
Is it possible to drink beer and have a drink. Rules for the use of foamy drink

We all know about the danger of eating expired meat and dairy products, when buying them, we often check the date of manufacture, and sometimes the smell and appearance of the product. At the same time, little is known about the dangers of stale alcoholic beverages. No one even thinks about the dangers of drinking aged old wine or whiskey. Unlike these drinks, beer cannot be stored for a long time, over time it does not get better, but simply deteriorates. In this article, we decided to figure out whether it is possible to drink the prophesied beer, what will be the consequences after drinking it.

What happens to beer after the expiration date

We can encounter expired beer in a store or at home. A stale and “forgotten” bottle of this drink can be accidentally found on the balcony or in the refrigerator. Some supermarkets arrange total sales of intoxicating products, the implementation period of which has already expired or is coming to an end.

Natural beer is considered a perishable drink. Under certain conditions, it can be stored for no more than two months. Then, after the end of the implementation period, bacteria begin to actively multiply in it, which can become dangerous to humans. Such microorganisms are opportunistic pathogens and can provoke acute poisoning only at high concentrations in the drink. It turns out that if you drink beer that is only a few days old, the likelihood of getting intoxicated is low.

But, unfortunately, in our market natural varieties There are few beers and they are not cheap. Most consumers have access to budget drinks. Chemicals, preservatives and flavor enhancers are used in their preparation.. The technology for making natural beer is expensive and time consuming. In production a large number of this drink, it is more convenient for manufacturers to resort to chemical reactions.

You can distinguish natural beer from non-natural beer by reading the period of its implementation. Beverages that have been prepared with preservatives can last longer than two months. If on the package you see an expiration date exceeding 2 months, do not doubt that the beer is not natural.

Beer, which includes various preservatives, is strictly not recommended to be consumed in an expired form. Chemicals after the expiration date become dangerous and poisonous for the human body.

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61 years old

It is worth noting that if you drink expired wine made from wine material by chemical reactions, you can also get poisoned. Only natural wines can be stored in a special container long time subject to the correct temperature and humidity conditions.

Poisoning expired intoxicating

What happens if you drink expired beer? When ingesting beer that has already expired, you can seriously get poisoned. In this case, the disease will proceed according to the type of food poisoning and manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • intestinal colic;
  • an increase in temperature to subfebrile indicators;
  • diarrhea
  • general weakness;
  • increased flatulence.

When such symptoms appear, you need to wash the sick stomach with plain water. To withdraw leftovers poor quality beer from the gastric cavity, you should drink several glasses of water in one gulp and provoke vomiting by pressing your fingers on the root of the tongue. After carrying out this procedure, you can give the poisoned person to drink sorbents, for example, Activated carbon or enterosgel.

After taking the sorbents, the patient should be fed with plain or alkaline water. Liquid will reduce intoxication and speed up recovery.

As a rule, such poisoning does not lead to serious consequences, but in the case of profuse vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration and electrolyte failure may develop. These conditions should be treated under medical supervision. Below we have listed alarming symptoms, the appearance of which should immediately call an ambulance:

  • indomitable vomiting, due to which the patient cannot drink water and replenish the reserves of lost fluid;
  • pallor of the skin and severe weakness;
  • an increase in body temperature above 37.5 degrees;
  • a fall blood pressure development of rapid heart rate.

How to use expired beer

What can you do with expired beer? After all, throwing away a product purchased for money is sometimes a pity. You can make a lot of useful things out of it, pouring this drink is not necessary. Below we have collected ideas for using this drink for you:

  • Hair Mask. You can’t drink expired beer, but use it as cosmetic product no one forbade. Wet your hair with it and do not rinse for 20-30 minutes. You can carry out this procedure 1 time per week. You will see that the hair has become brighter and more radiant.
  • Expired beer can be used to make an excellent bait for insect pests, it is especially convenient to destroy slugs with it. Bury an open can of beer in the ground so that only its top sticks out. Pests attracted by the beer smell will climb into the jar. And they won't be able to get out.
  • Use natural expired beer in cooking if no more than two weeks have passed since the expiration date. On the basis of beer, you can cook pancakes and pancakes, it replaces yeast. You can also boil shrimp and marinate meat in this drink. Intoxicating will give these products spicy taste and aroma. This beer can be poured over kebabs during frying.
  • Polish the furniture with a cloth soaked in this drink. He will clean it to a shine.
  • Fertilize houseplants. Once a week they can be watered with beer. It will speed up their growth and fertilize the soil.
  • Add beer to your bath. It is very beneficial for the skin, making it soft and silky.

Can beer go bad before expiration date?

Have you ever carefully read the labels on beer containers? They indicate not only the composition of the drink and its expiration date, but also storage conditions (humidity, temperature regime, lighting). If they are not followed, the drink may deteriorate earlier than the period indicated on the bottle. You can distinguish such a poor-quality and spoiled drink by its altered taste, smell and color..

You also need to pay attention to the condition of the container. For example, crumpled iron cans Don't buy with beer. When damaged internal coating jars, the drink acquires a metallic taste.

Remember that buying alcohol in plastic bottles is dangerous. Alcohol is able to enter with plastic into chemical reactions, in which there is a release of toxic substances dangerous to the human body.

Expired beer can lead to serious food poisoning. It is better not to drink such drinks.. But you don't have to throw them away either. On the basis of expired foam, you can cook pancakes or marinate meat. They can also wash their hair, fight pests and fertilize the soil. No need to risk your health and consume expired and low-quality drinks.

The positive effect of beer on the human body and its health is confirmed by almost all scientists who are directly involved in research in this area. At the same time, the amount of beer consumed, like any other drink, must be taken into account. This simple rule was first stated by Theophrastus Bombast Hockenheim, popularly known as Paracelsus, who is considered to be the founder of the well-known pharmacy. He was definitely right when he said that food would be healthy or poisonous, depending on the amount consumed.

beer from natural ingredients is very healthy drink because it contains a lot useful substances, which were previously used in homeopathy. In large quantities, beer, like other alcoholic beverages, is harmful to health.

The ideal dose of beer per day, which will only benefit the human body, is 2-3 mugs (about a box of beer per week). Beer, of course, can be drunk in large quantities, but it will not bring any benefit.

