
The national drink is koumiss. Koumiss - useful properties and the secret of the production of the drink

Kumys is a traditional Kazakh drink made from mare's milk using a special technology. For many centuries, peoples engaged in traditional horse breeding have been preparing and drinking koumiss, considering it (and I must say - not unreasonably!) A real panacea, a drink that gives vitality, satisfies hunger and thirst, and also relieves many diseases. But how to drink koumiss? Now we'll talk about it!

People who ask themselves the question of how to drink koumiss properly have probably heard about the magical properties of this drink. Official medicine was interested in the unusual properties of fermented mare's milk at the end of the 19th century. After a series of studies in Bashkiria, even several koumiss clinics were opened. They work to this day, healing patients from diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, and neuroses.

Useful properties of koumiss

Milk obtained from mares, and hence all its derivatives, is rich in proteins and fats, it contains lactose, mineral salts and microelements useful for the human body in abundance. In the process of fermentation, mare's milk is enriched with lactic acid, enzymes, as well as antibiotics of natural origin, and as a result, it becomes a kind of healing complex, a "vitamin bomb", which is also very pleasant to the taste.

If you regularly eat koumiss, it will strengthen the body, have a rejuvenating effect, normalize metabolism, increase the protective properties of all organs and systems, and also help in the fight against inflammatory diseases. Moreover: even advanced forms of tuberculosis recede before this magical drink! Anemia, dysbacteriosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system are also treated with koumiss.

Tricks of drinking sour mare's milk

Koumiss is a rather fatty and high-calorie drink. People who have been accustomed to it since childhood calmly drink 15 liters of a miracle remedy a day. But an unprepared person should start with minimal portions and gradually increase them. For medicinal purposes, doctors prescribe to drink 100 ml of koumiss in the morning and evening before meals or directly during the meal. Gradually, this dose can be increased, but only on the condition that no negative health effects have been noticed.

Now you know how to drink koumiss properly, and what are the benefits of this amazing drink. Be sure to try it, because fermented mare's milk is a very tasty treat!

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Koumiss is a kind of fermented milk product that is traditionally made from mare's milk. It is a foaming white drink with a specific taste and smell. It is produced by fermenting mare's milk with lactic acid bacteria and special koumiss yeast. At the same time, lactic and alcoholic fermentation occurs in the drink with the formation of alcohol (up to 2.5%). Koumiss is an easily digestible, nutritious product with many valuable properties for the body.


Kumis is a dietary product. Those who want to lose weight should take a glass of drink before each meal.

In this case, koumiss will create a feeling of fullness in the stomach and help to consume the main dishes in smaller quantities.

The drink has a mild laxative effect, it promotes bowel movements without creating a threat of dehydration.

What other useful properties does koumiss have? This drink

  • perfectly satisfies hunger and thirst, so it should be taken between meals as a snack;
  • improves the absorption of fats and proteins contained in other products;
  • has bactericidal properties, due to which it can be used in the treatment of tuberculosis;
  • treats and has a preventive effect in diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • restores the body after serious illnesses;
  • helps to strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • improves blood composition, increases the amount of hemoglobin;
  • saves the body from beriberi;
  • destroys some intestinal infections;
  • restores the microflora of the vagina and intestines;
  • has an anesthetic effect for pain in the digestive organs;
  • helps in the treatment of typhoid fever, ulcers, dysentery;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • slows down the growth of oncological tumors;
  • prevents depletion of the body with malnutrition;
  • returns the forces expended during hard physical work;
  • helps breastfeeding mothers maintain breast elasticity;
  • alleviates the condition with toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • relieves hangover.

Kumis is useful for strengthening and hair growth. Regular rinsing of the head with this drink will prevent the weakening of the hair follicles, including in men, add volume to the hairstyle, and thicken the hair structure. Wiping the skin daily with koumiss, you can dry the oily, tighten the aging skin of the face and neck.


Koumiss can harm the body when consumed in large quantities, causing diarrhea, severe gas formation, and flatulence.

In addition, alcohol abuse can lead to severe intoxication.

Bottled koumiss, which can be found in the store, does not have all the healing properties of a natural drink. Natural koumiss does not tolerate transportation and long-term storage. A truly useful product should be purchased directly at the place of its production.

You can not buy koumiss from unverified sellers. If the manufacturer did not follow the rules of hygiene, the drink can cause intestinal upset or an infectious disease.

