
Like a milkshake at home. Milkshake at home - a welcome healthy drink

Posted on April 5, 2017

Everyone can make a milkshake. Many of us remember this taste from childhood. Once upon a time, I just dreamed that we would have a mixer at home in order to prepare these cocktails in unlimited quantities.

Today, a mixer is far from a problem; almost every family has either a mixer or a blender. But for some reason, we often buy milkshakes in cafes or pizzerias, but we don’t cook at home at all.

In this article I will try to give a few recipes for making milkshakes that will become your favorite. But first I want to tell you a few tips on how to properly prepare a cocktail based on dairy products.

Remember milk must be chilled. Only then will it be well whipped into foam.

You can add almost all fruits except orange, tangerine, grapefruit and sour apples. Otherwise, there is a risk after taking a cocktail to arrange a fasting day for yourself.

In addition to milk, you can use kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt.

You can decorate the cocktail with coconut flakes, grated chocolate, grated nuts, mint, pieces of fruit.

You can decorate with a beautiful cap of whipped cream. How to make whipped cream at home can be read by clicking on the link.

You can also decorate the edges of the glass in which you will serve the cocktail. Dip the glass in water and then in sugar. You will get beautiful edges in edible snow.

Ice cream is better to take white without dyes. And of course, only ice cream.

Fruits and berries that you plan to use in a cocktail can be whipped together with milk. Just remember to wash them first.

Very often, all possible syrups are used for cooking. If there is no syrup on hand, it can be replaced with jam.


Ice cream 1 waffle cup.

A glass of milk.


☑ Remove the ice cream from the cup and place in the blender bowl.

☑ Pour in the milk and whisk for 3-4 minutes.

☑ Pour into glasses and serve.

Your cocktail is ready.

Strawberry Vanilla Cocktail


Strawberries-200 grams

Vanilla ice cream - 150 grams.

Milk 100-150 grams.

Vanilla sugar sachet.

Sugar to taste but not more than 150 grams.


☑ Mix strawberries with ice cream and beat well.

☑ Add milk, vanilla, sugar, beat for about three more minutes.

☑ Pour into glasses, garnish with halves of strawberries and serve.

Your cocktail is ready.

Coffee banana milkshake


1 banana.

1 teaspoon instant coffee.

Milk half a glass.

1 tablespoon honey.

100-120 grams of ice cream.


☑ Banana cut into circles and mix with ice cream. Blend everything with a blender.

☑ Dissolve coffee in 2 tablespoons of warm water. And send to the banana.

☑ Add honey and milk, whisk for 3-4 minutes.

Your cocktail is ready.

Milk Almond Shake


Milk a third of a glass.

1 glass of kefir.

50 grams of almonds.

Apricot syrup or jam.

Sugar to taste.

Tablespoon of ice cream.


☑Peel the almonds, pour over boiling water to make it easier to remove the skin.

☑ Put the clean almonds into a coffee grinder and grind the grains.

☑ Mix the almond powder with the rest of the ingredients and beat until foam appears. Pour the cocktail into glasses and serve.

Hot milk chocolate shake


1 banana.

Half a liter of milk.

Dark chocolate bar.

Ground cinnamon.


☑ Peel the banana, cut into circles and turn it into a banana puree with a blender.

☑ Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire.

☑ Add banana puree and broken chocolate to milk.

☑ Continue heating the milk until the chocolate has completely melted.

☑ As soon as the chocolate dissolves and the mass begins to thicken, pour the cocktail into glasses, sprinkle with ground cinnamon on top.

Cocktail raspberry paradise


Raspberries 140-150 grams.

Milk glass.

Ice cream 100-120 grams.

Sugar 2-3 tablespoons.


☑ Put the raspberries in a saucepan, pour out all the sugar and put on fire. ☑ Bring to a boil boil for just a couple of minutes. Be careful not to burn the sugar.

☑ Cool the raspberries and pour in the milk, mix and pour into a blender. Add ice cream and beat until fluffy. This will take about 2-3 minutes.

☑ Pour the finished cocktail into glasses and serve to guests.

Milk cherry cocktail


Cherries, fresh or frozen. Maybe cherry syrup.

Milk glass.

Ice cream 120-130 grams.

1-2 tablespoons of sugar. Depends on the acidity of the cherry.


☑ Wash the cherries well and remove the pits.

☑ Squeeze out the juice from the berries. Or simply puree them with an immersion blender.

☑ Mix cherry puree with the rest of the ingredients and beat well for 3-4 minutes.

Mint cloud cocktail


150 milk.

150 ice cream.

30 mint syrup.

A sprig of mint.

Whipped cream.


☑ Mix all ingredients and beat until fluffy.

☑ Garnish with a cap of whipped cream and a sprig of mint.

Milkshake Paradise Apple


500 milk.

2 sweet apples.

50 grams of walnuts.


Honey or cane sugar about a tablespoon.


