
What to do if your friend is drunk. Talk about positive topics

Often waking up after drinking, feel regret for last night? Did you call your ex, spent all your money, or got into a fight? It is not right. This is the prerogative of stupid schoolchildren and carefree students. Adult men behave differently.

1. Lose control

Let's start with the fact that grown men do not get drunk to the squeal of a pig. In any state, you must control your words and actions. It is better not to drink too much than to drink too much. Don't overestimate your abilities main feature inexperienced students. If you feel that you are getting drunk quickly, go out to Fresh air eat more, skip toast and drink less.

When a person is drunk, he is not cool and not incredibly smart. Do not write statuses, messages and do not post photos on social networks when drunk. You will be ashamed of them in the morning, uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Do not take incriminating photos that you will look at with horror in the morning after drinking. Never make any evidence of your alcoholic adventures.

3. Make plans and promise

There is nothing more stupid than making plans and predicting your life for the future while drunk. You are not able to really overshadow the situation. No one needs to promise or offer anything. 99 out of 100 plans are not realized and even stupid. You'll look like a talker when you don't keep your promise. Do you need it?

4. Dance and sing

After taking alcoholic beverages, you usually want to play tricks. Are you drawn to the dance floor, despite your tangled legs and lack of clear coordination? Don't make others laugh! It will look ridiculous and pathetic, especially if you continue to perform new "cool" moves. People can post your efforts on YouTube. Do you want to be a YouTube star that the entire Internet makes fun of? The performance of songs, in the absence of hearing, is extremely unpleasant for others.

5. Make phone calls and sms

In your "alcohol" career, there have certainly been cases of drunk calls and messages. When you're drunk, emotions and old memories kick in. Be a man! Do not call ex-girlfriends, mistresses and friends. Do not sort things out in a moment of drunken weakness. You will regret these words. Better turn off your phone now.

6. Start a fight

Under the influence of alcohol, it is better to get away from the emerging conflict. A drunk person cannot adequately resist in a fight. Most likely he will be beaten up and made a laughingstock. And evidence of this fight will be on YouTube or in the "Street Fights" group on social networks. If you start a fight or a petty brawl, then do it sober. (see Bar fight)

7. Shop

Most spontaneous purchases fall on the "fun" state of a person. Going to the store or shopping online is best sober. Save your finances and your credit card. Ideally, it's best to leave excess cash and credit cards at home.

8. Drive a car

Even if you drank just a glass, it is forbidden to drive. This is not discussed. You can cripple your life, friends, relatives and strangers. Don't do something you might regret for the rest of your life.

9. Do rash things

Many drunken emotional outbursts and decisions need to be nipped in the bud. If you are drunk, but you can not adequately assess the situation. Protect yourself and your health from rash actions. Postpone your plans for another day. On a sober head, everything looks completely different.

10. Be active in the love sphere

Do not make love confessions under the influence of the green beast. Suddenly this is a "drunk" sympathy, and not love? Also, alcohol will spoil the impression of such a wonderful love moment. Save your kind words for another day. You can have sex, but be careful. Be sure to use condoms to avoid an unhealthy alcoholic pregnancy. Under the influence of alcohol, you may experience problems with ejaculation or insufficient erection hardness.

We know that many agree with our advice, but some will not listen to them. They will soon be drunk again. They'll fight, call exes, and spend all their money on bullshit or strippers. They will be ashamed, uncomfortable and not very comfortable in the morning. These are rags, not men.

By the way, this is a serious question. You can shrug it off by saying: “Yes, he will figure it out himself, little one or what?”, But before you do this, think again. A drunk person is in particular danger because he does not think about the consequences of his actions. So many people get behind the wheel drunk, so many people are beaten somewhere in the yards - you don’t want your bro to get into such a mess, do you? Then we strongly recommend that you pay attention to this text.

Keep it locked up

The greatest danger threatens your bro when he went all out and went for a walk. To keep a dude under control who is not in control of himself, you need to sit at the same table with him all night - or at least in the same apartment. So he will not hurt himself and others and will not force you to rush to the other end of the city in the middle of the night to pull him out of yet another scrape. Remember what he loves and keep him busy. If you manage to get him home (because you can't jump around him until the morning after all), play his favorite movie (even better if it's a DVD with tons of movies), his favorite game console, or his favorite band's album. - let him have fun. That's when you feel like babysitting.

