
Sleeping tea as a fertilizer for indoor plants. Tea pomace fertilizer

One of the cheap and useful fertilizers for tomatoes is used tea leaves. This is an effective, safe, natural top dressing that does not require additional financial costs - kitchen waste is easy to accumulate throughout the year.

Preparing and fertilizing tea leaves is easy, but there are a few things you need to know to get the most out of your fertilization and avoid harm to your plant.

The benefits of tea leaves for tomatoes

The value of tea leaves, as a fertilizer for tomatoes, is associated with its mineral composition, rich in substances necessary for the plant to grow and form fruits.

100 g of tea leaves contains:

Element Proportion of substance (in grams) Significance for tomatoes
Potassium 1,79 Provides high sugar content and large fruit sizes. Increases immunity and resistance to weather influences, promotes survival of seedlings.
Calcium 0,47 Stimulates seed germination, growth of shoots and roots, affects the number of ovaries and fruit size.
Magnesium 0,22 Participates in photosynthesis, providing nutrition to cells. Deficiency of the element is reflected in the weak formation of ovaries, small size and sour taste of fruits.
Iron 0,2 Required to build green mass and form ovaries.
Manganese 0,083 Delivers nutrients to the organs of the plant, ensuring the growth of roots, aerial parts and fruits. Increases the concentration of vitamin C in fruits.
Bor 0,0095 Stimulates flowering and ovary formation.
Zinc 0,0023 Promotes the accumulation of sugars in the pulp and the growth of fruits.
Copper 0,0011 Stimulates flowering and growth of roots and shoots.
Sulfur 0,065 Provides sugar content of fruits and a large number of ovaries.
Molybdenum 0,00004
Iodine 0,00001


Tea leaves have the ability to slightly increase the acidity of the soil. Slightly acidic soil is considered suitable for tomatoes, so this feature will be useful on alkaline soils, but it is undesirable to apply fertilizer to acidic soils.

Tea brewing improves soil structure, making it lighter and looser. This is especially true when cultivating tomatoes on clay soils that are too heavy for the crop.

Selection and preparation of raw materials

As a fertilizer for tomatoes, you should choose large-leaf tea, which retains the maximum of useful substances. It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the product - the tea should not contain dyes or aromatic additives, these substances can harm plants.

For tomatoes, only dormant tea leaves should be taken, because after use, the raw material loses some of the substances, which prevents excess nutrition. In addition, after brewing, aluminum harmful to plants is washed out of the tea leaf.

The volume of raw materials necessary for fertilizing the beds will have to be accumulated, therefore, after use, the tea leaves must be dried to prevent the formation of mold. For drying, you can use a sieve or hang it in a gauze bag in a draft - it is important to ensure good air access. Dried tea leaves should be stored in a dry place using a glass or plastic, not metal container with a tight lid. Moldy tea leaves should not be used to feed tomatoes.

Fertilizer Application Methods

There are several options for using tea leaves to feed tomatoes, the choice of which depends on the specific goals of the gardener.

  1. Introducing into the ground. Welding can be used to improve the quality of the soil - as a baking powder and organic fertilizer. When digging in spring or autumn, tea leaves must be embedded in the ground at the rate of 5 kg of raw materials per 1 hundred square meters of beds.
  2. for seedlings. A high concentration of potassium, which increases the endurance and adaptive qualities of plants, makes tea brewing useful for seedlings. 100 g of fertilizer should be placed in each well, mixed with wood ash.
  3. Watering infusion. You can give liquid top dressing at any phase of the growing season of tomatoes. 250 g of tea leaves should be poured with 3 liters of boiling water and left to infuse until cool. The volume of infusion poured under the bush is determined by the age of the plant - it must correspond to the usual amount of water for a single irrigation.
  4. Mulch. During the summer, tea leaves can be poured onto the tomato bed immediately after use, without drying. Welding well retains soil moisture and inhibits the growth of weeds, decomposing, nourishes the soil.

If you are a gardener and regularly drink tea, then you must have wondered at least once whether the leftover tea leftovers can be used in the garden. And we are talking not only about the classic leaf tea leaves, but also the remnants in used tea bags. In fact, the answer is simple: you need to use sleeping tea!


Just imagine how much tea a family of 2-3 people can accumulate over the winter? Of course, before storing tea leftovers, you need to dry them properly so that mold and fungus do not start on them. If you prefer sweet tea with sugar, then the tea residues will also need to be thoroughly rinsed before drying.