☑ Grind the grains of nuts in a coffee grinder to a powder state.

☑ Wash and mash apples.

☑ Add sugar or honey to the puree and mix.

2 tablespoons of sugar without a slide.

Coconut flakes or grated chocolate.


☑ Separate the yolk from the protein.

☑ Beat the protein for 1 minute and gradually introduce sugar.

☑ Beat for a few more minutes.

☑ Gently introduce the yolk and continue to beat the chilled milk.

☑ Pour in vodka again, beat everything well.

☑ Pour into glasses, decorate with coconut flakes and serve.

Milkshakes are indispensable, especially in the hot season, when the temperature on thermometers exceeds 30 degrees. At such moments, you always want to drink some delicious, refreshing drink.

Milkshake is an excellent substitute for ice cream in cups and popsicles, in such heat, ice cream will quickly flow, dripping hands, clothes, which will spoil the mood. Now in most Russian and Ukrainian resorts, in the summer, it is an excellent business to sell milkshakes in special street stalls.

The benefits of milkshakes

In addition to the fact that the cocktail will quench your thirst and “cool” you, it will also benefit your body. Milk, which is the main component of the cocktail, is one of the most useful products, which contains almost all vital substances- proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and inorganic salts. Milk has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails and strengthens overall immunity.

What you need to make milkshakes

What do we need to make milkshakes besides the necessary ingredients? Everything is simple. At home, it is enough to have a mixer or blender. In specialized establishments or good bars, so-called freezers are used. There are several types of freezers:

  • Milling cutters for soft ice cream. It is served in special cups or waffle cones, and the ice cream itself is created from special dry mixes that are diluted with water or milk.
  • Milling cutters for milkshakes. They can whip milk up to 40 or 80%, and the cocktail itself turns out to be like melted ice cream, which is absolutely different from those cocktails that are obtained with a mixer. For such frasers, ready-made mixes for making cocktails are also used.
  • Combo Frasers. They are used both for cocktails and for making ice cream.

Ready mixes for milkshakes

Ready-made mixtures are quite convenient at home. They are stored for a long time and are calmly whipped with an ordinary mixer. Since the main consumers of soft ice cream and milkshakes are children, dry mixes are created only from the best powdered milk, without the content of harmful substances. The disadvantage of such mixtures is that they need to be ordered in specialized stores or via the Internet.

And what prevents you from pampering your family with this delicious drink? At home, it is most convenient to prepare milkshakes from products, which can easily be purchased at the store. Now we will look at some recipes.

Milkshake Recipes

Regular milkshake

It requires: 1 liter of milk, 200g. ice cream. All together you need to beat with a blender or mixer. Optionally, you can add various syrups that are sold in stores. If you didn’t find one, then you can easily use liquid jam without berries.

A more complex version of the preparation of a milkshake

It requires: 1 liter of milk, 0.5 cups of fat 33% cream, 200 gr. ice cream, 100 gr. fruits (such as bananas, strawberries or peaches that need to be chopped), 1 tsp. powdered sugar. Whisk everything together in a blender. We get a delicious and vitamin-rich cocktail.

Chocolate milkshake

It will require: 1 liter of milk, 200-400 gr. chocolate ice cream, powdered sugar and chocolate syrup. You can also make a chocolate cocktail with a banana, you get a very delicate and interesting taste.

How to diversify a milkshake

For making milkshakes based on milk, you can use a variety of fruits both together and separately. You can prepare, for example, banana, strawberry, raspberry milkshakes.

In addition to fruits, various additives of liqueurs are possible, syrups, with which you can diversify the tastes of milkshakes.

Yesterday I started planning my daughter's birthday and remembered one of her favorite treats - a milkshake with ice cream. It would seem that this children's delicacy does not require any special approach, you can just whip milk with ice cream or even buy a ready-made cocktail, but, as my husband jokes, these are not our methods. Therefore, I decided to write how to make a milkshake in different ways and generally tell a little about them - fortunately, I already have a lot of experience. I can’t call myself an inspired chef, but I love milkshakes since childhood, so I tried almost all the recipes.

Benefit or harm

How useful or harmful is a classic milkshake? Let's try to figure it out. First of all, we are interested in the composition of a milkshake - for example, a simple milkshake is made from milk and ice cream. In this case, a milkshake can be called a healthy sweet dessert - of course, you should not consume it in large quantities every day, because it contains fats and sugar, but in general it is not capable of causing harm.

If you are interested in how many calories should be in a milkshake, then on average you get approximately 115 kcal per 100 grams of product. However, it should be borne in mind that different fat content of milk and different fillers will affect calories.

If you decide to add whipped cream or chocolate, the calorie content will be higher, and if you want to replace ice cream with healthy cottage cheese, and instead of sugar put a little honey or a handful of sweet fruits, then you will get a delicious low-calorie milkshake.