Buy him a drink

The more your bro drinks, the more you have to worry. Control the amount of booze he pours into himself. The best way to do so is to buy it yourself. First, skip one extra glass: this will be easy to do, because your bro has already drunk and is poorly oriented in what is happening. If you know that tequila, for example, makes him hit on his girlfriends, pour water into his shots until he sees - or just order another drink, the destructive power of which will be lower. Tell the bartender that you're babysitting this fucked-up drunk dude tonight, he might give you worthwhile advice and help you choose suitable drink. If you are on house party, mix him a cocktail that will have as much alcohol as cola - since he himself is not able to understand that he has had enough.

Make him use his brains

Your drunk friend will start to behave more adequately if you make him think. You can get him to shut up and concentrate if you ask him a riddle or ask a quick wits question. Ask him about the content of a movie or book - he will think, start talking, and the brain will wake up. He will be so thoughtful that he automatically sits in the back seat and continues his speech - and this is only to your advantage.

Talk about positive topics

Your drunk friend will follow the thread of the conversation - all you have to do is set the tone. Carefully! He might be one of those guys who likes to get hurt while drunk. So keep up the positive talk. Be ready for manifestations of friendship and various frankness on his part: yes, yes, you are his best friend and all things. He says it from the bottom of his heart!

Feed and water him

Food prevents alcohol from being quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, and water is needed because alcohol causes dehydration. The less your bro eats and drinks, the drunker he is - and vice versa. How more water he drinks, the longer it will take to reach the condition of a walking (or even immovable) vegetable. Every two drinks let him drink a glass of water - it's good for him. The longer he drinks, the more familiar the water will be to him - and in the end he will no longer notice the difference. Keep different snacks in front of him, and it would be nice to feed him thoroughly - pasta or something else fatty and high-calorie like fast food sandwiches. These are the best hangover cures.

bring him home

When it's time to leave, you just let him know and take him home. The sooner he gets home, the sooner you can breathe a sigh of relief. Watch him, make sure he goes home and locks the door. Make sure that the keys to his car are not in a conspicuous place - suddenly he decides to continue the banquet.

You've probably noticed by now that caring for a drunk friend is like babysitting—in fact, that's what it is. Take care of him - it's much better than in the event of a tragedy (that's us for a red word, don't think about it) regretting and blaming yourself for not being attentive enough to this dude. One day he will repay you in the same coin.

We answer questions that Belarusians are usually embarrassed to ask friends and professionals, but often google. Today, a psychiatrist-narcologist tells how to understand that you have alcoholism, and how to treat it.

Vladimir Ivanov
psychiatrist-narcologist, psychotherapist

As they like to say in Alcoholics Anonymous, alcoholism(alcohol dependence syndrome) is a chronic, progressive, incurable and fatal disease. And to a large extent, it is. It always starts with drinking alcohol, there are no other ways to get sick with it.

Do you become alcoholics abruptly or gradually?

As a rule, gradually, it all depends on the age, characteristics of the person and the type of drink. But at a young age, alcoholism can develop very quickly: it can take only six months from zero consumption to addiction. We have seen such examples many times, and most often this happens with those who begin to abuse alcohol during adolescence.

The rate of development of alcoholism largely depends on the reactivity of the body - we are different, and for some, alcohol is easily processed and excreted without significant consequences, while others have problems.

Which alcohol is addictive the fastest?

First of all, of course, strong alcoholic drinks- they have a much greater factor of damage to the body. Alcohol is a chemical solvent. Everyone knows that surgical instruments and the injection site are wiped with alcohol to kill harmful cells and organisms. But the fact is that alcohol kills any living cell that meets on its way.

Alcohol dissolves fat, and all the barriers of our body, all cell membranes are built on lipids (fats). It is easy to draw an analogy with an egg here: if you break the shell, the contents will leak out and die. And the higher the strength of the drink, the more terrible destruction it brings, the faster it causes addiction and death. The statistics even have a separate column - "death from an overdose of alcohol."

But the danger of weak alcohol is also unusually great, and above all this applies to beer. Except alcoholic action it still has a pronounced taste and smell, which some like - this is an additional factor that makes people beer alcoholics. The consequences of such an addiction are no less terrible.

I drink a glass every night - is it alcoholism?

You have to look at the context. An alcoholic is one who loses control. In some cultures, it is customary to drink a glass of beer or wine diluted with water for dinner, this makes most of of the adult population, but we will not record everyone as alcoholics. Although, of course, some of them will inevitably suffer from addiction.

