
Bzhu 100 grams. Caloric content of food

The main nutritional components of food include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. The calorie content of a dish is determined by the amount of energy that is released in the digestive tract during the digestion of food. The last two groups (minerals and vitamins) do not release calories when they enter the body, so the energy value of the dish is primarily influenced by the calorie content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. So, how do these main components of nutrition differ in this indicator?

Photo gallery: Calorie content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

The most high-calorie substances that enter our body with food are fats. When splitting with the help of digestive enzymes, one gram of fat to end products (water and carbon dioxide) releases approximately 9 kilocalories of energy. Foods that contain a large amount of fat include all fatty meats and fish, lard, butter and vegetable oil.

The calorie content of carbohydrates is half that of fats and is approximately 4 kilocalories per gram of these substances. A large amount of carbohydrates is found in various types of bread, pasta, various cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, etc.), confectionery. You should also know that one hundred sugar is almost a pure carbohydrate, and the calorie content of one hundred grams of this product is almost 400 kilocalories.

The calorie content of proteins is approximately equal to the calorie content of carbohydrates, that is, when one gram of protein is broken down in the digestive tract, about 4 kilocalories will also be released. High-protein foods include lean meats and fish, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, cheese, eggs, caviar, beans, peas, and beans.

How, then, should we use information about the calorie content of proteins, fats or carbohydrates in our daily life? This information is important primarily for those who want to quickly get rid of excess body weight. The fact is that the calorie content of dishes (and therefore the entire diet) most directly affects our weight. If per day we receive the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which in total exceed the optimal energy value of the diet for us, then the excess calories will inevitably be stored in the form of body fat. As a result - the appearance of excess body weight, a flabby figure, the disappearance of interest from the opposite sex ...

So, what should be done in such a situation? First of all, you need to determine the level of caloric content of the diet that you need. This indicator will depend on many factors: your age, body weight, features of professional activity, level of physical activity in your free time. The best option would be, of course, to get advice from a specialist (nutritionist). It is believed that the calorie content of all proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the daily menu of an adult in total should be approximately 3000 kilocalories (but, again, this is a purely individual indicator).

If you are satisfied with your current weight, then you just have to ensure that the calorie content of your diet does not exceed this indicator. In this case, all the calories that will be released in your body due to the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates of food will be completely used up to ensure physiological processes. And excess body fat will simply have nowhere to come from.

But if you already have some overweight and therefore want to lose some weight, then you can intentionally slightly reduce the calorie content of the diet, i.e. make it equal not to 3000 kilocalories, but, say, 2900. In this case, in order to make up for the lack of 100 calories, our body will be forced to break down a small amount of fat already in its reserve every day, and your body weight will gradually decrease.

But remember that in no case should you reduce the calorie content of the diet by reducing the protein content in it (at least 90-100 grams should be supplied per day). But the amount of carbohydrates and fats consumed can be slightly reduced without much concern for the state of your health (although you should not completely exclude them from the diet either).

Thus, having information about the caloric content of the main components of nutrition, which include proteins, fats and carbohydrates, you can competently plan your diet and achieve the desired state of your figure.

The energy value of foods is quantified using a unit of measurement called a calorie. It has been established that the protein and carbohydrate components of food contain 4.1 kilocalories (kcal) per 1 gram, fat is more energy-intensive and contains 9 kilocalories per 1 gram.

Thus, the total calorie content of the product is calculated by the formula:

Calories = 4.1 x Protein + 4.1 x Carbs + 9 x Fat

Meat products

Meat products practically do not contain a carbohydrate component, they are rich in proteins and fats.

Animal fat, when consumed in excess, can provoke an increase in cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerosis. However, meat products should not be abandoned - meat and eggs contain a complete set of essential amino acids that the body needs to form muscle mass.

For a healthy diet, choose lean meats and egg whites. Calorie table of meat products:

Meat products
Beef 187 Braised: 232
Fried: 384
Pork 265 Braised: 350
Fried: 489
Mutton 294 Braised: 268
Fried: 320
Chicken breasts 113 Boiled: 137
Fried: 157
Chicken legs 158 Boiled: 170
Fried: 210
Duck 308 Baked: 336
Goose 300 Baked: 345
Eggs 155 Fried: 241
Boiled: 160
Egg white 52 Boiled: 17
Fried: 100
Egg yolk 322 Boiled: 220
Ham 365
boiled sausage 250
Smoked sausage 380
sausages 235


Milk is a source of protein, some fat-soluble vitamins and minerals.

Dairy products provide the body with beneficial probiotics that improve bowel function.

Cottage cheese provides the body with the slow protein casein, and cheese holds the record for calcium content among all foods. Calorie content of dairy products per 100g:

Fish and seafood

Fish is rich in proteins and fats, however, in contrast to fats from meat, fish oils are good for blood vessels and the heart due to their significant content of omega-3 fatty acids.

Seafood contains almost no fat - it is a high-quality protein product. Calorie content of fish and seafood in the table:

Fish and seafood Calorie content in 100 g of raw product Calorie content in 100 g of cooked product
Red caviar 250
Black caviar 235
Shrimps 95 Boiled: 95
squids 75 Boiled: 75
crayfish 75 Boiled: 75
Carp 45 Fried: 145
Keta 138 Fried: 225
Salmon 142 Fried: 155
Smoked: 385
Bream 48 Boiled: 126
Dried: 221
Pollock 70 Fried: 136
Perch 95 Braised: 120
Herring 57 Salted: 217
Sprats 250


Almost all vegetables are low in calories, with the exception of starchy vegetables such as potatoes and corn.

Vegetables contain insoluble fiber, which is not absorbed in the digestive tract, but makes it work properly. Give preference to fresh vegetables or process them to a minimum. Vegetable calories:

Vegetables Calorie content in 100 g of raw product Calorie content in 100 g of cooked product
cucumbers 15 Salted: 11
Tomatoes 20 Salted: 32
Onion 43 Fried: 251
Zucchini 24 Braised: 40
eggplant 28 Braised: 40
Potato 80 Boiled: 82
Fried: 192
Baked: 90
Cabbage 23 Braised: 47
Salted: 28
Broccoli 28 Boiled: 28
Carrot 33 Braised: 46
Mushrooms 25 Fried: 165
Marinated: 24
Dried: 210
Pumpkin 20 Baked:
Corn 101 Boiled: 123
Canned: 119
Green pea 75 Boiled: 60
Canned: 55
Greenery 18
Beet 40
bell pepper 19
Radish 16

Fruits and berries

Fresh fruits, like vegetables, are high in fiber. In addition, fruits and berries are rich in useful vitamins and antioxidants that support the proper functioning of all systems in the body and prevent the development of many diseases.