A cocktail of ice cream and milk is able to meet the daily requirement in calcium, as well as in various beneficial substances found in milk. That is why many mothers prepare milkshakes for their children.

By the way, another reason to cook this delicacy at home, and not buy ready-made - you can influence the composition and thereby calculate the number of calories. In general, a milkshake has a low calorie content, but you can significantly reduce this figure - for example, mix cow's milk with coconut or soy milk.

Dish features

How to make a milkshake at home? You need to mix milk and ice cream (or other thickener), add natural flavor (sugar, honey, syrup, jam, berries or fruits) and beat the mixture well.
  1. It is better to take milk of medium fat content, two to three percent will be enough.
  2. Ice cream should not be too hard. A good ice cream will not harden in the freezer, but it is better to get ordinary creamy ice cream in advance so that it becomes softer.
  3. Milk should be taken well chilled. Warm milk doesn't whip very well (although there is one interesting recipe I'll cover later), and too cold milk has no taste.
  4. You should not prepare a drink for the future - firstly, the foam will quickly settle, and secondly, berries or fruits will definitely react with protein.
How to make a milkshake at home without a mixer? You can use a regular blender (I have an immersion blender), or you can try to beat the mixture well with a whisk. By the way, there is another great way to make a milkshake and ice cream in a bag - try it if you don't have a mixer, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result!

delicious recipes

Try to make different cocktails, don't be afraid to experiment. The preparation of a milkshake begins with the choice of ingredients - you will definitely need milk (it's in the name itself), and you will also need a flavor and thickener.

In the classic version, ice cream acts as a thickener, but it can also be:

  • cottage cheese;
  • cream;
  • egg white;
  • gelling composition;
  • soft cheese.
These additives practically do not affect the taste of the neck, you can make absolutely any milkshake with them to your liking.

Flavorings are what gives milk its taste, color and, of course, aroma. It can be:

  • any fruit;
  • herbs;
  • spices;
  • berries;
  • some types of vegetables;
  • confectionery;
  • tea, cocoa and coffee.
Try to do both with one filler and with several - this way you can diversify your menu.

banana classic

In general, a banana and milk cocktail is the simplest and healthiest of all (because it can be prepared without artificial sweeteners and without fat. It is enough to take a ripe banana and milk, and beat well with a mixer or blender.

By the way, if there were no ripe bananas in the store, or they are all green, then I will tell you a secret - go to the baby food department and find banana puree. I have added banana puree, which I bought for my daughter, to my desserts a couple of times, and I can say that they completely and completely replace bananas.

*** *** ***

You can also make a very thick banana milkshake - without milk basically. Combine ice cream and banana and whisk, then add a handful of crushed ice and whisk again. Small pieces of ice will begin to melt and the milkshake will turn out light and airy, but at the same time very thick.

By the way, a banana smoothie in a blender can become even tastier if you add a little chocolate chips or chocolate chip cookies to it.

And of course, a banana milkshake is recommended for baby food - it is hearty and sweet due to the banana (that is, you can not add sugar to it), it has a lot of protein and vitamins, and it also contains fiber - your child will be happy with such a tasty and healthy snack.

Berry flavors

Is it possible to make a milkshake with a berry? Yes, and it will be very tasty. For example, I cook a milkshake with strawberries and ice cream all year round - just in winter, instead of fresh strawberries, I put either frozen or mashed with sugar without cooking.

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And in the summer, a milkshake with strawberries and melons is good.

It is better to put a melon in the blender bowl first, and I first rub the strawberries through a sieve to separate the seeds. You can decorate such a shake with melon balls or strawberry hearts.

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Pretty tasty and atypical milkshake with strawberries, peach puree and purple basil.

How to cook:

  • prepare all the products - wash and sort the strawberries, if necessary, wipe through a sieve to get rid of the seeds, cool the milk, ice cream, on the contrary, warm it up a little;
  • prepare peach puree - to do this, carefully remove the skin from the peach, remove the stone, and mash the pulp with a fork or simply chop with a blender;
  • put milk in the blender bowl and start whisking, gradually putting ice cream into it;
  • add peach puree to the mixture, then strawberries, beat well - the shake should be almost ready;
  • taste the mixture and add a little sugar if necessary (it should not be too sugary);
  • finely chop the basil (best with herb scissors) and shortly press the blender button to mix it into the mixture - it should not be mashed or chopped, it should just mix well and give a little juice;
  • the finished cocktail is best garnished with a thin slice of strawberries and basil leaves and drink cold.

*** *** ***

A banana milkshake in a blender with the addition of garden berries is also very interesting. I usually use ripe currants, cherries and raspberries for it. First, the berries need to be beaten with a blender with a little sugar and a banana, this is necessary in order to neutralize the acids.

Then a little ice cream is added to the berry mixture and continue to beat, after which almost frozen milk is poured in a thin stream. The cocktail turns out to be a rich berry shade.

