
Long banana. Small and large bananas: benefits and differences

Fifth place after apples, pears, oranges and tangerines in the Russian fruit market is occupied by bananas. Although their consumption per capita in our country is not so high, it is about 7.5 kg per year. For example, in Sweden one person eats about 12 kg, and in Ecuador - about 74 kg.

Recently, the Russian fruit market has become much more diverse, so-called mini-bananas or "baby" bananas have appeared. They have become competitors to their large counterparts, from which they differ significantly in taste and cost.


There are up to 80 species in the world, and about 500 varieties of this exotic fruit. However, calling a banana a fruit is not entirely legitimate, in many ways it is a berry. Bananas come in different colors, in addition to green and yellow, there are red and blue types of various shades.

Bananas are divided into three groups:

  • decorative (decoration of parks, gardens and premises);
  • plane trees or fodder (require heat treatment before eating, unsweetened and tough);
  • dessert (eaten without heat treatment, have a sweet taste).

Mini-bananas, like regular bananas, which are most often represented on the Russian market by the popular Cavendish variety, make up the dessert group. They do not require any preparation and are eaten raw or dried.

Mini-bananas are usually called the Lady Finger variety or "Lady's fingers". This variety grows in Latin America and Australia. The size of the fruit does not exceed 12 cm, it has an exquisite taste and thin skin. In Russia, mini-bananas and their larger "brothers" come from Ecuador. Transportation of fragile, thin-skinned "babies" involves more costs, which affects their cost and availability to the consumer.

If we compare the size of an ordinary and “dwarf” banana, it can be noted that the length of the first reaches 20 cm, while the mini-banana retains a size of only 10 cm. There is also a difference in the shelf life - mini-bananas do not lie very long keep them for a week and no longer work.

It is best to eat the product immediately or the next day. The difference with regular bananas is that they can be kept in the refrigerator for up to two weeks without turning brown or turning into mush.

Benefit and harm

Mini bananas, like ordinary bananas, are extremely nutritious and beneficial for the human body. They contain the set of microelements and vitamins we need. The value and usefulness of the use of this product is evidenced by the fact that its largest producer, Brazil, consumes its entire crop in the domestic market.

Bananas have such properties as nutrition, healing, rejuvenation of the human body. They are known to quickly satisfy hunger. One or two fruits should be eaten, and the body is saturated, energy and optimism return. Although the size of a small banana is inferior to the usual one, the differences in calories between them are small. One fruit "baby" contains approximately 90 kcal.

In small bananas, there are much more microelements and vitamins than in ordinary ones. We can judge this by the pronounced taste and smell of this variety. That is why they are considered more useful. Mini-bananas contain almost all B vitamins. These vitamins play a key role in the metabolic processes of the body, contribute to the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increase muscle tone, improve overall well-being and stress resistance.

The pulp of the fruit is rich in potassium and magnesium, which normalize the work of the heart, relieve stress and associated headaches. The daily dose of these elements can be replenished by eating only 4 bananas.

The fiber contained in the fruits of the plant is useful for people suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers, diarrhea and constipation. The amino acid tryptophan improves memory and increases concentration. It is necessary for both the elderly and young people to maintain mental activity. The pectin substances contained in the "baby" bananas remove toxins from the body and lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Vitamin C reduces the amount of free radicals that cause the risk of developing cancer and slows down the aging process. Iron, which is present in fruits, promotes the production of hemoglobin and helps with anemia.

Not only banana fruits are useful. An infusion of flowers is used to treat diabetes and bronchitis. The juice of the stems helps against cramps. Burns and abscesses are healed with compresses from the peel and young leaves. The peel is used as a fertilizer for plants, as it contains potassium and phosphorus. Rubbing the teeth with the soft side of the peel can improve their condition and whiteness.

Banana extract is successfully used in cosmetology. It is part of anti-aging, nourishing and moisturizing creams and serums.

In addition to useful properties, even mini-bananas can harm the human body.

  • They are quite high in calories, so obese people should better limit their intake of fruits. This also applies to diabetics, because the ripening fetus accumulates carbohydrates with a high GI.
  • Fruits tend to remove fluid from the body, during their use you need to drink more.
  • Prohibited for those who have increased blood clotting, as well as people with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, coronary heart disease. Bananas greatly increase blood viscosity, which can exacerbate these diseases.
  • Bananas grown on plantations can be treated with harmful substances and pesticides that can cause allergies, indigestion, and poisoning.

Growing at home

Of course, bananas brought from Ecuador, industrially grown and artificially ripened, are not as attractive as those that we can enjoy when we go to Thailand, India or Turkey. Unfortunately, this exotic fruit is not cultivated on Russian territory, natural conditions do not allow it. However, the inhabitants of Russia have learned to grow bananas indoors. A big plus of such cultivation is the ability to use not only banana fruits, but also no less valuable leaves and stems.

Currently, most flower shops sell seeds of selected varieties of bananas. Having organized the climate necessary for the plant in the room, we can enjoy the fruits of this exotic product. Many modern dwarf varieties are bred specifically for growing at home. They do not grow more than 1.5 meters, are resistant to diseases, and are less demanding on conditions. In the garden shop, you can ask for the seeds of "Kyiv Dwarf" and "Super Dwarf".

The hard shell of the seed will need to be slightly damaged to make it easier for the sprout to get out. Seeds must be planted in small liter pots in the substrate for germination. It consists of 4 parts of sand and 1 part of peat. No top dressing is required, but good drainage is needed. Seeds are shallowly placed in the substrate, leaving access to sunlight. Then cover with a film and keep in a bright room, airing every 2-3 days. In case of drying, the substrate must be sprayed.

If you are careful and responsibly approach the matter, then the home harvest of bananas will not be long in coming.

In the next video, the easiest banana dessert recipes are waiting for you.

Banana ( Musa) is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the flowering department, the monocotyledonous class, the ginger-colored order, the banana family, the banana genus.

