
What to drink from alcohol poisoning. Severe degree of alcohol intoxication

Alcohol poisoning is a dangerous condition during which most of the internal organs, the brain, are affected. It can lead to permanent disability and death. This article discusses in detail the first aid for alcohol poisoning at home, the main signs of the use of alcohol surrogates.

What are the main causes of alcohol poisoning

Below are the main causes of alcohol poisoning.

  • One-time large intake of alcoholic beverages. Intoxication develops at a blood alcohol concentration of 2.5 g/l. It should be noted that this concentration is individual for each person. It depends on its weight, age, working capacity of the liver and kidneys.
  • Alcohol intake along with medicinal or narcotic substances. Some drugs increase the effect of alcohol on the body. For example, antidepressants, barbiturates, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • A binge is a state of prolonged and uninterrupted intake of alcohol for several days, months. This condition occurs with alcoholism.
  • Reception of alcohol substitutes (methyl, ethylene glycol). These fluids are used in industries. Unscrupulous manufacturers of alcohol sometimes dilute vodka with them. These drinks are deadly.

What are the symptoms of alcohol poisoning

The first signs of alcohol poisoning appear after a few hours. Their severity depends on the quantity and quality of the drink.

Remember that with methyl poisoning, the first symptoms may appear only after 1-2 days.

Ethyl alcohol poisoning

Ethyl alcohol intoxication develops as a result of taking large doses of alcohol, the concentration of alcohol in the blood rises sharply. The development of poisoning indicates the inability of the body to neutralize alcohol molecules on its own. Alcohol poisoning affects the nervous, digestive, respiratory and endocrine systems.

We list the main symptoms of ethyl alcohol poisoning.

  • Nausea and vomiting. Vomiting is a defense mechanism. With its help, the stomach tries to get rid of excess alcohol.
  • Diarrhea develops due to a malfunction of the pancreas. It can be abundant and lead to severe dehydration.
  • Severe abdominal pain, which may be localized in the stomach or intestines. Such pain is caused by inflammation of the gastric mucosa, flatulence and damage to the pancreas.
  • Nervous deviations. With alcohol poisoning, the brain tissue receives less oxygen and glucose. Due to dehydration and thickening of the blood, vasospasm develops. Symptoms of damage to brain cells by alcohol:

  1. hallucinations;
  2. cramps that apply to all muscle groups;
  3. increased agitation and aggressiveness;
  4. not a special act of defecation and urination;
  5. impaired consciousness, in which the victim gradually sinks into a stupor, and then falls into a deep coma.
  • Shallow and rapid breathing. The patient gradually develops respiratory failure.

Methyl alcohol poisoning

The main symptom is blurred vision. A person complains of a weakening of the clarity of the seen picture, a feeling of clouding before the eyes. Methyl alcohol leads to complete and irreversible blindness.

Other symptoms are the same as in ethanol poisoning.

Ethylene glycol poisoning

How to help the victim

First aid for alcohol poisoning should begin immediately after the onset of signs of the disease. First, you should call the emergency ambulance team home. Describe the patient's symptoms to the dispatcher. Self-medication at home with this condition is prohibited. First aid for alcohol poisoning at home is provided by relatives before the arrival of doctors. Exactly the prognosis of life depends on timely pre-medical correct assistance.

Below is considered emergency care for alcohol intoxication, which must be provided to the victim before the arrival of emergency medical personnel.

Gastric lavage is necessary to clean the stomach cavity from alcohol or toxic substances. By cleaning the stomach, you can improve the patient's condition.

Please note that gastric lavage at home is carried out only for people who are conscious. If the patient is in a coma or severely intoxicated, this procedure may result in aspiration of water into the lungs and choking on vomit.

In order to cleanse the stomach at home, you need to drink 1 liter of plain table water in one gulp and then vomit it. This procedure can be done several times. No need to add medicines or potassium permanganate to the water for washing.


An enema is performed to cleanse the intestines from the decay products of alcohol and toxins. It helps to reduce intoxication syndrome. An enema is a mandatory component of emergency care for alcohol intoxication.

To carry it out, use water at a neutral (room) temperature. It is impossible to add medicines or herbal solutions to it. An enema should be done until clean washings are obtained.


Sorbents are drugs that remove toxins and poisons from the body. They accelerate the neutralization of alcohol, reduce intoxication syndrome.

Carefully read the rules for selecting the dosage of the sorbent. It may depend on the weight or age of the patient. Sorbents need to be washed down with a large amount of liquid. Water enhances their ability to bind toxins.


  • Activated carbon;
  • white coal;
  • sorbex;
  • enterosgel;
  • smect.

