediately. Bon appetit!

We present to your attention the latest selection of healthy breakfasts from different countries. Today we will talk about the traditional Spanish breakfast, what the right breakfast is for Mexicans and the healthiest Italian breakfast.

As we said earlier, today most scientists have proven the benefits of a morning meal - breakfast. It is known that those who do not skip breakfast suffer much less from stress. In addition, a full breakfast supplies the body with all the necessary substances, improves brain function, increases alertness, and gives strength and endurance for sports.

According to nutritionists, the norm for breakfast is 25% of the norm of all nutrients that enter the body throughout the day. Previous studies have shown that if you skip breakfast, you deprive your body of many essential nutrients that will be almost impossible to compensate for during the day. If refusing breakfast has become the norm for you, then remember that this will certainly have negative consequences for your health.

If you find it difficult to start breakfast with a meal, drink a glass of water or juice - vegetable or fruit. This will help “start” the stomach, and the body will wake up faster and be ready to eat. When creating a healthy breakfast menu, include healthy foods such as cottage cheese or cheese, and replace the bun or white bread with brown bread.

In European countries, the main products of a healthy breakfast are cheese, eggs and butter. But in Spain and Mexico, breakfast has its own characteristics. Let's start with them.

Breakfast in Spanish

The most common, due to its simplicity, and beloved by many Spaniards, breakfast consists of freshly baked (in a toaster or oven) pieces of bread, olive oil, tomato paste, coffee or orange juice. It is worth noting that Spanish bread, although produced today in high-tech city bakeries, tastes like real homemade bread, aromatic and very healthy.

Breakfast in Spanish - tortilla - potato casserole with vegetables or fish. Photo: skyscanner.ru

At breakfast, pieces of bread are rubbed with garlic, dipped in tomato paste and poured with aromatic olive oil on top, washed down with black coffee. It is known to be a powerful antioxidant and an important component of one of the most healthy and balanced nutritional systems.

The Spaniards value vegetables very much, especially sweet peppers and tomatoes. These vegetables are an essential component of most Spanish dishes.

The second option for breakfast in Spanish is tortilla - a potato casserole with vegetables or fish. This flatbread, something between a casserole and an omelet, is a fairly hearty breakfast in the Spanish mind.

The Spaniards value vegetables very much, especially sweet peppers and tomatoes. They are an essential component of most Spanish dishes. Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images

Mexican breakfast

For breakfast, Mexicans also prefer tortilla, however, unlike the Spaniards, they prepare it from corn. A traditional Mexican breakfast is corn tortillas, beans and chili peppers or hot sauce. They also have scrambled eggs and refried bean puree for breakfast. Salsa - sauce and nachos - corn chips can be served for breakfast. Salsa is a traditional Mexican sauce made from boiled and crushed tomatoes or tomatillos (a type of physalis). Chili pepper, black pepper, coriander, onion, and garlic are added to the sauce.

Like Americans, Mexicans believe that one of the most nutritious and healthy breakfasts is scrambled eggs. Here it is served with hot sauce, beans, the same tortilla and chili pepper.

Mexican breakfast: tortillas. Photo: OMAR TORRES/AFP/Getty Images

In addition to these hearty dishes, Mexicans choose corn tortillas with black beans, cheese, ham and eggs for breakfast. Thanks to this breakfast, the body receives all the necessary nutrients, and you feel a surge of energy throughout the day.

Despite such a variety of breakfasts, each region of Mexico has its own characteristics in their preparation. But a mandatory component of the dessert part of breakfast is tropical fruits or fresh juice. But for some reason it has not taken root in Mexico as one of the most common morning drinks: here they brew chamomile instead of tea leaves.

Breakfast Italian style

For breakfast, Italians choose the lightest food - coffee with milk and toast with a piece of cheese. Such a modest breakfast can be supplemented with oatmeal and yogurt, and fruit for dessert.

However, this type of food does not suit all Italians. Those of them who truly care about their health still prefer to adhere to the Mediterranean diet, the main components of which are:

  • a large proportion of fruits, vegetables, potatoes, beans, nuts, seeds, bread and other grains in the food consumed.
  • cold pressed olive oil.
  • a moderate amount of fish and a small amount of meat.
  • cheeses with low fat content.

Most Italians still prefer to follow the Mediterranean diet. Photo: David Silverman/Getty Images

We talked about the most common breakfasts of residents of different countries. We hope that this was not only interesting, but also useful: after all, some options for the morning menu can be used for your breakfast to make it more varied and much healthier. Create your own version of a healthy breakfast that will charge you with energy for the whole day and give you a great mood every day!

