
How to save recipes from a contact to a computer. The best way to store recipes

Few people know how to pull the cork out of a bottle of wine if there is no corkscrew at hand, and practice shows that this skill is not at all useless. Situations in life are different, and it is better to prepare for them in advance if you do not want to spoil the holiday for everyone. Fortunately, there are many methods by which you can open the container. To implement them, you do not need to have any special skills. It is enough to follow the instructions clearly and adhere to simple rules.

The easiest way to remove the cork

If you do not have a corkscrew at hand, but there are other tools and devices available, you can try to get to the wine in one of the following ways:

  • tapping. Wrap the bottom of the bottle with a towel or cloth. We give the container a horizontal position, start tapping the bottom with a palm or full water with a plastic bottle. We act in this way until the cork comes out of the neck so much that it can be grabbed with your fingers and pulled out. To speed up this method of extracting wine, the bottle can be tapped against the wall, again using a softening layer. The main thing is not to beat hard, otherwise the glass may not withstand. Another point - do not work for too long, trying to push the cork out as much as possible, it may suddenly fly out.

  • Using a knife with a thin blade. If not only a corkscrew, but also a similar knife was not at hand, it is worth trying scissors. We plunge the blade deep into the texture of the cork, acting strictly straight, and not diagonally. Otherwise, part of the cork will simply break off and it will have to be disassembled piece by piece. When the tool enters to a sufficient depth, we begin to scroll it clockwise, while pulling it towards ourselves. After a while, the element will easily come out.

Tip: When trying to open a bottle of white wine, it's best not to use heat-based methods. Even a short-term and indirect effect of hot water or air on the contents of the container can noticeably spoil its taste and aroma.

  • Use of screws and pliers. To create a kind of corkscrew, you can drive a self-tapping screw or screw deep into the cork, grab it with pliers and pull. In this case, you should not try to swing the product, this will only complicate the task. Just do not need to drive the screw too deep, at least 1-2 cm of length should remain outside. Otherwise, the design will be difficult to capture.

  • Use of nails and "claws" of a hammer. This approach works on the same principle as the previous one. But in this case, to open the bottle, you need to carefully drive several massive nails into the cork, placing them in one line. After that, we catch them with the back of the upper part of the hammer and pull them out.

If you act strictly according to the instructions, the cork will be able to be removed in its entirety, so that the quality of the wine will not decrease. And yet, you must act carefully so as not to fill everything around with the contents of the bottle.

Several original approaches

If the listed tools are not available or you just don’t want to use the above methods, you can try other options. True, in this case, to open the container, you will have to be even more careful. And any violation of the manipulation technology can lead to an accident and a spill of wine.

  • Lace option. We take a tight lace, tie it in a knot at one end. We pierce the cork with a thick nail or a thin screwdriver. Through the hole formed, using the same tool, we push the lace. We pull out the tool itself, after which we pull the free end of the cord, which will work like a corkscrew.

  • Use of a syringe. We take a syringe with a thick needle, pierce the cork through and begin to force air into the bottle. Under the resulting pressure, the cork will gradually come out. It remains to grab it with your fingers and pull it out. Don't work too hard or use the pump as some suggest. Under pressure, the glass may not withstand.
  • The use of a vessel with hot water. A suitable method if you need to open red wine intended for making mulled wine. Just dip the container into a container of hot water. When heated, the product will push the cork out. You just need to follow the process and help the element at the right time. Although, if the bottle is level, and not at an angle, the cork will simply fly out of it and nothing bad will happen.
  • Heating the neck of the bottle. In extreme cases, you can simply heat the neck of the bottle over the flame, affecting the place where the cork ends. The element will fly out or extend far enough that it can be grabbed and pulled out. One caveat - do not immediately pour the wine. From the temperature difference, the neck may crack.

Despite the apparent simplicity of approaches, it is worth resorting to them only in the most extreme cases. Such techniques can lead to cracks in the glass due to pressure differences.

Not very aesthetic, but effective ways

If the situation is hopeless, there are neither heat sources nor the listed tools in apparent accessibility, we proceed according to the following scheme:

  • We simply push the cork inside the bottle using the back of the fork, felt-tip pen or marker. Only first you need to make sure that the neck of the container does not taper downwards, otherwise the cork will simply get stuck in it.
  • You can also open the cork with any sharp object. You just need to take into account that then pieces of the element will have to be caught from the wine.
  • Some stick a paper clip between the cork and the neck (it is first unfolded, leaving only one bend). After that, the element is turned and pulled towards itself, while catching the cork. To be sure, you should take not one paper clip, but two at once. Attach them on opposite sides.

