
Good apple wine. Wine from homemade apples with wine yeast: cooking technology

One of the most inexpensive and easy to make is apple wine. Various varieties of this fruit allow you to create dozens of combinations of flavors and shades. The brightest blends can be obtained by mixing sour and sweet apples. The main rule is that the fruit must be fresh, ripe and juicy.

Most people for whom winemaking is a hobby do not have grapes on hand in the required quantity. And apples, which are always in abundance even among urban residents, will serve as an excellent substitute for traditional wine material.

The taste qualities of apple wine are in no way inferior to other alcoholic drinks made from fruit and berry raw materials. Wine connoisseurs speak of apple wine as a healthy product suitable for self-treatment. Of course, if you drink the drink in reasonable quantities.

To make wine you will need:

  • apples– 20 kilograms
  • Sugar–150-400 grams per liter

cooking apples

If the fruits are dirty, then they can either be wiped with a dry cloth or soaked for 30 minutes in saline. To prevent bitterness in the taste, seeds should be removed from the fruits, and spoiled and soft parts should be cut off from damaged apples.

Squeezing the juice

Use the juicer to get the most juice. When using it, the juice will be transparent and almost without pulp.

Reference! In the event that a juicer is not available, a regular kitchen grater will do.

True, this method will add additional difficulties in the cooking process. The resulting applesauce will need to be squeezed out. For example, with ordinary gauze or a press.

The main task will be to get the maximum possible amount of juice from applesauce or, in a bad scenario, liquid puree.

We defend

The resulting product is poured into a container with a wide neck and left for three days. From above we cover the vessel with juice with gauze so that insects do not get there.

During settling, the mixture will decompose into two layers.:

  1. suspension from the pulp (pulp)
  2. plain apple juice.

The pulp will tend to the top, float up and begin to prevent the penetration of yeast into the juice.

To fix this, the first two days the mixture must be stirred four times a day.

After three days, the pulp layer should be carefully removed from the container. Ideally, after this operation, only apple juice and a small film layer, about five millimeters thick, should remain in it.

If foam appears in the wort, the mixture emits a special vinegar-like smell and hiss is observed, then you did everything right. The fermentation has begun.

Add sugar

The amount of sugar directly depends on your personal taste preferences and the sweetness of the fruits themselves.

Reference! Traditionally, the rule applies: the sweeter the resulting juice, the less sugar you need to add.

To obtain sweet and dessert wine, the sugar rate can be increased to 400 grams.

fermentation process

It is necessary to prevent contact between the wort and air, otherwise you will prepare vinegar instead of wine. Use glass jars or bottles, it is allowed to store mash in plastic containers.

The container can be filled with a maximum of 80% mash. The remaining volume will be occupied by foam, which is formed during the fermentation process.

During fermentation, the mash will release carbon dioxide. You need to ensure its effective removal by setting up a water seal on the tank. It is very easy to do it yourself.

  1. It is enough to make a small hole in the lid of the vessel with mash and insert a narrow plastic tube into it.
  2. That part of it that is in the tank must be placed as high as possible.
  3. This will avoid clogging the gas outlet with fermentation products.
  4. The other end of the tube must be lowered into a vessel with water to a depth of 3 centimeters.

Such a simple system will ensure the outflow of gases from the tank with mash and will not allow air to enter.

An alternative to a water seal can be a rubber glove, dressed on top of a container with wine material, in one of the fingers of which a hole is made with a sewing needle, or buying a special water seal in an industrial goods store.

Braga should be stored at room temperature in a dark place. Winemakers recommend keeping the temperature in the range from 20 to 23 degrees Celsius.

  • The total duration of the fermentation of wine from apples will be from one to two months.
  • A long absence of carbon dioxide release through the water seal (the vessel with water will stop gurgling) will mean the end of the fermentation process.
  • Also, sediment should fall out at the bottom of the container with wine material.

There are times when fermentation does not stop during the specified period. And an amateur winemaker, in order to avoid the appearance of a bitter taste in the wine, should act very carefully and quickly.

  1. The wine material must be carefully poured into a new container, avoiding the ingress of sediment particles into it.
  2. Install a water seal.


Apple wine can be consumed immediately after the end of fermentation. However, a young fruit wine will have a sharp smell and an intolerant taste.

These inaccuracies are easily eliminated through a process that winemakers call "exposure".

For it, you will need another sterile and sealed container.