What if I can't go a day without it?

It's a matter of primary attraction and how pathological it is. If you, at the request or request of a loved one, say that you can’t live without this can of beer, get angry, upset and don’t compromise - this is addiction.

Can I be considered an alcoholic if I enjoy the taste of alcohol and the feeling of being drunk?

This also needs to be looked at in context. If you don't lose control own life, if alcohol does not replace all other pleasures for you, from a simple walk to sexual relations, you can be calm. The fact is that in an alcoholic everything begins to be replaced by alcohol.

What if I understand by all signs that I am an alcoholic, but everything suits me?

It happens, but keep in mind that alcoholism is a disease. All alcoholics experience pain, they feel bad, and sooner or later there comes a moment of such suffering that they themselves begin to seek help.

They often talk about "functional alcoholics" - a person works, he has a family, but he drinks regularly, for years. Maybe it's not so dangerous?

This is the outer façade of well-being. In any case, this is a dysfunctional family, children will suffer in it: they will not necessarily be beaten, but the lack of love will affect. Besides, this is a bad example: children will grow up, start using or look for a drinking partner. With such an example, nothing good comes out before your eyes.

Does awareness of the problem help or exacerbate?

It helps, of course. An alcoholic will not start drinking more after that, since the volumes depend on his body, and not on what he thinks about it.

But what about the unpleasant feeling of guilt that you want to drown out?

All alcoholics have it, it is a sign of illness. We are all responsible for what we have done. And for them it is a sign of depression, which almost all active alcoholics have, with it, guilt is just a symptom.

Is alcoholism a consequence or a cause of psychological disorders?

Both. Some dependent people have psychological and even psychiatric problems, feel bad. Alcohol itself causes depression and communication problems. Dependent people are unusually lonely - to drink and inject, no one is needed, only substance. But often alcoholism begins with the suppression of some psychological discomfort. In such cases and psychological problems and alcoholism are treated simultaneously.

Does alcoholism have stages of development with clear signs?

In the international classification of diseases of the tenth revision, the stages are not indicated, but the Soviet and Russian schools of psychiatry - and they were of a very high level - analyzed them in detail. Their classification is still not outdated and is widely used, it is easy to determine the disease in oneself or a friend.

First comes pre-alcoholism - when tolerance to alcohol increases, that is, a person tolerates increasing doses. The normal reaction of the body to alcohol is an overdose and vomiting. If you accustom yourself to this poison, the dosage that you can tolerate without vomiting begins to increase. As a result, there comes a moment when a person says: “Oh, look, I drank a bottle of vodka, but I can’t see it!” And this is not a sign of health, but that he is at least in pre-alcohol addiction.

The first stage of alcoholism includes two symptoms: a pathological desire to drink alcohol and loss of control over the dose. The usual desire to drink at a holiday is easy to distinguish from a pathological one: a normal person calmly refuses to drink and is distracted if the situation is unfavorable for this, if circumstances do not allow. But an alcoholic cannot be distracted, because he feels bad without alcohol, he experiences difficult emotions: anger, longing, concern.

Loss of dose control is also easy to identify. We know that the state of intoxication is good only at first, when there is a slight euphoria, disinhibition and high spirits, because then only suppression, sleep or vomiting - nothing good. A normal person stops at this, does not drink more, he has a feeling of fullness - this is a sign of health.

An alcoholic, on the other hand, drinks immensely and cannot stop himself because of an irresistible desire that comes even after the first hundred grams. Yes, and unpleasant sensations come later: tolerance is increased, there is almost no vomiting.

The second stage of alcoholism is the appearance of a real state of withdrawal, an abstinence syndrome. A person cannot consume large doses of alcohol indefinitely, sooner or later circumstances or their own health force them to stop. And when it stops, the body begins to react: trembling in the hands, chills, pressure surges, sweating, vomiting, reddening of the face, and in the most severe case, an epileptic seizure and (or) metal-alcohol psychosis (delirium tremens).

We rarely see the third stage, it is typical for those who have been ill with alcoholism for many years. In it, a person drinks continuously, albeit in small doses. These are true binges that last a very long time: the patient drinks for weeks, and these excesses always end in complete physical exhaustion.

Another symptom that can manifest itself from the first stage is memory impairment. that appear in the background large doses(300-500 ml in terms of vodka). They are of two types: alcoholic palimpsest And blackout, black dip. In the first case, a person remembers fragments, and in the second, he forgets absolutely everything that happened after intoxication.

