
Homemade jam. How to make apple jam: the secrets of great taste

Apples are a frequent guest on our table, especially in late summer and early autumn. I think that every housewife asks herself the question of how to prepare them for the winter. It is best to use fresh apples, but not all varieties are well stored, in city apartments there is often not enough space to store fruit, and the price of apples in winter is not encouraging.

So what to do? Give up pies with apple filling, delicious apple pies, desserts, compotes?

In no case!

Jam from apples "White filling"


  • 1 kg of apples "white filling";
  • 750 grams of sugar.


First, take 1 kg of white apples and rinse them with running water. After that, peel the fruit from the peel and the middle. Cut into small pieces (I cut into cubes, you do as you wish). Then sprinkle everything with sugar and leave for 12 hours at least. Then put on fire and cook for 10 minutes: boiled and set aside for 6 hours. After the specified time, the procedure must be repeated. And do this three times every six hours. The third time, when you boil for 10 minutes, stir constantly so that the jam does not burn, as it will already become thick enough. Arrange in dry jars and roll up. After complete cooling, put in the pantry or cellar. Or just to a cool place in your house. Jam from apples of the White pouring variety turns out to be very tasty, beautiful color.

Jam from Antonovka

And how about making a wonderful apple treat from the most popular variety - Antonovka? Believe me, you will not regret if you choose this recipe. It is simple, although the cooking process will be lengthy. Let's find out right now how to make amber jam from Antonovka.


  • 2 kg of Antonovka apples;
  • 3.5 kg of granulated sugar (and why are you surprised, Antonovka is usually sour);
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of lemon juice.


Wash the apples intended for jam, cut off the peel, cut the fruits themselves into pieces, pour over lemon juice, add water and simmer until soft. It is advisable to stew until you see fruit “porridge” instead of a piece of apples with water. After that, you can remove the pan with this mass from the heat, work a little on it with an immersion blender (to make it homogeneous) and only now add sugar. And then, as usual - cook jam, stirring, over low heat. Roll into sterile jars only after a noticeable thickening.

Apple jam in the oven


  • 1.5 kilograms of apples;
  • 700 grams of sugar;
  • 1 glass of water.


In this recipe, the difference from the rest is that you will add sugar based on the amount of puree, and not apples. So, wash the apples, peel and core them, cut each apple into 5-6 pieces. Pour in water and cook over low heat until soft. Grind the fruit through a sieve and put the resulting puree in an aluminum pan. Sprinkle with sugar: 700 grams per 1 kg of applesauce. Mix everything, cover with a lid and put in the oven at 200 degrees until it boils. Then reduce the temperature to 70 degrees and cook for three hours. After this time, the jam should turn reddish in color, if it is, then your apple jam is ready. Then take out and pour into jars and roll up. It is very important to roll up the jam while it is still hot, because then it will become thick and it will not be so convenient to put it into jars. You can store it in any cool place.

Jam from apples "Comes from childhood"


  • 1 kilogram of ripe apples;
  • 600 grams of sugar;
  • 1 glass of water.


Wash the apples very well and peel and core. Cut into small pieces, you can cubes or slices, add 600 grams of sugar and pour 250 ml of water. Leave the future jam in the saucepan for 6 hours so that the fruit releases the juice. After the specified time, put the saucepan on the fire and cook for 1.5 hours, stirring constantly. The apples will almost boil, you will understand that the jam is ready when it sticks to the sides of the container. Using a food processor or hand blender, purée the marmalade. After this procedure, cook for another 10 minutes, then pour into dry and clean jars, roll up. Turn over jars of jam and wrap with a blanket. In this form, let it stand until the next day. Then transfer to a cool place in the house or in the cellar. This is actually a classic apple jam recipe.

Apple jam through a meat grinder


  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 600 grams of sugar;
  • 100 ml of drinking water.


Apples must be carefully sorted out. Only ripe fruits without obvious signs of damage can be used to make jam. Rinse the selected apples thoroughly with ice-cold running water. From each fruit, it is necessary to remove the skin with a neat thin layer. Divide the peeled fruit into two equal parts, clean the core of the apple.

Cut each fruit into small slices and place in an enamel container, fill with drinking water. Put the container on a small fire and cook for twenty minutes under the lid. Cooking time may increase or decrease depending on the variety of apples. In any case, the product can be considered ready if the apples are boiled soft. As soon as the fruits have reached the desired consistency, they must be allowed to cool, and then passed through a meat grinder while still warm. Transfer the chopped apples to another enameled pan or deep bowl. Add sugar to them, actively connect everything together and place on the stove. During the cooking process, the apple mass must be constantly stirred and carefully monitored so that the jam does not burn in any case, as this will greatly affect not only the color and aroma of the dessert, but also significantly spoil the taste of the product.

