
An interesting question: dried bacon - what kind of cuisine? Making your own bacon. Awesome homemade bacon

How to make delicious bacon. Step-by-step instruction.

Why do we love bacon? He is divine. But I've heard that homemade bacon will outshine any supermarket-bought one.

It would seem that perfection cannot be improved - but people stubbornly say that it is possible. I suggest checking these words.

How to make delicious bacon 1

Step one: buy meat.

We go to the nearest location where you can buy meat. I think you know where it is. In the location we are looking for pork belly. It reaches 50 or even more centimeters in length and about 20 centimeters in width. You can easily recognize her: she has a characteristic bacon-like slit. It is very important that there is also skin on the brisket. And yes, the brisket, of course, must be fresh.
Bought a brisket - bring it home. It is obvious.

Step two: pickle.

It's simple too. People used pickles to preserve meat before they had refrigeration. It is also more difficult for unwanted bacteria to multiply in pickled foods. But today, since we have such a wonderful thing as electricity, marinating food does not come in handy very often. And pickling also works in an interesting way: the salt sucks the liquid out of the meat, and this makes its aroma more intense.

To marinate your brisket, you will need:

  • 4 cups of salt;
  • 2 cups of sugar.
  • And you can also add whatever you want: black pepper, garlic, bay leaf - there are a lot of spices, stick your favorite ones. Fantasize.

Whatever you add will somehow be felt in the taste of your bacon. Rub the spices into the brisket, don't forget the salt and sugar, then put this rather worn-out piece of meat in a zip-lock, and the zip-lock in the fridge. Now relax, and calmly live at your normal pace for the next week. Periodically look at your semi-finished product, drain the liquid and turn it over.
After a week, take the brisket out of the refrigerator, rinse and wipe dry. Chances are good that you will notice that it is very similar to marinated meat.
Now, without the zip lock, leave the brisket in the fridge for another day. For what? So that a film forms on it - such a sticky, sticky layer that covers the meat when it hardens. It sounds so-so, but you need the tape.

How to make delicious bacon

Step three: smoke.

This is the last stage, the most intricate and thorny. The bacon should now have its proper flavor and texture. If you have a grill, then you are in luck. If you don't have it, borrow it from a friend. If a friend doesn’t have one either, then at least make a brazier - smoke and coals are important here, so maybe something worthwhile will come out. If it’s really a disaster, you can try to dry it in the oven: I read that they do it - but it will be some kind of sad, completely different, winter version of bacon. At least add some liquid smoke.
It's important to remember that you're just smoking bacon, not cooking it the usual way. Use half as many coals as you normally would, so you end up with bacon instead of kebab. The coals can be moved aside and thrown over a few pieces of raw wood and left there for half an hour to get a good smoke. Make sure that the temperature does not rise too high, and the coals do not smolder too actively. Place the brisket skin side up on the grill. Remember what I said about tape? It will help the meat get the right smoky flavor.
Cover the brisket with a lid or something and see that there is enough smoke - and so for the next two hours - do not forget to add coals and damp wood as needed. Everything about everything, as I said, will take a couple of hours - do not go far from the grill, do something pleasant.
After two hours, remove the bacon from the grill and boldly cut off the skin from it. Hurry up to do this while she's warm, and try not to take too much fat off her.
If you did everything right, you will end up with breathtaking man-made bacon on the exhaust. Cut it into pieces of any thickness and cook in any way. In the refrigerator, this joy will be stored for a week, in the freezer - more than one month.

And yes, before I forget, one more thing. When you fry your bacon in a pan, a lot of fat will come off of it - don't you dare just wash it down the sink! Bacon fat is unimaginably delicious - it's like washing liquid gold down the sink. Instead, place it in an airtight container and refrigerate. It can be used in many different ways. Fry eggs? Instead of vegetable or butter - fat from bacon. Make popcorn? On bacon grease. Any dish you've cooked in butter before, you can cook in bacon grease. Pasta, salad dressing and even toast. Delicious. Attention! If you have vegetarian friends and girlfriends, they should not be fed.

We have tried many recipes. Salted and aged in spices, the bacon was tough. They tried to fry it, it became very salty when the fat was fried into fat. In general, the bacon did not come out in any way, for any purpose.