Several centuries ago, hussars opened wine and champagne with a saber blow on the neck. Today, this method is no longer used, but you can still try to beat off part of the bottle with the cork. Such a composition must be filtered through several layers of gauze before use. Otherwise, pieces of glass may enter the body, which can cause damage to internal organs.

How to remove the cork from an empty bottle?

As a result of careless or deliberate actions, the cork may end up in an empty wine bottle. These containers are often used on the farm for different purposes, so housewives have to decide how to get the cork out of the bottle without damaging the glass. There may be several options for solving the problem, but the simplest, most affordable and safest approach is using a plastic bag.

  • We take the package, put it into the bottle bottom first, handles or the top of the container should remain outside.
  • We turn the bottle over so that the cork is located in the immediate vicinity of the neck, but does not lie on the bag.
  • We inflate the container, it should open a little in the bottle. We clamp the neck of the bag so that air does not escape through it and pull it towards us.
  • The bag will block the cork by pressing it against the glass. We pull out the package, a cork should be fixed in its folds. If it doesn't work the first time, we try again.

Despite the effectiveness of the above methods, it is of course better to use the simplest corkscrew. This will save time and get the perfect drink.

I don't know about you, but I've been drowning in recipes for years. I have recipes everywhere: in my browser favorites, in books and magazines, in saved files, in photographs on my phone, in handwritten notebooks, in printouts from master classes ... It is absolutely impossible to find something in this mass. As a result, when I need to bake something, I don’t even try to find my tried and true recipe or the wonderful recipe that I saw in a good book. I search the Internet and cook what I have to. This situation does not suit me at all.

This summer, I set out to find the perfect way to store recipes for me. My criteria were:

  1. In this way, you can store all kinds of recipes: recipes from books, and text recipes from files, and recipes on paper from master classes, and recipes from the Internet.
  2. You can attach a photo to the recipe.
  3. You can add notes to the recipe.
  4. Easy to find the right recipe
  5. You can categorize recipes
  6. Recipes are available both at home and in the studio, and at a party, and abroad, and in the store (if you need to buy ingredients).

The last point excludes paper storage of prescriptions. How to carry notebooks or folders with recipes? And for me it is important to have access to recipes not only at home. Therefore, I did not even look at paper storage systems. Considered only electronic.

I tried a bunch of all sorts of programs, specialized and not very specialized, read a lot of information on the Internet, who keeps the recipes, and finally came to the ideal solution. Evernote is officially the best way to store recipes.

Evernote is brilliant at saving recipes from the web. There is a special browser add-on called Evernote Web Clipper. You press a button, and the recipe page, along with the pictures, is sucked into Evernote.

The coolest thing is that there is a Simplified Article feature. Click on it, and you are left with a clean recipe text with pictures, without any banner menus and other tinsel. Here's what it looks like: it was

Genius, right?

In Evernote, you can also suck in a photo (taken a picture of a book or magazine), text - just typed in by hand or copied from a file, as well as all sorts of pdf and all that.

Evernote is available everywhere: online in a browser from any computer, as a program for Windows or Mac - super convenient! Install it on all your computers and work with recipes to your heart's content. And, of course, on phones and tablets.

For example, the case may go like this: You are sitting at work and browsing Facebook. And there's the recipe. Go to the site with the recipe, clean it up with the help of the Simplified Article function, press the Save button - bam, the recipe is already in Evernote. After work, you go to the store, launch Evernote on your phone, and the recipe is already there. Because, of course, everything is synchronized with everything on the fly. You buy ingredients for a recipe, come home, take a tablet, put it comfortably in the kitchen, open a recipe in Evernote and cook. Right there on the tablet you can make changes to the recipe. Or then sit down at the computer, open a convenient program and type in all your edits on the keyboard.

Photos in Evernote can be added with a simple drag and drop. It is most convenient to do this in a program on a computer. Right in Explorer, they grabbed a photo and threw it into Evernote. He will even create a new note. But you can do it right on your phone. Take a picture and send to Evernote.

Don't forget to give your recipe notes a title. If you save the text, then Evernote will automatically substitute the name - and basically guesses. But if there is a photo, then no.

In general, Evernote, especially a program on a computer, is unrealistically convenient and intuitive. You don't need to learn anything, sit down and work. All you need is to copy text or a photo into a note, set a name, set a notepad (category) and tags. Not even a save button. Everything is sorted on the fly at once. And immediately synced across all devices.