Immediately after the future jam boils, the fire must be made even smaller and cooking should continue for 45 minutes. Focus on significant thickening as an indicator of doneness. Cool the ready-made jam a little, pour it into pre-prepared and sterilized containers, and preserve it in the traditional way.

Apple jam in a slow cooker


  • 1 kilogram of apples;
  • sugar 2 cups;
  • lemon - half;


Wash apples, peel and core. Do not throw away the peel, it will come in handy for making a decoction. Place the sliced ​​fruit in the multicooker bowl and add 1/3 cup of water. Dear girls, do not fill the bowl to the top, but only half, otherwise the jam may boil away. Set the "Baking" mode for 30 minutes. And on the stove in a saucepan, fold the peel and pour the remaining water, bring to a boil and cook for 20-25 minutes. Then strain and you will get a decoction. During this time, the apples in the slow cooker have become soft, mash them to a puree state. After that, pour 2 cups of sugar, pour the juice of half a lemon, mix and set to cook in the “Baking” mode for another 65 minutes. Cook under the lid, as soon as you see that the desired density is reached, then turn off the slow cooker. Put the jam in a sterilized jar, tighten the lid and wrap until completely cool. Store in a normal pantry, well worth a year or more. As you can see, jam from apples in a slow cooker is a good recipe, because when should you attract a kitchen assistant, if not during the season of preparations for the winter?

Apple jam on xylitol

The recipe can be recommended to diabetics and other people who do not want to add a large amount of sugar to apple blanks. I also advise you to take very sweet apples. There are varieties that just taste like honey. Look for them for making jam on xylitol. Please note: sweeteners need to be added much less than granulated sugar.


  • 1.2 kg of apples;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 110 grams of xylitol.


Wash the apples and thinly cut the peel with a sharp knife. Then cut the peeled fruits into pieces, removing the core and seeds, put them in a heat-resistant pan with a thick bottom, pour half a glass of water and simmer the fruits until soft. Grind apple slices that have become very soft with a blender, add xylitol, mix and cook for about half an hour. Try to stir the future jam more often, and when it becomes thick, close it in sterile jars and roll it up.


  • 1 kilogram of apples;
  • 800 grams of sugar;
  • 1 glass of drinking water;
  • cinnamon 0.5 teaspoon.


Wash and peel the apples from the skin and core, cut into slices. In a separate bowl, dissolve one glass of sugar in one glass of water. When the sugar dissolves, pour the apple slices into the syrup and put it on a small fire, gradually adding the rest of the sugar. Cook, stirring constantly, until all the sugar has dissolved. Then remove from heat and cool completely. After it has completely cooled, put it back on the fire and add the cinnamon. Bring to a boil and cook over the same low heat until the jam is ready. It should be thick and almost uniform. I'll tell you right now, it's a long time. To speed up the process, jam can be crushed with hand blenders and boiled after that for 15-20 minutes. Do not forget to stir the product during cooking. Remove from heat and wait for the jam to cool completely. Fill the jars and close the lids. It is advisable to store in a cold place.

Jam from pears and apples


  • apples 2 kg;
  • pears 1 kg;
  • sugar 2 kg.


As usual before cooking, wash the apples and pears under cold running water. Remove skins and cores from fruits. Cut the apples into small pieces, pour half a glass of water and put on a small fire. While stirring, look - when the apples become soft, immediately add sugar to them and cook on the same fire for 15-20 minutes. Add pears to the jam, first grate them on a coarse grater. And cook until fully cooked for another 30 minutes, constantly stirring the jam thickening before your eyes. Then pour into dry and sterilized jars, roll up and refrigerate. You can wrap it up with a warm blanket for a day. Store in a cool place. Jam from apples and pears is very beautiful, tender and tasty.

Jam from apples and apricots

A wonderful opportunity is to combine apricots and apples in one jar. Yes, not something indistinct to cook there, but to cook real jam. Thick and very tasty. I use it as a pie filling.


  • 3 kg of apricots;
  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 2 kg of sugar.


Wash the apples (peeled) and apricots, remove the stones from the apricots, then boil them separately with a little water until soft. Cool, wipe through a sieve. Mix fruit puree with sugar and boil until desired thickness. Pour into sterile jars and seal tightly. Too long boiling will affect the color of the jam, so it is better to cook it in small portions for 40-50 minutes. The real density appears in this blank during storage.

