
The best recipes for men's and women's cocktails. Protein drinks for potency

A rather delicate problem associated with a decrease in potency affects any man from time to time. Someone earlier, someone later, the degree of failure in male potency can be varied. It all depends on the lifestyle of a man and on the general state of his health. At the initial stage, you can recover using a cocktail for potency or other light folk remedies.

Causes of failure in potency

Taking various medications, eating unhealthy foods, unfavorable environmental conditions, daily stresses at work or in the family, can become the basis for a decrease in sexual desire. If such problems arise, you should not immediately take certain drastic measures, if a failure in potency occurs from time to time, you can maintain the passion of relationships with the help of natural components.

If the cause of failures in potency is various kinds of psychological and physiological problems, natural and folk remedies alone are indispensable. Only a doctor will be able to identify the causes of the pathology, who will conduct a competent examination and, on its basis, develop an optimally suitable treatment regimen.

Features of treatment with cocktails

If such a nuisance is of a one-time nature, the problem can be attributed to such phenomena as fatigue, nervous tension. These phenomena usually end quite quickly, that is, everything passes by itself. If failures in sexual life occur systematically, some efforts will need to be made. You can use various alternative methods of treatment, among which special attention can be paid to such compositions as a cocktail for potency. There are many options for its preparation.

Cocktail for raising potency ideally cope with such male problems. The efficiency of their preparation and high efficiency are based on the fact that they optimally combine various components that are useful for male power. If you have problems with potency, which repeated several times and caused a lot of psychological problems, you should contact a professional doctor. He will conduct an examination, determine the level of development of the problem and, on this basis, develop a treatment regimen. At the initial stage, it is quite possible to cope with various folk methods of treatment, use the treatment with cocktails for male potency. Their use will restore male strength without any adverse reactions and material waste.

Distilled water or alcohol is taken as the basis of a cocktail.

Cocktails that increase potency are one of the most pleasant and at the same time effective methods of restoring potency. This article presents the most effective recovery methods, these are useful and delicious aphrodisiac cocktails.

Important! Cocktails to increase potency can not only improve erection, but also restore and increase vitality, as well as energy.

The most effective recipes

Treatment with quail egg cocktails for potency is popular for the most part due to its high efficiency rates. These formulations are the optimal combination of two or more different components. It can be different drinks and foods that are useful, both on their own and in certain combinations. The use of such mixtures can effectively enhance the overall positive results in the process of restoring potency at home.

Important! To obtain a positive result in the process of treatment and restoration of potency, it is necessary to carefully select the components, as well as strictly observe the indicated proportions and not exceed the indicated dosage.

Among the huge variety of options for restorative mixtures, there are those that are used to restore weakened potency, there are those that increase erection immediately before sexual relations. Many of them contain quail eggs, which can be attributed to a powerful natural aphrodisiac. In addition, quail testicles contain components that quickly strengthen the body's immune forces, restore and increase sexual strength for men. So, which of the compositions are the most effective, which cocktails can be prepared independently at home, quickly restoring potency.

Quail eggs and tomato paste

This is a unique spicy drink with quail eggs, made on the basis of milk, tomatoes, where quail eggs are added. You can take it to increase erectile function, as well as to restore strength after a rather hard day at work.

The process of preparing the drink is that a coffee spoon of tomato paste, a little salt, black pepper, and two quail eggs are bred in a liter of fresh hot milk. All this is whipped in a blender, cooled a little and drunk in two doses.

Quail eggs increase sexual desire.

Cocktail "Eternal youth"

In a glass container, mix 50 ml of cognac, a spoonful of regular sugar, 250 ml of cola, and a spoonful of lemon juice very carefully. You will also need to beat two or three quail eggs separately. All ingredients are mixed, the resulting mass is divided into two parts. They need to be drunk with a break of an hour.