Plentiful drink

The patient must be given water to drink. This should be done after washing the stomach and intestines. It is better to drink a little bit, in small sips. Drinking will reduce dehydration and make you feel better.

What to do if the patient loses consciousness

In case of severe alcohol poisoning, the victim may be unconscious, in a coma. You should check his breathing, heartbeat and put on a hard, flat surface on his side. If you can't turn it on its side, at least turn your head. This is necessary to prevent tongue retraction and choking with vomit.

The pulse is checked on the carotid artery. Breathing can be checked by placing a hand on a person's chest, while feeling its movement during inhalation and exhalation. When breathing and palpitations stop, chest compressions should be started.

Follow-up treatment

Arriving at the call, doctors begin providing first aid in case of alcohol poisoning. First of all, they conduct a quick assessment of the patient's condition. Close people need to tell the symptoms in detail, describe the help that they managed to provide on their own, name the approximate time the patient consumed alcohol and its amount.

What does first aid consist of?

  • cleaning the stomach through a tube is carried out for people in an unconscious state;
  • connecting a dropper with medicines to relieve alcohol intoxication;
  • connecting the patient to oxygen through a mask;
  • normalization of cardiac activity with the help of medications.

Then the doctors hospitalize the patient in the toxicology department or intensive resuscitation. In the hospital, blood is taken from him for alcohol and toxins. The duration of hospitalization depends on the condition of the patient.

Inpatient treatment may include:

  • hemodialysis (blood purification). The patient is connected to a special device "artificial kidney", which purifies all the blood. Hemodialysis is performed to quickly remove toxins from the body. It is done for all poisonings with a substitute for alcohol;
  • administration of an antidote. In case of methyl poisoning, an antidote is used - ethyl alcohol. It is administered to the patient intravenously in a low concentration throughout the day. Only through the introduction of an antidote can total blindness be avoided;
  • intravenous drip injection of solutions to eliminate intoxication (trisol, disol, reopoliglyukin, reosorbilact, glucose).

Alcohol poisoning is one of the most dangerous intoxications. It often causes disability, permanent disability, blindness, and death. Treatment of alcohol intoxication is carried out in the toxicology or intensive care unit. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, an emergency medical team should be called. Before the arrival of doctors, you can try to wash the patient's stomach and intestines, give him sorbents and drink.

Alcohol, even in small doses, has a toxic effect on the central nervous system. In medicine, there are three stages of alcohol intoxication - mild, moderate and severe.

What are the signs of alcohol poisoning and how to remove alcohol intoxication at home? What medicines can be used to relieve a hangover syndrome? What can not be done in case of poisoning, and in what cases should you consult a doctor without wasting time on self-treatment? Let's look at these questions, but first, let's define what alcohol poisoning is.

What is alcohol intoxication

The term alcohol intoxication itself means the poisoning of the body with ethyl alcohol. Normally, a small amount of ethanol is neutralized in the liver without consequences for the body. But when using the amount of alcohol that exceeds the detoxification capacity of the liver, the poison enters the brain and causes disturbances in higher nervous activity. Outwardly, this is manifested by a feeling of euphoria, clouding of consciousness, impaired coordination.

With a severe degree of poisoning, a person loses sensitivity, reflexes weaken, and stunning occurs. In the extreme stage, cardiac arrest, cessation of breathing, deep coma are possible. Such consequences occur when the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood is 3% or more. The lethal dose of alcohol is about 300 grams in terms of pure alcohol. If we consider the average lethal dose in terms of body weight, then it is 8 grams of ethanol per kg.

In everyday life, alcohol poisoning refers to any changes accompanied by a deterioration in well-being due to drinking alcohol. They can appear immediately after taking a large dose (vomiting, loss of consciousness) or visit you the next morning - a hangover. In general, these conditions are treated in the same way, but there are some nuances. In the phase of acute poisoning, the effect of ethanol on the gastrointestinal tract and the brain is of great importance, and a hangover is largely provoked by the products of the partial decomposition of ethyl alcohol, in particular, acetaldehyde.

Alcohol poisoning

Separately, it must be said about poisoning with alcohol surrogates. According to statistics, this type of poisoning occupies a leading position in the list of all intoxications. At the same time, more than 90% of the victims die even before the moment of hospitalization.

Substitutes for alcohol are:

In case of poisoning with such products, intoxication is mild or does not occur at all, visual disturbances, convulsions, salivation, sweating, vomiting, pain in the abdomen and joints are often observed.

Intoxication with surrogates cannot be removed at home - it is imperative to immediately seek qualified medical help. Delay can cost lives. As first aid measures, they induce vomiting, take an enterosorbent and any enveloping agent. Further, hospitalization is required.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

What to do with alcohol poisoning at home? To do this, a number of measures are taken to rid the body of ethyl alcohol and neutralize the products of its decay.