Fruits Calorie content in 100 g of raw product Calorie content in 100 g of cooked product
Apples 45 Jam: 265
Dried: 210
Pear 42 Jam: 273
Dried: 249
apricots 47 Dried apricots: 290
Bananas 90 Dried: 390
oranges 45 Candied fruits: 301
tangerines 41 Candied fruits: 300
Lemons 30 Candied fruits: 300
Grapefruit 30 Candied fruits: 300
Cherry 25 Jam: 256
Plum 44 Jam: 288
Dried: 290
Raspberries 45 Jam: 273
Strawberry 38 Jam: 285
Currant 43 Jam: 284
Gooseberry 48 Jam: 285
Grape 70 Raisins: 270
Kiwi 59 Dried: 285
Mango 67 Dried: 314
Peaches 45 Jam: 258
Melon 45 Candied fruits: 319
Watermelon 40 Candied fruits: 209
A pineapple 44 Dried: 268
Pomegranate 52
Avocado 100


Water, coffee and tea without milk and without sugar have zero calories.

All other drinks are quite energy-intensive and should be taken into account when calculating the daily calorie content. Pay attention to the calorie content of alcoholic beverages. The alcohol contained in them is estimated at an energy intensity of 7 kilocalories per 1 gram. This is less than that of fats, but almost twice as much as that of proteins and carbohydrates.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are rich in vegetable proteins, fats and fiber.

This is a very high-calorie product, but you should not completely abandon it, since nuts contain many nutrients.

Seeds can be sprinkled on a salad, and a handful of nuts can be taken with you and used as a healthy snack. How many calories are available in nuts and seeds:

Cereals and legumes

Cereals supply what the body needs for a balanced diet.

Consuming slow-acting carbohydrates prevents a spike in blood glucose and keeps you full for hours. In addition to carbohydrates, legumes contain a large amount of vegetable protein. Calorie content of cereals and legumes per hundred grams:

Flour products and sweets

These products have practically no nutritional value, but they are very energy intensive.

When losing weight, the amount of flour products and sweets is recommended to be reduced to a minimum or completely abandoned. Such products do not contain nutrients, have a significant value of the glycemic index, supply the body with fast carbohydrates and “empty” calories, which are more likely to be stored as fat. Calorie sweets:


Sauces and various dressings are usually added to salads or used with meat. Since many of them are quite high in calories, this fact should be taken into account when calculating daily calories. Sauce calorie table:

The Best Products for Weight Loss

The main goal of weight loss is to saturate the body with nutrients without adding unnecessary calories.

Pay attention to products with a low fat content, the method of preparation of the dish also matters. It is preferable to steam, boil or bake in the oven.

The best products for weight loss in the table:

Product category Recommendations
Meat products Choose boiled chicken breasts or cook lean beef or lean pork in the oven. Egg white should be separated from the yolk to reduce the calorie content of the product. Avoid all processed meats.
Dairy Opt for low-fat milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, and kefir to fill your body with protein without the extra calories.
Fish and seafood Steamed or grilled fish and seafood can be added to the diet without restrictions.
Vegetables Reduce your consumption of potatoes and corn. Prefer to use fresh vegetables for salads or steam them.
Fruits Eat fresh fruit only. Fresh fruits are low in calories, with the exception of avocado and banana, but high in fructose, which is a fast carbohydrate. If you want to lose weight, consider this fact.
Beverages Water, coffee and tea without milk and without sugar in unlimited quantities. Other drinks should be avoided during the period of weight loss.
Nuts and seeds No more than 10 nuts per day, taking into account their calorie content in the daily diet.
Cereals and legumes Boil porridge in water. Complex carbohydrates should not be avoided when losing weight - without them, you will quickly break loose and break the diet.
Flour products and sweets Refuse for a period of weight loss and limit after this period.
Sauces For salad dressing, it is enough to sprinkle it with vegetable oil, vinegar or lemon juice.

Best Mass Gaining Foods

To build muscle mass, you should increase the daily intake. This, however, does not mean that you need to eat all high-calorie foods in a row.

For a healthy diet, focus on complete proteins and complex carbohydrates.

Product category Recommendations
Meat products Along with boiled breasts, make scrambled eggs, as well as steaks and lean meat chops.
Dairy Any dairy products are allowed, but it is better to focus on whey protein and cottage cheese as a source of casein.
Fish and seafood Boiled, fried and steamed fish and seafood.
Vegetables Limit your consumption of fresh vegetables, as the fiber will prevent digestion of the food you eat.
Fruits Limit sugary fruits due to fast carbs or use them after your workout.
Beverages Give up alcohol - it inhibits protein synthesis in the body and reduces the ability of muscles to recover after a workout.
Nuts and seeds Limit your serving size as nuts are difficult for the body to digest and will cause discomfort in the digestive tract if consumed in large quantities.
Cereals and legumes Oatmeal, buckwheat and lentils have a moderate glycemic index and provide the body with many beneficial micronutrients.
Flour products and sweets Limit these foods due to fast carbohydrates. Can be used as a cheat meal or immediately after a workout.
Sauces Give preference to vegetable oil - in artificially prepared sauces there are a lot of preservatives and salt.

The online calculator of daily calorie and BJU will help you understand what rate is needed to maintain shape, gain weight or lose weight. Specify your parameters, choose a lifestyle and a goal. The system will do the calculation automatically!

Your height (cm):

Your weight, kg:

Your lifestyle:

Don't know Sedentary, sedentary Light activity (exercise 1-3 times a week) Moderate activity (exercise 3-5 times a week) High activity (heavy loads every day) Extremely high activity

Your aim:

Daily calorie intake:
according to the average consumption per kilogram 2600 - 3000;
according to the Harris-Benedict formula 2923;
according to the formula Mifflin - St. Jeor 2410.
Landmarks for:
calorie range 2290 - 2531;
daily protein intake 143 - 221 grams;
daily fat intake 64 - 84 grams;
daily intake of carbohydrates 258 - 348 grams.

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates are the most important components of our food. When planning a diet for weight loss, it is necessary to accurately calculate the daily calorie intake to meet the needs of the body and the ratio of BJU. Properly selected nutrition will allow losing weight:

  • do not feel hungry, lethargic and weak;
  • provide yourself with enough nutrients;
  • effectively lose weight, keep weight at a certain level, which is especially important for women;
  • for men - choose a diet for gaining muscle mass or for weight loss, prepare the body for drying;
  • get the right ratio and balance of nutrients in the body.

Online calculator for calculating BJU and daily calorie intake

  • specify your parameters;
  • choose a lifestyle and purpose;
  • the system will do the calculation automatically.

Why do you need to know?

The counter will allow you to get answers to the questions:

  • How many calories do we need to lose weight?
  • Should I increase / decrease the nutritional value of food?
  • Are we eating enough BJU?

Daily calorie intake for weight loss

How many calories do you need per day to lose weight? How to correctly calculate calories and their consumption? An online calorie calculator will help you solve these problems.