Jam from apples and zucchini for the winter

Do not be afraid of the name, this is a very tasty and fragrant preparation that will help you save money. Especially if you have to buy apples not cheap. But zucchini in the height of summer, as a rule, are sold quite inexpensively, so calculate for yourself what kind of savings you get - for every kilogram of apples we take 3 kilograms of zucchini and 2 lemons.


  • 3 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 2 large lemons;
  • 4 kg of granulated sugar;
  • a little lemon zest, if desired.


Wash apples and zucchini, peel them and cut into small cubes. Sprinkle with sugar, leave for half a day for juice to appear. Then stir and start cooking over medium heat. When the mass boils, reduce the heat, cook until the pieces soften. Then remove from heat for a short while, grind with a blender along with peeled lemon pulp and cook further until thickened. It is very interesting to watch how boiled zucchini turns into fragrant jam. Of course, with apple flavor. But if you want to add a hint of citrus, a little lemon zest before jarring the marmalade will do the trick.

In conclusion, I can say that this is only a small part of jam recipes that you can use. Hope you all enjoyed them. I would be grateful if any of you, my precious readers, share your signature apple jam recipes for the winter.

One of the best options for harvesting fruits and berries for the winter is making jam. In this article we will talk about how to cook jam properly so that it turns out thick and tasty.

Jam is believed to have been invented about 200 years ago by Polish housewives, who learned how to boil the most fruitful fruit on the banks of the Vistula - the Hungarian plum, to a very thick mass. Initially, it was prepared for three whole days, it was a very laborious and long process! Today, jam is much easier to make: all you need is an electric or gas stove, a large basin or other wide container, and a few hours of free time.

The name "jam" comes from the Polish word "powidla", meaning literally "a food product obtained by boiling berry or fruit puree with sugar."

You can cook jam from almost any berries and fruits, but jam from apples, pears, apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, quinces, currants, cranberries are considered the most popular options for this dessert.

Jam differs from jam and preserves in a more homogeneous and thick consistency, its boiling point is 104 degrees, it is a denser mass that does not blur when laid out in a lump on a dish.

Basic principles of jam preparation

You can cook jam not only from high-quality, but also from slightly damaged, rumpled or overripe berries and fruits, but they must be ripe and soft. Before cooking, the fruits must be properly washed, cut off the rotten and damaged parts, and then everything is done according to the recipe, however, some general features and principles for preparing this dessert can be distinguished.

As a rule, the fruits are processed into gruel in one of two ways: they are twisted through a meat grinder in their raw form, or they are rubbed through a sieve (today, of course, a blender can also be used for grinding) in an already boiled and peeled form. From some berries or plums, jam usually turns out to be watery, therefore, for the desired consistency, these fruits are combined with apricots, apples, and pears. Adding sugar to jam is not a necessary moment, if the fruits are boiled into jam without sugar, then such preparations must be sterilized. If sugar is added, it must be at least 60% of the total mass, otherwise the jam will ferment or become moldy. Jam should be cooked in a low, wide bowl - this way evaporation occurs quickly, which improves the taste and color of the product. When cooking, jam must be stirred with a wooden spatula, otherwise it will burn, for the same reason, sugar is added only after the fruit mass has sufficiently thickened. The readiness of the jam during cooking is determined as follows: periodically run a spatula along the bottom of the container in which the jam is cooked, if a path is formed that slowly fills up, then the dessert is ready. In general, during the cooking time, the total volume of the mass will decrease by at least half compared to the initial one. Ready jam should be poured hot into sterilized jars. One of the traditional moments in cooking according to the classical technology - baking jam in the oven in jars to form a protective film on the surface of the mass, is often skipped today, but it is recommended to do this for better preservation of the workpiece. Just put the jars of jam in the oven and bake at a low temperature until a film forms, which is visually clearly visible. Then the jam should be left warm until cool, corked after cooling with lids and stored in a cool place. Jam should have a sour-sweet taste, if the fruits from which it is cooked are characterized by low acidity, then you need to add citric or other food acid, you can add spices (cloves, cinnamon, etc.) to the jam for taste and aroma. In the finished jam should be no more than 34% moisture, not less than 60% sugar.

The calorie content of jam varies between 250-260 kcal per 100g.

jam recipes

With a large harvest of any berries or fruits, cooking jam from them is one of the best options. This wonderful dessert will delight you on cool autumn evenings, give you a feeling of warmth in winter and energize you in spring. If until now you have not dared to make such a blank, fearing that it is very difficult, then we recommend that you still try - this process is much simpler than it seems.