Origin of the word "banana"

There is no exact information about the origin of the Latin definition of Musa. Some researchers believe that the banana was named in memory of the court physician Antonio Musa, who was in the service of Octavian Augustus, the Roman emperor who ruled in the last decades BC. e and the first years of our era. According to another theory, it comes from the Arabic word "موز‎", which sounds like "muses" - the name of the edible fruit produced by this plant. The concept of "banana" passed into the Russian language as a free transliteration of the word "banana" from the dictionaries of almost all European languages. Apparently, this definition was borrowed by Spanish or Portuguese sailors at the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th centuries from the vocabulary of the tribes living in West Africa.

Banana - description, structure, characteristics and photos

Despite the fact that in appearance a banana resembles a tree, in fact a banana is a grass, namely a herbaceous plant with powerful roots, a short stem that does not come to the surface, and 6-20 large leaves. After bamboo, banana is the tallest grass in the world. The banana fruit is a berry.

Trunk and roots

Numerous fibrous roots that form the root system can spread to the sides up to 5 meters and deepen in search of moisture up to 1.5 meters. The false trunk of a banana, reaching a height of 2 to 12 meters and having a diameter of up to 40 cm, has dense and long leaves that overlap each other.

banana leaves

Banana leaves are oblong or oval in shape, their length can exceed 3 meters, and their width can reach 1 meter. One large longitudinal vein clearly appears on their surface, from which many small perpendicular veins extend. The color of banana leaves is varied. Depending on the species or variety, it can be completely green, with maroon spots of various shapes, or two-tone - painted in crimson hues below and juicy green tones above. As the banana matures, the old leaves die off and fall to the ground, while the young ones develop inside the false trunk. The renewal rate of one banana leaf under favorable conditions occurs in 7 days.

How does a banana bloom?

Active growth of bananas lasts from 8 to 10 months, after which the flowering phase begins. At this time, a long peduncle sprouts up from the underground tuberous stem up through the entire trunk. Having made its way out, it forms a complex inflorescence, which in its shape resembles a kind of large bud, painted in purple or green shades. Banana flowers are arranged in tiers at its base. At the very top are large female flowers that form fruits, below are medium bisexual banana flowers, and even lower are small male flowers, which have the smallest sizes.

Regardless of the size, the banana flower consists of 3 tubular petals with 3 sepals. Most bananas have white petals, the outer surface of the leaves that cover them is purple, and the inner surface is dark red. Depending on the type or variety of banana, inflorescences are of two types: upright and drooping.

At night, pollination of female flowers occurs, and in the morning and afternoon by small mammals or birds. As the banana fruits develop, they become similar to a hand with many fingers growing on it.

At its core, the banana fruit is a berry. Its appearance depends on the species and cultivar. It can be oblong cylindrical or triangular in shape and have a length of 3 to 40 centimeters. Banana skin color can be green, yellow, red and with a silvery tint. As it ripens, the firm flesh becomes soft and juicy. About 300 fruits with a total weight of up to 70 kg can develop from one inflorescence. Banana flesh is creamy, white, orange, or yellow. Banana seeds can be found in wild fruits, and in cultivated species they are almost completely absent. After fruiting is completed, the false stem of the plant dies off, and a new one grows in its place.

Banana palm and banana tree. Do bananas grow on palm trees?

Sometimes a banana is called a banana palm, which is incorrect, since this plant does not belong to the palm family. Banana is a fairly tall plant, so it is not surprising that many people mistake it for a tree. The Greeks and Romans spoke of it as a "wonderful Indian fruit tree" - hence, by analogy with other fruit trees in this region, the expression "banana palm" spread.

The phrase "banana tree", which is sometimes called a banana, actually refers to plants from the genus pawpaw ( Asimina), of the Annon family and is associated with the similarity of the fruits of these trees with banana fruits.

Banana is not a fruit, not a tree, not a palm tree. In fact, a banana is a grass (herbaceous plant), and a banana fruit is a berry!

Where do bananas grow?

Bananas grow in countries of the tropical and subtropical zone: in South Asia, Latin America, Malaysia, northeast Australia, and also on some islands of Japan. On an industrial scale, the banana plant is grown in Bhutan and Pakistan, China and India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, the Maldives and Nepal, Thailand and Brazil. On the territory of Russia, bananas grow naturally near Sochi, however, due to the fact that winter temperatures often fall below zero degrees, the fruits do not ripen. Moreover, under prolonged adverse conditions, some plants may die.

Banana composition, vitamins and minerals. What are the benefits of bananas?

Bananas are classified as low-fat, but quite nutritious and energy-rich foods. The pulp of its raw fruits is a quarter composed of carbohydrates and sugars, a third of solids. It contains starch, fiber, pectins, proteins and various essential oils, which give the fruits their characteristic aroma. The composition of banana pulp includes minerals and vitamins that are useful and necessary for the human body: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, copper, zinc, as well as vitamins B, E, C and PP. Due to the unique chemical composition, the plant has found application in medicine.

How many calories are in a banana?

Data per 100 grams of product:

  • calorie green banana - 89 kcal;
  • calorie content of a ripe banana - 110-120 kcal;
  • calorie content of an overripe banana - 170-180 kcal;
  • calorie content of dried banana - 320 kcal.

Since bananas are different in size, the calorie content of 1 banana varies between 70-135 kilocalories:

  • 1 small banana weighing up to 80 g and up to 15 cm long contains approximately 72 kcal;
  • 1 medium banana weighing up to 117 g and more than 18 cm long contains approximately 105 kcal;
  • 1 large banana weighing more than 150 g and more than 22 cm long contains about 135 kcal.

Energy value of a ripe banana (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates) (data per 100 g):

  • proteins in a banana - 1.5 g (~ 6 kcal);
  • fats in a banana - 0.5 g (~ 5 kcal);
  • carbohydrates in a banana - 21 g (~ 84 kcal).

It's important to note that bananas don't do a very good job of curbing hunger, making it worse after a brief satiety. The reason lies in the significant content of sugar, which rises in the blood and after a while increases appetite.

Useful properties of banana. The use of bananas

So what are bananas good for?