Of course, every person who wants to lose weight has their own lifestyle: some more, some less active. Accordingly, one needs to calculate the number of calories per day for weight loss and strictly adhere to this plan, while the other just needs to decide how much he needs to keep himself in shape.

How to correctly calculate calorie consumption for weight loss

If you decide to lose weight, you need to know your allowable rate and the optimal number of calories per day. To calculate calorie consumption and understand what calories a particular dish has, use the online calculator.

To calculate your calorie intake per day, you need to determine how many of them you consume in one day.

There is a specially designed Mifflin-St Geor formula:

  • daily calorie intake for men: (10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (g) + 5) x A;
  • for women, the daily calorie intake is calculated using the same formula, the difference from the male formula in the last coefficient: +5 changed to -161.

After performing this simple computational operation, we obtain data to keep ourselves in shape. In order to calculate the calorie content for weight loss, multiply the result by the indicator of physical activity (A):

  • low (sedentary work in the office + rare walks around the city) = 1.2;
  • small (the above + exercises in the gym + swimming several times a week) \u003d 1.4;
  • average (training 3-5 times a week) = 1.6;
  • high (daily physical activity) = 1.7.

Harris-Benedict Formula.

BMR (basal metabolism) * AMR (active metabolism).

BMR for women: 447.593 + (9.247 * weight in kg) + (3.098 * height in cm) - (4.330 * age in years).

BMR for men: odds 88.362; 13.397; 4.799; 5.677 respectively.

  • Sedentary lifestyle - 1.2;
  • Moderate activity - 1.375;
  • Average (classes 3-5 times a week) - 1.55;
  • Active people (intense loads) - 1,725;
  • Athletes (6-7 times a week) - 1.9.

For a set of muscle mass AMR=1.2; for losing weight women and men - 0.8.

Consumption per kilogram depends only on weight and lifestyle:

  • sedentary. 1 kg from x26 to x30;
  • light activity. 1 kg from x31 to x37;
  • average. 1 kg from x38 to x40;
  • high. 1 kg from x41 to x50;
  • extreme. 1 kg from x50 to x55.

Norm for men and women per day for weight loss

Nutritionists say that when losing weight, the daily calorie intake for a woman and a girl should be at least 1100-1300 kcal. Such an amount of consumption is able to provide the female body with everything necessary.

For weight loss, the daily calorie intake for a man is slightly higher - 1300-1600 kcal. It is extremely important to calculate the calorie content of the food you eat in such a way that it contains not only proteins, but also complex carbohydrates. In no case should you refuse entire groups of products. This can negatively affect your well-being.

How to calculate the daily calorie intake for weight loss?

The online daily calorie calculator will help you understand what calorie intake you need to keep fit, as well as make a calculation and help you understand how many calories per day you need to lose weight. In addition, you can calculate the rate yourself using tables and formulas for calorie intake.

For a person, the recommended daily calorie intake for weight loss is 20% less than the result that you received in the course of the above calculations (1200-1400 kcal). For a child (up to 10 years old), the average daily intake, when losing weight, fluctuates around 1800-2000 kcal, and for a teenager the recommended daily intake is 2300-2500 kcal.

The ratio of BJU in the diet

For a long time, doctors, nutritionists, scientists and physiologists have tried to derive a proportional ratio of BJU so that the human body can fully function, and also so that diseases associated with inadequate or malnutrition do not arise. As a result, they established the following relationship, which is important to remember:

  • 1 g B = 4 kcal;
  • 1 g F = 9;
  • 1 g Y \u003d 4.

On the day a person should consume food containing 40% protein and carbohydrates and 20% fat. The formulas for calculating are as follows:

  • B: (2000 kcal * 0.4) / 4;
  • W: (2000 * 0.2) / 9;
  • Y: (2000 * 0.4) / 4.

The results obtained are for you the necessary norm for each substance separately.

Table of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU) products

The last task remains: to find food that matches these data.
It is important to take into account its usefulness for the body, the presence of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other useful elements that are directly involved in the growth and regeneration of cells and the proper functioning of all internal organs and systems.

The menu should be varied. If possible, include dairy and sour-milk products, meat, fish, cereals, fruits, vegetables, flour, nuts, sweets.

When compiling a balanced diet, this table will be an excellent helper:

Product Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories per 100g
boiled chicken egg 12,7 10,7 0,8 144
buckwheat 12,6 3,3 68,0 335
rice 7,0 1,0 77,3 330
boiled brown rice 2,7 0,8 24,7 116
semolina 10,3 1,0 73,3 328
oatmeal 11,0 6,1 65,4 303
durum wheat 13,0 2,5 66,6 301
wheat bran 15,1 3,8 33,5 191
Hercules 11,0 6,2 65,7 305
pearl barley 9,3 1,1 73,7 320
Dutch cheese 26,0 26,8 0,6 352
low-fat cottage cheese 18,0 0,6 1,8 88
raw cow's milk 3,2 3,6 4,8 64
Mozzarella 21,2 20,7 0,7 264
low-fat kefir 3 0,05 3,8 30
sour cream 10% 3,0 10,0 2,9 115
banana 1,5 0,1 21,8 89
watermelon 0,7 0,2 10,9 38
apple 0,4 0,4 11,8 45
cherries 1,1 0,4 11,5 50
cherry 0,8 0,5 11,3 52
pear 0,4 0,3 10,9 42
melon 0,6 0 10,3 38
strawberry 0,6 0,3 7,2 33
raspberries 0,8 0,3 14,1 42
peach 0,9 0,1 11,3 46
black currant 1,0 0,2 11,5 38
kiwi 1,3 1,0 9,8 52
White cabbage 1,8 0,1 6,8 27
cauliflower 2,5 0,3 2,4 30
corn 3,5 2,8 15,6 101
potato 2,0 0,4 18,1 80
salad 1,5 0,2 3,1 17
carrot 1,3 0,1 9,3 34
bulb onions 1,4 0 10,4 41
Sweet pepper 1,3 0 7,2 27
garlic 6,5 0 6,0 46
tomato 1,1 0,2 5,0 23
beet 1,5 0,1 11,8 42
tomato 1,1 0,2 5,0 23
cucumber 0,8 0,1 3,8 14
vegetable marrow 0,6 0,3 5,2 23
bell pepper 1,3 0,1 7,2 26
cod 17,1 1,1 0,6 81
pink salmon 20,8 6,8 0,5 147
squid 19,0 2,6 1,3 105
pollock 16,5 1,3 0,6 78
salmon 20,8 10,1 1,3 172
trout 20,3 7,9 0,4 152
tuna 22,5 2,6 0,3 115
chum salmon 21,3 6,1 1,1 140
beef 20,4 12,7 0,5 193
beef liver 18,8 4,2 3,4 125
mutton 16,9 17,4 1,2 219
pork 20,5 11,5 0,04 209
chicken 21,3 9,7 1,3 175
chicken breast 23,9 2,9 0,7 124
chicken liver 19,8 6,7 1,1 143
chicken thigh 19,4 11,5 2,0 187
minced chicken 17,7 9,9 0,6 164
turkey breast 20,5 3,2 0,1 111
turkey fillet 20,0 4,1 0,2 117
peanut 26,3 45,2 9,9 551
cashew 22,6 49,0 17,5 606
dairy pasta 11,5 2,9 67,1 345
hard pasta 10,4 1,1 74,9 337
spaghetti 9,9 1,4 59,2 293
wheat grain bread 8,1 1,4 45,6 231
black bread Borodino 6,8 1,3 41,8 207
premium wheat flour 10,3 1,1 70,6 334
pita 9,1 1,1 56,2 277
green beans 1,2 0,1 3,1 16
beans 21,0 2,0 54,5 292
green peas 5,0 0,2 13,8 73
asparagus 3,8 2,0 4,4 46
chanterelles 1,6 1,1 2,2 20
raisin 1,8 0 72,2 262
dried apricots 3,0 0 68,5 227
dates 2,5 0 72,1 271
granulated sugar 0 0 99,8 379
natural honey 0,8 0 80,3 314
raspberry jam 0,6 0 72,6 275
water 0 0 0 0
black coffee 0,2 0 0,3 2
cocoa powder 24,2 17,5 33,4 380
crab sticks 6,0 1,0 10,0 73
cutlet 15,4 18,1 8,2 248
smoked sausage 17,0 40,3 2,1 431
sausages 11,2 23,9 2,3 256
boiled breast 25,4 3,2 0,4 130
mashed potatoes 2,5 3,3 14,4 96
fried zucchini 1,2 6,6 7,1 96
braised cabbage 3,4 4,0 7,4 66
pancakes 6,1 8,4 27,9 206
pancakes 6,6 7,6 35,3 229
dumplings 11,5 14,0 25,8 265
pizza 9,3 13,4 24,7 260
pilaf 10,0 9,9 26,5 211
millet porridge 4,9 2,4 25,7 138
boiled rice 3,3 1,7 24,8 130
fried eggs 14,2 16,8 1,2 211
borsch 2,7 3,1 3,8 56
chicken bouillon 3,2 1,6 1,4 32
cheeseburger mcdonalds 13,9 11,9 28,6 281
french fries mcdonalds 3,2 12,7 31,3 252