The mass accumulated over the winter can be used as follows:

  1. Compost. This is probably the easiest option. If you live in a house with a plot, then you can immediately take out the sleeping tea in the compost heap. The old brew contains a large amount of nitrogen, as well as tannins, which accelerate the fermentation of organic substances. Beforehand, do not forget to remove all synthetic and metal elements (a metal bracket on a piece of paper, some bags are made of artificial nets).
  2. Fertilizer. Drip old tea leftovers mixed with wood ash in the trunk circles of cultivated plants. Nitrogen from such top dressing will be given slowly, and therefore the effect of the use of sleeping tea will be long-lasting. Dried old tea leaves can also be added to the holes when planting. Tomatoes, cucumbers, beans and gladioli respond well to such tea dressing.
  3. Alternative to peat tablets. Used tea bags are a good alternative to seedling pills that cost money. To do this, carefully open the top of the bag, pour a little universal soil there and plant the seeds. At the time of picking, the seedlings are transplanted to a new place directly in bags, without injuring their fragile root system (for bell peppers that are afraid of transplants, this method is especially relevant!).
  4. Soil improvement. If you have accumulated a lot of dormant tea, use it to improve the structure and increase soil fertility. For 1 m2, it is desirable to add 500 g of used tea (or infusion - 1 cup of dry tea per 3 liters of boiling water). You can conduct an experiment and enrich 1 bed with used tea leaves, and then compare the results and draw final conclusions. Old tea neutralizes alkaline soil.
  5. Houseplant care. Use used tea bags to wipe houseplants. So you will not only wipe off the dust from them, but also perform a kind of foliar top dressing.
  6. Filler for sowing small seeds. Mix 1 tsp. parsley, carrot, basil or nigella seeds with 1 cup dry tea leaves before sowing. As a result, seedlings will be more uniform, which means that you will have much less trouble with their subsequent thinning.
  7. Mulching. This method is only suitable for open ground, which is ventilated and warmed by the sun's rays. Evenly distribute the dried old tea leaves over the surface of the bed. For indoor flowers, this method is contraindicated, mold can start and midges appear (especially from sweet tea leaves).

As you can see, a rational summer resident simply cannot throw tea leaves into a bucket. This also applies to many other wastes and in general to our whole life. And then we are surprised that the poor, and there is not enough money. Look at Finland - they even use the waste to heat their own houses and generate electricity, everything is in use. And we only grow landfills.

Tea brewing as a fertilizer is a long-standing way to saturate with minerals and nutrients. It can be used for both indoor and garden plants. The benefits of such top dressing are provided by its rich composition:

  • Potassium. It is necessary when fruits ripen in large volumes;
  • Calcium. Provides carbohydrate and protein metabolism;
  • Magnesium. It is the main component of photosynthesis;
  • Manganese. Participates in redox processes, promotes the formation of the root system, an increase in the vegetative mass;
  • Sodium. Transports sugars;
  • Iron. It is a component of respiratory enzymes.

Tea brewing is an affordable way to feed plants.


It is recommended to use tea with large leaves as a fertilizer. The leaf should be undamaged, as this helps to preserve the nutritional composition. The richest in minerals is the composition on the water, and not the dried tea leaves. The composition in dried form can be used as a microfertilizer. Application requires compliance with the following recommendations:

  • The composition acidifies the soil, and therefore for indoor plants it should be used with caution;
  • It is recommended to mix it with the earth. This makes it lighter, airtight, waterproof;
  • When using, it is recommended to check for the presence of artificial colors. They can impair plant development;
  • If these are houseplants, dried used tea leaves are better suited, since the water composition can lead to the appearance of pathogenic microflora, midges;
  • Used tea leaves should not contain sugar, as this has a bad effect on the root system, leads to a stop in its development and death.

It is applied in several ways:

  • If it is outdoors, tea after the initial application may be preferred. It can not be dried;
  • In the off-season, it is better to choose a dried composition. Together with it, the soil is processed, it is dug up;
  • If this is a seedling planting, you can pour tea into each well.

To feed the root system, it is recommended to take tea and pour it with three liters of boiling water, wait for it to cool. The solution provides fast delivery of all the necessary nutrients. Such a solution is not oversaturated with components, and therefore it is used as a liquid for irrigation. Plants will not be harmed.

Where to apply welding?

Where to apply this component? It is favorable for growing ferns, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, cucumbers. More suitable for open ground. For closed ground, it is better to choose compositions with a lower content of active elements. This is, first of all, an addition to top dressing. Therefore, it must be supplemented with other fertilizers. This is a safe composition with a low concentration of active ingredients. It is relevant for the preparation of compost heaps, mulching, loosening. With it, the soil becomes more airy, fertile. It can even make clay soil light. Tea contains tannins, which are essential for development. They also prevent putrefactive processes, retain the moisture of the earth, and also neutralize alkaline soil. However, when added to houseplants, soil flies may breed. When adding a compost heap component, it is able to accelerate the processes of decay. This is a completely natural product with no artificial ingredients. For high-quality top dressing, you need to choose large and high-quality sheets. This will provide more nutritional content.

Hello dear friends!

People's opinions about whether it is possible to use coffee grounds and sleeping tea as fertilizer when growing plants often differ: some consider this waste ultra useful, others are only suitable for filling a compost pit. Consider ways to use tea leaves and coffee grounds from both points of view.