  • Banana pulp is used to relieve inflammatory processes occurring in the oral cavity, as well as a dietary product in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers. In addition, the banana is laxative and is therefore used as a mild laxative. Due to the presence of tryptophan, an amino acid that prevents cell aging and has a beneficial effect on brain function, bananas are recommended to be eaten by the elderly. The presence of potassium and magnesium allows them to be used as a means of preventing high blood pressure and stroke.
  • Infusion of banana flowers helps in the treatment of diabetes and bronchitis. The juice obtained from banana stems is a good anticonvulsant and sedative.
  • The invaluable benefits of bananas are concentrated in the peel. Banana skins are used for medicinal purposes. Compresses from young leaves or banana peel contribute to the rapid healing of burns and abscesses on the skin.
  • Banana peel is used as a fertilizer for both indoor and outdoor flowers. The fact is that it contains a large amount of phosphorus and potassium. With the help of a banana peel, you can also fight with, which does not tolerate excess potassium. To do this, you just need to make a tincture on banana skins and water the plants with it. The easiest way to use banana skins to fertilize flowers is to simply bury them in the ground. To do this, it is enough to cut the peel into small pieces. After this procedure, even the most tired plants begin to leaf out and bloom. Banana peel decomposes in the ground for 10 days, after which bacteria eat it.
  • The benefits of bananas are invaluable: even overripe bananas produce a very powerful antioxidant that prevents cancer.

Residents of countries located in temperate latitudes are happy to eat raw peeled bananas as a dessert, add them to ice cream and confectionery. Some peoples prefer dried and canned bananas. Also, this berry is fried and boiled with or without the skin, adding salt, hot spices, olive oil, onion or garlic. Bananas can be used to make flour, chips, syrup, marmalade, honey and wine. In addition to fruits, the banana inflorescence is also eaten: raw inflorescences are dipped in sauce, and boiled ones are added to gravies or soups. Starch is prepared from unripe banana fruits. Boiled banana waste of vegetable and dessert varieties is used as feed for large and small livestock.

The fruits and other parts of the banana are used:

  • in the leather industry as a black dye;
  • in the textile industry for the production of fabrics;
  • for the manufacture of extra strong marine ropes and ropes;
  • in the construction of rafts and the manufacture of seat cushions;
  • as plates and trays for serving traditional South Asian dishes in India and Sri Lanka.

Bananas: contraindications and harm

  • It is undesirable to eat bananas before bedtime, and also to combine with milk, so as not to provoke fermentation in the stomach and not cause intestinal failure.
  • People with diabetes should not eat bananas because they contain little glucose and fructose, but a lot of sugar.
  • Bananas can harm people who suffer from thrombophlebitis, as these berries contribute to blood clotting.

Types and varieties of bananas, names and photos

The genus includes about 70 species of bananas, which, depending on the application, are divided into 3 varieties:

  • Decorative bananas (inedible);
  • Plantains (sycamore);
  • Dessert bananas.

decorative bananas

This group includes plants with very beautiful flowers and mostly inedible fruits. They can be wild or grown for beauty. Inedible bananas are also used to make various textile products, car seat cushions and fishing nets. The most famous types of ornamental bananas are:

  • Banana pointed (Musa acuminata)

grown because of the beautiful leaves up to one meter long with a large central vein and many small ones, along which the leaf blade divides over time, acquiring resemblance to a bird feather. The leaves of an ornamental banana are dark green, often there are specimens with a reddish tinge. In greenhouse conditions, the height of a pointed banana plant can reach 3.5 meters, although in room conditions it grows no more than 2 meters. The size of the fruits of this type of banana ranges from 5 to 30 centimeters, and their color can be green, yellow and even red. The pointed banana is edible and grows in the countries of southeast Asia, in southern China, India and Australia. In countries with colder climates, this type of banana is grown as an ornamental plant.

  • Blue Burmese Banana (Musa itinerans)

grows in height from 2.5 to 4 meters. The trunk of a banana is painted in an unusual purple-green color with a silvery-white coating. The color of the leaf plates is bright green, and their length reaches an average of 0.7 meters. The dense peel of the banana fruit has a blue or purple color. The fruits of this banana are unsuitable for food. In addition to its decorative value, the blue banana is used as one of the components of the Asian diet. Banana grows in the following countries: China, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos. This plant can also be grown in a pot.

  • Musa Velutina)

has a false trunk height of not more than 1.5 meters with a diameter of about 7 centimeters. Banana leaves, painted in light green, grow up to 1 meter in length and 30 centimeters in width. Many specimens have a red edging along the edge of the leaf plate. The petals of inflorescences, pleasing with their appearance up to six months, are painted purple-pink. The pink peel of a banana is quite thick, and their number in a bunch does not exceed 9 pieces. The length of the fruit is 8 cm. When ripe, the skin of the fruit opens, revealing light flesh with seeds inside.

This variety of banana is used for decorative purposes. It can survive not very cold winter. This banana is also unique in that it will freely bloom and bear fruit almost all year round at home.

  • Musa coccinea)

is a representative of low-growing plants. Its height rarely exceeds one meter. The shiny surface of narrow bright green banana leaves emphasizes the beauty of inflorescences of juicy scarlet or red color. The flowering period of a banana lasts about 2 months. Grown as an ornamental plant for beautiful orange-red flowers. The birthplace of the Indochinese banana is Southeast Asia.

  • Banana Darjeeling (Musa sikkimensis)

grows up to 5.5 meters in height with a false trunk diameter at the base of about 45 cm. The color of this ornamental banana may have a red tint. The length of gray-green leaves with purple veins often exceeds 1.5-2 meters. Some varieties of the Darjeeling banana have red-tinted leaf plates. Banana fruits are medium-sized, up to 13 cm in length, with a slightly sweet taste. This species is quite frost-resistant and can withstand frosts down to -20 degrees. Banana is grown in many European countries.