To make the consumption of these components even more beneficial, it would be nice to additionally:

  • go in for sports (running, walking, squats, push-ups, press - these are the minimum physical activities that everyone needs);
  • spend more time outdoors.

Everyone knows what is calculated due to the energy released during the digestion of food. At the same time, minerals and vitamins are not high-calorie. The main nutritional ingredients that affect meals are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Let's talk about this in more detail, and in particular about what is the calorie content of proteins, why the body needs them, and how they should be consumed.

Healthy protein food

Usually, when calculating calories, most of all look at the fats and carbohydrates that are found in food. But the calorie content, as a rule, is ignored. Of course, these questions are the most relevant for those people who want to quickly get rid of extra pounds.

At the same time, proteins are very important for the normal functioning of the body. They are involved in the structure of tissues, essential enzymes and hormones. But, of course, this does not mean that they should be consumed in excessive quantities. Such a diet will also lead to an excess of calories, and with it, to excess fat mass.


The most high-calorie, of course, are fats. One gram of substances they have is equal to nine kilocalories. At the same time, there are more than half as many calories in proteins and carbohydrates: there are only four kilocalories per gram. It turns out that when a protein gram is broken down, about four kilocalories are released. Therefore, people who want to adjust their weight indicators should definitely find out the optimal level of diet and study the calorie content of proteins, as well as fats and carbohydrates.

According to average estimates, it is believed that a person should consume from two to three thousand kilocalories per day. In fact, this indicator should be individual. It depends on various factors, such as body weight, activity level, age and occupation. If you want to lose weight, you should not pay attention to the calorie content of proteins. The reduction should be made by limiting the intake of carbohydrates and fats.

How much protein does a person need?

Every day, the human body requires up to one hundred grams of protein. If we consider plant products, then most of them are found in soy: per hundred grams - it contains approximately thirty grams of protein. Peas and beans are also rich in them. It can be found in large quantities in some products of animal origin, among which eggs, sea fish, poultry, fish caviar stand out. They also have up to thirty grams of protein per hundred grams.


Often speaking of proteins, they mean directly a part of a chicken egg. This product is eaten raw, boiled, and fried. Some people, on a diet, separate it from the yolk and use it separately. The omelette then turns out to be very useful and tasty. Let's study how many calories are contained in this product.

Chicken protein: nutritional value

For 99%, this species is able to be absorbed by the body. Therefore, he alone can fully cover the daily norm for a person. A chicken egg weighs about seventy grams on average. At the same time, the protein in it is fifty grams. Therefore, speaking of one hundred grams, we mean the parts separated from two eggs. Their calorie content is only 45 kilocalories. It turns out that eating an egg without a yolk, you can not worry about your figure. But it does not contain carbohydrates and fats at all. Therefore, this product is extremely rich in proteins and is very easy to digest. Thus, these taken from two or three eggs completely cover the daily requirement of the body.

In addition, the protein includes glucose and enzymes that allow you to quickly digest food, preventing the intestines from becoming clogged with toxins. It also contains vitamins B, A, D. Even if there are no meat products in the diet, the substance will fully provide the necessary niacin, the absence of which interferes with the formation of sex hormones and the proper functioning of the brain. Thus, the complete rejection of animal food can even lead to the loss of reproductive function.

The low calorie content of protein has made the product extremely popular in cooking: it is included in all types of pastries and sweet cream. Salads with its addition become more useful. At the same time, yolks can find a lot of useful applications. For example, they are used to make crumbly cookies. In addition, there are many beauty recipes using this part of the egg. Many face and hair masks are made from it, either alone or with other ingredients.

Boiled and fried protein

The calorie content of 1 g of protein, of course, also depends on the method of its preparation. In order for all useful properties to be preserved, the heat treatment method must also be taken into account. So, one hundred grams of boiled protein contains from forty to forty-four kilocalories. At the same time, there will be more of it in fried form, since other fats also take part in this process. So, a whole fried egg per hundred grams will be as much as 360 kilocalories.

and ready meals

So, the daily norm for a person on average is 2500 kilocalories. But, as mentioned earlier, these indicators are very individual. So, for women under 25 years old, leading a sedentary lifestyle, this rate is 2000 kilocalories. From 26 to 50 years old - and even less, about 1800. However, if they lead an active lifestyle, then the norm increases by 200 kilocalories daily.

For men who lead a sedentary lifestyle, under the age of 30, the norm per day is 2400 kilocalories. And for those who are older, from 31 to 50 years old - 2200. But if their lifestyle is active, then up to thirty years old they need 3000 kilocalories, and up to 50 years old - from 2800 to 3000.

