
What is better to drink - beer or vodka? Beer VS Vodka, or Which drink is more harmful to the body.

Beer. It was this drink that came out on top. According to scientists, vodka is safer than the same beer, because it is difficult for a person to control the amount of low-alcohol drinks drunk.

Specialists from the Indiana University School of Medicine, led by David Kareken, have published a study on what actually causes addiction to alcohol - degree or taste of the drink.

The experiment involved 50 male volunteers who tried different alcoholic beverages, and scientists tracked the reactions of the body of their experimental subjects and the release of hormones. It turned out that the taste of beer, regardless of the amount of alcohol contained in it, causes. This hormone is produced in the human brain and adrenal glands and is called the "pleasure hormone". That is, beer is highly addictive.

In addition, beer has other disadvantages ...

... beer has a very bad effect on the pancreas, causing its inflammation and "loosening", and "" is a very real diagnosis. One bottle of ordinary beer is equal to 60 grams of vodka, and three bottles is already a glass of vodka.

… beer puts a strain on the venous system, on the heart, which in a passionate beer lover is forced to work in an enhanced mode, with overstrain. As a result, it increases in size - the so-called "beer heart" develops.

... beer, even a couple of mugs of this drink, leads to the fact that a substance is released in the male body that suppresses the production of the main male sex hormone - testosterone. But female sex hormones are more actively produced, and plant analogues of female hormones - phytoestrogens - get into the body from hops. With many years of abuse of this drink, the pelvis of a man becomes wider and the mammary glands increase.

…beer itself is not caloric, but it stimulates the appetite and makes a person eat more than they need.

Low alcohol drinks. Worse than beer were only low-alcohol drinks. Their trouble is that they taste sweet, like soda, and are more harmful than vodka. Also, low-alcohol drinks are dangerous because they are mainly drunk by teenagers, for whom alcohol as such is generally contraindicated. Canned cocktails are especially dangerous, which not everyone associates with alcohol.

Also, which affects the perception of alcohol by our body, as if masking intoxication, that is, the degree of intoxication in the drinker's own eyes seems to him much less real. After such drinks, people do not always realize how drunk they are, they cannot adequately assess how their coordination of movements, reaction time, and the ability to think are impaired.

Cocktails. Alcoholic cocktails are very popular among women, especially at parties. But a mixture of two or more types of alcohol leads to a severe hangover and even a small amount hits the liver and kidneys.

Champagne. Champagne is included in the list of harmful drinks because of the carbon dioxide it contains, as a result of which alcohol is absorbed into the blood faster, and a person gets drunk very quickly. That is why champagne can quickly get drunk obscenely.

In addition, champagne accelerates the process of rotting food in the intestines, which can lead to poisoning. Therefore, if - eat tightly and do not combine champagne with other alcoholic beverages. By the way, even champagne has a negative effect on vision.

Liqueurs. Liquor is dangerous because of the sugar it contains in large doses, which, in combination with alcohol and water, has a harmful effect on the pancreas, blood sugar levels can jump, and even clouding of consciousness can occur from a sharp jump in sugar.

A question of quantity

Note that the main danger of alcohol is its abuse, and what exactly a person drinks in excess of any norm and measure - beer, cocktails or cognac - is no longer so important.

If we talk about the amount of alcohol, then scientists have determined the recommended dose of alcohol for women and men. Women should limit themselves to 1-2 glasses during the festival, and men can drink forty-degree drinks, but not more than 200 grams. These conclusions were made by Ukrainian doctors, noting that Ukrainians are more than doubling the allowable norm, according to the plot of the TSN issue.

And if you decide to drink, then experts advise consuming the most natural products, for example, good vodka or natural dry wine.

The perfect answer to the question in the title: "Don't drink alcohol at all." However, I will be a realist, I admit that this option will suit few people. Publishing an anti-alcohol post on New Year's Eve is a waste of time.

Let's try to thoughtfully choose one of the two evils ...

Drink beer, eat meat

The composition of the beer seems harmless - barley malt, hops, yeast. Alas, it is harmless only with the strictest observance of all technological requirements for cooking.

When beer ferments, not only “good” alcohol is formed, but also so-called fusel substances— methanol, ketones, etc. Thorough filtration is required to destroy by-products. It happens that manufacturers save on it. In this case, all the muck settles like a dead weight in the liver of the consumer.