In koumiss, the content of carbohydrates and saturated fats is not exceeded. The drink does not contain carcinogens and GMOs.


The calorie content of 100 g of koumiss is 50 kcal, which is 2.4% of the recommended rate per day. To measure the mass of the product at home, you can use glasses and spoons. The table shows the energy value of koumiss for these units of measurement:


A moderate amount of koumiss is not contraindicated during pregnancy. Future mothers should not get carried away with this drink, as it contains alcohol. For the same reason, the product should not be given to infants.

Koumiss is contraindicated in case of allergy to sour-milk products and increased acidity of gastric juice.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin name (chemical name) Content in 100 g of koumiss (mg) % of the recommended norm per day
beta carotene 0,01 0,5
Vitamin A (retinol) 0,03 3
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0,02 1,74
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0,04 2,94
Vitamin B4 (choline) 23,5 3,88
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0,2 3,07
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0,03 2,67
Vitamin B12 (cobalamins) 0,0002 10
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 9 10,8
Vitamin E (tocopherol) 0,1 1
Vitamin H (biotin) 0,001 0,33
Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) 0,1 0,5
Vitamin PP (niacin equivalent) 0,6 3

Treatment with koumiss should be carried out for a long time: at least 3 weeks. As a result, the body will improve, recharge with vigor, strength, energy. The resulting effect will last for a whole year.

Everyone knows that fermented mare's milk is a unique and valuable product, because it contains a huge amount of trace elements. If you show readers at least half of the list, then it will take up most of the article, but we will list the most important - these are fats, proteins, vitamins of all major groups, calcium, magnesium,. Thanks to this set, it is just a panacea for problems with the digestive system, even dysentery can be handled by koumiss for a strong five!

Useful properties of koumiss

So, let's move on to the most interesting, that is, we will answer the important question of how horse koumiss is useful for our body.

First of all, let's say that koumiss is excellent for respiratory diseases, that is, the early stages of tuberculosis, anemia, it treats excellently.

The drink will help get rid of depression and nervous experiences. This is a really good sedative and no medication is needed.

We must not forget that the calcium contained in it helps your teeth and hair to be healthy and strong! This is really very important for every person, because strong hair and healthy teeth are a sign of good health.

Restores the intestinal microflora, which is just great after serious illnesses. Also, koumiss helps to get rid of static pains and bloating, which is also very good for health and wallet, because you don’t have to spend a lot of money on expensive medicines.

Koumiss also helps the heart to work like a clock, which will greatly help people who are predisposed to heart disease.

What is useful goat koumiss?

Many people forget that in addition to horse koumiss, there is also goat koumiss. It is in no way inferior in properties to a horse, and in some places it even wins the battle for the tastes of people. For example, it remarkably helps restore immunity after a long illness, with beriberi and exhaustion, quickly brings the level to normal. Also, goat koumiss normalizes the metabolism in the body.

It is the goat version of koumiss that is widely used in cosmetology. The famous balm, which is used for hair growth and restoration, is made from goat koumiss.

What is useful koumiss for women?

Women of the world, rejoice! With just one glass of koumiss, you can feel full and satisfied, that is, you can easily follow the diet.

Remember also that koumiss does not contain very many calories, so this is an ideal way to keep yourself in shape. Just take it before meals, then due to the activation of metabolic processes, some part of the fat will definitely be absorbed.

Let's not forget about the cosmetic component. Koumiss hair balms are very useful, they can be made according to different recipes, but the result will still be stunning.

During pregnancy, this product can also be drunk, but only under one condition, if the expectant mother has anemia. Remember this exception, it's important!

What is useful koumiss for the liver?

Koumiss will help the liver cleanse itself of various “wrong” substances. Remember that this product should not be used for inflammatory processes that can occur in the liver, remember this! This is a very strict rule that must be followed.

Is it good to drink koumiss?

The answer to this question is extremely simple! Yes, of course, it is useful, you just need to remember about the contraindications that any product has. For example, during pregnancy, inflammation of the kidneys or liver, it is absolutely impossible to drink it, but in all other cases it is a wonderful product that will help get rid of "pharmacy addiction"!

