
Cake decoration for 1 year old for a boy. How to cook a delicious and beautiful cake for a year old girl

Beauty with your own hands.

  • 200 g baby cottage cheese
  • 100 g yogurt
  • 3-5 tsp sugar (optional)
  • 1 ⁄ 2 sachets of gelatin (5 g)
  • 150g baby biscuits (approx)
  • banana (or other fruits, berries)
  • cake jelly (optional)
  • ribbon, candle

Your little miracle will soon have the first real holiday - a birthday? And you wondered how to please your baby or baby? I will help you with the answer - make a real little cake :-)
When my daughter Agatha was one year old, I made her a cake that consisted entirely of those products that she can already eat. After all, it is very important to know that your child will not get red cheeks from allergies or stomach ache from unusual food, and all this on such a joyful day.
Many people buy cakes to order, decorated with colored fondant and all sorts of colored figurines. As we understand, the amount of dyes in such cakes goes off scale, and the taste does not always match the appearance. Usually the cake is eaten by adults, and the beautiful top is simply thrown away. In such cases, in my opinion, it is better to buy a toy (s) for the child that he will have left, make him a small cake and for adults - buy or cook a full-fledged adult cake. That's my point of view :-)


So, for the cake, we need a small box or bowl of a suitable shape (I have a box with a diameter of 12 cm). We will make a small cake, the child will not eat it anyway, and such a cake looks very cute. If you have a larger or smaller box, change the amount of ingredients needed accordingly.
Cover the box with cling film. Inside, you can pour beans or the like to evenly distribute the film, then pour it out.
Put a layer of cookies on the bottom.

Put cottage cheese, yogurt and sugar in a container, mix well.
I used unsweetened cottage cheese and yogurt, so I added some sugar.

Gelatin pour 50 ml of water and leave for 10 minutes (or for the time indicated on the package).
Then gelatin is slightly heated until completely dissolved and completely cooled.
Pour the gelatin in a thin stream, vigorously stirring the mass with a whisk.

Pour the curd mass into the box, the cookies will float up (this is normal).
Put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, until completely solidified.

Then gently, pulling the cake by the film, turn it over onto a plate (the cookies will be at the bottom).

Put around a side of cookies, tie with a ribbon.
For a boy, you can take, for example, a blue or blue ribbon and a candle to match the color, although red is also suitable.
I trimmed each cookie a little so that the side was a little lower, it should only rise a couple of centimeters above the cake.
Place banana slices on top.

Parents of babies with special trepidation expect the first birthday of their child. But to please the birthday man with a full-fledged cake is quite problematic, because many products are still contraindicated for him. However, there are a number of recipes that allow you to cook a cake for a year old boy, which you can give him without fear.

On the first birthday, many parents, not without reason, are afraid to give the birthday boy a store-bought cake, although there are a huge number of children's options.

Often they use dyes and preservatives, the origin and safety of which cannot be verified. At home, it’s easy to make a cake that will be 100% safe for the birthday person.

Composition of ingredients:

  • 400 g of children's cookies;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese (ideal - dairy products);
  • ½ cup sugar;
  • 150 g sour cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar. This will be the equivalent of a cream.
  2. Lay out a portion of the cookies in an even layer and coat it with the curd mass.
  3. You can put banana slices on top.
  4. Place a second layer of biscuits on top of the cottage cheese and cover with fruit cream again.
  5. Spread the dessert in layers until the desired height is reached.

If desired, the cake can be given any shape at the stage of laying the first layer. As a decor, it is convenient to use cookie crumbs, slices of fruit allowed for crumbs or candied fruit.

With gingerbread

Any children's cake can be decorated with decorations made on a gingerbread basis.

If necessary, they can be easily removed and give the birthday man a piece of cake without decor.