If there are memory lapses, then you do not control your behavior at the time of drinking, this is a sign of illness. All alcoholics have problems with this, they may not want to talk about it, but they know it for sure.

How is alcoholism treated?

There are three positions in the treatment of alcoholism. The first is the treatment of complications: severe intoxication, withdrawal syndrome, convulsive syndrome, meth-alcohol psychosis, alcoholic polyneuropathy, liver cirrhosis, etc. Doctors are well versed in this, and, in principle, they like to treat it, because there is a result: an alcoholic comes all shaking and sick, and after a couple of days he leaves in a normal state.

The second position is the treatment of alcoholism itself from the point of view of medicine. Conditions are created in which a person cannot drink alcohol: he is given a drug that blocks the breakdown of alcohol in the body, a person is poisoned by half-life products, he becomes very ill when he drinks. It is impossible to say that he does not want alcohol, the desire to drink is always there, and it remains until the end of days.

There is also a psychological part - the suppression of the craving for alcohol, the formation and maintenance of the attitude towards sobriety. For example, classical coding, Dovzhenko coding, stress therapy, hypnosis - all this works well, but not for very long. In any case, there comes a moment when this desire breaks into a new excess.

A more correct, from my point of view, approach is the formation of a person's desire to be sober, changing himself. Alcoholics Anonymous calls it "the second birth." A person began to drink and continued, having some habits and character traits, and when he rejects all this, he begins to know new world, forms the right emotional contacts, interactions, behaves correctly, develops the right base of thinking. This rehabilitation gives best result. No encoding will work for that long.

Not only doctors work with the latter, but also paraspecialists - former alcoholics who share their experience. This works very well, patients recognize in such an alcoholic "their own". When a doctor in a white coat comes and says: “Don’t drink, you’ll be a kid,” he is often answered: “Just like you, or what?” Doctors remove the effects of alcohol from more, the rest is done by psychologists and alcoholics themselves.

That is, treatment lasts a lifetime and there really are no former alcoholics?

No, the treatment is not endless, but maintaining sobriety actually lasts a lifetime. When a person performs some actions several times, he forms a physical neural connection in the brain: a neuron connects to another, a kind of chain is obtained, along which the signal to act passes very quickly.

The more we perform some action, the less resistance the signal passes, you need to make a serious effort to put it on a different route. When a person stops drinking, this neural connection does not disappear anywhere, it waits for its time. And only the formation of a parallel channel helps.

If I quit, will I never be allowed to drink alcohol again?

The risk that a person will return if he drinks is very high. First, he will drink half a glass for the revolution on November 7 and stop, then just a glass of champagne for New Year and 150 grams for Christmas, but on February 23 he will go on a drinking binge.

The fact is that after a long abstinence and the first glass, which did not give any consequences, a very dangerous illusion arises that a person has learned to drink culturally, coped with problems and nothing threatens him. All this leads to dire consequences.

Is it possible to recover without medical help?

Of course, but for this you need to accurately follow each of the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. If you fulfill them exactly, without further ado, you can stop drinking alcohol, but this is very difficult, because it imposes a huge moral responsibility. It's given to a minority.

12 steps AA

1. We admitted that we were powerless over alcohol, that we had lost control of ourselves.

2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to God as we understood Him.

4. They deeply and fearlessly assessed themselves and their lives from a moral point of view.

5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to some other person the true nature of our wrongs.

6. We fully prepared ourselves for God to deliver us from all our shortcomings.

7. We humbly asked Him to correct our shortcomings.

8. We made a list of all the people we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them.

9. Personally made amends for the damage caused to these people, wherever possible, except in cases where it could harm them or someone else.

10. We continued to introspect and, when we made mistakes, immediately admitted it.

11. We sought through prayer and meditation to deepen our contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for the knowledge of His will that we must fulfill and for the power to do so.

12. Having achieved the spiritual awakening that these steps led to, we tried to bring the meaning of our ideas to other alcoholics and apply these principles in all our affairs.

Can alcoholism go away?

We know that as some alcoholics age, consumption decreases - it's pure biology. Some live to the age of 65-70 years, and their alcoholism almost disappears: doses become small, excesses are infrequent, and the consequences are dim.

Spontaneous throwing can be, but how often, we do not know, the question simply has not been investigated. Hope it in real life it is forbidden. They all say so: “I myself!” What's the point? There are only a few such cases, and, as a rule, we learn about them by chance.

