
The harm and benefits of beer products for the male body. Features of the fight against beer alcoholism

The influence of beer on the male body is of interest to many. Advertising is accompanied by an inscription that harms your health. But in the concept of "excessive" everyone puts his own meaning. In addition, there is an opinion that beer is healthy, not addictive, since it belongs to low-alcohol drinks. Allegedly beneficial features This drink is due to its preparation on the basis of barley, which contains many valuable elements. Let's try to figure out: is it as useful as they say, and what is the effect of beer on the male body.

How does beer affect the heart?

Most great harm from this drink receives the heart muscle. With daily use, the body increases in size and its blood supply worsens. Experts call this condition "syndrome bull's heart". It provokes the appearance of heart failure and ischemia. Beer production uses cobalt as a foam stabilizer. In the body of lovers of a foamy drink who use it uncontrollably, the content of this chemical element can exceed the norm by ten times. But it is cobalt that is the main culprit in violations of the heart.

On the stomach

And in the company of carbon dioxide, it has a destructive effect on the esophagus and stomach. In addition, fermentation products are also harmful for these organs, which constantly irritate the mucous membrane and provoke the secretion of juice into large quantities. All this does the job. digestive tract defective, and as a result, chronic gastritis may develop.

On the liver

Naturally, the liver also suffers from such abuse. The assertion that beer is a low-alcohol drink and not as harmful as, for example, vodka, is groundless. According to medical research, 80% of people who consume about ten liters of beer weekly suffer from liver disorders, including cirrhosis. The body tries its best to neutralize the effect of the drink on the body and therefore copes worse with its other functions.

On the kidneys

Everyone experienced the effect of beer on the kidneys: the desire to release bladder from excess fluid comes very quickly. The fact is that under the influence of the drink, the acid-base balance normal for the body is disturbed, and its restoration requires more intensive work of the kidneys. Accordingly, the separation of urine will increase, which is evidence of congestion of the organs. And it can even lead to hemorrhage in the kidneys.

Frequent and abundant beer libations overload the pancreas, reduce its functionality, which disrupts the body's metabolism as a whole.

What's wrong with men?

What is the danger of the action of beer on the male body? The fact is that when brewing beer, hops are used, in which the hormone phytoestrogen is present, which is an analogue of the female hormone progesterone. This substance suppresses the production of testosterone, causes malfunctions endocrine system and hormonal imbalance. In general, the effect of beer on the male body and potency has been studied for a long time.

The use of the drink is reflected in the appearance of the representative of the stronger sex and manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • Body hair falls out.
  • Muscle mass is reduced.
  • A beer belly appears.
  • The timbre of the voice rises.
  • Decreased sexual activity.

What else is the effect of beer on the male body?

If you do not take action, it will lead to fatal consequences. Over time, these changes will be expressed by the fading of emotions, changes in motor functions, as well as the weakening of memory and absent-mindedness.

In addition to all of the above, the abuse of beer leads to personality degradation, lack of interests in life and a narrowing of one's horizons. It should also be said that the frequent use of an intoxicating drink reduces libido and ultimately leads to sexual weakness. In addition, impaired testosterone synthesis has bad influence to the possibility of conception. Here's how beer affects the male body.

Beer mythmaking

Beer lovers often talk about the usefulness, traditionality and antiquity of this drink. In fact, people learned how to brew an intoxicating drink in ancient times, and the author of the recipe remains unknown to this day. However, the brewing process was fundamentally different from the modern one. The technology by which the drink is brewed today has undergone significant changes over the centuries. What is now called beer differs in composition, color and effect on the human body. Initially, the intoxicating drink could be used to treat certain diseases, but the current product modern technologies healing properties does not, and quite the contrary. Systematic overuse adversely affects all systems of the body and positive impact does not affect any organ. We have reviewed Negative influence beer on the male body and reproduction.

What is beer brewed from?

The raw material for brewers is malt. After its processing in the drink, you can find various minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus ions. Perhaps, in small concentrations, these elements can affect human health. But most of all, beer contains potassium ions, and they provoke increased urination and excretion of chlorine, sodium and mineral salts from the body. That is why when drinking beer, you always want salty foods. The fact that malt contains vitamin B cannot be disputed.