And yesterday they prepared it in this solution (the author calls it Tuzluk, although in fact Tuzluk is a special solution of sodium chloride in which the fish caught in fisheries is salted and I usually use it for fish). got what you need - juicy, soft and tasty bacon

A big correction to the recipe - half a glass of rock salt only, not finely ground, this is very important! With a small one there will be a pickle.

1. Bacon - 1 kg (this is a brisket with meat and fat).

1. Water - 1 liter
2. Rock salt - half a faceted glass
3. Onion peel (required in this recipe) - 3 large uncompressed zhmen
4. Bay leaf - 3 pcs
5. Seasoning for pork - 1 package.

How to cook bacon at home:

1. Immerse all the components that we have prepared for the solution in water and bring to a boil. Then put bacon into the brine. Cook for 45-50 minutes.

2. After it is cooked, do not remove it from the brine, but leave it to marinate and cool down overnight.

3. Then take it out, let the excess liquid drain from the brine, get it wet with a napkin, put it in a food container and put it in the refrigerator ... Tasty and tender bacon is ready. It's really very tasty. Much has been written about the benefits of lard, the main thing is not to abuse it.

Soft and delicious on Borodino bread from a toaster, with coffee with cream. Of course, you need to choose bacon in the market that has more meat so that it is better suited for sandwiches, and not just for frying.

Bacon is the flaky part of pork belly. It is valuable in that it immediately has layers of meat and fat. The delicacy is made from the best pigs of bacon breeds. With proper fattening, animals get a good product at the output, which many people love to treat themselves so much. How to cook bacon the right way to get rich flavor and crispy slices?

Classic roast

Meat layers should be fried in a well-heated frying pan. The degree of heating should not be strong (medium). Over high heat, the bacon burns and turns dry. And slow heating allows you to melt most of the fat, the bacon will have a juicy and crispy taste.

There is no need to add vegetable or butter here, because the bacon is fried in its own juice. It is recommended to fry for about 10 minutes. During frying, the layers need to be turned over several times. It is advisable to use special kitchen tongs so that it is more convenient to take the brisket and not get your hands dirty.

When the delicacy has acquired a golden hue, then it is ready. After frying, it remains to put the bacon on paper napkins or a towel to drain all the fat. Bacon is ready! What to cook from such a cut of bacon? It can be served for breakfast, added to pasta, salads or soups.

Recipe from a renowned French restaurant

This roasting secret is used by a famous French chef in his restaurant in the south of France. This recipe produces crispy, melt-in-your-mouth bacon.

The secret is simple! Put raw bacon slices into a heated pan. While it is frying, you need to add a little hot water to the pan. For a few minutes, allow the brisket to fry in the water. When all the water has evaporated, the bacon is ready! With the help of this little secret, the bacon will always have an even and beautiful shape and will not curl.

How to fry bacon in the oven

How to cook bacon in the oven? It is necessary to lay the strips tightly on a baking sheet with high sides (high walls will not allow fat to leak out). Line the bottom of a baking sheet with foil or parchment paper. Top the bacon with another sheet of paper.

Next, you need to set the oven to warm up to 200-220 degrees and place the brisket there. Cooking time for bacon in the oven is about 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, take it out and blot excess fat.

Exclusive Recipe for Crispy Bacon Frying

For this method, you will need a baking sheet with a grill or something that imitates a grill. This baking sheet is good because the bacon is fried on a wire rack, and all the fat flows to the bottom.

In order to enhance the taste, you need to add a little sugar to the bacon. Sugar gives light caramelization. The combination of salted bacon and sugar will give crunchy slices an enhanced and rich taste. You can season the bacon with smoked paprika, maple syrup, black pepper, or any of your favorite spices.

How to cook bacon:

  1. Lay the brisket on the grill.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200-220 degrees.
  3. Send it to cook for about 10 minutes.
  4. After a couple of minutes, get a wonderful crispy and fragrant bacon.
  5. Use paper towels to remove all unnecessary grease. Such bacon can be put in burgers, added to pasta or scrambled eggs.

Do not put the finished bacon in the refrigerator, where it will lose all its properties, taste and crispy structure. Bacon should be wrapped in a clean paper towel and left on the kitchen counter.