First aid for alcohol poisoning includes the following steps.

  1. Remove the remnants of alcoholic beverages from the stomach. To do this, they induce vomiting, then they wash the stomach - they drink 2-3 glasses of salted water, again provoke vomiting, and so on until almost pure water comes out of the stomach.
  2. In case of loss of consciousness, it is impossible to provoke vomiting. Call an ambulance. In anticipation of her arrival, lay the victim on his side, loosen clothing, check the pulse and breathing. Turn your head, make sure that the tongue does not sink, and the vomit does not enter the respiratory tract. To bring the victim to his senses, let him smell ammonia, rub his ears.

If alcohol poisoning does not pose a threat to life, then intoxication is removed independently at home.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication at home

Treatment of alcohol poisoning at home consists of the following actions:

Sometimes poisoning is accompanied by bouts of vomiting. If you vomited once or twice, this is a natural reaction of the body to poison and there will be no harm from it, but only benefit, given the current state. But if the urge to vomit does not go away after emptying the stomach, then you need to take action.

How to stop vomiting after alcohol poisoning?

  1. Rinse your head with cold water or briefly apply ice to the back of your head.
  2. Drink some water or restorative solutions like Regidron.
  3. Do not eat or drink anything else until the stomach calms down.

If the measures taken do not give a result, then antiemetic drugs will help. Indomitable vomiting, the presence of bile in the vomit or blood impurities are grounds for immediate hospitalization.

Let us dwell in more detail on the drugs with which alcohol poisoning is treated at home.


After emptying the stomach from the contents, you need to take enterosorbents. These drugs act in the intestines, capturing toxins and decay products on their surface, and removing them with feces. The following drugs have proven themselves well.

It must be remembered that all enterosorbents must be taken separately from drugs, otherwise the latter will lose their effectiveness. Between their receptions it is necessary to observe a gap of at least one hour, and preferably two hours.

Restoration of water balance

Vomiting dehydrates the body and leaches mineral salts from it. In addition, alcohol is a strong diuretic. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to drink plenty of water, preferably mineral or acidified with lemon juice. Drugs belonging to the group of rehydrating agents help to cope with the imbalance that has arisen. They contain a balanced set of sodium, potassium, chlorides, sometimes carbohydrates and help the body cope with intoxication.

"Regidron" with alcohol intoxication can be taken orally in the amount of 10-17 ml of the finished solution per kg of weight. One packet of the drug is dissolved in one liter of water and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

The analogues of Regidron are the preparations Hydrovit and Citraglucosolan. Also, a similar solution can be prepared independently: take 1/2 tsp for one liter of water. salt, 1/2 tsp. soda, 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

With severe alcohol intoxication, a dropper is needed. Its composition is something like this:

  • saline, or "Disol", or "Hemodez";
  • 5 or 10% glucose solution;
  • 5% solution of ascorbic acid.

If necessary, include vitamins (nicotinic acid, pyridoxine), magnesia, potassium chloride, panangin, heart remedies. The volume of the dropper is usually 400-500 ml. A medical worker should put it, as well as determine the composition of the solution for infusion - inept handling can be harmful to health.

Complete cleansing of the body from alcohol, possibly in the case of its excretion by the kidneys. For this, diuretics (diuretics) are used, the best and safest of which is ordinary water. You can also use the recipes of traditional medicine - drink decoctions of herbs. They not only restore vitamin losses, but also supply the body with the antioxidants it needs.

Restoration of intestinal microflora

Alcohol and its decay products kill beneficial intestinal microflora. After alcohol intoxication, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is often disturbed, constipation or diarrhea develops. Beneficial bacteria need to be restored. You can do this by eating sour-milk and fermented foods or by taking probiotics:

Facilitates the course of a hangover emptying the intestines. If constipation is noted after drinking alcohol, then an enema can be given - this will remove toxic products from the large intestine.

What not to do with alcohol poisoning

  1. In no case should you combine the intake of alcohol and the diuretic "Furosemide", as this negatively affects the state of the liver and kidneys.
  2. Aspirin is also taken with caution. It can be drunk only in a state of hangover, but if intoxication has not yet passed, then this medicine can cause various complications.
  3. Do not use any sleeping pills, as they exacerbate the depression of the central nervous system caused by alcohol.
  4. The recommendation to go to the bathhouse and thereby get rid of a hangover is only suitable for people with Siberian health.