The palm in popularity among all types of jam is apple and pear jam. It is from these fruits that it is easiest to make jam of the correct density and consistency.

apple jam recipe

You will need: for 1 kg of peeled apples, take 500-700 g of sugar.

How to cook apple jam. Peel the apples, cut out the seeds, cut into quarters, then steam to soften in a steam bath (the easiest way is to use a double boiler for this). The total steaming time is about 15-20 minutes after boiling water. Softened apples need to be pureed (with a blender, using a meat grinder or crush), then the puree is placed in a saucepan, boiled down to the state of jam with the addition of sugar.

For apple jam, it is better to use sour varieties of apples - antonovka, borovinka, pear, semerenko, seedless, white filling, granny smith, jonagold, idared, etc.

Pear jam is cooked in the same way as apple jam, proportions: for 1 kg of peeled pears 2-3 glasses of water, 500-600 g of sugar and 4 g of citric acid. The algorithm of actions is the same, but pear puree is mixed with water before cooking (broth after steaming), boiled down to half the volume and then sugar is added.

Jam can be cooked from berries such as blueberries, wild roses, cherries, mountain ash, viburnum, lingonberries and others.

Cherry jam recipe

You will need: for 1 kg of pitted cherries 150-200 g of sugar, 2 tbsp. table vinegar.

How to make cherry jam. Rinse the cherries and remove the pits, twist in a meat grinder, mix with vinegar, boil over low heat in a basin until reduced by half of the original volume. Pour sugar into the mass, mix and cook jam until tender.

It's just as easy to make blueberry jam.

blueberry jam recipe

You will need: for 1 kg of blueberries 600 g of sugar.

How to make blueberry jam. Crush the berries, or twist in a meat grinder, put in a wide bowl over low heat and boil down to half the original volume. Add sugar, mix and cook jam until tender.

A very popular jam that many people like is plum jam.

plum jam recipe

You will need: for 1 kg of pitted plums 800 g of sugar.

How to make plum jam. Remove the stones from the plums and boil with the addition of a small amount of water, or steam until soft. Wipe the plum mass or puree with a blender, removing the skin. Pour sugar into the puree, until ready to cook jam, stirring - as a result, the mass should boil down to a third of the original volume. Hot pour the jam into warm jars, cover with gauze, leave at room temperature for 2 days - a crust should form, then wrap the jars with parchment or seal with sterile plastic lids.

It turns out very tasty jam made from plums with apricots.

Recipe for Plum and Apricot Jam

You will need: 600 g of sugar, 500 g of apricots and plums.

How to make jam from apricots and plums. Remove pits from plums and apricots, steam them in a water bath or in a double boiler until soft, puree, remove the skin, boil by half, then add sugar and boil the jam until tender.

There are a lot of jam recipes, but the principle of preparation is always the same. Try making jam from your favorite fruits and berries and enjoy it all year round!

One of the great options for harvesting fruits and berries for the winter is making jam. In this article we will talk about how to cook jam properly so that it turns out thick and tasty.

Jam is believed to have been invented about 200 years ago by Polish housewives, who learned how to boil the most fruitful fruit on the banks of the Vistula - the Hungarian plum, to a very thick mass. Initially, it was prepared for three whole days, it was a very laborious and long process! Today, jam is much easier to make: all you need is an electric or gas stove, a large basin or other wide container, and a few hours of free time.

The name "jam" comes from the Polish word "powidla", meaning literally "a food product obtained by boiling berry or fruit puree with sugar."

You can cook jam from almost any berries and fruits, but jam from apples, pears, apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, quinces, currants, cranberries are considered the most popular options for this dessert.

From jam and jam jam differs in a more homogeneous and thick consistency, its boiling point is 104 degrees, it is a denser mass that does not blur when laid out in a lump on a dish.

Basic principles of jam preparation

You can cook jam not only from high-quality, but also from slightly damaged, rumpled or overripe berries and fruits, but they must be ripe and soft. Before cooking, the fruits must be properly washed, cut off the rotten and damaged parts, and then everything is done according to the recipe, however, some general features and principles for preparing this dessert can be distinguished.