But in the process of production, its content is significantly reduced, and it is not necessary to talk about any quantities significant for the body. All claims about the harmlessness of beer, based on a small alcohol content, have no scientific basis. According to scientists, any amount of alcohol with systematic use is harmful to health over time. From the point of view of common sense, to perceive myths and stereotypes about useful influence beer on the male body - not a good idea.

Causes of beer alcoholism

Most beer fans never think about what makes them come back to drinking it again and again. As a rule, active promotion and availability of this drink make it attractive. However, beer alcoholism is gaining momentum and getting younger day by day. According to doctors, the dependence on this drink is characterized by rapid addiction, which is four times more than vodka. Besides, pleasant taste And carbon dioxide for the body are attractive, and it does not react with such aggression as, for example, vodka. Hops, used in brewing, is an analogue of hemp in the plant world. When these plants are crossed, hybrids are obtained. Hops contain narcotic substances in small quantities. So beer for male body quite unsafe.

Alcohol also belongs to this category of substances. That is why beer addiction is formed in a very fast deadlines and remains for a long time almost imperceptible. Specialist studies show that alcoholism is formed even when drinking non-alcoholic beer (which still contains some alcohol). And from those types of intoxicating drink that are distinguished by high strength, there are signs of drug withdrawal. It has a slightly bitter taste, which is provided by the psychoactive substances included in its composition. These components cause hallucinations, have a hypnotic and sedative effect. The latter fact, together with intoxication, is decisive in the development of alcoholism. A person who has developed addiction cannot imagine life without the object of his adoration.

The biochemistry of the body is reconfigured to the presence of beer. The situation is aggravated by the fact that neither the alcoholic himself nor his relatives until a certain point consider it worthy of serious attention. The state of the addict does not cause concern (just think, he drank beer, it's weak, it's not vodka). This is where all the insidiousness of drinking hops lies. Not so long ago in this drink cadaverine and histamine were found. Cadaverine is a substance belonging to the group of cadaveric poisons. The concentration of these substances in beer, of course, is not very high, but being destroyed in the intestines, they exacerbate withdrawal symptoms.


The harm of beer for the male body has recently become the subject of study by experts. With the spread of addiction, this phenomenon began to receive more attention. Now we can make an unambiguous conclusion that beer has pernicious influence per person in any quantity.

It is a very popular alcoholic drink among all ages. But few people pay attention to the fact that this natural drink comprises a large number compounds such as water (91-93%), carbohydrates (1.5-4.5%), ethanol(3–7%) and nitrogen-containing substances (0.2–0.65%). And many others that are not so significant.

The most interesting thing is that you can not drink enough beer to die if you drink only it. Although in the twenty-first century, types of beer began to appear in which alcohol content reaches 12% or more. With the constant use of such beer, serious health problems can arise.

The worst thing about beer is that beer alcoholism appears completely unnoticed, compared, for example, with vodka. The most strongly beer alcoholism is developed in Germany, in the homeland of intoxicating drinks. Even German officials who confessed to their weakness said that they became stupid, lazy and powerless (and powerlessness is not only in the muscles). Also, non-alcoholic beer can be very misleading, as it also has an alcohol percentage. Therefore, when a person tries to cope with alcoholism with such non-alcoholic beer, then in 9 cases out of 10 he breaks down even more. And it is necessary to treat beer alcoholism, as well as the usual one.

Most people's mistake is that it is considered the appearance of beer " beer belly". This is a deeply erroneous opinion. In beer, as in other alcoholic beverages, there are substances that affect the centers of hunger, and therefore you want to eat. The stomach appears from a simple overeating. A fascinating fact is that beer itself has fewer calories than milk or grape juice.

Beer consumption figures are frightening: in Ukraine and Russia, 65 liters of beer are drunk per person per year. And this number is growing every day.

Fans of beer drinks, including those in our countries, prove that beer has a beneficial effect on the body in small doses. As if helping to reduce cardiovascular diseases. But most research proves that this is a misconception. For example, back in 1999, it was proved that people who took a small amount of alcohol, did not show any change in the trend towards mortality compared with completely abstainers. But for people who drank about 7 liters of beer a week, the chance of dying from a stroke was twice as high as for non-drinkers.