Options without ice cream

To make a milkshake without ice cream, you need to choose a thickener. I usually use fat-free cottage cheese - just not the dry, lumpy one, but the usual one, in plastic jars.

You can use bean curd, tofu, or even fruit jelly - the main thing is that the mixture is somewhat sticky, then it will whip into foam.

Simple milkshake recipes in a blender:

  • mix milk, banana and a little cornstarch - you get a good fluffy cocktail;
  • mix a glass of milk with a small pack of cottage cheese and pour a handful of frozen fruits or berries into the mixture, and then whisk, you're done!;
  • whip up a five-minute jam from any fruit and berries, cool it, and then whisk it with milk and condensed milk - a healthy and tasty milkshake will be sweet and fragrant.
How to make a milkshake at home with ice cream more interesting? Let me tell you about my cooking secrets.

How to make a milkshake in a blender with nuts? Chop the nuts with a sharp knife or crush with a rolling pin, and add them at the very end of cooking.

Chocolate milkshake will get more delicious if you add not only cocoa, but also melted chocolate or crumbs.

Want to get a beautiful strawberry milkshake? When churning strawberries with ice cream, put some lemon juice on the knife.

How to make a milkshake in a blender in winter? Make it hot! Boil the crushed mint leaves in milk, strain and cool so that the milkshake is just above room temperature, then put back on the stove, add the sweetener and start whisking. At the end, you can add a drop of rum or liquor. Of course, a drink even with a small amount of alcohol should not be offered to babies.

A good milkshake with fruits will turn out if you mix fruits with berries - it can be a melon or a banana, any citrus or even watermelon, and you can take almost everything from berries (just remember to remove the stalks and seeds). By the way, a milkshake with berries can be frozen and you get a great sherbet.

A delicious milkshake in a blender without ice cream is obtained with the addition of agar-agar or gelatin - just soak the gelling compound, wait until it swells, and then use it like ice cream - due to stickiness, it will give the desired foam.

You can improve the composition of a milkshake with the help of ground cookies - both a cult oreo and a regular anniversary one will do. Just break it into small crumbs and add to the mixture, and then whisk a little more.

Spice will help improve the banana smoothie in the blender - add a pinch of cloves or cinnamon and enjoy the taste. By the way, banana milkshake with cottage cheese is an excellent replacement for protein shakes.

If you want to learn how to decorate your dishes, then try cooking according to recipes with photos and repeating the serving of professional chefs - for example, a milkshake with a banana in a blender can be made brighter already in a glass by adding a couple of drops of bright syrup or chocolate topping to it and casually stir.

How to make an ice cream and syrup cocktail? Just whisk milk with ice cream and add a couple of tablespoons of syrup. Store-bought syrups can be used, but I prefer homemade fruit syrup.

Watch how to make a milkshake recipe with video:

Interesting cooking method

Milkshake at home is a wonderful dessert that will not leave anyone indifferent. Even people who do not like milk enjoy this sweet cold drink with pleasure.

Why are they so fond of cocktails and how many types of them exist? Let's try to figure it out!

Only benefit!

The beneficial properties of milk are known to everyone. From early childhood, all children are taught that it is impossible to think of a better start to the day than drinking a glass of fresh milk.

And since a milkshake certainly includes milk, the usefulness of this drink is automatically equated to it.

Milk has a beneficial effect on the processes occurring in the body, strengthens nails, hair, teeth.

A cocktail is extremely useful, because in addition to the milk included in it with a whole range of nutrients, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, this drink may also contain fruits or juices from them.

And after all, we all know that fruits are a storehouse of vitamins that enter the human body. It is pleasant to eat fruits fresh, and adding them to milk gives the drink an incredible aroma, taste and color.

Milkshake at home: what could be easier?

Of course, milk drinks prepared in a cafe or other establishment are very tasty and beautifully decorated.

They attract the eye with an original presentation.

If there is no way to go to a cafe, but there is a great desire to enjoy a cocktail, it is quite possible to prepare it in your own kitchen.

To prepare a drink, you will need a few kitchen utensils and products:

  1. Blender or mixer;
  2. Milk;
  3. Ice cream;
  4. Fruit, syrup or jam;
  5. Tube, umbrella or other decorations.

Classic recipe

Before cooking, let the ice cream melt a little, and the milk warm up, then they will beat well and form a thick foam.

When preparing a milk shake, you need to pour milk and put ice cream in a blender, beat the products at high speed, pour into a beautiful glass, put an umbrella or a skewer in it and you can drink. A beautifully served glass, decorated with an original element, will give the cocktail a special taste.

The ratio of ingredients in the cocktail can be changed depending on personal wishes. Perhaps, it is more pleasant for someone to drink a thick, stretchy drink, then you need to add more ice cream than milk. And lovers of a light liquid neck can add cocktail ingredients in a 1: 2 ratio.

Milk drink with ice cream - a great flavor solution

There are a huge number of options for making cocktails from milk with ice cream. One of the most popular is the cherry cocktail. This option will appeal to children and adults. Let's start cooking!


