
Cocoa beans color. Cocoa beans: properties and applications

Many people love chocolate, which is made from cocoa beans that grow on a chocolate tree. These grains attract with a rich aroma, slight bitterness. They are often used not only fresh, but also after processing. They are used not only for culinary purposes, but also in the treatment of various diseases, in cosmetology, pharmacology and other fields.

Where do they grow?

Cocoa beans grow on the chocolate tree, which belongs to the Malvaceae family. It can grow for more than a hundred years, giving an excellent and rich harvest. The tree can reach a height of about 15 meters. The spreading crown is decorated with lush foliage of large size. On the bark of the trunk itself, as well as on the strongest branches of the tree, there are small inflorescences. A distinctive feature is the specific aroma of flowers, which attracts butterflies and dung flies to the tree, which is very important, because it is these insects that are responsible for pollinating the plant and with their help fruit formation is carried out.

The fruits of the chocolate tree look like a lemon, but they are much larger. They often have a yellow or orange color, sometimes even red fruits are found. On their surface there are peculiar furrows, which are quite deep. Inside the fruit contains pulp, as well as several compartments containing seeds, which are commonly called cocoa beans. There are 12 seeds in one compartment.

Cocoa beans grow in countries where the air temperature is always above +20 degrees, and the climate is characterized by high humidity. This amazing tree is native to South America. They grow along the Orinoco, Magdalena, Amazon rivers, as well as on the islands of the Gulf of Mexico. Most of the bean producers are concentrated in Colombia, Indonesia and Brazil. Quite a few of these plants are grown in Ghana and Nigeria. Entire plantations of this magnificent tree are located in Bali, these plants are also found in the Dominican Republic and Ecuador.

It was thanks to the inhabitants of Spain that cocoa beans became known throughout the world, because it was they who first fell in love with the fruits of the chocolate tree. An interesting fact is that under the slave system, even the exchange of slaves for the seeds of this amazing tree was carried out. Initially, hot chocolate was made from the fruits of this tree, and only later they began to produce cocoa from it. And real chocolate appeared only in the 19th century.

The subtleties of growing

This plant can be propagated in two ways - using seeds or using cuttings. The use of seeds is characterized by some nuances. It is very important to plant within ten days after ripening, if this period passes, then the planting will not sprout. Prepare your mail in advance. It must be fertilized, mixed with turf, sand and withered leaves. First, the beans need to be planted in small pots, while the planting depth should be about two centimeters. You should adhere to the temperature regime from +23 to +25 degrees. Plants need to be regularly watered and irrigated sprouts.

You can also grow a chocolate tree at home. You should purchase a pot, while it should be quite deep, and stock up on loose soil and fertilizers. First, the grains must be soaked for 24 hours in warm water, after which they will swell a little due to the fermentation process. Seeds should be planted in holes two to three centimeters deep. The pot should be stored in a bright and warm place, and also do not forget about regular watering. After the emergence of seedlings, the container should be moved to a place where the sun's rays do not fall. Sprouts begin to appear about 15 or 20 days after planting.

With abundant watering, signs of mold may appear on the leaves of the tree. The plant needs regular feeding with organic fertilizers.


Today there are a huge number of varieties of chocolate tree. But in general, cocoa beans can be divided into two large groups - Forastero and Criollo.

All consumer varieties are 'Forastero'. Their distinguishing feature is their high productivity. These varieties produce grains of medium quality. But not without exceptions. For example, chocolate tree varieties grown in Ecuador are characterized by a high quality crop. Forastero grains are dark brown in color, have a strong smell, bitter taste and contain a large amount of fat. This type of chocolate tree tolerates drought well, and is also able to withstand significant temperature changes.

"Criollo" includes varietal raw materials, which are commonly called noble. Such trees produce few fruits, which is probably why they are of high quality. Criolo seeds have a pleasant aroma. Such trees are unique in their chemical composition.

In addition to the two main types, you should not forget about hybrids. Given this fact, then two more species should be attributed to the two groups described above - "Trinitario" and "Nacional".

Based on the origin of cocoa beans, they can all be divided into Asian, African and American. The name shows where this or that variety grows. If we consider dried beans, they are also divided into several groups - tart and tender, sour and bitter. Each gourmet will be able to choose the option that will satisfy all his wishes.


Cocoa beans attracted attention with their amazing aroma and great taste. Later, the chemical properties of the chocolate tree grains were studied in more detail. In general, more than 300 vitamins, macro- and microelements have been noted, so cocoa beans have many positive properties.

An interesting fact is that beans are vegetables, so we can say that chocolate is made from vegetables.

Cocoa beans are made up of the following elements:

  • provitamin A;
  • vitamins B1 and B2;
  • vitamin PP;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • caffeine;
  • theobromine;
  • tannins;
  • oils;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • dyes;
  • acids of organic origin;
  • aromatic substances;
  • antioxidants.

The calorie content of chocolate tree beans is quite high, since they are 50% fat. 100 grams of raw grains contain 565 kcal, while this product has the following indicators:

  • 53.2 g fat;
  • 6.5 g of water;
  • 12.9 g proteins;
  • 9.4 g carbohydrates;
  • 2.2 g organic acids;
  • 2.7 g of ash.

If we consider the macroelement composition of cocoa beans, then 100 grams of these grains contain 750 mg of potassium, 83 mg of sulfur, 500 mg of phosphorus, 25 mg of calcium, 50 mg of chlorine, 80 mg of magnesium, 5 mg of sodium. The grains of this tree also contain a large number of trace elements - 2270 micrograms of copper, 27 micrograms of cobalt, 40 micrograms of molybdenum, 4 micrograms of iron, 4.5 micrograms of zinc.