  • Japanese banana, Basho banana or Japanese textile banana ( Musa basjoo)

cold-resistant species, reaching a height of 2.5 meters. The surface of the false trunk of a banana is colored greenish or yellowish and covered with a thin waxy layer on which black spots are visible. The length of leaf blades does not exceed 1.5 meters in length and 60 centimeters in width. The color of banana leaves varies from deep dark green at the base of the leaf to pale green at the top. The Japanese banana grows in Japan, as well as in Russia on the Black Sea coast. It is inedible and is grown mainly for fiber, which is used to make clothing, screens, and book bindings.

  • Banana textile, abaca (Musa textilis)

grown to make strong fibers from the leaf sheaths. The height of the false trunk does not exceed 3.5 meters, and the diameter is 20 cm. Narrow green leaves rarely reach a length of more than one meter. The fruits that develop on a drooping brush have a trihedral appearance and sizes up to 8 centimeters. Inside the pulp is a large number of small seeds. The color changes from green to straw yellow as it matures. Textile banana is grown in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Central American countries in order to obtain a durable fiber from which baskets, furniture and other utensils are woven.

  • Banana Balbisa (fruity) ( Musa balbisiana)

This is a large plant with a false stem height of up to 8 meters and a diameter at the base of more than 30 centimeters. Its color changes from green to yellow-green. The length of banana leaves can exceed 3 meters with a width of about 50-60 centimeters. Leaf sheaths are bluish in color and often covered with fine hairs. Fruit sizes reach 10 centimeters in length and 4 cm in width. The color of the banana peel changes with age from light yellow to dark brown or black. Banana fruits are used as food for. Unripe fruits are preserved. The male flower buds are eaten as a vegetable. Balbis banana grows in India, Sri Lanka and the Malay Archipelago.

Sycamore (plantains)

Plantain (from French plantain) or plane tree (from Spanish plátano) are rather large bananas, which are mainly (90%) eaten after heat treatment: they are fried in oil, boiled, baked in batter, steamed or made of which are chips. The peel of the plane tree is also used as food. Although there are types of plane trees that, when fully ripe, become softer, sweeter and edible even without prior heat treatment. The color of the sycamore skin can be green or yellow (although they are usually sold greenish), ripe sycamore has a black skin.

Plantains differ from dessert bananas in their thicker skin, as well as tougher and almost unsweetened pulp with a high starch content. Sycamore varieties have found use both in the human menu and in agriculture, where they are used as livestock feed. In many countries of the Caribbean, Africa, India and South America, dishes made from plane trees are served as side dishes for meat and fish or as a completely independent dish. Usually they are generously flavored with salt, herbs and hot chili peppers.

Types of plane trees intended for heat treatment are divided into 4 groups, in each of which different varieties are distinguished:

  • French plane trees: varieties ‘Obino l’Ewai’ (Nigeria), ‘Nendran’ (India), ‘Dominico’ (Colombia).
  • French horn-shaped plane trees: varieties ‘Batard’ (Cameroon), ‘Mbang Okon’ (Nigeria).
  • False horn-shaped sycamores: varieties ‘Agbagda’ and ‘Orishele’ (Nigeria), ‘Dominico-Harton’ (Colombia).
  • Horn-shaped plane trees: varieties ‘Ishitim’ (Nigeria), ‘Pisang Tandok’ (Malaysia).

Below is a description of several varieties of platano:

  • Ground banana (banana da terra)

grows mainly in Brazil. The length of the fetus often reaches 25-27 cm, and the weight is 400-500 grams. The peel is ribbed, thick, and the flesh has an orange tint. Raw, platano is slightly astringent in taste, but after cooking it acquires excellent taste characteristics. The leader among plane trees in terms of the content of vitamins of groups A and C.

  • Plantain Burro (Burro, Orinoco, Horse, Hog)

herbaceous plant of medium height, resistant to cold. Sycamore fruits 13-15 cm long, enclosed in a trihedral peel. The pulp is dense, with a lemon flavor, raw edible only when overripe, so the variety is usually fried or baked.

plant with large fruits up to 20 cm in length. The peel is greenish, slightly rough to the touch, thick. In its raw form, it is inedible due to its strongly astringent taste, but it is great for cooking all kinds of dishes: chips, vegetable stews, mashed potatoes. This type of plane tree grows in India, where it is in unprecedented demand among buyers in ordinary fruit shops.

Bananas are a source of substances and elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Nutritionists recommend bananas for a healthy snack as they are very healthy and nutritious.
As you know, there are over 300 different types of bananas. It would seem, how can small and large bananas differ? However, there is still a difference between them.

Main differences

Small bananas, or as they are also called, mini bananas, are a kind of ordinary banana, which is more understandable for our perception. At first glance, the main difference between large and small bananas is the size. But it is not so. Indeed, small bananas are much smaller than regular bananas. So, if the length of a standard fruit is from 18 to 20 centimeters, then the length of the small banana varies 10 to 12 centimeters. The skin of a mini banana is much thinner than that of a standard banana, so the nutritional value of one small banana and one large banana is almost the same. There is also a difference in taste. A small banana has a sweeter and richer taste than a large one.

Besides, mini bananas have a fruity flavor. Small bananas sell for more than large ones. What is it connected with? First, small bananas are not as widespread as large ones. Mini bananas are grown, as a rule, in Ecuador and Mexico. Secondly, small bananas are harvested when they are ripe, and large ones when unripe. Consequently, the cost of transporting small bananas is higher due to the fact that it is necessary to deliver them to their destination before they turn black. And that's about a couple of days.

It should be said that small bananas are more beneficial for the body than large ones. The fact is that mini bananas contain a greater amount of starch, as well as pectins. Therefore, small bananas are recommended to be included in the diet of people who suffer from gastritis, since they are able to envelop the mucous membranes. In addition, small bananas are recommended for people who suffer from edema, due to their ability to remove excess fluid from the body. Some people may experience intolerance to this product. Therefore, if you feel fermentation after eating mini bananas, it is best not to consume them.

Benefits of Bananas

Bananas, both small and large, can benefit your body. In composition, small and large bananas are almost identical. Consider the main beneficial properties of this wonderful fruit.