Delicious - healthy "fast" food (recipes)

With significant Spanish influence, Mexican cuisine is known for its spicy flavors and colorful decorations. National dishes are not complete without at least one of three typical ingredients: tortillas (corn tortillas), beans and hot chili peppers.

On the weekends, when you have more time, you can prepare traditional Mexican dishes that are great for breakfast: quesadillas and scrambled eggs with salsa.

1. Huevos divorciados

Mexican scrambled eggs served with two types of salsa and nacho corn chips. Sometimes roasted bean puree is added to the dish.

Ingredientsfor 4 servings: 200 g red tomatoes, 200 g peeled vegetable physalis, 2 fresh chili peppers, 1/4 green onions, 2 cloves garlic, 2 teaspoons salt, 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro, 1/4 cup water, 8 tablespoons corn oil , 8 eggs, corn chips nachos.

Preparation: Heat a dry cast iron skillet over moderate heat. Roast the tomatoes, physalis, jalapenos and onions, turning with tongs, until browned on all sides, 10 to 15 minutes. Peel the tomatoes and remove the seeds from the peppers.

For the red salsa: Coarsely puree the tomatoes, 1 chili pepper, 1 clove garlic and 1 teaspoon salt in a blender and transfer to a bowl.

For the green salsa: Coarsely puree the physalis, garlic and chili pepper. Add salt, cilantro and water, pour into a separate container.

Prepare scrambled eggs: Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a small skillet over moderate heat. Carefully crack 2 eggs into a cup, keeping the yolks intact, then pour into the pan and cook, covered, for 5 minutes, or until desired doneness. Season with salt and pepper. Fry the remaining eggs in the same way. Serve with two types of salsa and corn chips.

2. Quesadilla with fried egg

A dish of Mexican cuisine, it consists of two tortillas stuffed with cheese, fried in a frying pan or deep-fried. By frying, the cheese in the filling melts and thereby holds both tortillas together.

Ingredients for 2 servings: 40 g butter, 2 eggs, 50 ml milk, salt, pepper, 2 tortillas, tomato salsa, yogurt, chopped green onions, 50 g grated cheese.

Preparation: Whisk the eggs into a fluffy foam. Pour milk into the mixture, season with ground pepper and salt.

Heat a frying pan with a piece of butter over medium heat. Pour in the egg mixture. When the eggs begin to set, start stirring them at intervals of a few seconds to form small lumps. Salt and pepper.

Place the egg mixture on the tortilla, sprinkle cheese on top, cover with a second tortilla and fry in a frying pan. Flip and cook for another minute or until golden brown. Cut in half before serving. Serve with green onions, yogurt and tomato salsa.

3. Huevos Motulenos

This unusual Mexican dish consists of eggs, corn tortillas with black beans, cheese, peas and plantains. It is also served for breakfast in Costa Rica, Cuba.

Ingredients for 2 servings: 2 tablespoons corn oil, 4 corn tortillas, 2 ripe bananas, 1 cup refried black beans, 4 eggs, 1 cup tomato salsa, 1/2 cup sliced ​​and toasted ham, 1/2 cup cooked or canned green peas, 1/2 cups crushed feta.

Preparation: Heat oil in a frying pan. Fry the tortillas in oil until golden brown on both sides and transfer to a plate lined with paper towels. Fry bananas in oil until slightly golden on both sides.

Place two tortillas on each plate, topped with 1/4 cup beans and two fried eggs. Drizzle 1/4 cup salsa over eggs. Sprinkle with ham, peas and cheese. Serve with fried plantains.

Mexican cuisine is rich in spices and sauces.

One of the most popular Mexican breakfast recipes is usually served with spicy salsa and shredded cheddar cheese.

One of the main parts of Mexican cuisine is salsa. This is the name for fiery hot sauces that always contain chili peppers and tomatoes. They are served with boiled fish, meat, poultry, beans and eggs. The secret of salsa is the combination of typical Mexican spices.

Tortillas are also very popular in Mexico. These are round flat cakes made from corn flour. The Aztecs baked them in their hearths. Moreover, when archaeologists found these flatbreads, even after hundreds of years the aroma still emanated from them. In Mexico, they eat tortillas with a very spicy sauce, usually stuffed with something or simply served fresh and warm. I published the recipe for flatbreads on the page: Tortillas

Mexican food is an explosion, a flame. It is spicy, richly seasoned with various spices and herbs, unique sauces of all shades of color, smell and taste. The most famous of them is hot chili sauce. The fire is snacked on exotic tropical fruits and... doused with tequila.

