
Online blood alcohol calculator. Alcohol calculator for drivers - how much you can drive

Since 2013, the concept of permissible per mille of alcohol in the blood has been returned to Russia. What this concept means and what it is connected with - we will understand.

What is it, ppm?

Of course, with the advent of cars, there was a need to accurately determine whether or not alcohol is present in the driver's body. Promille came in handy for this. Contrary to popular belief, this concept does not have to be associated only with alcohol. Ppm is a mathematical term meaning a thousandth of a whole. If you translate it into a percentage, then 1 ppm will be 0.1, or 1/10 percent. The name comes from the Latin expression per mille, which translates to "a thousand". Denoted - respectively - ‰. In addition to determining the mass fractions of various substances in solutions (as happens with the salinity of water), the slope of the railway track is measured in ppm. However, we are only interested in alcohol.

Promille is a lot or a little

Usually people are used to thinking that the unit is a reference point and a priori represents a small value. However, in relation to the per mille of alcohol in human blood, such a statement is fundamentally wrong. A bottle of vodka drunk alone by a man weighing 75 kilograms is about 2.5 ppm, and an indicator of 5 ppm is considered a lethal dose of alcohol. If you count, then one can of beer contains 0.32 ppm of ethyl alcohol, 100 grams of vodka - 0.55, and a bottle of wine with a strength of 12% - 0.7. Using these data, you can approximately determine how much per mille of alcohol was consumed in a particular case. Of course, such calculations will be very approximate.

Factors Affecting Absorption

When calculating whether the permissible norm per mille of alcohol will be exceeded, it must be taken into account that several factors influence their number at once. Firstly, they will depend on the sex, weight and health of the person. Agree, a healthy man weighing under a hundred kilograms needs to consume a much larger dose of alcohol than a teenager or a woman. Secondly, of course, the strength of the alcoholic beverage and the amount of alcohol consumed are important. It is necessary to take into account the quality and quantity of the snack that accompanied the intake of alcohol. It has long been known that if the latter is absent, then, in addition to the fact that intoxication will come faster, traces of the presence of alcohol will persist for a longer time.

Absorption and excretion of alcohol

In order for the norm per mille of alcohol not to be exceeded, it is necessary to take into account the rate of absorption and excretion of alcohol. It is believed that the maximum concentration in the blood, depending on the strength of the drink and the accompanying snack, will be reached in the interval from half an hour to two hours. Despite the fact that the use of alcohol immediately before the trip is strictly prohibited, nothing is said about the taboo on its use the day before it. If the driver nevertheless allowed himself too much, then in order not to exceed the permissible ppm of alcohol, they are usually guided by the following data:

    an average man, weighing about 80 kilograms, after drinking a bottle of weak beer (0.5 l), can drive not earlier than in two hours, and if the beer was strong, then after three;

    100 grams of vodka will be detained for three hours, and 300 - for eleven;

    large doses of strong alcohol make it necessary to postpone the trip for at least seventeen hours.

How about in other countries?

Enlightened Europe is much more tolerant of how much per mille of alcohol is acceptable. In many of its countries, as well as the states of America, people are allowed to drive, whose indicators do not exceed 0.5 ppm. In some countries, such as Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg, and even the UK, the permitted per mille of alcohol while driving is 0.8. However, exceeding this dose is fraught with hefty fines (if the primary violation can cost $500, then up to $5,000 for the second, and up to $10,000 for the third) and deprivation of rights. Drivers in Burundi, the Cayman Islands and Lesotho can afford 1 ppm of alcohol while driving. And there are absolutely no restrictions on the amount of alcohol in the blood in Bhutan, the Dominican Republic, the Congo and some other countries, but, as a rule, law-abiding tourists are not recommended to visit these countries.

There are also states on whose territory there is no such thing as permissible per mille of alcohol for a driver. These include the Czech Republic, Hungary, Azerbaijan, Liechtenstein. On the territory of these states, the presence of any amount of alcohol in the blood of a person driving is not allowed by law. In Japan, which also belongs to the countries where they support the "dry law" for drivers, they went even further. If the driver is drunk, then not only he pays the fine, but also all adult passengers. In addition, even waiters and bartenders are prohibited from bringing alcohol to a person if it is known for sure that he is driving. Violation of this rule may result in license revocation.