Sour cream beer

This cocktail is a fairly popular drink, which is characterized as simple, healthy and quite tasty. To prepare such a wonderful drink, it is worth whisking very carefully half a glass of rustic sour cream and 1.5 glasses of fresh beer with a couple of raw quail eggs. This is an ideal tool aimed at increasing potency. To obtain the most positive result, it is worth using only high-quality beer, that is, “live”. Beer in bottles and cans is absolutely not suitable. Beer together with sour cream gives the most positive effect in the process of violation and failure in potency.

Cocktail at Cahors

Red wine is widely used in the process of restoring male strength and sexual potency. To prepare a drink useful for potency, it is worth preparing such important components as:

  1. A glass of ground, chopped pine nuts.
  2. 100 grams of freshly squeezed beetroot juice.
  3. A small glass of wine, preferably Cahors.

All components are very thoroughly mixed. After that, a glass of boiling milk is poured into the mixture. This drink is divided into two equal parts and drunk in two doses. To achieve a positive result in the process of treatment with natural compounds to strengthen an erection, it is worth using the freshest products and high-quality components. Otherwise, zero effect will be obtained.

Red wine with celery

A very good effect can be achieved with a cocktail made on the basis of celery and red wine. Preparing this drink is very simple and easy. You will need to take 100 grams of finely chopped celery, as well as a bottle of natural red wine, preferably high quality.

All components are very thoroughly mixed, the composition is heated in a water bath for half an hour. The resulting product should be left in a warm place for about 7 days. After that, the cocktail can be taken no more than three times during the day at a dosage of 50 ml.

"Singing Frogs"

This is a special drink that is appreciated by modern men in Peru. The recipe has been tested for centuries, but not everyone can decide to cook it, since frog meat processed to a liquid state is taken as the basis for this drink. The desired consistency is achieved with water.

Cheeseburger Cocktail

This cocktail is popular, despite the fact that it was developed relatively recently in Canada. Preparing such a drink is very simple. you need to prepare the following components:

  • cheddar cheese;
  • Vegetable pickles;
  • Tomatoes soaked in beef broth.

All components are crushed in a blender and the entire composition is immediately drunk. As practice has shown, sex immediately after drinking a drink becomes better.

Cocktail "Youth"

This is a famous Bulgarian drink, which also contains quail eggs. This product in its wonderful properties is much superior to the well-known Viagra. Among the main ingredients can be noted included in the composition:

  1. Cola 120 ml.
  2. Rum or cognac 20 ml.
  3. Sugar - a teaspoon.
  4. Lemon juice on the tip of a knife.

All components must be thoroughly mixed and add 2-3 quail eggs, previously beaten, to them. A small amount of carbonated water is added to the finished mixed composition. The drink is ready to drink!

Cocktail "Beetroot"

This is a unique cocktail that helps to quickly eliminate all signs of male impotence. To prepare a drink, you need to take beetroot juice about 50 grams, Cahors wine in the amount of two tablespoons. Pine nuts are added in the amount of half a glass and a glass of already cooled boiled milk. The resulting mixture is drunk quickly, in one breath!

Beets play an important role in the prevention of prostate cancer.

herbal cocktail

It will take three days to prepare such a restorative drink. You need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. White and yellow acacia, one spoon each.
  2. Red mulberry one spoon.
  3. Grape wine in the amount of two liters.

This composition should be infused in a warm place for three days. The resulting infusion after this time needs to be slightly warmed up, but just do not boil, and take 50 ml before bedtime after a meal.

Cocktail "Birch sap"

This is a fairly simple and useful cocktail that is used for modern men. To prepare the drink, you need to take one glass of birch sap, half a glass of carrot juice, and also the yolk. To obtain a positive effect, it is advisable to drink at least four glasses of the drink.

Birch sap has a regenerating and diuretic effect.

Favorite drinks should be diversified with special spices, which are natural natural aphrodisiacs. These include ginger, honey, cardamom, cinnamon sticks, and the same nutmeg. You need to prepare cocktails from such products - vegetables and fruits, which in themselves are most useful for the human body. beets, radishes, carrots, celery, pumpkins, as well as pomegranates and citruses have the most beneficial effect on the body. Also, do not stop at one specific potency remedy.