However, the problem of the quality of beer is still solvable: you can make inquiries about the brand, look for expert advice ... Another argument against is much more serious - addictive threat.

Chronic alcoholism develops 3-4 times faster when drinking beer than when drinking hard liquor.

If you allow yourself beer a couple of times a year at a holiday, of course, it will not come to alcoholism. But frothy malt for nightly relaxation during the long New Year holidays is a bad idea. An attempt to bring it to life can result in cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, pancreatitis, obesity and even dementia.

Beer alcoholism, I note, is treated harder than vodka. I had one friend… No, I don’t even want to remember.

A couple more moments of a purely domestic plan. First, beer is a powerful diuretic. It is desirable to use it at home, and not on a festive walk. Secondly, it is difficult to drink in the cold.

Does the foamy drink have undeniable advantages? Undoubtedly. He:

  • contains useful components - niacin, vitamin B6, phosphorus;
  • has a pleasant taste and perfectly tones (especially in the heat);
  • is distinguished by a relatively low strength (the content of ethyl alcohol in most beers is 3–6%, occasionally 8%).

At one time, without much damage to health, you can take a solid portion of beer - 0.5 liters. If you drink a little, you can really stretch it from the beginning to the end of the celebration.

Note: The degree of harmfulness of a beer party to health also depends on the snack. Than she more natural, all the better.

Don't get too carried away with spicy crunchies. Follow the example of the Germans. As a national drink, they usually use sausages, pork ham, jellied tongue, and cheeses. Residents of the CIS, unlike the Germans, often eat beer with seafood - boiled crayfish and roach.

Russian vodka, black bread, herring

Vodka is a mixture of purified (rectified) grain alcohol with water and softening additives - linden honey, birch sap, etc. Its standard strength is 40-45%.

From half a liter it is easy to go to the next world - either as a result of an injury, which is very likely with a loss of self-control, or as a result of a sharp reaction of the body (stroke, cardiac arrest, exacerbation of long-standing chronic diseases).

An acceptable dose of forty degrees for a healthy adult is occasionally 30-50 grams. Stopping at 50 grams is not a task for the weak of character ...

Counterfeit bitter is even more common than low-quality beer. At best, it is simply diluted with water; at worst, it is heavily saturated with methanol. A large dose of methanol leads to blindness or death. Do not save, do not try to find alcohol at an extremely affordable price.

What am I about sad and sad? Here's some positivity.

Vodka, unlike beer and champagne, does not contain carbon dioxide. Due to this, its modest doses are acceptable for people suffering from mild gastritis.

A strong drink warms (albeit not for long). It is not disgusting to use it, looking out onto the balcony on New Year's Eve.

A few words about the right snack. It is advisable to drink vodka at a rich table, on which hot dishes flaunt. Raise the first toast not on an empty stomach. First you need to eat food rich in carbohydrates - for example, boiled potatoes. Otherwise, ethanol will be absorbed too quickly.

Cold appetizers can also successfully follow a glass - traditional herring with black bread, pickled cucumbers and mushrooms, aspic. It is not recommended to combine vodka with very fatty foods. Have pity on the liver, because it is already hard for her.

Yes, by the way: after the holidays, please the offended body. He will say thank you.

Subtleties of choice

What is the conclusion? The choice between beer and vodka depends on:

  • the condition of your gastrointestinal tract;
  • temperature indoors or outdoors;
  • the duration of the proposed feast;
  • type of snack available;
  • the presence or absence of a toilet nearby.

Well, let's not forget about taste preferences. If perishing poison, so modicum with pleasure.

As for the consequences of drinking ... Harm and benefit are determined not so much by the type as by the quality and quantity of the drink.

I wish you a good post-holiday morning!


In Russia, beer and vodka are the most popular among a wide variety of alcoholic beverages. Many alcohol lovers find it difficult to give preference to one of them. Without these popular drinks, not a single feast takes place in our time. Before drinking beer or vodka, it is worthwhile to figure out what properties they have and can they be mixed?

What is more harmful: beer or vodka? Vodka has a fairly simple composition - ethyl alcohol and water. In addition, various additives can be used to soften its taste. The medicinal properties of the drink are mainly based on the usefulness of ethyl alcohol, which is part of its composition. To figure out what is better to drink, it is worth considering all the properties. Useful properties of vodka with moderate use:

Also, the benefits include:

  • It has a fairly simple composition - pure alcohol and water.
  • It has a good warming effect.
  • Traditional drink for a feast.
  • The possibility of preparing a drink at home.
  • Beneficial when consumed in small amounts.
  • Long periods of storage.
  • Pairs with a wide range of appetizers.