Alcohol (ppm) in Russia

In our state, the situation with admissible norms has already changed several times. Until 2010, it was possible to get behind the wheel with readings not exceeding 0.3‰. However, at the suggestion of Dmitry Medvedev, who at that time held the post of President of the Russian Federation, amendments were made to the law that introduced a zero rate, that is, the result of the check should have been an indicator of 0.0‰. This decision was made ambiguously and became the reason that over the next three years there was a mass deprivation of the rights of drivers whose testimony was within the error of breathalyzers. Then it was decided to involve the scientific community in solving this problem. The result was another reform carried out in 2013. She determined no longer the permissible alcohol limit for drivers, but the total error of the device at 0.16 milligrams per liter (which is 0.356‰).

Where did the figure 0.16 mg/l come from?

After it was officially recognized that all devices have a certain error, all the necessary tests were carried out, which revealed that the error of the most common breathalyzers, whose range of measured concentrations starts from 0.5 mg / l, is from 0.02 to 0.05. Based on these figures, milligrams of alcohol per liter of exhaled air were chosen as the unit of measurement for inclusion in the notes of the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation. In order for the rights of drivers not to be violated, the error values ​​were taken with a triple margin - 0.05 x 3 + 0.01 "just in case". However, it is emphasized that this value refers specifically to the error of instruments and individual physiological characteristics of the body, and is in no way an indulgence for alcohol consumption.

mg/l and ppm

To date, the amount of alcohol in the body is determined based on two values. One of them is ppm, and the other is milligrams per liter of air that is exhaled. In official legislation, the permissible norms of alcohol are indicated precisely in the latter. To convert one value to another, you need to remember that 0.1 ppm is 0.045 mg / l.


How an inspection is carried out

First of all, it should be noted that there are two types of examination for the state of intoxication. This is a procedure that is carried out by a traffic police officer on the spot and the actual medical examination. The following factors may serve as the basis for its implementation:

    refusal of the driver to conduct an examination on the spot;

    if the driver is suspected of committing a crime against road safety.

Please note - without the traffic police inspector carrying out the necessary measures on the spot, that is, without the protocol and data of the alcohol test or the driver's refusal to undergo an examination, also documented, a referral to a medical. verification is illegal.

As for the examination by the traffic police officer, he can stop you, guided by the following signs:

    the smell of alcohol;

    uncertain movements;

    speech disorder;

    change in skin color;

    hand tremor;

    inappropriate behaviour.

However, having stopped, he must explain the procedure, present data on the verification of the device, which will be examined and make sure of its integrity. In addition, the inspector must provide two witnesses (his colleagues will not fit), who will have to witness the act or the procedure must be filmed with a video camera.

Possible results

If the breathalyzer showed less than the permissible 0.3 ppm, then you may be released, but may also be sent for a medical examination. Do not refuse it - this can provoke automatic deprivation of rights.

If the test shows that alcohol (ppm) exceeds the allowable value, then the driver may not agree with this. And then he must be sent to a medical institution. At the same time, it is worth making sure that the certificate of the breathalyzer is attached to the inspection report, which indicates the data on the device, information about the driver, the time and result of the examination, as well as the data of the inspector and his signature. If intoxication is confirmed, then make sure that the act indicates the reason that caused it (the wording “unidentified substance” is not accepted now).

The driver may refuse to conduct the survey. In this case, a document is also drawn up, in which the fact of refusal is recorded and certified by the signatures of attesting witnesses. In this case, the traffic police officer must lead the driver to the place where the medical examination will be carried out. If in honey. institution, the fact of drinking alcohol was refuted, then the traffic police must deliver the driver to the place where the suspension from driving occurred.

Liability for drunk driving

Considering that alcohol intoxication is becoming a frequent cause of dangerous situations and offenses on the road, penalties are constantly growing. Today, at the first detection of a drunk driver, regardless of the degree of intoxication, he loses his license for up to two years and is subject to a fine of 30 thousand rubles. The same penalties are imposed on drivers who refuse to be examined. Repeated violation is punishable by a fine of 50 thousand, and the rights of a person are deprived of for three years. If at the time of the violation the driver was already deprived of his rights, then arrest for 15 days is possible.

Despite the rather harsh penalties, the latter can be increased. Proposals are being considered to increase the amount of fines to 500 thousand and lifelong deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle.

- the time of splitting alcohol in the blood in men.

- the time of splitting alcohol in the blood in women.

