
Is it good for a girl to drink beer? Beer reduces the risk of a heart attack

What is the role of beer for women? The harm and benefits of a foamy drink depend on the amount drunk and the way it is consumed. The insidiousness of the drink consists in a small fortress, so few people attach importance to the consequences of this type of alcoholism. How does addiction manifest itself and how is it treated?

What are the harms and benefits of beer for women? Natural foamy drink is beneficial for the body. It includes a complex of vitamin B1 and PP, iron, zinc, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and folic acid. Thanks to this, he:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • raises the tone;
  • improves mood;
  • prevents depression.

Is it possible to drink an intoxicating drink daily? A small amount of a low-alcohol drink has a beneficial effect on the work of the central nervous system. The phenolic compounds included in its composition support the work of the heart, regulate lipid metabolism, improve blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the development of stroke, heart attack and varicose veins. Lemon acid contained in it, prevents the appearance of kidney stones. The main ingredient is hops, which have a calming, analgesic and antiseptic effect.

If a girl drinks beer in small doses, then this has a positive effect on the functioning of the organs. digestive tract. Beer helps maintain bone density and joint elasticity. It contains natural non-steroidal herbal ingredients have a rejuvenating effect, which is extremely important for female body. Beer for women prevents the appearance of age wrinkles and folds.

Is beer bad? And what happens if you drink beer every day in large doses? In the case of drinking a drink every day in large quantities, the work of the stomach and intestines is disrupted. In the gastrointestinal tract, the fermentation process will begin, which will irritate the mucous membrane. The harm of beer for the female body is manifested in the atrophy of the stomach glands. In this case, the food ceases to be fully digested, which leads to the development of gastritis. At the same time, the patient feels lethargy, a bitter taste in the mouth, pain and heaviness in the abdomen.

If girls drink beer in large volumes, then this leads to hormonal imbalance. Negative impact beer on a woman's body is reflected in the reproductive function. Abuse of intoxicating drink significantly reduces the production of sex hormones in the body. As a result, this affects the inability to become pregnant. Foamy drink causes tremendous harm during pregnancy and lactation.

Lovers of a low-alcohol foamy drink are often faced with overweight. It is very high-calorie, so its excessive use leads to the fact that girls begin to actively recover. Overweight mainly accumulate in the abdomen.

The huge harm of beer for women is manifested in the work of the liver. The antitoxic function is disturbed and the liver ceases to function fully.

According to medical statistics, drinking girls the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the body is many times higher. A foamy drink also disrupts the functional activity of the kidneys. This leads to a violation of the water-electrolyte balance. It also has a powerful diuretic effect. This phenomenon is dangerous because useful and nutrients are washed out of the body.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms in women are difficult to determine at the initial stage. It all starts with a small ingestion on celebrations and holidays. Due to the low strength, intoxication does not occur immediately, so it is not always possible to determine the signs of alcoholism. Over time, the volume of alcohol consumed increases to 1-2 liters per day and the signs become brighter.

External symptoms are manifested in a change in the appearance of the patient herself. She becomes unkempt, her lips become cyanotic and puffy, her voice coarsens, her legs become disproportionately thin. But changes are observed not only in appearance. Physiological symptoms include:

  • drowsiness during the daytime;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • fading of the skin.

Vitamin C deficiency leads to the formation of dark circles under the eyes. It has been proven that one of the symptoms of addiction is the ability to get better. Excess weight leads to deformation of the pectoral muscles, which causes difficulty in breathing. At an advanced stage, the sugar content in the blood rises, which leads to disruption of the pancreas.

Abuse of a foamy drink leads to malnutrition of body tissues and damage to small nerve endings. This causes memory lapses and the development of dementia. Drinkers lose interest in their surroundings. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, then there is a high probability of complete degradation of the personality.

The disease is also characterized by psychological signs that change the inner essence. This group of symptoms includes aggressiveness, moodiness, frequent mood swings, anxiety, depression, decreased maternal instinct and insomnia.