For clarity, the following table of caloric content of products and ready meals is given.

It is 100 grams, which corresponds to 410 kilocalories. But fats should be consumed less per day, only 60 grams. But, in terms of kilocalories, it will be equal to 560. Fats are necessary for the body. For example, Omega 3s are fatty acids. A good balanced diet is a daily allowance of 30 grams of animal and 30 grams of vegetable fats. Carbohydrates per day is enough 370 grams. In terms of kilocalories, this turns out to be 1530. Thus, the body needs them the most. And it's natural. After all, it is carbohydrates that provide the body with the necessary energy.


If necessary, the body will be able to adapt to a smaller amount of protein consumed daily. However, it is unreasonable to subject it to such loads. The amount of protein consumed, which is needed every day, should not be reduced. Weight loss should come from carbohydrates and fats. Then there is simply no place for fat deposits to come from.

Proteins are involved in almost all processes. Their deficiency has a negative effect on the body. This leads to changes in the liver, deterioration in the absorption of substances, hormonal levels, disruption of the endocrine glands. Even deaths have been recorded when low-calorie diets were followed for a long time. Eating protein foods is very important for maintaining human health. For Russians, this issue is especially relevant, since, judging by the studies, we usually do not have enough of this biologically active substance in our diet.

Caloric content of products or their energy value is the amount of energy released in the human body from food during digestion. The calorie content of a product shows the potential amount of energy that your body can receive if the product is fully absorbed. The actual amount of energy will depend on many factors, primarily on the composition of the food product.
The calorie content of products or their energy value is measured in kilocalories (in Russia - kcal, in the European Union - kcal, in the USA - calories) or kilojoules (kJ, kJ) per 100 g of the product.

food calorie- used to measure the energy value of food. A food calorie is a measure of the amount of energy 1000 times more than a calorie in a scientific context, so when referring to calories in kilocalories, the prefix "kilo" is often omitted, meaning "food calorie". One food calorie is equal to 4.184 kJ.

Calorie- a unit of measure for the energy contained in food. This is the amount of energy required to heat one gram of water by one degree Celsius. To measure the number of calories in food products, the laboratory measures the change in water temperature due to the energy released during the complete splitting of chemical bonds in a particular product (for example, when proteins and fats of chicken meat are decomposed into chemical elements - carbon, hydrogen and oxygen).

Nutritional value of the product

Nutritional value of the product- this is the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in it per 100 grams of product.


Proteins (proteins, polypeptides) are high-molecular organic substances consisting of alpha-amino acids connected in a chain by a peptide bond.
Proteins are an important part of human nutrition, since all the necessary amino acids cannot be synthesized in his body, and some of them come with protein foods. During digestion, enzymes break down consumed proteins into proteins that are used in the biosynthesis of body proteins or are further broken down for energy.
Proteins are necessary components of all living organisms, they are involved in most of the life processes of the cell. Proteins carry out metabolism and energy transformations. Proteins are part of cellular structures - organelles, secreted into the extracellular space for signal exchange between cells, food hydrolysis and formation of intercellular substance, etc.
The end products of protein oxidation are water, carbon dioxide, urea and ammonium salts.
The main sources of proteins: meat, poultry, fish, milk, nuts, legumes, grains; to a lesser extent: vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms.
The energy value of proteins is 4.1 kcal/g (17 kJ/g).


Fats (triglycerides, lipids) are one of the main sources of energy for mammals. Along with carbohydrates and proteins, fats are one of the main components of the cells of animals, plants and microorganisms. The energy value of fats is approximately 2 times higher than carbohydrates, subject to their bioavailability and healthy absorption by the body. Fats perform important structural functions in the composition of cell membrane formations, in subcellular organelles.
Emulsification of fats in the intestine (a necessary condition for their absorption) is carried out with the participation of bile salts. Fats (triglycerides) are metabolized to fatty acids and glycerol.
The energy value of fat is approximately 9.1 kcal per gram, which corresponds to 38 kJ / g.


Unlike fats and proteins, carbohydrates by themselves cannot be used as building materials. Their purpose is to give the energy necessary for the flow of biochemical processes. If at the moment the body does not need energy, then carbohydrates turn into fuel reserves - readily available (glycogen) or long-term (adipose tissue). In the body, carbohydrates are hydrolyzed into simple sugars such as glucose and fructose.
The energy value of carbohydrates is 4.1 kcal/g (17 kJ/g).

A product that says 100 kcal per 100 g on its packaging will not necessarily give your body 100 kcal of energy. If these are carbohydrates, then the body is forced to either immediately use all 100 kcal of energy, or store them in the form of fat reserves. If these are proteins or fats, then at first they are used as building materials for cell renewal, the synthesis of enzymes and hormones, etc., and only what remains will go “for fuel” or be stored in reserve in the form of adipose tissue .

Dietary fiber

Alimentary fiber- an integral part of plant food, which is not digested in the human body, but plays a huge role in its life. It cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and enhances its activity, which as a result has a beneficial effect on almost all disorders. In the colon, unlike the upper parts of the digestive tract, there are many beneficial microbes that can digest fiber.
Dietary fiber (fiber) has a lower energy value than sugar and starch because it cannot be fully absorbed by the body. The human body has specific enzymes that break down carbohydrates (sugar and starch) into glucose, fructose and galactose, which can then be processed by the body. However, the human body does not have enough enzymes to break down dietary fiber.
insoluble fiber(cellulose, lignin) the body is unable to absorb them and nutritionists claim that insoluble dietary fiber has an energy value of 0 calories per gram. Insoluble fiber accelerates the passage of food through the digestive tract, provides regular bowel movements, relieves.
Soluble fiber(pectin, gums, mucus) can be partially fermented, broken down and absorbed by the body. Nutritionists have not reached a consensus on what the energy value of soluble fiber is, according to some approximations, about 2 kcal / g (8.5 kJ).
In some countries (including Russia), dietary fiber is not listed on food labels; their calorie content is considered to be zero. In other countries (eg USA) all fibers must be listed, their caloric content is considered to be 4 kcal/g (because chemically fiber is a type of complex carbohydrate).

Alcohol (Ethanol)

Alcohol (ethanol) in the human body is converted into acetaldehyde under the influence of alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes, and then into acetyl-coenzyme A under the influence of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase enzymes. Acetyl-coenzyme A is the end product of both carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and can be further used for energy production or for biosynthesis. Thus, ethanol is a nutrient. However, the product of this first step, acetaldehyde, is more toxic than ethanol.
The energy value of alcohol is 7.1 kcal/g (26 kJ/g).

Organic acids

The human body receives a certain amount of heat during the oxidation of certain organic acids (lactic, acetic, formic, citric, oxalic, etc.). The calorie content of organic acids is calculated conditionally according to the coefficient adopted for carbohydrates.
The energy value of organic acids is 2.2-3 kcal/g (9-13 kJ/g).