Compositions need to be changed from time to time, different ingredients must be mixed, and certain precautions must be carefully observed. It is equally important to study the side effects of each product and herbal remedy used in order to avoid any side effects.

Important! Despite the fact that all the mixtures and cocktails presented to the attention are very tasty and healthy, that they have the most beneficial effect, it is strongly not recommended to take such compositions in large quantities. It is very important to monitor the dosage and amount of the mixture drunk.

Celery for potency

If you need to quickly and effectively increase potency, you should not only take healthy cocktails, but also carefully monitor your diet. It is desirable to fill the diet with useful products that will have an impact on male power. Among them, celery deserves special attention. Cocktails and mixtures from it are distinguished by unique beneficial qualities that have a positive effect not only on potency, but on the whole body of a man as a whole.

The positive effect of the product is based on the fact that celery contains such useful trace elements as magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, and iron. Vitamins A, B, PP and folic acid are also present. The advantage of celery is that useful substances are present not only in the leaves, but also in the roots.

Celery is a natural analogue of Viagra. It contains a substance such as androsterone, which effectively enhances the overall severity of secondary sexual characteristics, and is also directly involved in the full restoration of potency. In fact, this is a special hormone that, in the process of excreting it with sweat, acts as an aphrodisiac. He is very attractive to women with his sexuality. To get the most positive effect, it is worth drinking celery juice, as well as using it in other forms. Here are some of the most popular celery recipes:

Celery is able to have the most positive effect on the body of a man. The recipes presented to your attention not only increase potency, but significantly improve the functioning of all body systems. The most important thing before using celery is to carefully study the contraindications so as not to harm the male body.

The plant, in addition to a quick and effective increase in potency, plays a serious role in the prevention of prostatitis. In addition, this is a unique remedy that has a special diuretic effect, thereby preventing the development of inflammatory diseases in the urinary system and genital organs.

Folk cocktail recipes

In folk medicine, various potency-enhancing cocktails made on the basis of herbs and healthy products are quite popular and effective. Such drinks require a longer intake, but you can get a more lasting result. Here are some of the most popular and effective recipes of traditional medicine, with which you can quickly and effectively restore potency:

It is useful for men with certain erectile dysfunctions to prepare and drink drinks from products such as thyme, lungwort and periwinkle. Tinctures on these herbs have proven their effectiveness for many centuries, having a beneficial effect on potency.

The aronia berry has strong stimulating properties. It is very often included in a large number of therapeutic and restorative cocktails. The berry is not used in case of varicose veins or with a tendency to form blood clots. In other words, chokeberry tends to thicken the blood.

In Italy and Spain, potency remedies based on roses and thyme are popular. These are unique plants that, with their smells, cause quite a strong sexual arousal, as well as a burst of energy. The Greeks used sage-based cocktails. This herb is simply brewed in a special way and taken instead of tea. In France, cocktails made from high-quality cognac and egg yolks are popular.


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To strengthen male strength, it is not at all necessary to search for some special foods or exotic animals, very often it is enough just to establish proper nutrition, make healthy smoothies based on fruits and vegetables, and also lead a healthy lifestyle. Compliance with the daily routine, proper nutrition and daily moderate physical activity will quickly restore the body's endurance, improve it, respectively, and potency will be significantly enhanced and improved. The most important thing is to undergo a small examination before using cocktails in order to avoid side effects, but to get only the most positive recovery result in potency and sexual desire.

Erectile dysfunction in men is a problem that requires immediate intervention, because any minor failures can indicate serious health problems. In some cases, potency can be increased with the help of various cocktails prepared at home. Also, these drinks are recommended to be drunk by men who want to maintain male power until old age.

Recipes for drinks to enhance erection

Beetroot cocktail. To prepare it, beetroot juice (50 g), chopped walnuts (1/2 cup), good red wine (1-2 tablespoons) and boiled milk (1 cup) are mixed with a blender. The indicated proportions are calculated for one serving of the cocktail.