Number of mugs/glasses/glasses
Beverage (capacity) 1 2 3 4 5
Beer (0.5 l) 2 h 6 h 5 h 12 h 7 h 18 h 9 h 24 hours 12 h 30 h
Wine (200 ml) 3 h 7 h 6 h 14 h 8 h 21 h 11 o'clock 29 h 14 h 36 h
Champagne (200 ml) 2 h 4 h 3 h 8 h 5 h 13 h 7 h 17 h 8 h 22 h
Cognac (50 ml) 2 h 5 h 4 h 10 h 6 h 13 h 8 h 21 h 10 h 26 h
Vodka (100 ml) 4 h 10 h 7 h 19 h 11 o'clock 29 h 15 h 29 h 19 h 38 h

Please note that these data cannot be absolutely accurate! Everything depends on the human body.

Blood alcohol table: effect on the body

BrAC, mg/liter (in exhaled air) Promille, g/liter (in blood) Final state
External manifestations
0 — 0, 29 0 — 0, 4 Sobriety, behavior
with external
Some inadequacy in behavior, noticeable mainly to those who know the person closely: colleagues, friends, relatives. Excessive talkativeness, the mood “on the rise” is distinguished to a certain extent by an obsessive character, which is associated with the cultural and intellectual development of the individual. Permissible blood alcohol. It is important to use a breathalyzer in order to “cool down” yourself in time and not get fined by the traffic police.
0, 15 — 0, 5 0, 3 — 1, 0

euphoric state,
"sassy" behavior

Unjustified self-esteem, confidence in one's behavior, violation of social rules or morality. Poor focus and threat assessment. There is no longer, in fact, control over coordination. The state of intoxication (blood alcohol content) is often rejected. There is a high probability of being in an accident and being left without a driver's license.
0, 40 — 1, 0 0, 8 — 2, 0 excited
somewhat inappropriate behavior
Wrong gait, distortion of perceptions. Slow response. Possible nausea. Sleepy state. Anger-fear-apathy. Estimates of the environment are distorted.
"Kamikaze behind the steering wheel".
Conflicts with the police are difficult for the patient.
0, 70 — 1, 20 1, 40 — 2, 4 Psychotic, severely inappropriate behavior
disorientated state. Stuck in anger, fear, or grief. Sometimes he does not see the color, the form (including the police, which ends in tears). The response is extremely bad. Pain is muted. The balance is broken, speech too. Possibly coma.
"Will go far."
1, 10 — 1, 60 2, 2 — 3, 2 Stupor, severe apathy
Apathy, lethargy, with a weak body - paralysis. Exciters don't work. "Vlezhka". Vomiting, "walks under itself." Possible death, but there is a chance to lie down.
1, 50 — 2, 0 3, 0 — 4, 0 State near death, clinical coma
Coma. Suppressed or absent reflexes. Hypothermia (low temperature). Circulation and respiration function poorly. Possible lethal outcome.
1, 90+ 3, 8+ Death Death due to respiratory paralysis.

Alcohol in the blood: reasonable limits, and what is beyond them

In different people with different levels of alcohol in the blood, external manifestations may differ. This is taken into account when conducting a forensic analysis, especially abroad. There are a whole range of computer programs and calculations to determine the individual allowable amount of alcohol in the blood.

Above are tables on the content of alcohol in a person’s blood, on the degree of influence of alcohol in the blood on the behavior and emotional state of a person, as well as how long alcohol stays in the blood after drinking it, depending on the amount of this “potion” taken.

Alcohol in the blood is not appropriate in a good way, if it is not meant, which is permitted by law, and in some people it is always present (alcohol, like a large number of other chemicals, is naturally present in the human body). Alcohol in the blood increases its content at banquets and holidays. Drinking alcohol is a very ancient tradition that exists in almost all human cultures. By the way, the Bible does not forbid drinking within reasonable limits, as long as wine drinking does not turn into an uncontrolled passion.

But I appeal, readers, know the measure! To what extent alcohol can soar in the blood, the table clearly showed, from there you can see what it is fraught with.

It is already known that death occurs when blood alcohol reaches 4 ppm .. this is in theory. Exceptions happen in everything. A case of impossible, just hellish intoxication has been recorded. In 2005, a 67-year-old resident of Bulgaria was hit by a car, in the hospital he was diagnosed with an alcohol level of 9.14 ppm! The man, in theory, had to be at least twice dead, instead he spoke coherently and almost =) thought logically !!