An alcoholic drink is quite harmless to an adult, only when consumed in small quantities. Ethyl alcohol in small doses is a medicine, but with an increase in a safe dose, it can turn into a poison. People who suffer from alcoholism are more likely to get cancer than others. They also have an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Vodka is a strong toxin and can often cause intoxication of the body, and the accumulation of harmful substances can cause a decrease in immunity. The disadvantages of this drink include:

  • Causes serious dependence.
  • Lack of taste.
  • Quickly intoxicates (in most cases this becomes a disadvantage).
  • Not good for hot weather.
  • It is a high-calorie product.

Useful properties of beer

What are the health benefits of drinking beer? Everything will depend on the amount of alcohol consumed. Beer is a source of vitamin B, which is directly involved in the formation of red blood cells. It contains a large number of trace elements: copper, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. The proper functioning of the whole organism depends on them.

If the recommended consumption rate is not exceeded, then beer can be beneficial. The use of a malt drink activates the metabolism and promotes the rapid cleansing of the body of toxins and slags. Beer helps to restore blood pressure and prevents the development of atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system. A foamy drink is able to stop the aging process, which is a useful property for female representatives. Supporters of beer in its defense make the following arguments:

  • Good thirst quencher.
  • It is an excellent natural diuretic.
  • It has a pleasant taste and aroma.
  • Contains a minimum amount of alcohol.
  • Has tonic properties.
  • The gradual onset of intoxication, so it is easy to exercise control over oneself.
  • Compared to vodka, it has a fairly low calorie content.
  • In moderation, it is good for a healthy person.

Harm of malt drink

Modern manufacturers are finding new ways to make production cheaper. They do this by replacing natural and high-quality components with artificial substitutes. The presence of female hormones in a malt drink can harm the male body. With its immense use, sexual problems may appear and the stomach may begin to grow. But alcohol, which is present in beer, adversely affects all internal organs, without exception.

Against the backdrop of love for beer, the heart suffers the most. Hypertension and tachycardia, which are manifested due to the presence of cobalt in the drink, are the most "safe" diseases. With increased use, cancer can develop, as well as pancreatitis and gastritis. Beer has a pretty serious effect on the brain. Under the influence of the drink, erythrocytes stick together. As a result, the brain does not get the right amount of oxygen and its cells begin to die. It is also harmful for the pancreas and stomach. The disadvantages of the foam product include:

  • Awakening fast addictive.
  • Not suitable for consumption in cold weather.
  • Increased appetite, resulting in a beer belly.
  • Short shelf life.
  • Complicated way to cook at home.
  • Not suitable as the main alcohol during the celebration.

Any alcohol can become both a panacea and a poison. Everything will depend on the amount of product consumed. Permissible dose of beer:

  • For males - 0.2-0.5 liters per day. Only five days a week you can drink beer.
  • For women, the recommended dose of the product is less - 0.2-0.3 liters per day.
  • Up to 50 ml of vodka will not harm the male body.
  • Up to 30 ml of strong drink for the fairer sex.

In the modern world, not a single feast is complete without alcoholic beverages. Each time, the layman faces the question of which strong drink to give preference to. If we analyze the situation from the side of the harm of a large amount of alcohol, then it is better to give preference to a foamy drink, in which the degree of alcohol is much lower. Yes, and you can drink it in much larger quantities in accordance with established standards.

Beer has a good composition, which includes malt, water, hops, yeast and additives. The drink is endowed with a rich vitamin and mineral composition, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive, cardiovascular systems. And also has a good effect on the condition of the skin and overall well-being. It is best to give preference to a malt drink. Since vodka contains only water and ethyl alcohol, which acts as an antiseptic.

In the cold, it is best to drink vodka, because it has warming properties. But the use of even a small amount of it on a hot day can provoke severe alcohol poisoning. Foam has long been considered a summer drink. It cools and tones well. To increase appetite during a feast, it is best to drink a glass of vodka. Along with this, you need to have a good snack with cold and hot snacks. In this case, preference should be given to good quality vodka.

The use of whiskey, cognac or liquor should be avoided. Then the morning hangover will not become an unpleasant continuation. When giving preference to beer or vodka, it should be borne in mind that the composition of vodka is elementary, but a large number of chemical additives can be added to beer. Therefore, if you are not sure about the quality of the malt drink, then it is better not to risk your health and drink some strong alcohol.