The ingredients for a cherry drink are simple (for 4 people):

  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 300 gr of ice cream;
  • 200 gr fresh or frozen cherries.

Milk and ice cream should warm up a little. Wash fresh cherries and remove pits, let frozen berries thaw. Pour milk into a mixer bowl, add ice cream, cherries, beat all the products with a blender or mixer and pour into glasses, decorate to your liking.


An excellent option for a delicious drink would be a cocktail with the addition of coffee. This dessert has a rich taste, but it is not recommended to give it to children. Adults will like the bold decision - to combine milk with coffee.

Ingredients for a coffee shake for 4 people:

  • 400 gr milk;
  • 200 gr ice cream;
  • 200 grams of freshly brewed coffee or instant drink;
  • Sugar - to taste.

We load milk and coffee into a blender, add ice cream, mix the ingredients well at high speed.

If there is little sweetness in the cocktail, you can add sugar.

You can make a shake with regular instant coffee from a can. This option is quick and convenient, but for lovers of the real aroma of grains, it will not work.

For this version of the drink, you can take not an ordinary white ice cream, but a coffee one, then the cocktail will turn out more original.

We offer you to watch a video on how to make a coffee and milkshake at home in these two ways:

Milk fruit shake

You can diversify the sweet table with cocktails with the addition of fruits or berries.

Below are drink recipes with the most affordable fruits at any time of the year.


This is a very tasty drink and one of the best combinations of milk and fruit.

However, it should be remembered that such a banana cocktail should be drunk immediately, otherwise, when it stands, the banana will darken and the drink will no longer be snow-white. Although this may not happen if you sprinkle the banana slices with lemon beforehand.

Banana Shake Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 500 gr milk;
  • 300 gr ice cream;
  • 1 banana.

Cool the milk and ice cream, cut the banana into pieces. Pour milk into the bowl of a mixer or blender, add ice cream and banana pieces, mix at high speed. Get a delicious and sweet drink.

And now let's see in a video clip how to make a banana milkshake at home with the addition of kiwi:

With strawberries and mint

For this cocktail you will need:

  • 0.5 liters of milk (for 4 servings);
  • 300 gr of ice cream;
  • 250 gr strawberries;
  • Sprigs of mint.

Rinse fresh strawberries, thaw frozen ones. Crush a few mint leaves in a mortar or finely chop.

Whip milk, ice cream, berries and mint in a blender. Pour the shake into glasses, garnish each with a mint leaf. A delicious aromatic drink with notes of freshness will invigorate and saturate well.

apple walnut

The composition includes:

Apples must be peeled and cut into slices, nuts should be crushed. Mix milk, ice cream, apple slices, crushed nuts and a spoonful of honey in a blender bowl. Pour into glasses, serve, garnish with an apple slice and a pinch of nuts.

Nuts can be used walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds. They will harmoniously emphasize the taste of the neck with an apple.

Raspberry shake with avocado

  • 0.3 liters of milk (for 2 servings);
  • 200 gr ice cream;
  • A handful of raspberries;
  • 100 gr cream;
  • 1 avocado.

Peel the avocado, remove the pit, cut into pieces and puree. Load all the ingredients into the blender bowl: milk, ice cream, raspberries, cream, avocado pieces. Leave a few raspberries for garnish.

Shake the entire contents of the bowl on high speed and serve with raspberries on top of the cocktail. The delicate taste of this drink will not leave anyone indifferent, the sweet raspberries and the delicate oily texture of the avocado will give it an incredible taste.

All refreshing drinks are good in summer. Among them, kvass is endowed with special love. Learn to cook it yourself to be sure of the quality.

If you want to lose weight, then summer is the perfect time for this, because you can cook delicious light smoothies, and an abundance of fruits and vegetables at this time will make it possible to please yourself with all sorts of combinations and tastes. recipes and methods for making smoothies for weight loss are described.

And in there are various recipes for homemade cheese. The cooking process is not that difficult. Just imagine - no more low-quality products from the store! These recipes are a godsend for you!

A chocolate drink made from milk is a dream of a sweet tooth!

Chocolate increases the level of the hormone of happiness, and a cocktail with this sweetness will cheer you up and give you a lot of taste emotions. For a miracle drink you need:

  • 400 gr milk (for 4 persons);
  • 250 gr of ice cream;
  • 100 gr cream;
  • 1 chocolate bar or dry mix for a chocolate drink.

In order to make a chocolate milkshake at home, you first need to melt the chocolate in a water bath, but you can also do this in a regular microwave. Prepare a drink from the dry mixture according to the instructions.

Place milk, ice cream and cream in a blender and blend on high speed. Then add chocolate to the mixture and beat again. The cocktail is ready, pour it into a serving glass, you can decorate it with grated chocolate, a beautiful umbrella or a straw, put a cinnamon stick.