How can you urgently reduce alcohol in the blood

It happens when it is necessary to urgently reduce the amount of alcohol in the blood. There are many ways for this. These are special medications, and numerous folk remedies. You can drink a glass of sunflower oil - not very pleasant, but it helps to clarify the mind, and it will treat you more neutrally;) Also known are going to the bathhouse, strong tea, coffee. If a drunk person has lost consciousness. you can rub his ears, the blood rushing to the head will slightly disperse the alcohol in the blood and slightly dispel the intoxication. Some quick sobriety methods overload the heart, be careful, for example, going to the bath while drunk or taking an ice cold shower! It is easier to initially control alcohol in the blood and not bring yourself to an extreme degree of intoxication.

"Need to eat"

By the way, the catchphrase "it is necessary to have a snack" did not come from scratch. After all, alcohol absorbed with food will be absorbed by the intestines much more slowly than on an empty stomach. So the snack affects the level of alcohol.

To control alcohol in the blood easily and without nerves, purchase or.

Any alcoholic drink contains, to a greater or lesser extent, the main component - ethyl alcohol (ethanol). As you know, alcohol is a good solvent and is widely used in industry. But, getting into the bloodstream, it behaves there in a similar way, and begins to instantly change its property, and with the bloodstream enters the brain and other organs.

This biological material consists of plasma and cells, one of them is erythrocytes. In another way, they are called red blood cells, the main function of which is gas exchange, thanks to the hemoglobin contained inside. Red cells are elastic and covered with a lubricant, which allows them to easily move through even the smallest vessels of the body, saturating all organs and tissues with oxygen. And due to the unipolar negative charge, red blood cells repel each other.

At the initial stage of intoxication, alcohol thins the blood and dilates blood vessels, but this effect is short-lived. Next comes vasospasm. Alcohol removes the electrical charge and removes the lubricant from the red cell, causing the red blood cells to stick together. This means that alcohol has a thrombogenic property and increases blood clotting.

The diameter of one erythrocyte varies from 7 to 10 microns, and the smallest diameter of the brain capillary is 8 microns. Accordingly, when erythrocytes stick together, they form large blood clots that clog the small vessels of organs. As a result, the brain is in a state of lack of oxygen (hypoxia). Hypoxia is perceived as a state of intoxication, part of the brain is simply disconnected from full-fledged work, a person experiences euphoria and freedom. Sleep in intoxication is an alcoholic coma, the body's reaction to hypoxia.

Red blood cell clots contain an average of 200-500 cells. Blood clots can clog not only very small vessels, so any organ can suffer. Addiction (harmful dependence) is capable of chronically changing indicators.

Blood alcohol measurement

The amount of ethanol is measured in ppm. 1 ppm is equal to 1 ml of pure ethyl alcohol in 1000 ml of blood, and is indicated by the sign ‰.

Degrees of alcohol intoxication in ppm:

  • The first degree is easy. 0.5 - 1.5 ‰. Occurs a few minutes after drinking alcohol. Muscles relax, fatigue disappears, mood rises and activity increases.
  • The second degree is medium. 1.5 - 2.5 ‰. Speech becomes less expressive, coordination of movements decreases. It is in the average degree of intoxication that a person is drawn to various adventures and showdowns, and aggressiveness increases.
  • The third degree is severe. 2.5 - 3 ‰. Speech and coordination of movements are disturbed. Possible loss of consciousness. This stage is often accompanied by amnesia.
  • The fourth degree is extremely severe. 3-4‰. The person is unable to move or speak. At this stage, a person does not recognize other people and does not understand what is happening at all.
  • The fifth stage is the lethal ethanol content. 5-6‰. Damage to the nervous system, heart and liver. The body cannot cope with such severe intoxication.

In some cases, a lethal outcome is also possible with an ethanol content of less than 5-6 ppm. It depends on the person's weight, physical condition, the presence of various diseases, in particular, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and cardiovascular system. The reaction to the degree of intoxication in ppm is individual.

Promille at the wheel

When examining for intoxication, breathalyzers are used. They analyze the vapors of ethyl alcohol in the exhaled air. Alcohol can be measured in both exhaled air and body fluids. The rate of alcohol in the driver's blood (on the territory of the Russian Federation) is approximately 0.3 ‰, which equals 0.16 mg / l in the air. What the measurements take place in is not important, the main thing is the indicator itself.