Methods of treatment

Beer alcoholism in women is quite common, even though it is low-alcohol type drink. This type of alcoholism is very difficult to treat. How to give up beer? Drinking representatives of the weaker sex are more likely than men to be scorned by society. If the wife drinks, then for the treatment of addiction, she needs to be provided not only with medical, but also with psychological help. This will require:

  • eliminate the reason for the desire to drink;
  • surround with comfort and support;
  • find interests that are not related to alcohol.

A set of measures is being taken to cleanse the body of the half-life products of alcohol. Female beer alcoholism in this case is treated with drugs that cause aversion to alcohol. It is forbidden to stop drinking drugs without the advice of a doctor. With every glass she drinks, she will experience severe discomfort, which causes alcohol intolerance.

Majority drinkers do not recognize the existence of addiction and are convinced that they can stop drinking on their own, but often all attempts are unsuccessful. Effective way treatment alcohol addiction is the encoding. The principle of the encoding is that a special medicinal preparation is introduced into the body, which, upon contact with alcohol, acts like a poison. The patient is in severe pain.

How to stop drinking beer for a woman at home on her own? Alcoholism can be fought with folk remedies. Treatment should be carried out in stages. First, the half-life products of alcohol should be removed from the body. To do this, you can use non-carbonated mineral water With lemon juice. Then you should develop an aversion to alcohol. You can drink decoctions of flaxseed, lovage, thyme. The final step is aromatherapy or hot baths with lavender and rosemary.

When addiction appears, do not delay treatment. Advanced stages of alcoholism lead to severe and serious consequences. In addition to aging skin and chronic diseases, drinking women also lose their jobs, families and loved ones. Only complex treatment will relieve the consequences of a physical and social nature.

Mankind learned to brew beer more than eight centuries ago, and compete with him for the title of the oldest of alcoholic beverages Maybe just wine. most interesting historical fact: beer is male drink, but initially it was women who were engaged in its production (brewing), and the way to the breweries for men was not welcomed in some nationalities.

Time has done its job: many of the traditions have changed, including in the field of brewing, and now the manufacturing process and the improvement of manufacturing technologies are mainly carried out by men. Popularization of the drink has reached its maximum point, and the amount of beer consumption by both men and women is growing. If earlier women were clearly lagging behind in the ratio of alcohol consumed in comparison with the stronger sex, today our lovely representatives of the weaker sex are catching up with men at a steady pace.

Beer and the female body - to drink or not to drink

Beer at all times, although not as much as men, but the special taste of the drink, a small dosage of alcohol and some useful properties still attract the weaker sex. IN Lately the popularization of the drink through advertising and the increase in the development of brewing changed the percentage of consumption of the drink: women began to drink beer much more. The debate about whether beer is necessary for women, the benefits and harms of which are ambiguous, does not subside. But for now, it's just a debate.

General information about beer as a drink

The special properties of the drink allow you to use the product not only as low alcohol drink. The composition of unfiltered beer rich in vitamins and microelements at an early stage of production has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. This feature has been proven by cosmetologists, but this is not the only factor of interest to women.

A unique combination of vitamins and microelements promotes the regeneration of skin cells. Therefore, the systematic use of beer cosmetic masks on the chest, neck, chin and face is recommended. In other words, the drink can be used in cosmetology as a rejuvenating agent. There are a considerable number of owners of beautiful long hair who often soak strands of hair in beer before styling. This gives the hair a natural shine and a healthy look.

The attitude of doctors to the use of beer by women

If we consider from the point of view of medicine the question of whether beer is necessary for women, the benefits and harms of which are not always considered by experts in the same way, we need to dwell in more detail on some points related to the use of the drink.

  • Alcohol addiction. The main difference between the drink is a smaller dose of alcohol, which, even with a large amount of alcohol consumed, will not lead to death. Considering an alternative, for example, vodka - beer, a woman, due to the characteristics of her body, will choose the drink that has a lower dosage of alcohol in the composition. Narcologists have a negative attitude to any alcoholic beverages, and even more so to the effect of alcohol on the female body: addiction in women occurs faster, treatment is much more difficult.
  • Cardiology. If women drink beer in moderation but regularly, they run the risk of getting quite early age serious heart disease. One of them is ischemia. But not only these problems can manifest themselves among those who like to “cheer up” by constantly drinking alcohol. Vodka, beer, wine negatively affect the condition blood vessels, primarily those that provide oxygen to the brain. Vasoconstriction can adversely affect general condition. This is drowsiness, headache and even fainting.