  1. Bananas contain a large amount of potassium, which is necessary for all vital human organs.
  2. For people involved in sports, bananas are necessary for maintaining strength, as they are a source of natural sugar.
  3. Vitamin E found in bananas keeps the skin smooth.
  4. They are an excellent remedy for heartburn and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Bananas will help you get rid of stress, depression thanks to vitamin B.
  6. Due to the content of vitamin C, bananas strengthen the immune system and help the body fight viruses.
  7. For women, bananas can help with premenstrual syndrome.
  8. Bananas are widely used in cosmetology as a remedy for warts.

Contraindications for use

Bananas should not be consumed by people with diabetes as they are high in sugar. Doctors also do not allow bananas to be consumed by people who have had a heart attack or stroke. In addition, people who are overweight should also not get carried away with this fruit, since 100 grams of a banana contains 90 kilocalories. At the same time, 1 banana a day will help fight excess weight, as it will saturate your body much better than other fruits.

The smallest and largest fruit in the world August 22nd, 2016

An amazing flowering plant called wolfia spherical, produces such small fruits (width from 0.4 to 0.8 mm) that more than 1,000 of these fruits can fit on one human finger.

One such fruit weighs about70 micrograms. It is also worth noting that Wolffia spherical also stands out as the smallest flowers in the world among all flowering plants. Its natural range is tropical and subtropical Asia, however, the plant was introduced into North and South America. Wolffia spherical grows along the shores of lakes, rivers, ponds, as well as ditches, where it spreads very quickly through the reservoir. It will also be interesting to note that this plant does not need roots for the stems or leaves to survive.

This smallest plant in the world blooms, and later emerges from the flower a tiny fruit called "utricle" or "pouch".

This plant flowers between June and September.

Wolffia spherical fruits are cultivated in Southeast Asia, as they are rich in protein. This fruit is considered an abundant source of food, aswolfia reproduces very quickly. Wolffia tastes like watercress.

This micro plant is also considered a great source of energy. If used as a biofuel, it would be carbon neutral as it extracts carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

In addition, this plant can be used to filter water by balancing the levels of phosphorus and nitrogen.

Another benefit of wolfia is its ability reduce cadmium and arsenic levels in the environment.

Scientists are looking at wolfia as a possible source of food and energy for long-term space travel.

The world's largest fruit

Among all edible fruits, the largest are the jackfruit fruits that grow on trees. Their length can reach 110 cm, diameter - 20 cm, and weight - 34 kg.

Experts consider India (in particular, the Eastern Ghats) and Bangladesh to be the birthplace of jackfruit, where this fruit is considered national.

Today, jackfruit grows profusely in Southeast Asia and the Philippines. Also, this tree can be found in East Africa, namely in Kenya and Uganda.

It is worth noting that this fruit is consumed both ripe and unripe. The latter is used as a vegetable - it is boiled, fried, and also stewed, but the ripe fruit is used fresh, especially when preparing salads and desserts.

Healthy jackfruit

A ripe jackfruit has a very strong aroma. Inside, it smells like a mixture of pineapple and banana, and it tastes like blend of apple, pineapple, mango and banana.

Jackfruit is incredibly nutritious. It contains about 40% carbohydrates, and seeds can contain 38% carbohydrates, 6.6% proteins and 0.4% fats. As a rule, the seeds of this fruit are roasted like chestnuts.

Since jackfruit wood is not damaged by termites and fungi, it is often used in construction, furniture production, and musical instruments.

List of useful substances contained in jackfruit:


A, beta-carotene, thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), nicotinic acid (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin B6, folic acid (vitamin B9), vitamin C, vitamin E.


Calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc.

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It turns out that bananas are different - yellow, blue, red. I can’t even believe that such a miracle grows somewhere. We offer an overview of rare and unusual varieties of bananas.

wild banana

orange bananas


Bananas Ae Ae

green bananas

black bananas

pink bananas

blue bananas

red bananas


It turns out that bananas are different - yellow, blue, red. I can’t even believe that such a miracle grows somewhere. I offer an overview of rare and unusual varieties of bananas.

10. Wild banana

It looks like a real banana, wild. Unlike cultivated varieties, it has seeds.

9. Orange bananas

Unusual orange bananas, however, the original color of the peel did not affect the taste.

Anyone who thinks they've seen big bananas in the supermarket is wrong. The largest banana is Kluay (or Rhino). Its flesh is not as dense as most are used to. And the average length is 35 cm.

And these are the smallest bananas in the world, 2.5-5 cm long. But they are one of the sweetest.

6. Bananas Ae Ae

This is not a GMO variety at all, but ordinary bananas, like all the usual varieties. It's just that their colors are striped. They are slightly bitter in taste and difficult to grow. Perhaps that is why they are not found in stores.

5. Green bananas

The green color of a banana is most often associated with an unripe fruit. In this case, it is already possible and necessary to eat.

4. Black bananas

Some people are madly in love with black bananas, they believe that this is the real color of the ripe fruit.

3. Pink bananas

Pink bananas can be grown independently from seeds. But is the taste of ordinary fruits worth so much effort and expense.

2. Blue bananas

This variety, most likely, can be attributed to the blue dream.

1. Red bananas

Sweet, raspberry-flavoured fruits that contain 10 times more potassium than regular yellow bananas.



Where did the banana come from

Contrary to popular belief about Africa or India, it appeared in the Malaysian region, as the first documented evidence of bananas came from Hindus who returned from a trip there. After that, some varieties of bananas began to be grown in India. But according to historians from China, they had such plantations around 200 AD. Do not argue, because in any case - the birthplace of bananas in Southeast Asia.

Much later, they appeared in Madagascar, in the 7th century AD, after the invasion of Islamic conquerors and gradually, accompanying the slave trade, conquered Africa.

Where do bananas grow

The banana tree grows not only in tropical countries, but also in subarctic countries, for example, in Iceland. There they are grown in greenhouse conditions and exported to European countries with “organic” stickers.

