
About the world of plants and country life. Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter

Many gardeners panic if, immediately after they buy seedlings, winter suddenly begins and the soil is hidden by a layer of snow and ice. What to do with seedlings of fruit crops, where can they be put, how to save them so that they do not die? Now we will tell you about all this. As you know, biologically, the roots of various fruit crops, in particular, pome fruits, can freely develop in the soil if its temperature is only about three degrees above zero.

It has been established that a significant proportion of nitrogen in the earth is concentrated in humus, it contains more than 5% nitrogen. Naturally, the thicker the humus layer, the greater the amount of nitrogen, therefore, plants feel better on such soil. Only one percent of the five that is in the soil is a mineral compound, and, therefore, available to plants. Therefore, even in the presence of a thick layer of humus, additional feeding is necessary for plants, although at lower doses.

The recipe for homemade lard is pork belly, which is easier than easy to cook at home. I note right away that this recipe significantly saves the family budget, since the price of raw brisket is 2-2.5 times lower. Of the pluses, besides the price, there is, of course, the taste, and the knowledge that everything is cooked by hand. The preparatory process takes a matter of minutes, after which you have to wait 7-10 days, but the result is a spicy pork belly in spices.

Pie with mushrooms on kefir in the oven is a simple pastry that you need to cook in the fall, coming from the forest with a basket of forest gifts. Mushroom pie on kefir is incredibly simple, the most time-consuming in its preparation is boiling mushrooms. Such jellied pies can be prepared not only with the gifts of the forest, but also with meat, chicken, ordinary boiled sausage or sausages. By the way, nothing prevents you from adding any of the above products to this recipe, it will only taste better.

Pruning is a scary word for many, and some homeowners simply ignore pruning, removing only dry and broken shoots. Others, on the other hand, take up pruning too zealously, having read only a few articles on this topic and make a whole bunch of mistakes at once. So let's figure out the mistakes today. Let those who are afraid to once again take on a pruner or garden saw, and learn from the mistakes of others in order to avoid their own.

The tradition of making gourds originates from the custom of making lanterns that help lost souls find their way to purgatory. Many centuries later, Jack's lamp has become an indispensable attribute of the Halloween holiday, and funny faces peek out from everywhere at the end of October, scaring away evil spirits. All you need to make a lantern is a beautiful orange pumpkin of the correct shape, a knife and a spoon. For illumination, use an ordinary candle or an electric flashlight.

It is no coincidence that daffodils have earned the title of unpretentious bulbous. They are one of the easiest spring flowering plants to grow, easy to find the right conditions and just as easy to maintain with minimal care. Daffodils do not require tireless care and constant attention, delighting with bright flower heads and beautiful leaves year after year. Their cultivation is within the power of even inexperienced gardeners. Daffodils are grateful and unpretentious plants.

Onions and garlic are mystical vegetables, after which it smells bad from the mouth, it is unlikely that anyone can eat them just like that, taking an onion head and simply chewing it, as well as garlic - clove by clove. But, nevertheless, these vegetables are present in every our dish, every salad, and what kind of barbecue without fragrant onion rings? And of course, do not forget about the medicinal virtues of these vegetables. Today we will try to talk about how you can save onions and garlic at home.

All efforts in November should be aimed at properly preparing the garden for winter. Continued warming of plants and cleaning on the site are the most important tasks, but it's time to introduce constant monitoring into your calendar to identify some problems. Attention is slowly shifting from garden plants to the indoor collection. A successful alternation of the phases of the moon will allow you to find time almost every day for working with plants and for organizational chores.

One of the most spectacular indoor cereals, oplismenus or ostyanka, is a true exotic. This plant, originally from the distant Green Continent, surprises both with its growth form and the beauty of its variegated leaves. An atypical representative of the cereal family - this plant is not for everyone. Oplismenus needs regular updating, it is sensitive to humidity. But it is so modern and bold in appearance that it quite rightly claims to be the indispensable room culture.

Soup with pumpkin, beans and pork ribs is a tasty, rich and thick first course, which is best cooked in late autumn or winter, when the harvest is harvested, it is cold and uncomfortable outside, you want to warm up, eat something hearty. You can take any ribs - pork, veal, lamb, the cooking time will be slightly different, but not significantly. Young beans are tender, they do not need to be soaked and boiled for a long time, they will cook at the same time as the rest of the vegetables.