And yet, how much beer can and should you drink? Danish scientists have found that a person can consume up to five pints of beer per day (pint - 0.57 l) without remorse. According to other studies, safe dose alcohol per day was considered 80 g. But recently, scientists have made some adjustments: now the maximum per day is 1 g of alcohol per 1 kg of human weight. If you follow these calculations, then a person weighing 80 kg can consume 4 bottles of beer per day. People who weigh about 90 kg will not hurt 5 bottles of beer a day. And for those whose weight exceeds 100 kg, it will be useful to drink 3 liters of beer daily. But slender, fit students are advised to drink no more than a case of beer a week.

If you are concerned about the amount of beer consumed, know that according to the World Health Organization, alcoholism in a given country does not depend on the amount of beer drunk.

IN Lately people began to worry about the question: is the effect of beer, alcohol and wine the same. If you look at the same number of these alcoholic beverages, then we can boil it down to the following: alcohol in beer is absorbed into the blood more slowly, unlike other alcoholic beverages, and its level will decrease faster. Physiologically speaking, beer has a low concentration of alcohol. Of course, if you mix alcohol with drinks or dilute wine with water, the concentration of alcohol will be the same. But there are other benefits to beer. The level of proteins in beer is higher, the level of substances associated with alcohol is lower. Also, the minerals contained in beer act as buffering agents. Therefore, the same amount of alcohol consumed in the form of beer will lead to a lower loss of coordination, will allow you to adequately respond to ongoing processes, etc. In addition, beer is the only drink containing hops, which in turn stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and suppresses unwanted the effect of alcohol on the body.

Thousands of studies have been conducted that prove that moderate consumption (moderate - without achieving alcohol intoxication) beer does no harm. Of course, we are not talking about teenagers, pregnant women and people suffering from chronic diseases. Apparently, the furious statements of our doctors about the dangers of beer are connected with the mentality of the people. How many different articles and reports about the attack or fights, pumped up with beer by teenagers, have you seen? I think it's unlimited. Now, for a moment, imagine: a German, Irish, British, or maybe Czech goes to a beer pub to meet friends. After talking, we drank beer, sang songs and peacefully went home. It is certainly difficult to imagine a resident of the United Kingdom who, after drinking three or four pints, will go wandering the streets, deliberately trying to provoke a conflict situation, after that, he will come home, beat his children and his wife, sing, finally, something folk for the neighbors and go to bed. This is the difference between the consumption of beer by our citizens and the population of other European countries.

Fun in Rus' is drinking - this phrase is familiar to many and it accurately reflects the features of our culture. In our country, not a single holiday is complete without alcohol, and this has become the norm in modern society. It is difficult to say why people drink, someone wants to get drunk quickly for the sake of feeling light, someone likes to relax like that, and there are those who like to drink for any reason.

This is not to say that alcohol is harmful if you drink it in small doses and not every day. Wineglass good wine at dinner on Friday is not harmful dose alcohol, and beer 0.5 will not harm. If you want to get drunk, you can drink a bottle - but is it worth it? For the sake of a feeling of lightness, it is better to drink a little, but something strong - this way you will get drunk faster.

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What kind of alcohol makes you drunk faster?

It is believed that you can get drunk from vodka much faster than from beer, but this is if you take both drinks in the same volume and compare the amount of alcohol, or, as we say, “degrees”. In fact, it all depends on individual tolerance, and some people calmly drink a glass of vodka, but from a glass light beer become drunk. But these are rather exceptions to the rule, and most people will be able to get drunk faster at a feast from cognac or vodka than from a martini or champagne in the same amount.

Get drunk off a small amount alcohol is allowed if:

  • vodka;
  • cognac;
  • Armagnac;
  • whiskey;
  • brandy;
  • tequila;
  • moonshine;
  • Calvados;
  • brandy;
  • mastic;
  • slivovitz;
  • baijiu
  • and other drinks with a strength of 38 ° and above, which are essentially local varieties of vodka, cognac or whiskey.

All these types of alcoholic beverages have different taste and color, but one thing unites them - even from a small amount you can get drunk, depending on what individual tolerance. For some, 25 ml is enough, and for some, all 150, but intoxication from their use is guaranteed.

Paying attention to the amount of alcohol in alcohol is important so that the minimum dose contains as much of it as possible in percentage, from this you can get drunk more and faster even from a small amount of alcohol.

How to drink to get drunk quickly

First of all, you need to relax - if you are tense, you will not even notice that you have not drunk enough and are already drunk. You need to drink in a buzz - do not strain and do not talk on the phone at the same time, do not be distracted by the TV - concentrate as much as possible on your feelings.

The first and most likely well-known rule to get drunk as quickly as possible is the lack of snacks. If you drink and do not eat, intoxication will come many times faster. But do not forget that it is very harmful for the body, first of all - for gastrointestinal tract. And the consequences of such libations will not keep you waiting in the morning in the form of a strong hangover with all its delights.

Do not refuse at least light snacks. Vegetable salads, unsweetened apples, kiwi, any sour fruits - great snack, which will not allow "decrease in degree".

Take alcohol not alone, but with friends - this way you can get more drunk on beer or on a blazer, because you will not be watching what to eat and steal a degree, but conversations. Usually, after the first and a smoke break, no one eats at feasts - but they get drunk faster. After all, why does a person get drunk - because he is bored, and drinking in a company is more fun. There are also options for getting drunk, other than alcohol, when alone. If you smoke weed, you can perfectly catch up with even a small amount of any strong one.

By the way, smoking is great way"grind" after drinking and exacerbate its effects. Start breaking the tradition of “smoking only after the third” and you will see what can get you drunk quickly - tobacco combined with alcohol is just great rapid intoxication. And being near hemp, you can inhale its smell and add to the degrees.

You should also drink quickly - “there is a small break between the first and second”, because in this way the body will receive fresh on an incompletely assimilated dose, this The best way quickly get drunk with alcohol - just do not give yourself a break. Usually, with this method, you need much less alcohol, and only 3-4 shots are enough to get drunk with vodka.