What to do with a hangover

How to treat a hangover the next morning after heavy drinking? The following measures are effective:

You should not experiment with drugs, it is better to resort to the help of special tablets for alcohol poisoning:

  • "Biotredin";
  • "Limonar";
  • "Metadoxil";
  • Alka-Seltzer.

Folk remedies for a hangover

If there were no pills at hand, then you can use folk remedies used for alcohol poisoning. In addition to the hangover pickles already mentioned, the following remedies help:

A contrast shower helps with a hangover. Start with hot water, then switch to pleasantly cold, alternating for 30-60 seconds several times, gradually increasing the temperature difference. Such a contrast will allow the skin to get rid of toxins and toxins, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

In conclusion, we note that it is much easier and more pleasant to prevent a hangover than to treat it. To do this, do not abuse the amount of alcohol, have a good snack on foods containing starch and pectins (potatoes, bananas), and before the feast, take one of the recommended enterosorbents for preventive purposes.

Every person has to deal with alcoholic beverages more than once in their life. They accompany human happiness and sorrow. Alcohol is consumed at a birthday party, wedding, commemoration, and just from a bad mood. However, in everything you need to know the measure. Very often, a person asks the question of how to be at what to do in such a situation, the presented article will tell you. You will learn how poisoning manifests itself, in what cases it occurs.

Drinking alcoholic beverages

What to do in case of alcohol poisoning, you can find out a little later. To begin with, it is worth saying a few words about the onset of this state. It has several classifications - mild, moderate and severe. The condition of the victim is determined by the accompanying symptoms. You can also determine the degree of poisoning with the help of laboratory tests by determining the amount of alcohol in the blood.

Drinking alcohol often has its consequences. Moreover, the greater the dose taken, the higher the degree of intoxication. It is worth noting that fun drinks can be different. The lightest are beer, wine, champagne and vermouth. In them, the concentration of ethanol does not exceed 15 percent. Cognac, vodka, tequila, gin and whiskey cry out for much more serious consequences. Absinthe is one of the strongest drinks.


What to do in case of alcohol poisoning? It all depends on what exactly you had to face. Intoxication from alcohols can be primary. In this case, you will feel bad immediately after drinking alcohol. You can also feel all the delights of the green serpent the next morning. It's called a hangover.

Alcohol poisoning bears its name for the following reasons. Ethanol after entering the stomach is very quickly absorbed into the mucous membranes. Through them he is in the blood. The liver is able to process some portion of such poisons. However, her powers are not infinite. When used in large doses, alcohols begin to flow directly into the brain. It is here that the effect on the entire nervous system and individual organs occurs. Consider how to determine the poisoning of alcoholic beverages.

Symptoms and signs of intoxication

Alcohol, depends on the severity of symptoms and associated signs. At the very beginning of intoxication, no disturbing symptoms are determined. A person feels euphoria, his problems disappear. An intoxicated person begins to look at everything that is happening around him with different eyes. In this situation, the following signs of intoxication are noted:

  • pupil dilation;
  • redness of the skin;
  • categorical loud statements;
  • voicing all your thoughts.

Later (after increasing the dose of alcohol consumed), abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting may occur. With such signs, the body tries to get rid of the poison that enters it on its own. Among the more severe signs of poisoning, the following can be distinguished:

  • decreased pulse and pallor;
  • loss of consciousness and exit of cold sweat;
  • respiratory and hearing impairment;
  • involuntary urination, defecation and vomiting (unconscious);
  • inability to stand on one's feet and articulate one's thoughts clearly.

In the absence of timely assistance, the described symptoms may result in the drunk falling into an alcoholic coma. In this case, irreparable consequences for the brain and nervous system can already be determined.

Signs can also be distinguished in the form They are determined the next morning after the feast. The person complains of headache, dry mouth, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The stomach stops accepting food. Everything that enters the digestive tract is immediately sent back. Often the pulse quickens, there is shortness of breath, perspiration. Body temperature may rise.

Surrogate alcohol

How to act in case of alcohol poisoning? What to do if the alcohol turned out to be of inadequate quality? Note that the symptoms of intoxication in this case will be somewhat different. After drinking surrogate alcohol, a person practically does not become intoxicated. However, they are clearly noticeable from the first minutes of the feast. The user may complain of tinnitus, impaired vision and smell. This increases salivation and causes pain in the abdomen. Any delay in such a situation could be fatal.

If there was a surrogate severe alcohol poisoning, what should I do? Call emergency services immediately. Home treatment is unacceptable. If it is possible to get to the hospital faster than the ambulance arrives, then do just that. The sooner the user is in the hands of doctors, the more favorable the outcome will be. Remember that after a few glasses of surrogate alcohol, immediate death occurs.