We must also remember that any alcohol can lead to fainting. In addition, alcohol can cause weakness in the body, you may begin to feel dizzy, but this will not be due to intoxication, but due to expansion. blood vessels. Also, when drinking beer, it becomes possible to get varicose veins and heart enlargement - the so-called " beer heart”, - which leads to flabbiness of the heart muscle and inhibition of the functions of the living motor of the heart. Nowadays, to save money, cobalt compounds are added to beer for greater foaming. Such compounds add the risk of occurrence.

Few people know that drinking beer, due to hops, which contain soft and hard resins, there is an increased risk of colon cancer. Although even in the good old books, hops are considered beneficial for the body.

Also, not the most pleasant facts about beer speak of sexual changes in the body. With the constant use of beer in men, the release of testosterone is suppressed and instead of the male hormone, female hormones are produced. As a consequence of this, in men, breasts appear and the pelvis expands. And in women with frequent use, there is a greater likelihood of getting cancer. At the same time, women, like men, undergo a replacement of hormones: subsequently, mustaches grow and the voice coarsens. It is forbidden for a nursing mother to drink beer, as the child may have epileptic seizures.

We must realize that the impact on human health beer is huge. Because of this simple drink brain cells die and many body functions are disrupted, and there are many other, sometimes incurable diseases.

Therefore, it is strongly advised not to drink beer at all or to drink in the most minimal quantities.

Every person who drinks alcohol every day inevitably becomes an alcoholic. How quickly he gets drunk depends on many factors: gender, age, weight, health status and the presence of concomitant diseases. Unfortunately, in almost all chronic alcoholics, the normal functioning of organs and systems is disturbed, which often leads to death.

Alcoholics die either from an overdose of alcohol, or from severe damage to the heart, liver, brain, kidneys and other vital organs. Unfortunately, the cause of death is often suicide committed while intoxicated. This article will tell not only about the dangers of alcohol, but also about how long alcoholics live, what they usually get sick with and what diseases most often die from.

Fact! According to statistics, the average life expectancy of an alcoholic is 48-55 years. Many drunkards die at a younger age from an overdose of alcohol.

Everyone knows that regular alcohol consumption leads to the formation of physical addiction from alcohol. Men and women who are accustomed to drinking even a small amount of beer, wine or vodka every day can no longer refuse it on their own. As a rule, over time they begin to drink more and more. It is useless to force such people to give up alcohol - they can be cured only by drug or psychotherapeutic coding.

Ethyl alcohol is a toxic substance that is harmful to the body, in fact, is a poison. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, it is rapidly absorbed by the mucosa. oral cavity, esophagus, stomach and intestines. From there, alcohol enters the bloodstream and is carried with it throughout the body. However, it not only causes a feeling of euphoria, but also causes serious harm to health.

long alcohol intoxication leads to the death of a large number nerve cells, hepatocytes, nephrocytes, causes agglutination of erythrocytes. All this entails hypoxia and necrosis (destruction) of the tissues of various organs, leading to disruption of their normal functioning. An alcoholic develops serious illnesses that can ultimately shorten his life significantly.

The most notable effects of drinking are:

  • slowing down of thought processes, deterioration of memory and concentration, decreased ability to work;
  • puffy face, the appearance of pastosity or swelling on the face and any other parts of the body;
  • deterioration in the appearance of the skin, dry hair, brittle nails, coarsening of the voice in women;
  • heavy breathing, shortness of breath and cough may occur;
  • a significant decrease in immunity, leading to increased susceptibility to infectious diseases;
  • alcoholic degradation of the personality, which consists in narrowing the range of interests, problems in communicating with loved ones, loss of interest in anything, with the exception of drinking.

It is known that some people can drink for many years, live a full life, while feeling relatively well. This can be explained by good heredity and resistance to the action of ethyl alcohol. The liver of these people is able to completely break down and remove alcohol, so they can drink for many years in a row. However, their internal organs are still affected, and their state of health can hardly be called ideal.