Drink from shaped dishes - this is a great tip on how to drink beer to get more drunk. If you cannot visually determine how much drink is left in the glass, then drink more. The same applies to glasses with a thick bottom and walls in which the "norm" is not visible.

By the way, about the norm of alcohol - for some it is too high, for others it is “childish”. Therefore, all advice on how to quickly get drunk should be correlated with the individual tolerance of alcohol.

How to quickly get drunk from a small amount of alcohol

“Ice and foam are the bartender's bread” - because with ice the client will “fly away” faster. If you want to get drunk faster, drink strong alcohol just like the characters in Chase's detectives do. Americans, by the way, never drink whiskey “clean”, and always dilute it with either soda or ice. Try it - this is a great trick on how to get drunk even from 50 grams.

Carbonated alcohol is another way to quickly get drunk even from a small amount. Carbon dioxide helps alcohol to be quickly absorbed into the blood, and this feeling is well known to champagne lovers when it hits the head just a minute after the first sips.

By the way, great life hack for those who want to quickly get drunk on wine, but do not drink the bottle to the bottom. Dilute it in a 1:1 ratio with any soda and you get a great "quick-acting" cocktail. The same applies to any vermouth or liqueur - they need to be diluted with a tonic like Schweppes.

Some types of strong alcohol are not intended for “clean” consumption at all. You should always dilute gin - you simply cannot drink it in pure form, as well as brandy is ideally combined with cola and ice.

By the way, dilution of alcohol with soda is the most gentle way for the body to get drunk with a small amount.

Many people ask - how to drink vodka to get drunk quickly? The answer is simple: never drink with a snack, learn to sniff a piece of bread, and then even 100 grams will be enough for a pleasant feeling of relaxation. Another way to drink vodka to get more drunk is to drink it from the cap of the bottle, and not in the usual large sips.

Another important nuance that must be observed is the minimum size of sips. So to say, thimbles get drunk much faster than glasses. The same applies to the use of drinks through a straw, so intoxication comes much faster.

To quickly get drunk from a small amount of alcohol, choose only one that indicates the content of at least 18% alcohol. Strong beer with its 11° also works great.

By the way, thin people need much less ethanol in order to get drunk - you will lose weight and start drinking less for the same effect.

And, as sad as it may sound, the ability to get drunk from one drink is one of the stages of chronic alcoholism, so keep this in mind if you “fly away” from after the first glass.

How to mix alcohol to get drunk fast

Many beer lovers are well aware of this way of drinking beer in order to quickly get drunk, how to “ruffle”, and there is even a saying on this topic “The evening ended badly if I didn’t get ruffled.”

Ruff is a light beer with vodka, less often with any other strong alcoholic drink. It can be mixed in any proportion - a combination ethyl alcohol with hop must excellent result, and even 250 ml of such a “cocktail” in a 1: 1 ratio is enough to get drunk. This is the only way to quickly get drunk on beer - since a good beer lover needs to drink at least two glasses, and then the desired result may not be obtained from a liter of beer. Beer is a weak alcohol and wears off quickly, so there is no other way to get drunk on beer.

Have you ever wondered why bars often offer so many cocktails - because it's a great way to drink to get drunk quickly. Try to make an experiment yourself and drink under equal conditions 50 g of cognac and 50 grams of cognac mixed with cola and ice. In the second option, it will “cover” much stronger, although the cocktail is easier to drink. A tipsy client pays more generously - that's what the bartenders are trying to do.

Just from wine or liquor, or even brandy in the amount of 30-50 ml, it is difficult to become drunk. And if you mix them, add some ice or cold cola - you get delicious cocktail, which will cover very well. This feature of alcohol, when mixed strong drinks different way cooking turns out to be a "bomb", has long been used in the preparation of cocktails.

Important - cocktails should be drunk only through a straw, this trick allows alcohol to be absorbed evenly, and you will get drunk faster.

Another trick is to mix only Diet Coke. There are no calories in it, and the body will not perceive the alcohol taken as food - and as a result, it will enter the blood faster.

A popular New Year's way to get drunk with a bottle of vodka and a bottle of champagne for the whole company was invented by Soviet students and is called " northern lights". We just mix champagne and vodka in a ratio of 2: 1 and after half an hour everything is “as it should be”, this amount is enough for a company of 4-5 people.

It is worth noting that not all cocktails are equally useful, especially "ruff" and "northern lights", so it's better to look for more gentle ways - do not snack on the others described above. Drink alcohol in small doses using the above tricks - and then you will not need to make such cocktails.

Games for quick drunkenness

In addition to the famous alcohol checkers, there are many more ways to have fun, what to do if you want to get drunk. After all, why do people get drunk to unconsciousness - because they do not know how to control their desires, and even against the background of sadness and loneliness, you want to drink even more.

But if you gather friends and have an alcohol party, not just at the set table, but using alcohol games, the evening will be just 100 points.

  • blitz-alco-checkers - you need to play a game in 5 minutes, while "white" is vodka, and "black" is cognac or whiskey;
  • beer from glasses - you need to drink 2.5 liters of any inexpensive beer at speed, pouring it into glasses of 70-100 ml, intoxication will come very quickly;
  • “Ring of Fire” is a super cool alcohol game, an empty glass is placed on the table and a deck of cards is spread around like a fan, each player draws a card and, in accordance with its face value, completes the task for the card;
  • alco-bottle - several bottles of alcohol are placed on the table and the condition for which lot will fall out is half of that bottle and you need to drink it, by scrolling empty bottle a lot is selected;
  • alcohol-lotto - the number of cups is numbered from 1 to 6 and a dose of alcohol is guessed for each number, after which the players roll the die and then pour and drink the task according to the number that has fallen;
  • alco-crocodile - all the rules, as in a regular crocodile, but with the condition - if the word is not guessed, the one who showed must drink the penalty;
  • “Guess the melody” - the melody turns on on the smartphone and from 5 seconds you need to guess the song until the words start, if the unsuccessful attempt was in 4 seconds - it is poured to the loser by 4 fingers, in 3 seconds - by 3 fingers, and so on, and if the melody you guessed it - the DJ drinks the amount of alcohol in 5 fingers.
  • "Tornado" - you will need a pair of players and two types of beer - dark strong and light. Players stand in pairs opposite each other, and each is given a bottle or glass of beer different kind, under the supervision of the referee, everyone takes 5 sips and exchanges containers with those standing opposite, the one who remains last when everyone falls down wins.

What slows down drunkenness

Let's start with the fact that intoxication is in itself a process not peculiar to a person and the body can slow it down, resisting alcohol.

And in everyday life, intoxication is inhibited by many factors:

  • rich fatty snack;
  • stress;
  • individual resilience;
  • falsification - if the number of degrees is lower than declared.

Relaxed - now we remember the phrase "appetizer steals a degree." You should not eat up before drinking alcohol, because if there is food in the stomach, it simply will not get on the walls of the intestines and will not be absorbed into the blood.

Start from the opposite - there are foods and dishes that slow down intoxication, and there are, on the contrary, those that do not affect this process in any way. Never snack high-calorie foods such as cakes, pastries, sweets, and do not drink any drinks containing fast carbohydrates and calories. The more high-calorie snack - the more it inhibits intoxication. And yes - meat and any protein products are also on the list of those that are forbidden for snacks if you drink to quickly get drunk.

And what do you know about how to drink properly in order to get drunk quickly. Share your secrets with us and our readers.

I used to like to drink beer, but now I don’t drink at all. But I regularly think about beer when I come across articles on the Internet about whether it is possible to drink beer or not, does this foamy drink benefit or harm? Researches and experiments are being carried out, the results of which often contradict each other, specialists and gurus from medicine enter into heated skirmishes, and as a result, no one can answer with certainty whether beer is a friend or an enemy to a person. I am sure that you also have your own opinion about drinking beer. Well, for myself (and for you) today I want to finally deal with this issue: is it possible to drink beer, and what happens if you drink it regularly?

A little preamble: what is beer, and what is its role in history?

Beer is another proof that the Lord loves us and wants us to be happy.

Benjamin Franklin

Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world and the third most popular drink (after water and tea) in general. It is obtained during the fermentation of malt wort with brewer's yeast, usually with the addition of hops or other herbs.

The history of beer goes deep into the primitive era, they even say that the first farmers planted grain specifically for beer, not bread. In Europe in the Middle Ages, monks had the privilege of brewing beer, while other craftsmen gathered herbs for making beer. foamy drink they liked to call them witchers and burn them at the stake. IN northern countries beer has always been loved - vineyards did not grow there because of the climate, which is why there was no main beer competitor - wine. In Rus', they also did not disdain beer, although it received its maximum popularity in Soviet times. Well, in the 19th century, after the discovery and study by Pasteur and Hansen of the nature of brewer's yeast, there was a revolution in the field of brewing, and mankind began to master the production of beer in an industrial way.

Since then, beer has conquered the planet, firmly entering not only the diet, but also the culture of earthlings. In Germany, Belgium, the Czech Republic and some other countries, beer is generally national drink. How many songs and poems are about beer? Remember at least the famous: “And I was there, drinking honey-beer”!

And now - about the sad.

Pros and cons of beer

Let's start with the bad.

Beer is alcohol. And this allows us to voice at least three facts:

Fact 1. Beer destroys the body. It is called "low alcohol", but in fact it causes more harm body than the same vodka (alcohol in which it undergoes a more serious purification).

  • Beer destroys the liver, leads to disruption of the synthesis of enzymes, proteins and vitamins. Weak, exhausted by alcohol and unable to perform its functions, the liver becomes easily permeable to toxic substances. Inflammatory processes begin in it, and if you don’t stop in time, you can get hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver as a bonus.
  • Beer destroys the digestive system. It strongly irritates the gastric mucosa and regular use damages the glands that secrete gastric juice, which in turn leads to problems with the digestion of food. It also affects the pancreas, in which the production of enzymes is disrupted. If to speak plain language, your stomach will often start to hurt at first, then the pain will only become more frequent and worse, and soon you will not be able to eat anything other than pills normally. In addition, hop resins are carcinogenic, increasing the risk of colon cancer.
  • Beer enlarges the heart and it doesn't do any good. Abundant alcoholic libations lead to the emergence of what doctors call "bovine (beer) heart syndrome." Due to the need to pump a lot of fluid (and beer, as you know, is a strong diuretic), varicose veins occur, and the heart enlarges, while weakening and overgrowing with fat. First, shortness of breath appears, then tachycardia, pressure, and, in the end, a stroke or heart attack occurs. And trying to fully live after a stroke, even at a young age, is another joy. By the way, the diuretic ability of beer harms not only the heart, but also the kidneys, forcing them to work in an enhanced mode.
  • Beer makes a woman out of a man. In other words, beer violates hormonal balance in the body, in particular, it adversely affects the production of testosterone, an extremely important hormone for any man, and at the same time contains the female hormone estrogen. A beer belly, breast growth, fat on the hips and waist, a decrease in hairline - and the male loses the last remnants of masculinity. The fact that he gradually becomes almost incapable of anything in bed, except for sleep, can not even be said. The Czechs have this proverb in use: "A beer drinker is like a watermelon: his belly grows and the tip dries."

On one of the sites I came across an interesting comparison: two bottles of beer a day - and the concentration of female sex hormones in a man's body jumps to the level that a woman should have. Darkness.

Although women also get from beer - beer negatively affects the ability to bear children, and some ladies know firsthand about the "beer mustache". There is, however, one interesting difference - if in men the sexual desire from beer decreases, then in women it increases. But, damn it, mustache, beer mustache ... And hormones are to blame. The question "is it possible to drink beer" does not arise!

  • And also beer hits the brain. In the literal sense - leading to its degradation. Plus, beer is addictive, “beer alcoholism”, which is stronger than vodka alcohol and develops faster.

Tell me, did you know that hops are one of the closest relatives of hemp, which is known to be used to make marijuana and hashish. Not surprisingly, the effect of beer is similar to that of a drug. From the point of view of narcology, this is a severe, difficult-to-treat variant of alcoholism.

However, beer is often presented as a safe option if you want to drink alcohol. “Well, what kind of alcoholism can be - I don’t drink vodka?” And gradually addiction appears - starting from a mug on Fridays and ending with the inability to do anything in the morning without drinking a “bubble”. For some, "light" beer becomes a bridge to more "heavy" ones. alcoholic beverages.

I had one friend who could not live a day without a Baltika and a half. I didn’t consider myself an alcoholic, but in a little over a year, I turned from a pumped-up moose into a fat mattress, gaining 30 kilograms. They say that when his wife left, he tried to be treated, but I don’t know what happened to him in the end.

Fact 2. As you know, alcohol, including beer, clouds the mind. For someone, a mug of beer is enough to cross the line, someone needs a few liters. Well, what a person can do while intoxicated, you should know not from your own experience, but at least from the media. Injuries, conflicts, sexual contacts with unpleasant consequences, accidents ... Half of the accidents and a third of suicides occur "under the degree."

According to statistics, on average one person in Russia drinks about 43 liters of beer per year. According to the Sanepidnadzor, 75-80% of all alcohol consumed by Russian teenagers is beer, thus alcohol addiction begins to develop in childhood. At the same time, ~700 thousand people die from alcohol and related causes every year. So is it worth the opportunity to “relax” with a beer?

Fact 3. Speaking of relaxation. Pleasant euphoria after drinking beer has nothing to do with in healthy ways relaxation - fun, laughter, creativity. During intoxication, an illusion of relaxation is created - but this is just an illusion. In fact, the body does not rest and does not relax, it is in an extremely excited state, which is replaced by depression and apathy - a hangover with all the consequences.

If your friend or colleague says that beer helps him relax, then you can safely assume that he is a dull Mr. and the weak link in your team. Well, what else can you call a person who is not able to relax normally without the use of drugs (which include alcohol)? As Bismarck, who himself overcame beer addiction, said, “beer makes you lazy, stupid and powerless,” and I, in principle, agree with him.

Now let's look at the problem from the other side of the barricades.

About the benefits of beer

There is relatively safe rate beer, which causes a minimum of the above effects. Many narcologists are inclined to believe that for light, weak beer, it averages 0.5 liters of beer for men and 0.33 liters for women per day with occasional use. But this does not mean that the saying about "beer in small doses is useful in any quantities" is true - otherwise, it is not far from the aforementioned beer alcoholism. A man who indulges in a bottle of beer a couple of times a week puts his health at risk no more than his friend who likes to drink a glass of cola with a cake.

Beer also has health benefits. After looking at several sites, I have compiled the following selection of good news:

  • Beer foam has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it tender and soft;
  • A mask of fresh beer foam allows you to get rid of wrinkles;
  • The use of beer as a rinse after shampooing makes the hair elastic and enhances their growth;
  • Beer contains a number beneficial vitamins and amino acids. For example, a liter of beer gives the body daily allowance vitamins C and K and half the norm of B vitamins.
  • The diuretic ability of beer brings not only harm, but also benefits, helping to remove salts of heavy metals from the body;
  • On the basis of beer, a cure for colds has been prepared since ancient times;
  • Beer accelerates metabolic processes and enhances metabolism;
  • Beer contains easily digestible silicon, which is good for bones and joints;
  • Some people also enjoy the taste of beer.

As you can see, beer is a very controversial product. Is there a way to minimize it harmful effect? It turns out yes.

There are two golden rules, applying which, you can drink beer without harm to health. You can forget everything you read before, but you must remember this!

Golden rules for drinking beer

1. You can only drink naturally brewed beer. Perhaps you know this, perhaps you will be surprised, but real, "live" beer does not live long, usually only a few days. But the vast majority of store jars and bottles are filled with a completely different liquid. Yes, this product is beer to some extent, but it is pasteurized, filtered and filled with many additives. This allows you to reduce the period of its production, increase the lifespan, and give the beer necessary taste. At the same time, in most cases, store-bought beer is prepared from dry chemical concentrates, and not at all “according to proven recipes of famous brewers”. In the resulting drink from beer, only taste and degree remain, and no useful properties he does not have.

Natural beer, due to its rarity and / or high cost, is inaccessible, and affordable “chemical” does nothing but harm. That is why the first rule in most cases turns out to be impossible, and to the question “is it possible to drink beer, and is it beneficial?” You have the right to safely answer “No!”.

2. You can only drink beer in moderation. I wrote about this a little higher: there is a normal dose of half a liter, which does not harm if used irregularly.

Focusing on these two simple (or maybe difficult) rules, you can drink beer without harm to health. For myself, I decided that I don’t drink beer and I won’t drink it. Fundamentally. There are many other ways to relax 😉

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Probably, if you really want and try very hard, you can do anything, and even get drunk non-alcoholic beer. According to experts, such a result from an intoxicating drink with a zero degree is quite possible, since alcohol may be present in its composition - about 0.2-1% of the volume. The fact is that the process of making pseudo-beer is more complicated than the production of a traditional foamy drink. There are two ways to get it. The first involves the exclusion of fermentation through special yeast or cooling method. The second is the removal of a "degree", that is, alcohol, from already ready drink. Whichever method is used, some of the alcohol remains in the final non-alcoholic product. However, many brewers, for some unknown reason, forget to indicate the amount of this residue on the label. Only a few manufacturers inform their consumers about this fact.

So, we have already found out that it is theoretically possible to get drunk from “zero” beer, but how much will you have to drink to get such an effect? To answer this difficult question, we will be helped by a case from the life of an American who decided to conduct an unusual experiment with pseudo-beer. He calculated that he would need to drink about 10 liters (or 30 cans) of bubbly drink in an hour for his blood alcohol level to reach the initial point of intoxication, i.e. 0.08 ppm. However, we all know that so much liquid drunk in such a short period of time can be dangerous not only for health, but also for human life. It was not possible to finish the experiment, because the experimenter's health worsened on the 28th jar, and this despite the fact that his stomach is not the same as that of all normal people, because this is not his first experience with food and various drinks. However, even after drinking so much alcohol, the breathalyzer showed that the level of alcohol in his blood had risen only to the level of 0.02 ppm.

So, summarizing the above, we can only say one thing: theoretically, you can get drunk with a “non-alcoholic” drink, but for this you need to drink a lot of pseudo-drink, and this is unlikely to succeed.

Beer is considered famous drink, which has in its composition a weak concentration of alcohol. However, despite this, even he is able to cause the development of alcohol dependence. Therefore, the question - is it possible to drink beer every day is considered relevant for many people. And rightly so, because most men like to relieve stress after a hard day's work with a bottle of cold beer. And many programs are not always carried out without this alcoholic drink. But how does beer affect the human body and how much you can drink this product so as not to harm your health.

Many argue that beer is good for health, because it contains a minimum concentration of alcohol. But is it really so? It should be understood that we are talking about natural beer, no cheap bottled options created from powder can bring a person anything but harm.

What are the beneficial and harmful properties of beer

Drinking beer products carries a lot of secrets, myths and mysteries. And all because scientists are still arguing about the dangers and benefits of this drink. Beer fans say it carries invaluable benefit for the body and general condition health, and his "ill-wishers", on the contrary, are trying with all their might to criticize the products.

Beneficial features

It has long been believed that beer is a drink that can cure a large number of diseases. For example, many years ago, Koch discovered that the product has a powerful destructive and negative effect on the pathogens of many pathologies, for example, developing cholera. Therefore, when her epidemic "walked around the country", beer saved many human lives.

This drink contains in its composition substances such as:

  • acids, namely nicotinic, phosphoric;
  • vitamins - riboflavin, thiamine, biotin;
  • trace elements, which include sulfur, phosphorus, potassium.

Drinking beer in moderate amount it is possible to improve the metabolic processes occurring in the body, restore the functioning of the heart, improve the condition of blood vessels, and also protect a person from the development of malignant tumors. However large dose beer can harm many organs, while greatly harming human health. Again, a 2.5 liter plastic bottle is not a normal dose and not beer, but a skillful fake.

Besides, this product able to remove aluminum salts from the body, which lead to the development of dementia. So can you drink beer? Doctors say that you can take a drink, only you need to do it in moderation and not often.

Properly taking beer, you can quickly quench your thirst and give the body vigor and energy. And if you choose the right type of drink, it can have a destructive property on stones and sand in the kidneys.

In addition, beer, drunk during the day in the permitted dose, can have a powerful analgesic and calming effect, thanks to hop compounds.

Harmful properties

If you drink beer every day, then useful action from it will not, but there is a lot of harm. Men should not drink the drink every day because it contains substances that are similar to female hormones. They can negatively affect male body, namely:

  • expand the hips;
  • enlarge breasts;
  • improve skin color.

If you drink beer constantly in order to relax, a person will not be able to calm down on his own over time, and for this he will need to take a strong drink again. As a result, a person develops dependence on alcohol or, scientifically, beer alcoholism, which is considered much more dangerous than dependence on hard drinks.

The problem of the development of alcoholism caused by the frequent intake of beer

Many drinkers do not consider it alcohol, as it is weak and does not contain a large amount of alcohol. However, it contains ethanol, which makes it a weak, but still alcohol-containing product. Therefore, doctors say that in terms of its effect on the body, it carries as much harm as vodka. As a result, a person develops a serious addiction that threatens his health.

How to determine the development of drinking alcoholism:

  • a person completely denies his addiction, while saying that he can live peacefully without alcohol;
  • drinks beer every day much more than the allowed dose - at the same time, he needs everything to get drunk every time large quantity drink;
  • an addicted person walks in a depressed mood throughout the day, and if he drinks a bottle strong drink, then immediately become cheerful and sociable (if you fail to drink, the person will be very angry and will show aggression even to ordinary things);
  • the breathing of a beer-addicted person becomes noisy and very heavy, bags appear on the floor of the eyes of blue color, and the body becomes loose and flabby;
  • sexual problems, both men and women;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • the appearance of excess weight.

These signs will appear in a person if he constantly drinks beer in an increased daily dose. It is important to note that such an addiction is very difficult to treat - for this you will need to take anti-alcoholism drugs, which can also be purchased on the Internet.

What is the optimal dose of alcohol for a person? Doctors say that a safe daily amount is 0.33 liters for a woman, and 0.5 liters for a man. It is this dosage that will not be able to adversely affect health and will not lead to the development of alcoholism.

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In this article, I want to talk about beer: is drinking beer good for health, and how to drink it according to science, so that the benefits outweigh the harm.

I used to like to drink beer, but now I don’t drink at all. But I regularly think about beer when I come across articles on the Internet about the benefits or harms of beer, whether it is healthy to drink beer or you can quickly become a beer alcoholic, and so on.

Researches and experiments are being carried out, the results of which often contradict each other, specialists and gurus from medicine enter into heated skirmishes, and as a result, no one can answer with certainty whether beer is a friend or an enemy to a person. I am sure that you also have your own opinion about drinking beer. And here are my arguments on this issue: is it healthy to drink beer, and what happens if you drink it regularly?

A little preamble: what is beer, and what is its role in history?

Beer is another proof that the Lord loves us and wants us to be happy.

Benjamin Franklin

Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world and the third most popular drink (after water and tea) in general. It is obtained during the fermentation of malt wort with brewer's yeast, usually with the addition of hops or other herbs.

The history of beer goes deep into the primitive era, they even say that the first farmers planted grain specifically for beer, not bread. In Europe in the Middle Ages, monks had the privilege of brewing beer, while other craftsmen who collected herbs for making a foamy drink liked to be called witchers and burned at the stake. In the northern countries, beer has always been loved - vineyards did not grow there because of the climate, which is why there was no main beer competitor - wine. In Rus', they also did not disdain beer, although it received its maximum popularity in Soviet times. Well, in the 19th century, after the discovery and study by Pasteur and Hansen of the nature of brewer's yeast, there was a revolution in the field of brewing, and mankind began to master the production of beer in an industrial way.

Since then, beer has conquered the planet, firmly entering not only the diet, but also the culture of earthlings. In Germany, Belgium, the Czech Republic and some other countries, beer is generally a national drink. How many songs and poems are about beer? Remember at least the famous: “And I was there, drinking honey-beer”!

And now - about the sad.

Is beer good for health: facts "against"

Let's start with the bad.

Beer is alcohol. And these are at least three facts:

Fact 1. Beer destroys the body

It is called "low alcohol", but in fact it causes more harm to the body than the same vodka (alcohol in which it undergoes a more serious purification).

  • Beer destroys the liver, leads to disruption of the synthesis of enzymes, proteins and vitamins. Weak, exhausted by alcohol and unable to perform its functions, the liver becomes easily permeable to toxic substances. Inflammatory processes begin in it, and if you don’t stop in time, you can get hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver as a bonus.
  • Beer destroys the digestive system. It strongly irritates the stomach lining and, if used regularly, damages the glands that secrete gastric juice, which in turn leads to problems with digestion. It also affects the pancreas, in which the production of enzymes is disrupted. In simple terms, at first your stomach will often start to hurt, then the pain will only become more frequent and intensify, and soon you will not be able to eat anything other than pills normally. In addition, hop resins are carcinogenic, increasing the risk of colon cancer.
  • Beer enlarges the heart and it doesn't do any good. Abundant alcoholic libations lead to what doctors call "bovine (beer) heart syndrome". Due to the need to pump a lot of fluid (and beer, as you know, is a strong diuretic), varicose veins occur, and the heart enlarges, while weakening and overgrowing with fat. First, shortness of breath appears, then tachycardia, pressure, and, in the end, a stroke or heart attack occurs. And trying to fully live after a stroke, even at a young age, is another joy. By the way, the diuretic ability of beer harms not only the heart, but also the kidneys, forcing them to work in an enhanced mode.
  • Beer makes a woman out of a man. In other words, beer disrupts the hormonal balance in the body, in particular, adversely affects the production of testosterone, an extremely important hormone for any man, and at the same time contains the female hormone estrogen. A beer belly, breast growth, fat on the hips and waist, a decrease in hairline - and the male loses the last remnants of masculinity. The fact that he gradually becomes almost incapable of anything in bed, except for sleep, can not even be said. The Czechs have this proverb: “A beer drinker is like a watermelon: his belly grows and the tip dries”.

On one of the sites I came across an interesting comparison: two bottles of beer a day - and the concentration of female sex hormones in a man's body jumps to the level that a woman should have. Darkness.

Although women also get from beer - beer negatively affects the ability to bear children, and some ladies know firsthand about the "beer mustache". There is, however, one interesting difference - if in men the sexual desire from beer decreases, then in women it increases. But, damn it, mustache, beer mustache ... And hormones are to blame. The question "is it possible to drink beer" does not arise!

  • And also beer hits the brain. In the literal sense - leading to its degradation. Plus, beer is addictive, “beer alcoholism”, which is stronger than vodka alcohol and develops faster.

Did you know that hops are one of the closest relatives of hemp, which is known to be used to make marijuana and hashish. Not surprisingly, the effect of beer is similar to that of a drug. From the point of view of narcology, this is a severe, difficult-to-treat variant of alcoholism.

However, beer is often presented as a safe option if you want to drink alcohol. “Well, what kind of alcoholism can be - I don’t drink vodka?” And gradually addiction appears - starting from a mug on Fridays and ending with the inability to do anything in the morning without drinking a “bubble”. For some, "light" beer becomes a bridge to more "heavy" alcoholic beverages. Is beer good for health - not at all, if we consider the problem in this vein.

I had one friend who could not live a day without a Baltika and a half. I didn’t consider myself an alcoholic, but in a little over a year, I turned from a pumped-up moose into a fat mattress, gaining 30 kilograms. They say that when his wife left, he tried to be treated, but I don’t know what happened to him in the end.

Fact 2. A person in a state of intoxication can be dangerous and unpredictable

For someone, a mug of beer is enough to cross the line, someone needs a few liters. Well, what a person can do while intoxicated, you should know not from your own experience, but at least from the media. Injuries, conflicts, sexual contacts with unpleasant consequences, accidents ... Half of the accidents and a third of suicides occur "under the degree." Here the question of whether beer is good for health goes somewhere far away, and more important questions appear.

According to statistics, on average one person in Russia drinks about 43 liters of beer per year. According to the Sanepidnadzor, 75-80% of all alcohol consumed by Russian teenagers is beer, so alcohol addiction begins to form in childhood. At the same time, ~700 thousand people die from alcohol and related causes every year. So is it worth the opportunity to “relax” with a beer?

Fact 3. Alcohol does not relax

Pleasant euphoria after drinking beer has nothing to do with healthy ways of relaxing - fun, laughter, creativity. During intoxication, an illusion of relaxation is created - but this is just an illusion. In fact, the body does not rest and does not relax, it is in an extremely excited state, which is replaced by depression and apathy - a hangover with all the consequences.

If your friend or colleague says that beer helps him relax, then you can safely assume that he is the weak link in your team. Well, what else can you call a person who is not able to relax normally without the use of drugs (which include alcohol)? As Bismarck, who overcame beer addiction himself, said, "from beer they become lazy, stupid and powerless".

Now let's look at the problem from the other side of the barricades.

Is beer good for health: pros

There is a relatively safe rate of beer that causes a minimum of the above effects.

Many narcologists are inclined to believe that for light, weak beer, it averages 0.5 liters of beer for men and 0.33 liters for women per day with occasional use. But this does not mean that the saying about "beer in small doses is useful in any quantities" is true - otherwise, it is not far from beer alcoholism.

A man who indulges in a bottle of beer a couple of times a week puts his health at risk no more than his friend who likes to drink a glass of cola with a cake.

Beer also has health benefits. Here is a selection of good news:

  • Beer foam has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it tender and soft;
  • A mask of fresh beer foam allows you to get rid of wrinkles;
  • The use of beer as a rinse after shampooing makes the hair elastic and enhances their growth;
  • Beer contains a number of useful vitamins and amino acids. For example, a liter of beer gives the body the daily intake of vitamins C and K and half the norm of B vitamins.
  • The diuretic ability of beer brings not only harm, but also benefits, helping to remove salts of heavy metals from the body;
  • On the basis of beer, a cure for colds has been prepared since ancient times;
  • Beer accelerates metabolic processes and enhances metabolism;
  • Beer contains easily digestible silicon, which is good for bones and joints;
  • Some people also enjoy the taste of beer.

As you can see, beer is a very controversial product. Is there a way to minimize its harmful effects? It turns out yes.

There are two golden rules, applying which, you can drink beer without harm to health. You can forget everything you read before, but you must remember this!

The Golden Rules of Beer Drinking

1. Drink only naturally brewed beer

Perhaps you know this, perhaps you will be surprised, but real, "live" beer does not live long, usually only a few days. But the vast majority of store jars and bottles are filled with a completely different liquid. Yes, this product is beer to some extent, but it is pasteurized, filtered and filled with many additives.

This allows you to reduce the period of its production, increase the lifespan, and give the beer the desired taste. At the same time, in most cases, store-bought beer is prepared from dry chemical concentrates, and not at all “according to proven recipes of famous brewers”. In the resulting drink from beer, only taste and degree remain, and it does not have any useful properties.

Natural beer, due to its rarity and / or high cost, is inaccessible, and affordable “chemical” does nothing but harm. That is why the first rule in most cases turns out to be impracticable, and to the question “is it healthy to drink beer?” you can boldly answer “No! It is useless to drink such urine :)”.

2. Practice moderation

I wrote about this a little earlier: irregular half a liter of quality beer will not harm you.

So in summary, is beer good for health? Probably not, unless you have access to real quality beer and don't abuse it.

Plus, there are plenty of other ways to relax ;)

As you know, the use of products with an expired shelf life carries potential danger. How is it with beer? What could be the consequences? Can you drink expired beer? How can you tell if a product has gone bad? We will try to understand all this further in our publication.

About retention periods

Can you drink expired beer? Supermarkets often hold promotions when products with an expiring shelf life are distributed at a reduced cost. Let's find out what happens to beer in such cases.

The so-called live - natural intoxicating - is a perishable alcohol. It is safe to use for several months. However, only in cases where the beer is stored in suitable conditions. After the specified time, in the intoxicating drink, as a rule, the process of active reproduction of microorganisms starts. Some bacteria pose a significant threat to our health.

So is it possible to drink expired beer for a month? Doing this is absolutely not recommended. Since the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the body can cause food poisoning. In some cases, the pathological process becomes protracted and leads to complications.

Is unpasteurized expired beer safe to drink? In such a hop there is a smaller amount of bacteria compared to products that belong to the category of natural. Therefore, the shelf life is slightly longer. The risk of harm to health is somewhat reduced here.

What can be said about pasteurized hop? These products are manufactured by heat treatment liquids. Pasteurization technology allows you to destroy maximum amount potentially harmful bacteria. Is it ok to drink a year expired beer? In the case of a pasteurized product, this is quite acceptable. However, in order not to endanger the consumer, manufacturers of such intoxicating drinks usually indicate an expiration date on the label, which does not exceed 6 months.

Drinking beer from plastic containers

Toxic poisoning is often caused by poisonous substances that are not contained in the expired product itself, but in the material used to manufacture the container. It was found that plastic bottles over time are reflected in the characteristics of alcohol. From the material, when interacting with alcohol, a toxic substance known as dibutyl phthalate is gradually released. A high concentration of a pesticide in expired beer can lead not only to poisoning, but also to death. Therefore, it is better not to take risks once again.

Beer in glass bottles

Is it ok to drink beer that's over a month old? glass containers? Compared to plastic, glass is a chemically inert material. However, some danger is represented by prolonged contact of the liquid with the cork. However, poisonous substances can enter the intoxicating room only if Glass bottle for a long time lay on her side.

Can you drink expired canned beer?

According to the assurances of the bulk of the intoxicating producers, cans protect alcohol from the effects of pathogenic bacteria and an unfavorable environment. If the norms for storing beer in such containers are observed, poisoning can be obtained only in exceptional cases. This can happen when the inside of the jar is damaged. In this case, metal corrosion processes occur. In order not to put yourself in danger, when buying beer, you should pay attention to the integrity of the tin container and the absence of deformations.

What should I do if the beer expired after the purchase?

Let's say that the fact of the unsuitability of the intoxicating drink was recorded after the payment for the goods. In such situations, the consumer has the right to return the beer back, reimbursing the money spent. If the buyer does not want other people to suffer in the future, he can file a complaint against the sellers with the Rospotrebnadzor department. The responsible inspector is obliged to record the violation and issue a fine to the store manager. After all, an omission on the part of sellers is fraught with poisoning of consumers and the spread of infections.

The very fact of the presence of expired beer on the shelves is an administrative offense. To impose penalties on sellers, it is not required to fix cases of poisoning.

How to tell by smell if a drink is expired?

You can evaluate the suitability of an expired intoxicating drink by relying on your own sense of smell. What should be the focus here? Drinkable beer has a refreshing, hoppy, somewhat yeasty aroma. On the contrary, spoiled alcohol will have a pronounced sour and even rotten smell.

Consequences of drinking expired beer

Can you drink expired beer? Doing this is not recommended. After all, such behavior is fraught with a number of serious consequences. May worsen with food poisoning general well-being feel unwell. The impact of pathogenic bacteria on the body often leads to drowsiness, impaired coordination of movements. Then attacks of nausea and vomiting make themselves felt. Food poisoning can cause an accelerated heartbeat, lowering blood pressure.

What to do in case of poisoning with expired beer?

If the consumer did not know whether it was possible to drink expired beer, and made such a mistake, it is worth resorting to actions aimed at eliminating the consequences of intoxication. First of all, you need:

  • Take sorbents, such as activated charcoal.
  • Drink plenty of liquid throughout the day.
  • Get yourself some bed rest and try to sleep.

If the above actions do not work, you need to perform a gastric lavage. In case of fainting, which is accompanied by bouts of nausea, the person should lie on a hard surface and turn. This will prevent the vomit from entering the Airways. Naturally, you can not do without a call to the ambulance service.


Beer that has expired is not always spoiled. The date indicated on the label only means that the manufacturer is relieved of responsibility for the use of the product by the buyer. As practice shows, if the storage conditions are observed, beer can remain fit for consumption for some time.

Be that as it may, if you had to deal with an expired intoxicating drink, it is recommended that you notify the seller about this before paying for the purchase. Such beer can always be returned to the store. If the seller refuses to refund the amount spent, you should file a complaint with the appropriate service.