Deciphering the relationship between the content of ethyl alcohol in the blood and in the exhaled air:

Index in ppm ‰ Exhaled air value mg/l
0.1 0.045
0.2 0.09
0.3 0.135
0.4 0.18
0.5 0.225
0.6 0.27
0.7 0.315
0.8 0.36
0.9 0.405
1.0 0.45
1.1 0.495
1.2 0.54
1.3 0.585
1.4 0.63
1.5 0.675
1.6 0.72
1.7 0.765
1.8 0.81
1.9 0.855
2.0 0.9
2.1 0.945
2.2 0.99
2.3 1.035
2.4 1.08
2.5 1.125
2.6 1.17
2.7 1.215
2.8 1.26
2.9 1.305
3.0 1.35
3.1 1.395
3.2 1.44
3.3 1.485
3.4 1.53
3.5 1.575
3.6 1.62
3.7 1.665
3.8 1.71
3.9 1.755
4.0 and above 1.8 and above

Alcohol in the driver's blood should not exceed 0.16 (the norm in Russia). Many people are interested in the safe border of drinking alcohol. Of course, safe driving is possible only in a completely sober state, when the percentage of alcohol is physiologically low.

In the presence of 0.3-0.5 ppm of alcohol in the blood, the reaction slows down, driving accuracy is lost. Appears propensity and speeding. The perception of the distance to various objects, especially moving vehicles, is disturbed. Distance is not respected.

At 0.5-0.8 ‰ of alcohol while driving - impaired coordination of movements leads to errors in control, the feeling of distance to various objects is lost. Traffic signals are assessed inadequately.

Blood test for alcohol

This analysis is most often used in forensic medicine and provides more reliable and accurate information than the study of exhaled air with a breathalyzer. They also test for alcohol in case of an accident.

There are 3 methods to determine residual ethanol - gas chromatography method, enzyme analysis and Widmark method. The first 2 methods show the alcohol residue most accurately.

In addition to the detected ethyl alcohol, various blood parameters change: the level of uric and lactic acid rises, the level of triglycerides and cholesterol rises, the average volume of erythrocytes is increased, the enzyme gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase is also higher than normal.

It should be understood that a blood test for alcohol will not show how long ago a person drank. The value is the determination of alcohol only at the time of sampling of biological material, because. its concentration gradually decreases.

Time to remove alcohol from the body

The time of excretion of ethyl alcohol depends on many factors: age and gender, the amount and strength of the drink consumed, the quality of the drink and snack, and metabolic characteristics. The mass of a person plays the most significant role. 300 grams of vodka for a person weighing 45 and 110 kg is a huge difference.

Alcohol withdrawal table:

Drink Quantity Weight 60 kg Weight 70 kg Weight 80 kg Weight 90 kg Weight 100 kg
Beer 6% 100 gr 52min 45min 39min 35min 31min
300 gr 2h 37min 2h 14min 1h 57min 1h 44min 1h 34min
500 gr 4h 21min 3h 44min 3h 16min 2h 54min 2h 37min
Champagne and wine 100 gr 1h 36min 1h 22min 1h 12min 1h 4min 57min
300 gr 4h 47min 4h 46min 3h 35min 3h 11min 2h 52min
500 gr 7h 59min 6h 50min 5h 59min 5h 19min 4h 47min
Vodka 40% 100 gr 5h 48min 4h 58min 4h 21min 3h 52min 3h 29min
300 gr 17h 24min 14h 55min 13h 03min 11h 36min 10h 26min
500 gr 29h 24h 51min 24h 45min 19h 20min 17h 24min
Cognac 42% 100 gr 6h 5min 5h 13min 4h 34min 4h 4min 3h 39min
300 gr 18h 16min 15h 40min 13h 42min 12h 11min 10h 58min
500 gr 30h 27min 26h 06min 22h 50min 20h 18min 18h 16min

In people with greater weight, intoxication occurs more slowly, but the time for the withdrawal of alcohol is faster. In women, blood alcohol levels decrease more slowly than in men. The condition of the internal organs also affects the excretion of ethanol. The indicators of the table are general and conditional, and the body of each person is individual.

Alcohol is the strongest poison, and instantly changes the state and parameters of the blood, with which it enters all organs and tissues of the body. When drinking alcohol, you can calculate ppm in advance, and, having a breathalyzer, track the degree of intoxication, especially if you have to drive a vehicle. With accuracy, alcohol in the blood at the present time can only be shown by an analysis. Dependence on alcohol leads to chronic pathology and thrombosis.