Polyhydric alcohols (glycerin, sweeteners)

A group of polyhydric sugar alcohols are not as sweet in taste as sucrose and have less dietary energy than sucrose. They can be used as sweeteners.
The most widely used polyhydric alcohols are: arabitol, erythritol, glycerin, isomalt, lactitol, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol.
Despite the differences in the calorific value of sugar-containing alcohols (from 0.2 to 4.3 kcal/g), the EU has adopted an average value of 2.4 kcal/g for all sugar alcohols.

When calculating the calorie content of products, chemicals such as water, minerals, pentosans, cellulose, etc. are not taken into account. For example, if cheese contains (in%) fats - 28.5, proteins - 20.0 and carbohydrates - 3.5, then the calorie content of 100 g of cheese will be 361.4 kcal (28.5 * 9.3 + 20.0 * 4.1 + 3.5 * 4.1). This calculation gives the so-called theoretical calorie content, since the complete digestibility of proteins, fats and carbohydrates of food by the body is conditionally accepted. In fact, the food is not fully digested. Based on many years of observations and experiments, the Institute of Nutrition of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences established that with a mixed diet of adults, the average digestibility of proteins is 84.5%, fat - 94%, carbohydrates - 95.6%. To obtain practical calorie content, the calorie content of products should be calculated taking into account their digestibility.

Method for determining the calorie content of products

Theoretically, there are various ways to determine the calorie content of foods. For example, the energy value of products can be measured using the thermodynamic potential, the so-called Gibbs energy - the change in energy during a chemical reaction or by counting the number of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) nucleotide molecules that transport chemical energy into cells for metabolic processes, redox reactions using simple and complex sugars (carbohydrates), or lipids (fats) as an energy source.

At the end of the 19th century, the American chemist Wilbur Atwater developed a method for determining food energy based on the heat of combustion of a liquid or solid in a sealed thick-walled steel cylinder - a calorimetric bomb. At the same time, he introduced amendments that take into account the efficiency of digestion, absorption, etc.
This method of assessing food energy, called the method of direct calorimetry, has a number of disadvantages, the most serious of which is that the protein is oxidized in the body just like in the calorimeter only in the state of starvation, exhaustion of the body.
Under normal conditions, protein is used by the body in processes such as the biosynthesis of protein, hormones, nucleic acids, etc. Thus, the food energy obtained from proteins can be zero. However, the idea that a protein contains 4 kcal/g is so ingrained that this figure is used everywhere on food labels. We repeat that this energy value of the protein will be true only in cases where the body is in a state of "severe" starvation. At this point, the body's own proteins, especially the muscles, serve as a source of energy.

By measuring the calorie content of products in a "laboratory test tube", without taking into account the real biochemical processes occurring in the body, scientists came to the erroneous conclusion that fat gains twice as much from fat than from carbohydrates and proteins. But it's not.
Let's say a laboratory analysis determined that 200 grams of chicken meat (protein and fat) contains 380 kcal. But in the body, unlike laboratory conditions, there is no complete splitting of chicken meat into hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and other chemical elements. In the stomach and intestines, proteins and fats are only partially broken down: proteins into amino acids, fats into fatty acids. Then, from them, the body will synthesize its own proteins (muscles, hair, skin) and fats (myelin sheaths of nerves, hormones and cell membranes).
The proteins and fats of chicken meat do not decompose into chemical elements in the body, but are converted into other proteins and fats. This means that a complete break of all chemical bonds does not occur, i.e., there is no complete release of all energy, as in laboratory analysis. Only a very small part of the proteins and fats contained in food is converted into adipose tissue.

Energy value of the main components of food (caloric coefficients)