First aid

What to do in case of alcohol poisoning? Many patients try not to resort to the services of doctors, but to cope with the problem alone. This is possible with mild or moderate intoxication. As a first aid, it is worth using. In this case, it is forbidden to use any medicines. Remember that many medications in combination with alcohol only cause a deterioration in well-being.

Give the user a large glass of water to drink. The volume of liquid should be from 300 to 500 ml. Then induce vomiting. Often it comes on its own, as the body tries to get rid of the poison on its own. Your task is to wash the stomach until clean water comes out of it.

There is an important rule. If the victim has lost consciousness, then it is impossible to pour water into him by force. It is also forbidden to provoke vomiting. Call the doctor and wait for the ambulance to arrive. At this time, you can put the patient on his side or try to bring him to consciousness (rub his ears, sprinkle with water, give him a sniff of ammonia).

Replenishment of the lack of fluid

In case of alcohol poisoning, what to do after gastric lavage? It is very important to replenish the lack of moisture in the body in time. Alcohols ingested cause dehydration. If this process is left without intervention, then the patient's condition may deteriorate greatly. You can give to drink any liquid. However, the stomach does not always perceive it. Use saline solutions for vomiting. They quickly restore balance in the body.

These drugs include Regidron, Hydrovit and others. If it is not possible to use medicinal formulations, then prepare a healing drink yourself. To do this, add a teaspoon of salt and soda per liter of cool water. Also stir in 4 tablespoons of sugar. You need to use the solution every half hour for several sips.

The use of sorbents and beneficial bacteria

If alcohol poisoning occurs, what to do at home? Be sure to give the user may be the drug "Polysorb", "Smecta", "Enterosgel" and others. They will help to remove toxins from the body and eliminate diarrhea. Remember that you need to take the described funds separately from other medicines. The optimal break is 2 hours.

What to do after alcohol poisoning? Be sure to restore the intestinal microflora. Often the problem is accompanied by diarrhea. You shouldn't stop her. This is how the body gets rid of toxins. Take a complex of beneficial bacteria ("Acipol", "Lineks", "Enterol").

In case of alcohol poisoning: what not to do

If you had to deal with the described condition, then you should know which methods of treatment should be abandoned. It is strictly forbidden:

  • treat the problem with alcohol (many resort to the sobering method);
  • go to the bath or bask in the bath;
  • take medications ("Furosemide", "Paracetamol", "Aspirin", antihistamines and sleeping pills);
  • stop diarrhea with medication.


If alcohol poisoning occurs, what to do at home? With a hangover, you can use painkillers, since it is forbidden to endure a headache. Take ibuprofen medicines.

What other actions can be taken? What to do in case of alcohol poisoning at home? In the morning after the feast, take a cool shower, drink plenty of water. Try not to eat until you feel like it. Go to bed and lie down. Remember that you can not endure poisoning on your feet. With an increase in body temperature, it is worth using antipyretic compounds. If after 10-12 hours you do not feel better, contact a specialist.

Alcohol, even in small doses, has a toxic effect on the central nervous system. In medicine, there are three stages of alcohol intoxication - mild, moderate and severe.

What are the signs of alcohol poisoning and how to remove alcohol intoxication at home? What medicines can be used to relieve a hangover syndrome? What can not be done in case of poisoning, and in what cases should you consult a doctor without wasting time on self-treatment? Let's look at these questions, but first, let's define what alcohol poisoning is.

What is alcohol intoxication

The term alcohol intoxication itself means the poisoning of the body with ethyl alcohol. Normally, a small amount of ethanol is neutralized in the liver without consequences for the body. But when using the amount of alcohol that exceeds the detoxification capacity of the liver, the poison enters the brain and causes disturbances in higher nervous activity. Outwardly, this is manifested by a feeling of euphoria, clouding of consciousness, impaired coordination.

With a severe degree of poisoning, a person loses sensitivity, reflexes weaken, and stunning occurs. In the extreme stage, cardiac arrest, cessation of breathing, deep coma are possible. Such consequences occur when the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood is 3% or more. The lethal dose of alcohol is about 300 grams in terms of pure alcohol. If we consider the average lethal dose in terms of body weight, then it is 8 grams of ethanol per kg.

In everyday life, alcohol poisoning refers to any changes accompanied by a deterioration in well-being due to drinking alcohol. They can appear immediately after taking a large dose (vomiting, loss of consciousness) or visit you the next morning - a hangover. In general, these conditions are treated in the same way, but there are some nuances. In the phase of acute poisoning, the effect of ethanol on the gastrointestinal tract and the brain is of great importance, and a hangover is largely provoked by the products of the partial decomposition of ethyl alcohol, in particular, acetaldehyde.