A great solution would be to add a banana or nuts to the chocolate neck. For such a drink for 2 persons you will need:

  • 150 gr milk;
  • 100 gr ice cream;
  • 50 gr cream;
  • Half of 1 banana;
  • A handful of nuts;
  • Half of 1 bar of chocolate.

Put the chocolate in a water bath and melt it, then cool. Cut the banana into small pieces, chop the nuts with a knife.

Load milk, ice cream, cream, banana pieces, chocolate and nuts into a container, beat with a mixer. With such a set of ingredients, you will get a bold and original taste.

You can come up with many options for a chocolate cocktail, the main thing is not to overdo it with the ingredients and choose them correctly so that they do not interrupt each other's taste. And now see how to make a milkshake with cocoa called "Bounty":

A cocktail without ice cream also has the right to exist

If you really want to drink a milkshake, but the figure is above all, you can make a drink at home without ice cream, then it will be less high-calorie.

And if you choose fat-free kefir, yogurt, milk or milk with a small percentage of fat, you will get a wonderful refreshing milk shake.

With cocoa and cherry

Delicious milkshake at home without ice cream, but with cocoa and cherries, includes:

It is necessary to pour milk into a container for whipping, add cocoa, cherries, grated chocolate. Beat the ingredients at high speed with a blender for 2-3 minutes, then add ice and beat again for 20 seconds.

Pour the finished drink into a tall glass and drink immediately so that the ice does not have time to melt.

With raspberries

For a drink with raspberries for 2 people, you need the following set of products:

  • 300 gr fat-free kefir;
  • 200 gr raspberries;
  • Sugar to taste.

You need to load the raspberries into the blender bowl, add fat-free kefir to it and beat. Add sugar to taste, pour into glasses and you can help yourself.

Such a drink is an excellent solution for people who follow their figure.

If suddenly there is not a single berry or fruit at home, a completely ordinary jam will help out. Surely at least a jar, but it is present in every home.

With it, you can prepare a wonderful milkshake.

A cocktail with jam is a budget option for a wonderful dessert.

Fans of a delicious drink can be advised to follow some recommendations aimed at the proper preparation of a cocktail:

  1. The milk in the neck should be chilled, then it will combine well with other products. If there is a need to count calories, it is better to choose a low-fat product and not add ice cream;
  2. It is better to let the ice cream thaw, when whipping you will get a beautiful appetizing foam;
  3. Ice cream without additives will harmonize well with milk and other fillers. The exception, perhaps, is coffee ice cream, with which you can make a cocktail with the addition of coffee or chocolate;
  4. For a drink, you should choose sweet ripe fruits and berries, otherwise their sour taste will not go well with a milky aftertaste;
  5. Berries and fruits must be washed before use and preferably mashed, then it will take less time and effort to prepare a cocktail;
  6. A milkshake is a drink that must be drunk immediately. This is due to the fact that the fruits included in its composition can change their shade to a less attractive one. Fruit acids tend to oxidize dairy products, so even a short storage of the drink can affect its freshness;
  7. The cocktail needs to be decorated. Firstly, it will give it a beautiful and appetizing look, and secondly, it will help you feel not in an ordinary home environment, but in a chic place where a professional bartender treats you to a wonderful drink. Plastic and paper tubes, umbrellas and skewers, fruit slices and handfuls of berries, grated chocolate, chopped nuts, coconut flakes, vanilla stick, mint and even beautifully twisted citrus zest give room for imagination when decorating a glass with a shake.

To enjoy a wonderful milkshake, you do not need to leave your home, just look in your refrigerator, select the necessary products and connect your imagination, then you will get a wonderful author's drink. The environment for drinking the drink is not important, the main thing is the mood and inspiration with which it will be prepared.

Finally, we want to present you with video recipes for very unusual milkshakes. You have never drunk such delicious ones, believe me! Here they are:

Homemade milkshake is prepared in minutes with the simplest ingredients. The secret to a delicious drink lies in the use of chilled ingredients. Products are whipped with a mixer, food processor or blender at maximum speed.

Milkshake - basic recipe with ice cream

A classic cocktail is a healthy and tasty treat that can be prepared for a children's party. Even children who refuse to drink regular milk like this drink. If you strictly observe the proportions indicated in the recipe, even a novice cook can make a milkshake.


  • 0.5 l of low fat milk;
  • 150 g ice cream.

Cooking method.

  1. All components are placed in the bowl of a food processor.
  2. Stir with a spoon to melt the ice cream.
  3. Turn on the technique and beat at the highest setting for about 3 minutes until a soft foam appears.
  4. The cocktail is poured into beautiful glasses, decorated, if desired, ice chips are added.

In order not to spoil the taste of the drink, use a quality ice cream without additives. If necessary, the cocktail is supplemented with other ingredients: berries, chocolate, cream, coffee.

How to cook with bananas?