Alcoholism is a deadly pathology that develops as a result of regular and prolonged use of alcohol-containing products. Dependence on alcohol is formed in a person at the physical and mental level. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people die from ethyl alcohol poisoning and chronic alcoholism.

A person under the influence of alcohol becomes dangerous to others. This is especially true for drunk drivers. According to statistics, accidents with a fatal outcome are more often committed by people under the influence of alcohol. What are the degrees of alcohol intoxication in ppm, it is important to know for every person - the owner of a car.

Alcohol affects each person differently.

To determine the concentration of alcohol in the human body, the unit of measurement is ppm. This is a Latin word and it means in translation “for a thousand”.

One ppm is equal to a thousandth of a specific number or is 1/10 of one percent.

To determine the presence of alcohol in the human body, a special device is used - a breathalyzer. The degree of intoxication is determined in ppm in the exhaled air, which a person produces in a special tube-mouthpiece.

What are the stages of intoxication depending on ppm

It is almost impossible to deceive this device, so there is no doubt about the reliability of the result. But how to determine your own intoxication if there is no tester at hand?

Determining the level of intoxication

When drinking alcohol, a person exhibits certain symptoms. They vary depending on the amount of alcohol consumed. With a mild degree of intoxication, the symptoms are as follows:

  • dizziness;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • incoherent speech;
  • unnatural shine of the eyes.

Symptoms of intoxication are growing, and even with a severe degree of alcohol intoxication, a person can lose consciousness, even memory. A highly intoxicated person will also have no reflexes to external stimuli; in the worst case, alcohol intoxication can lead to coma and death.

The degree of intoxication in ppm table

Specialists have developed a special system for classifying various degrees of intoxication with reference to ppm. Each degree has its own symptoms and in its own way affects the well-being and behavioral reactions of a person. For convenience, all data can be displayed in one table:

Stage of intoxication ppm Symptoms
first or easy 0,5-1,5 mood improves, self-esteem increases;

lethargy disappears, tension decreases;

slightly reduced speech and motor functions

second or middle 1,5-2,5

the conversation of the drunk becomes monotonous, speech expressiveness is lost;

initial euphoria is replaced by irritability;

there is aggressiveness towards others;

the sense of self-preservation disappears;

decreased memory and coordination

third or strong 2,5-3 the ability to coordinate their movements completely disappears;

there is a loss of hearing and visual abilities;

severe drowsiness develops;

the person may lose consciousness;

sometimes there is involuntary defecation and urination

fourth or heavy 3-4

the ability to move will be lost;

speech functions disappear;

a person does not recognize people, terrain;

full or partial amnesia (memory loss) is noted;

possible alcoholic coma, leading to death

fifth or deadly over 5this stage is characterized by complete damage to the central nervous system and the work of all internal organs, this degree of poisoning almost always leads to death

But this state of intoxication in ppm, given in the table, is considered average. Alcohol acts on a person individually and selectively.

What does drunkenness depend on?

The level and extent of the impact of alcohol on the human body depends on a number of many factors. It is noticed that in women the degree of intoxication develops much faster, especially on certain days of the monthly cycle.

What is the permissible level of alcohol in a person's blood

The form of intoxication is influenced by a number of physiological reasons, as well as additional ones that do not depend on human physiology.


  • the person's age and gender;
  • initial state of health;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • emotional state at the time of drinking.

Other factors affecting the degree of intoxication:

  • type of alcoholic beverage;
  • availability and quality of snacks.

In addition to the average degrees of intoxication, there is also an atypical form of intoxication. It occurs in people after a head injury of varying severity. Also, indicators of the stages of intoxication may diverge in persons suffering from chronic alcoholism.

alcohol withdrawal rate

The rate of elimination of alcohol also varies. If for women this figure averages 0.08-0.1 ppm per hour, then for men the process is faster - about 0.1-0.15 ppm every 60 minutes. This process is long and difficult, especially for the liver.

It has been proven that when drunk with an alcohol concentration of 2 ppm, the body will be cleansed of the decay products of ethyl alcohol and will fully return to normal only after 20-24 hours. This time also varies. For some, just a couple of hours is enough to sober up, while the other suffers from a long and severe hangover.

How much alcohol is excreted on average, depending on the type of alcohol

Therefore, it is almost impossible to determine the exact level of alcohol content in the body without having a breathalyzer at hand. Especially considering that the speed of intoxication is also variable. For some, a couple of sips of beer is enough, while the other retains clarity of thought even after a bottle of vodka.