Composition of ingredients:

  • wooden skewers 30 cm long;
  • toothpicks;
  • 0.5 kg of flour;
  • 160 g of powdered sugar plus 100 g of sugar itself;
  • 2 eggs,
  • 170 g of honey;
  • 130 g butter;
  • gel dyes;
  • lemon juice;
  • 1.5 tsp soda;
  • protein of 1 egg;
  • set of spices: ginger powder, cinnamon, coriander.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix softened butter with sweet ingredients (except powder) and eggs.
  2. Sift the flour and refrigerate the mixed dough for 20 minutes.
  3. Form a layer of 1.5 cm thick from it and cut out the shapes of the desired shape.
  4. Bake gingerbread in the oven. Bake settings: 10 minutes and 180 degrees.
  5. While the figures are still hot, put them on skewers and pierce each gingerbread in several places - this measure will prevent the glaze from spreading.
  6. The components for the glaze (protein, powder and a couple of drops of lemon juice) are whipped with a mixer. To draw the contours, you must use a white base. The rest of the glaze can be divided into several parts, adding the dye of the desired color to each. Application is carried out using a confectionery syringe or a plastic bag with a cut corner.

In the absence of artistic skills, you can apply a stencil and outline the image exactly on it. As soon as the outline of the pattern hardens, you can proceed to the color decor. After that, it remains only to let the finished products dry and use them for their intended purpose.

The most beautiful children's dessert with mastic

If parents believe that the child is still small enough to try the cake, and its main purpose is to please an older audience, then you can bake the dessert yourself. Do-it-yourself cake guarantees the quality and freshness of the products used.

Composition of ingredients:

  • natural food colorings;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 500 g of powdered sugar plus 200 g of sugar itself;
  • peaches (both fresh and from a jar are suitable);
  • oil packaging;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 200 g marshmallows;
  • 500 ml cream;
  • 1 can of condensed milk.

Cooking method:

  1. From eggs, sugar and flour, prepare a biscuit and bake it in the oven at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.
  2. Cut the biscuit into cakes and cover them with pieces of peaches.
  3. Whip the cream with powder (250g) and spread it on top of the fruit.
  4. Then beat the condensed milk with butter and generously cover the cake on all sides with the resulting mass.
  5. Melt marshmallows with a couple of tablespoons of butter in the microwave. If you need colored figures, then marshmallows with butter should be divided into portions, adding the desired dye to each. This will take 10 seconds. Then it remains only to mix the resulting composition with powder.
  6. From one serving of mastic, form the basis for covering the cake. From the rest, mold colored figures, moisten them with water and attach to the base covering the product.

Cake in the shape of a unit

A favorite option for the parents of a one-year-old boy is a cake in the shape of a unit. It is this type of dessert that will symbolize that the birthday boy is celebrating his first birthday.

Composition of ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of baking flour;
  • 250 g sugar plus 250 g cream powder;
  • 12 eggs;
  • pieces of any fruit;
  • 350 ml cream;
  • soda slaked with vinegar.

Cooking method:

  1. Bake biscuit cakes from flour mixed with soda, sugar and eggs
  2. Using a template or “by eye”, cut out the desired number.
  3. Whip the cream with powder and cover the cakes and cake with them on all sides, laying out the fruit layers along the way.
  4. Decorate the finished dessert with mastic and figures prepared on its basis.

Culinary lace can be used as an original, but simple decoration.

From children's cookies with cream

In the absence of time and effort to create a culinary masterpiece, you can use a simple recipe for making a cake for a baby. Moreover, you can give such a dessert without fear even to a one-year-old child, because it contains only healthy “children's” products.

Composition of ingredients:

  • a bag of jelly filling mixture;
  • 1 pack of baby cookies;
  • bananas and pears;
  • 100 ml baby yogurt without fillers;
  • 200 ml of cottage cheese for children;
  • granulated sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Give the jelly time to swell in 50 ml of water.
  2. Mix yogurt, cottage cheese and sugar. In the absence of allergies in a child, sugar can be replaced with honey.
  3. Heat the jelly until dissolved and add to the cream.
  4. Form the base of the cake from the cookies and cover it with cream. Send the almost ready dessert to the refrigerator for solidification.
  5. Decorate with fruit slices.

Biscuit treat

Composition of ingredients:

  • about 0.5 kg of flour;
  • 350 g of sugar;
  • 10 eggs;
  • 1 kg of sour cream (from 850 g of sour cream and granulated sugar);
  • protein cream (from 3 proteins, 200 g of sugar and 1/3 tbsp. of water);
  • 12 st. l. sugar syrup (sugar/water ratio 7:5).