This drink perfectly refreshes and saturates the body with protein, vitamins and minerals. It can be consumed as a quick snack, as well as after physical exertion to restore strength and energy.

You will need:

  • 400 ml of medium fat milk;
  • 200 g creamy ice cream;
  • 1 ripe banana.

Recipe step by step.

  1. Cut the peeled banana and put it in a blender. Add 100 ml of milk.
  2. The ingredients are whisked until all the pieces of fruit are mashed.
  3. Add ice cream and beat for another minute.
  4. Pour the remaining milk and mix in a blender until a fluffy foam is obtained.
  5. Banana milkshake is consumed immediately after preparation.

Milkshake, as in the USSR

The taste of this dessert reminds many of the school and teenage years. The cocktail is thick, with a high velvety foam.


  • 100 ml of fat milk;
  • 25 ml orange syrup;
  • 25 g creamy ice cream.

Cooking technology.

  1. To achieve high foam, the milk is pre-frozen.
  2. All ingredients are placed in a blender bowl and beat at maximum mode for exactly one minute.
  3. The drink is poured into a glass and immediately drunk through a straw.

Sweet drink with strawberries

A cocktail prepared according to this recipe is incredibly tasty, nutritious and very healthy. If you serve it effectively, it will become a table decoration at a children's party.

Required Components:

  • 300 ml of milk with a fat content of 2.5%;
  • 200 g of ice cream;
  • 300 g fresh ripe strawberries;
  • 30 g of granulated sugar.

Cooking process.

  1. Strawberries are washed, the tails are removed, dried.
  2. Berries and sugar are placed in a blender and whipped into a puree.
  3. Add ice cream with milk and turn on the speed for another minute.
  4. A cocktail with strawberries is served in a tall glass with a straw and a whole berry.

Chocolate milkshake

One serving of this drink energizes and gives a good mood for the whole day. You can experiment with the taste of a cocktail by adding different types of chocolate.

You will need:

  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 50 g dark chocolate;
  • 60 g vanilla ice cream.

Cooking steps.

  1. So that pieces of chocolate do not come across in the finished drink, the bar is first melted in a steam bath.
  2. Ice cream is taken out of the freezer in advance. If you add melted ice cream, the cocktail will turn out to be thicker.
  3. Combine all ingredients in a food processor and beat until frothy.
  4. The finished drink is decorated with chocolate chips and a mint leaf. Serve in low square glasses.

Tip: lovers of a rich chocolate flavor can add 5 g of ground coffee to the ingredients.

With kiwi

An exotic milk drink is a source of valuable trace elements and vitamins. It is perfectly refreshing in the heat and replenishes energy reserves after hard work or training. To soften the sour taste of kiwi, add a banana.

List of ingredients:

  • 2 kiwis;
  • half a banana;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 40 g vanilla ice cream;
  • 40 g caramel ice cream.

Stages of preparation.

  1. Kiwi is freed from the skin and cut into circles. Set aside a few slices for garnish.
  2. Cut half a banana into cubes.
  3. Fruits are transferred to the blender bowl, half of the cooked milk is poured and vanilla sugar is added.
  4. The components are whipped on a turbo mode for 2 minutes.
  5. Both types of ice cream are added to the resulting mass and beat for another minute.
  6. The prepared cocktail with kiwi is poured into glasses and decorated with slices of exotic fruit.

vanilla cocktail

The delicate taste of this cocktail will appeal to both children and adults.


  • 180 ml of high fat milk;
  • 50 g vanilla ice cream;
  • 2 drops of vanilla extract;
  • 20 g sugar.

Cooking progress.

  1. Milk and slightly melted ice cream are mixed in a bowl for whipping.
  2. The components are whipped for 2 minutes. During this time, a thick foam should form.
  3. Sugar is poured into the milk composition, and vanilla is added. Beat for another minute.

Chill the vanilla smoothie before serving.

Tip: before pouring the drink, the glasses can be placed in the freezer so that they are covered with frost, then the cocktail will give aesthetic pleasure and keep cool longer.

With pineapple

This drink helps to normalize digestion, improve well-being and mood. Pineapple helps with weight loss, so the cocktail can be included in the diet of a non-strict diet.

You will need:

  • 200 ml milk 1% fat;
  • 400 g creamy ice cream;
  • 1 g cinnamon powder;
  • 500 g pieces of canned pineapple.

Cooking method.

  1. Liquid is drained from a jar of pineapples. Pieces are dried on a paper towel.
  2. Ice cream is taken out of the freezer 30 minutes before preparation.
  3. All ingredients are combined and whipped with a blender.
  4. When a lush thick foam appears, the cocktail is ready.

Raspberry milkshake

Raspberry cocktail conquers with its tenderness and bright berry flavor from the first sip.

Required components:

  • 300 g raspberries;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 40 g of sugar;
  • 200 g vanilla ice cream.

Cooking process.