The degree that it contains is responsible for the calorie content of the drink. The higher the degree, the more calories in the product. A glass of vodka (50 g) contains 110 kcal, 100 g - 235 kcal. This is comparable to half a chicken or a standard serving of porridge with butter. However, getting fat from one alcoholic drink will not work. But a good snack can surprise you with a gain the next day.

The calorie content of beer will also depend on its strength, as well as on the technology of its manufacture. For 100 g of drink, calorie content can vary from 29 to 53 kcal. Non-alcoholic beer will contain 33 calories per 100 g. It is believed that light beer has less calories than dark beer. In terms of calories, one liter of beer is comparable to a small chocolate bar. In order to spend the acquired calories, you must either run for 10 minutes or walk for half an hour.

Current nutritionists and doctors often argue about what is more harmful to the liver - wine, vodka or beer. In any case, the proportion of alcohol found in any drink adversely affects the body's main filter - the liver. A small amount of beer and vodka is not capable of harming the liver, but only if the person is in good health. Then he can afford to drink 0.5 liters of beer or 50 grams of vodka 3-5 times a week. In the case of alcohol abuse, the consequences will not be long in coming.

Even beer, which contains less alcohol than vodka, can severely damage the liver if consumed in liters. And this is quite possible, since this drink is rapidly addictive. The consequences of alcohol abuse can be quite sad:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Fatty liver.
  • Alcoholic toxic hepatitis.
  • Joint use of alcohol.

Vodka is a distillation product with its own set of special additives, beer is a fermentation product that contains yeast. When two alcoholic drinks are consumed together, the body is saturated with a large amount of impurities. This can cause a negative effect on the digestion process, which will lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being.

It is also worth noting that a drunk glass of strong alcohol passes through the gastrointestinal tract and is not absorbed into the mucous membrane. If after it you use beer, then the resulting mixture of liquids will linger in the stomach for a long time. Alkaloids, absorbed into the blood, will cause severe intoxication. The liver cannot cope with a large amount of harmful substances. But the released toxins will have a negative effect on the brain. As for wine, here you need to separately understand what varieties are and how they can differ.

How bad for the kidneys

The human kidney is an organ that acts as a blood filter. It is responsible for cleaning the blood of harmful substances, toxins and poisons. It is the kidneys, together with the liver, that have to bear the main blow received from alcohol. To expel all toxins from the body, the kidneys distill a significant amount of blood. They have to work in rather difficult conditions. Since both beer and vodka have a strong diuretic effect. Due to the lack of fluid in the body, dehydration can occur.

Neither beer, nor even vodka is used in the treatment of urolithiasis and is not able to prevent its occurrence. Kidney disease is common if alcohol is heavily abused. If we compare what is more detrimental to the health of the kidneys, then doctors advise drinking a glass of vodka than a liter of foam (since the matter does not end with a glass of drink). This is quite enough to relax and tone the body without harming the kidneys. Drinks cause diseases such as:

  • Complete failure of the body.
  • Kidney inflammation.
  • The formation of kidney stones.
  • Oncological diseases.

The truth is that alcohol is extremely harmful to the body. Of course, still sometimes you want to relax and drink. Therefore, it is important not to forget about the norms of consumption. Exceeding them can cause a lot of health problems in the future.

Attention, only TODAY!

Alcohol is firmly embedded in the lives of modern people. Not a single mass celebration, corporate party, birthday and other joys of life can do without it. We all know that intoxicating drinks are harmful to our body, but the instinct of self-preservation is still trying to figure out which of the alcoholic drinks is less dangerous. Therefore, the question arises: what is more harmful, beer or vodka? Before understanding the situation, it should be noted that large doses of alcohol, even the most expensive and elite, are extremely harmful to health.

Vodka and beer - advantages and disadvantages

Vodka and beer are considered truly domestic drinks. Unlike brandy or liquor, they are available to all segments of the population, and therefore the demand for them is much greater. Therefore, it is simply necessary to understand what is more harmful for a person, beer or vodka, what is their effect on the liver, pancreas and other organs and systems.