  • Digestion. The presence of a group of heavy resins in the composition of hops speaks unequivocally: if there is any benefit from drinking, it is very doubtful, since the gastrointestinal tract is definitely subjected to serious tests when drinking beer. The harm of cigarettes is undeniable due to the presence of a group of resins in nicotine, the same problem is observed in beer, but nevertheless, cigarettes and beer are one of the most popular trade products.
  • Sexual attraction. It is in this aspect that beer for women, the benefits and harms of which are of interest to many, is unequivocally assessed by sexologists. The drink also adversely affects the body, reducing sexual desire, as in men. It is the female physiology that is to blame for the fact that they get used to alcohol faster, especially the process is facilitated by the use of alcohol during the period " women's days when the body needs large quantity liquids than usual.

Drinking beer during pregnancy

Beer for women, the benefits and harms of which are also interpreted differently, during pregnancy can show desired drink. Many of the women honestly admit that, having nothing to do with beer before pregnancy, during the period of bearing a child, they felt just the same insane desire to try the drink.

Here everything is more or less explainable: in the composition natural product includes components that are very important for the formation of the body:

  • Substances containing nitrogen.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Amino acids.
  • Row essential trace elements: phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium and many others.
  • Glucose.
  • Alcohol.

It is very important to know that a pasteurized drink loses most of its listed elements. Only in the unfiltered product at the initial stage of cooking are there very useful for normal growth fetal components. Drinking unfiltered beer during pregnancy in small doses is acceptable. It will not harm your health expectant mother, not a baby, but on the contrary, it will strengthen the immune system and activate the growth of tissue cells. Gynecologists do not encourage the desire to drink beer in small doses during pregnancy, and do not prohibit it. After all, they play a role individual characteristics female body.

Does beer affect the state of the figure

It is very important for a woman how attractive she looks, and the question excess weight- one of the most sick in terms of relevance. You should know that popular expression"Beer belly" has nothing to do with beer and alcohol in general, this feature is individual for each person.

Nutritionists, answering the question, women, do not deny the fact that the drink is high in calories and has an enriched composition of minerals and components. Again, only an unfiltered product can somehow affect the appearance of excess weight. safe in this respect.

Dangers associated with addiction to alcohol

A sore subject is in women, which is becoming more common. The worst thing is that the popularization of the drink led to this. Narcologists of all countries took up their heads because of the sharp increase in alcoholism among the fair sex. Due to the characteristics of the body, already at the age of 25-30, young women can turn into degraded asexual creatures. The drink, which includes female hormones, literally in one and a half to two years of constant use leads to complete alcohol, or rather, beer addiction.

When can beer be beneficial?

The features listed earlier require a careful attitude to alcohol, so beer is very difficult for a woman who has become addicted to a drink, and especially without outside help. But if you use it in small doses, it will not only not cause harm, but, on the contrary, will bring real benefit the female body.

  • The disease of furunculosis is successfully treated with the help of brewer's yeast, which is part of the drink.
  • Beer (in a heated state) in the initial stage is used to treat colds.
  • Some doctors claim that the antioxidants contained in the drink prevent the occurrence of a number of serious diseases.
  • Some of the components of beer are used to make drugs for the treatment of skin diseases.

And again a reminder: all necessary and possessing useful qualities the ingredients are in unfiltered beer until the moment of pasteurization, and, of course, it should be consumed in moderate doses and unsystematically.

Cosmetology and brewing products

Cosmetologists all over the world have found only useful moments in beer. A lot of preparations are made from brewing products that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. They are used to restore and maintain in good condition the skin, hair and nails.

Myths and truth about the benefits and dangers of the drink

During the advent of beer and before today the drink is overgrown with various myths, in which it is difficult to track where the event actually took place, and where everything is an ordinary fiction. In order to popularize the drink, manufacturers come up with and show the world a lot of interesting facts that are used for advertising purposes. Undoubtedly, the drink is the most valuable product, moderate use of which is not capable of harming the female body. But one of the facts that is hushed up by almost all beer makers is real composition drink. Today, the composition of beer is almost completely different from the drink that was made several tens or even hundreds of years ago. To date natural ingredients are only water and sugar. All other ingredients, as a rule, are products of chemical production.

Previously, only men showed a special love for beer. However, over time, the popularity of beer has increased, and women began to use it on an equal basis with the opposite sex. But is beer good for women?

It's no secret that real Czech beer, as well as other varieties High Quality contain a large number of useful trace elements, minerals and vitamins. Thanks to these components, it is possible to solve such problems as hair loss, brittle nails, lack of vitamins, acne, dandruff. Just one glass of beer a day helps replace the daily intake of vitamins needed to maintain beauty and health.

Many believe that beer brings women more harm than good. And this is due to the appearance of excess weight with its constant use. However, in reality this is not the case. The calorie content of beer does not exceed the calorie content of milk. In addition, foamy drinks help speed up the metabolism in the female body. It’s not beer that leads to excess weight, but a large number of snacks that you want more and more, because the drink awakens the appetite.

Useful properties of beer for women

With moderate consumption of beer, you can cope with diseases:

  • For example, furunculosis is treated with brewer's yeast, which is part of beer.
  • If you heat the beer, you can get rid of colds.
  • Part of the beer components is used in the creation of drugs for the treatment of skin diseases.

Surprisingly, many pregnant women have a desire to try beer, even if they have never drunk it before. This is due to the fact that it contains all the necessary trace elements for the formation of the body: amino acids, nitrogen, glucose, carbohydrates, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper and many others.

However, it should be remembered that all useful components, vitamins and minerals are in unfiltered beer before pasteurization, so you need to use it systematically and in moderation.

Beer brewing has been around for over 8,000 years. In those days, it was predominantly women. In the old days, people considered beer women's drink, very useful for health, helping to maintain beauty, strengthening hair and nails, accelerating growth, improving mood. It was even given to children. In the Middle Ages in European countries drink was used to treat a variety of diseases. But is beer healthy? The benefits and harms for women and men were first described in the 15th century by the famous alchemist and physician Paracelsus. It was thanks to his research that the basic rule of beer consumption was formulated, according to which the effect of the drink depends on its dose. The scientist believed that the norm is 2-3 mugs per day. Beer has both positive and negative effects on women.


    positive the effect of beer on the body of a woman primarily due to the content of phytoesrogens in it. These are natural non-steroidal plant compounds that have a structure similar to estradiol (female hormone). Phytoestrogens rejuvenate the body, prevent the appearance of age-related changes (wrinkles, sagging skin, deterioration of hair quality).

    Beer is high in potassium and low in sodium. Thanks to this, the drink is good for the heart, blood vessels and is allowed to be consumed even with hypertension, in which salt restriction is recommended.

    Beer contains trace elements necessary for the female body (iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, magnesium).

    The drink is also rich in vitamins B1, B2, B6, C. Vitamin C is added to it during production to prevent the oxidation process. It has a pronounced antioxidant effect, helping to preserve the youth of cells.

    A high concentration of nicotinic acid helps improve blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, and prevents the development of varicose veins, which women are especially susceptible to.

    Citric acid stimulates urination, preventing the appearance of kidney stones.

    What else is beer good for women? The phenolic compounds included in it are the most valuable components of the drink. They prevent the formation of blood clots and regulate lipid metabolism, thereby preventing heart attacks and strokes.


Beer lovers should keep in mind one more circumstance: female alcoholism difficult to treat. As a rule, everything starts with a fairly harmless beer, and ends with a hard physical and psychological addiction from strong drinks.

Beer is by far the most popular drink, which is provided to the consumer with a large assortment. different varieties. The abundance of advertising instilled love for him people around the world. No wonder, because this ancient drink. His recipes are deeply rooted in distant hours. For centuries, disputes have been sharpening around the intoxicating product. Drink lovers give numerous arguments confirming that people who drink beer benefit enormously. But there is another side, directly declaring harm to the body. What is hidden in a mug of foamy drink?

doubts about usefulness

Doubts arose with the advent of the drink. What does beer bring to the body? Its benefits and harms are one of the common topics of discussion for many generations. It should be noted that even our most distant ancestors understood that the immeasurable acceptance of alcohol would not lead to good. When did the opinion arise that for a person who consumes beer, the benefits for the body are invaluable?

It turns out that for the first time he spoke about miraculous properties drink medieval alchemist and physician Paracelsus. He argued that natural ingredients beer in the most healthy way affect the body, stimulate the work circulatory system. It is not at all surprising that at that time almost all of Europe was immersed in foamy drink. However, one must pay tribute to Paracelsus, who emphasized that the immense consumption of any food can turn out to be poison. True, he considered 2-3 mugs of beer a day to be the norm.

Modern supporters

Many scientists supported Paracelsus, putting forward new arguments, directly indicating that for a person who drinks beer, the benefits are great enough. Quite authoritative personalities stood up to protect their favorite drink.

Curtis Ellison, a doctor at Boston University, stated that moderate consumption of hop product (1 liter per day) significantly reduces possible risk ischemia of the heart. The benefits of beer for the female body, in his opinion, is to slow down the aging process. And what representative of the fair sex does not dream of being forever young?

Danish scientists simply stunned with their discovery. It turns out that people who constantly drink beer significantly improve their metabolism.

American researchers believe that the intoxicating drink contains just a “shock” dose of B vitamins. Namely, they stimulate the process of producing red blood cells.

Besides all this, amazing drink from malt contains phosphorus, iron, copper and magnesium. And the presence of sugar in it is not as high as many say. Listening to the opinions of reputable scientists, often the question of whether there is any benefit from beer is resolved exclusively positively. It would seem that drink one liter of intoxicating drink a day - and you will be completely healthy. But not everything is so simple. And in order to add up your opinion, you need to understand in more detail what beer brings with it. Benefit and harm can sometimes be very closely intertwined and be two sides of the same coin. Does this apply to a drink loved by many?

We determine the benefit

Let's talk first about the positive side of one coin. It should be noted that we are talking about the use moderate amount. Only under such conditions can we consider that the benefits of beer for the body are fully justified.

Drink Benefits:

  • beer has an excellent ability to lower arterial pressure and cholesterol levels, and this is a real prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • a drink regularly entering the body improves blood clotting, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • there is an improvement in metabolism, in addition, the body is naturally cleansed of toxins and toxins;
  • the polyphenols included in the composition stimulate the work of the heart muscle, improve vision, normalize the activity of the digestive tract;
  • the content of vitamins and various useful substances, as already mentioned, undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on the body;
  • beer hops are known for their powerful bactericidal properties;
  • organic acids have a positive effect on human activity, preventing the occurrence of osteoporosis;
  • phytoestrogens reduce the process of calcium leaching, thereby reducing the risk of fractures.

Beer can also be used ... externally! It is here that the benefits of the drink are fully revealed. The use of beer wraps perfectly stimulates the skin. The drink is widely used for the manufacture of hair care products. Masks based on beer strengthen the roots, improve the condition of the scalp, and completely eliminate dandruff. From these products, the hair shines with health, acquires silkiness and natural shine. Beer face masks allow you to delay old age. They are able to smooth out early wrinkles, tone the skin, relieve flabbiness. And beer foam is just a panacea for owners oily skin. It perfectly regulates the process of sebum production, significantly tightening the pores.

Non-alcoholic beer: benefits and harms

This drink practically does not differ from its "brothers". The only difference is the alcohol level. And the taste quality drink totally coincides regular beer. However, it is worth knowing that the presence of alcohol is still present in it, it is simply minimized (0.2 -1.5 degrees). This beer is obtained by evaporation, simply not allowing it to “ferment”. Should you drink non-alcoholic beer? The benefits and harms discussed below will help answer the question.

Benefits of beer. The biggest advantage of this drink is the ability to quench your thirst in the heat without fear of getting drunk. It absolutely does not affect the coordination of movements, the ability to think soberly, and also make decisions quickly. That is why non-alcoholic beer can be taken by people who, due to certain circumstances, are completely contraindicated in the state of intoxication.

An important criterion in favor of the drink is the possibility of obtaining all the useful substances that are contained in the same amount as in alcoholic beer.

One of the most positive qualities is the ability of this particular drink to reduce the risk of malignant tumors. Such studies were carried out by Japanese scientists. The published results confirmed that it is non-alcoholic beer that prevents the entry of carcinogenic substances into the body. The benefits of this discovery are invaluable. True, studies were conducted only on mice. However, scientists continue to develop in this area in order to isolate "antitumor" components from the drink.

Disadvantages of beer Despite the many positive aspects, the negative aspects cannot be ignored. Non-alcoholic beer quite often becomes a forerunner to the development of alcoholism. Teenagers are especially susceptible to this. Starting with such a seemingly harmless drink, over time they switch to regular beer, gradually increasing the dose.

Men who abuse the product may face a rather unpleasant problem - this is a manifestation of female characteristics. After all, excessive consumption can disrupt the work endocrine system. The culprits are the phytoestrogens found in beer. They contribute to the stimulation of not only male hormones, but also the activation of female hormones.

And the biggest danger lies in the content of cobalt in the drink, which is a foam stabilizer. This is a very toxic element. It is noticed that it negatively affects the heart, stomach. And sometimes causes various inflammatory processes.

What promises live beer

A lover of malt and hops cannot talk about the taste of a drink if he has never tasted draft live beer in his life. Its taste and properties are significantly different from bottled. It has to do with the manufacturing process. After all, brewing and fermentation take place naturally therefore, the alcohol formed in the drink is completely natural. That's why he's so rich useful substances, microorganisms.

Live beer is not subjected to a filtration process. As a result, it contains a natural yeast culture. It is she who endows with a unique aroma and unique taste unfiltered beer. The benefits of the drink in numerous useful properties. After all, he saves everything useful trace elements and vitamins.

What is the benefit of live beer? In the following:

  • Thanks to natural alcohol, the drink prevents the accumulation and formation of fats.
  • Normalization is noted blood pressure, improving blood clotting.
  • The level of cholesterol decreases.
  • The kidneys are cleansed, excess fluid is removed from the body.
  • A beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract has been noted. Better digestion of food, stimulated right job intestines.
  • A warm drink relieves toothache, treats a sore throat, and fights a cough.
  • The most positive effect on the emotional background of a person, often being a sedative.
  • This drink contains many vitamins, which, unfortunately, are not in pasteurized. Undoubtedly, this is great benefit draft beer. A live drink improves metabolism, can increase immunity. Significantly heals the body.

However, one should not forget when drinking draft beer: harm and benefit are very close. The main thing is to know the measure. And do not step over the line beyond which it turns into poison.

Dark or light?

Which beer is healthier? This question was asked by a group of Spanish scientists (University of Valladolid). They determined that in dark varieties contains slightly more iron than in light. Of course, this element in large numbers enters the human body with food. However, iron can accelerate the process of oxidation of organic compounds.

In the manufacture light beer filtering is applied. As a result, perhaps, the retention of free iron occurs. This explains the low content of the element in light varieties. According to scientists from Spain, it is better to drink dark beer. The benefits of the drink are quite obvious. After all, iron is a component of hemoglobin. Namely, it delivers the necessary oxygen to all tissues and cells of the human body.

Benefits legends

The ongoing debate about the drink gives rise to many misconceptions. Most utility myths are taken at face value. Beer lovers simply take all judgments about the benefits of the drink as an axiom. Moreover, most of these properties have been proven by scientists. However, what does beer bring to the body? The benefits and harms of the drink are so mixed up that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish what a malt lover wins and what fails. To clarify the situation a little, let's look at the most common misconceptions.

Myth 1: low alcohol drink

The concentration of alcohol in beer is minimal. Such a drink can be compared almost with lemonade. The benefits of beer completely cover the possible harm.

True. This drink is a product of fermentation. In other words, there is a disintegration of the molecules of all nutrients. The results of such a process are very deplorable. After all, one can of beer brings aldehydes into the body, fusel oils, methanol and ether.