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the base for the biscuit and bake 2 cakes. If they turn out to be too high, then you can cut them into 2 more parts. Then the cake will turn out 4-layer.
  2. Boil syrup from water with sugar and cool.
  3. Sour cream must be prepared the day before. Mix sour cream and sugar with a mixer, transfer to a colander lined with gauze, and put in the refrigerator overnight. After that, beat again.
  4. Coat the cake layers and sides of the cake with cream.
  5. For the meringue cream, beat egg whites separately. Make sugar syrup and boil it until thick. Whisk the egg whites together. Stop the mixer only after the product has cooled down. Decorate the cake with the resulting meringue.

Banana cake for a year old boy

On the prepared biscuit base, you can make an interesting birthday cake with banana filling.

Composition of ingredients:

  • 1 bar of milk chocolate;
  • 4 ripe bananas;
  • 600 ml cream;
  • 250 g of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the biscuit into 2 parts and use a spoon to shape them into a bowl, being careful not to break the walls.
  2. Pour the melted chocolate into the bottom of the bottom cake. Spread a thin layer of whipped cream over it.
  3. Lay peeled bananas on a creamy “pillow”.
  4. Mix the biscuit crumbs with the remaining whipped cream and place a slide on top of the bananas.
  5. Gently cover with a second layer of biscuit and decorate the cake.

How to decorate a cake for a boy's first birthday

The modern culinary industry offers a huge number of ways to decorate children's cakes.

For the little ones, the following are most suitable:

  • Chocolate figurines. It is easier to prepare them at home: chocolate icing is made and, using a confectionery syringe, the contours of figures are squeezed onto a sheet of paper, which are placed in the cold to solidify.
  • Ready-made cookies and sweets are a great option for those who lack the ability to draw.
  • Fruits. You can decorate the cake, both with simple slices, and create flower arrangements from them. Additionally, to add shine, they can be covered with jelly or glaze.
  • Decor elements from mastic. Any shape can be molded from it, so confectioners most often resort to using such a base.

As you can see, there is no need to order a cake for the first birthday of a child in a pastry shop. It can be easily prepared on your own. Plus, you can be sure that the freshness and quality of such treats will be at the highest level.

This section presents children's cakes for a year.


For your baby's first birthday, you should order a beautiful dessert made in pastel colors. More than 50 cake options for a year in this category will help you decide on the decor. The treat can be any shape: round, square, 3D in the form of the number 1. You can choose a single-tier dessert weighing 2 kg, decorated with edible elements or berries. It is worth adding a cream ruffle, a candle, baby figurines and mastic applications. A large multi-tiered cake is decorated with balloons, inscriptions, numbers and date of birth. For 1 year, animals from mastic are added: monkeys, elephants, giraffes, animals with wide eyes, owls, puppies, kittens. For a boy, you can choose figurines of cars in bright colors. For girls - bows, dresses, delicate flowers, dolls. Characters from classic children's fairy tales and heroes of modern cartoons will attract the attention of one-year-olds. The photo printing option is inexpensive. Such a design can be made to order using a photo of a child or pictures. Adults will be pleased with a cake with a stork or with a metric that will remind you of the time when the baby was born, weight and height


In the Fillings and compositions section, 17 flavors are described https://website/nashi-nachinki/. For a children's holiday, we recommend light options: cream, Napoleon, bird's milk, yogurt, cottage cheese. You can order additional components for the filling for free: fruits, berries, caramel, chocolate, nuts. To try all the flavors, sign up for a free tasting. To do this, select the date of arrival and coordinate the time with our managers by phone 8-499-499-23-22.


  • High production speed. From the moment of application to the date of delivery 1 - 2 days (for 3D products - 3 days);
  • Delivery at our expense when ordering from 5 kg or when ordering cupcakes in the amount of more than 6500 rubles;
  • Compliance of the finished product with the photo on the site;
  • We will refund the money if the dessert is not to your liking;
  • Discount system: 10% - for regular customers, 2% - when applying at night, 3% - when applying for 20 days.

So one of the happiest moments in the life of parents has come - the baby is 1 year old. More recently, my mother wore it in her tummy, wrapped it in diapers and was proud of the first agu. And now he has a birthday and his mother has new worries.