  • As a rule, the fruits are processed into gruel in one of two ways: they are twisted through a meat grinder in their raw form, or they are rubbed through a sieve (today, of course, a blender can also be used for grinding) in an already boiled and peeled form.
  • From some berries or plums, jam usually turns out to be watery, therefore, for the desired consistency, these fruits are combined with apricots, apples, and pears.
  • Adding sugar to jam is not a necessary moment, if the fruits are boiled into jam without sugar, then such preparations must be sterilized. If sugar is added, it must be at least 60% of the total mass, otherwise the jam will ferment or become moldy.
  • Jam should be cooked in a low, wide bowl - this way evaporation occurs quickly, which improves the taste and color of the product. When cooking, jam must be stirred with a wooden spatula, otherwise it will burn, for the same reason, sugar is added only after the fruit mass has sufficiently thickened.
  • The readiness of the jam during cooking is determined as follows: periodically run a spatula along the bottom of the container in which the jam is cooked, if a path is formed that slowly fills up, then the dessert is ready. In general, during the cooking time, the total volume of the mass will decrease by at least half compared to the initial one.
  • Ready jam should be poured hot into sterilized jars. One of the traditional moments in cooking according to the classical technology - baking jam in the oven in jars to form a protective film on the surface of the mass, is often skipped today, but it is recommended to do this for better preservation of the workpiece. Just put the jars of jam in the oven and bake at a low temperature until a film forms, which is visually clearly visible. Then the jam should be left warm until cool, corked after cooling with lids and stored in a cool place.
  • Jam should have a sour-sweet taste, if the fruits from which it is cooked are characterized by low acidity, then you need to add citric or other food acid, you can add spices (cloves, cinnamon, etc.) to the jam for taste and aroma.
  • In the finished jam should be no more than 34% moisture, not less than 60% sugar.

The calorie content of jam varies between 250-260 kcal per 100g.

jam recipes

With a large harvest of any berries or fruits, cooking jam from them is one of the best options. This wonderful dessert will delight you on cool autumn evenings, give you a feeling of warmth in winter and energize you in spring. If until now you have not dared to make such a blank, fearing that it is very difficult, then we recommend that you still try - this process is much simpler than it seems.

The palm in popularity among all types of jam is apple and pear jam. It is from these fruits that it is easiest to make jam of the correct density and consistency.

apple jam recipe

You will need: for 1 kg of peeled apples, take 500-700 g of sugar.

How to cook apple jam. Peel the apples, cut out the seeds, cut into quarters, then steam to soften in a steam bath (the easiest way is to use a double boiler for this). The total steaming time is about 15-20 minutes after boiling water. Softened apples need to be pureed (with a blender, using a meat grinder or crush), then the puree is placed in a saucepan, boiled down to the state of jam with the addition of sugar.

For apple jam, it is better to use sour varieties of apples - antonovka, borovinka, pear, semerenko, seedless, white filling, granny smith, jonagold, idared, etc.

Pear jam is cooked in the same way as apple jam, proportions: for 1 kg of peeled pears 2-3 glasses of water, 500-600 g of sugar and 4 g of citric acid. The algorithm of actions is the same, but pear puree is mixed with water before cooking (broth after steaming), boiled down to half the volume and then sugar is added.

Jam can be cooked from berries such as blueberries, wild roses, cherries, mountain ash, viburnum, lingonberries and others.

Cherry jam recipe

You will need: for 1 kg of pitted cherries 150-200 g of sugar, 2 tbsp. table vinegar.

How to make cherry jam. Rinse the cherries and remove the pits, twist in a meat grinder, mix with vinegar, boil over low heat in a basin until reduced by half of the original volume. Pour sugar into the mass, mix and cook jam until tender.

It's just as easy to make blueberry jam.

blueberry jam recipe

You will need: for 1 kg of blueberries 600 g of sugar.

How to make blueberry jam. Crush the berries, or twist in a meat grinder, put in a wide bowl over low heat and boil down to half the original volume. Add sugar, mix and cook jam until tender.

A very popular jam that many people like is plum jam.

plum jam recipe

You will need: for 1 kg of pitted plums 800 g of sugar.

How to make plum jam. Remove the stones from the plums and boil with the addition of a small amount of water, or steam until soft. Wipe the plum mass or puree with a blender, removing the skin. Pour sugar into the puree, until ready to cook jam, stirring - as a result, the mass should boil down to a third of the original volume. Hot pour the jam into warm jars, cover with gauze, leave at room temperature for 2 days - a crust should form, then wrap the jars with parchment or seal with sterile plastic lids.

It turns out very tasty jam made from plums with apricots.

Recipe for Plum and Apricot Jam

You will need: 600 g of sugar, 500 g of apricots and plums.

