
Birch wine is an amazing drink with a long history! Homemade birch sap wine.

Spring is one of the most favorite seasons of the year for most people! The awakening of nature gives a desire for renewal in absolutely everything. I want to change my wardrobe, go on a trip, and someone to try a new recipe for homemade wine - the most original, most unexpected, so as to surprise everyone. Perhaps it is birch sap that will become such an unusual base. Wine from birch sap, of course, can only be prepared by the winemaker who has prepared a sufficient amount of this raw material.

life-giving juice

Our ancestors have long used the healing properties of birch sap in folk medicine. It was believed that it contains many substances that give strength, boost immunity, help renew and cleanse the body. In the last century, it was found that birch tree sap contains tannins that brighten and disinfect the skin. This property allows this ingredient to be widely included in the recipe for the preparation of cosmetic masks, whitening creams for skin depigmentation.

The content of biologically active components is perhaps one of the highest. Taking fresh or canned birch sap ensures proper stimulation of the immune system. The topic of antitumor activity is also discussed, while there is little exact information in favor of anticarcinogenic activity, but research continues.

The vitamins contained in the freshly harvested birch liquid are in an active form, and are absorbed by the body much faster. Therefore, it is recommended to take the juice with beriberi, anemic conditions, after hypoxic or toxic poisoning.

Wine Features

In order to make wine from birch sap, you need a fairly large amount of it. Since by itself it has no smell or color, it is also recommended to add additional ingredients with a pronounced aroma or color to the recipe.

Lemons, oranges, cinnamon, honey, various berries, fruits go very well together.

The field for the winemaker's imagination when working with such an unusual material as the basis for making a wine drink is limitless. Of course, another argument in favor of this wonderful drink. The result of cooking with almost a 100% guarantee will be exclusive.

The next important circumstance is that for this drink it is not necessary to prepare water. One juice is enough to get a wine drink, you don’t need to prepare it in any special way either. It is enough just sugar and additives that will bring individuality and originality to the recipe.

Birch sap lemon wine recipe

You will need:

  • juice (base for wine) - 12 liters;
  • sugar - sand - 5 kg;
  • lemon zest 10 lemons;
  • light grade raisins - 200 grams.

This recipe will give your home vinotheque a light, slightly carbonated white wine with a lemony aroma and aftertaste.

Cinnamon honey wine recipe

You should take:

  • birch sap - 6 liters;
  • sugar - sand - 2 kg;
  • honey - 1 kg;
  • cinnamon - a few sticks;
  • strong white wine - 1.5 - 2 liters.

Cooking instructions:

The recipe for honey wine with cinnamon is quite simple to follow, all the ingredients are very accessible. Despite this, the drink is obtained with a very delicate honey taste and a warm aroma of cinnamon.

Mulled wine connoisseurs will appreciate it.

fruit wine recipe


  • birch sap - 10 liters;
  • sugar - sand - 5 kg;
  • fruits to taste (apples, pears, citrus fruits, berries) - 3 kg;
  • dark raisins - 200 grams.

Step-by-step instruction:

Light, fruity wine will bring great pleasure. It goes well with fruit desserts, summer pies with berries.


It is very unusual to prepare a wine drink from wood raw materials. But there is a place where fantasies, the winemaker's imagination, try exclusive recipes. Who knows, maybe this amazing drink will become your calling card.

The best wine made from birch sap is prepared according to an old recipe of Belarusian villagers. Previously, more than a hundred years ago, they held a mass event everywhere every spring. We always got a lot of it. fresh, but by canning were not so common. Most often, products of natural fermentation were prepared from birch sap - wine, expelled. In this form, it could be consumed all year round. So, let's try to talk in detail about how to make wine from birch sap.

Ingredients for making wine from birch sap

We will need:

  • birch sap - 25 l
  • sugar - 5 kg
  • raisins - 200 g
  • honey -200 g
  • citric acid - 7-10 g

Birch sap for wine should be freshly picked, not sour or fermented. Sugar is needed to give the drink strength and sweetness, and citric acid balances the acidity and increases the shelf life of the wine. Raisins are essential for making sourdough. It is better to take dark berries with a white bloom, which is, in fact, wine yeast of natural origin. With such a starter, the wine will ferment perfectly. In principle, you can not put honey, but it will give the wine a spicy taste and remove a slight bitterness. Crystallized honey before introducing into the wort will have to be melted in a water bath and then cooled.

Birch sap wine - recipe

First, a few days before the juice is collected, it is necessary to make a starter for the wine. Microorganisms from the sourdough turn the juice into wine. About 150 g of raisins are poured into a bottle. 50 g of sugar is added there and everything is poured with boiled water cooled to room temperature. The neck of the bottle is tied with gauze or closed with a loose cotton plug, providing air access. In this form, the future raisin sourdough should stand in a warm place for 3-4 days until ready. After that, it can be stored in the refrigerator for about 10 days.

Now let's start preparing the wort. To do this, birch sap, sugar and citric acid are mixed in a large enameled saucepan. The mixture is simmered over low heat until about 20 liters of liquid remains from the original 25 liters. Such boiling by a third increases the concentration of solids, which is necessary to achieve optimal taste qualities of birch wine. After that, the wort is cooled to 25C. During the cooling process, it must be stirred periodically. If a film or crust forms on the surface, they must be removed. Then, pre-prepared raisin sourdough and honey are introduced into the wort. Everything is mixed and poured into a fermentation container (preferably a large bottle or jar). A standard water seal is installed on the neck of the container or a medical glove is simply put on (a hole must be made on one finger, otherwise it may burst). Future birch wine is transferred to a dark room for fermentation. The temperature of the environment in this case should be 18-25C.

Signs of the end of active fermentation are the fall of the glove and the absence of air bubbles at the water seal. Visually, the wine becomes lighter, and sediment forms at the bottom of the container. The product must be carefully poured without sediment into a clean container. The wine is hermetically sealed and sent for 2-3 weeks for aging in a dark and cool room (10-16C).

At the final stage, birch wine is once again drained from the sediment and bottled or bottled for further storage. Its shelf life is one year.

The resulting wine from birch sap has a mild sweet taste. It is, of course, for the human body with its moderate use, since it is made exclusively from natural, high-quality raw materials. Your guests will be happy to drink the wine of your own production!

Sparkling (carbonated) wine made from birch sap is a moderately strong (7-10 degrees) drink with an original incomparable taste, which is ideal in hot weather to quench your thirst. I bring to your attention a classic recipe for raisin sourdough.

Theory. First, we will make young birch wine, and then carbonize it - add a little sugar and seal it tightly in bottles. Sugar will cause secondary fermentation, which will saturate the wine with carbon dioxide. The result will be homemade champagne (due to the peculiarities of the technology, it is more correct to call this drink birch sap cider, but this does not affect the taste in any way).


  • birch sap - 12 liters;
  • sugar - 2 kg + 10 grams per liter of wine;
  • citric acid - 5 grams;
  • raisins - 100 grams (or wine yeast);
  • dark honey - 50 grams (optional).

To make champagne, you need not sour birch sap: fresh or canned. Citric acid stabilizes the acidity of the must, which contributes to normal fermentation. Honey gives homemade champagne a golden hue and a light sweetish aroma.

Attention! If, instead of sourdough or wine yeast, you add ordinary dry or pressed ones, as suggested in many recipes, then instead of champagne you get a fizzy mash with a nasty taste and a characteristic alcohol smell.

I advise you to prepare bottles for birch champagne in advance. They must be hermetically sealed and withstand gas pressure. The best option is plastic bottles of any capacity. They must be washed and dried before use.

birch sap champagne recipe

1. If there is no wine yeast, make raisin sourdough 3-4 days before working with juice. To do this, put raisins in a jar, add 25 grams of sugar and 150-200 ml of water (birch sap), mix.

Cover the jar with gauze and place in a dark place at room temperature. When foam appears on the surface, a slight sour smell and hiss, the sourdough is ready. It can be tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.

If mold has accumulated on the surface, it means that an infected raisin has come across, you need to take another one. Moldy sourdough must not be used!

2. In a large enamel saucepan, mix birch sap, citric acid and sugar (2 kg). Bring the mixture to a boil, boil over low heat until 75% of the liquid remains in the container from the original volume.

Boiling increases the concentration of solids in the juice and breaks down sugar into fructose with sucrose (inversion). As a result, the taste of birch champagne is more intense, the aroma is more pleasant, and the fermentation lasts less.

3. Cool the wort to 25°C (otherwise the yeast will die from the heat). Add starter along with raisins or wine yeast, add honey (optional), mix well.

4. Pour the wort into the fermentation vessel. Install a water seal or medical glove with a hole in the finger to remove carbon dioxide. Move the container to a dark place with a stable temperature of 18-25°C.

Conventional water seal
A canister and a well-attached glove will work too

5. After 20-40 days, fermentation will end: the water seal will stop emitting gas (the glove will deflate), foam will disappear on the surface, a layer of sediment will appear below, and the young birch wine itself will become lighter. The drink is ready for carbonation.

At the bottom of the bottles add 10 grams of sugar per liter of volume. Drain the young wine from the sediment through a straw and pour into bottles, leaving at least 5-6 cm of free space from the neck (more can be).

6. Seal the bottles tightly with stoppers. Put for 7-10 days in a dark room at room temperature. After a couple of days, plastic bottles will become hard.

Once a day, you need to check the gas pressure, if the container is very swollen, transfer it to the refrigerator or bleed some of the gas, otherwise the bottle may burst.

7. After saturation with carbon dioxide, transfer the finished champagne from birch sap to a refrigerator or cellar with a temperature of 3-12°C. Before drinking, keep the drink in the cold for 2-4 days.

Hue appeared thanks to honey

The shelf life of homemade birch champagne, if stored in a refrigerator or cellar, is 5-6 months. Fortress - 7-10%. A small layer of sediment may appear on the bottom.

Wine made from birch sap is an ancient Slavic tradition. Initially, the housewives used fresh juice and honey instead of sugar, but now this technology has been adapted as much as possible to modern possibilities. If desired, other ingredients can be added to the traditional birch wine recipe to make the taste original.

Yeast birch wine recipe

One of the classic birch sap wine recipes at home is yeast wine. You can buy special wine yeast in the store or use raisins (200 g). In addition to this ingredient, you will need (25 l), 5 kg of white sugar, 10 tsp. citric acid and honey optional.

Making wine from birch sap is a long and laborious process. You need to choose high-quality fresh juice and follow all the rules and monitor the temperature at all stages, otherwise the product may not work out.

Cooking method without yeast

The recipe for birch wine at home without yeast is slightly different from yeast. To prepare it, birch sap (30 l), 7.5 kg of sugar and zest (it is enough to remove the peel from 3 large fruits). You can do without it, but the zest adds brightness to the taste.

Birch sap is placed in a large saucepan and brought to a boil. Then sugar and lemon peel are added to it and kept for some time on low heat. When the liquid in the pan begins to evaporate, it is removed and cooled to room temperature. Then the cooking process and its timing do not differ from the classic yeast recipe: the wine must ferment, it is removed from the sediment and stored for some more time in a dark room. After the second removal, the drink is ready to drink.

At home, you can try different variations of this recipe. This wine should not be stored for a long time, it is better to use it immediately after preparation. Shelf life in a cool place (refrigerator or cellar) can be up to a year.

Birch wine with orange instead of lemon is a great alternative to the usual taste.

Birch sap wine without boiling

If possible, you should try to make homemade wine from birch sap without boiling. This recipe will require birch sap (5 l), sugar (1-2 kg), 1 l of any fortified wine and lemon pulp.

In the process of preparing a drink, you will need a barrel designed for at least 7 liters of liquid. Pour the juice into it and add all the other ingredients. The barrel is corked and sent to the cellar for 2 months. If there is no cellar, any dark and cool room will do.

After this time, the liquid from the barrel is poured into glass bottles, which can be sealed tightly. They should be stored for another 3 weeks in a horizontal position (in the same room). Then the bottles can be opened, the sample taken from the wine and put on the table.

There are a huge number of birch sap wine recipes that everyone can do. The main thing is to choose high-quality and fresh birch sap. It should not show signs of souring. During cooking, you can experiment and combine different ingredients. Each housewife will get a special drink that will differ in color, sweetness and strength.

Not everyone knows that birch wine was widespread in our country several centuries ago. It was prepared in large quantities and stored in wooden barrels, periodically enjoying a tasty and healthy drink. By the way, the creation of wine allows you to save almost all the useful trace elements of this wonderful gift of nature.

Rules for making wine from birch sap

Birch sap is a "capricious" raw material that requires a special approach. In order to get delicious wine from birch sap at home, you need:

  • Use exclusively fresh juice without the slightest sign of souring. If it turns out to be of unsuitable quality, then the wine will not work or will have an unpleasant taste and smell of mash. And when using the technology with pre-brewing, the spoiled product will generally curl up, and it will not work to make a wort out of it.
  • Be sure to add acid, which can be used as a lemon, lime or regular store-bought citric acid. This is necessary in order to enhance the weak taste of raw materials and ensure their safety.
  • Prepare the starter from raisins, necessary to start fermentation. The fact is that yeast is contained in a fresh liquid in a minimal amount, they may not be enough to create full-fledged alcohol.

Cooked birch wine will surely appeal to women, because it has a pleasant acidity, aroma and taste of champagne.

How to make wine from birch sap

Most often, pre-brewing technology is used to obtain a fragrant drink. This is necessary to thicken the liquid, remove various possible dirt from it. For four days, you should also prepare a starter, for which you need:

  • Pour 100-200 grams of raisins, 50-70 grams of sugar, 0.5 liters of boiled water at room temperature into a liter bottle or jar.
  • Mix everything thoroughly, cover the neck with gauze and transfer to a warm, dark place for fermentation. It is recommended to shake the container several times a day to prevent souring.
  • After the appearance of hiss and foam, move the starter to the refrigerator.

Prepared sourdough starter from raisins can be stored for no more than 15 days, and after that it becomes absolutely unusable!

We offer to make wine from birch sap according to the classic recipe:

  • 25 liters of juice should be boiled over low heat until its volume is reduced to 20 liters. In the process, it is recommended to remove the emerging film or foam, as dirt is concentrated in them.
  • Add 6 kg of sugar to the still warm liquid, mix thoroughly. If desired, refined sugar can be replaced with 200 grams of liquid natural honey.
  • Cool the future wort to a temperature of 24-25 degrees. During cooling, it is important to remove the emerging crust!
  • Add pre-prepared sourdough, 8-10 grams of citric acid or juice from 6 medium lemons to the liquid.
  • Pour the wort into a fermentation container, install a water seal and place in a dark, warm place for fermentation.
  • After the end of fermentation, the young wine is drained from the sediment and tasted. If desired, at this stage, you can add more sugar or fix with alcohol.
  • Pour the wine into bottles, filling them to the very neck, cork tightly and rearrange in a cool place for 20 days to mature.

If desired, you can make a drink using dry cultural yeast, as well as adding some other components. For this you need:

  • Heat 9 liters of juice to 75 degrees, and then maintain this temperature for about twenty minutes.
  • Remove from heat, add 2 kg of sugar, zest from two oranges and four lemons. Stir the resulting mixture and cool to 25 degrees.
  • Add juice from oranges and lemons, one package of industrial yeast for white wine, as well as make-up for them to the cooled must. Stir and leave under gauze for 5 days.
  • On the 6th day, pour the wort into another container, install a water seal and leave in a warm, dark place for 3 months for quiet fermentation.
  • After the end of fermentation, the drink is removed from the sediment, bottled and kept for 6 months in a cold room.

In such a wine made from birch sap without boiling, you can add various aromatic herbs, spices, and replace a couple of lemons with limes. Mix them together with dry yeast. To achieve maximum transparency during maturation, it is recommended to remove the drink from the sediment 2-3 times.