What cake to cook for a birthday. After all, it is necessary to observe the traditions (to please the guests, to blow out the candle, to make a wish) and to please the baby.

We all know that children at this age should not eat purchased cakes, chocolate and other goodies are undesirable, so you can use this option. Buy a large elegant beautiful cake for guests.

Or bake your own, for example this:

Let the adults enjoy, they also came to the birthday party.

And for the baby, and perhaps the same little guests, make a cake with your own hands. Recipes do not take much time, mom has enough trouble already.

The first cake recipe for a child for 1 year:

The recipe is very simple. As a test - any children's cookies (400 gr).

Instead of cream - cottage cheese (250 gr.), Whipped with sour cream (150 gr.) And sugar (0.5 cups).

We spread the cookies soaked in milk on a dish in one layer, coat with cottage cheese on top.

And so several layers. Fruits such as bananas can be added between layers and for decoration.

Decorate the top of the cake with cookie crumbs, finely chopped apples and candied fruits. Light a candle if you wish. Such a cake is suitable for both a girl and a boy for 1 year.

Here's another recipe that might work too.

The second version of the cake recipe for a child for 1 year:

You will need one glass (250 ml) of flour and sugar, 4 eggs.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the yolks with half the norm of sugar and add the sifted flour to them.

Whisk egg whites with a mixer and slowly add sugar. When the proteins are whipped into a steep foam, carefully introduce into the yolk mixture with flour.

The resulting mass is poured onto a greased form and sent to the oven, which was preheated to 180 degrees. Forget about the biscuit for 20-30 minutes. It is strictly forbidden to open the door! Otherwise, the cake will settle.

Carefully cut the finished cake lengthwise into two parts. The filling can be any. You can beat the whites with sugar and fruit. You can simply soak the cake with fruit syrup, grease or yogurt, decorate with fruit. In our case, the cake is soaked in sour cream, which is prepared as follows:

300 gr. whip sour cream with a glass of sugar and add a pre-prepared gelling mixture of agar-agar (1 glass). Or gelatin. After 20 minutes, the mass will begin to thicken.

Spread this cream between the cakes and on top. While the sour cream is not yet completely frozen, decorate the cake with peach slices (or any other fruit). Sprinkle sides with cookie crumbs. Put the cake in a cold place for several hours. (2-3 hours will be enough). Or you can refrigerate overnight.

Cake for 1 year is ready! The most important thing is that it is safe for the baby. Only you know what fruits the birthday boy does not have and whether he can have chocolate and other temptations. Try not to introduce new foods on this day. Let the menu be familiar to him. This day should be remembered as a joyful event and you do not need colic.
So go ahead, fantasize and enjoy cooking.

At the first birthday of a child, everything will naturally be the first time. That is why relatives try to make every effort to make this day especially bright and memorable. Let it be a home tea party or a luxurious banquet of a certain theme, dedicated to the first anniversary of your baby, the most important thing is that every, even a small detail, emphasizes the significance of the event. Among the huge variety of culinary delights and simple homemade dishes, the most important place is given to a cake for a year old boy. Now, when celebrating children's holidays, the cake not only plays the role of a treat, but also sets the tone for the whole holiday. So what should be the birthday cakes for 1 year old boy?

What should be the cake for the first anniversary?

A do-it-yourself cake baked at home for a year old boy or girl will be the final sweet apogee of the festive table. The usual recipes for puff cakes, biscuits, butter creams with banal inscriptions and roses have long remained only on the pages of recipe books. Now attentive mothers and contemporaries - confectioners are as sophisticated as possible so that the festive cake on the table is not just beautiful, but magical. This will be especially true when choosing desserts for such a special celebration. Since children at this age are very inquisitive, bright and rich colors will surely attract their attention and remain in their memory.

Sweet delicacies are complemented with delicious figurines of animals or cartoon characters, edible drawings, flowers and beads. Cake for a year old boy will not leave the baby indifferent. A child will not be able to pass by such a masterpiece.

When choosing the theme of the holiday, it is necessary to take into account the interests of the child, remember your favorite cartoons, heroes of your favorite fairy tales and decorate both the room and the festive table in this topic.

If the baby is not attracted by the taste of grapes or meringue, then you should not decorate the cake with these ingredients for the sake of a beautiful picture, or strictly follow the chosen recipe.