Table of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calories in foods

Product Squirrels, GFats, GCarbohydrates kcalServing in XE, gGI
I group. Most Preferred Products
1.1 Protein sources
1.1.1 Meat, poultry:
Boiled veal30,7 0,9 - - 131
Boiled chicken25,2 7,4 - - 170
boiled turkey25,3 10,4 - - 195
boiled rabbit24,6 7,7 - - 170
1.1.2 Boiled or stewed fish
Pink salmon22,9 7,8 - - 162
Flounder18,3 3,3 - - 103
Pollock17,6 1 - - 79
sea ​​bass19,9 3,6 - - 112
Zander21,3 1,3 - - 97
Cod17,8 0,7 - - 78
Hake18,5 2,3 - - 95
Pike21,3 1,3 - - 97
Squid (fillet)18 2,2 - - 75
Crabs18,7 1,1 0,1 - 85
Shrimps17,8 1,1 - - 81
Egg white boiled 1 piece - 25 g3 - - 0,15 13
1.1.3 Dairy products
Skimmed milk3 0,05 4,7 - 31 250 25
Fat-free kefir4,3 1 5,30 - 49 250 25
Yogurt 1.5% fat without sugar5 1,5 3,5 - 51 250 15
Low-fat cottage cheese18 0,6 1,8 - 88
Vareniki with cottage cheese 2 pcs.10,7 1,2 - 27 170 55
Cheeses: reduced fat25-30 10-15 - - 190-255
1.2 Sources of fats
Vegetable unrefined oils (except palm, coconut)- 99,9 - - 899
1.3 Sources of carbohydrates
1.3.1 Dishes
Vareniki with potatoes 2 pcs.5,3 0,8 - 33 158 60
Boiled potatoes in uniforms2,4 0,4 0,5 11 82 110 65
Boiled brown rice2,2 0,2 0,2 21,7 101 50 55
Boiled polished rice2,4 0,2 0,2 24,7 113 50 70
1.3.2 Kashi
Rice viscous on water1,5 0,1 1,1 16,3 78 75 70
Buckwheat crumbly5,9 1,6 0,6 29,9 163 40 40
Buckwheat viscous on water3,2 3 1,3 15,8 90 75 40
Millet crumbly4,7 1,1 0,7 25,4 135 55 50
Millet viscous on water3 0,7 1,4 16,2 90 75 50
Oatmeal from "Hercules" viscous on water2,9 1,4 1,7 13,1 84 95 55
Barley crumbly3,1 0,4 0,5 21,6 106 60 50
Oatmeal viscous on water3 1,7 1,2 13,8 88 75 40
Wheat (Poltava) on the water3,2 0,3 1,6 17,1 92 70 70
Barley crumbly3,4 0,4 0,5 21,6 108 60 50
Barley viscous2,3 0,3 1,3 14,4 76 90 50
Rye bread6,5 1,1 - 41,3 190 30 50
1.3.3 Vegetables:
Green peas5 0,2 6 6,8 73 190 35
White cabbage1,8 0,1 4,6 0,1 27 250 15
boiled cauliflower0 0,3 3,5 0,5 26 250 15
Poached zucchini0,7 1,9 5,3 - 40 200 15
Green onion (feather)1,3 - 3,5 - 19 180 15
Bulb onions1,4 - 9 0,1 41 150 20
1,3 0,1 7 0,2 34 150 85
cucumbers0,7 0,1 1,8 0,1 11 600 25
Sweet pepper1,3 - 5,2 0,1 26 250 15
Greens (parsley, dill, lettuce, sorrel)1,5-3,7 0,4 1,7-6,8 0,6-1,2 17-49 600 0-15
Radish1,2 0,1 3,5 0,3 21 300 15
Turnip1,5 - 5 0,3 27 225 15
Boiled beets1,8 - 10,6 0,2 49 140 70
tomatoes1,1 0,2 3,5 0,3 31 300 20
1.3.4 Melons:
without skin / with skin0,7 0,2 8,7 0,1 38 135/230 70
0,6 - 9 0,1 38 130 45
1.3.5 Fruits:
apricots0,9 0,1 9 - 41 120 35
cherry plum0,2 - 6,4 - 27 100 25
0,4 0,2 11,5 - 49 100 65
without skin / with skin 1,5 0,1 19 2 89 60/90 60
0,8 0,5 10,3 - 52 90 25
without skin / with skin0,9 - 11,2 - 52 100/200 30
Pear0,4 0,3 9 0,5 42 100 33
Peaches0,9 0,1 9,5 - 43 130 30
Plum0,8 - 9,5 0,1 43 70 25
Persimmon0,5 - 13,2 - 53 90 45
Cherries1,1 0,4 10,6 - 50 100 25
Apples0,4 0,4 9 0,8 45 100 35
without skin / with skin0,9 0,2 8,1 - 40 130/180 40
Grapefruit without peel / with peel0,9 0,2 6,5 - 35 130/170 25
Lemon0,9 0,1 3 - 33 20
Mandarin without peel / with peel0,8 0,3 8,1 - 40 120/180 40
0,7 0,5 8 - 43 170 25
0,6 9,2 15 - 65 70 45
Strawberry0,8 0,4 6,2 0,1 34 190 40
Cranberry0,5 - 3,8 - 26 150 20
Gooseberry0,7 0,2 9,1 - 43 140 40
0,8 0,3 8,3 - 42 170 30
Red currants0,6 0,2 73 - 39 150 30
Black currant1 9,2 6,7 0,6 38 120 30
1.3.6 Mushrooms:
White fresh3,7 1,7 1,1 - 23
fresh4,3 1 0,1 - 27
1.3.7 Sauerkraut, pickles.
Sauerkraut1,8 - 2,2 - 19
1.3.8 Dried fruits:
Dried apricots5,2 - 55 - 234 20 30
Raisin1,8 - 66 - 262 20 65
Prunes2,3 - 57,8 0,6 242 20 25
Apples2,2 - 44,6 3,4 199 20 30
Dates2,5 - 68,5 0 281 25 60
1.3.9 Honey
Natural honey0,8 - 74,8 5,5 314 15 80
1.3.10 Soups:
Borscht, cabbage soup vegetarian1 2 2,2-3,3 1,6-2,2 40- 48 300-200 30
Potato, with pasta1,4 2,1 1,3 7,1 48 150 40
pea3,4 2,2 - 8,2 66 150 30
chicken broth0,5 0,1 - - 3
meat broth0,6 0,2 - - 4
II group
2.1 Protein sources
2.1.1 Meat, poultry:
boiled beef25,8 16,8 - - 254
Braised beef (fat, flour)14,3 5,3 - 3,3
Beef goulash12,3 12,2 - 3,9 175
Roast beef28,6 6,2 - - 170
Steak28,8 11 - - 214
beef stroganoff18 14,3 - 6 228 200 50
Boiled lamb22 17,2 - - 243
Stewed beef liver11 9,6 - - 165
fried (flour, fat)22,8 10,2 - 10,8 227 120 50
Fried chicken26,3 11 - - 204
roasted turkey26,2 13,5 - - 226
2.1.2 Fried fish:
Flounder18,5 8,6 - 3,6 166
Carp19 11,1 - 3,6 190
Pollock15,8 5,4 - 3,5 126
sea ​​bass21 9,7 - 4,2 188
Zander17,8 5,7 - 3,3 136
Cod15,9 5,1 - 3,2 121
Hake16 6,3 - 3,3 134
Pike17,7 5,8 - 3,4 137
2.1.3 Caviar:
Red caviar31,6 13,8 - - 251
Black grainy28,6 9,7 - - 203
pollock28,4 1,9 - - 131
2.1.4 Dairy products:
Milk 3.2%2,8 3,2 4,7 - 58 250 25
Kefir fat2,8 3,2 4,1 - 56 250 25
Curd is bold.16,7 9 2 - 56
Low-fat cottage cheese pancakes18,9 3,3 1,9 10,6 160 100 70
Semi-fat cottage cheese pancakes17,6 11,3 1,6 10,6 224 100 65
Low-fat cottage cheese casserole17,6 4,2 8,3 6,3 171 75 70
Semi-fat cottage cheese casserole16,4 11,7 7,8 6,3 231 75 65
2.1.5 Cheeses
Dutch26 26,8 - - 352
Kostroma25,2 26,3 - - 345
Brynza17,9 20,1 - - 260
Sausage smoked23 19 - - 270
Processed cheeses22 20 - - 340
2.2 Sources of fats
Refined vegetable oils- 99,8 - - 899
Margarine0,3 82 1 - 743
2.3 Sources of carbohydrates
2.3.1 Vegetables:
Fried potato2,8 9,5 1,6 21,8 192 50 95