How to make jam from apricots and plums. Remove pits from plums and apricots, steam them in a water bath or in a double boiler until soft, puree, remove the skin, boil by half, then add sugar and boil the jam until tender.

There are a lot of jam recipes, but the principle of preparation is always the same. Try making jam from your favorite fruits and berries and enjoy it all year round!

How to cook jam: the basic principles and secrets of cooking. One of the best options for harvesting fruits and berries for the winter is making jam. In this article we will talk about how to cook jam properly so that it turns out thick and tasty. Jam is believed to have been invented about 200 years ago by Polish housewives, who learned how to boil the most fruitful fruit on the banks of the Vistula - the Hungarian plum, to a very thick mass. Initially, it was prepared for three whole days, it was a very laborious and long process! Today, jam is much easier to make: all you need is an electric or gas stove, a large basin or other wide container, and a few hours of free time. The name "jam" comes from the Polish word "powidla", meaning literally "a food product obtained by boiling berry or fruit puree with sugar." You can cook jam from almost any berries and fruits, but jam from apples, pears, apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, quinces, currants, cranberries are considered the most popular options for this dessert. Jam differs from jam and preserves in a more homogeneous and thick consistency, its boiling point is 104 degrees, it is a denser mass that does not blur when laid out in a lump on a dish. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF PREPARING JAM How to cook jam: basic principles and secrets of cooking Jam can be cooked not only from high-quality, but also from slightly damaged, rumpled or overripe berries and fruits, but they must be ripe and soft. Before cooking, the fruits must be properly washed, cut off the rotten and damaged parts, and then everything is done according to the recipe, however, some general features and principles for preparing this dessert can be distinguished. As a rule, the fruits are processed into gruel in one of two ways: they are twisted through a meat grinder in their raw form, or they are rubbed through a sieve (today, of course, a blender can also be used for grinding) in an already boiled and peeled form. From some berries or plums, jam usually turns out to be watery, therefore, for the desired consistency, these fruits are combined with apricots, apples, and pears. Adding sugar to jam is not a necessary moment, if the fruits are boiled into jam without sugar, then such preparations must be sterilized. If sugar is added, it must be at least 60% of the total mass, otherwise the jam will ferment or become moldy. Jam should be cooked in a low, wide bowl - this way evaporation occurs quickly, which improves the taste and color of the product. When cooking, jam must be stirred with a wooden spatula, otherwise it will burn, for the same reason, sugar is added only after the fruit mass has sufficiently thickened. The readiness of the jam during cooking is determined as follows: periodically run a spatula along the bottom of the container in which the jam is cooked, if a path is formed that slowly fills up, then the dessert is ready. In general, during the cooking time, the total volume of the mass will decrease by at least half compared to the initial one. Ready jam should be poured hot into sterilized jars. One of the traditional moments in cooking according to the classical technology - baking jam in the oven in jars to form a protective film on the surface of the mass, is often skipped today, but it is recommended to do this for better preservation of the workpiece. Just put the jars of jam in the oven and bake at a low temperature until a film forms, which is visually clearly visible. Then the jam should be left warm until cool, corked after cooling with lids and stored in a cool place. Jam should have a sour-sweet taste, if the fruits from which it is cooked are characterized by low acidity, then you need to add citric or other food acid, you can add spices (cloves, cinnamon, etc.) to the jam for taste and aroma. In the finished jam should be no more than 34% moisture, not less than 60% sugar. The calorie content of jam varies between 250-260 kcal per 100g. JAM RECIPES With a large harvest of any berries or fruits, cooking jam from them is one of the best options. This wonderful dessert will delight you on cool autumn evenings, give you a feeling of warmth in winter and energize you in spring. If until now you have not dared to make such a blank, fearing that it is very difficult, then we recommend that you still try - this process is much simpler than it seems. The palm in popularity among all types of jam is apple and pear jam. It is from these fruits that it is easiest to make jam of the correct density and consistency. RECIPE OF APPLE JAM It will take: for 1 kg of peeled apples, take 500-700 g of sugar. How to cook apple jam. Peel the apples, cut out the seeds, cut into quarters, then steam to soften in a steam bath (the easiest way is to use a double boiler for this). The total steaming time is about 15-20 minutes after boiling water. Softened apples need to be pureed (with a blender, using a meat grinder or crush), then the puree is placed in a saucepan, boiled down to the state of jam with the addition of sugar. For apple jam, it is better to use sour varieties of apples - Antonovka, Borovinka, pear, Semerenko, seedless, white filling, Granny Smith, Jonagold, Idared, etc. Pear jam is cooked in the same way as apple jam, proportions: for 1 kg of peeled pears 2-3 a glass of water, 500-600g of sugar and 4g of citric acid. The algorithm of actions is the same, but pear puree is mixed with water before cooking (broth after steaming), boiled down to half the volume and then sugar is added. Jam can be cooked from berries such as blueberries, wild roses, cherries, mountain ash, viburnum, lingonberries and others. RECIPE FOR PREPARING CHERRY JAM You will need: for 1 kg of pitted cherries 150-200 g of sugar, 2 tbsp. table vinegar. How to make cherry jam. Rinse the cherries and remove the pits, twist in a meat grinder, mix with vinegar, boil over low heat in a basin until reduced by half of the original volume. Pour sugar into the mass, mix and cook jam until tender. It's just as easy to make blueberry jam. RECIPE FOR PREPARING BLUEBERRY JAM You will need: for 1 kg of blueberries 600 g of sugar. How to make blueberry jam. Crush the berries, or twist in a meat grinder, put in a wide bowl over low heat and boil down to half the original volume. Add sugar, mix and cook jam until tender. A very popular jam that many people like is plum jam. RECIPE FOR PREPARING JAM FROM PLUMS You will need: 800 g of sugar for 1 kg of pitted plums. How to make plum jam. Remove the stones from the plums and boil with the addition of a small amount of water, or steam until soft. Wipe the plum mass or puree with a blender, removing the skin. Pour sugar into the puree, until ready to cook jam, stirring - as a result, the mass should boil down to a third of the original volume. Hot pour the jam into warm jars, cover with gauze, leave at room temperature for 2 days - a crust should form, then wrap the jars with parchment or seal with sterile plastic lids. It turns out very tasty jam made from plums with apricots. RECIPE FOR PREPARING PLUM-APRICOT JAM You will need: 600 g of sugar, 500 g of apricots and plums. How to make jam from apricots and plums. Remove pits from plums and apricots, steam them in a water bath or in a double boiler until soft, puree, remove the skin, boil by half, then add sugar and boil the jam until tender. There are a lot of jam recipes, but the principle of preparation is always the same. Try making jam from your favorite fruits and berries and enjoy it all year round!