To decide what to drink, vodka or beer, a detailed study of their advantages and disadvantages will help. Beer against the background of vodka is distinguished by the following advantages:

  • quenches thirst;
  • contributes to the diuretic effect;
  • has a less unpleasant taste and smell;
  • contains tonic substances;
  • contains a small amount of calories;
  • contains less alcohol;
  • promotes slow intoxication, as a result of which the drinker can control the process.

With regards to vodka, if desired, you can find advantages in it. Unlike beer, it has the following advantages:

  • produces a warming effect;
  • does not contain additives and dyes;
  • considered a traditional Russian drink;
  • has a longer shelf life;
  • in small quantities it is useful for the cardiovascular system;
  • can be combined with various snacks.

Rational consumption of these drinks will not bring significant harm to health. But their main drawback is that they contain ethyl alcohol, which is addictive. Dependence forces a person to seek the support of the “green snake” more and more often, as a result of which his health is collapsing, primarily affecting the liver and cardiovascular system.

The difference in harm done to the body

The harm of vodka and beer is equally high. But since in the first case there is more ethanol, then the harm from vodka is more powerful. Abuse of this alcoholic beverage can quickly lead to death.

High regular doses of ethanol very quickly destroy the cardiovascular system, liver, reproductive function of women. The increase in accidents in the country is provoked to a greater extent by the consumption of this drink. Crime reports clearly make it clear that most of the crimes happen precisely against the background of the use of strong intoxicating drinks.

The impact of beer on the body can be called specific. For men, it is fraught with the production of female sex hormones that suppress androgens. This inhibits the sexual function of men, resulting in impotence, infertility. Men who abuse beer are prone to the female type. They have an enlarged belly and there is a general heaviness of the body.

As for women, the same processes take place in their bodies under the influence of beer. Excessive production of sex hormones causes an aggressive mood, increased excitability, this stimulates promiscuity.

The abuse of beer by women causes pathologies of the reproductive system, resulting in difficulties with conception, up to infertility. And worst of all, they have a teratogenic effect. A woman addicted to beer has every chance of giving birth to a sick child.

In whose favor is the comparison

Before drawing final conclusions, it is necessary to consider the factors that cause the main harm to the body. These include:

  • the presence of additives;
  • pure ethanol content.

The harm of an intoxicating drink is the greater, the higher the concentration of alcohol in it. 100 grams of vodka contains 40 ml of ethanol, while beer contains only 6 ml. From this we can conclude that vodka is more dangerous to health. But many people drink beer in liters, which increases the consumption of ethyl alcohol several times.

With regards to the level of calories, here it is inferior to beer. In 100 grams, it contains 240 kcal, while beer is only 40 kcal. And again, do not forget about the amount of alcohol consumed.

There are no additives in vodka. But beer is a controversial drink, because its cheap brands contain harmful chemical additives that literally corrode the body from the inside. But this does not apply to natural beer, which not only does not contain additives, but also contains useful components that help cleanse blood vessels and other positive processes in the body.

If we analyze the above, then beer is a less dangerous drink for health. But on condition that its daily intake does not exceed 500 ml.

There are cases when it is better to give preference to vodka. A small dosage of this alcohol (no more than 100 g) promotes vasodilation, a rush of blood to the skin and accelerates the warming process. A very effective method after a long stay in the cold.

Consequences of mixing alcoholic beverages

Who has not heard of such a notorious drink as "ruff". Its recipe is very simple, just mix beer with vodka.

Fans of the "green snake" use this method as an enhancement to the effects of alcohol. This combination is fraught with severe intoxication of the body. As a result, the hangover syndrome intensifies many times, which at best will be expressed by nausea, vomiting, and a severe headache. This condition often requires medical attention.

The choice of alcoholic products for a good feast pleases with abundance. Based on their tastes and mood, everyone can choose what suits him best, but sometimes it is not easy to decide. Which is better - or cognac?

Distinctive features of vodka, cognac, whiskey and beer

Vodka is one of the most common alcoholic drinks, its strength is 40%. It is obtained by mixing purified water and rectified ethyl alcohol. In small volumes, it does not destroy the body, but the abuse of this alcohol leads to undesirable consequences. Some features of vodka:

  • the purest drink;
  • even a small dose helps to slow down the reaction, constrain movements and exacerbate thinking processes in the brain;
  • it has no warming effect;
  • storage period does not exceed 1 year;
  • it is a high calorie product.