Climbing roses are leaders among garden vines both in terms of distribution and decorativeness. Climers and ramblers are rightly called irreplaceable garden aristocrats. On a figured support, at the porch or over the path, in the company of clematis or as a soloist, climbing roses stand out with especially abundant flowering. But their difficult character is also an important feature of climbing roses. Indeed, in regions with severe winters, a lot of effort will have to be made for a successful wintering.

Woody plants and shrubs can not only freeze out in extreme winters, suffer from provocative thaws during the cold period and return frosts in spring or even early summer, but also from rodents, which are mice and hares in gardens and berry fields. By their nature, these creatures are timid and you will be very surprised if you notice a hare in the garden in the summer. More often you can see a mouse, but often in the late afternoon, when it literally merges with the soil.

Green tomato salad for the winter with onions and peppers is a spicy sweet and sour green tomato appetizer inspired by Korean cuisine. If the summer turned out to be cold, then the probability of turning into a country of evergreen tomatoes increases, however, seasoned gardeners will always find a use for this valuable vegetable. If you plan to keep the “green” crop in an apartment, then they need to be poured with boiling marinade from water, salt, sugar and vinegar.

Among indoor plants, the inhabitants of the most arid places have always enjoyed special love. The deserved reputation of desert stars is simply explained: no other plants can boast of such endurance. Although not all succulents and cacti belong to cultures found naturally in semi-deserts and deserts. Even so, the choice among true desert endemics is very large - from bright flowering stars to modest living stones.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Today we make tomatoes in our own juice for the winter with garlic. A recipe with a photo will help you understand the basic steps in cooking. For additional flavor, add a small amount of sweet meaty pepper. These are ready to eat in two weeks, but the longer they stand, the tastier they will be as a result. By opening a jar of such a blank, you can cook delicious pasta, and tomatoes in their own juice with garlic and pepper can also be added to first courses, when baking pizza, and served with meat dishes. Since tomatoes themselves are a preservative, vinegar in our preparation is not needed. So let's get started.

- tomatoes - 1.7 kg,
- sweet pepper - 120 g,
- salt - 1.6 tablespoons,
- garlic - 1.5 heads.


First of all, we begin the process by washing the vegetables - we thoroughly wash all the tomatoes and peppers under a stream of cool running water, lay them out on a kitchen towel, give time to dry slightly. Garlic can be poured with hot water, after ten minutes it can be easily peeled.

We cut the tomatoes into two halves, remove the “butt” from each, if the tomatoes are not large, leave them in halves, if the tomatoes are large, cut them into several more parts.

We cut the sweet pepper into strips, first we naturally clean the pepper from seeds and soft white partitions. Cut the garlic into thin slices.

Be sure to wash the blank jars thoroughly, using soda or a good detergent, rinse the glass until it starts to creak. Then be sure to sterilize the container - oven or microwave, over steam or in a conventional sterilizer. Keep the lids in boiling water for up to three minutes. If the jar is sterile, we begin to fill it - put a layer of tomatoes, put 5-6 strips of pepper on top of it, add a third of chopped garlic.

Here we immediately pour half a serving of table salt.

We continue to fill the jar, making two more layers with garlic and pepper. We fill the jar to the brim. Sprinkle the rest of the salt on top.

We take a wide pan, cover the bottom with a cloth or kitchen towel, put a jar of tomatoes, pour warm water into the pan so that it reaches the “shoulders” of the jar. Be sure to put a lid on the neck of the jar. Sterilize tomatoes with garlic for 45-50 minutes.

After this process, we take the jar out of the pan, do it very carefully, with the help of kitchen tacks, seal the jar hermetically. We cool under the "fur coat" for a day, always upside down. We store tomatoes with garlic in our own juice for the winter only in a cool and unlit room.

Enjoy your meal!

Put the fruits in jars, approximately shoulder-length, put one or two chopped garlic, a couple of pots of pepper and a bay leaf in each container. Pour boiling water over the jars, leave for three minutes, drain the boiling water. Fill with boiling juice, so that 2 centimeters remain to the top.

Put a towel on the bottom of a large saucepan, boil water and immerse jars of tomatoes in it. Sterilize for 10 minutes with lids on. Water will need to be boiled in advance, so that immediately, as soon as you fill it with juice, it will be sterilized.

Now close with a key, or with lids that are screwed. Then the process is familiar: put upside down and wrap up.