  • Using a clean hose or tube from the water lock used on the mash container, carefully pour the wine into the prepared container.
  • At the same time, sediment should not get into it.
  • If necessary, with the help of sugar, you can increase the sweetness of the product, or turn the wine into fortified by adding 40% alcohol.

Important! The volume of alcohol should not exceed 15% of the total volume of wine diluted with it.

Spilled and corked wine must be allowed to mature. Typically, this process takes two to four months. During this time, the wine will significantly improve the aromatic and taste characteristics.

All this time, the container should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of 6 to 12 degrees above zero.

However, during maturation, you will periodically have to get rid of the sediment in the wine. Initially, once every two weeks, while pouring the wine into another sterile container.

Gradually, as the amount of suspension decreases, you will filter less and less. The wine will be considered ready to drink and fully ripe when the suspension in the vessel ceases to stand out.

The long-awaited drink can be bottled and corked.

Delicious, and most importantly, absolutely environmentally friendly wine will have the color of amber and the smell of fresh apples. Its classical strength will be no more than 12 degrees, and it can be stored in its “cellars” for up to 3 years.

Apples can also be used to make cider, fortified or spiced wine, as well as delicate dessert apple wine.

How to make cider at home

Apple cider is undoubtedly a traditional European refreshing light drink. It tastes like lemonade and has the strength of beer.

To make cider you will need:

  • Sweet and sour apples– 8 kilograms
  • Water– 12 liters
  • Sugar- no more than 3.5 kilograms


  1. Cut the apples into slices and remove the seeds. Transfer everything to a canvas bag, or wrap it in a clean, white, not very dense fabric. Prepare a large pot (or tank), on the bottom of which you should lower a bag or bundle with slices.
  2. Next, the apples need to be placed under a kind of press. To do this, place a plate or lid smaller than the saucepan in diameter on top of the bag with slices. And place any load on top of it: from a home dumbbell to a canister of water.
  3. While the apples are under pressure, prepare a syrup from one and a half kilograms of sugar and 6 liters of water. Cool it to room temperature and pour over apples. After that, store the entire structure in a room with a temperature of no more than 20 degrees for 5 weeks.
  4. After the specified time, using a hose or tube, pour all the liquid from the container into a sterile dish. And pour the remaining apples again with the same volume of sugar syrup as last time.
  5. Wait another 5 weeks, refill the liquid. Mix both parts of the future cider in a larger container. Leave for another 6 months.

Six months later, pour the resulting cider into bottles of the required volume, seal tightly and leave.

Be careful and avoid sediment. A month later, apple cider is ready!


Such a drink is considered exquisite and will suit connoisseurs of more aggressive wines.

  • Sweet and sour apples– 6 kilograms
  • Raisin– 200 grams
  • Vodka (or alcohol)- 150 milliliters
  • Sugar- no more than 2.2 kilograms


  1. Pure apples need to be mashed in the way that is available to you: a blender or a meat grinder.
  2. Add 2 kilograms of sugar and raisins to the puree.
  3. Transfer the resulting substance to a container of a suitable volume and ensure that carbon dioxide is removed with a water seal.
  4. After 3 weeks, strain the mash and add another 200 grams of sugar. Pour the resulting wine material into another container and close it for 10 days.
  5. Add vodka to the wine, mix thoroughly and cork in bottles of the desired volume.

Fortified apple wine differs from the usual high alcohol content. It is 13-14 turns.


For cooking you will need:

  • Apples of any kind– 2 kilograms
  • Water– 2 liters
  • Sugar– 0.5 kilograms
  • ground cinnamon– 20 grams

Important! For a more natural and vibrant spicy flavor of a homemade drink, it is recommended to buy unground cinnamon and grind it yourself.


  1. Place the apples chopped into slices in an enamel basin or a large saucepan. Pour the fruits with water, after 15 minutes add cinnamon.
  2. Keep the container on fire until the apples are completely softened. Cool to room temperature.
  3. Using a blender or sieve, grind the boiled apples into puree and transfer to a container where fermentation will take place.
  4. When fermentation stops, strain the wine material and add sugar.
  5. Place again in a clean bottle and install a water seal. After a week, replace it with a tight lid.
  6. After two weeks, bottle the wine without touching the suspension, and cork.

This wine has a pronounced refreshing taste, in harmony with notes of oriental spices.