Consequences of daily drinking

If a person drinks for a long time, it becomes noticeable even to strangers. However, chronic drunkenness affects not only appearance alcoholic. Along with this, changes occur in almost all internal organs. At first, this may not manifest itself in any way, but after a few years, health deteriorates noticeably. Whether this can be avoided depends on the person himself.

Chronic alcoholics often suffer from mental disorders. They often develop alcoholic psychoses - hallucinosis, paranoia, delirium tremens, alcoholic delusions of jealousy, Korsakov's syndrome. Such people become inadequate even when sober, which is quite dangerous both for themselves and for those around them.

Consequences of long-term daily drinking:

  • Damage to the liver with subsequent violation of its detoxification function, necrosis of hepatocytes, development of hepatitis, cirrhosis and fibrosis. The liver becomes unable to purify the blood from ethyl alcohol and harmful products metabolism. As a result, almost all human organs begin to suffer from constant exposure to harmful toxins.
  • Mental disorders and neurological disorders. Alcoholics may develop alcoholic encephalopathy, dementia, epilepsy, polyneuropathy, or other neuropsychiatric disorders. This will inevitably happen if a person drinks alcohol every day for a long time.
  • Violation of normal operation digestive system. In alcoholics, there is an increased activity of the salivary glands, which is why they produce an excess amount of saliva. Often there is indigestion, heartburn and other unpleasant sensations. Perhaps the appearance of gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis. Many develop cancer of the stomach, esophagus, or mouth.
  • sexual dysfunction. In men who abuse alcohol, libido decreases, sexual desire and self-confidence disappear. It should be noted that systematic drunkenness often leads to impotence. Concerning drinking women They are often diagnosed with infertility.

Chronic alcoholics always have problems at work, in the family and circle of friends. They are no longer interested in anything except alcohol. This often leads to dismissal, frequent quarrels with loved ones, divorces, loss of contact with friends, abandonment of favorite hobbies and hobbies. The social circle of drunkards narrows sharply. As a rule, everything free time they spend with drinking companions.

The more alcohol a person drinks every day, the faster it degrades. It should be noted that due to physiological characteristics, women drink much faster than men. If the latter can drink a little over the course of many years, then the fair sex will become alcoholics after 2-3 years. And getting rid of alcohol addiction is much more difficult for them than for men.

How long do people live with alcoholism

Many people are interested in how much alcohol shortens life. It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer, because each organism reacts in its own way to the effects of ethyl alcohol. How long drunkards live depends on many factors. Of great importance is the quantity and quality of alcohol consumed. People who drink a glass of natural red wine every day can live for many years, while maintaining excellent health. But people who drink cheap vodka, moonshine or alcohol-containing substances that are not intended for internal use are at great risk of dying not only from defeat internal organs but also from acute intoxication.

According to statistics, an alcoholic lives on average up to 48-55 years. Moreover, drunkards, women and persons who began to abuse alcohol at a young age die much earlier than those who carefully monitor the amount of alcohol they drink. People who are at the highest risk are last stage alcohol addiction. As a rule, they live no more than 6-7 years and die from serious diseases.

The most common causes of death for alcoholics are:

  • cancer, perforated stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis and fibrosis of the liver;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes, paralysis;
  • myocardiopathy, myocardial infarction, sudden coronary death;
  • malignant neoplasms of the breast and female genital organs;
  • acute or chronic alcoholic pancreatitis;
  • spontaneous death in a dream;
  • suicide committed while intoxicated.

Drunkards can die in more early age. For example, people aged 35-45 often die from ethyl alcohol intoxication. At autopsy, pathologists diagnose acute alcohol poisoning. Drunk youth often get into fights, commit murders or suicides.

Fact! It can even lead to death single use a large amount of alcohol. A lethal dose is considered to be 450-500 ml pure alcohol or one and a half liters of vodka. Very dangerous and pathological intoxication that occurs after drinking a very small amount of alcoholic beverages.

is a term for a painful craving for beer. Although the concept is not an official diagnosis, this does not remove the severity of the problem. Abuse of beer is not considered as separate view alcoholism, however, is recognized as the fastest and shortest path to alcohol addiction. The peculiarity of beer alcoholism is that it develops rapidly and gradually, since beer is considered harmless. low alcohol drink and is not taken seriously by many.