A positive effect is guaranteed by a drink made from the roots and leaves of celery and one large grapefruit. Despite the rather unpleasant taste, the result lives up to expectations.

The well-known stimulating Molodost cocktail is based on quail eggs (3 pcs.), Which are mixed with cognac (20 g), Coca-Cola (120 g), and a little sugar and lemon juice are added.

From quail eggs, you can prepare a lot of other cocktails that have a positive effect on erections in men. For example, mix 500 ml of hot milk, a few quail eggs and 10-20 g of fresh tomato juice, add spices to taste. Such a cocktail allows you to maintain the body in good shape after physical exertion.

The benefit of the above cocktails is that quail eggs have a rich vitamin composition, they contain phosphorus, iron, vitamins A and B, which improve overall well-being and normalize the functioning of the whole organism, including the reproductive system.

GOOD TO KNOW: In some countries, for example in Germany, it is customary for men to drink 2-3 quail eggs in the morning. But the maximum effect will be if you add 1 tablespoon of alcohol tincture from walnuts to the eggs - another source of male power.

A fairly easy-to-prepare cocktail of birch sap, which is mixed with carrot juice in a 2: 1 ratio. Add 1 egg yolk to the resulting mixture. Drinking such a "love elixir" is recommended 3-4 times a day.

Herbal drinks require a long preparation, however, the result will be more persistent. One of these cocktails is made from red mulberries, acacia flowers and grape wine (2 l). The mixture is insisted for about 3 days, and then warmed up and drunk before going to bed no more than 50 g at a time. If you prefer plant-based cocktails, you can also experiment with the following drinks:

1. Mix 10 g of dried calendula, 20 g of immortelle, 30 g of St. John's wort and 25 g of valerian roots. Herbs pour 200 g of boiling water and drink 1 table. spoon per day.

2. Prepare a tincture of 20 g of nettle seeds and half a liter of red wine, set aside for 7 days. Use 3 times a day, 1 spoon.

3. Take yarrow herbs (100 g), calamus root (50 g) and fenugreek seed (50 g). Add a glass of boiling water to 1 tablespoon of crushed herbs. Drink chilled liquid 3 times a day.

Since ancient times, in Rus', healers advised for erectile dysfunction to prepare drinks from periwinkle, lungwort, plantain, thyme. Infusions of these herbs have proven useful in modern folk medicine, but there is no clear evidence of their beneficial effect on potency.

The aronia berry is known for its exciting properties, which is also part of many cocktails that increase potency. However, its use is contraindicated in people suffering from varicose veins or prone to blood clots in the vessels, since chokeberry can thicken the blood.

GOOD TO KNOW: In ancient Rome, a fragrant drink made from roses and thyme was used to increase potency, which, due to their smell, caused strong sexual arousal and a burst of energy. And the Greeks, in order to increase the population, came up with their own unique drink recipe for potency, which was based on sage.

Jasmine oil is often used to make aphrodisiac perfumes, because this plant has a strong attracting aroma, and sometimes it is added to food and drinks as an erotic stimulant.

INTERESTING FACT: The loving French monarch Henry IV invented his love drink. Every morning he was served a cocktail of horseradish and egg yolks.

  • Try adding aphrodisiac spices to your favorite drinks, like honey, ginger or cinnamon sticks, cardamom, and nutmeg.
  • Prepare smoothies from your favorite vegetables and fruits, which in themselves are beneficial for the body of any person. Beets, carrots, radishes, pumpkins, celery, as well as citruses and pomegranates have the most favorable effect on potency.
  • Don't stop at one potency remedy, try mixing different ingredients, but be careful and be aware of the possible side effects when it comes to herbs.

Alcoholic cocktails for men. Getting ready for the men's day!

Alcoholic cocktails for men: keep me seven

A real men's holiday is not salads, wine and fruits, it is, first of all, real fun, friendly conversation and strong and not very strong, but real men's drinks.