Dessert wine has always been considered a drink of the beautiful half of humanity. It has a mild sweet taste.

For cooking you will need:

  • sweet apples– 11 kilograms
  • Pears– 1.5 kilograms
  • Raisin– 200 grams
  • Sugar- 1 kg


  1. Squeeze out the juice of apples and pears. Add raisins.
  2. Place the liquid in a container with a wide neck and tighten with gauze on top. Braga periodically needs to be mixed with a wooden spatula or stick.
  3. After a day, strain the wine material. Pour half a kilogram of sugar and pour everything into a container with a narrow neck. Install a water seal.
  4. On the fifth day, add another 300 grams of sugar. It is best to pour a little wort from the bottle into a container of a suitable volume, where to mix it with sugar. The resulting syrup is poured back into the bottle.
  5. After 3 days, add the remaining sugar to the container in the above way. We are waiting for the fermentation process to stop.
  6. Pour the wine without sediment into another sterile container and close. When you notice that it has become lighter, it should again be drained from the sediment, filtered and poured into bottles of the desired volume. Dessert wine is stored for no more than 4 years.

Watch a video that describes the process of making apple wine:

Everyone knows that homemade wine is much tastier than store bought.

You can, of course, buy high-quality wine, but, firstly, it is expensive.

Secondly, there is no guarantee that it will not be a fake. Let's learn how to make delicious and fragrant apple wine at home, especially since it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Wine from apples at home - the basic principles of preparation

Apples are sorted, rot, debris and ponytails are removed. The fruits are not washed! Then they are rubbed on a grater or twisted in a meat grinder.

Wine is also made from apple juice, in which case the fruits are passed through a juicer.

The prepared apple puree is placed in a container with a wide mouth, covered with gauze and left to ferment. This process takes an average of three days. All this time, the puree is stirred several times a day.

Three days later, the pulp (a cap over the wort) is collected with a colander. Then sugar is added. For table wines, all sugar is poured out at once, and for other varieties of wine, half is poured, and only on the fifth day - the rest. The wort is poured into a fermentation vessel, so that it is not completely filled. A medical glove with a hole is put on the throat, oxygen is cut off and left to ferment for a month and a half.

As soon as the wine stops fermenting, it is poured (removed from the sediment). It turns out a young wine that can already be consumed. In order for the wine to acquire a noble taste, it is sent to the cellar and left to ripen for six months at a temperature not higher than +15, avoiding temperature fluctuations.

At the end of maturation, the wine is carefully bottled and sent for storage in the cellar or pantry.

There are three types of apple wine: semi-sweet, dry and table. They differ in sweetness and strength.

Recipe 1. Apple wine at home


apples - five kg;

six glasses of granulated sugar.

Cooking method

1. Cut the apples into quarters, remove the seed box and chop with a meat grinder, or three on a grater. We get pulp.

2. Place it in a glass container with a wide mouth, add half of the granulated sugar and mix. We close the throat with a cork and leave the pulp warm for several days for fermentation.

3. Drain the fermented juice, squeeze out the pulp, and discard. Pour the rest of the granulated sugar into the juice and mix. Pour the resulting juice into a bottle, close the cork with a water seal and leave to ferment in a warm place for a month.

4. When the fermentation is over, drain the wine, filter it and pour it into prepared bottles. We plug it with corks and send it to a dark, cool place for three months.

Recipe 2. Apple wine at home with raisins


ten kilograms of selected juicy apples;

sugar - 2 kg 200 g;

100 g unwashed raisins.

Cooking method

1. Cut the washed apples, remove the seed box and twist them in a meat grinder. In apple puree, add two kg of sugar, raisins and mix.

2. Transfer the apple mass to a glass bottle, put on a rubber glove with a small puncture on the throat.

3. Twenty days later, pour the wine, filter, add 200 g of sugar, cork the container and leave it in a cool place where there is no access to light for three to four months.

4. Filter the ripened wine again, you can add 150 g of high-quality vodka. Pour into bottles, cork and store in a cellar or refrigerator.

Recipe 3. Wine from Ranet apples at home with cinnamon


two kilograms of apples "ranetki";

cinnamon - 12 g;

granulated sugar - half a kilogram;

two liters of water.

Cooking method

1. Wash, cut into quarters apples, remove the seed box and cut into small pieces. Transfer the crushed fruits to a saucepan, pour in water, add cinnamon and cook over low heat until the fruits soften.