Does Alcoholics Anonymous Help Everyone?

Anyone who wants to be cured. There are three conditions for recovery from an AA perspective. The first is being honest with yourself, you have to admit that there is a problem. The second is openness, you must perceive the environment with the directness of a child, not have prejudices that you know everything. The third is the willingness to work in the program and learn, you have to do something, and not just sit and listen.

If I'm sick, should I go to a psychiatrist or AA first?

And there, and there, you have to go everywhere. Since the disease is incurable, all possible methods must be used.

How can I help a loved one who is sick?

Go to a professional (doctor, psychologist) and get advice. Each case is individual. But it is realistic to force a person to go to the doctor, because, first of all, life makes them do it: it hurts and it is difficult to drink all the time.

How to treat an alcoholic: with condemnation or with understanding?

We call it tough love. No one says that one should not love alcoholic relatives and friends, but one should not help their drunkenness. As the Americans say, the attitude towards an alcoholic and a drug addict should be cold turkey (“ cold turkey”): as soon as a situation arises related to the use, the relative defends himself and completely withdraws from the addict, does not pay debts, does not get drunk, does not save him, does not pull him out of the police.

As the saying goes, “if your husband, drunk on a cold winter night, came home and fell into a snowdrift, you have the right to do only one thing: drag him into the entrance so that he does not freeze, and in no case start home.” Save a life, yes, but nothing more. Delirium tremens - you call the psychiatric team, heart attack- an ambulance, fights - the police, but in no case do not wash, do not hangover, do not go to bed.

A person has the right to drink, it is not prohibited by law in our country, but we have the right not to be near dirty aggressive cattle. There is no need to think about what will happen to him on the street or in the police, these are his problems, maybe after that he will still stop drinking.

Who is most likely to become an alcoholic?

It depends on many factors: predisposition, environment, culture in which a person lives. It is also very dependent on the parents: if someone abuses alcohol, the chance that the child will grow up and become addicted increases, as children copy the behavior of their parents. He will consider drunken fights the norm, even if they scare him.

So heredity really matters?

Certainly. The development of our biochemical processes and reactions is determined by the genotype. We know that approximately four times as many alcoholics are generated from families with alcoholics.

The incidence of alcoholism is determined by about a hundred genes, that is, in fact, this is a very complex inheritance. We can only talk about big numbers, without giving exact percentages, because it is difficult to say what in a particular situation influenced a person more: genetics or environment.

Are there people with immunity to alcoholism?

Yes. We live in alcohol culture, more than 90% of the adult population drink alcohol, but about 5% are complete abstinents: some of them have no interest in the drink and desire to drink it. The man tries, he doesn't like being drunk, and he doesn't do it anymore. You can call it immunity, but rather in quotation marks.

How not to become an alcoholic? Is there really only one way out - not to drink?

If you can not drink, don't drink. And in other cases, you just need to understand well what you are doing. In Zen there is such a concept as “10 steps of becoming a Buddha”, a parable about how a monk catches a buffalo: he went through all ten steps and then went anywhere, did what he wanted, and no one stopped him, because everyone knew that he won't do any harm. So it is here: only after going through labor, asceticism, pain, absorption of human culture, we can afford a lot.

How should I behave in companies where they drink if I have overcome addiction?

You must understand why you are going there. If you just want to be present, then you are not honest with yourself and subconsciously drink in absentia with them. Such campaigns will sooner or later result in excess.

Is there a safe amount of alcohol?

It depends on the context and the constitution. For most people, small amounts of alcohol, such as a glass of diluted wine with dinner, will not harm or lead to addiction. But there are those who are doomed to become alcoholics in our culture, any dosage will develop addiction. A person should have a head on his shoulders, you need to understand that alcohol is a dangerous thing, you need to be able to handle it.

Women don't always mean what they say. Before you are iconic female phrases. We have added answers to them that will serve to strengthen your mutual understanding. After all, mutual understanding is exactly what we first of all want from women. Apart from everything else. This means: that you were a scoundrel and missed the everyday ritual of stating our love several times.
Correct answer: "My love for you is as big as the volume of the ocean compared to a bag of orange juice!"
Incorrect answer: “I already told you everything on this topic when we met, why are you asking again?”