Alcohol poisoning

Separately, it must be said about poisoning with alcohol surrogates. According to statistics, this type of poisoning occupies a leading position in the list of all intoxications. At the same time, more than 90% of the victims die even before the moment of hospitalization.

Substitutes for alcohol are:

In case of poisoning with such products, intoxication is mild or does not occur at all, visual disturbances, convulsions, salivation, sweating, vomiting, pain in the abdomen and joints are often observed.

Intoxication with surrogates cannot be removed at home - it is imperative to immediately seek qualified medical help. Delay can cost lives. As first aid measures, they induce vomiting, take an enterosorbent and any enveloping agent. Further, hospitalization is required.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

What to do with alcohol poisoning at home? To do this, a number of measures are taken to rid the body of ethyl alcohol and neutralize the products of its decay.

First aid for alcohol poisoning includes the following steps.

  1. Remove the remnants of alcoholic beverages from the stomach. To do this, they induce vomiting, then they wash the stomach - they drink 2-3 glasses of salted water, again provoke vomiting, and so on until almost pure water comes out of the stomach.
  2. In case of loss of consciousness, it is impossible to provoke vomiting. Call an ambulance. In anticipation of her arrival, lay the victim on his side, loosen clothing, check the pulse and breathing. Turn your head, make sure that the tongue does not sink, and the vomit does not enter the respiratory tract. To bring the victim to his senses, let him smell ammonia, rub his ears.

If alcohol poisoning does not pose a threat to life, then intoxication is removed independently at home.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication at home

Treatment of alcohol poisoning at home consists of the following actions:

Sometimes poisoning is accompanied by bouts of vomiting. If you vomited once or twice, this is a natural reaction of the body to poison and there will be no harm from it, but only benefit, given the current state. But if the urge to vomit does not go away after emptying the stomach, then you need to take action.

How to stop vomiting after alcohol poisoning?

  1. Rinse your head with cold water or briefly apply ice to the back of your head.
  2. Drink some water or restorative solutions like "".
  3. Do not eat or drink anything else until the stomach calms down.

If the measures taken do not give a result, then antiemetic drugs will help. Indomitable vomiting, the presence of bile in the vomit or blood impurities are grounds for immediate hospitalization.

Let us dwell in more detail on the drugs with which alcohol poisoning is treated at home.


After emptying the stomach from the contents, you need to take enterosorbents. These drugs act in the intestines, capturing toxins and decay products on their surface, and removing them with feces. The following drugs have proven themselves well.

It must be remembered that all enterosorbents must be taken separately from drugs, otherwise the latter will lose their effectiveness. Between their receptions it is necessary to observe a gap of at least one hour, and preferably two hours.

Restoration of water balance

Vomiting dehydrates the body and leaches mineral salts from it. In addition, alcohol is a strong diuretic. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to drink plenty of water, preferably mineral or acidified with lemon juice. Drugs belonging to the group of rehydrating agents help to cope with the imbalance that has arisen. They contain a balanced set of sodium, potassium, chlorides, sometimes carbohydrates and help the body cope with intoxication.

"Regidron" with alcohol intoxication can be taken orally in the amount of 10-17 ml of the finished solution per kg of weight. One packet of the drug is dissolved in one liter of water and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

The analogues of Regidron are the preparations Hydrovit and Citraglucosolan. Also, a similar solution can be prepared independently: take 1/2 tsp for one liter of water. salt, 1/2 tsp. soda, 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

With severe alcohol intoxication, a dropper is needed. Its composition is something like this:

  • saline, or "Disol", or "Hemodez";
  • 5 or 10% glucose solution;
  • 5% solution of ascorbic acid.

If necessary, include vitamins (nicotinic acid, pyridoxine), magnesia, potassium chloride, panangin, heart remedies. The volume of the dropper is usually 400-500 ml. A medical worker should put it, as well as determine the composition of the solution for infusion - inept handling can be harmful to health.

Complete cleansing of the body from alcohol, possibly in the case of its excretion by the kidneys. For this, diuretics (diuretics) are used, the best and safest of which is ordinary water. You can also use the recipes of traditional medicine - drink decoctions of herbs. They not only restore vitamin losses, but also supply the body with the antioxidants it needs.

Restoration of intestinal microflora

Alcohol and its decay products kill beneficial intestinal microflora. After alcohol intoxication, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is often disturbed, constipation or diarrhea develops. Beneficial bacteria need to be restored. You can do this by eating sour-milk and fermented foods or by taking probiotics:

Facilitates the course of a hangover emptying the intestines. If constipation is noted after drinking alcohol, then it is possible - this will allow you to remove toxic products from the large intestine.