The second half of summer and the first two months of autumn are the hot time for all kinds of preparations for the winter. In particularly fruitful years, the owners of even small plots do not have time to process the gifts of their gardens. And it's a shame to let them go! So if you have a lot of fruits (especially apples, since apple trees are planted by all gardeners, because they are the least picky about growing conditions and unpretentious in care), be puzzled by how to cook jam from apples - high-quality, thick, tasty. It takes up much less space than jam or compotes, and is much more functional, as it is suitable for filling in a variety of pastries.

What apples to take?

Fruit should be juicy, not too hard and not too soft. The second prerequisite: the amount of sugar in them. Of course, sweet varieties are also suitable, but it is difficult to calculate the sugar rate for them and it can turn out to be too sugary a product, since cooking jam from apples “by eye” is fraught with bad results. The most recommended varieties are “Slavyanka”, “Pepin Lithuanian”, “papirovka”, “Aport”, “Antonovka” and the like. Some varieties are too soft (“pear”, “white filling”, “melba”), so it’s worth cooking jam from them for those who have already “filled their hands” a little.

If you're wondering if it's reddish, start by buying red or spotted apples and don't peel them. You can enhance the shade by introducing into the mass during the cooking process other berries that have the desired color - for example, red currants or cranberries.

What you need to know about apple jam?

There are several rules, signs and observations that are worth studying and learning how to make jam from apples.

The most common recipe

Anyone who first thought about how to make jam from apples, after reading many cookbooks, will easily be convinced that the variety of ways is small. Most often, fruits, sugar and water are taken in proportions of 1 kg - 700 g - 100 ml, respectively. Apples are washed, peeled, the core is cut out, and everything else is finely cut. The mass is poured into a basin or pan, water is poured in, and the vessel is put on fire for half an hour. You need to stir regularly. At the end of the period, sugar is poured in, the mass is mixed and cooled. Apples are passed through a blender, the puree is poured back into the basin and simmered for 40 minutes over low heat. At this time, banks are sterilized; on them, still warm, the finished product is poured, the dishes are clogged, turned upside down and wrapped up. When the jars have cooled, they are hidden in the pantry.