How to cook bacon in the microwave

The fastest and easiest way. Let's take a closer look at how to fry bacon:

  1. Take a microwaveable plate and place paper towels on it.
  2. Arrange bacon strips on top and cover again with paper towels.
  3. Cook in the microwave for about 3 minutes. It is very important not to overcook the bacon, otherwise it will dry out all over.
  4. If 3 minutes is not enough, then you can add another 30 seconds, but no more.
  5. The dish is ready!

How to fry bacon in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, bacon can be fried in the “Frying” or “Baking” mode. Also on the "Multipovar" program at a temperature of 170 degrees, if such a function is available. You need to fry for 5-7 minutes, constantly turning it over with kitchen tongs. After that, it remains only to put on paper towels in order to stack excess fat.

Now you know how to make crispy bacon at home. These simple tips will help any housewife serve slices of fragrant bacon that melts in your mouth! Bon appetit!

Thanks for your time

For all lovers of delicious food, not only at night.

In the wild, this animal lives on almost the entire Eurasian continent. Small herds congregate in places where vegetables accumulate, and graze there until the area turns into a wild desert. Bacon is hard to tame. This is a freedom-loving and wayward animal with a very difficult character. The most tender meat in young males;)

So. We need to either tame and feed the young bacon, or go hunting. It is worth noting that these are strong and fearless creatures that can spoil a lot of nerves for inexperienced hunters.

In order for the meat to be tasty and juicy, you need to fulfill a couple of conditions:

1) Do not use the meat of old individuals. It is tough and not so tasty;
2) The death of the animal should be as quick and painless as possible. But don't use poison darts. However, if dinner is being prepared for the mother-in-law, options are possible.

What do we need to work?
1. Meat of young bacon in the amount of 2.2 kg.

2. 2 cups of salt. You can take three. One glass will go to create a protective circle. Then the evil creatures will not be able to prevent you from finishing the job.

3. Sugar. Take a standard glass.

4. Salt, 10 teaspoons. Yep, salt again. Now we will explain everything.

5. A canister of gasoline, matches.

We are interested in bacon that has a layer of meat of sufficient thickness. Combine salt, brown sugar and glamorous pink salt and rub over bacon. After that, put a bowl with a small piece in the center of the circle of salt. We open the circle. Hungry creatures, driven by a lust for blood and flesh, will enter the circle. We quickly sprinkle the exit with salt, douse them with gasoline and burn them.

Now no one will bother us. Bacon, rubbed with a sugar-salt-glamorous mixture, is sent to the refrigerator for a week. At the end of the period, they are washed and dried. Many people like the same version, but in a smoked form.

Honestly, for a long time I wanted to make bacon at home, but somehow there was no reason. On the eve of New Year's feasts, this recipe is especially relevant, since strong alcoholic drinks should be eaten with delicious high-calorie snacks and preferably with the lowest content of artificial additives, dyes and preservatives. By preparing bacon according to this recipe, you will be sure not only of the taste, appearance and quality, but, I assure you, will make a splash among the guests.

To prepare bacon at home, take the necessary products. The undercuts (the peritoneum from the navel to the groin, the groin area is already the flank) are selected with a minimum amount of sebaceous layer. It should not be thin, otherwise it will be salty. The head of garlic is small.

There should be a lot of onion peel, at least three large handfuls.

Rinse the husk thoroughly under running water.

Transfer the husk to the pan, add all the seasonings and spices.

Add salt and sugar, pour in 1 liter of water, boil. The brine will taste very salty, don't let that scare you, the finished bacon will taste great.

Boil the marinade for 5 minutes, salt and sugar should dissolve.

Move the husk from the middle of the pan with a spoon, put the undercuts with the skin up.

Cover the undercut with husk. Cook over low heat for 25 minutes.

After a while, turn over the underline. This is how beautiful he turned out.

And cook for another 20-25 minutes. Turn off the stove, leave to cool in this brine. Already at night (when the bacon was completely cool) I drained the brine, threw away the husk and put the finished bacon under the press.

The color of the bacon will be natural, barely pink. Red color will turn out only when using nitrite salt.

Cut the bacon the next day. Rye bread and a glass of ice to it will come in handy.

Bacon at home was a success, enjoy!