Kumys (from Turkic, Kazakh. kymyz)- fermented milk drink from mare's milk of whitish color, obtained as a result of lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation. Koumiss in all stages of maturation is used only fermented, and not fermented, therefore it is called a "live drink". To taste - pleasant, refreshing, sour-sweet frothy. The nomadic peoples of the Kazakh and Mongolian steppes were the first to learn how to cook koumiss. Nomads kept the technology of making koumiss a secret for centuries. The first mention of koumiss can be found in the writings of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus (484-424 BC), who, describing the life of the Scythians, said that the favorite drink of this people was a special drink prepared by churning mare's milk in deep tubs . A detailed description of koumiss was left by the French monk and missionary of the 13th century, Wilhelm Rubrikius. Talking about his journey to "Tataria" in 1253, he describes for the first time in detail the preparation, taste and effect of koumiss.

Koumiss varieties

Depending on the content of lactic acid and alcohol, koumiss is divided into weak, medium and strong.

IN weak koumiss (one-day, alcohol - 1%) there is little gas, the foam easily subsides when shaken. When settling, it is divided into two layers: the upper one is watery and the lower one is more dense. The taste is sweetish, very slightly acidic and almost does not sting the tongue. Weak koumiss is similar in density to mare's milk.

IN middle koumiss (two-day, alcohol 1.75%) a stable fine foam is formed. Koumiss is not divided into layers. as there is already a finely dispersed uniform imulsion of casein. The taste is sour, spicy, stings the tongue. Such koumiss is thinner than mare's milk.

Strong koumiss (three-day, alcohol - 3%) is even thinner and more acidic. It has abundant, but less resistant foam, there are a lot of gases.

The composition of koumiss

During koumiss fermentation, protein is converted into easily digestible substances, and milk sugar is converted into lactic acid, ethyl alcohol, carbonic acid and a number of aromatic substances. All this creates a high nutritional value of koumiss, easy digestibility, pleasant taste and aroma.

Usually koumiss contains from 0.2% to 2.5% ethyl alcohol. But strong natural koumiss (only from mare's milk) can contain up to 4.5% alcohol.

The calorie content of a liter of koumiss varies between 300-400 kcal, depending on the content of protein and fat, as well as the amount of unfermented sugar. There is about 20 g of digestible protein in a liter of koumiss, which corresponds to the amount of protein in 100 g of beef pulp of medium fatness. It is important to note that koumiss proteins are rich in essential amino acids and are almost completely digested.
The composition of koumiss contains a lot of yeast, as well as vitamins:

Thiamine (B1) - 203.4 mcg / l.

Ribiflavin (B2) - 375.0 mcg / l.

B12 - 2.1 µg/l.

Pantothenic acid - 2010.0 µg/l.

Folic acid - 265.0 mcg / l.

Biotin - 1.2 mcg / l.

The healing properties of koumiss and the use of koumiss

The usefulness and medicinal properties of koumiss were studied mainly after the opening of the first koumiss-hospital by N.V. Postnikov in 1858. It was N.V. Postnikov who was credited with organizing in 1858 a koumiss treatment sanatorium not far from Samara for “the treatment of patients with tuberculosis and other debilitating diseases.” A year later, another doctor, Neftel, treated 15 soldiers suffering from tuberculosis with koumiss at the Orenburg military hospital. Soon, doctors recognized koumiss as the best of all the then known remedies for this disease. In recent years, the influence of koumiss on various physiological processes of the body and on individual organs has been studied:

Koumiss yeast produces antibiotic substances during fermentation in relation to tubercle bacillus.

Kumis normalizes the secretory activity of the stomach and other digestive organs.

Koumiss treatment is very effective in gastric and duodenal ulcers, in the stage of attenuation of the process, and also gives good results in dysentery and typhoid fever.

Kumis has bactericidal properties, including against Escherichia coli and other pathogenic microbes.

Kumis treatment has a very beneficial effect on the blood: the hemoglobin content increases, the leukocyte formula improves.

Kumis has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. A good koumiss causes a peculiar state: some fatigue sets in, then a sound restful sleep, increased irritability disappears.

Kumis relieves hangover relatively quickly.

Thus, koumiss finds its application in the treatment of tuberculosis, scurvy, gastritis, pancreatic diseases, anemia, neurasthenia, cardiovascular diseases and typhoid fever.

In addition to human diseases, koumiss is also used in the treatment of animals - dyspepsia, wound healing.

Methods for taking koumiss

The method of taking koumiss depends on the disease of the patient, in which koumiss treatment is prescribed, on the activity of the process, on the age of the patient. The drinking regimen of koumiss is similar to the drinking regimen of mineral waters and depends on the secretory-motor, evacuation function of the digestive system.