What not to do with alcohol poisoning

  1. In no case should you combine the intake of alcohol and the diuretic "Furosemide", as this negatively affects the state of the liver and kidneys.
  2. Aspirin is also taken with caution. It can be drunk only in a state of hangover, but if intoxication has not yet passed, then this medicine can cause various complications.
  3. Do not use any sleeping pills, as they exacerbate the depression of the central nervous system caused by alcohol.
  4. The recommendation to go to the bathhouse and thereby get rid of a hangover is only suitable for people with Siberian health.

What to do with a hangover

How to treat a hangover the next morning after heavy drinking? The following measures are effective:

You should not experiment with drugs, it is better to resort to the help of special tablets for alcohol poisoning:

  • "Biotredin";
  • "Limonar";
  • "Metadoxil";
  • Alka-Seltzer.

Folk remedies for a hangover

If there were no pills at hand, then you can use folk remedies used for alcohol poisoning. In addition to the hangover pickles already mentioned, the following remedies help:

A contrast shower helps with a hangover. Start with hot water, then switch to pleasantly cold, alternating for 30-60 seconds several times, gradually increasing the temperature difference. Such a contrast will allow the skin to get rid of toxins and toxins, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

In conclusion, we note that it is much easier and more pleasant to prevent a hangover than to treat it. To do this, do not abuse the amount of alcohol, have a good snack on foods containing starch and pectins (potatoes, bananas), and before the feast, take one of the recommended enterosorbents for preventive purposes.

You can get poisoned with alcohol not only if the permissible dose is exceeded, but also when drinking low-quality drinks made in a handicraft way. In case of intoxication, assistance to the victim should be provided immediately in order to reduce the negative consequences. Consider how to treat alcohol intoxication at home.

The cause of alcohol intoxication is the detrimental effect of ethyl alcohol on the liver. With an increased concentration of this substance, the body ceases to cope with its functions, and poisoning occurs. As a result, metabolic processes are disturbed, and the central nervous system also suffers.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning appear depending on the severity of the disease.

Intoxication against the background of taking alcoholic beverages is:

  • mild, accompanied by a feeling of euphoria, redness of the skin and dilated pupils;
  • medium, causing impaired coordination of movements, respiratory failure, nausea and vomiting;
  • severe, when there is severe vomiting, convulsions, asthma attacks and heart rhythm is disturbed.

At best, the consequence of alcohol poisoning is a severe hangover the next day, and at worst, a fatal outcome.

First aid for illness

To avoid the development of complications, assistance to the victim from the effects of strong drinks should be provided immediately after the onset of the first symptoms.

When a person is conscious, it is necessary to induce vomiting with a soda or manganese solution, and a small amount of Enterosgel can also be diluted in water.

When the stomach is washed out, activated charcoal should be given to the victim. If the release of vomit was repeated and plentiful, you will need to drink it with Regidron diluted in water. In the case when the drug was not at hand, it is permissible to use a weak saline solution.

If the victim is unconscious, the main thing is to prevent the tongue from sinking and the penetration of vomit into the respiratory tract. For this, the patient needs to be turned on its side.

What else can be done when helping with alcohol poisoning to alleviate the condition:

  • open the windows in the room, providing air flow;
  • free the victim from restricting movement of clothing;
  • give him a sniff of ammonia, dropping it on a cotton swab in small quantities;
  • wash the poisoned person with cool water.

If vomiting does not stop, apply ice to the back of the head or rinse the head under running cold water. In this case, it is forbidden to take food or drinks until relief comes.

Attention! In case of alcohol poisoning, you should not take an ice shower, drink strong tea, coffee or sedatives.

Treatment at home

After providing first aid, the patient will need additional treatment. It consists in cleansing the body, restoring water balance and preventing dangerous consequences. Let's consider each stage in detail.

Cleansing the body in case of alcohol poisoning with pharmaceutical preparations

After poisoning with ethyl alcohol, toxins are present in the blood for some time. To remove hazardous substances, you need to take activated charcoal tablets, "Smecta" or other sorbent preparations. Green tea, which has pronounced antioxidant properties, and chamomile decoction will also help.

Restoration of water-salt balance

Alcohol has a strong diuretic effect, and vomiting that occurs during intoxication gradually dehydrates the body. In the treatment of this phenomenon, it is necessary to replenish the balance of water, salts and minerals. For these purposes, compounds with chlorine, potassium and sodium, such as Hydrovit and Regidron, are used.

In addition to pharmaceutical preparations, you can give the patient a mineral water or lemon juice diluted with water.

Homeopathy as a method of struggle

As an additional treatment in order to exclude serious consequences and complications, homeopathic remedies can be used. They will support the immune system and help speed up the recovery process.