It means: "Urgently tell me how beautiful I am." A man's assessment of his own appearance is based on the first opinion he hears and remains fairly stable until a clinically proven refutation. That is, until the age of forty, a man considers himself slender and curly (as his great-aunt attested by pointing to her graduation photo) and begins to position himself as fat and bald only when the attending physician writes down in black and white in the card "obesity" and "alopecia". Women's self-esteem changes two to three times a day and depends on regular injections of compliments.
Correct answer: "Ha ha ha! You are a reed, you have to be force-fed like a dystrophic.”
Incorrect answer: "Of course, it's hard to call you thin, but in general this is not the main thing."
#4 I can't do this...
It means: "I'm not going to have sex with you now." Which is understandable without words - it is sadly buttoned up, looking slightly guilty. You remain in overexcited bewilderment: so - how is it? How exactly can't she? You feel like an underdeveloped lustful animal, unable to understand the subtle mechanisms of female psychology. In fact, the meanings of "I can't do this" vary widely. From "on the first date" and "I'm married (you're married)" to "to the cackle of your friends from the next room" and "I have these days." You have come across a sensitive nature, which attaches great importance to such a thing as sex with you. Do not be shy, go to the end, and perhaps, unexpectedly for herself, she will be able to do so. Not this time, but the next.
Correct answer: "I understand you. Feelings are sometimes stronger than logic.
Incorrect answer: "Fine! And what am I to do now, to walk like this?”

It means: "I'm a little afraid of you and I don't have sex at all on the first (second) date." There is such a rule. This will not affect the quality of your future relationship in any way, you just have to wait a bit. You have your own little rules too, like not showing your collection of whips and handcuffs on the first date.
Correct answer: “But it seems to me that we have known each other for a thousand years!”
Incorrect answer: "Now I'm going to the toilet, I'll be back, and it will be like a second date, okay?"

This means that your relationship has entered a phase of trust and stability. Now you can afford garlic croutons, raised toilet seat and sex in socks. She will forgive.
Correct answer: “Of course, dear. What do you like - where are three drops or two drawn?
Incorrect answer: “Maybe I should go to the gynecologist instead of you?”

It means: “I was found to have a strange sexually transmitted disease. But which of us infected whom - big and interest Ask". Do not be discouraged, medicine has reached such heights that, theoretically, even pregnancy can now be caught by everyday means. Incubation periods last for years, so you can both provide yourself with an alibi. And don't be surprised if they don't find anything with you - everyone, you know, has their own microflora. And be safe next time.
Correct answer: "I, of course, will check, but you are still a very windy girl for your age."
Incorrect answer: "Wait, I'll explain everything to you!"
This means that you will now need to say something very, very convincing. Because for the past two hours, she's been fueling her jealousy, judging the facts, and maybe even calling your friends, with whom you allegedly whiled away the time in a bar with impenetrable walls for mobile communications.
Correct answer: (after rinsing his mouth with cognac): “Darling! Juventus did screw up Parma 3:1! Are you glad? But I seem to have sowed a mobile ... "
Incorrect answer: “Am I obliged to account for my every step?”

This means: “Today you will have to do without vaginal, oral, anal and all other types of sex with me, because I'm not in the mood. Don't even try." Although it is possible that she really just has a headache.
Correct answer: “It's the brain growing. Do you want me to find you a pill?
Incorrect answer: "It's nothing. Lie down on your stomach, your head won't feel a thing."

№12 Do you notice anything?