It is unpleasant that beer alcoholism develops almost 5 times faster than vodka alcoholism. Addiction occurs very imperceptibly. Most people do not even have time to realize the problem, as they fall into the network of hops. Stopping yourself is sometimes impossible.

Myth 2: a source of vitamins

After drinking about one liter of beer, a person restores daily requirement in nutrients.

True. Naturally, the content of vitamins, minerals, macronutrients cannot be denied. However, buckwheat, cabbage, and most food products are rich in all these components. At the same time, they are completely devoid of alcohol. By the way, during the preparation of an intoxicating drink, the concentration of vitamins decreases. Therefore, if you want to saturate the body daily rate vitamin B1 you need to drink not one liter of beer, but ten.

Myth 3: Good for the heart

Beer stimulates the cardiovascular system.

True. The systematic use of the drink leads to a thickening of the heart muscle. Significantly expand the cavities of the heart. This causes the development of necrosis, a decrease in the number of mitochondria. In other words, the heart begins to fail, pumping blood worse, greatly oversaturating the vessels. As a result, shortness of breath, varicose veins occur, and the risk of heart attacks increases.

Myth 4: Benefits for women

It is believed that malt drink must be used by the fair sex. There is an opinion that the benefits of beer for women are simply invaluable. But what really?

True. Is there any benefit of beer for the female body? Very doubtful. Since phytoestrogen is no less dangerous for drink lovers, as well as for men. Their intake causes oppression of the hormonal system. natural process production of estrogen stops. As a result of such a violation, disastrous results appear. The woman's voice takes on a rough tone. The figure loses its natural shape. A very unpleasant result is increased hair growth above the lip.

Myth 5: Kidney stimulation

Beer removes excess fluid and toxins from the body.

True. This myth is associated with a diuretic property known to all lovers of the drink. However, the desired effect is not achieved. Beer does not cleanse the body. At the same time, it “washes out” fats, proteins, most of the necessary trace elements. A person, as a rule, loses potassium, vitamin C, magnesium. Sometimes this process can turn into a serious problem. A lack of potassium leads to irregular heartbeats, increased dryness of the skin, unexplained weakness, and severe leg cramps.

Myth 6: Benefits for the brain

The drink is a source of silicon. Namely, it helps to strengthen the vessels of the brain, increases their elasticity. Therefore, there is a need to drink beer. The benefit is clear enough.

True. Any alcohol entering the human body causes the destruction of brain cells. Even one can of beer is enough to kill several thousand of them. For teenagers, this action is especially dangerous. After all, any harmful changes occur several times faster in a young body than in a more mature age.

Myth 7: Beer reduces vodka consumption

Most drink lovers believe that by consuming an intoxicating product, they are displacing a stronger drink from drinking.

True. Unfortunately, statistics cite a stunning fact: one bottle of beer corresponds to 50-100 g of vodka. It depends on the fortress. If 5-6 bottles are drunk per day, then the body receives a dose of alcohol equal to a bottle of vodka. At the same time, psychologically, the beer lover is completely protected. After all, the one who drinks a bottle of vodka is clearly an alcoholic. And a person who has consumed 2-3 liters of beer, as a rule, is an “ordinary” average citizen who gives the impression of being happy and lucky.

The assumption is completely at odds with the statistics. It is she who demonstrates the figures clearly showing that along with the consumption of beer, the demand for vodka is also growing. It's no secret that many people drink both, considering a low degree as an impossibility to completely relax.

To drink or not to drink?

The benefits and harms of the drink are due to quite different factors. The main ones are: excessive consumption and product quality. Therefore, beer lovers who simply cannot live without a glass of hops should pay attention to the dose and reputation of the manufacturer.

The best is the production of the European school. The most "beer" countries are world famous - the Czech Republic, Ireland, Germany, Austria. It's no secret that every year they acquire the status of a leader in the drink consumption rating table.

Unfortunately, there is no single answer to the question of whether to drink beer or not to drink. Many studies support the benefits of the drink. Hence, drink. But subject to important conditions. If you know how to "keep" the measure, choose only quality product while taking great care of your health. For other cases, it is much better to simply refrain from drinking beer. Remember that the drink has alcohol. And the harm can far outweigh the benefits!