The method of koumiss treatment involves the use of koumiss in fractional doses of 500-750-1000 ml/day. The time of taking koumiss mainly depends on the state of the secretory function of the stomach.

Persons with normal and increased secretory function of the stomach against the background of normal motor-evacuation function of the intestine, koumiss of medium strength with a constant acidity of 81-1000 according to Turner is recommended: respectively, 200-250 ml 20-30 minutes before meals or immediately before meals and fractional doses of 150-200 ml for 1- 1.5 hours in a daily dose of 500-750 ml;

Persons with reduced secretory function of the stomach recommended medium and strong koumiss (101-1200 according to Turner) 250-300 ml 40-60 minutes before meals, 750-1000 ml / day. The duration of the course of koumiss treatment should be at least 20-25 days.

With peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis with increased and normal secretory function weak koumiss is prescribed 1-1.5 hours before meals 125-250 ml 3 times a day in a warm form (18 ° -20 °). Drink in large sips, remove excess foam.

With peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis with reduced secretory function prescribe koumiss of weak and medium grade 20-30 minutes before meals 125-250 ml 3 times a day. Drink in small sips. At the beginning of the course of treatment, a dose of 100-150 ml is recommended, with a gradual increase to 250 ml.

When prescribing koumiss to patients in the early postoperative period(2-3 weeks after surgery), operated on for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, the method of application depends on the initial state of the secretory and motor-evacuation function of the stomach. Patients with increased secretory function are recommended weak koumiss 1-1.5 hours before meals at a dose of 50-100-200 ml 3-4 times a day with the expectation of its inhibitory effect (duodenal effect). Patients with preserved secretion of koumiss are recommended to take as with increased secretory function of the stomach. Patients with reduced secretory function are advised to take weak and medium grade koumiss 20-30 minutes before meals at a dose of 50 ml, followed by an increase in the dose to 200 ml 3-4 times a day. For a course of treatment, 16-18-20 liters of koumiss is recommended, the duration of the course of treatment is 20-24 days.

The benefits and harms of koumiss have been a topic for medical research for hundreds of years. What determines the healing properties of the drink and why is it called the elixir of longevity and youth?

Koumiss is widely used in the East as a food product with healing properties. In areas where the drink is popular, it is made from the milk of mares or camels. It is believed that such a drink not only refreshes and tones, but gives strength, heals from diseases, and strengthens the body. The benefits and harms of koumiss have been carefully studied by physicians and biologists. On the basis of scientific research, a treatment system called "koumiss therapy" was developed. The article will help you figure out who koumiss will benefit, and when it can harm.

What is this drink

Kumis is a product of lactic acid fermentation, like kefir or curdled milk. For the preparation of medicinal drink, horse milk is more often used, which is better absorbed by the body. The benefits of such a healing agent are estimated higher. In the traditions of some peoples, the milk of goats or cows is used for fermentation.

As a result of the reaction taking place in the presence of yeast bacteria and sugar, alcohol is formed. The longer the milk is aged, the higher the percentage of alcohol. On average, the alcohol content ranges from 0.2 to 2.5%, but an invigorating drink will not harm your health if taken in moderate doses. The taste of koumiss is sweet and sour, with a pleasant sharpness. A feature is the presence of carbon dioxide in the liquid, which is formed during prolonged fermentation.

The composition and calorie content of koumiss

The healing drink consists of easily digestible protein, animal fats and carbohydrates, as well as beneficial trace elements, including:

  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • zinc.

The refreshing elixir contains useful substances necessary for a person, including B vitamins, retinol, beta-carotene, tocopherol.

Comment! The calorie content of mare koumiss per 100 grams of the finished product is 50 kcal, cow koumiss contains 44 kcal, goat or camel koumiss 70–80 kcal.

What is useful koumiss

The use of koumiss for medicinal purposes was started by Avicenna, who was well aware of the beneficial properties of the healing drink. The healer recommended a remedy for restoring strength, with beriberi, physical exhaustion, and nervous diseases.

Modern medicine has adopted the experience of past generations. In the course of studying the benefits of horse koumiss, it was found that the drug regulates metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalizes the secretion of gastric juice, and benefits the intestines by improving peristalsis. The beneficial properties of koumiss for the liver are explained by the presence of choline (B4), which accelerates regeneration and normalizes the process of lipid metabolism.