It means: "I tried so hard, and you, insensitive brute, did not even pay attention." Urgently examine the questioning woman from head to toe for metamorphosis. The chest is in place and has not changed in size? It doesn't mean anything yet. Try to remember some basic features of her appearance - the color and texture of her hair, the color of her eyes. There are changes? Not sure? Do not be upset, a person is not able to remember those 200-300 parameters that a woman considers the main ones in her appearance. New may be a manicure, dress or eyebrow shape. If your girlfriend suddenly began to resemble Donald, she may have increased the volume of her lips. If her eyes seemed to you larger size, perhaps she used to wear glasses, but now she has got lenses. Although it is possible that she just did a general cleaning or hung new curtains. Which should have caught my eye right away.
Correct answer: “Of course I notice, I'm not blind! So much better!”
Incorrect answer: "What should I notice? New curlers?
It means that you still haven't done enough work on this sore point. Yes, you have already compared her to concentration camp prisoners and offered her to buy things in the children's department. But this is not enough! You yourself should make a thoughtful face from time to time, squint and mutter thoughtfully: “Have you lost weight? It seems to me that you have lost weight ... You need to eat more ... "
Correct answer: "I swear on my game console, you will soon have to change your wardrobe - all these things are great for you!"
Incorrect answer: "If you ask me about it again, I will tell you the truth, and it will be scary!"
№14 Let's stay friends
It means: “I met someone more sexually interesting than you. I feel a little uncomfortable about this, and also - I feel sorry for you. Of course, you felt good with her not only in bed, but also in the movies, at the disco, on the beach. Therefore, there is a temptation to "remain friends" in order to continue a pleasant relationship. Do not give in, in the cinema, at the disco and on the beach, you will still think about sex.
Correct answer: "No no. I'm afraid you won't be able to stand it and rape me."
Incorrect answer: "Great! Let's go shopping and drink coffee and cakes together. But I still hope that you will come back to me ... "
№15 I don't know what you see in it!
It means: "I hate this painted creature and, if necessary, I will scratch out her eyes." Each male company has its own lyrical heroine, the discussion of which is the charm of the notorious male conversations. Usually this is a common colleague or former classmate. She smokes, drinks and skillfully tells obscene jokes. Easily sits on someone's lap if there are no empty seats. And even if there is ... It doesn't mean anything, it's just that she's so direct, so her own. Wives and girlfriends hate them.
Correct answer: "Nothing! She's fat, ugly and... what's the word... vulgar! By the way, you seem to have lost weight.
Incorrect answer: "Come on, she's cool!"
#16 You're a man!
This means: “I was about to do this unpleasant thing myself, when I suddenly remembered who I could blame it on.” Screw in a light bulb, hammer in a carnation, bring a potato - no one argues, it really needs strength, dexterity, ingenuity and other qualities that the boys absorbed in labor lessons. But there are other missions (absolutely meaningless) - to return halfway, turn off the stove, climb out onto the winter balcony behind three-liter jar, dig through the beach in search of hairpins - which, from a female point of view, only titans can do. Attempts to discuss these missions in terms of the laws of physics and logic are regarded as ungentlemanly. You are a man! So do not argue, but rather take an umbrella and bring a powder box from the car.
Correct answer: “Of course, dear! Ah, your sweet distraction!”
Incorrect answer: "I can't, I already painted my nails."
#17 Am I disturbing you?!
It means: “I don't want you to change the subject immediately. And it is desirable that they never return to her again with me, and especially without me. In the presence of girls, men's conversations become especially exciting - where to go on vacation? where to buy bathroom furniture? Is Japanese food healthy? But it happens, word for word, the conversation moves off somewhere in the wrong place. Holidays, hot countries, Thais can do this... Built-in appliances, Petrovich, by the way, installed a video camera in the bathroom, and when prostitutes come... By the way, oh Japanese cuisine- Do you remember that waitress from the Hiroshima restaurant? .. This is where the girl begins to fidget and feel uncomfortable.
Correct answer: "Sorry, dear! Gennady, stop talking nonsense! So, from the point of view of the “price-quality” ratio, German mixers ... "
Incorrect answer: "Ha ha ha! Dear, close your ears, I want to finish the thought.
№18 Do you remember what day it is?

This means: “I waited half a day for congratulations and flowers, they were not. I looked at your non-holiday face, and a terrible guess entered my head ... ”Remember quickly. If today is her birthday, your anniversary, March 8 or February 14, you can still get out. Pretend that you have been preparing a surprise all day, and blow for gifts. If today is a holiday of a smaller caliber (for example, 1000 days from the beginning of your sexual life), then you could well, as a confused workaholic, forget about him.
Correct answer: "Of course I remember. But do you remember? Come on, tell me."
Incorrect answer: "Tuesday".
It means: "Are you thinking of marrying me or what?" The first year is the most enjoyable. Vacation, New Year, flu epidemic - everything is like the first time. Then repetitions begin, and the girl thinks about the future. How long can you "just date"? You grow up, she gets old. Not ready to get married? Introduce her to relatives, write out a power of attorney for the car, make duplicate keys - in short, take steps towards the final rapprochement, play for time.
Correct answer: “I see our future in the brightest colors. Let's go out of town for the weekend!"
Incorrect answer: "What's the point of thinking about it, we'll all die anyway!"
It means: "I'm bored here, I have no one to impress here, no one notices my appliqué suede skirt, and even you don't pay attention to me!" Once in the company of unfamiliar acquaintances of your girlfriend, you can always find solace in a secluded corner with a bottle of whiskey and the catalog "BMW-2004 Model Range". Women are not so sublime and self-sufficient creatures. Bring - entertain. If you don't know how, take it away.
Correct answer: “Of course, dear, we’ll go now. By the way, meet Oksana, Misha's wife. Their baby is only two, and she has already gone to work. It's so interesting!"
Incorrect answer: "Lie down here on the couch, I'll wake you up when it's time to go home. Wait, I'll bring a towel to cover you."