Although cocoa beans are characterized by high calorie content, nutritionists recommend their use to people who are overweight. It is worth noting that the grains contain substances that help to easily unhook fats, speed up metabolism and improve the digestive process.


Cocoa beans have a unique composition that provides many beneficial properties for the body.

Grains are considered natural antidepressants of strong action. They have a positive effect on the nervous system, relieve pain, and also help to improve mood. Due to the presence of serotonin, efficiency increases, and mental activity improves.

Raw grains have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, since their use improves blood circulation, helps to eliminate vascular spasms. Regular intake of raw beans is very useful for hypertensive patients, as it allows you to normalize blood pressure. This product as a whole is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Cocoa grains provide a normal hormonal balance. They help cleanse the body of toxins and free-type radicals, have a rejuvenating effect, and also improve vision. Cocoa beans should also be consumed in the postoperative period, they will quickly restore strength.

The unique composition of this product has a positive effect on human health. Some components increase immunity, so the body fights against various infections and viruses better. Regular consumption of grains helps speed up the healing process of severe burns and deep wounds.

And, of course, this product is invaluable for women who want to lose weight. It promotes a faster metabolism, normalizes fat balance, and also contributes to the active work of the endocrine system, which is very important when losing weight.

The chocolate tree bean contains epicatechin. This substance allows you to fight various diseases (stroke, heart attack, diabetes and others). The presence of cocoheal improves the growth of skin cells, so not only wounds heal quite quickly, but wrinkles are also smoothed out. The use of products containing cocochil significantly reduces the possibility of stomach ulcers. Raw grains contain a large amount of magnesium, which positively affects the functioning of the heart. Magnesium reduces blood pressure, strengthens bones and promotes better blood circulation.

This product includes arginine, which is a known aphrodisiac. Tryptophan, which is also found in beans, is a powerful antidepressant. Sulfur has a positive effect on the structure of hair, nails and skin.


Although the grains of the chocolate tree are characterized by naturalness, they should not be consumed very much. It is worth remembering that cocoa butter must be used in moderation, while starting from the body's reaction to its use, since it can negatively affect the body. Excessive consumption of cocoa beans can lead to the following symptoms:

  • allergy;
  • sleep problems;
  • emotional instability;
  • skin rashes (oily or sensitive).

It should be quite careful to eat this product for the following diseases and conditions:

  • diabetes– this product may increase blood sugar levels;
  • bowel problems- these grains accelerate the course of metabolic processes, having a laxative effect;
  • in the preoperative period- since blood circulation improves, there is a possibility of heavy bleeding;
  • frequent migraines- these grains can provoke vasospasm;
  • intolerance this product or allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy- some substances increase muscle tone, which can lead to miscarriage.

You should buy cocoa beans only from trusted sellers who offer a quality product of natural origin and can provide relevant documents.

How to use?

Cocoa beans have a wide range of uses, but, of course, they are most often used in the food industry. They are indispensable in the manufacture of chocolate, various drinks and desserts. In general, chocolate tree seeds can be consumed in such ways as:

  • raw beans should be dipped in jam or honey before eating, because without such an additive they leave a bitter aftertaste;
  • seeds can be consumed after removing the peel from them, as well as mixing with honey or jam and crushed nuts;
  • often, the dried beans are made into a powder that needs to be poured with boiling water to create a delicious drink.

To answer the question of how much and in what form to use cocoa beans, you should try this product in a small amount and monitor your well-being. If negative reactions do not appear, then you can use this product, but only in moderation. The daily dose of chocolate tree beans should not exceed 50 grams.

Interestingly, not only grains are suitable for use, but also their peel. It must be thoroughly crushed, after which it can be used as a natural scrub for both the body and the face.

Today, cocoa beans are indispensable in cooking, because they are used in many recipes, and in some dishes they are the basis. These grains give dishes a pronounced aroma and taste.

An interesting fact is that cocoa became famous in the 19th century. Its discoverer is the Dutch chemist Johann Houten, because it was he who first extracted cocoa butter from beans, and later made a powder out of it. Today, this drink is enjoyed by both children and adults.

Homemade chocolate

You need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 150 g cocoa beans;
  • 100 g cocoa butter;
  • 250 g sugar.

You need to take the beans and grind them thoroughly. Then add butter and sugar. All ingredients should be mixed well, put on fire and wait for boiling. Next, you need to hold the mixture a little on low heat, while the mass must be constantly stirred to prevent burning. You should wait for the mass to cool, then pour it into prepared forms and send it to the refrigerator for about 60 minutes.

Chocolate cocktail

To prepare a fragrant and tasty cocktail from chocolate tree grains, you will need ingredients such as:

  • milk - 200 ml;
  • crushed cocoa beans - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • banana - 1 piece.

Blender is a must. It is necessary to load all the ingredients into it and in a few seconds a healthy and very tasty cocktail will be ready. It is recommended to use it cold.


Homemade chocolates will not only be very tasty, but also healthy. Children love this delicacy. To prepare this dessert, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 150 g cocoa beans;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 100 g cocoa butter;
  • crushed nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • honey (to taste);
  • cinnamon and vanilla.

It is necessary to take molds and fill them with dried fruits and pre-chopped nuts. Cocoa beans must be crushed, then mixed with sugar and cocoa butter. The resulting mass must be put on fire, wait for the boil and immediately reduce the heat. For some time, hot chocolate should be kept on fire, constantly stirring it. Add cinnamon, honey and vanilla to the resulting mixture, then pour it into molds. Let cool slightly and refrigerate for about an hour.