2. Cool the mass of apples, grind through a sieve and leave to ferment in a warm place. At the beginning of the fermentation process, add sugar, mix, close the bottle with a water seal and leave to ferment the mass.

3. Drain the wine, strain, pour into bottles and close them with corks. Store wine in the cellar.

Recipe 4. Apple wine at home with pear juice


six liters of apple juice;

700 ml pear juice;

550 g of sugar;

raisins - 110 g.

Cooking method

1. Pour juice from apples and pears into a large bottle, add sugar and add unwashed raisins. Shake the liquid well and leave for half an hour so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Cover the neck of the container with gauze, and leave to ferment for two weeks in warmth.

2. Prepare another container. When fermentation is over, pour the strained liquid into it. Close the cork and send the wine to ripen in a cool place.

3. Wash the bottles thoroughly. Pour the finished wine into prepared glassware, cork tightly with corks and keep for a year in a dark, cool place.

Recipe 5. Apple wine at home with honey


ten kg of juicy apples;

half a kilo of honey;

700 g of sugar;

200 g raisins.

Cooking method

1. Peel unwashed apples, cut into quarters and remove the core. Skip the prepared fruits through the juicer. You should get about five and a half liters of juice.

2. Drain some juice and dilute it with honey. Pour the resulting mixture into the rest of the juice, strain it through cheesecloth folded several times, and pour into a bottle, filling it not completely.

3. Pour the raisins into a half-liter bottle, pour in slightly warm boiled water without filling it to the end, and plug the neck with a cotton swab. Keep it warm for three days, then pour the sourdough into the juice.

4. Put on a rubber glove with a small puncture on the neck of the bottle. After a week and a half, add sugar.

5. After a month and a half, drain the wine using a rubber tube. Strain the finished product and bottle it. Dip corks in liquid paraffin and stopper bottles of wine with them. Keep them in a cool place, without light for six months.

Recipe 6. Fortified apple wine at home


dried and fresh apples;

granulated sugar - at the rate of a glass per kg of apples;

alcohol - 300 ml per liter of must;

yeast starter - 300 g;

800 ml of water per kg of fruit.

Cooking method

1. Prepare your starter. Leave the yeast diluted in warm water for a couple of hours warm. As soon as signs of fermentation appear on top, the sourdough is ready.

2. Apples take sour and sweet varieties in a ratio of 1: 1 and dried apples at the rate of 100 g per kilogram of fresh fruits. Cut the apples into quarters, remove the seed box, chop finely and cover with water. Heat the mixture to 60 degrees and put in heat for a couple of days.

3. After two days, strain the wort through gauze, and squeeze the pulp. Pour the strained infusion into a bottle. Add the starter here, mix, close the lid with a water seal and put in heat for fermentation.

4. As soon as the fermentation stops, pour the strained wine into a clean container, pour in the alcohol and cork tightly. Keep the wine in a cool room for two weeks. Pour the young wine into bottles, cork tightly with corks and store in the cellar.

Recipe 7. Wine from dried apples at home


dried apples - a kilogram;

3 kg of sugar;

eight liters of water;

yeast - 20 g.

Cooking method

1. Pour the dried apples into an enameled container and fill with warm water. Leave overnight, drain the water, dry slightly and grind in a blender or in a food processor.

2. Pour half of the granulated sugar into the puree, pour boiling water and leave to cool. We filter the concentrated liquid and pour it into the bottle. We put on a rubber glove on the throat, in which it is necessary to make a puncture with a needle.

3. From the must, which has fermented, we drain the young wine and filter. Pour it into bottles, cork tightly and put it in the refrigerator to rest for several hours. We store bottles of wine in the cellar.

Recipe 8. Apple wine at home with currants


seven liters of apple juice;

red currant juice - one and a half liters;

granulated sugar - 2 kg 300 g;

water - 800 ml.

Cooking method

1. Mix apple and currant juice, add water and dissolve half the sugar. Pour the mixture into a 2/3 bottle and leave to ferment for a month at room temperature.

2. When fermentation is complete, drain the wine with a thin hose and strain. Pour it into another container and leave for another month at room temperature.

3. Drain the wine, strain and bottle. Store the finished product in the cellar.

Recipe 9. Apple wine at home with chokeberry


one and a half kilograms of apples and chokeberry;

three kilos of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Separate the mountain ash from the branches, sort it out, remove the rotten berries, and rinse the rest well. Rinse the apples, peel, remove the seed box and cut into small pieces. Grind the rowan with a food processor or pass through a meat grinder. Mix crushed apples with ground mountain ash in a large bowl, add a kilogram of sugar and mix well.