In which countries do most bananas grow? Basically, part of the plantations is located in such countries as: India, China, the Philippines, Africa, Latin America, Ecuador, the Caribbean and the Pacific, Australia and even Japan. The largest suppliers in the world are the top three (India, China, Philippines), the rest of the countries grow them mainly for the domestic market.

How bananas are grown on plantations has long been known. Cultivated individuals are not wild bananas that can grow on their own, so this is a labor intensive business. This includes clearing jungle growth, propping up plants to combat buckling from fruit weight, and irrigation in some regions. In addition to the heavy use of pesticides, the traditional production process involves covering the bundles with plastic bags to protect against wind, insects and birds, and to maintain optimal temperatures.

Do bananas grow in Russia

Cultivated and edible, unfortunately, do not grow in the open air and for the most part, there are imports from Latin America and West Africa on store shelves. Wild plants are found only in the vicinity of Sochi, but they are not edible, because they contain a large number of hard seeds.

However, in the Leningrad region, local entrepreneurs grow bananas, which they grow in winter greenhouses.

Banana description structure characteristic

Banana is a perennial plant because one of the branches growing at the base is a sucker, then it takes over and grows several meters up.

The wild varieties have the same body as the cultivated varieties, but differ in that they produce seeds as well as suckers. It is because of the seeds that they cannot be eaten, the seeds are hard, tasteless and practically not chewed.

Trunk and roots

Direct growth begins in the rhizome. The rhizome is the true stem plant. This is what produces the root system of plants. It is characterized by underground horizontal growth, where it also forms several nodes that can be divided and replanted to grow new plants.

A pseudostem is a part of a plant that looks like a stem but is not actually a stem. It is enlarged, fleshy and filled with water. Most importantly, it is formed by densely packed, overlapping leaves that unravel as the plant grows taller. The pseudostem stops growing as soon as all the leaves are loose and the inflorescence stem reaches the top.

banana leaves

It is the photosynthetic organ of the plant. Each leaf grows from the center of the pseudostem in the form of a rolled cylinder. The upper surface is called adaxial, and the lower one is called abrasive.

The first rudimentary leaves grown by the growing sucker are called hinged. Mature ones, which consist of shells, petioles, middles and blades, are called leaves.

A newly emerged, young leaf is tightly folded like a cylinder. Under favorable climatic conditions, it grows for about seven days, but in poor conditions, it can take 15 to 20 days. The new leaf is tightly rolled, whitish and brittle.

In Southeast Asia, banana leaves are often used to improve the appearance and packaging of foods. Until now, most people only knew the leaves of grass and trees as wrapping or handicraft material.

How Bananas Bloom

The growth phase lasts up to 10 months and then flowering begins. A long stalk of the inflorescence grows upwards through the entire trunk (pseudostem). Appearing outside, it forms a complex inflorescence of purple or green hues. At the base of this inflorescence are the flowers that later form the fruit. By the way, the flowers themselves are arranged in a strictly defined order - female on top, bisexual in the middle, and male below.

All flowers in their structure grow the same way - 3 tubular petals and 3 sepals. Basically, the petals are white, and the leaves covering them are purple on the outside and dark red on the inside.

During the day they are pollinated by small mammals, birds, at night - by bats.

banana fruit

About 200-300 small bananas grow on the stem of the inflorescence. What we buy in stores and call clusters, in reality, turn out to be brushes of 4-7 combined fruits. A real bunch is a lot of brushes sitting tightly to each other.

Bananas, otherwise a variety of multi-family edible berries, begin to grow horizontally. As the fruit matures and becomes heavier, it begins to curl upright.

How bananas are harvested

Bananas are picked while still green, the picker cuts off the whole bunch, weighing about 50 kilograms, and it falls on the back of another picker. The plant that gave up the bunch dies, but a new pseudostem is already growing nearby.

At the packaging stage, they are carefully checked and sorted for export, as fruit buyers in Europe, America and Russia want to buy fruit of perfect shape and therefore high standards are set for appearance. If bananas do not meet these standards, they are sold locally at a much lower price.

Then they are transported to the ports, which must be packed in refrigerators (delivery time - from six to twelve days). They are shipped at 13.3°C to extend their shelf life and require careful handling to prevent damage. Humidity, ventilation and temperature conditions must also be controlled to maintain quality.

When the crates arrive at their destination port, they are first sent to maturation rooms (using ethylene gas) and then to stores.

Types and varieties of bananas

There are about 700 varieties of bananas in the world, but most of them are not cultivated due to their resistance to diseases and fungi. The most adored and popular varieties:

  • The Cavendish Banana is the most common variety in the world, accounting for 80% of all banana sales in the world. These are long yellow, slightly sweet fruits that are predominant in supermarkets. They are sold as perfectly green and firm, bright yellow, as well as more mature with brown spots. Of course, maturity depends on personal taste. From a marketing point of view, this is the largest banana sold, the other varieties are almost always smaller in size.

  • Lady Finger Bananas. They are smaller and sweeter than the Cavendish variety. They do not differ in anything else, except that children love them very much.
  • Apple (Apple Banana) - exceptionally sweet, hence the other name - Candy Apple Banana. Grown in the rainforests of Hawaii. Their fruit is firm and has a pinkish hue. The sweet and tasty fruit is suitable for snacking, eating in desserts, and adding to fruit salads and other raw dishes as it does not brown as quickly as other varieties.

Wild varieties of bananas, unlike cultivated ones, are practically not eaten and are divided into several types:

  • Balbisa (lat. Musa balbisiana) is a wild species found in eastern South Asia, northern Southeast Asia and southern China. It is the ancestor of modern cultivated bananas, along with Musa acuminata.
  • Pointed (lat. Musa acuminata) is a variety belonging to Southeast Asia. Most of the modern edible dessert species are related to it.

Other varieties are considered rare, available only in regions or specialty stores:

  • Red bananas. Has a sweet berry flavor, high potassium levels. Due to the red color in the skin, the high content of anthocyanin, which acts as an antioxidant, is also high in fiber and vitamin C. Although the main constituents of all varieties of bananas are the same, red bananas have an increased level of vitamins and minerals. These fruits are suitable for diabetics as they release sugar slowly and help maintain energy levels.