The most common drugs that are effective in the treatment of alcohol intoxication and severe hangovers include Anti-E and Proproten-100.

On a note. These drugs can also be used as prophylactic agents to prevent alcohol poisoning.

Traditional medicine recipes for alcohol intoxication

In the treatment of ethyl intoxication, you can use popular remedies prepared according to traditional medicine recipes.

What to do with alcohol poisoning:

  • mix 10 drops of ammonia with a glass of water;
  • dilute a small amount of potato starch in warm water;
  • pour a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 150 ml of water;
  • make a decoction of tansy and chamomile in the proportion of 30 g per 150 ml of water;
  • brew tea from grated or dried ginger;
  • prepare a drink with 50 g of marshmallow and 300 ml of boiling water;
  • boil for half an hour 2 tablespoons of dried dill in 2 cups of boiling water, and then add honey.

To eliminate nausea, you need to drink lemon juice dissolved in water or weak green tea without sugar.

What to do with a hangover

Even with timely assistance provided for alcohol poisoning, ailments the next day cannot be avoided. Today, there are many drugs in pharmacies that promise "fun without a hangover", and choosing the right one is not difficult. And if you have a headache, you should also buy analgesics. The main thing is to carefully study the list of contraindications and follow the instructions attached to the medicine.

In addition to medications, you can use folk remedies to deal with a hangover:

  1. Get out into the fresh air or open windows indoors.
  2. Take a absorbent.
  3. Drink hot sweet tea with lemon or rosehip broth.
  4. Prepare a "cocktail" of tomato juice, eggs and 5 ml of table vinegar.
  5. Drink orange or apple juice.
  6. Drink mineral water, kefir, ayran, cucumber and cabbage pickle.
  7. Get under a contrast shower.

Attention! With a hangover, it is forbidden to drink coffee and energy drinks, take a hot bath or go to the bathhouse. These measures will negatively affect the work of the heart and blood vessels and can lead to a sharp jump in pressure and deterioration, up to a stroke.

Possible Complications

The most dangerous complication of ethyl intoxication is an alcoholic coma.

The following symptoms indicate the approach of a dangerous state:

  • constriction of the pupils;
  • profuse salivation;
  • shortness of breath and wheezing;
  • bluish tint of the face;
  • incoherent speech;
  • confusion.

The insidiousness of a coma lies in the fact that the victim is often mistaken for a sleeper. In fact, this is a deep fainting, gradually turning into a coma.

You can recognize it by the following signs:

  • pupils do not react to light and are abnormally constricted;
  • eyeballs are motionless;
  • eyelids do not close from touch;
  • the pulse is thready and hard to hear;
  • breathing is weak and shallow;
  • indicators of arterial pressure and body temperature are reduced;
  • observed involuntary urination and defecation.

It is possible to bring a person out of a borderline state only in the intensive care unit, while the chances of successful treatment are very small.

Other dangerous consequences of ethanol poisoning include the following conditions:

  • lesions of the central nervous system;
  • stop breathing;
  • sinking of the tongue;
  • heart failure;
  • dysfunction of the digestive organs.

Such violations lead to the death of the victim if assistance was not provided in time and the patient was not placed in a hospital or intensive care unit.

Prevention of alcohol poisoning

The easiest way to prevent alcohol poisoning is to not consume strong drinks at all. But many people are accustomed to resorting to libations, copious or moderate, on various occasions, whether it be joy, grief, fatigue, or simply boredom.

If you cannot completely eliminate alcohol, you will need to adhere to some principles when drinking alcohol:

  1. Purchase strong drinks only at trusted outlets.
  2. Check the availability of excise stamps and compliance with storage periods.
  3. Do not drink alcohol that smells or tastes foreign, even if it was purchased from a reputable store and the packaging is correct.
  4. Avoid eating artisanal products. This applies not only to moonshine, but also to a variety of wines, liqueurs and tinctures.
  5. In the process of "libations" do not mix different types of alcohol, especially if their strength is significantly different.
  6. Drink alcohol with meals, and never drink on an empty stomach.
  7. Wash down strong drinks with juices, compotes or fruit drinks.
  8. During the celebration, smoke less, and it is better to give up cigarettes altogether.
  9. Control the amount you drink and try not to exceed the norm.
  10. Stop drinking alcohol if you experience nausea, dizziness and other ailments associated with severe intoxication.
  11. Completely exclude alcohol if at the moment, for one reason or another, you have to take medications.

It is important to remember that the violation of the “culture of drinking” is fraught not only with severe intoxication and a severe hangover in the morning. Abundant libations can cause serious health problems and lead to premature death.