2. Transfer the fruit and berry mixture to the bottle, pour in water almost to the top. Wrap the throat with several layers of gauze. Put the bottle in heat for a week. Shake contents daily.

3. After a week, add another kilogram of sugar, shake and leave for a week. Then add the rest of the sugar and stir. Leave the wine for three weeks, while shaking it daily. After this time, insist the wine for another month in complete peace.

4. Pour the strained wine into bottles, cork tightly with corks and put in a cool dark place.

Recipe 10. Wine from apple compote at home


ten kg of apples;

three liters of apple compote;

2.5 kg of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Wipe fresh apples with a dry cloth, cut into quarters and remove the core. We pass the prepared apples through a juicer. Pour the juice into a large saucepan and mix with compote.

2. Pour half of the granulated sugar into the apple mixture and set it for fermentation in a warm place. As soon as the wort ferments, after about three days, pour it into a bottle and close it tightly with a cotton swab. We leave the bottle with the wort for another three days in a warm place, then remove the cork and put on the lid with a water seal.

3. We leave the apple wine to ferment for a week, after which we pour out the rest of the sugar. We transfer the bottle with the wort to a cool place and leave it for fermentation for a month and a half. We filter the finished wine, and pour it into clean, dry bottles. We store them in the cellar.

Recipe 11. Wine from apples at home with yeast


two kilograms of apples and sugar;

a tablespoon of fresh yeast;

two lemons.

Cooking method

1. Wash the apples, remove the skins and remove the seed box. Cut the fruits into small pieces and twist in a meat grinder. Put applesauce in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it, place a load on top and leave for four days in a warm place.

2. After the specified time, strain the liquid, squeeze the apple pulp well. You should get about four liters of apple juice. Pour sugar into it, add yeast and mix well. Pour boiling water over the lemons, cut in half, squeeze the juice, strain it, pour it into apple juice and mix.

2. Pour the resulting mixture into a large bottle, put on a rubber glove on the throat, in which make a puncture with a needle. Leave the container in a warm place. As soon as the fermentation process is over, shake the bottle well and leave for another three days.

3. Drain the finished wine with a rubber tube, strain and bottle. Send the wine to storage in the cellar.

Recipe 12. Apple wine at home with raspberries


four liters of apple juice;

a glass of fresh raspberries;

kilogram of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Sort the raspberries, rinse and pour into a jar, add sugar to them and pour in a glass of water. Mix everything well. Fold the gauze in several layers and tie the neck of the jar with it. Leave the container warm for three days. Shake the contents of the jar daily.

2. Pour apple juice into a saucepan, add two glasses of water to it, add sugar and mix. Add the raspberry starter to the apple mixture. Pour the resulting liquid into a bottle and leave for a week in a warm place. After seven days, strain the wine, bottle and cork tightly. Store wine in the cellar or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

  • In order for the wine not to be bitter, it is necessary to remove the seeds and the core.
  • Carefully select apples for maturity. Green fruits will turn the wine into sour vinegar, and rotten ones will spoil its aroma. Only clean and ripened apples are suitable for wine.
  • Winemakers recommend not washing the apples from which the wine will be made. You will wash away the natural yeasts that ferment. It is best to wipe the fruits with a dry, clean cloth.
  • It is important that during the fermentation process, no air enters the container with the must, otherwise you will end up with vinegar, not wine.
  • One of the secrets of delicious apple wine is pure water. Spring or well is best suited for this. It is advisable to filter the boiled water so that a precipitate does not form in the drink.
  • For cooking, take dishes made of glass, preferably dark.
  • To make the taste of wine more intense, prepare it by mixing different varieties.
  • You can add spices to your taste, such as cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg or allspice, as well as citrus slices and zest.
  • Store wine bottles horizontally. If the bottles are stored standing up, corks dry out over time, and the tightness of the closure suffers.
  • Drink apple wine chilled. Pour it into glasses "from above" to free the drink from carbon dioxide.

Apple wine is useful for amateur winemakers who do not have access to a lot of good grapes, I recommend making apple wine according to the recipe published below. It turns out very tasty and in moderation healthy drink with a strength of 10-12 degrees. I will prove that making apple wine at home is easier than you think.