Let's make cocktails. If you think that cocktails are pampering, then you are deeply mistaken. At home, you can prepare a lot of delicious and spectacular cocktails in every sense, make the holiday memorable and at the same time save a lot.

Appliances are required. There are few of them, they are inexpensive, but extremely necessary:
.Shaker. The best cobbler is an all-metal one with a sieve lid and a cap, which, by the way, contains exactly 30 ml.
.Sitechko. It can be an expensive bar made of steel, it can be super cheap made of plastic. It is important that it is clean and free of odors.
.Jiggers. Measuring cups of various sizes. You can take 20 and 30 ml - these are the most popular volumes. Instead of a special one, you can take a cap from a cobbler - it usually contains 30 ml.

Let's say all of the above is available, but sharp knives and different-sized glasses are already there. What else? Ice! It is important. Make plenty of ice, the more the better. Use normal filtered water for ice, otherwise then any muck can float up in a glass and embarrass the whole idea.

We decided on the devices, let's proceed to the products, that is, to alcohol.

So, the gentleman's minimum:

(this is what we call cognac).

Well, a few more points to the maximum:
.Rum (dark and white),

In fact, the list of necessary ingredients for cocktails is endless, but even with just a couple of basics, such as dark rum and gin, you can make a huge number of cocktails. The whole secret is in additives - liqueurs, tinctures, bitters, syrups and juices.

With juices, everything is simple - freshly squeezed is better, in packages a little worse, but they are also suitable. Liqueurs form the main aroma, so if you have money, you can buy branded ones, and if you are too lazy to spend money, then homemade liquors will do, but the taste will be different. Biters and liqueurs in cocktails add austerity, link dissimilar flavors and add a bouquet of aromas. It is not necessary to buy huge bartending bottles, micro-bottles at a popular price are enough. Since the bitters are spent literally "drop by drop", such a portion is enough for the whole evening and even remains. Syrups can be used as branded expensive ones, as well as inexpensive ones that are not known to anyone except you. For example, grandmother's jam (its liquid part).

Before making cocktails at the party, we recommend doing at least one “rehearsal” /

For simplicity, we divide cocktails into two types: short drinks and long drinks. That is, those who drink quickly (in piles), and those who sip from a straw or drink slowly (glasses, a lot of ice and juice). It seems to be logical that in the beginning there should be those that are faster, but in fact, at first those that drink for a long time go better, inevitably and smoothly plunging into the atmosphere of the holiday. But “hurry up” is good in the midst of fun. Although, just the order of shots and longs is not fundamental.

Perhaps gin and tonic has already become so firmly established in our lives that no one considers it a cocktail, but in vain. But if you replace the tonic with lime juice and add a little sugar, then this is already much more elegant in its simplicity and the classic Gimlet cocktail.

45 ml gin
30 g lime
2.5 g of powdered sugar.

Pour gin into a shaker, squeeze half a lime, add powdered sugar, add a good amount of ice and shake very vigorously. Strain into a tall flute glass (often served with champagne) using a strainer.

Shoots on the spot, just have time to charge! This is an adapted version of the American B-52 (cocktail, not a tank), and the layered principle can be used for a whole series of home masterpieces. Looks very impressive!

20 ml of vodka,
20 ml coffee liqueur
20 irish cream liqueur.

Pour the coffee liqueur into the shot glass, then use a spoon to layer on the irish cream and carefully pour the vodka layer on top (the vodka should be cold!). How to replace irish cream? Just another cream liqueur based on cream.

Have you finished your coffee liqueur yet? Then you can mix it with cognac and get -

Joker breakfast

20 ml cognac,
20 ml coffee liqueur
1 egg.

Pour the liqueur into the glass using a spoon, add a layer of cognac and carefully place the egg yolk on top.

Apri cat

It is easy to drink, the aroma awakens the pirate instinct, and only jam calms. (Lime is not a lemon!)

20 ml dark rum
30 g lime
20 g apricot jam.