This attitude towards beer is explained by the following reasons:

    Society perceives a person with a bottle of beer calmly, the drinker is not fully aware of the danger;

    The drink really has some relaxing effect and quite pleasant taste.

Beer alcoholism is considered by many to be less harmful to health than other types of addiction. Meanwhile, the disease is spreading rapidly, the number of people suffering from this disease is huge, while people do not believe that they need treatment.

It is very difficult to determine the presence of such a diagnosis in the early stages, later there are more clear indicators of a painful craving for beer.

Signs and symptoms of beer alcoholism

Signs of alcoholic beer addiction are in many ways similar to "vodka" alcoholism, since the point is not in the drink itself, but in the alcohol that it contains. But patients with a painful addiction to beer usually have a more neglected appearance at the time of contact with a specialist than lovers of stronger drinks.

Characteristic signs of beer alcoholism:

    Loose body;


    Noisy, heavy breathing;

    bags under the eyes;

    bluish complexion;

    The presence of an unrecoverable specific odor pickled apples or acetone, which indicates a violation of the functions of the pancreas, as well as an increased level of sugar in the blood.

In addition, such patients complain of weakness, pain in the lumbar region and right hypochondrium. In men, there is a sharp decrease in potency or its absence, there are problems with fertilization.

Under the influence of beer, the male hormone - testosterone - ceases to be produced and is replaced by a female one, which leads to the growth of the mammary glands in men, the expansion of the pelvis and the formation of obesity.

Symptoms psychological dependence from beer are:

    The need for a constant increase in the dose of the drink to obtain the initial effect of its effects;

    Frequent consumption of beer in large quantities;

    Lack of access to a drink causes irritation, aggressiveness;

    Intoxication is accompanied by loss of memory;

    Control over the situation disappears, a person begins to drink beer regardless of the place, time and company;

    Poor health and extensive swelling;

For beer alcoholism, periods of binge drinking are not typical, but the patient is applied to the bottle several times a day, so the state of sobriety does not have time to set in, therefore, such people are intoxicated for weeks, months, and sometimes even years.

Beer has a terrible effect on the body destructive impact. In terms of harmfulness, it can only be compared with moonshine, since only in them during alcoholic fermentation saved in in full poisonous compounds associated with alcohol: fusel oils, aldehydes, methanol, ethers. It is worth considering that beer can contain up to 14% alcohol, so it is not always reasonable to consider it a low-alcohol drink. Addiction develops three times faster than when using another alcohol, and psychologically a person does not feel danger and does not struggle with addiction.

The consequences of the systematic abuse of beer affect all organs and systems of the body:

    Heart - this organ greatly increases in size with beer alcoholism, there is even a special term "Bavarian heart", which means that the heart walls and cavities have expanded, become thicker, and necrosis has developed in the heart muscle. This effect is explained by the high concentration of cobalt, which exceeds the norm by 10 times. Large volume negatively affects the work of the heart taken alcohol and its saturation with carbon dioxide. Once in the body, beer literally overwhelms the circulatory system, causing expansion of blood vessels and the boundaries of the heart. A “kapron stocking” syndrome appears, in which the heart muscle significantly increases in size, becomes flabby, sags and pumps blood worse;

    The brain - the cells of this organ die due to alcohol, enter the bloodstream, then the kidneys and are excreted in the urine. With beer alcoholism, the destructive effect is even greater than with the use of vodka, because in beer, among other things, harmful substances, there is a semblance of cadaveric poison - cadaverine. The systematic use of a foamy drink reduces a person's learning ability, intelligence indicators fall. Without proper treatment, beer alcoholism is fraught with dementia;

    Nervous system- beer is different in that it contains psychoactive substances that can produce a slight stupefying effect. Consequently, a person is exposed not only to the effects of alcohol, but also to sedatives. Over time, without beer, it is impossible to relax and calm down. Doses of the drink grow, alcoholic excesses occur, memory deteriorates. Narcologists equate beer with drugs and note its ability to provoke aggressiveness, which explains numerous examples of beer gatherings ending with murders, fights, robberies and rapes;