Any varieties of green, yellow and red apples (summer and winter) are suitable for winemaking, the main thing is that the fruits themselves are ripe and as juicy as possible. It is allowed to mix different varieties, getting interesting blends, for example, sour apples with sweeter ones.

Apple Wine Ingredients:

  • Apples - 20 kg;
  • Sugar - 150-400 grams per liter of juice.

Adding water is advisable only when unripe, very sour apples are used (the juice tastes strongly on the tongue). But even in this case, the acidity is reduced with a small amount of water - up to 100 ml per liter of juice, and not diluted in a ratio of one to two or one to three.

apple wine recipe

1. Preparing apples. Do not wash apples plucked from a tree or collected on the ground, because yeast lives on the peel, which is needed for fermentation. If the apples are very dirty, they can be rubbed with a dry cloth or brushed lightly with a clean shoe brush.

So that bitterness is not felt in the finished home-made wine, I advise you to remove the seeds and the core from the apples, and cut out the rotten parts, spoiled and moldy parts from the damaged fruits.

2. Getting juice. The method of processing apples depends on the equipment available. If you have a juicer, I recommend using this particular kitchen tool. You will get pure juice with a minimum amount of pulp, which will simplify further preparation.

If you don't have a juicer, you can use a mechanical grater. Applesauce will then have to be squeezed out in a different way. For example, gauze (a very laborious process) or a press. In any case, the minimum task is to get at least a liquid puree.

3. Settling of juice. Place the resulting apple juice (or liquid puree) for 2-3 days in an open container with a wide neck (large saucepan or barrel), bandaging the upper part with gauze to protect against insects. During this time, spores of wild yeast will get into the mixture, and it will begin to decompose into two fractions - the pulp (the remains of the peel, pulp) and ordinary apple juice. The pulp will accumulate on top of the juice. In order for the yeast to get directly inside, you need to mix the contents of the container 3-4 times a day for the first 2 days with a clean hand or a wooden stick.

On the third day, the pulp will gather in a dense layer on the surface, it should be removed with a saucepan or colander. Only juice and a small (3-5 mm) film should remain in the container. The stage is considered complete when foam, hissing and a characteristic acetic-alcohol smell appear in the wort, indicating that fermentation has begun.

4. Adding sugar. The amount depends on the initial sweetness of the fruit, the sweeter the juice, the less sugar is added to apple wine, especially at the initial stage. If the sugar content exceeds 20%, the wine will ferment poorly or stop fermentation altogether. To prevent this from happening, it is better to add sugar in parts, and not pour all at once.

Total quantity: to obtain dry apple wine, I recommend adding 150-220 grams of sugar per 1 liter of fermented juice, the concentration for sweet and dessert varieties is 300-400 grams per liter. It is better not to exceed these norms, otherwise the wine will turn out cloying.

The first batch (100-150 grams per liter) is added immediately after removal from the pulp. Sugar is simply poured into the fermenting juice and mixed.

After 4-5 days, you can add a second portion (50-100 grams per liter). To do this, you need to remove the water seal, pour into a separate container half the wort than you plan to add sugar (for example, for 500 grams you need 250 ml), add sugar to the drained juice, mix. Pour the resulting sugar syrup back into the wine container. Install the water seal again.

The procedure for adding sugar can be repeated 1-2 more times every 4-5 days according to the technology described above, adding 30-80 grams per liter of juice.

5. Fermentation. First, it is required to exclude the possibility of contact of the wort with air. If this is not done, then vinegar will turn out instead of apple wine. As hermetic containers, I advise you to use glass bottles, jars or plastic eggplants from mineral water.

Next, you need to take care of the removal of carbon dioxide, which will be released during the fermentation process. To do this, install a water seal. It is made as follows: make a small hole in the lid of the vessel, where to insert a tube of small diameter (cambric). Place the end of the tube in the vessel as high as possible so that it does not clog with foam. Lower the other end of the cambric into a glass of water by 2-3 cm. Now the gases inside the container will freely escape, but air will not be able to enter the container with wine.

Alternative options are to put a medical glove on the jar with a small hole in the finger (made with a needle) or buy a special water seal.

Fill the vessel with fermenting juice no more than 4/5 in height, since you need to leave a volume for carbon dioxide and foam.