Tequila is the famous Mexican vodka made from blue agave. One of the main features of Mexican cuisine is cacti. They eat them differently. Often, after a thorough shave, they are cut into a salad - it turns out no worse than a cucumber! Here's another unusual dish: fairly large pieces of fried pork skin rolled into a roll. If you cook them correctly and do not overcook them, you will get an exceptionally tender dish. It's called 'chicharones'. ‘Chicharones’ are so popular in Mexico that local stores sell them as chips.

One of the Mexican breakfast options.

What do you need:

  • chorizo ​​sausages - 2 pcs.,
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.,
  • eggs - 8 pcs.,
  • corn tortillas - 20 pcs.,
  • Tomato sauce: tomatoes - 2 pcs.,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • onions - 1/2 pcs.,
  • chipotle in adobo sauce - 1 pc.,
  • salt - to taste.

Preparation :

1. Prepare tomato sauce. To do this, mix all the ingredients in a blender or food processor until the consistency of puree. Heat a saucepan over high heat. Add olive oil. Once the oil is hot, add the sauce. Cook for 15 minutes, season to taste.

2. While the sauce is cooking, crush the corn tortillas to the size of chips and lightly fry in oil.

3. Prepare the chorizo. Peel the chorizo ​​and cut into cubes. Heat a medium skillet over high heat and add 2 tablespoons oil. Add the chorizo ​​and stir-fry until the chorizo ​​is golden brown. This will take you approximately 10 minutes.

4. Add lightly beaten eggs and after 1 minute, corn chips.

5. Stir with a wooden spoon and fry for about five minutes until the eggs are set. Divide the dish between four plates. Sprinkle with fresh cilantro and serve immediately.

Another breakfast option:

What do you need:

  • half a white onion (finely chopped)
  • 1 red bell pepper (thinly sliced)
  • 1 zucchini (cut into small cubes)
  • 3 small tomatoes (cut into small cubes)
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cumin
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 2 eggs (room temperature)
  • 1 tsp milk (room temperature)
  • chili powder
  • hot pepper powder
  • 2 tortillas

Cooking method

In a medium skillet, heat 1 teaspoon oil over medium heat. Add onion and cumin, fry until onion is soft. Add peppers and zucchini, fry lightly. Then cover with a lid for a couple of minutes and simmer. Add chopped tomatoes. Simmer for another two minutes. Transfer vegetables to a bowl. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with milk, salt, chili powder and hot pepper powder. Pour the egg mixture into the frying pan where the vegetables were fried (preheat 1 teaspoon of olive oil in it) Fry the eggs until they are almost cooked through (they should be a little runny on top). Place the eggs in a separate bowl. We heat the flatbreads in our frying pan for literally a minute on each side. Place eggs and prepared vegetables on the heated flatbread. You can squeeze a little lime on top and sprinkle with finely chopped cilantro.

Mexican Fried Eggs Huevos rancheros - fried eggs with tomato salsa - are a popular breakfast dish in Mexico and beyond. Mexicans often serve this dish with corn or wheat tortillas, topped with eggs, beans, tomato sauce and sour cream.

Mexican frittata- This is an unusual and exceptionally tasty omelette. The recipe is extremely simple, but you can add your favorite foods to the frittata. A Mexican frittata will lift your spirits, give you a boost of vivacity and energy in the morning, as well as a lot of vitamins.

Mexican frittata is made from the following ingredients(for 4 servings):
10 eggs (I noticed that Mexicans cook an unrealistic amount of eggs, my husband spends a cell for one breakfast.... and this is very harmful!)
salt, ground black pepper - to taste
3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
2 bell peppers
1 red onion
120 g grated cheddar cheese
1 tbsp. spoon of red wine vinegar
200 g Boston lettuce (1 head)
1/2 cup salsa

Mexican frittata is prepared as follows:
1. Beat eggs with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper.
2. In a shallow pan, heat 1 tbsp. spoon of oil, add chopped bell peppers and onions, salt and pepper and cook over medium heat, stirring, 6-8 minutes.
3. Then add the eggs and cook for 1 minute.
4. Sprinkle the grated cheese evenly over the egg mixture, cover with a lid, turn the heat to low and cook for 15 minutes. After removing the pan from the heat, let the frittata sit covered for another 5 minutes.
5. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk the vinegar with the remaining 2 tablespoons of oil, add salt and pepper to the sauce, add lettuce and stir.
6. Cut the finished omelette into slices and serve with salsa and salad.

Bon appetit!

Well. I hope you liked my selection of world breakfasts. If yes, then take a look here:
