
Recipes for cooking in a double-sided grill pan. Grilled pork recipe step by step

Every housewife wants to pamper her household with something tasty and at the same time useful, perhaps dietary. Do fried chicken legs or pork cause stomach discomfort? And after cooking, it is problematic to wash the fat and oil from the pan? Now you can forget about it. will become an indispensable assistant to any cook. The meat will not burn and remain juicy. Vegetables will retain their beneficial properties, the fish will not overcook and will not fall apart.

We will talk about the technology of cooking with the help of a miracle pan, advise which one to choose, offer popular recipes and study the reviews of those who have already purchased such an assistant.

Healthy and wholesome food

Does not require the presence of oil in the cooking process. Products undergo heat treatment similar to traditional cooking on a barbecue or grill using coals. Meat, vegetables, fish do not come into direct contact with the heating surface, as a result of which they will not burn. Cooking occurs due to the circulation of hot air under the lid of the pan. The absence of oil makes the dishes healthy, dietary. The products do not accumulate carcinogenic substances that harm the entire body. The juice is baked inside the meat or fish, preserving the natural taste and smell of the food.

If you are a fan of juicy meat or are concerned about your health, all you need is the Gas Grill pan. You will find recipes for the most popular dishes here and you will be able to cook dishes served in the most expensive restaurants in the world in your own kitchen.

Principle of operation

Frying pan "Miracle-Grill-Gas" consists of a grid, a tray, a lid and a removable handle.

So, the pallet must be installed on the stove, on a medium or small burner. Turn on the fire so that it does not touch the pan.

Pour a little water into the pan so that the fat flowing from the meat does not burn. Preheat the grill a little and place the grate in the pan. Put the meat or vegetables and cover with a lid.

During cooking, try not to lift the grill lid. After a while, turn the meat or vegetables over to the other side.

Frying pan "Gas-Grill" can work as a double boiler. To do this, the hole in the pan must be closed with foil, pour more water into the recess. This principle of cooking is especially relevant for families with small children or for those who want to lose weight.

If you want to bake fish, meat or vegetables in foil, the Gas-Grill pan will do the job. Just wrap the product in foil and bake as you would on a regular grill.

Hundreds of housewives have an assistant in the kitchen - the Wonder-Grill-Gas frying pan. User feedback shows that people who are on a diet or limit themselves to fried or high-calorie dishes can now relax and enjoy food prepared without oil.


The frying pan tray is made of stainless carbon steel coated with double refractory enamel.

Since August 2015, the manufacturer has changed the packaging due to the increasing counterfeiting and copying of the product. Now on the front of the box is a frying pan with the inscription: "Home BBQ".

A special manufacturing technology provides for firing enamel at a temperature of +900 degrees. It is this refractory and mechanical damage-resistant coating that the "Grill-Gas" frying pan has. The price depends on the originality of the product and ranges from 1050 to 2500 rubles. If you are offered to buy a frying pan at a lower cost, pay attention to the packaging: it may be a Chinese fake.

The reason for the popularity of the miracle pan

Consider the advantages that the "Gas-Grill" pan has in comparison with traditional methods of roasting meat and vegetables:

  • Simple and easy to use. Even a child can handle it.
  • The result is a healthy and tasty dish, since the cooking process does not require butter or margarine.
  • Products cooked in a pan can be consumed while dieting, as they are low in calories.
  • The convection principle cuts the cooking time in half. Pork and veal are baked for 30-35 minutes, chicken - 20-25 minutes, vegetables - 10-15 minutes.

  • The spacious tray allows you to cook dinner for four at a time.
  • Compared to an air grill, it is economical: the Grill-Gas frying pan does not require electricity.
  • The price is so reasonable that every housewife can buy it.
  • The presence of a pallet with water allows you to avoid smoke and fumes.
  • There is no need to roast separately meat or fish and vegetables for garnish. All this can be combined and cooked at the same time.
  • Durable. The enamel of the two-layer coating is fired at +900 degrees, which prolongs the life of the pan.
  • For a holiday, anniversary or housewarming, the "Grill-Gas" frying pan will be an excellent gift.

Customer Reviews

The basics of proper nutrition include the restriction or complete rejection of fried foods. However, this is not necessary if you have a Gas Grill pan. Reviews confirm that it allows you to fry food without the use of oil and margarine. The function of the steamer makes it an indispensable companion for people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

One has only to look at how much fat and oil will drain into the pan when cooking. But they could get into the body if you cook meat in the traditional way.

Many housewives have found a good alternative to the oven - this is the Miracle Grill Gas pan. Reviews show that with its help you can even bake pies and cook soufflés.

simple recipes

Even if you are a beginner in the kitchen, the Grill-Gas pan will help you create culinary masterpieces. yet simple and uncomplicated.

Vegetable dishes

eggplant caviar

Required products:

  • 4 blue eggplants;
  • 2 yellow and 2 red sweet peppers;
  • 3 small tomatoes;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt.
  1. Place vegetables on the grill, cover, simmer until tender.
  2. Clean the baked vegetables.
  3. Cut them finely with a knife or chop with a blender. Pepper, salt to taste, improve texture by adding oil.
  4. Serve with potato garnish.

Meat dishes

Pork skewers

Required products:

  • pork - 1 kg;
  • spices for barbecue;
  • 2 large onions;
  • mayonnaise.
  1. Rinse the pork, pat dry with a towel.
  2. Cut into pieces 2.5-3 cm in size.
  3. Peel the onion, cut into half rings.
  4. Mix pork, onion, spices, mayonnaise in a bowl.
  5. Leave to marinate for a day.
  6. Set the pan on the stove, pour water into the pan, install the grate.
  7. Place the barbecue on the grill. The "Gas-Grill" pan should already be preheated. Cover and bake until cooked through, depending on the size of the pieces of meat (about 30-35 minutes).
  8. Serve with greens and potatoes.

Stuffed pepper

Required products:

  • 4 bell peppers;
  • 300 g minced meat;
  • 100 g of rice;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • salt, spices.
  1. Finely chop the onion and carrot.
  2. Saute onions and carrots in a frying pan in a small amount of oil.
  3. Boil rice until half cooked.
  4. Mix minced meat, rice, fried vegetables, salt, spices.
  5. Wash bell pepper, cut lengthwise, remove seeds.
  6. Put minced meat in each half of the pepper.
  7. Set the pan on the stove, pour water into the pan, install the grate.
  8. Arrange the stuffed peppers on the grill. Cover with a lid and bake until done.
  9. Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Omelet with sausages

Required products:

  • 8 small sausages;
  • 4 eggs;
  • milk;
  • a piece of hard cheese;
  • salt, soda, vinegar, spices.
  1. Cut sausages.
  2. Grate the cheese.
  3. Beat eggs with a fork until smooth.
  4. Add milk, a pinch of salt, half a teaspoon of soda slaked with vinegar, spices if desired.
  5. Moisten 4 muffin molds with water or oil, pour the omelet into the molds.
  6. Sprinkle grated hard cheese on top.
  7. Set the pan on the stove, pour water into the pan, install the grate.
  8. Place omelet molds and sausages on the wire rack. Cover and bake until the omelet is done.
  9. Serve with greens.


with jam

Required products:

  • 1 sheet of ready-made puff pastry;
  • apple jam;
  • powdered sugar.
  1. Defrost puff pastry, roll into a circle.
  2. Cut the circle of dough with a knife into 8 pieces. You will get elongated triangles.
  3. Spread 1 teaspoon of jam on the outer edge of the triangle and roll into a tube.
  4. Set the pan on the stove, pour water into the pan, install the grate.
  5. Place bagels on the rack. Cover with a lid and bake until done.
  6. Cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

What does it take to feel like a chef? The simplest products that you have in your kitchen, and "Grill Gas" (frying pan). You can invent recipes yourself, change, supplement and cook a new dish every day. Experiment with the pan, surprise your family and friends, cook conveniently and with pleasure.

Hi all! With the onset of cold weather, he is drawn to heavy, fatty and junk food. It is true, because the body is preparing for the winter, making reserves. But what about trying to stay lean despite the changing seasons? It remains the traditional methods of struggle - to give preference to the right, but satisfying food. The ideal option is to cook in a harmless way. For example, without oil. Today I will tell you how to cook meat and vegetables in a grill pan is healthy, tasty, beautiful and low-calorie.

Inside there are interesting recipes and a description of the intricacies of how to choose the right dishes that will last for decades and will delight.

In my kitchen arsenal, for several years, utensils with a special coating have been living - a grill pan for the stove, I can't get enough of it. She always helps out, works perfectly. In addition, it has solid advantages:

  • Significantly expands gastronomic possibilities (I can cook any dish from the cuisine of the world: from Russian to Asian cuisine);
  • It serves for a long time (with proper simple care, the utensils “work” for decades);
  • Helps make healthy food minimum fat, maximum preservation of vitamins);
  • Easy to use (just you, dishes, stove - nothing more. Perfect date in the kitchen);
  • It is easy to cook without oil, it turns out low-fat dietary food (salvation for losing weight);
  • All recipes come out ideally, even the most seemingly intricate ones;
  • Several different ingredients are combined in one dish: vegetables with meat (due to their size, convenient coating);
  • Saves cooking time (high temperature brings food to readiness in 15-20 minutes).

Nice bonus - beautiful stripes from roasting in a grill pan on meat and vegetables (they look especially nice on eggplant, zucchini). It seems that the plate is just from the fire. You can add spices with the aroma of smoke, smoked meats, it will be almost like from a picnic.

Perhaps the only drawback heavy weight utensils. It’s difficult to take this one with you on hikes, on vacation, you won’t trust children to wear it (once again you’ll be on your guard while you carry the pan from place to place, God forbid it falls on your leg).

Making the right choice

If you want to pick up the right kitchen assistant for many years to come and not regret it, be sure to read the text below. In it, I have collected the fundamental points on how to choose and use dishes so that they serve for decades and never fail.

metal composition

Ideally, opt for cast iron (it will affect weight), and of good quality. If the alloy is not suitable for your stove (and be sure to check such subtleties with consultants, in the instructions for the technique), I advise cast aluminum options with non-stick coating(in cast iron, such a coating is not necessary). The rest of the alloys are bad, no matter what they promised in the store.

Remember, high-quality cast iron, aluminum goods are expensive. The above models are far from budgetary, so do not look at models for ridiculous money: 500 - 1000 rubles. Here it is more logical to spend money once, and then enjoy it all your life.

Price range

The price of worthy options starts from 2000 – 3000 rubles apiece. It may seem like a wallet cut, but the cost will pay off after so many years of using a delicious menu, new dishes, and the joy of loved ones.

Wall thickness

A very important parameter. The “chip” of a home grill for a stove is in high temperature, distributed evenly (the effect is best achieved with cast iron). The desired result is possible with thick walls. Food is heated evenly.

How to determine whether the selected model conducts heat well? The wall thickness is at least five millimeters. Thin walls - money thrown to the wind, so that shops do not try to impose there, talking about the reduced weight of inventory while maintaining all heat-conducting properties. There is only one rule. There are no exceptions.

bowl depth

Another selection criterion The deeper the bottom, the higher the temperature will remain, plus more food will come in (especially in a large family). There is a nuance. Fans of fish from a home grill, chicken breast, it is better to stay on a low dish, since these products require less intense heat. Medium temperatures will do. I recommend having two options: cook fish and other dishes.

Rib height

Ideally, when they exist not nominally, only for the sake of beautiful stripes, but rise significantly above the base. In this case, the food will not burn without oil, ensuring minimal contact with the surface (important for fish steak or halloumi cheese). Plus, the fat drains, allowing you to cook healthy meals. Even sausages for frying will become less harmful.


There are a few points left to remember. They must inspire reliability, since your bones do not ask for a cast-iron vessel that has fallen at your feet due to the fault of a weak holder.

  • Buy Models With cast holders (after all, you will have to carry a heavy burden in your hands, albeit your own). With them, it’s not scary for a squishy bolt that unexpectedly unscrews, it’s convenient to use in the oven. No need to worry about where to put the plastic handle.
  • Lovers to make life easier - silicone option. Avoid burns, weighting.
  • Another option - with a teapot. Fits in the oven, on a regular stove.

Spout for draining liquid

Pay attention to its presence. For example, fry a pork steak or blood sausages, blood and fat will drain from them. Drain them immediately in order to avoid burning the mixture (it is difficult to wash it later), an unpleasant smell, soot.

Trust trusted brands

Last point. Foreign Tefal, Scovo, the familiar Russian company Neva Metal. Of course, the choice is much wider. But the same Tefal can be found in every hardware store, it has a wide range of thoughtful models.

How to use?

It seems that we talked about the intricacies of choice. Now it's time to learn the rules of how to cook in a grill pan.

The very first thing to start commissioning is water procedures. Quite often, in order to preserve, a beautiful presentation, dishes are lubricated with a special chemical industrial composition. Naturally, it is not at all intended for living organisms. The first rule is remove factory seal.


Aluminum alloy with non-stick coating will be easy to handle. Just wash it in warm water with a sponge, detergent.

Cast iron

Cast-iron beauty will have to tinker longer.

Pour on the bottom salt and heat it up, let all the technical fat be absorbed. After you need to wash the dishes also with a foam sponge.

An important point concerns the washing of used utensils. Do not fill it with water immediately after use, especially cold. Let the metal cool a little and only then fill it with warm water. Do not be afraid of solidification and subsequent peeling with a crowbar. Cast iron and aluminum are pretty easy to deal with.

What is a grill pan for?

With the basics decided, now let's get down to the important.

  • First, when cooking, you can not use fat. Don't pour it when frying any eggplant. Vegetables retain juice. The maximum worth doing (and even then not always) is to lubricate the bottom with an oiled brush with the thinnest layer. You can use the usual olive, sunflower oil. Or coconut, such a product can withstand high temperatures, does not emit carcinogens. Plus - gives a pleasant aroma.
  • Second, buy special forceps to turn the pieces. Useful for halloumi cheese (and any other cheese, so as not to damage the appearance), steak, fish. In general, they are more convenient and easier to cook with.
  • If you love stew, consider buying lids, and some models already have it in the kit.

The nuances of working with food

  • Don't be under the illusion that a stove can replace an open fire and cook the thickest pieces well. Therefore, when hot, always beat off pieces and make them about one and a half centimeters. Otherwise, they will not be fried well, they will be raw (although lovers of a steak with blood will appreciate it).
  • Perhaps you can remain calm only for the thickness of the fish or chicken breast. These foods will still cook pretty quickly.
  • Cut vegetables into thin slices as well. A potatoes pre-boil (it will definitely cook) before spreading on the ribs.
  • Add spices and herbs, especially fresh ones. Under the influence of heat, they will give a pleasant aroma to the dish. In general, you have a lot of room for creativity and imagination.

I would like to share some of my favorite recipes.

The whole family loved this dish very much, and we use it as a side dish, it is very easy to cook, the vegetables are juicy and fragrant.

How to cut vegetables

  • Mushrooms in two parts.
  • Eggplant 0.5 cm slices or slices.
  • Zucchini or small white zucchini in 0.5-1 cm layers.
  • Bell peppers in stripes.

Marinade 1

  1. Pour water into a large cup or saucepan.
  2. Drip a tablespoon of olive oil.
  3. We sprinkle spices to taste, I add a dry Caucasian mixture - adjika ulyapskaya.

Dip vegetable slices 3-5 minutes and then fry for 5 minutes on both sides.

Marinade 2

  • Combine soy sauce with water in equal parts. This is necessary because it has a lot of salt.
  • Add a teaspoon of oil (ideally sesame)
  • We lower our pieces for a couple of minutes and put them on a hot surface, also grill for 5 minutes on both sides (if you like softer vegetables, increase the time. Some crispy ones retain useful fiber and maximum vitamins).
  • The finished dish can be decorated with sesame seeds.

Chicken breast with Italian herbs

  1. Grease the bottom with coconut oil, heat the grill. Take the breast, beat it with a kitchen hammer or the blunt side of a knife.
  2. Add spices, Italian herbs (preferably fresh, especially basil and something from spruce).
  3. Fry the chicken for 5 minutes on each side. I advise you to make a berry in advance sour sauce.

Together with chicken, it is also easy to fry fresh or frozen vegetables: green beans, peppers, broccoli and cauliflower.

homemade shawarma

You probably know how to do it. If not, I'll make it short:

  1. Take any prepared meat, cabbage, Korean carrots, fresh cucumbers, hard cheese, you can add onions.
  2. Lubricate the pita bread with your favorite sauce and lay out the chopped products.
  3. And now the most important thing - wrap the pita bread and put it on dry frying pan for 5 minutes on each side. It will turn out tasty, hot and dietary.

cheese steak

  1. Take suluguni or halloumi, cut it into slices 3-5 millimeters thick.
  2. You don’t need to grease the bottom with anything, the cheese is already quite fatty.
  3. When the pan is hot, put the pieces of cheese in just 1 minute, and immediately remove with tongs. A great appetizer, to decorate the bottom, chop the greens to taste.

Salmon with vegetables

  1. Pour a piece of 2-3 cm thick with soy sauce on both sides.
  2. We spread it in the center, and put boiled corn cobs around. Fry 3 minutes on one side and 2 on the other.

It is convenient to immediately purchase a separate book with dishes. Watch the video on how the ribeye steak is cooked.

Where can I buy?

The easiest option is to buy a grill pan in an online store.

  • On the site Ozon.ru a large selection, you can additionally read the reviews and ratings.
  • On aliexpress order at a good price.
  • IN El Dorado give a discount for pickup.
  • IN Corporation Center there is an installment.

Not so long ago, only professional chefs had this device, now you won’t surprise anyone with a frying pan with symmetrical hollows. But you can surprise with a treat cooked on it! Golden stripes awaken the appetite, give the pieces a restaurant chic, evoke thoughts of a picnic, a delightful meal in the fresh air. Knowing a few features of using a grill pan in the home kitchen, you will make a bestseller out of any dish. The simplest is suluguni grill.

Suluguni grill

You will need:

  • suluguni cheese - 300 g
  • a mixture of herbs - basil, oregano, rosemary, paprika, thyme, tarragon
  • wine or apple cider vinegar - to taste
  • olive oil - 1/2 teaspoon

How to cook:

Cut cheese into slices. Put in a deep flat dish, flavor with herbs, vinegar, let stand for 15-20 minutes. Brush the ribbed part of the pan with olive oil with a pastry brush. Heat the frying pan, lay out the cheese, turn it over with culinary tongs after a minute, serve.

Grilling secrets:

  • In order for the dish to fully reveal the taste, try to pre-marinate the products. If semi-finished products require salting, do it at the pickling stage, with the exception of vegetables.
  • Turn the pieces only once, otherwise the strips will be smeared. Do this with tongs or a silicone spatula. The exception is meat steaks, they should be turned over more often.
  • On a grill pan, everything cooks faster, so keep an eye on readiness, do not trust the experience of a regular pan.
  • It is a mistake to think that a grill pan does not require fat at all. A golden “zebra” will turn out if you fry the semi-finished products, like pancakes, on a slightly oiled surface. Otherwise, they will simply burn out. And don't worry about the calories! The dish will still be dietary. After all, fat will be required much less than in a flat frying pan, and the excess will drain into the hollows. The exception is foods that are fatty in themselves, such as expensive fish or meat with fat.

How to cook:

Cut the fillet in half, form a steak 1-2 cm high. Treat the meat with a tenderizer or lightly beat with a culinary hammer, after wrapping the steaks in cling film. Grind greens and garlic in a blender or finely chop. Marinate the steaks with herbs, garlic and salt in a deep flat dish, leave for 15-25 minutes. Brush the ribbed part of the pan with olive oil with a pastry brush. Heat the pan, put the steaks, turn over after a minute, reduce the heat, fry until tender (about five minutes).

There is always a choice!

  • Cast iron, aluminum or ceramic? Cast iron is stronger and more durable, but does not wash well and can rust. Aluminum is easy to clean and generally light, but can be deformed, which will violate the integrity of the coating. Ceramics does not tolerate overheating and is very fragile, but it washes well and looks modern. Doctors consider cast iron to be the safest material for health, but with proper care, aluminum with ceramics will not become harmful either. Just read the operating instructions carefully and strictly follow them.
  • Big or not so big? Depends on your stove. If it is gas or induction, then the size does not matter - the bottom will warm up anyway. If a ceramic or electric stove, then the pan should be chosen according to the size of the largest burner.
  • With or without press cap? If you can't live without grilled chicken, abs matter.
  • Round or square? See what you cook more often. More steaks will fit on a square one, and a round one will fry fruits and vegetables more evenly.

How to cook:

Cut vegetables: champignons in half, zucchini in circles, bell peppers in squares, tomatoes in half, onions in four parts. Prepare the marinade: clean the chili from seeds and finely chop, pass the garlic through a press, squeeze the lemon juice, mix and pour the dressing over the vegetables in a deep plate for 15-30 minutes. Brush the ribbed part of the pan with olive oil with a pastry brush. Heat the pan and fry the vegetables in one layer. A minute before the readiness to salt.

Hello dear readers! Today I will tell you about my favorite and explain for what merits the grill pan has received a special place in my kitchen. Striped fried crust, minimum fat, barbecue aroma, mmm ... How can such an assistant not please? Foods cooked in such a pan are less high-calorie and not so harmful to the figure. I decided to dispel the myths and help those who are just planning to make a bargain purchase make the right choice.

The grill pan is one of the most successful inventions. A simple device combines several functions and allows you to make a barbecue without leaving your home. The peculiarity of the grill pan is the ribbed bottom. The bottom of the pan, imitating a grill, makes dishes juicy and non-greasy. Thanks to the corrugations, the products do not completely touch the base and 50% of the dish is steamed. It turns out that the pan acts as an oven. It does not spoil the products, it is easy to use, it is easy to care for it. Thus, you save your time and remain a superhost in the eyes of others. And for adherents of a healthy diet, the big bonus is that much less oil is used during frying. The calorie content is not increased and you can treat yourself to a delicious fried beef steak or diet chicken fillet 🙂

Advantages and disadvantages

To love a grill pan is not only for mouth-watering stripes.

I will reveal secrets to you her superiority:

  • in an ordinary frying pan, the juice released by the food during frying burns and smoke appears. As a result, it forms a carcinogenic crust, which is bitter in taste and unhealthy. In a grill pan, food practically does not come into contact with a hot surface. All juice flows into the grooves and gradually evaporates;
  • if you are on a diet or, then it will help you not to overestimate the calorie content
  • the pan heats up evenly and maintains the reached temperature for a long time, which allows you to quickly cook food without overdrying it;
  • less oil is used. It is enough to spray it on the surface, lightly grease the bottom with a special brush or sprinkle the product;
  • you can cook different foods at the same time. For example, pork steak + mushrooms + vegetables;
  • can be used for cooking if you are on a diet and you can’t fried;
  • products do not stick to the bottom;
  • beautiful stripes on the finished product are obtained 🙂

cons the grill pan has an order of magnitude less than the pluses. But still there are some:

  • significant mass. Weight largely depends on the size of the pan and the material from which it is made;
  • cooking in a frying pan may be accompanied by smoke, so be sure to turn on the hood or open a window;
  • most often the pan is sold without a lid. When frying large pieces, fat and juice flowing into the grooves begin to splatter over the surface of the stove.
  • this one follows from the previous one - after such frying, you will have to wash not only the pan, but the entire stove 🙂

To avoid the last 2 cons, I usually resort to a little trick. When fried stripes appear on the product, I cover the pan. You can even cover it with a regular round lid, just to make sure there is less splatter.

How to cook

Let's talk about some of the nuances of cooking. Believe me, this pan can surprise you. Most often, meat, chicken, and fish are cooked on the grill. You can also cook vegetables and hard cheeses. If you cook without oil, the dish will turn out to be almost dietary.

To properly fry the product, you should follow simple rules:

  • oil is not used, or at a minimum. You can simply brush with a brush dipped in oil on the ribbed surface of the pan or the product itself.
  • to reveal the taste of the dish, first soak the products in the marinade. And while cooking, it is better not to add salt.
  • it is better to turn meat, fish and vegetables with special tongs. You can also use a wooden or silicone spatula.
  • Grill stripes will be more pronounced if the food is not turned over often.

Be careful - everything cooks faster on a grill pan. Therefore, at first it is heated, and after laying out the products, the fire is reduced.

How to fry meat and chicken

Do you want to get a juicy product with a grill flavor? The meat is obtained with a characteristic striped pattern. Toasted crust, but juicy inside.

Pork steaks

For example, steaks are very easy to prepare. It is better to take pieces a little thicker than 2 cm, although this is a matter of taste. Before frying, they need to be beaten off a little. If the steaks are thin, it is better not to fry them for a long time, they will turn out dry. Broken pieces of meat must be marinated. Take some olive oil, lemon juice, spices to taste. I love adding a couple more cloves of garlic. Let the steaks marinate for about an hour. After that, they are laid out on a hot frying pan.

Fry first for 1 minute on each side. Then another 3 minutes on both sides. If you like deep roasted meat, you can hold it a little longer.

Do not flip with a fork as she pierces the meat, juice flows out of it. The cooked steaks should be slightly springy when pressed, but not stiff.

Grilled chicken breast

To prepare, take the fillet, cut it lengthwise into 2 parts. Cover with cling film, beat off a little. For the marinade, chop the greens in a blender: dill or parsley, garlic. You can add cilantro, spices to taste. Add oil to the mixture. Marinate the breast pieces for about an hour.

On each side, the pieces are fried for 2-4 minutes. Be guided by their color, the strips from the grill should be ruddy. And the meat itself is light golden.


Fatty varieties are ideal for this pan. You can cook mackerel, salmon, salmon, tilapia, cod. Too tender meat of flounder, halibut, trout can simply fall apart when turning the pieces. Therefore, work with it with care.

Fish steaks or fillets are marinated before frying. Choose which one you like best. You can pickle in oil and lemon juice, sour cream, cream or ready-made spices. 15-20 minutes is enough, then it is laid out for frying one piece at a time. You can not lubricate the dishes with oil, the fish will give juice during cooking.

Cooked over medium heat. The fish should be placed diagonally relative to the stripes. This feature will prevent the fillet from falling apart. And there will be beautiful stripes.

As for the cooking time, here you need to focus on the readiness of the product. I cook a whole fish for about 15 minutes. If these are steaks, then usually they are ready in 5 minutes.

It is important not to overdo the fish in the pan. I love the taste of fish on a grill pan and often fry tilapia. And you?

Vegetables and cheese

Grilled vegetables go great with meat or fish. Perfectly obtained, both separately cooked and mixes. Not a complicated recipe - take a tomato, zucchini, sweet pepper. Peel and cut into circles, add spices to taste. Do not forget that salt is added to vegetables when they are almost ready.

You need to fry on both sides until dark stripes appear. If you want to cook grilled potatoes, you need to boil them until half cooked. Fry in the same way as other vegetables - until ruddy stripes appear. Then you can either just eat them or make such an original sandwich.

Want to grill cheese? To do this, choose solid varieties. They can be spiced, spicy or classic creamy. Grilled suluguni cheese is very tasty.

For cooking, you should cut it into squares, 4x4 cm in size. More can be. Spread the cheese on a hot frying pan, fry until stripes appear. It is an independent dish, but it can be used in salads.

How to choose for home

And now let's decide which is the best grill pan to buy for the home.

Which material is better: cast iron or aluminum?

Among experts on the most delicious steaks, cast-iron grill pans are considered the best. However, I am not an expert and decided not to dwell on one material, comparing the pros and cons of competitors.

  • cast iron pans respected for uniform heating great strength and durability. According to the experience of the housewives in such a pan, the meat is more juicy, soft. Food cooks faster and more evenly. For the sake of these advantages, you will have to work hard at the sink 🙂 But it’s better not to store food in it - cast iron gives the products a metallic smell. It is better to transfer the leftovers to a ceramic bowl. In addition, not every housewife will agree to carry such a burden around the kitchen.
  • aluminum frying pans designed for ease of use, but they are less durable. But they are more "friendly" to the hostesses, because. light and there is no problem with washing this pan. And to increase strength, the bottom is often reinforced with an anti-deformation disk.

Judging by the shop windows, there is generally a much greater demand for aluminum grill pans. But finding a cast-iron grill pan in stores is difficult.

Internal coating

Non-stick coating is applied to aluminum pans. A solid non-stick coating is applied in several layers. The first provides scratch resistance, the second provides adhesion strength, and the third enhances the non-stick properties.

The simplest is teflon coating. This coating is cheaper than competitors and copes with its function. But when using it, you need to be "on the alert." The fact is that at a temperature of 200 ° C, it begins to release volatile substances. The coating begins to evaporate and its components enter the lungs (animals die at the slightest dose, and in humans these substances cause cancer).

Recently gaining popularity ceramic and polymer-ceramic coatings. Grill pans with such a coating are more expensive, but it can withstand high temperatures and does not emit any carcinogenic substances. A significant disadvantage of such a coating is fragility. The coating can crack with a strong impact and deteriorate with sudden changes in temperature.

The durability of the coating can be extended by carefully washing the pan and using wooden or plastic spatulas.

There are many more variations from each manufacturer. For example, Tefal uses titanium coatings in some pans. In this case, the label should indicate: Allowed to use metal accessories". There are also granite and even diamond coatings!

I recently read that they have now come up with some kind of thermolon material to cover the pan. In terms of quality, the material is similar to natural ceramics. At the same time, it is incredibly durable and can withstand heating up to 450 ° C without negative consequences for human health. Although, after reading reviews on the Internet, there is a feeling that this is a marketing "husk". And they write that this is an ordinary non-stick coating, which is still made in China 🙂

What else to pay attention to

The main parameters have been studied. I also advise you to pay attention to important characteristics:

  1. bottom thickness. The bigger, the better. The ideal option is pans with a reinforced (anti-deformation) bottom, which accelerates the distribution of heat and protects against deformation.
  2. the height of the bottom ribs must be significant.
  3. capacity and shape do not affect the quality. When choosing a diameter, be guided by the size of your stove, burners and the number of family members. The most popular are square models with 20 cm sides.
  4. the outer coating of the pan is enamel, lacquer. Enamel coating is practical and durable.
  5. it is good when the handle is solid and covered with heat-resistant material. Equally convenient are the folding handles that allow you to use the grill pan in the oven.
  6. The grill pan does not require a lid. As a rule, manufacturers offer to buy a lid made of metal, heat-resistant glass, or a press lid separately.

It will also be very useful for you to see what the expert says in this video:

Typically, manufacturers report the compatibility of a particular pan with different stoves. In general, there are no restrictions for gas stoves, but not every frying pan can withstand the temperature of an electric burner. This question should be clarified when buying. For glass-ceramic cookers, choose a frying pan with a smooth outer bottom. For induction, both cast iron and aluminum with iron inserts in the bottom are suitable.

Overview of the most popular models

We will study in order the better the Tefal grill pan, reviews on the products of the company and its competitors. Let's evaluate the properties of materials, find out the prices and look at the photo of the pans 🙂

TEFAL Talent- square shape is made of aluminum, and the handle is made of bakelite and stainless steel. It has a Titanium Pro non-stick coating and an anti-deformation disc. The dimensions of the pan are 26x26 cm, and the bottom thickness is 4 mm. Compatible with all plates.

Grill pan Tefal TALENT, Tefal

6 779 rub.

To the store

TEFAL Flavor- round shape made of die-cast aluminum and has a Resist Plus non-stick coating. Its diameter is 31 cm. The bottom thickness is 5 mm. It is suitable for all cooktops except induction.

The advantages of a grill pan over an ordinary pan are that the meat does not touch the entire perimeter of the frying surface. Due to this, the pieces of meat do not lose precious juice, thereby remaining soft and tender from the inside, and outside they are covered with a striped and appetizing golden brown.

In such a pan, the meat is fried for a relatively short time, if it is well marinated before that.

As a result, it turns out not only juicy, but also acquires the taste and spice of the marinade. It is recommended to serve fried meat in a grill pan with fresh herbs, vegetables and various light snacks.

Grilled Meat - General Cooking Principles

For a grill pan, the meat should be washed under running water, then remove all excess and dry with paper towels. Then it should be cut into long layers (preferably against the fibers), no more than 2-3 centimeters wide. If chicken is taken for cooking, then it must be divided into 4 parts, or the sirloin must be fried.

Before cooking, the meat must be marinated and kept in this state for at least two hours.

The grill pan needs to be well heated. For even frying, cook at first on high heat, then it needs to be reduced.

After cooking, the meat should be allowed to “rest” for five minutes and only then it should be served at the table.

Fried meat in a grill pan - a classic recipe


750 g loin of beef;

A spoonful of olive oil;

40 g butter;

Two pinches of rosemary, salt and thyme;

Ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the beef, dry it and cut into pieces 2.5 cm thick.

2. Mash the butter in a bowl with a fork. Add rosemary, salt, thyme and black pepper to it.

3. Grate the resulting mixture on each piece of beef on all sides.

4. Grease a frying pan with olive oil and heat. Then lay out the pieces of meat and fry them on each side for four minutes.

5. As soon as a brown crust appears, transfer the finished meat to a plate. Give a little "rest".

6. After the juice from the steak stands out, serve it to the table along with grilled vegetables.

Meat in a grill pan: beef in a citrus marinade


500 g of beef;

One bow;

One lemon;

Two tangerines;

50 ml of vegetable oil;

A couple of black peppercorns.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the beef, dry thoroughly and cut into portions. Before this, if possible, cut off all noticeable veins and films. Meat can be beaten off a little.

2. Prepare the marinade. To do this, wash the tangerines and lemon, cut them in half and squeeze the juice. Cut off the neck and bottom of the onion, remove the dry scales, wash and cut into thin rings or half rings. Mix chopped onion and citrus juice, add salt and pre-ground black peppercorns.

3. Put the pieces of meat in an enameled container, pour over the marinade, mix thoroughly and leave in any cool place or in the refrigerator for marinating. This process will take an average of 3 to 6 hours.

4. After that, remove the meat from the marinade and fry in a grill pan previously greased with vegetable oil. Fry on both sides for about 4 minutes. During this time, the meat will have time to fry, but will not start to burn.

5. Serve with a salad of greens and vegetables. Garnish with lemon and mandarin slices.

Meat in kefir in a grill pan


490 g pork neck;

One onion;

300 g of kefir;

40 g of table mustard;

A spoonful of honey;

Oil for frying.

Cooking method:

1. Free the washed and dried meat from the veins and films, cut into portioned pieces for frying.

2. Cut off the neck and bottom of the onion, remove the dry scales and wash. Cut into rings or half rings.

3. For marinade in a saucepan, mix kefir, honey, onion, mustard and salt. Such a marinade will allow the connective tissue of the meat to quickly soften and not leave an extra acid taste.

4. Dip the meat in a saucepan with marinade, mix well and leave overnight in the refrigerator.

5. Then, one by one, pull out the pieces of meat from the marinade and fry the grill with butter in a heated frying pan. Fry on both sides until a ruddy textured pattern forms on the meat.

6. Serve with grilled vegetables.

Grilled meat: pork in sweet and sour sauce


550 g pork (shoulder part);

two oranges;

150 g dried apricots;

40 ml of liquid honey;

80 ml dry white wine;

Ground black pepper;

Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the meat, dry it and cut into medallions no more than 2 cm thick. Then beat the pieces of meat a little with a home hammer to even out its thickness. This will also allow the meat to marinate evenly.

2. Wash the oranges, dry them, and then cut them in half and squeeze the juice into the container.

3. Rinse dried apricots, pour warm water in a bowl and leave until softened, and then rinse again.

4. Marinate the meat in a mixture of the juice of one orange, salt, pepper and wine for about half an hour.

5. Prepare the sauce. To do this, grind dried apricots in a blender, alternately adding the juice of the remaining orange and honey to it.

6. Fry the marinated meat medallions in a grill pan in the usual way for 5-6 minutes on each side. The fire must be moderate, otherwise the meat will start to burn.

7. Put the prepared pieces of roasted meat on a serving plate and pour over the sauce prepared in advance. Garnish with lettuce and olives.

Grilled chicken meat with mushrooms


550 g chicken fillet;

200 g honey mushrooms;

90 g sour cream;


20 g of table mustard;

A few peas of black pepper;

Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the chicken fillet, air dry. Then cut into thick and large slices.

2. Pre-wash mushrooms, peel and boil until tender. Then fry the onion in a separate pan, after a few minutes add the chopped mushrooms. Cook everything together for 10 minutes.

3. Grind peppercorns to a powder.

4. Mix mustard, sour cream, salt and pepper in a bowl.

5. Pull mushrooms and onions into a plate.

6. In each piece of chicken fillet, make cuts in the form of pockets along the length.

7. Spread each piece with sauce and leave for 40-50 minutes to soften in a cool place with the lid closed.

8. Stuff the chicken fillet with mushrooms and onions.

9. Grease the grill pan with vegetable oil, heat up and fry all the stuffed chicken pieces in turn until cooked.

10. Serve cut into rectangular pieces along with vegetable salad.

Grilled lamb with garlic


550 g lamb;

A couple of cloves of garlic;

One lemon;

30 g spicy tomato sauce with pepper;

A couple of sprigs of fresh basil or mint;

Vegetable oil;

40 ml table white wine.

Cooking method:

1. Wash lamb, dry. Then cut into portioned small and thin pieces.

2. Peel and wash the garlic, crush and finely chop.

3. Wash the lemon, cut it in half and squeeze out the juice.

4. Sort the basil, wash, dry and chop.

5. For marinade, mix lemon juice, basil, garlic, tomato paste and table wine.

6. Dip the meat in the marinade, mix and leave for a day to marinate in a cool place, in a sealed container.

7. Lubricate the grill pan with vegetable oil, heat, lay out the pieces of meat one at a time and fry on each side for 9-10 minutes until cooked.

Meat in a grill pan: lamb with herbs


550 g of young lamb;

A couple of cloves of garlic;

A couple of sprigs of parsley;

A sprig of dill and cilantro;

A couple of sprigs of rosemary;

A pinch of red ground pepper;

Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Wash lamb, dry, cut off excess films, veins and fat. Cut into serving slices.

2. Peel the garlic, finely chop.

3. Sort parsley, cilantro, dill and rosemary, wash, dry and chop finely.

4. In an enamel bowl, mix garlic, herbs, salt and ground red pepper. Grate the pieces of meat with this mixture and leave for a few hours in the refrigerator.

5. Then take out the grill pan, grease it with oil, heat it up. Spread the pieces of meat for frying on both sides (approximately 10 minutes). While some pieces are fried, already fried ones can be removed in foil so that they do not cool down.

6. Fried lamb is very fatty, so it is better to serve it with fresh vegetables and herbs.

Grilled Meat - Tricks and Tips

Meat for cooking is better to take fresh. Frozen meat should be thawed in the refrigerator, then it should be kept at room temperature for half an hour.

To make a piece of meat cook even faster, you need to cover it with a transparent bag and beat it off on both sides with a special hammer.

For frying, non-lean meat is better suited and with fat evenly distributed throughout the piece. Cooking time depends on how done you want the steak.

The heated pan should not smoke, otherwise the meat may burn.

To make the dish dietary, you can fry pieces of meat without oil.

In the process of cooking, it is better to turn the meat over with a wooden spatula or special tongs.

As a side dish for serving meat, you can grill in the same frying pan, after pulling out the meat, fry coarsely chopped vegetables. Suitable: eggplant, bell pepper, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower or zucchini.