To create a fragrant and unusual seasoning, only raw grains of cocoa beans are required. They must be fried for 15 minutes in the oven, while the temperature should be +180 degrees. After that, they need to be judged and dried thoroughly. To grind grains, you can use a meat grinder or coffee grinder.

Such an exquisite seasoning will perfectly complement mousse, jelly or pastry cream. It attracts attention with a spicy taste with a slight bitterness.


Such a dessert will definitely appeal to children, although adults are not averse to enjoying delicious chocolate cookies. To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • crushed cocoa seeds - 8 tablespoons;
  • bananas - 4 pieces;
  • chopped flax - 2 tablespoons;
  • coconut flakes - 2 tablespoons.

Preparation includes the following steps:

  • it is necessary to make mashed bananas with a blender;
  • add crushed seeds to the puree and knead the mass thoroughly;
  • from the prepared mass, cakes of small diameter should be made, for this you can use a spoon;
  • cakes should be sprinkled with coconut flakes;
  • it is necessary to let the liver dry a little before use, for this it should be turned over from time to time.

Grated cocoa beans can be added to various desserts, muesli, yogurt and ice cream. They are used as a flavoring agent, as well as a decorative element.

Use in medicine

Chocolate tree grains are very often used in medicine, because they are:

  • help the rapid healing of not only wounds, but also burns;
  • ensure the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels;
  • enhance the effect in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases;
  • help relieve coughing fits;
  • actively used in the treatment of bronchitis;
  • quite often used in the treatment of tuberculosis, but in combination with drugs.

It is worth paying attention to the healing properties of cocoa butter, since it gives elasticity to the walls of blood vessels and tissues, helps to strengthen them. This has a positive effect in diseases such as atherosclerosis, stomach ulcers, varicose veins, cancer. The use of cocoa butter significantly reduces the risk of a heart attack.

According to studies, if you eat chocolate tree seeds for 5-10 years, then the risk of cancer cells is significantly reduced.

Cocoa butter is quite widely used in pharmacology. So, suppositories are produced on its basis for both rectal and vaginal administration. It is indispensable in the creation of creams and ointments that are applied to the mucous membranes or skin. It is cocoa bean oil that gives drugs resistance, creating a consistency of increased density, which is held at room temperature, and also melts easily when ingested. Chocolate bean oil is very important in complex therapy in the treatment of various diseases, for example:

  • Constipation. To prepare the solution, add a teaspoon of oil to a glass of warm milk and stir well. This drink should be taken daily before going to bed. The course of treatment is three weeks.
  • Haemorrhoids. Before a bowel movement, take a small piece of oil and insert it into the rectum. The emptying process itself should be delayed for a few minutes, and then go to the toilet. To alleviate the symptoms of this disease, experts recommend doing this procedure in the morning and evening. You can use the oil until the disease has passed.
  • Cough. To prepare a cough remedy, you need to mix 200 ml of warm milk and one teaspoon of cocoa butter. One glass of this drink should be taken three times a day. It has no contraindications, so you can drink it until the cough is completely gone.

  • Angina. To get rid of this disease, it is worth using half a tablespoon of oil three times a day, while slowly dissolving it in your mouth. Cocoa butter can be consumed for a long time until the sore throat disappears.
  • Bronchitis. In the treatment of this disease, a piece of oil should be moved along the chest, while producing a light massage. This will improve blood flow to the respiratory tract, thereby speeding up the healing process.
  • Cervical erosion. To prepare the solution, take 1 teaspoon of oil and melt it in a water bath, after which it must be thoroughly mixed with sea buckthorn oil (10 drops). Next, you should take a cotton swab, it should be saturated with the prepared product, after which it must be carefully inserted into the vagina. This procedure should be performed once a day before bedtime. Such treatment can be performed from two to three weeks.
  • Wounds and cracks on the lips or feet. To get rid of such unpleasant symptoms, you should thoroughly lubricate problem areas with a piece of oil. Treatment is carried out until the problem completely disappears.

  • Varicose veins. In those places where there are dilated veins, you should apply oil, previously melted in a water bath, and then cover it with gauze. In this form, the so-called compress is left for half an hour. Such applications can be done once or twice a day. The course of treatment is up to two weeks.
  • Influenza and acute respiratory infections. To prevent these diseases, you can use cocoa butter as an oxolinic ointment. They should lubricate the nasal mucosa before leaving the house, as well as in crowded places.

For how to make chocolate from cocoa beans at home, see the following video.

The chocolate tree produces fruits that are used to make a favorite delicacy for many sweet tooth. On the confectionery shelves you can see various chocolates, drinks, figurines, etc. Everyone knows what chocolate is, but not many people know what it is made of.

A little about the tree

Cacao is a chocolate tree, known as Theobroma cacao (for the first time Carl Linnaeus called it that), which means “food of the gods”. The tree belongs to the Malvaceae family, earlier it was referred to the Sterculia family. The Theobroma genus includes about 20 species, but only Theobroma cacao is cultivated. This evergreen tree reaches a height of 10-12 m. Its homeland is the subequatorial regions of South America. It is very whimsical: it requires a humid climate, temperatures above 25 ° and well-drained soil.

The chocolate tree is characterized by a dense crown with dark green leaves and small pinkish flowers, which are located both on the branches and on the trunk of the tree. This flowering is called caulifloria. The fruits are formed regardless of the season and have the shape of an elongated melon, reaching 40 cm in length.