    Hormonal background – toxic substances and salts of heavy metals contained in beer change the endocrine system. The production of testosterone in men is suppressed, which leads to the feminization of the male population. Fat accumulates on the hips and sides, the mammary glands grow, the pelvis expands. Women who drink beer frequently are at risk of infertility or cancer. Their voices grow coarse and “beer mustaches” appear. If a nursing mother drinks beer, her child may begin epileptic;

    Childbearing functions- beer alcoholism provokes changes in the testicles and ovaries. The seminiferous tubules are reborn and the connective tissues of the parenchyma of the testicles grow. The toxic effect on the adrenal glands inhibits the production of androgens, which are responsible for sexual desire, as a result, its decrease or complete absence is observed;

    Gastrointestinal tract - his organs are in continuous tension, especially the liver. The systematic consumption of beer leads to a weakening of the infectious barrier, the occurrence of foci of inflammation and cirrhosis. "Palpable liver" is one of the most common comorbidities. beer alcoholism symptoms. Ethyl alcohol irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach, provokes inflammation and. The self-defense mechanisms of the stomach try to cope with the situation and produce more mucus until they atrophy. As a result, digestion is disturbed, food stagnates in the intestines, causing severe pain. It has been proven that excessive consumption of beer contributes to the development of colon cancer;

    Kidneys - beer has a pronounced diuretic effect and promotes leaching from the body useful substances: proteins, amino acids, trace elements and vitamins (eg magnesium, potassium, vitamin C). This leads to numerous health problems. Violated under the influence of beer and acid-base balance, which causes the kidneys to work in emergency mode. This situation leads to the fact that the renal vessels become thinner and there is a threat of hemorrhage.

Breaking free from the craving for beer is difficult. This is explained by the fact that beer alcoholism can be considered a "semi-drug addiction" due to the content of narcotic substances in the drink. Therefore, the amount of care needed by the patient increases, and course treatment is required.

Beer alcoholism is usually formed at a young age, when the mechanisms of codependency are very strong, so the intervention of a specialist is required to correct them.

Inpatient treatment for beer addiction is aimed at eliminating the main consequences addiction, namely:

    Removal of excess fluid from the body;

    Stimulation of the work of damaged organs;

    Cleansing the blood with detox solutions.

Only the patient himself, with the support of a psychotherapist and a narcologist, can completely and forever get rid of beer alcoholism.

There are no drugs that would treat alcoholism, but there are drugs used in the fight against addiction. They are divided into those that cause alcohol intolerance, reduce the craving for it, or alleviate a hangover.

The main stage on the path to recovery is the awareness of the presence of a problem, that is, addiction. The person should then start looking for a way to stop drinking beer.

Sometimes a strong-willed decision, supported by an understanding of the magnitude of the threat, is enough. If this method does not justify itself, you can try to reduce the dosage of the drink. You just need to do it consistently and rigorously.

Drinking is often associated with a certain ritual, habit, lifestyle, so you need to change it. For example, those who are used to spending their evenings at home watching TV with beer should try to spend their free time with something else, such as walking around the city, sauna or exercising in a fitness club. A change of scenery can help take your mind off the need to drink alcohol.

An additional motivation can be a cash reward, when a person throws into the piggy bank the amount that is usually spent on beer every day. And six months later, he can buy some useful and desirable thing for these funds or go on vacation.

Along with these methods, it is worth seeking professional help, this will help solve the problem in a complex and in a shorter time.

Beer alcoholism is a dangerous disease that cannot be diagnosed for a long time and is not realized by the patient himself, causes serious disorders in the body, and subsequently is difficult to treat and is fraught with serious complications.

Read also:

Alcoholism is a mental illness, the excessive consumption of alcohol. As a result of constant intoxication, a person's health deteriorates, his ability to work, well-being and moral values ​​fall. Alcoholism is also characterized by the fact that a person becomes addicted to alcohol.

Many people think that beer is pretty harmless. alcoholic drink. However, scientists who study the problem of alcoholism say that it is impossible to separate alcoholic drinks according to their harmfulness. In fact, none of them are harmless.