Put jam (4 teaspoons) in a pile, squeeze a lime quarter and carefully pour in the rum. It must be such a beautiful summer sunset. Drink in one gulp and sniff lime.

An American Prohibition era classic where the cops could break in at any second and ruin all the fun. Imagine - alcohol was banned! Two such cocktails - and you already want to lie down.

20 ml of vodka,
20 ml gin
20 ml white rum
20 ml silver tequila
20 ml orange liqueur
80 ml cola,
75 g lemon,

Place 2 lemon wedges in a highball glass, fill the glass to the top with ice, pour in the vodka, gin, rum, tequila and liqueur. Squeeze a lemon wedge and top up with cola. Stir gently with a cocktail spoon. Drink "tea" slowly.

What, someone already started napping on the couch? It's time to stir up!

50 ml vodka,
25 ml sugar syrup
20 g ground coffee
50 ml cream
2 g nutmeg,

Prepare the strongest espresso (20 g is 2 tablespoons) and chill it. Fill a rocks glass to the top with ice, pour in vodka, then cold espresso, sugar syrup and cream. Stir and sprinkle nutmeg on top. Just do not drink three of these at once, friends may not be able to keep.

A bearded classic, a definite must have for any self-respecting bar, an old American male cocktail, invented back in the 1830s in New Orleans. Rumor has it that this is generally the first cocktail in the world. By the 20th century, the recipe had changed a bit, and bourbon appeared instead of expensive aged cognac, which only added to its masculinity. This cocktail is perfect for a heart-to-heart conversation, a leisurely atmosphere, relaxing music and a fragrant cigar.

60 ml bourbon (or cognac)
1 teaspoon of water
2 teaspoons absinthe or Pernod
4 ml Pisho beater,

Take 2 glasses of old fashion. Cool one of them well (with the help of crushed ice), and in the second put a sugar cube, add water and bitter. Crumble the sugar and stir until smooth. Add whiskey and ice cubes. Moisten the second glass (chilled) from the inside with absinthe or Pernod anise tincture. Moisten even the rim of the glass. Pour the drink from the first into a cold glass. Serve the cocktail without adding ice.

noon death

This is really a deadly number. By the way, Ernest Hemingway, while in Paris, drank a few of these - and nothing, did not die.

45 ml absinthe,
120 ml of champagne.

Pour absinthe into a chilled glass and add well-chilled champagne to it.

An insidious mixture: goes well, smells fragrant, acts instantly. The main thing is not to forget that the morning will come anyway.

15 ml absinthe,
45 ml gin
30 ml of vodka,

Pour alcohol into a shaker, add ice and shake well. Strain into a glass and garnish with a lime wedge.

The dream of many men is to have a small bar at home to prepare cocktails from time to time and surprise guests with their art of mixing alcohol. To understand what exactly you need to have from drinks, let's try to deal with the most popular truly "male" cocktails.

1. Green Vesper

One of the most brutal cocktails: spicy, fragrant, consisting of three types of strong drinks. The notes of wormwood and juniper set off the taste of vodka and together make the taste complete, and the aftertaste fresh and bright. The effect is felt instantly.


  • 15 ml absinthe,
  • 45 ml gin
  • 30 ml of vodka,
  • lime,


Pour alcohol into a shaker in any order, shake, strain and pour into tall glasses. Add ice, decorate the glass with lime.

2. Midday death

Despite the creepy name, the cocktail is great. No wonder Ernest Hemingway loved him so much. The cocktail was invented in France - and this is not surprising: it includes champagne.


  • 45 ml absinthe
  • 120 ml champagne


Pour absinthe into a chilled glass, then cold champagne. We do not shake.

3. White Russian

The cocktail gained popularity after the release of The Big Lebowski, but before that it appeared in several other films. It has many variations, but there is only one classic cooking option.


  • 50 grams of vodka
  • 25 grams coffee liqueur
  • 25 grams of cream


Pour liquor into an old fashioned glass, then vodka and top with cream. As a result of the density difference, 2 clearly distinguishable layers should be obtained.