It means "I don't want to date you". Because if she wanted to, she would wash her hair in 15 minutes, rush to the date 10 minutes early and wait around the corner to be like 5 late.
Correct answer: “So, I let go of the limousine, throw away the flowers, pour out the champagne, book a table in best restaurant I cancel the cities, send the bear back to the circus, and the gypsies to the station. It's a pity".
Incorrect answer: "Wash it from the inside, you stupid dynamo!"
This means: "I will not call, but politeness does not allow me to send you to FIG." Well, it could be worse, you could get the answering phone of the district bath. Get her out of your head, better luck next time! Especially if you shave off your mustache and change your deodorant.
Correct answer: "Write it down. Most likely, my butler will pick up the phone, he does not speak Russian, but he understands everything.
Incorrect answer: "Are you sure you'll call?"
№23 I understand everything
It means: “You are married, but this does not bother me. Don't worry, I won't bother you with calls in the evenings." Well, if you want a non-committal relationship on the side, this is your chance. Especially if the girl is over thirty, she is married and has three children. She does not need flowers - where will she put them then? She always has her passport with her - in case of a hotel. She complains about her family life, you complain about yours. She understands everything. And yes, you don't even have to have sex. Romance!
The correct answer is: “Understanding is your most valuable quality.”
Incorrect answer: “Could you use the same perfume as my wife?”
№24 Do you tell all the girls this?
This means: “I don’t believe in romantics with such an impudent mug!” Reading magazines was not in vain for you: you know what words to strike a spark of excitement even from a stone woman's heart. I love cooking, kung fu, children and dogs. You have a graceful neck, let's go to my place, let's read Pasternak aloud... He doesn't believe me. Strange. Try to look her in the eyes next time, think about something sad and high (for example, about the presidential rating) and put carnations in your shoe - all these measures will give your lustful image the right amount of contradictory trepidation. Which in the twilight can be mistaken for sincerity. Yes, and take that pack of condoms out of your breast pocket.
Correct answer: "Yah you! I'm generally shy around girls. You're the first one that interested me in a hundred years."
Incorrect answer: “What are you all talking about today ?!”

To understand the issue, you need to understand the main thing: aging wine is expensive. If the wine costs up to 1,500 rubles, then you can and should open it right now.

We drink Beaujolais Nouveau of the current year and have no doubts about its readiness! The difference between the new Beaujolais and the first wines of last year is that all nouveau style wines (this includes Italian Novello and a few others) must be drunk within a couple of months. Cheap wines 2015, about which the question is asked, are able to live in a bottle a little longer - up to 2 years under normal storage conditions (hmm, I wonder in what part of our country wines for 500 rubles are stored in a wine cabinet?). If now you see on the counter, say, a 2015 carmenère for 800 rubles, then you need to sweep it away right now in order to catch all the freshness of the product on the fly. After the New Year, this wine will no longer be so bright in terms of aroma and flavor. palatability. If a wine producer releases it on the shelves in the spring of the year following the harvest, then he is hinting: “Come on, drink it as quickly as we made it, there is nothing to stand on ceremony with it.”

Another conversation is wines that need to be aged in the bottle. Firstly, they usually cost much more, and secondly, there are no such wines of 2015 on the shelves now. If we are talking about dry wines with the potential to develop in the bottle, then whites spend at least another year after harvest at the winery, so we will see 2015 on the shelves in 2017. The red ones are even more fun. For example, let's take a typical wine that requires mandatory aging: according to the regulations of the Barolo DOCG appellation, after the harvest, a bottle of Barolo must necessarily undergo aging at the winery for a duration of 38 months, of which 18 - in oak. This means that the barolo of 2015, taking into account all the bureaucracy with documents, will appear on the shelves in 2018, and it will cost from 3000-4000 rubles. It's pretty much the same with other wines that will get better with age, like women: Chianti Classico, premium Chablis, serious shiraz from the Rhone Valley ... All these bottles of the 2015 vintage are not yet on the shelves, and moreover, this the wine has not yet been bottled.