Jam from apples with "additions"

The simplest way of such preparation for the winter is described above. But if you have already mastered the "primitive" apple jam, the recipe can be complicated to obtain a varied end product. For example, make it a lemon-cinnamon version. In such homemade jam from apples per kilogram of the main component, they take the same amount of water and sugar, but they add half a teaspoon of lemon juice and ground cinnamon to them. The first half of the process proceeds as usual. However, before adding sugar, it must be mixed with cinnamon. Lemon juice is introduced into the already prepared mass. The end of cooking is similar to the previous method: put into jars, roll up and wait for cooling.

Multicooker to help

With the advent of this kitchen apparatus, many culinary processes have been greatly simplified. That is why housewives use it so willingly, and even figured out how to cook jam from apples in a slow cooker. The ratio of products is classic, only you do not need to pour in water at all. Preparation of apples - according to the already familiar plan: wash, peel, remove the middle, cut into thin slices. Then the fruits are laid out in a multicooker bowl, sugar is poured out, the contents are mixed. The quenching mode is set in the unit for an hour and a half, since making jam from apples using a slow cooker is a lengthy process. Every 30 minutes, the mass in the bowl must be carefully mixed. The last stage of preparation is the same as if you were cooking jam on a gas stove or electric stove: pour into containers, twist, turn over, cool under a blanket.

Jam from "inappropriate" apples

As already mentioned, some varieties of fruit are not entirely suitable for preparing this blank. However, there are techniques, the use of which allows you to get a dense, high-quality jam from apples "white filling". The ratio of products is still the same: a kilo of apples - 700 g of sugar. But the cooking process is a little different.

Peeled and chopped apples are placed in a bowl (preferably aluminum, but enameled will do), immediately poured with sugar and left for half a day to give juice. Then the contents are boiled over medium heat for 10 minutes (stirred continuously) - and the basin is set aside to cool for 6 hours. This will have to be done 3 or 4 times. At the last boiling, the mass is kept on the stove until all the liquid remaining in it has evaporated, that is, until ready, after which it is necessary to pack the jam and roll it up. In total, the whole process will take two days. But if you do everything right, you will get “white pouring” apple jam of a beautiful golden hue, dense, thick and not sugary-sweet.

Five Minute Recipe

It is not at all necessary to cook your delicacy for several days. It turns out a good jam from apples, the recipe of which provides for only 5 minutes of evaporation. It is intended for sour green fruits. The ratio of water, sugar and apples is standard (you can increase the proportion of sugar by 100 g if the fruits are too sour). Small pieces of fruit in water are boiled until soft. When they have cooled, they are rubbed through a sieve or colander, mixed with sugar and boiled slowly for only five minutes (the main thing is to stir continuously, preferably with a wooden spatula or spoon). The finished jam is packaged hot in jars, twisted and hidden. We will warn you right away: this jam is not too dense and is not suitable for open pies. However, bagels and pies with "five minutes" turn out great.

How to achieve density?

Often, housewives set themselves the goal of cooking a dense, viscous, almost elastic jam, intending to subsequently use it for open baking. The usual consistency does not suit them. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the subtleties of how to make jam from apples of maximum density. Rule one: choose very juicy fruits to reduce the amount of water added. You can even completely refuse it - just squeeze a little juice from a part of the fruit, in which the fruit will be boiled. Rule two: reduce the amount of sugar by 100-200 grams. Rule three: cook the jam for as long as possible (but make sure that it does not burn). As a result, its color will come out very dark, up to an impenetrable brown, but it will turn out so thick that a spoon will stand in it.

Secrets of long storage

It is not enough to cook tasty, fragrant and beautiful jam from apples for the winter. I would like to achieve that it remains so for a long time. Of course, if the jam on top is moldy, then you can remove the outermost layer and use the rest - but this is a loss of delicacy that your time and effort have been spent on. And it’s not a fact that the rest of the can will remain fresh. Sometimes, in order to save the result of the summer-autumn labor, the jam is boiled again with the addition of a small amount of water. However, its quality is reduced. So it is better to take care of safety in advance.

The basic rule - to sterilize dishes - is observed by everyone. But this is not enough. Experienced craftswomen do not roll jam hot or immediately after cooling. They leave the jars open until a dense film appears on the surface of their contents - it protects it from mold and fermentation. Film formation can take a day or two. If you want to speed up the process - place the containers in a heated oven with the door ajar. Jam with a crust can not even be hermetically rolled up - enough parchment tied around the neck.

Another way to extend the shelf life of jam (especially if you don't like the surface film) is to sterilize already sealed jars for half an hour. Checked: the jam will remain “like yesterday made” for up to five years. Maybe it would have stood longer if the children had not found it in the pantry.