When can you drive

In the blood of even a completely sober person, with a thorough examination, you can find natural alcohol. It contains about 0.3 ppm. This level is considered natural and the only one at which you can drive a vehicle in our country.

But in some foreign countries, the authorities are more loyal to drivers who drink alcohol. In such countries, the maximum ppm threshold for them is increased. For example:

  • German and French policemen wish you a good journey even if you find 0.5 ppm in your blood - there it is considered the maximum allowable rate;
  • but in Ireland and England, you can safely roll out while driving a car, being in a mild degree of intoxication, the maximum permissible rates there are even higher and amount to 0.8 ppm.

What threatens the violator

In Russia, there are very strict laws regarding drunk driving. If any degree of intoxication was recorded by the traffic police, the violator faces the following fines:

  1. At the first fixation of a violation, a fine of 30,000 rubles. Also, the car owner's rights are withdrawn for up to 2 years.
  2. With the second detention of this driver, the amount of penalties will already be about 50,000 rubles. Plus, the violator is already facing a real term of imprisonment for 10-15 days. He will lose his rights for 3 years.

How many ppm is in each type of alcohol

Again, alcohol affects each person differently. Moreover, alcohol can affect the same person differently at different times of the day and with a different physical and mental state of a person. If we take the average indicators, then they can be reduced to the following figures:

  • beer (0.5l): 0.5 ppm;
  • vodka (300 g) or beer (2.5 l): 1.2 ppm;
  • vodka (1 liter): 5 ppm.

That is, we can say that a couple of bottles of vodka for the average person can be a lethal dose. But, even being in a mild stage of intoxication, drivers can create dangerous situations on the road.

Alcoholism is a phenomenon that is the most dangerous in social terms. The number of individuals suffering from alcohol addiction is increasing every year. Recently, doctors often diagnose alcoholism even in very young teenagers. Remember that becoming an alcoholic is very simple and easy, but giving up addiction is much harder.

After drinking a small amount of beer, a driver's blood test can show the allowable alcohol limit. Alcohol abuse is a pressing problem in society. Many drivers after drinking alcoholic beverages feel free to drive. If a driver has indicators that are different from the permissible norm, the traffic police inspector has every right to detain.

How much can you drink while driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous. Ethyl alcohol has a destructive effect on the human body, disrupts vital processes. The driver, by simple calculations, can independently determine how much you can drink while driving and save yourself from punishment. Most beers contain 3-6% alcohol.

In a man weighing 75 kg, when drinking 100 g of beer, the alcohol content is 0.08 ppm (he received 0.08 g of alcohol per 1 kg of weight). This amount is 4 times less than the permissible norm of alcohol. The average man can consume no more than 400 grams of beer before driving. You can’t deceive your body: a bottle of beer shows the presence of alcohol above the norm. Ethyl alcohol neutralizes the liver, it does this at a rate of 0.1 ppm per hour for men and 0.085 for women. With a simple arithmetic trick, you can calculate when it will be completely neutralized.

What is the legal limit for alcohol

It is known that the permissible rate of alcohol is the amount per mille that can be contained in the blood of the driver or in the air exhaled by him. The numerical expression of this was shown as follows: 0.35 - the permissible content of alcohol in the blood, 0.16 - the permissible level of alcohol in the exhaled air. These indicators are determined using special devices. The allowable value is determined taking into account the possible error.

Permissible level of alcohol while driving in ppm

Assumes the permissible rate of alcohol while driving in ppm, the minimum amount of alcohol that does not cause deviations in the mental and physiological state. Driving a vehicle requires concentration, redistribution of attention, reaction speed, general stable emotional state and well-being. A drunk driver is a serious danger on the road. An indicator of 0.35 is an acceptable ppm rate that does not violate physiology and mental processes.

What is the legal limit for alcohol while driving?

Since 2013, the legal limit for alcohol while driving has been increased in the Russian Federation. This does not mean that the permitted ppm allow you to completely freely drive a vehicle while slightly intoxicated. The revision of the indicator (previously it corresponded to zero) is associated with the peculiarities of the digestion of certain foods and drinks, this list included:

  • non-alcoholic beer;
  • bread kvass;
  • sweet yeast baked goods;
  • fermented milk products (for example, kefir and yogurt);
  • orange and other fruit juices;
  • overripe bananas;
  • chocolate.