Ripening occurs within 4 months, while the fruits change their color from green to brownish-red.

The fruits can contain up to 50 almond-shaped cocoa beans arranged in 5 rows. They are closed in a two-lobed dense peel, which is immersed in white pulp. One chocolate tree brings only 30-40 fruits at a time. At the same time, trees under the age of 5 years are recommended to constantly cut the buds, since it is believed that the full ripening of the fruit occurs only by 8 years. And only then it will be possible to collect a full-fledged harvest for several decades.

fruit varieties

The chocolate tree produces several types of cocoa beans. Moreover, they differ significantly in aromatic and taste qualities. Some may have a sharp taste, while others may be much more gentle. Among them:

  1. Fragrant and high-quality cocoa bean variety Criollo.
  2. The bulk of world production (80%) is made up of Forastego cocoa beans. They are very similar in taste to strawberries.
  3. Variety Trinitario. This is a hybrid created in 1727.
  4. Calabacillo cocoa beans are of the lowest quality.

The Criollo cocoa bean variety makes up only 3-4% of world production. It is used in the preparation of high-quality types of chocolate. Due to the fact that it is rare and its price is high, the variety is rarely used in its pure form. The Trinitario variety makes up to 15% of the cocoa that is produced all over the world. Now the bulk of cocoa is exported by the countries of West Africa (Nigeria, Cameroon) and South America (Brazil).

Excursion into history

The word "cocoa" was left behind by the Olmec Indian civilization, which existed in 1500-400 years. BC. The Maya were the first to cultivate the chocolate tree. The Maya and Aztecs made a drink from cocoa powder by adding water and red chili to it. For them, this drink played a huge role. It was used in almost all significant rituals, and in the sanctuaries there was always a container with a drink called "xocalate". Cocoa beans are an excellent aphrodisiac, and due to this property, they were used in the preparation of a love potion or in the Aztec marriage ritual.

Europeans got acquainted with this wonderful drink during the conquests of America. True, he was not too impressed with H. Columbus and only a little later was brought by the Spaniards to Europe. Local confectioners took a long time to select the required ratio of ingredients, but when they succeeded, the chocolate drink began to quickly win the love of the elite.

Already in the 17th century, the first plantations and planters appeared in South America. Local poor people and slaves were used to work and care for chocolate trees. It was a very difficult task, even when slavery had already been abolished.

Europeans brought the chocolate tree to Western Europe, where the climate was suitable, and it took root well.

Now African plantations are no worse than South American ones.

In the 18th century, the first places where ordinary people could taste chocolate began to open in France. Everyone liked the chocolate drink, so similar establishments began to open everywhere in Europe. It should be noted that all this time chocolate was eaten only in the form of a drink, and the first chocolate bar was made only at the beginning of the 19th century.

Picking fruits and preparing treats

When the fruits are ripe, they are harvested by pickers, cut from the trees with a long knife. After that, the fruits are cut, while choosing cocoa beans from them. Then they can be laid out on the ground covered with banana leaves and allowed to dry in the sun, or left in a closed container for several days, where they ferment and change shade under the influence of yeast and their enzymes. Such fruits become oily and have a pleasant aroma, and they are valued higher than those that were dried immediately.

Fermented beans undergo the same drying in the sun, after which they are cleaned from the shell, similar to parchment (good fertilizer). Peeled cocoa beans are crushed, and then the resulting crumb is sieved using several sieves. After that, the fruits are roasted and ground, during which cocoa butter is squeezed out. The result is cocoa powder. To make chocolate, cocoa butter, milk powder, vanilla, nuts, or other ingredients are added to it as desired. There are several types of chocolate depending on how much cocoa mass it contains (black - at least 60%, dark - 35%, milk - at least 25% and 15% of milk powder, white - at least 20% and 15% dry milk).

Healing properties

Medicinal properties of cocoa beans were used by the Aztecs.

They used them for bleeding, fever, intestinal colic. Theobroma cocoa beans contain theobromine, which is very similar to caffeine and has a tonic effect. In medicine, cocoa butter is actively used, because. it is part of various creams and ointments, as well as portable and anesthetic suppositories. Cocoa butter is also present in expensive lipsticks. Due to the fact that while eating chocolate, endorphins are produced in the body, chocolate has an anti-stress effect and has a beneficial effect on the human brain.

Chocolate trees are plants almost as mythical as their fruits. And, perhaps, it is the association with a favorite delicacy that makes indoor cocoa such an exclusive part of any plant lovers collection. Cocoa trees are one of the most difficult indoor crops to grow in pots. They look original, but not so exotic, they cause a lot of trouble with care. And the conditions they need can rather be called greenhouses. However, the cacao plant is gaining popularity, bursting into the rankings of the best indoor fruit-bearing crops along with pomegranate and coffee.

Chocolate tree in the room - features of growing cocoa. © US Capitol

Chocolate room miracle - what is it?

The plant, whose fruits give the world a favorite delicacy - chocolate, belongs to one of the most valuable fruit-bearing crops on the planet. cocoa, chocolate tree, or cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao) is a tropical plant, represented in culture by more than 30 varieties and countless varieties that differ in taste and aromatic qualities. This plant comes from the hot and humid forests of the Amazon, which is still widely cultivated in South America today.

Representatives of the genus Theobroma(Theobroma) used to be assigned to the Sterculiaceae family, but modern classifications have long since changed this confusion and enrolled cocoa in a much more similar plant community - Malvaceae (Malvaceae).