Regular use of the drug improves the leukocyte blood count, increases the content of hemoglobin. Due to its bactericidal properties, koumiss is considered useful in diseases such as:

  • acute intestinal infections;
  • gastritis;
  • furunculosis;
  • tuberculosis.

The benefits of koumiss for the human body have been confirmed by studies that have found that a liquid rich in vitamins helps to cure certain types of heart ailments, and normalizes blood pressure.

For women

A useful horse milk elixir is used in gynecology. The tool is used in the treatment of vaginal dysbacteriosis. After a course of administration, the state of the microflora improves, the general hormonal background returns to normal.

The benefits of koumiss for women are due to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, which helps to improve complexion, relieve puffiness, and lose weight.

Toxic goiter is an ailment that most often affects the fairer sex. An overactive thyroid gland negatively affects the central nervous system. The person becomes irritable, quick-tempered, whiny. The beneficial properties of koumiss in goiter are explained by the relaxing effect due to a small percentage of alcohol, as well as the presence of B-group vitamins.

For men

The benefits of koumiss from mare's milk for men are due to the presence of the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for libido. Thanks to him, the duration and quality of sexual intercourse increases. Useful substances in the composition of the fermented milk mixture increase the elasticity of blood vessels, respectively, blood circulation improves, due to which the erection becomes full. Such therapy is especially important for representatives of the stronger sex over 40 years old. The benefit of koumiss for younger men is that the refreshing elixir improves the composition of sperm. This contributes to the emergence of healthy offspring.

Comment! Another useful property of fermented mare's milk can be considered its ability to restore the balance of salts and relieve withdrawal symptoms without harm to the body.

For pregnant and lactating

Low hemoglobin levels are a problem for many pregnant women. This condition is dangerous for the expectant mother and fetus. Koumiss contains a large amount of iron, so it is suitable for the prevention of anemia. A useful elixir of mare's milk contains calcium, which is more here than in cottage cheese. This microelement is necessary for pregnant women, as it is actively involved in the formation of the baby's bones. A small amount of ethyl alcohol for the fetus is not dangerous, but in the first weeks of pregnancy it is better to refrain from taking a healthy drink.

Regular consumption of a small amount of koumiss will be beneficial for a nursing mother. Tonic drink helps to increase lactation, restore the female body weakened after childbirth. The rich mineral composition of the drink will benefit the skin and hair, which need special care during this period.

Important! It is possible to introduce a useful agent into the diet only with the permission of the gynecologist who monitors the health of the expectant mother.

Is it possible to give koumiss to children

A healthy drink can be consumed by a child from the age of one. It will not harm a healthy baby. Kumis contains all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the full development.

  • The tool has a calming effect on the nervous system, which is important for hyperactive babies.
  • The unique properties of mare's milk, which contains easily digestible proteins, makes the product useful for underweight children.
  • The healing drug does not cause skin reactions, therefore it is safe for allergy sufferers.

Babies do not always like the taste of a healthy fermented milk product. So that the child does not refuse, the drink can be prepared with the addition of juice, vanilla sugar, cinnamon, honey and cream.

Important! It is necessary to introduce a useful drug into the children's menu only after consulting with a pediatrician.

The benefits of koumiss for weight loss

A refreshing drink made from cow's or mare's milk will be helpful when dieting.

  • It has a laxative property and well removes excess fluid from the body.
  • The product contains useful animal protein, necessary to maintain muscle tone.
  • Koumiss, drunk before meals, gives a feeling of satiety, filling the stomach.
  • The drug regulates lipid metabolism, speeds up metabolism, provides the person who is losing weight with the missing useful substances, the lack of which can cause significant harm to the body.

How to drink koumiss

It is necessary to use koumiss in reasonable quantities, given that only a freshly prepared remedy brings benefits. Residents of Central Asia drink several liters of healthy liquid without much harm to health, but the reaction of an organism unusual for such a dish can be negative.

Initially, patients are prescribed small doses. Start with half a glass before meals. Gradually, the portion size is increased to 200 ml, then adjusted to 0.5 liters per day.

It is not customary to drink koumiss cold, it should be at room temperature. It is undesirable to take a healthy drink before bedtime, in which case it will have an exciting effect.

The use of koumiss in home cosmetology

In the East, koumiss is called the elixir of youth. Asian beauties use its beneficial properties to maintain the beauty of hair and skin. Sour-milk mixture allows you to get rid of many problems, including sagging skin, acne, early wrinkles.