4. Manhattan

Some argue that the drink appeared in the club of the same name in New York, others that the cocktail was invented by the mother of Winston Churchill, nevertheless, its popularity grew, and, as a result, the whole world learned about it.


  • 60 ml Canadian whiskey
  • 30 ml sweet red vermouth
  • 2 drops Venezuelan Angostura bitters
  • Cherries or lemon zest for garnish.


We mix all the ingredients in a shaker with ice, but serve without ice in a cocktail glass, decorate with cherries or lemon zest.

5. Sidecar

The famous Ritz hotel insists that this cocktail was invented there at the end of the First World War and named after the motorized carriage in which the inventor, the young captain, liked to ride.


  • 50 ml cognac
  • 20 ml orange liqueur
  • 40 gr lemon
  • 5 g sugar


We make a sugar border around the edges of the cocktail glass, mix cognac, liquor, juice from a quarter of a lemon and 200 grams of ice in a shaker, pour through a strainer (sieve) into a glass.

6. Trinity

One of the most popular gin cocktails.


  • 30 ml gin
  • 20 ml dry vermouth
  • 20 ml sweet vermouth


Mix everything in a shaker with ice, pour through a strainer into a cocktail glass.

7. Long Island Ice Tea

Cocktail, famous all over the world. It can be tasted in any bar in any part of the world, it is often drunk in films and books, and there is probably no such person who has not heard about this drink.


  • 15 ml vodka
  • 15 ml gin
  • 15 ml white rum
  • 15 ml silver tequila
  • 15 ml orange liqueur
  • 15 ml sugar syrup
  • 50 ml cola
  • a quarter of a lemon


Here, for mixing, we need not a shaker, but a highball - a tall glass of even cylindrical shape. Pour out all the alcoholic components, squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix, add cola, mix again. Served in a cocktail glass garnished with a slice of lemon and a straw.

8. B-52

A cocktail named after the Boeing ultra-long-range bomber, one of the most famous aircraft of the Cold War. The effect produces exactly the same, so be careful with its use!


  • 20 ml coffee liqueur (eg Captain Black)
  • 20 ml Irish Cream Liqueur (such as Baileys)
  • 20 ml orange liqueur (such as Quantreau)


Pour the coffee liqueur into the shot, then pour in the cream liqueur with a spoon and, similarly, the orange liqueur. Make sure the layers don't mix. Then comes the most interesting - we set fire to the top layer. This may not happen right away. As soon as it works, we quickly lower the tube to the very bottom and drink it just as quickly - at first you will feel the cold liquor, and then the hot one will come. This is what makes this cocktail so unique and incomparable.

Have a good rest and observe moderation.

Used photos from the site: img-foto.yandex.ru

Every man in his life has faced such a delicate issue as a weakening of an erection. There are quite a few reasons for this. The modern rhythm of life, ecology, quality of nutrition, bad habits, concomitant diseases have an extremely negative effect on male strength. It is very important to detect the problem in a timely manner. Indeed, at the initial stage of development of erectile dysfunction, it is not difficult. It is enough to adjust the lifestyle and diet. Also, special cocktails for male power are highly effective in this matter.

How do cocktails affect male potency?

Every man faced rare, one-time misfires in bed. Such phenomena can be safely attributed to elementary fatigue, overwork, stress. If the problems have become intermittent or regular, help is required. You can resort to the help of both traditional and traditional medicine. Recently, special cocktails for potency have proven themselves well. There are a lot of recipes for such drinks.

How do they affect potency? For their preparation, only natural products, herbs are used, which have a positive effect on the functions of the reproductive system. With the help of such cocktails, you can achieve vasodilation, relaxation of smooth muscles, and release of nitric oxide. Due to this, blood flow to the genitals increases, a full-fledged persistent erection is achieved. Also, cocktails can be used to normalize the balance of male hormones, which will increase male potency. If, however, when taking cocktails for potency, there is no improvement, and failures in sex continue, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the cause is a serious concomitant disease that requires complex treatment.