In nature, chocolate trees are not the largest of the tropical giants, but easily recognizable and powerful evergreens. With a trunk width of 15 to 30 cm, cocoa trees rise to a height of 8 m; in a room format, cocoa is similar in size to citrus fruits - it completely depends on the formation. It may not grow above 50-90 cm, or it may become a true giant.

The rhizome is quite compact and shallow, although the presence of a taproot requires more careful handling of the plant during transplantation. The bark is brown-brown, on young branches it is green, the color changes unevenly. Indoor cocoa has prepared many surprises, surprising with its beauty crowns of large and spectacular leaves. Thanks to whorled branching and spreading, the silhouette of cocoa trees looks massive and impressive.

Reaching a length of 30 cm with a width of only up to 15, lanceolate-oval, leathery cocoa leaves drooping, resembling tissues with their light roughness, they stand out from any other plants both in the natural environment and in room culture. Leaves develop unusually, 3-4 leaves bloom at the same time, the plant seems to be updated in jerks or flashes with intervals between releasing new leaves from 3 to 12 weeks.

The color of the greens of cocoa trees is classic, medium green, rich cold tone on the upper side and lighter on the lower side. The reverse side of the leaves is matte, but the upper side is glossy, their surface is wrinkled-relief. Young leaves are light yellow or pink, gradually recolor and become more rigid. The leaves are attached to thin and short petioles.

The cocoa blossom is very original. In small bunches, and in indoor cocoa - more often one at a time, small, about 1.5 cm in diameter, flowers sessile on short pedicels with beige-yellow petals and pink, saturated color sepals bloom on the shoots and trunk. The shape of the flower is very original, somewhat reminiscent of garden aquilegia due to the complicated structure.

The unpleasant aroma of cocoa is a kind of compensation for much more appetizing fruits. The repulsive smell of chocolate trees attract pollinating insects in nature, indoor cocoa requires cross-pollination for fruiting. Plants are able to bloom from the second year, but they begin to bear fruit only at the age of 4-x-5 years. In rooms, they rarely bear fruit, only in ideal conditions.

Cocoa fruits are oval, elongated, ribbed berries of yellow or reddish color, hiding a colorless juicy pulp under a rough and thick skin. Seeds - those same cocoa beans - are arranged in two rows. Up to 50 seeds ripen in one fruit. The fruits ripen from 6 to 12 months, slowly and gradually. When overripe, seeds can germinate in fruits. Seeds after extraction need a week of fermentation and thorough drying.

Cocoa trees are one of the most difficult fruiting plant species to grow and maintain. © organically

Conditions for growing indoor cocoa

Cocoa trees are one of the most difficult fruiting plant species to grow and maintain. It is a remarkably delicate and capricious crop, sensitive to pollution and changing conditions, which largely explains not only the ever-increasing prices of cocoa beans, but also the critical situation with the preservation of plantations in a changing climate.

Chocolate trees completely inherit their character of a capricious sissy even in room culture. This plant is not for everyone, because for cocoa trees you need to create very specific conditions. For cocoa in a pot format, you need to recreate difficult conditions - secluded lighting and very high humidity.

Chocolate trees are more suitable for growing in greenhouses or warm winter gardens, flower collections of tropical plants than for ordinary living rooms. It is not easy to grow them as a houseplant, but it is possible with careful control of lighting, temperature and humidity.

Lighting and placement

In nature, cocoa is used to growing in the lower tier of the multi-layered tropical jungle, in twilight, diffused, soft lighting. In a room format, chocolate trees change their habits a little, developing poorly in strong shade, but they still cannot stand direct sunlight. Due to their shade tolerance, they do not require seasonal changes in lighting.

Cocoa trees thrive on the sills of east windows. Partially south-oriented windows are also suitable for them, on which plants are placed with protection from direct sun. Cocoa trees can be introduced into the interior only where there are panoramic or southern windows, and even then not too far from the window.

Temperature and ventilation

Cocoa trees are extremely heat-loving tropical plants. They die when the temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius, at 15-16 degrees, problems begin and visible disturbances in their development. To grow a cocoa tree, you need to create really stable warm conditions for it. Ideally, the air temperature should remain at the level of + 24 ... + 25 ° С degrees all year round. Too extreme heat, indicators above 28 degrees, the tree does not like, but a fall below 23 degrees begins to affect its leaves. The same temperatures are maintained all year round.

Cocoa does not tolerate drafts, sudden changes in temperature, proximity to heating appliances. It is better not to move plants and not to shift often. Cocoa trees cannot stand outdoors.

The unpleasant aroma of cocoa is a kind of compensation for much more appetizing fruits. © MUCC

Cocoa care at home

Cocoa is capricious and demanding to care for. He needs attention, careful procedures and gentle handling. The most difficult thing to care for is maintaining a very high humidity.

Watering and humidity

Despite the fact that in the Amazonian forests cocoa grows with partial flooding and tolerates damp conditions, it is extremely sensitive to waterlogging and stagnant water in a room culture. It is necessary to water cocoa very carefully, making sure that no water remains in the trays, and the substrate partially, in the upper 2–3 cm, dries out between these procedures. In winter, even at absolutely stable temperatures, watering is reduced for cocoa, increasing the interval between waterings by 1-2 days after the top layer of the substrate has dried and reducing the amount of water.

Soft, warm water is used for cocoa trees. Its temperature should exceed the air temperature in the room.

High air humidity, from 70% and above, is a condition without which the plant cannot be grown. Chocolate trees cannot tolerate dry air and wither quickly in normal indoor environments. When growing this crop, it is worth considering all possible comprehensive measures to create high humidity - from spraying to installing humidifiers.