Potato casserole3 53 1,7 14,9 128 70 90
Bulb onions2 14,8 12 0,1 187 100 15
Braised white cabbage2 33 9 0,6 75 250 15
Cauliflower3,1 6,1 2,8 2,7 89 150 30
Fried zucchini1,1 6 6,2 1,5 83 200
Vegetable cabbage rolls2 5,2 5,1 4,5 93 120 55
2.3.2 Canned vegetables:
Green peas3,1 0,2 3,3 3,2 40 150 35
tomatoes1,1 - 3,5 0,3 20 200 15
Green beans1,2 0,1 1,6 0,9 16 300 30
Eggplant caviar1,7 13,3 4,5 0,59 148 200 15
Zucchini caviar2 9 8 0,54 122 140 15
Liquid semolina porridge on water1,7 0,1 2,2 10,7 60 100 75
Wholemeal bread, rye-wheat7 1,1 - 40,3 193 30 60
Wheat bread from premium flour8,1 1,2 - 42 203 30 65
2.3.3 Natural juices, without sugar:
tomato1 - 3,3 0,2 19 250 15
Apricot0,5 - 13,7 - 56 90 40
Orange0,7 - 12,8 - 54 110 45
Grape0,3 - 13,8 - 54 70 40
Cherry0,7 - 10,2 - 47 90 40
grapefur0,3 - 8 - 36 140 40
Peach0,3 - 17 - 66 100 40
Plum0,3 - 16,1 - 66 80 40
Apple0,5 - 9,1 - 38 90 40
2.3.4 Drinks:
apple-grape0,4 - 12,8 - 51
Kissel cranberry0,03 - 10,6 3 54 80-90 50
Dried fruits compote0,4 - 15,1 - 60 80-90 60
Canned compotes0,2-0,6 - 21-24,3 - 82- 99 50 50
Fruit and berry jam0,3-0,6 - 71-73 0,2 271- 281 15 55
III group. Least Preferred Products
3.1 Protein sources
3.1.1 Meat, poultry:
Pork boiled22,6 31,6 - - 375
Pork fried20 24,2 - - 298
Chopped pork schnitzel13,5 42,5 - 10,1 477 120 50
Chopped beef cutlets14,6 11,8 - 13,6 220 90 50
Lamb shish kebab22,9 30,4 - 3 372
Lamb chop cutlet20 28 - 10 373 120 50
Duck boiled19,7 18,8 - - 248
Roast duck22,6 19,5 - - 266
Liver pate18 15,3 - 4,7 227
Pelmeni 4 pcs.14,5 14,5 - 33,3 312 55
Various canned meats15-20 15-22 - - 195- 298
3.1.2 Sausages:
Doctor's sausage12,8 22,2 - 1,5 257
Milk sausage11,7 22,8 - 2,8 252
Krakow sausage16,2 44,6 - - 466
Tallinn sausage17,1 33,8 - - 373
Cervelat24 40,5 - - 461
Beef sausages11,4 18,2 - 1,5 215
Pork sausages10,1 31,6 - - 332
Dairy sausages11 23,9 - 1,6 266
Ham22,6 20,9 - - 279
Ham14,3 25,6 - - 288
3.1.3 Salted fish:
Sprat17,1 7,7 - - 137
Herring17,5 11,4 - - 173
3.1.4 Smoked fish:
Cod26 1,2 - - 115
Mackerel23,4 6,4 - - 150
Sturgeon balyk20,4 12,5 - - 194
3.1.5 Canned fish:
Natural cod liver4,2 65,7 - 1,2 613
Sardines in oil17,9 19,7 - - 249
Saury, blanched in oil18,3 23,3 - - 283
Sprats17,4 32,4 - 0,4 363
Fried egg12,9 20,9 - 0,9 243
Omelette9,6 15,4 - 1,9 184
3.1.6 Dairy products:
Milk 6% fat3 6 4,7 - 84 250 30
Cream 10% fat3 10 4 - 118 250 30
Fat cottage cheese 18%14 18 2,8 - 232
Cheese and curd masses7,1 23 26 - 341 50 70
Curds glazed8,5 27,8 30,5 - 407 40 70
Condensed milk without sugar (7.5%)7 8,3 9,5 - 140 120 30
3.1.7 Cheeses:
Soviet24,7 31,2 - - 389
Cheddar23,5 30,5 - - 379
3.2 Sources of fats
Sour cream 20% fat2,8 20 3,2 - 206
Butter0,5 82,5 0,8 - 748
Peasant oil0,8 72,5 1,3 - 661
Ghee butter0,3 98 0,6 - 887
Cooking fat- 99,7 - - 897
Mayonnaise2,8 67 2,6 - 624
3.3 Sources of carbohydrates
3.3.1 Flour
Boiled pasta4,1 0,4 0,6 18,4 98 60 60
Baton8 0,9 0,8 48,1 235 25 80
Muffin ordinary8 5,6 5,3 46,5 299 25 85
Bagels9 1,1 1,1 55,4 284 20 80
Drying simple10,9 1,3 1 67 335 20 50
crackers9 9,5 12,3 52,9 386 15 50
baked pies12,9 7,2 4,1 33,3 268 35 50
3.3.2 Confectionery:
Cookies are simple, sweet6,5 11,8 23,6 50,8 436 15 55
Wafers with fruit fillings3,2 2,8 63,8 16,3 350 15 65
Gingerbread4,8 2,8 43 34,7 350 15 65
Puff pastry with cream5,44 38,6 16,1 30,3 555 20 75
Puff pastry with cream5,4 38,6 16,1 30,3 555 20 75
Biscuit cake4,7 9,3 55,6 8,6 351 20 75
shortbread cake5,1 18,5 35,5 27,3 435 20 75
Custard cake with cream5,9 10,2 42,6 12,6 329 25 75
Sunflower halva11,6 29,7 41,5 1,1 523 30 70
Marshmallow, pastille0,5 - 76,8 3,6 310 12 65
Jelly marmalade- 0,1 68,2 9,5 302 16 60
Caramel with fruit filling0,1 0,1 80,9 11,2 357 13 60
Chocolate candies5,8 32 48,6 9,3 535 20 50
lactic6,9 35,7 49,5 2,9 550 25 35
Dark chocolate (cocoa more than 60%)5,4 35,3 47,2 5,4 540 25 25
Sugar- - 99,8 - 379 60
3.3.3 Ice cream:
Dairy3,2 3,5 15,5 - 126 80 60
Creamy3,3 10 14 - 179 80 60
Cream3,2 15 15 - 227 80 60
Eskimo3,5 20 14,3 - 270 80 60
3.3.4 Canned milk:
Condensed milk with sugar7,2 8,5 43,5 - 320 30 80
Condensed cream with sugar8 19 37 - 382 35 80
Cocoa with condensed milk and sugar8,2 7,5 43,5 - 309 30 80
3.3.5 Sauces:
Tomato sauce spicy2,5 - 20,8 1 98 50 50
tomato paste4,8 - 18 1 99 65 50
3.3.6 Soft drinks:
Non-alcoholic, carbonated on fruit and berry infusions with sugar- - 7,5-12 - 30- 48 200-100 80
Black tea with sugar- - 8 - 32 150 60
Black coffee with sugar- - 8 - 32 150 60
cocoa with milk1,9 1,9 12,1 2,4 74 85 40
Mineral water- - - - - - -
3.3.7 Alcoholic drinks:
Kvass- - 5 - 25 250 45
Beer- - 4,8-8,8 - 37-64 250-150 45
Wines dry (white, red)- - 0,2 - 65-70
Wine, semi-dry champagne- - 5 - 88 250 15-30
Dessert wines, fortified- - 16-20 - 150-170 75 15-30
Liquor- - 45 - 313 25 15-30
liqueurs- - 30 216 40 15-30


GI - glycemic index(in English glycemic index or glycaemic index (GI)) is used as an indicator of the effect of food on blood sugar levels. The scale of measurement varies from 0 to 100. The highest point of 100 is glucose.
XE - bread unit- a conventional unit that is used to approximate the amount of carbohydrates in foods: one XE is equal to 10 (excluding dietary fiber) or 12 grams (including dietary fiber) carbohydrates or 20 (25) g of bread.