Producers of beer impose advertising on society, which is aimed at increasing its sales. She claims that beer is a low-alcohol drink and even healthy. But it's not. Some beers have a high alcohol content. It reaches 14%, almost like in wines. In the Soviet Union, the strength of beer was only 1.5 - 2.8%.

Drinking people do not consider "beer alcoholism" such a serious disease as "vodka" or "wine". But in vain. After all, its consequences for the body are much more destructive.

Symptoms and signs of beer alcoholism

The development of beer alcoholism is slower than its other types. Dependence on beer has its own characteristics and this allows us to consider it a separate type of alcohol addiction.

And although gambrinism (from the Latin gambrinismus- beer alcoholism) among physicians is considered not entirely correct, and such a diagnosis has not yet been made to anyone, but nevertheless this term is quite often used in the media. Narcologists dislike the expression "beer alcoholism" because, by analogy, wine, vodka and cognac addictions should be distinguished. And yet, some scientists argue that gambrinism is a special form of alcoholism.

The basic principle of the development of dependence on beer is “long and almost imperceptible”. A person who consumes no more than 2 bottles of beer a day does not feel any special changes in his condition. Just pleasant relaxation. However, behind his short periods lies real alcoholism. It reinforces in the brain an irresistible desire to experience this state on a daily basis and leads to frequent use beer.

Signs characteristic of beer alcoholism are:

  • Drinking beer in the morning to get rid of a hangover.
  • Insomnia at night and.
  • Regular (every day) consumption of beer at least 1 liter.
  • Inability to relax without stimulants.
  • Aggression during periods of forced sobriety, irritability during the disruption of planned drinks.
  • An increase in the abdomen, which is often called beer.

If at first a person does not drink beer every day, then later he wants to drink more and more often. foamy drink. It ends with the fact that the drinker is unable to refuse his daily use. The dose of the drunk potion is increased many times over. In very severe cases, an alcoholic can consume up to 15 liters of drink per day.

With beer alcoholism, a hangover is similar to that of ordinary alcoholism, but it is removed much harder. In addition to the fact that the patient has headache He also suffers from severe diarrhea.

Female beer alcoholism

Many of the symptoms of beer alcoholism in women are the same as those in men. But besides them, there are such signs as:
  • Unwillingness to take care of the family.
  • Capriciousness
  • Self-digging.
  • Tearfulness.

Beer alcoholism in women develops faster and is much more difficult to treat. Therefore, at the slightest manifestation of it, it is urgent to contact a narcologist and follow all his instructions.

Beer addiction in teenagers

Teenage beer alcoholism is just as common as adults. It is aggravated by the fact that the child, due to his own naivety, cannot realize the perniciousness of the regular intake of alcoholic beverages. A growing body gets used to beer many times faster than an adult, so children need to be closely monitored.

Parents should be alert for symptoms such as:

  • Closure.
  • Decreased performance.
  • The appearance of irritability.
  • Deception.
  • Late festivities.
  • Escape from family problems.

Important: 99% of drug addicts started their drug "career" with cigarettes and beer.

If these signs are found, it is urgent to take the child to a drug treatment clinic.

Dangerous consequences of beer alcoholism

If you regularly use a "soft" drink, then the body will definitely fail. After all, beer contains alcohol toxins (if you drink a lot of beer, then toxins also enter the hazardous quantities) and harmful compounds that significantly impair the metabolic processes and functions of all vital systems and organs:


First of all, the heart suffers. The German professor Boliger called the heart of beer lovers "bull", as its walls thicken significantly, the cavities expand, and cells in the heart muscle die. The culprit of this pathology is cobalt, which is used as a foam stabilizer. The content in the heart of this element in people who abuse beer is 10 times higher than the norm. The same element causes inflammation in the stomach and esophagus. Violates the work of the heart and carbon dioxide, which is contained in beer in huge quantities. Beer, getting into the body, overflows the vessels circulatory system. The result is an expansion of the boundaries of the heart and. In people who abuse the foamy drink, there is a syndrome of "kapron stocking". At the same time, the heart sags, increases in size, becomes flabby and copes very poorly with the function of the “pump” (pumps blood).