When grown in tropical collections, the plant is content with a common humectant along with other tropical plants. If cocoa is the only moisture-loving plant in the collection, then for it, instead of a special device, you can try to create high humidity with home analogues - pallets with wet moss, indoor fountains, bowls of water, frequent spraying. When spraying, you need to choose small sprayers and avoid strong wetting of the leaves, carrying out this procedure at a certain distance from the plant and from a height.

Flowering chocolate tree. © Anne Elliot

Top dressing and fertilizer composition

Even indoor cocoa trees prefer organic rather than mineral fertilizers. They can be combined and interleaved. When choosing complex preparations, preference should be given to fertilizers with a high nitrogen content - preparations for decorative leafy plants.

For cocoa, the frequency of feeding is 1 time in 2-3 weeks for mineral fertilizers and 1 time per month for organic fertilizers. Fertilizer is applied all year round, reducing the frequency in winter by half. For young plants, you can alternate liquid foliar dressings.

Trimming and shaping

Without formation, cocoa will not retain either the compactness or the beauty of the foliage. There is nothing difficult in pruning a plant: if desired, starting from a young age and a height of 30 cm, you can shorten the tops of the shoots in cocoa to create a certain silhouette and thicken the crown. Usually, the tops of the plant are pinched or pruned from 1/3 to ½ of the most actively growing and elongated shoots.

Regardless of age, shape and size, for any chocolate trees, cutting out dry, damaged, weak, thin, unproductive branches that are too thick is mandatory.

For this plant, pruning is carried out in early spring.

Transplant and substrate

Cocoa has a tap root, but does not form a very deep root system. The plant must be grown in containers with a shallow depth or diameter and height equal to each other. Cocoa prefers containers made from natural materials. The diameter of the container is increased by a few centimeters for young plants and by 2 sizes for adults.

The frequency of transplantation depends on the intensity of the development of the root system. Cocoa is transferred into new containers only when the roots completely braid the earthen ball.

For chocolate trees, you need to carefully select the soil. A slightly acidic reaction within the pH range of 5.8 to 6.0 is ideal. The structure of the soil should be well-drained, light, nutritious.

When transplanting a plant, only loose soil can be removed. Avoiding contact with the roots, cocoa is transferred into new containers.

Diseases, pests and problems in cultivation

Cocoa can suffer from spider mites and scale insects, but more often the difficulties are associated with improper care. With signs of mold on the leaves, depression, pest damage, the fight is immediately carried out with the help of insecticides and fungicides.

Rooted cuttings of indoor cocoa. © Dallis Church

Propagation of indoor cocoa

Indoor cacao is often advertised as being easy to grow from seed. But in fact, the seed method of reproduction is far from the most optimal. The seeds of the plant are sown immediately after collection or at least for 2 weeks after ripening. They lose their germination very quickly even when stored in the cold.

Sowing is carried out in a universal loose substrate or inert soil. For cocoa, medium-sized individual pots are used, and not sowing in common boxes. The seeds are deepened by 2-3 cm, following the strictly vertical arrangement of the seeds with the wide end down. The soil is watered after sowing, further maintaining a stable light moisture of the substrate. For seed germination, it is not heat that is needed, but a temperature of 23 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Lighting matters only after germination: seedlings are moved to bright but diffused lighting, air humidity is increased, or plants are placed in a greenhouse. Young shoots of cocoa develop very quickly, in a couple of months they reach a height of 30 cm and produce up to 8 leaves. It is during this period that they are transferred to larger pots and begin to form. Plants require very strict adherence to the rules of care.

A simpler and more productive method of reproduction is cuttings. In cocoa, semi-woody shoots are used, partially retaining their green color, but with completely green leaves. The length of the cuttings is up to 15-20 cm. Only 3-4 leaves are left on them. Treatment with growth stimulants accelerates rooting.

Plant cuttings in a moistened light substrate or inert soil, in large general containers. At very high humidity, rooting should take place at temperatures from 26 to 30 degrees Celsius. Shelter from the cuttings is removed gradually, the plants are watered carefully. Cocoa is transferred to individual containers only after the formation of a strong root system, several months after the appearance of signs of rooting. The older the plant, the more cuttings can be cut from it, starting with no more than 3 cuttings for 1-3 year old cocoa trees.

Occasionally, plants are also propagated by leaf cuttings, which are cut, leaving 5 mm of shoot above and below the kidney. The cuttings are fixed on miniature sticks, buried with the lower cut into the soil and rooted in the same way as ordinary apical cuttings. The conditions of detention are similar, but rooting takes twice as long.

The Aztecs called this famous product "chocolatl", that is, "bitter water". They drank this same water every day and, despite the bitter taste, it was considered a real treat and was very popular. Later, the Europeans, who settled in a large area of ​​Central America, contributed to its preparation. It is thanks to their resourcefulness that we today enjoy chocolate in all its forms.

And it's not a secret for a child that chocolate is made from the seeds of the cocoa tree- beans. To prepare just 1 kg of sweetness, you need about 500 of these small buttons. And now you should be surprised at how cheap this product is, given that in a year one tree can produce beans for only 5 kg of chocolate maximum. Add to this the fact that they are harvested only by hand. It turns out that it is worth buying more expensive products to be sure: there is still more cocoa in the tile, and not other impurities.

chocolate trees

The height of one tree reaches about 15 m, but there are smaller specimens. The plant does not like direct sunlight, so plantations are usually mixed with mango and banana trees, rubber, coconut and avocado.