  • Pink banana. It has a spectacular appearance, is edible, but not very fleshy. This species is relatively hardy and survives in a few degrees of frost. Because of its large leaves, it often grows in private yards as an ornamental plant.

  • Blue banana. Unlike other varieties, it exists only on the island of Java and has a sweet, creamy taste and is used as a snack or dessert.

Black banana. There is a misconception that the black banana grows as a separate variety. This is not true, all bananas turn black as soon as they overripe.

Feed bananas how to distinguish

There is no such thing as “feed bananas” in the world. The fact is that it is quite expensive to transport them to Russia, because a special temperature regime (especially in winter), time and careful actions of loaders are required. It is for these two reasons that predominantly unripe fruits of the green cavendish variety are brought to the Russian Federation. They are not so whimsical to damage and are sometimes very large, which makes the buyer suspect that these bananas are forage.

However, the category as plantain (from the English "plantain") - large vegetable bananas, which, as a rule, require heat treatment before eating - frying, boiling, stewing, baking, etc. In hot countries, such bananas are grown specifically for soups, gravy or garnish.


What is the difference between small bananas and large ones?

There are about 500 varieties of bananas in the world, most of which are edible. However, only 2-3 types of this berry are imported to Russia.

The most common variety is Cavendish. Large fruits of bright yellow color with a thick skin and sweet elastic pulp reach a length of 25 cm. As the banana ripens, the flesh becomes softer. This variety is grown in Taiwan, the Hawaiian Islands, Ecuador, Colombia, Australia and other countries. These are the same bananas that are most often presented on store shelves.

In a number of tropical countries of Central America and Central Africa, in Thailand, you can see not a standard, but a very small banana. This variety is called Lady Finger or Lady Finger. The fruits of this plant are no more than 10 cm in length. Bananas with yellow thick skins have very sweet flesh, much sweeter than traditional varieties. In terms of gastronomic qualities, they are several times better, but their cost is much higher. Sold in bundles of 12-20 pieces.

At first glance, a small and a large banana differ only in size and slightly in taste. But how similar they are in nutritional value, we will consider below.

Calorie content and nutritional value

Banana is a high-calorie food. 100 grams of one berry contains 96 kcal. And since the average fruit weight is 160 g, the total calorie content of one banana is over 150 kcal. But despite this, the berry has a low glycemic index (18 units), which is a great advantage for the body.

A small banana and a large one have the same calorie content and nutritional value. They contain 1.5 g of protein, 0.5 g of fat and 21 g of carbohydrates. Almost 74% of the pulp of the berry is water. Banana contains 13 vital vitamins (A, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, E, C, K, PP), a large number of micro and macro elements (potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, selenium, zinc, fluorine). The bright yellow fruits hold the record for the highest amount of potassium compared to peaches, mangoes and pineapples. 100 grams of a banana contains 10% of the daily requirement of potassium (348 mg).

The benefits and harms of bananas for the body

Doctors and nutritionists unanimously talk about the benefits of bananas for the body. Moreover, they do not focus on what size or variety of fruits should be eaten. For example, a small banana can bring the following benefits to the body:

  • removing excess salt from the body and improving the water-salt balance due to the high content of potassium;
  • edema prevention;
  • pressure normalization;
  • protection of the intestinal walls from irritation, which is especially important for peptic ulcer;
  • improved mood due to the content of serotonin in banana pulp;
  • improvement of skin condition, prevention of aging;
  • fight stress and depression;
  • strengthening immunity.

Despite all the benefits of a banana, there is a group of people who are allergic to it. They are categorically contraindicated in eating yellow fruit.

Which bananas are healthier - small or large

Many people believe that small and large bananas differ not only in appearance and taste, but also in nutritional value and beneficial properties. But this opinion is erroneous. Both a small banana and a large one are equally beneficial for the body. The size of the fruits has absolutely no effect on their composition or value.

Bananas are rich in pectins and coarse fibers, they contain 13 important vitamins and 10 minerals, they have a low glycemic index and hold the record for the amount of potassium. This fruit must be included in your daily diet for children, pregnant women, the elderly and all other people. Bananas can be eaten fresh as well as dried. But it should be borne in mind that the calorie content of such fruits will no longer be 96, but 320 kcal per 100 grams.

Customer Reviews

According to buyers, the taste of small bananas is more intense, bright. However, in stores they are sold 2-3 times more expensive than fruits of standard sizes. Some people, on the contrary, consider them a bit dry compared to large bananas.

The choice of which banana to prefer - large or small, depends only on the buyer and his financial capabilities. Most people prefer finger fruit in terms of taste, but only if they are well ripened. Otherwise, it is better to choose not a small, but a large, but ripe, bright yellow banana. In any case, the nutritional value, calorie content and benefits for the body will be equally high.


apple bananas

This is the sweetest kind known to mankind, it is also called "candy". It is grown in tropical rainforests, not deprived of the hot sun. Small pot-bellied fruits are covered with a yellow peel, under which pinkish flesh is hidden. It has a slight taste of apples, which is obvious from the name of the variety, and a light strawberry aroma.

These bananas are often used to make desserts and salads. Their flesh practically does not turn brown under the influence of oxygen, unlike other varieties, and therefore the dish retains its aesthetic appearance for a long time.


Banana Cavendish (Cavendish)

Cavendish bananas are literally available in every grocery store. Fruits, the length of which can reach up to 25 cm, are picked while still green and sent on a journey. Upon arrival, they are treated with a special gas mixture of nitrogen and ethylene. The ripening process begins. The reference is a banana with a small amount of brown specks. If they have transformed into an ugly chocolate stain of impressive size, then such a banana is considered overripe and unfit for human consumption.

Lady fingers

Mini Bananas Ladyfingers

This variety differs from Cavendish only in its miniature size. Such bananas are used to prepare portioned snacks. They are especially popular with children. The exceptional gastronomic qualities of "ladyfingers" is a marketing myth aimed at easing consumers' wallets.