Quail egg cocktail

Many have heard about. This product is valuable not only for male strength, but also for overall health. added to soups, meat, main dishes, salads. Also, on their basis, a cocktail for potency is prepared, which is called "Youth". To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 quail eggs;
  • 20 grams of tomato juice;
  • 0.5 liters of hot milk.

All components of the cocktail are simple and affordable. The ingredients are mixed with a blender. After mixing, the drink should be salted to taste. Such a simple version of the drug allows you to improve and maintain potency, increase the level of libido. The cocktail can be consumed both at a young and at a mature age.

There is another option for preparing a product based on quail eggs. It has been used since ancient times to treat sexual disorders. It is required to mix 5 quail eggs with 2 teaspoons of linden honey. Such a drink should be consumed 60 minutes before the intended sexual intercourse. The cocktail acts like Viagra and guarantees success in bed. This option is great for getting a quick effect.

Sour cream-based cocktail for men

Why is sour cream so useful for male potency? The fermented milk product contains a large amount of antioxidant vitamins, in particular A, C, E. These components are involved in the synthesis of the male sex hormone testosterone. Testosterone is responsible for male libido, stamina, and sexual activity. In addition, sour cream contains useful minerals such as potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium and iodine. They also have a positive effect on the hormonal background of the male body, the state of the cardiovascular system.

To prepare a delicious cocktail, the following ingredients are required:

  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 200 grams of sour cream;
  • Dill, basil, cilantro (to taste).

Beat the yolks thoroughly, and only then add sour cream to them, mix. Greens are cut into small pieces, and added to the prepared mixture. A portion of such a cocktail is consumed 1.5-2 hours before the intended sexual contact. An active rush of blood to the penis will provide a man with self-confidence, high sexual desire.

Other Healthy Recipes

A very popular cocktail for male potency is a mixture of beer and sour cream. Despite the fact that beer in its pure form has the opposite effect - a decrease in erection. But, a small amount of intoxicating drink, combined with healthy foods, is very useful for young people. So, to make sour cream beer, you need to mix 1.5 cups of beer, 2 quail eggs and 0.5 cups of sour cream. To achieve the fastest result, it is recommended to use "live" beer. But a bottled or canned intoxicating drink is categorically not suitable. This mixture increases and maintains a good potency for a long time.

"Eternal youth" to enhance erection

Such a cocktail will not be to everyone's taste, because it contains alcohol in its composition. So, you need the following ingredients:

  • 50 grams of good cognac;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 250 grams of cola;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • 2 quail eggs.

The components are thoroughly mixed, and the resulting mass is divided into two equal parts. The first part is drunk after the main meal. The second part is consumed after an hour. In the evening, a man will feel a surge of strength and energy, sexual attraction.

Nuts with milk

Probably everyone knows that nuts are considered a natural aphrodisiac for men. The rich vitamin and mineral composition of nuts improves the functions of all systems and organs. A high level of vitamins B, E, zinc, selenium, magnesium and iron completely restore the hormonal background, improve the functioning of the prostate gland, and improve sperm quality.

In addition, milk stimulates the growth of muscle tissue, which is very useful for athletes. Therefore, this cocktail is a universal remedy for every man. The recipe for preparing 1 serving is extremely simple: 5 grams of walnuts are crushed, 8 teaspoons of powdered milk, 200 grams of water are added. All components are mixed with a mixer or blender. After that, the cocktail should be sent to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. 1 serving of the drink should be taken daily, preferably in the morning.

"Green" cocktail

This version of the cocktail was invented by the ancient Chinese. The drink not only increases potency, but also preserves and prolongs youth. Today, the cocktail is popular among young people. The main ingredient is any greens. The optimal combination is dill, celery and parsley (50 grams each). Fresh ingredients are passed through a meat grinder, then 1 liter of purified water is added to the mass. After that, the product is ready for use. It is worth drinking 100 grams of the drink an hour before sexual intercourse.