An attentive mother always knows about the taste preferences of her child, so there should be no problems with unwanted ingredients. Do not use foods that can cause allergies or exotic foods that the child has not yet tried when preparing meals. Children's birthday is the day when the treats will be tasted by other invited kids. In order not to conduct additional surveys among guests before compiling the menu, you can immediately exclude such ingredients as: citrus fruits, honey and nuts.

Products that will be used both for baking desserts and for decoration deserve special attention. Never use synthetic dyes. Remember, you are cooking for little guests, and there is no place for such products on the children's table! There are many natural dyes that will give your dish bright colors and are completely harmless to the child's body. Here are a few natural colorings that will brighten up your food: blue cabbage, strawberry, parsley, beetroot, and carrot juice. When ordering a cake from experienced confectioners, be sure to check what dyes they use in their work.

A separate item should mention the date of manufacture. The cake must be fresh, so we recommend baking it directly on the eve of the holiday or on the day of the celebration. This also applies to custom cakes.

What elements are best used to decorate a cake for a 1 year old boy?

Many parents are faced with a difficult choice: which cake for a year is better for a boy to choose? From mastic or cream? In this case, the choice in favor of the cream seems more reliable, and in favor of mastic - modern. Let's look at the pros and cons of each solution.

Mastic as a cake decor.

A cake that is made with mastic can sometimes look like the eighth wonder of the world. After all, the plasticity of mastic dough allows you to fashion real masterpieces, moreover, edible ones. Mastic serves as a kind of cover to hide the shortcomings of the cakes, in addition, small compositions can be fashioned from it and set the tone for the whole holiday.

The main advantage of mastic is that it is very plastic and easy to paint. Therefore, it is very easy to work with it, both for experienced confectioners and amateur beginners. Well, famous chefs create simply unique items that will become the apogee of the entire festive menu and will forever remain in your memory.

Mastic comes in several types (textures). You can use velvet, milk, chocolate or marshmallow. You can buy it in the store or make your own.

Not everyone likes the taste of mastic, for some it is too sugary. And some parents try to limit their young children in sweets. However, can parents upset their one-year-old baby and prevent him from tasting a colorful robot or a mastic superhero? Therefore, you should be prepared that little hands will reach for a bright star or a colorful car on a cake made from delicious mastic dough.

Decoration options and cake recipes for a year old boy.

Small representatives of the stronger sex, even at the age of one, are already showing curiosity. Therefore, the cake for a year old boy should be appropriate - interesting, bright and colorful. The most correct choice would be a design in the theme of your favorite films, fairy tales or cartoons. Images of drawn or sculpted cars, trains or aircraft will definitely please the little birthday boy (both literally and figuratively). You can not only decorate the cake with the attributes of your favorite characters, but also choose an unusual shape of cakes (the shape of a single, a newborn baby, a fish, or any other).

But the usual cakes with congratulatory inscriptions, the name of the child or the image of the number one, too, have not been canceled. They will be so appropriate for the holiday.

But a set of sweets in the form of a cake with candles and additional mini-cakes is an interesting and original solution. So you kill two birds with one stone: implement an unusual idea and feed all the guests with sweets.

In general, your imagination will be the best adviser, and the proposed recipes will help you choose the best cake for a year old boy.

Children's Chocolate Cake Recipe

Chocolate cake is not just a delicious dessert, it is a real discovery for housewives. Primitive technology makes it possible to prepare a dessert that any guest will like. We recommend two simple, but completely unique chocolate cake recipes for a children's birthday. You can make such a cake for a year old boy with your own hands very quickly and easily.

Cake Marquis

To prepare the Marquis, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 100g cocoa powder (half for cream);
  • 1/4 cup sugar (for cream)
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Two glasses of granulated sugar;
  • A quarter kg of cream is small;
  • 3 cups wheat flour;
  • One can of condensed milk;
  • Baking powder - 1 pack;
  • Half a liter of kefir.

To prepare, combine butter, kefir and sugar and beat with a whisk. Next, you need to sift the flour and pour cocoa powder into the container. Knead the adze and put it in the refrigerator to cool for a couple of hours and then add the baking powder there.