Endocrine system

Toxic substances contained in beer disrupt the endocrine system. When it regular use a substance is released that inhibits).

  • In men who drink beer, fat reserves begin to be deposited according to the female type: on the sides, hips, the pelvis increases. In addition, beer significantly weakens interest in fair sex. For 15 years of drinking a drink made from hops.
  • If a woman drinks beer, then her voice becomes rough, as well as cancer. Breastfeeding mothers raise children with a high predisposition to epilepsy.


Doctors have found that people who systematically consume beer are often diagnosed with an enlarged liver, which further leads to the development of cirrhosis.


Beer kills brain cells. They enter the bloodstream, are filtered by the kidneys and are removed from the body along with urine.

Other organs and systems

A person drinking beer develops diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, hypertension, neuropathy, auditory and visual analyzers are affected. With beer alcoholism, hyponatremia and lactic acidosis develop. Alcoholics get into medical institutions in a very neglected state, with marked dementia.

Stages of development of beer alcoholism

Dependence on beer is divided into stages:

1. Light form dependencies. It is not able to notice neither the immediate environment of the drinker, nor he himself. A person randomly takes beer first on holidays, then with colleagues, friends (not every day) several times a week. It ends daily use 1 - 2 bottles of foamy drink.

2. In the next stage, a person becomes irritable, aggressive, and there are problems with relaxation. Beer alcoholics drink daily, although they don't drink themselves out of control. The dose of the drink you drink can be very large (up to 15 liters of beer per day). At this stage, the urgent help of a narcologist is needed.

Causes of addiction

When preparing a foamy drink, hops are used. This plant is the closest relative of hemp (they can be crossed and get hybrids). Everyone knows that cannabis is a drug, just like hashish and marijuana. Naturally, hops also contain narcotic substances, only in smaller quantities, and ethyl alcohol can be classified as a potent drug. Therefore, beer alcoholism is formed quickly and almost imperceptibly. Narcologists say that unhealthy addiction appears even after non-alcoholic beer, worse than that, alcoholics have symptoms of drug withdrawal.

Treatment of beer alcoholism

Many people are interested in the question: "How to get rid of beer alcoholism?"

First, you need to remember that when you refuse to use harmful drink Drinking will never be resumed! Since it is disturbed in the brain, the normal reaction to alcohol-containing drinks will also never be restored. The slightest use of them will surely lead to a breakdown. Even refraining from drinking for decades does not guarantee that a person will be able to drink culturally. As they say, former alcoholics can not be.

The complexity of beer alcoholism is that addiction to beer is much stronger than to vodka. And if a person stops drinking, then you have to go to the end.

Alcoholism requires a long and persistent treatment. It is necessary that the patient himself admit his addiction to beer and wish to be cured, since compulsory treatment of beer alcoholism is completely useless.

There are several methods of curing the disease:
  • Hypnosis.
  • laser coding.
  • Medications.
  • With the help of folk remedies.

First of all, the alcoholic must be taken out of binge and the consequences of alcohol intoxication must be eliminated, and then the unhealthy addiction to it must be suppressed.

Prevention of beer alcoholism

1. Formation among the population of the opinion that alcohol can cause great harm to health. It is necessary to conduct explanatory conversations with adolescents, both parents and teachers.

2. Providing people with normal social conditions. For example, children raised in dysfunctional families are more likely to develop beer addiction.

3. The state plays a huge role in the prevention of alcoholism. The adoption of the necessary laws, of course, will be able to regulate the situation with alcoholic beverages in the country. For example, a ban on advertising of this drink helped to significantly reduce the consumption of beer.

It is important: Most effective method the fight against alcoholism is its prevention. It is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

You must be aware that beer alcoholism is a great danger to people. After all, beer is a drug. And it is very easy to fall into his trap, especially for teenagers, when everyone around is drinking a foamy drink like water. And for many young people, this behavior is a lifestyle. Starting to drink beer is easy, because it is sold on every corner. But getting rid of the consequences of its use is very difficult. But if problems have already arisen, you need to stop immediately, if not by yourself, then with the help of a doctor.