This group includes drugs (for example, alcohol tinctures), tobacco products. After taking these products, drugs, a small amount of ethanol enters the bloodstream, which is easily determined by a breathalyzer. Many drivers have been fined just because of their culinary preferences. For this reason, the allowable standards have been revised.

What is ppm

To calculate fractions of a whole, it is not always convenient to use percentages, because sometimes there is a need to operate, for example, with thousandths. The physical meaning of 1 ppm is a tenth of a percent. A ppm is a small, precise unit of measure for evaluating impurities in liquids, in thousandths. When determining alcohol in the blood, 1% is a very large indicator, therefore, smaller units are used to determine the degree of intoxication.

How to count ppm

Any driver needs to be able to correctly count ppm, especially after drinking alcohol, even if the feast took place the day before. The rate of alcohol neutralization depends on the strength of the drink, its volume, human body weight, the amount of fluid in the body, gender, individual characteristics of the body, and the physiological state of the liver.

0.1 ppm corresponds to 0.045 mg of alcohol per 1 liter, this may seem like a negligible numerical value, but it accurately determines the degree of intoxication. Drivers do not take into account the time indicator of "weathering" of ethanol and get behind the wheel. A glass of beer 6% (200 ml) will be completely neutralized by a human body weighing 80 kg only after 1 hour 57 minutes. This is important to know for any person who plans to drive after drinking alcohol.

In the absence of ready-made tables at hand, we learn to solve a simple problem: “The mass of a man is 82 kg. He drank 50 ml of vodka, the strength of which is 40% and plans to drive. The proportion of water in the body of men is about 70%. How many ppm will the device for determining the degree of intoxication show?

  1. We determine the mass of water using the proportion: 82 kg * 70%: 100% \u003d 57.4 kg.
  2. We consider the amount of pure ethanol: 500 ml * 0.4 = 200 ml. In grams, this is 200 ml * 0.79 = 158 g (0.79 is the density of pure ethanol). 100% alcohol content 158 ​​g - 10% = 142.2 g.
  3. 142.2/57.4 = 2.48. The indicator is far from the norm. It can mean deprivation of a driver's license and a trial.

Degrees of intoxication in ppm

Going on a trip while intoxicated is dangerous, because even the allowable amount of alcohol does not guarantee safety while driving. Three degrees of intoxication in ppm are generally accepted:

  1. From 0.8 to 1.2 - corresponds to the initial stage, there is a violation of the perception of distance, the angle of side vision is distorted, when the headlights are switched to high beam, the effect of temporary blindness is pronounced.
  2. From 1.3 to 2.4 - for a drunk person it is considered deep intoxication, the feeling of fear is dulled, attention is scattered, vision deteriorates, and the perception of reality changes.
  3. From 4 to 5 - severe intoxication of the body occurs, breathing is disturbed, loss of consciousness occurs, coma may develop.

At how many ppm are deprived of rights

The law defines the figure 0.35 as the permissible dose of alcohol. It is designed for drivers who take alcohol-containing drugs, taking into account the error of the breathalyzer. When converted to specific alcoholic beverages (male, weight 80 kg, measured in an hour), this is:

  • 50 g of vodka;
  • 200 g dry red wine;
  • 500 g of beer.

For traffic police officers, a driver with an indicator of 0.2 is considered sober. In case of initial detention and detection of an excess of the permissible norm, an administrative penalty (fine) is imposed, a ban on driving a vehicle for up to 2 years is introduced. They deprive the rights for 3 years, impose a fine of 50,000 rubles in the event of a repeated determination of exceeding the permissible norm for a drunk driver.

At the time of detention, the violator's alcohol content is determined. Produced exhalation into the breathalyzer provides such an opportunity. The inspector must draw up a protocol and record the established fact. According to the results of a medical examination, the driver may be threatened with the seizure of the vehicle, its temporary confiscation, deprivation of rights.

Permissible blood alcohol level in different countries

The legal blood alcohol limit is defined differently in different countries:

  • in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, a driver is still considered sober only at a zero mark;
  • Albania allows 0.1;
  • in Ukraine, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Poland, the permissible minimum is 0.2;
  • Russia, Moldova - 0.3;
  • Lithuania - 0.4;
  • Belarus, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Greece consider a driver sober at an indicator of 0.5;
  • 0.8 allow UK, Luxembourg, Malta, Ireland.

Video: How much ppm is allowed while driving