To prepare it, you need to mix cocoa powder (50g), sugar (1/4 cup), a can of condensed milk and water. Cook over medium heat until it starts to boil. Turn off the oven and let the cream cool down. After cooling, thoroughly beat the resulting mass with a mixer at high speed.

Divide the dough into three equal parts and bake 3 cakes. When the baked cakes have cooled down a bit, you can put them in a cake, pre-lubricated with cream. Trim the edges of the cake with a knife. Chop up the scraps so they can be used as decoration.

Plain chocolate cake

This recipe is very simple, because most of the necessary ingredients are in almost every refrigerator.

Take a deep container, mix in it 250 g of flour, one and a half teaspoons of soda, 300 grams of granulated sugar and 50 grams of cocoa powder. Slowly add in turn two chicken eggs, vanilla sugar, one tablespoon of wine vinegar, melted butter (60 grams) and 30 ml of milk. Mix well until the mixture forms a dough. Put it on a baking sheet and send it to the oven for an hour to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees. Carefully remove the finished cake from the oven and let it cool, put on a wide plate. You can choose the cream of your choice.

Children's Fruit Cake Recipe

There is nothing better than a light, airy cake that will become the pearl of your holiday table. Given the fact that his cut will delight any guest. As a filling, you can use any berries and fruits, especially popular mulberries, cherries, cherries, blueberries and others.

For this cake you will need:

Divide six eggs separately into whites and yolks. Whisk the whites conscientiously until you get a foamy mass, slowly add two hundred grams of sugar, and then 6 yolks. Then take wheat flour (100 grams), mix with starch (100 grams) and baking powder (1 teaspoon), add vanilla sugar. Mix all the ingredients and knead the dough.

Bake the cake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. At the end of the term, do not immediately take out the cake, let it stand in the oven for about 20 minutes. Using a blender, chop fruits and berries, while a teaspoon of creamy thickener, 200 grams of powdered sugar and a liter of sour cream should be beaten well.

After the cake has cooled, remove the upper part from it, remove the pulp from the bottom cake and grease it liberally with cream. When compiling the composition itself, put berries and fruits mixed with cream on the cake, place the crumb on top, and then again the berry-fruit layer with cream.

Set the top part on top, then grease the whole cake with cream. and then decorate with berries and fruits.

Biscuit cake recipe for a year old boy

Cherry biscuit cake is an easy and win-win recipe. You can bring it to life with fresh strawberries, pears or peaches, or use canned fruit. To prepare you will need to use:

For light-colored cakes:

  • 4 chicken eggs:
  • One teaspoon of vanillin;
  • 200 grams of flour (wheat);
  • One st. a spoonful of starch;

For dark browns:

  • 200 grams of flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • A quarter of a kilogram of granulated sugar;

For cream:

  • 0.4 liters of 30% sour cream;
  • 0.4 liters of 30 percent cream;
  • 1/5 liter of 10% sour cream;
  • Powdered sugar (to taste);

For presentation:

  • Cherries - 300 grams;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • 50 grams of chocolate;
  • Cream thickener;
  • 50 grams of chocolate.


First you need to bake biscuits. To prepare the cream, you need to strongly beat sour cream, powdered sugar and cream. Then you need to cut the cakes into four equal parts. The sequence should be as follows: grease the cakes with cream, berries, then lay the cake again and so on in a circle. Pour cream generously over the formed dessert. To decorate the product, you can use fresh berries or whipped cream.

Rainbow cake for a year old boy

It may seem to some that this cake is very complicated in its execution, but it is not. You can quite master this task. The recipe is the following:

  • Chicken eggs - 8 pcs.;
  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Gelatin - 15 grams;
  • Oil -3 tbsp. l. (vegetable);
  • Cognac - 1 tbsp. ;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Water - 200 ml;
  • Cream - 800 ml;
  • Six options for food coloring;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 cup;
  • Boiled water - 100 ml;
  • A pinch of salt,

First, prepare the biscuit. To do this, beat the whites, and add salt to the yolks. Next, add butter, vanilla and flour to them. Mix both mixtures together and beat well with a mixer at high speed.