Pisang Raja

This variety of banana grows in Indonesia. Its role in the diet of local residents can be compared with bread, without which a meal in our latitudes is rarely complete. Thick small fruits are eaten green. It is in this form that they are especially good for preparing snacks and pancakes - the main tourist dessert in street cafes.

Williams bananas

Mealy fruits of medium size have a pleasant taste with honey notes. They can often be found in supermarkets, for delivery to which they are plucked green, and then stimulated by artificial ripening.


Such bananas are notable for their square shape. Dark brown dots on the peel are an indicator of the maturity of the fruit. The vanilla-colored flesh smells like lemon, but the taste is expectedly sweet.


Plantain (sycamore)

The fruits of this variety are rich in starch and contain almost no fructose. In their raw form, they are practically not used. Bananas are fried, baked, as well as side dishes and chips are prepared from them. When ripe, the skin becomes brownish, and the flesh is pink. "Plantain" is in particular demand in Mexico and the Caribbean.


The world's largest fruit

Among all edible fruits, the largest are the jackfruit fruits that grow on trees. Their length can reach 110 cm, diameter - 20 cm, and weight - 34 kg.

Experts consider India (in particular, the Eastern Ghats) and Bangladesh to be the birthplace of jackfruit, where this fruit is considered national.

Today, jackfruit grows profusely in Southeast Asia and the Philippines. Also, this tree can be found in East Africa, namely in Kenya and Uganda.

It is worth noting that this fruit is consumed both ripe and unripe. The latter is used as a vegetable - it is boiled, fried, and also stewed, but the ripe fruit is used fresh, especially when preparing salads and desserts.


We already had a topic with you - The most expensive food in the world.

When you come across such topics, you usually expect that some unknown fruit will be shown right now (or what the topic is about) and this fruit will cost a lot of money because one thing is just a miracle as unique. And as a result, it turns out to be a slightly sweet fruit, which is generally sold for 200 bucks, but here at an auction some kind of eccentric was sold for 10 thousand bucks. Oooo. The same topic as super expensive alcohol, why? But because the bottle is encrusted with diamonds and therefore is very expensive.

Melon "yubari" is grown in greenhouses on the Japanese island of Hokkaido, covering from the sun with special "hats". It is a very sweet, perfectly round melon with a skin that resembles cracks in ancient Japanese porcelain.

Black Watermelon Densuke

This watermelon, which has a "special type of sweetness", grows only on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Its peel is dark green, almost black, without stripes and spots, which is why it is called black watermelon. Densuke is sold in special black boxes to enhance its color. The Japanese consider such watermelons a valuable gift.

Grape Ruby Roman

This red grape, bred by Japanese breeders, is the most expensive in the world. Each of the berries is the size of a ping-pong ball, and they taste unusually sweet - they contain 18% sugar.

Sun Egg Mango

Mangoes of this variety weigh at least 350 grams and have increased sweetness. A pair of these mangoes were auctioned off in Japan for $3,000.

square watermelon

These watermelons were created by farmers on the Japanese island of Shikoku. To give shape, they are placed in special containers-cubes. It is very difficult to care for such watermelons, and, having reached the desired shape, they do not have time to ripen. Therefore, square watermelons are bought mainly for decorative purposes - for example, to decorate shop windows. They cost from $200 to $800.

Fruit Boutique Strawberries

It looks like a normal strawberry. But these berries are selected from hundreds of others according to the principle of ideal shape. They are sold in the luxurious fruit parlor Sembikiya in Tokyo. They cost $69 for a pack of 12.

Sekai Ichi Apples

These apples are the pride of Japanese breeders. They can reach a weight of 2 kilograms! The gardens in which they are grown are pollinated by hand using special sticks. The Japanese consider these apples a great delicacy and eat them mainly on holidays. Each of the apples costs $21.


Dekopon (Dekopon, or Sumo Fruit) is a hybrid of mandarin and orange, which is also bred in Japan. They say that this is the most delicious citrus in the world - sweet, with a slight sourness, with the thinnest partitions between the slices, it is larger and juicier than other citrus fruits. One dekopon costs $13.

Pears in the shape of Buddha

Pears in the form of little Buddhas and babies were invented by Chinese farmers. They fix transparent plastic molds on the fruits, and when ripe, the pears take on the appearance of a small sculpture. The legend that justifies the high price of each pear - $ 9, says that these fruits give immortality.

Banana Gokusen

Each such banana is packed in a separate box and has a serial number. Gokusen bananas grow in an ecologically clean region of the Philippines at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level. They are bred from 100 varieties and are one third sweeter, more aromatic and more tender than ordinary bananas. One of these weighs exactly 200 grams and costs $ 6. Bananas are sold in strictly limited quantities.

And by the way, here Japan's most expensive delicacies


It looks like a real banana, wild. Unlike cultivated varieties, it has seeds.

9. Orange bananas

Unusual orange bananas, however, the original color of the peel did not affect the taste.

8. Kluay

Anyone who thinks they've seen big bananas in the supermarket is wrong. The biggest banana is Kluay (or Rhino). Its flesh is not as dense as most are used to. And the average length is 35 cm.

7. Senorita

And these are the smallest bananas in the world, 2.5-5 cm long. But they are one of the sweetest.

6. Bananas Ae Ae

This is not a GMO variety at all, but ordinary bananas, like all the usual varieties. It's just that their colors are striped. They are slightly bitter in taste and difficult to grow. Perhaps that is why they are not found in stores.

5. Green bananas

The green color of a banana is most often associated with an unripe fruit. In this case, it is already possible and necessary to eat.

4. Black bananas

Some people are madly in love with black bananas, they believe that this is the real color of the ripe fruit.

3. Pink bananas

Pink bananas can be grown independently from seeds. But is the taste of ordinary fruits worth so much effort and expense.

2. Blue bananas

This variety, most likely, can be attributed to the blue dream.

1. Red bananas

Sweet, raspberry-flavoured fruits that contain 10 times more potassium than regular yellow bananas.