During fermentation, the container should be in a dark and warm place (18-25 ° C), the optimum temperature is 20-22 degrees. The fermentation process of apple wine lasts from 30 to 60 days. Its end is determined by the long-term absence of gas bubbles in a glass of water (deflated glove) and the appearance of sediment at the bottom.

Attention! If fermentation lasts longer than 55 days, so that a bitter aftertaste does not appear, the wine should be poured into another container without sediment at the bottom and the water lock should be installed again.

6. Ripening. The young apple wine obtained at the previous stage can already be drunk, but it has a harsh smell and taste. These shortcomings are eliminated by endurance.

You will need another absolutely clean and dry airtight container. It is important here to exclude the possibility of third-party yeast getting in, so I recommend washing the prepared vessel well with hot boiled water, and then dry it with a hair dryer.

Pour apple wine from one container to another using a water lock tube. First, drain the upper, most clarified layers, then go to the lower ones, trying not to touch the sediment at the bottom. If desired, the filtered drink can be sweetened (add sugar to taste) or fixed (pour 40% alcohol or vodka in an amount of 2-15% of the volume of wine). Fixing promotes storage, but the taste becomes tougher.

Fill the vessel with wine to the top and seal tightly. If sugar was added, it is better to keep the first 7-10 days under a water lock in case of repeated fermentation. Store wine in a cool dark place (6-16°C) for 60-120 days. This time is enough for its full maturation and improvement of taste.

First, every 10-15 days you need to remove the wine from the sediment by pouring it into another container. Over time, sediment will appear less frequently, then the frequency of filtration can also be reduced. Homemade apple wine is considered ready when the sediment no longer falls or its amount is minimal. After that, the wine can be bottled and hermetically sealed.

It turns out a drink of dark amber color with the smell of ripe fruits. Fortress - 10-12% (without fixing). Shelf life - up to 3 years when stored in a dark cool place in hermetically sealed vessels.

Step-by-step recipes for making delicious apple wine at home

2018-08-09 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


19 gr.

76 kcal.

Option 1. Classic homemade apple wine recipe

Homemade apple wine, or as it is also called, cider is a light, pleasant low-alcohol drink. You can adjust the sweetness and strength to your taste. Wine is made from sweet and sour apples, or sweet and sour varieties are taken in a ratio of 1: 2.


  • 15 kg of apple slices;
  • 2 kg 400 g - beet sugar;
  • three liters of spring water.

Step by step recipe for homemade apple wine

Wipe the apples with a towel. Cut each fruit into slices and remove the seeds. Grind the fruit pulp with a meat grinder or a fine grater. Transfer the applesauce to an enameled saucepan. Cover it with gauze and leave it in the room. Stir twice a day.

After three days, remove the collected pulp from above, leaving about five millimeters. Strain the contents into a five-liter glass bottle, leaving about a fifth of the volume free for foam.

Pour water into apple liquid and add half of granulated sugar. Mix thoroughly. Close the container with a water seal and leave to ferment for four days. After the allotted time, express a glass of liquid through a thin tube and dissolve three glasses of sugar in it. Enter the resulting syrup into the liquid using a tube.

Repeat the procedure after eleven days. Leave to wander for a month and a half. Then pour the wort into a wide-mouthed container and set aside. Pour apple wine into a sterile container every 12 days. When the drink becomes light, and there is no sediment left at the bottom, pour it into bottles and cork with wooden corks.

If fermentation continues after a month and a half, drain the wort into a sterile container and close it again with a water seal. Do not wash apples for wine, as microorganisms are present on the peel, due to which fermentation begins.

Option 2. A quick recipe for homemade apple wine with lemon

This is the fastest way to make homemade apple wine. Immediately upon completion of the cycle, it can be served at the table. Lemon will add a slight sourness to the drink, which will make the wine even tastier.


  • ten liters of spring water;
  • two kilograms of fine sugar;
  • two lemons;
  • eight kilograms of apples.

How to quickly make homemade apple wine

Wine is best made from sour, juicy apples. We wipe the fruits with a napkin, cut each into slices and remove the core. Cut off damaged areas. Pour boiling water over two lemons, dry and remove the zest with the help of the smallest grater. Combine it with sugar and mix well.

Place the zest with sugar and slices of apples in an enamel pan. Fill with spring water and cover with a clean cotton cloth. Let it ferment for a week, stirring occasionally.

The liquid is carefully drained and filtered through several layers of gauze until the wine becomes light. The finished drink is poured into clean bottles and corked.