If you think that it is enough to plant a tree and then collect the fruits, then this is not so: the plant is so capricious that it requires very careful care. For example, the first flowers appear only 6 years after planting, but then bear fruit from 40 to 80 years.

Pinkish-white flowers grow in bunches not only on the branches, but also from the bark of the trunk. It takes up to 4 months for the fruits to ripen, they resemble a large cucumber or a slightly elongated melon and weigh up to 600 g (30–50 beans). For the whole year, one tree can be harvested twice. But nature makes only the first one of the highest quality.

How the crop is harvested

In the modern world, where machines have almost completely replaced humans in production, there are industries where technology is not allowed to enter. All ripe fruits of the chocolate tree are cut with a machete. They are divided into parts, and the seeds are taken out only manually.

Special wooden boxes are lined with banana leaves and fruits are dried in them for up to 10 days. Why don't they do it in the sun? Then the taste will be not only bitter, but also very tart, and it is not so appreciated. At the end of the term, the seeds turn brown-purple and smell delicious.

After that, all the seeds are sorted and roasted, the shell is removed from them, crushed and ground until a thick, stretchy mass is obtained. It is she who becomes bitter chocolate. And then sugar and milk powder, vanilla and a variety of flavors come into play, creating the chocolate that we buy so often and.

About the benefits of cocoa beans

They are called the source of the most useful components. The composition contains approximately 300 substances that create lipid, protein and mineral compositions. These products are very useful for a number of reasons.

  1. Improves the functioning of the heart muscle, as well as the condition of blood vessels.
  2. Replenishes the deficiency of substances such as chromium and magnesium, zinc and iodine.
  3. Protects the body from harmful external factors.
  4. Accelerates skin regeneration.
  5. Alleviates the form of diabetes.
  6. Treats colds.
  7. Helps in cases of intestinal inflammation.
  8. Eases menopause.
  9. Extends life.

If you eat 50 g of raw cocoa daily, you will quickly and will feel a surge of vigor and energy in the morning. In a month, the complexion will improve and the hormonal balance will return to normal.

Cocoa beans in cosmetology

Their composition tones and tightens the skin, improves the synthesis of elastin and collagen, activates metabolic processes and even eliminates stretch marks. Many mistakenly assume that products based on it can only be enjoyed in a professional salon. But cocoa face masks are easy to make at home.

Such funds are called universal: they are suitable for women of all ages and even teenagers. Cocoa relieves acne and blackheads, perfectly moisturizes, regulates the sebaceous glands, makes the skin more elastic.

And with the help of this product you can lose weight! Nutritionists say that every time you feel hungry but don't want to overeat, eat 1 tsp. cocoa or drink an unsweetened powder drink. The feeling of hunger will not appear for another 3 hours. Did you know this about cocoa? Could you think that the fruits of the chocolate tree look like this?

Attempts to grow a tropical plant in a non-tropical zone do not let me go ... I am waiting for the promised fresh cocoa beans from the Philippines and arming myself with theory before practice - I will try to grow a cocoa tree at home in a container.

Everything that is on the network on this topic has been carefully studied and presented below. There is a possibility that I am not the only one who has been warming a dream from a cocoa tree in the middle lane for a long time.

What is it, a cocoa tree?

Chocolate tree in natural conditions can grow up to 6 meters. The leaves are elongated, tender and thin. The trunk is of medium thickness, moderately branched. Fruits up to 60 years, lives up to 100 years.

cocoa grove in the philippines

Cuttings or seeds?

If you can get a cutting of a cocoa tree, great. The root system of a cocoa tree vegetatively propagated by cuttings always remains compact. When cacao grows naturally from seed, its root takes on a rod shape and goes deep into the soil. Seedlings grown from seeds will not be able to develop normally in a container, they need to be transplanted into a greenhouse after a few years.

Photo by Jochen Weber, cocoa bean sprout

Seeds are suitable for planting only a few days from the moment they are extracted from the pulp of the stalk. The main problem of growing cocoa from seeds is the acquisition of the freshest, still moist, viable grains. Here you have to take the seller's word for it, because the cocoa pod will go at least from Sri Lanka.

A seedling prepared for moving to a greenhouse, Canada.

Another plus of the cutting is the buds on the twig. According to the rules, twigs with one or two buds go for cuttings, which increases the chance of harvesting your own crop of cocoa beans.

How much does it all cost?

On Ebay for $7-$10 you can buy a good fresh pod containing at least 20 cocoa beans with free shipping. A tree from a cutting, 40-50 cm tall, will cost less than $50, grown from seeds - $15-$25.

Conditions for growing cocoa

Before dragging ourselves into this adventure, let's deal with the required conditions for keeping a cocoa tree. Given the tropical roots, this is not the easiest plant for the middle lane. And yet, we tamed tomatoes ...

Native places for cocoa - within 10 degrees north or south of the equator, humid tropical climate. However, the conditions of a greenhouse with diffused light, a greenhouse or a warm veranda will suit him perfectly. Humidity of at least 60%, temperatures between 18 and 32 degrees Celsius and constant fertilization are the formula for success.

Pods or fruits of the cocoa tree

There are young varieties that are more resistant to temperate climates, but you will have to look for them in the free market.

Lighting. Cacao grows in tropical undergrowth and is used to diffused light and wind protection. The midday sun in an open area will incinerate the large and tender leaves of a cocoa tree, accustomed to absorbing every photon lost by its more successful counterparts in the tropics. One phyto-lamp in winter should help the plant develop properly.