Divide the dough into equal parts, taking into account the number of existing dyes, and add the dye to the dough. Each of the cakes needs to be baked in an oven at a temperature of 10 degrees for about 20 minutes. In order to prepare the cream, you need to stir the gelatin with boiled water. In this case, the cream must be mixed with powdered sugar and beat thoroughly with a mixer at high speed. Then you need to mix the cream and gelatin composition. When all the cakes are baked, you need to grease them with cream and put them on top of each other.

Children's mastic cake

Don't worry if you've never dealt with buttercream cakes before. The cooking process is not too complicated, even for amateur cooks. You will need:

  • One finished biscuit;
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk;
  • 200 grams of butter cream;
  • A kilogram of powdered sugar;
  • 160 grams of multi-colored marshmallows;

Cooking process:

First you need to melt the marshmallows in the microwave and mix it with powdered sugar. Put the mastic that turned out on the table and knead. In case it turned out too hard, then it is worth pouring water. Now you can cut or sculpt shapes or decorations of any shape of your choice from the fondant. After that, the cut out figures must be placed in a cold place so that they cool down.

For the next step, mix the condensed milk and butter with a mixer at high speed, and then divide it into two equal parts. Now you can form the cake and cover it with cream on all sides. Having rolled out the mastic on the table, you can wrap it around the cake in a layer. You can decorate the overall composition with mastic figures and decorations.

Baby formula cake recipe

This recipe is very simple and nutritious at the same time. To implement the recipe you will need:

  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Sand sugar - 1 glass;
  • Sour cream (20%) - 1 cup;
  • Baking soda;
  • Baby food - 1 glass;
  • Flour - 1 cup;

For the cream, you will need to mix a glass of infant formula in a large container. Sour cream and 100 grams of sugar and beat with a blender or mixer (optional).

To prepare the cake, you need to mix sugar and eggs, beat at medium speed until the mass becomes homogeneous, then slowly pour sour cream into the container and mix and beat the words. Gradually add flour and mix again. To bake the cakes, you need to divide the dough into two equal parts and send it to the oven for baking at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. The formed cake must be smeared with cream on all sides, and the rolled mastic should be wrapped around the cake with a layer. Decorate the mastic decoration to your liking, and then send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours to cool.

Creamy cake for a children's party.

Homemade desserts will never be in the same line as custom cakes. Whipped cream in this case is especially popular, as it is distinguished by its special airiness and splendor. To prepare such a cake you will need to take:

  • Eggs - 4pcs;
  • Sugar - 150g;
  • Vanillin - 1 pack.;
  • Flour - 120g.
  • To fill the cream, you need 170 grams of marmalade.


  • Powder - 150 grams;
  • Cream - 300 grams.

To prepare a creamy cake, you need to separate the proteins from the yolks and beat them with sugar. Mix the mass with vanilla and flour, and then send to a baking sheet and put in the oven for at least 40 minutes. Separately, beat the powdered sugar and cream, cut the marmalade into small pieces. Divide the cake into three parts and grease them with butter cream. For decoration on top of the cake, arrange the marmalade pieces as you wish.

Cake for a year old boy from cookies

In the summer, you want to please your loved ones more and more with goodies using berries and fruits. We will tell you a recipe for a delicious summer delight, for which you need to use:

  • 200 grams of shortbread cookies;
  • 200 grams of cream;
  • A quarter liter of yogurt (natural);
  • 200 grams of raspberries;
  • Two st. l. condensed milk;
  • 70 grams of butter (butter);
  • 75 grams of sugar;
  • 15 grams of gelatin;
  • 120 ml of boiling water;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • 3 pieces of peaches (canned);
  • 60 grams of almond petals;
  • Bananas - 2 pieces;


Finely chop the cookies before cooking. Add butter and condensed milk to the crumbs, and then knead the mass for the dough. Transfer the resulting mass to a baking dish and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. In the meantime, dissolve gelatin in water for 40 minutes. After that, beat sugar and cream with a mixer, and then gradually add gelatin, yogurt, lemon juice, peaches and berries. Spread a finely chopped banana on the surface of the cake, and pour the yogurt filling on top. Having limited the resulting product with cling film, put it in a cool place for several hours until it hardens.

A delicious cake for a year old boy will be remembered by guests for its unusual appearance and unsurpassed taste!