The variety of apples for making homemade wine does not matter. The main thing is that the fruits are juicy. You can get a new taste of wine by mixing different varieties of apples. If the fruits are sour and unripe, the drink is diluted with water in the proportion: 100 ml of water per liter of wine.

Option 3. Dessert homemade wine from apples and pears

Dessert wines are soft and tasty. This drink is especially popular among the fair sex. Today it is difficult to find a natural, tasty wine, so it is best to cook it yourself from natural ingredients.


  • kilogram of beet sugar;
  • 200 g light raisins;
  • ripe pears - 1 kg 200 g;
  • 11 kg of sweet apples.

How to cook

Wipe pears and apples with a kitchen towel. Cut the fruit into pieces and twist through the juicer. Put the raisins in a deep plate, and fill with boiling water. Leave it to steam.

Drain water from raisins. Dry the dried fruits and cut each berry in half. Add to apple-pear juice and stir. Place the puree in a wide-mouthed bowl and tie with cheesecloth. Stir the mixture four times a day.

After four days, strain the puree and pour the liquid into a clean, sterile bottle. Pour half a kilogram of sugar. Stir. Cover the container with a water seal or medical glove, pricking one finger. Leave for four days.

Express about a glass of wort with a thin straw. Pour 300 g of sugar into it, stir and return to the common container using the same tube. Stay three days. Add the remaining sugar and wait for the fermentation to finish. Carefully drain the wine so that the sediment remains in the container. Strain the drink. Pour into clean bottles and seal tightly. Wait until the wine becomes light, and drain it again, leaving the sediment. Bottled, corked and sent for long-term storage.

Be sure to cut off seeds, partitions and spoiled places. The container for making wine must be thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water and dried. Only in this case will you get a drink with a bright taste and aroma of ripe apples.

Option 4. Fortified homemade apple wine

Wine prepared in this way has a strength of 13-15 degrees. The process is so simple that even novice winemakers will not be able to spoil the drink. Sweet and sour varieties of apples make the most delicious wine.


  • 230 ml of vodka;
  • 300 g raisins;
  • 3 kg 300 g beet sugar;
  • nine kilograms of apple slices.

Step by step recipe

Wipe the apples with a kitchen towel. Cut into slices and remove seeds and partitions. Grind apples to a puree state using a meat grinder or food processor.

Thoroughly wash the glass bottle, pour boiling water over it and dry it. Pour applesauce into it. Raisins are steamed for five minutes in boiling water. Drying dried fruits. Cut each raisin in half. We send in applesauce. Pour three kilograms of sugar. We stir.

We close the bottle with a water seal and leave the mixture to ferment for 21 days. Rotate the container periodically to mix the contents. We separate the wort from the pulp and pour the remaining sugar. Stir and place in a clean glass container. We stand ten days in a cool room, tightly closing the lid. Carefully drain, leaving a sediment, add vodka, shake and bottle. We cork tightly with wooden corks and store horizontally in the cellar.

To prevent the drink from turning into vinegar, close the container with the wort with a water seal or a medical glove, having previously pierced one finger. During the fermentation process, it will be inflated, as soon as it ends, the air will come out of it.

Option 5. Spicy homemade apple wine

There are many recipes for making apple wine. One option is a spiced cinnamon drink. This seasoning goes well with apples. The result is a gentle, organic wine that women will love.


  • kilogram of fine sugar;
  • 40 g ground cinnamon;
  • four liters of spring water;
  • four kilograms of apple slices.

How to cook

Wipe each apple with a kitchen towel. Remove the core. Place fruit in a large bowl, add water and season with cinnamon. Place over low heat and simmer until the apple slices are soft.

Cool fruit and rub through a sieve. Transfer the applesauce to an enameled pan and leave for three days, covered with a clean cloth. Stir twice a day.

After three days, remove the pulp, leaving a thin layer. Mix the wort with sugar, mix and pour into a glass container for fermentation. Close the top with a water seal. Leave in a dark place for a week. Turn the container daily to mix the contents. On the eighth day, replace the water seal with a plastic cap and leave for another week, continuing to turn over. Drain carefully, leaving a residue. Pack in clean bottles, cork and store in the cellar.

Store wine in bottles by laying them out horizontally. In the room where the drink is stored, the temperature should not exceed 6 C, and be at least 16 C. The wine should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