It belongs to strong alcoholic beverages and has a strength from 40 to 56%, a peculiar taste and a bouquet of aromas. It is made from alcohol, which is aged for at least 3 years and is obtained as a result of the distillation of natural grape wines. It is considered a noble drink, which should not just be drunk, but enjoyed, feeling the bouquet of aromas and tastes.

- This is a strong alcoholic drink, the alcohol content can be from 40 to 70%, but it can be higher, and the basis for it is barley, corn, rice, wheat and rye. First, it goes through the process of malting, then distillation, and then it is aged in barrels made of oak. The color of this drink may be different, but it depends on the raw materials that were used in the manufacture. There is virtually no sugar in Scotch and no additives or flavors should be used.

It belongs to low-alcohol products and, when consumed in moderation, has many useful properties that are best preserved in a draft foamy drink. It is made by fermenting malt wort, which contains hops, and using brewer's yeast. It contains many useful substances for the human body, vitamins, enzymes. There are no preservatives or additives in quality beer.

There is no single answer to the question of which is better vodka or whiskey. If vodka is a traditional drink during feasts, then whiskey is becoming more and more popular every year.

It is more appreciated by connoisseurs of alcohol, who like to drink in small sips and savor it, capturing the subtlest shades of taste and aroma. It is not diluted or eaten, and while drinking, they can discuss and compare different types of drink. Whiskey makes you drunk slower, but it's hard to bounce back the next day.

Vodka is more suitable for large cheerful companies in which the taste of alcohol is not as important as its effect. They drink it in large volumes, preferring to have a good and plentiful snack. At the same time, much attention is not paid to the quality of the alcohol itself. They get drunk from vodka relatively quickly, but the next day the consequences of drinking are not so acute.

Depending on personal preferences and the circle that gathers during the feast, you can already choose whiskey or vodka, cognac or beer.

What is better to drink - vodka or cognac?

What is better to drink - vodka or cognac? The answer to this question depends on personal preferences, body characteristics and circumstances:

  • there are more impurities in cognac, so it is harder to process by the liver;
  • vodka is more addictive and provokes alcohol addiction;
  • lower than that of cognac, in which there is a large amount of sugar;;
  • small doses of cognac lower blood pressure.

What is better for the body?

Along with the negative effects of consuming alcoholic beverages, alcohol in small quantities has a positive effect. What is more useful: vodka or cognac, depends on the circumstances and in each case is decided individually.

In small doses, cognac liberates a person, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and can increase life expectancy. It has a positive effect on the erectile function of a man, relieves stress, improves sleep. Thanks to tannins in the composition, it improves the absorption of vitamin C by the body. This drink helps to increase appetite, improve metabolic processes, and support immunity in the fight against infectious diseases.

Having alcohol in its composition, vodka is considered a good disinfectant. Combined with salt, it is a good remedy for diarrhea, and is traditionally used to combat colds. If you use it in reasonable doses, then stress and nervous tension are relieved.

What is stronger?

What is stronger: vodka or cognac, there is no clear answer to this question. According to the standards, the lower limit of the fortress should be 40%, and there is no regulation of the upper limit. Traditionally, vodka is made at 40°, although for some producers this figure can reach up to 60°. The strength of cognac is not a stable value and varies from 40 to 56 ° while aging in oak barrels.

If we compare the strength of whiskey or vodka, then the alcohol content in scotch, depending on the variety, can range from 32 to 60%.

What and in what cases is more harmful?

All alcoholic drinks harm the body. A positive effect is felt from small doses, but this is only a temporary effect. Ethyl alcohol has a negative effect on the body, and with regular and excessive consumption, there is a risk of alcohol dependence.

After drinking vodka, there is a rapid expansion of blood vessels, and then a sharp narrowing begins. This leads to drops in blood pressure and the risk of stroke in people with hypertension. You can not use it for those who have diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract. It is faster than the rest of the alcohol leads to alcohol addiction.

The adhesive tape contains a large amount of harmful substances (, acetaldehyde, etc.). They harm the body and exacerbate the negative effects of alcohol on a person. The presence of a large amount of impurities leads to a severe hangover the day after the feast.

Cognac with frequent and excessive consumption is addictive and leads to alcohol addiction. Due to the content of some impurities, the absorption of alcohol by the body is difficult. It negatively affects the reproductive system, and high calorie content can cause weight gain. Its use is not recommended for cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the kidneys, gallbladder and diabetes mellitus.

When drinking whiskey or vodka, you should always be moderate and do everything to minimize the negative consequences.