For hair

  • The rich mineral and vitamin composition of the drug nourishes the hair follicles, providing curls with beauty and strength.
  • Thanks to its antibacterial and moisturizing effect, koumiss also benefits the scalp, helping to eliminate oily and dry dandruff.
  • The liquid is used as a rinse to add shine to the strands and facilitate combing.
  • Asians have long and successfully used the beneficial properties of the healing drug to treat early alopecia. To prepare a cosmetic product, 50 ml of the drink is mixed with egg yolk and a spoonful of honey. The mixture is kept on the hair for 30–40 minutes, then the head is washed with a fermented milk mixture diluted by half.
  • Koumiss mixed with sea salt will be a useful scrub for the scalp. With the help of such a tool, you can fight seborrhea. Even if dandruff is absent, the use of a scrub will have a positive effect on the hair. After its use, the blood supply to the root bulbs will improve, the strands will be cleansed of the remnants of styling products, and they will gain a lively shine.

For facial skin

Due to the presence of useful retinol and tocopherol in the composition, the use of koumiss allows you to rejuvenate the skin of the face. The fermented milk mixture has a moisturizing, whitening and tonic effect. Can be used to cleanse loose skin, instead of cosmetic milk. The benefits of goat koumiss when used as a cosmetic product will be higher, since such a drink contains more fat.

A rejuvenating and whitening effect is given by a mask of koumiss and parsley leaves.

  1. The greens are ground, diluted with a drink so that the mixture is not too liquid.
  2. The mask is applied every other day, the course consists of 10-15 procedures.

Advice! To rejuvenate the skin of the face, Asian women apply a fermented milk mixture directly to the skin, leave it for 10-15 minutes, and then gently wash it off.

Recipe for making koumiss at home

In the absence of a traditional ingredient, it can be replaced with goat's or cow's milk. It was according to this technology that the Greeks made a healthy sour-milk dish.

In terms of medicinal properties, koumiss from cow's or goat's milk is somewhat inferior to the classic one, but surpasses it in taste.

To prepare healthy homemade koumiss you will need:

  • 2 liters of the main ingredient;
  • 4 teaspoons honey (linden or flower);
  • dry yeast - 1-3 grams;
  • 2 large spoons of sugar-free yogurt.


  1. First, the sourdough is prepared by heating the milk.
  2. After the liquid boils, honey is dissolved in it, allowed to cool.
  3. Then leaven is added to the mixture and left for a day in a warm place.
  4. The resulting yogurt is filtered, yeast diluted with water is put there, and the remains of honey are added.
  5. The mixture is kept in a sealed container until the process of carbon dioxide evolution begins.
  6. The drink is placed for ½ day in the refrigerator for final fermentation.

So that homemade dish does not harm health, eat it within 3-4 days.

From this video you can learn how to cook koumiss at home:

Harm of koumiss and contraindications for use

  • Healthy drinking is not recommended to be introduced into the menu for people suffering from diseases of the stomach or intestines, if the disease is at the stage of exacerbation.
  • A contraindication is such a diagnosis as gastritis with high acidity.
  • Koumiss will cause harm in acute forms of kidney ailments, inflammatory processes in the liver and gallbladder, hypolactosia.
  • Despite the fact that the healing properties of mare's milk are used in the treatment of tuberculosis, people with an open form of this disease should refuse a refreshing drink.
  • Those suffering from obesity or atherosclerosis will be harmed by koumiss made from milk with a high fat content.
  • Since the mixture contains alcohol, diabetics should use koumiss with caution. They are advised to drink daily koumiss, containing a minimum of alcohol, in small portions and only after consulting a doctor.

Comment! Excess consumption of koumiss can harm even a healthy person. The body will most likely react to unusual drinking with diarrhea.

How to choose and store koumiss

  • Only the fresh product has health benefits. Therefore, the main selection criterion should be the release date.
  • It is important to pay attention to the technology of making the drink. Aged koumiss contains more alcohol, which is not always desirable. For children or pregnant women, such a drink will do more harm than good.
  • It is better to choose koumiss packaged in glass containers.

Sour-milk mixture is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than seven days.


The benefits and harms of koumiss from mare's milk is a topic that should be of interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle. However, for the inhabitants of Russia, this drink is exotic - it is quite difficult to find it on the shelves of our stores. Meanwhile, fermented milk products made from other types of raw materials also have useful properties that will have a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism and will benefit health.

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