In Evernote, you can perfectly sort recipes into categories, as well as assign tags. For example, you went to our master class, received recipes by mail and immediately put them in Evernote. And for each recipe, the label is Chili Chocolate. Then they wanted to do something from the master class, for example, Medovik. Search for Honey Chili Chocolate, and voila, here it is. Or, say, you want to do something from the master class, but have not yet decided what. Search for chili chocolate, and here is a list of all the recipes from the master classes.

Evernote searches text for recipes very well, so it makes no sense for web and text notes to list ingredients in labels. This should only be done for the photographed recipes. They say that in English Evernote even looks for photographs, but I have never succeeded in something like this. So give labels.

In general, when I cook a photographed recipe and I like it, I prefer to print it later and delete the photo. Text is much easier to deal with than photos. But it's faster to take a photo.

Here is my Evernote. Notice how I divided the recipes into notepad categories. For example, here is the category Cookies. If you want to make cookies, go there and leaf through. And here is the Candy category. If you want chocolates - here are all the recipes for you.

Once you're comfortable with your Evernote, you can dive into the advanced features. You can set up sharing, public access to a notebook and a separate recipe ... Make an additional label “cook first” ... Set a date for recipes with a reminder .. This is very important for me, to schedule studies.

If you dig, there are a million other interesting features that you can try. But I don't dig much anymore. I have everything I need.

In order for everything to work the way you need, it will take some time to set everything up. Create an account, put Evernote on all devices, take photos of printed and handwritten recipes, create a system of notebooks-categories that is convenient for you, sort recipes into notebooks, assign tags, get used to the interface, figure it out ... It will take you a couple of weeks. But when all this is arranged, you will have a perfect system for storing and accessing recipes from anywhere, which will never go anywhere.

Forgot to mention. Free stripped-down version of Evernote that only allows online access. When I realized that Evernote was what I needed, I immediately paid for the full version, since it's inexpensive. Didn't regret a minute. The maximum plan for Evernote, which allows you to search in pdf documents, costs 2000 rubles per year. And the initial plan, which allows you to work offline on a computer without the Internet, is only 1000 rubles a year.

Tell me, how do you store recipes? Which system is ideal for you?

Hello dear users!

Here we would like to tell you how you can save the recipes you like so that they are not lost anywhere, i.e. We invite you to create your own recipe book!

The most important thing is that not only registered users can save recipes, but also site guests.

The first way is for registered users.

Saved recipes are stored on the site in your profile, if you have not yet created your profile on the site, then you can do this

1. So, open the recipe that we want to save. At the bottom of the post, in front of the social media icons, you will see a white star

2. Click on the star, it turns yellow. This means the recipe has been added to your Cookbook.

3. Along with this, the line "Assign tags to favorites" will appear on the screen. Press and come up with any name for the section where you would like to save this recipe. For example: "Fish dishes", "Pastries", "Diet dishes", etc. After that, click "Save". This is very convenient, among your saved recipes there will be a complete order, and you can always easily find the right one.

4. Now open your profile. Click "Cookbook" (Favorites has been renamed to Cookbook), you can see that all your saved recipes are categorized, now you can find the recipe you need very quickly.

Another way to save the desired recipe is to use social media icons. Under each post you see icons of social networks. You just need to click on the icon of the network where you are registered, and the desired recipe will immediately be saved on your wall in Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte or another social network.

All users and guests of the site can save recipes in this way.

Many culinary sites give us recipes for every taste. We can cook dishes from all available products, listing which we can easily find a recipe from them. Sometimes we come across recipes for dishes that we especially like and we write them down on paper or in text files. In this article I will talk about the program "Cooking Notebook", writing down recipes in which we can make our own cookbook from our favorite dishes.

Having found and prepared another delicious recipe from the site http://receptov.net, I decided to save it, but when I opened the folder with recipes (more than a hundred), I decided that it was time to structure them. I found a free program "Culinary Notepad" that fully accomplishes the task.

In this program, you can create your own sections and subsections, record and print your recipes.

  1. Download and install the program "", the installation is simple and does not require explanation.
  2. After the first launch of the program, we need to create a cookbook. Press " File» — « New».
  3. Enter a name for the new book and a location to save it.
  4. Now you need to create a recipe section, click " Recipe» — « New section»
  5. Now we can add recipes, or subsections if needed. Choose " Recipe» — « New recipe».
  6. Now in the edit tab we can fill it out.
  7. It also allows you to add pictures to recipes.
  8. At the bottom of the screen, we can rate the recipe.
  9. Saving the recipe is "on the fly" and we can always see the result.
  10. There is also a recipe search.