Humidity. The optimal amount of moisture in the air is 70%, which is easy to achieve in a greenhouse and a densely populated greenhouse. But in the conditions of a winter veranda, an evaporator will help. There is a practice of creating an improvised film greenhouse in winter, in which an air humidifier is installed. For a small tree, you can come up with several acceptable ways to maintain humidity in the offseason.

Fertilizer. Cocoa is one of the few trees in constant need of nutrient fertilizer rich in phosphorus and organic matter. Cocoa is especially voracious during the growing season.

The soil. Needs light, fast-draining soil. Avoiding moisture stagnation is the main condition for the healthy development of the plant. Next, I will analyze all the points in more detail.

What you generally need to grow a cocoa tree at home:

  • Seeds, cuttings or seedlings
  • The soil
  • Compost
  • organic fertilizer
  • Film, polyethylene, bags
  • Humidifier
  • Dosvet

How to grow cocoa from seeds

With fresh beans, germination problems never arise. It often happens that the seeds germinate in the nutritious oily environment of the fruit, and when you open the seed box, you can find cocoa sprouts. By the way, I know a girl who harvested the first crop of cocoa beans in a greenhouse in Vermont, and her seeds came to her from New Hampshire. Both climate zones are 4 when the ideal for cocoa is 11-13 USDA.

By the way, the coolest greenhouses for the study and selection of cocoa trees are located in the suburbs of London. The main task of British greenhouse laboratories is to quarantine sprouts and test new varieties.

Greenhouse laboratories for the cultivation and study of cocoa in England.

So, you have a fresh intact pod that is yellow, orange or brown. Open it very carefully, under the skin there is a slippery oily pulp. As soon as you open the fruit, immediately start planting - the beans cannot be dried.

Seeds are preferably carefully so that they germinate faster. But you can not carry out any manipulations with the beans at all and plant them directly in the sweet shell, if you are ready to provide them with a moist and warm greenhouse-incubator with a stable temperature (just "plant under the lamp"). Careful control of mold is needed, although under the lamp it usually does not like it.

You have two landing options: immediately into the ground or germinating in a zip-lock bag (container) in damp cotton wool. The second method brings faster and more visible results. Place the seeds in a hermetically sealed bag or vessel, in moistened gauze, folded in several layers, or other material that can be easily removed later, without access to light to the seeds. Provide seeds with a stable temperature between 24-28 degrees. Once a day, the bag can be aired and checked to see if a sprout has appeared. As soon as the seed pecks, it can be transplanted into a pot and placed in a greenhouse with lighting. At this stage, lighting plays the role of a heating pad, and if you have an electric mat, then this is generally ideal.

Well-ripened fruits can be soaked simply in warm water overnight, after peeling the skin. This is exactly what the author of the video below did:

Planting cocoa directly into the ground is not original. Do not compact the soil that is moderately moist, fertilized with compost and organic matter, deepen the seed by no more than 1 cm. The acidity of the soil is about 4.5-6.5. Mulch. It is very important that the earth and the pot do not hold water, there must be a "golden mean". For germination, it is good to add coconut coir to the soil, it both loosens and holds moisture in moderation. up to 10% of the soil volume will also help retain air and moisture in the cocoa pot.

I have already described some landing rules that must not be violated.

Growing cocoa from cuttings is no different from cuttings from most shrubs and trees. Suitable for both water and rooting in the ground. I’m unlikely to get a twig from a chocolate tree, but if anything, I’ll root it with honey.

Seedlings should be protected from direct sunlight. The first 6-12 months, young plants can grow in the shade, then diffused light.

cocoa tree care

Seedlings grow very quickly if they like the conditions. In a bright, warm room, the plant feels great, the main thing is not to forget about additional air humidification.

Cocoa will need repotting as it grows. A clay or wooden container would be a better choice than a plastic tub. Fertilize an adult tree (you need a high content of phosphorus), cocoa needs constant nutrition: from the appearance of the first pair of true leaves every 14-21 days, increasing portions as it grows. When a chocolate tree is 12 to 18 months old, it will need about a kilogram of compost per month (when transplanted into the ground - up to two kilograms). From November to February, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fertilizer.

Transplanting into the ground is possible only in a glazed greenhouse, the temperature in which does not fall below 18 degrees at night. 10-12 hours a day the temperature should not be lower than 22-24 degrees. If it is possible to create such conditions, then instructions for transplanting into the ground.

You can transplant a tree that has reached 60-70 cm in height. The rooting hole should be three times the size of the root ball, return some of the loose earth to the hole and set the plant at the same level as in the pot. Fill the hole and water well, mulch. Leave a small circle near the trunk unmulched. Watering is plentiful.

Cocoa needs to be trimmed. In the first year, several shoots will tie on the trunk. Remove these shoots and leave the strongest ones.

Flowering and fruiting of the chocolate tree

The first flowering of cocoa should occur at 3-4 years of age or when it reaches a height of 1.5 meters (under natural conditions, a tree can reach 6 meters in height). Not always the first flowering produces fruit, even in ideal conditions. For fruiting, cocoa does not require a second plant, although some sources write otherwise. Pollination will have to be done by hand, in the early morning hours, as cocoa blooms in winter. Most of the flowers will dry out, this is normal. Protect your chocolate tree from powdery mildew and aphids.

The formation and growth of the fetus takes at least six months, usually about 8 months. Harvesting in the northern zones takes place in February-March. A healthy, happy young tree will produce 4-5 pods in a greenhouse. I think growing cocoa is a real challenge for any person who is passionate about plants. Let's try!