Peeled Tomatoes in Own Juice

Peeling a tomato is a bit tedious, but it doesn't take much time.


  • 2 kg tomato "cream"
  • 1 kg ripe tomatoes
  • One heaping spoonful of salt
  • 40 g sugar
  • Spices: a bit of cloves, peppercorns

On the cream, make a cross-shaped incision on one side, so the skin will be removed better. Pour boiling water over them, and leave in a container for 10 minutes. Cut tomatoes for juice into slices, remove the white part and turn into puree with a blender, you can use a meat grinder.

Drain hot water from the poured "cream", immediately pour cold water over it. After such a Swedish shower, the skin is freely removed. Cut out the stem with a small knife.

Pour the resulting tomato puree into a saucepan, cook for 10 minutes. In the process, add salt with sugar and spices.

Wash the jars with soda, put the tomatoes in them, you don’t need to fill them to the top, pour hot juice over them. Put in a container and sterilize, covering with lids for 15 minutes, if the jars are half a liter, it will take 20 minutes for 0.7. That's it, conservation is over.

Tomatoes "lick your fingers" with horseradish


  • ¼ cup grated horseradish
  • 2 kg small tomatoes
  • ¼ cup minced garlic
  • 2 kg ripe tomatoes
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar without a slide
  • 2 spoons of salt
  • peppercorns

Grind soft large fruits in a meat grinder, after washing them and removing the stalk. Pour into a saucepan, cook for a quarter of an hour over medium heat. In the process, add seasonings, sugar and salt. Put small tomatoes in clean jars, pour over hot juice, cover with lids. Set to sterilize. If the jar is liter, then 10 minutes will be enough, for a three-liter one it takes half an hour.

Tomatoes in their own juice without sterilization


  • 3 kg small tomatoes
  • 3 kg ripe fruit
  • Sprigs of parsley and dill
  • A handful of peppercorns
  • Sugar teaspoon per liter of juice
  • Salt 1 teaspoon (per 1 liter of juice)

Cut tomatoes for juice into 4 or more pieces, put in a large saucepan and put on the stove. Add greenfinch, cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Then grind the thick through a sieve.

See more: , a delicious recipe for the winter.

Sterilize jars, this can be done by steaming, in the oven or microwave. Do it the way you normally do. Cover the lids with boiling water. Arrange the prepared small tomatoes in jars, add 2 peppercorns to each, pour boiling water to the very top. Cover with lids and leave for a quarter of an hour. Put the juice back on the stove, let it boil, add salt and add sugar. Drain the water from the glass container, fill it with hot tomato juice, immediately close the lids and roll up.

Important! Dear hostesses, do not use tomato paste for canning tomatoes. After all, you are making blanks for your family, so why spoil them with a product that has undergone industrial processing? Tomato juice is easy to make at home.

Delicious tomatoes in their own juice


  • 6 kg juicy tomatoes
  • 4 kg small tomatoes
  • Sugar

Put hard tomatoes into dry and sterilized jars, cover with sterile lids.
Cut ripe tomatoes coarsely, put in a basin, put to boil, covered with a lid. Then, when cool, rub on a sieve to remove the seeds and skin. Be sure to measure the resulting liquid with a liter jar in order to know how much salt to put.

Pour the resulting juice into the basin again, put 1.5 tbsp for each liter. tablespoons of sugar, a spoonful of salt, cook for about a quarter of an hour.

Pour tomatoes with boiling juice, put them to be sterilized for a quarter of an hour. Roll up and wrap, turning the lid down.

Tomatoes with Vinegar in Tomato Juice


  • 5 kg tomato small and large
  • three garlic cloves
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of grape vinegar
  • 3 spoons of salt
  • Two spoons of sugar, without a slide
  • 5 black peppercorns
  • You can add cinnamon if you like.

Sort the fruits, set aside ripe and damaged ones for juice (2 kg), the remaining three kilograms for seaming. Ripe cut into pieces and grind in a blender. Put whole tomatoes in a sterilized glass container, add garlic and pepper to them. Pour boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Boil juice for 15 minutes.

Drain the water from the tomato, add vinegar, sugar and salt, pour over hot juice, close the lids, turn over, wrap with a warm blanket.

We hope our recipes will help you close the tomatoes in jars in their own juice for the winter and enjoy them in the winter. Delicious, you will lick your fingers!