  1. Raspberries are sorted out, leaving only ripe intact berries.
  2. Put sugar and raspberries into a blender and stir at low speed until a puree is obtained. To make the drink pitted, the mass can be rubbed through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.
  3. Pour milk, whisk for a minute.
  4. Add ice cream and continue to cook on high speed until creamy.
  5. The finished drink is served in tall glasses and drunk through a straw.

Berry smoothie with ice cream

Not all children like fresh berries, and any kid will drink a bright sweet drink with pleasure. This healthy treat can be included in the diet every day.


  • 100 g of fresh raspberries, blackberries, blueberries;
  • 20 g of sugar;
  • 150 g ice cream;
  • 100 ml skimmed milk.

Recipe step by step.

  1. Berries are washed and dried.
  2. Ice cream is defrosted until soft.
  3. All components are placed in a blender. Stir in turbo mode for 1.5 minutes.
  4. Berry smoothie is poured into tall glasses and served with wide straws.

Milk and coffee cocktail

Required components:

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 50 ml of drinking water;
  • 10 g of instant coffee;
  • 10 g of sugar;
  • 100 g ice cream.

Cooking steps.

  1. In a mug, coffee powder and sugar are mixed, poured with cold water, mixed thoroughly.
  2. The resulting solution is poured into a blender bowl and beat for about a minute until the grains are completely dissolved.
  3. Add milk, ice cream directly from the freezer and mix until a fluffy foam is formed.

With cognac and cinnamon

Unexpected guests can be treated to an invigorating alcoholic milkshake. They will definitely appreciate the aromatic drink.

You will need:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 100 g of chocolate ice cream;
  • 100 ml brandy;
  • 5 g vanilla sugar;
  • 40 g of regular sugar;
  • 1 g cinnamon powder.

Stages of cooking.

  1. Milk is poured into a blender. Fall asleep both types of sugar and cinnamon.
  2. Add ice cream from the freezer and cognac.
  3. If necessary, add ice cubes.
  4. The contents of the blender are whipped until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  5. Milk-cognac cocktail is poured into low glasses.

With pumpkin and apple

Such a drink must be present in the diet of everyone who wants to strengthen their immunity, reduce weight, saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. The main ingredients for a cocktail must first be baked.


  • 2 small sweet and sour apples;
  • 300 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 5 g honey.

Stages of cooking.

  1. Wash apples and pumpkin, cut into large cubes, put on a baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 35 minutes.
  2. The baked components are cooled first at room temperature, then in the refrigerator.
  3. All products are combined in a blender bowl and interrupted into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Before serving, the vitamin cocktail is cooled for 30 minutes.

with avocado

This nutritious and healthy drink can be consumed daily for breakfast. The substances contained in the cocktail help lower cholesterol, strengthen vision, and improve skin condition.

You will need:

  • 1 avocado;
  • 300 ml of milk 2.5% fat;
  • 40 g of granulated sugar;
  • 5 ml lemon juice;
  • 1 g cinnamon.

Cooking method.

  1. The avocado is peeled, the pit removed. The pulp is cut into cubes and sprinkled with lemon juice to preserve the natural shade.
  2. After 10 minutes, the avocado is transferred to a blender, poured with milk, sugar is added.
  3. Beat everything until smooth and completely dissolve the sugar grains.
  4. The prepared drink is poured into glasses and sprinkled with cinnamon.

Homemade milkshake with currants

Currant is a very healthy berry, but sour, so compotes and jams are most often prepared from it. However, during heat treatment, some of the vitamins are destroyed, so it is better to use fresh currants in cocktails.


  • 200 g fresh or frozen blackcurrant;
  • 400 ml of milk;
  • 400 g ice cream;
  • 30 g sugar.

Cooking technology.

  1. If frozen berries are used, they are allowed to thaw.
  2. Currants are placed in a blender, poured with half the milk. Beat on medium mode for a minute.
  3. The rest of the milk is added, 300 g of ice cream and sugar are added. Beat for another minute.
  4. Milkshake with ice cream and currants is poured into glasses. The rest of the ice cream is cut into small pieces and added to the drink.
  5. Required:

  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 200 g pitted garden cherries;
  • 10 g cocoa;
  • 15 g brown sugar;
  • mint leaves.

Step by step recipe.

  1. Cherries are puréed using a food processor.
  2. Add milk, cocoa and sugar. Beat until smooth.
  3. A cocktail poured into glasses is decorated with mint.

Spicy parmesan cocktail

A very healthy drink with an unusual taste will appeal to those who adhere to a healthy diet.

Required components:

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • 100 g parmesan.

Cooking steps.

  1. Grind celery on a grater and squeeze through gauze.
  2. In a blender, the resulting juice, milk, grated cheese are combined.
  3. The ingredients are thoroughly whipped, poured into glasses and cooled.

Milkshakes are not subject to long-term storage, so they are always prepared at one time. The volume of ingredients should be calculated by the number of servings.