Filling the compost heap

Slipped tea, as well as coffee grounds, is an excellent material for creating compost, since their acidic environment contributes to better decay, and the absence of seeds eliminates the likelihood of weeds. On the other hand, tea and coffee are ordinary organic matter, which is enough on the farm and in the garden without these wastes. To summarize what has been said: sleeping tea and coffee leftovers are good fillers, but it’s not worth drying and saving tea leaves all winter just for the sake of it.

Mulching plants

You can often see a picture in offices when tea leaves from a French press or teapot are poured right under potted plants, motivating this with the benefits of tea leaves for flowers. But, as a rule, heaps of tea leaves gradually become covered with mold and produce an abundance of midges (see the article ""). The situation is different when mulching plants in garden plots, where the used tea leaves protect the soil from cracking in dry summers, and later participate in the formation of humus.

Using tea and coffee as a soil leavening agent

Indeed, used tea leaves and grounds make the earth more airy and light. Indoor flowers, cucumbers, tomato seedlings (and not only), beans, peas, gladiolus and many other plants will respond with special gratitude to adding these components to the wells or for digging. To summarize: the structure of the soil when you add sleeping tea and coffee to it, indeed, improves.

Sprinkled tea supplement

Tea leaves, even when reused, contain a certain amount of useful trace elements. You can verify this by pouring potted flowers with cooled tea without sugar. Plants in the garden in this regard are not much different from potted ones: with sleeping tea, they will receive useful substances that are not in the water usually used to water the garden. The strength of the tea infusion depends on the amount of material available, for example, a glass of dried tea leaves for three liters of boiling water.

Removing cats from the garden

It happens that cats choose a piece of the garden as a place for their defecation. Coffee grounds, scattered along with orange peels around the "problem" areas, will help to drive them away from their site.

Summary. If you are not too lazy to dry all winter and collect used tea leaves and coffee grounds in a jar, you will be rewarded with even modest, but still achievements in growing organic products: your plants will be stronger from this, and the land on the site will be a little more fertile and lighter. Use coffee and sleeping tea as fertilizer for plants! See you!

Millions of people of all ages drink tea brewed from fermented or green leaves every day. The drink has become so popular that a meeting of guests and a lunch break are indispensable without it. Restless housewives also find use for the cake left after tea drinking. From sleeping tea as a fertilizer, you can benefit from garden and indoor flowers. Welding improves the composition of the soil, nourishes the root system, and therefore increases the decorative properties of plantings and the quality of the crop.

An interesting way to give a “second life” to a tea leaf is to add it to the soil. Welding transfers maximum useful substances to plantings:

  1. Potassium is the main nutrient, its deficiency leads to the death of the plant. Potassium cake contains more than other elements.
  2. Calcium is needed for the active development of roots and protein-carbohydrate metabolism.
  3. Iron takes part in photosynthesis, reduces the risk of chlorosis.
  4. Magnesium is responsible for the process of photosynthesis.

In addition, tea leaves contain sodium, aluminum, sulfur, manganese, boron and other elements. This is a complex means for fertilizing plants, affordable and easy to use. However, for a noticeable result, a large amount of used tea leaf is required. Gardeners are sure that with regular fertilization, the crop will be more plentiful, larger and tastier.

Is sleeping tea useful as a fertilizer for the soil? There are several advantages:

Both black and green loose leaf tea are suitable as a fertilizer. Harm can be caused by artificial colors and flavors, which are most often added to packaged goods. It is usually produced from production waste, tea dust. Therefore, for the preparation of a drink and subsequent feeding, it is recommended to take a natural product.

How to apply home fertilizer: recipes for giving

Tea leaves are used as a nutrient both for indoor plants and seedlings, and for planting in open ground. Raw materials are prepared in this way:

  • after tea drinking, the leftovers are laid out on a sieve or dish in an even layer;
  • the raw materials are dried and poured into any convenient storage container.

In a house where tea is often served, such a fertilizer quickly accumulates in sufficient quantities for spring preparation of the site.

Sweetened organic matter will attract ants and other insects, so it's best not to add sugar.

In order to improve the soil, tea is introduced into the top layer of soil during its spring digging. The beds are water and breathable. The recommended dose per 1 m 2 is 0.5 kg of dried leaf. Organics quickly decompose, saturating the earth with nitrogen necessary for growth. It is not necessary to fertilize the entire territory, it is enough to fertilize a couple of beds for vegetables or flowers. When watering, the raw material will release useful substances.

Brewed leaves can be poured into the holes when planting horticultural crops. For the best effect, they are mixed with ash and mineral preparations. You can fertilize tea in the country with the following plantings:

  • tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, peppers;
  • roses, gladioli, peonies and other flowers.

To increase the germination of carrot seeds, they are sprinkled with dry tea leaves immediately after sowing. The seeds will germinate and will be provided with food from the first days.

To mulch the beds in the country, you will need a layer of tea leaves 5 cm thick. So the weeds will not receive enough light to develop. Another way to use tea raw materials for the garden is to add it to the compost pit. Tannins significantly accelerate the decomposition process.

Sleepy tea for indoor plants and seedlings

Asleep leaf mass is also suitable for indoor plants, it is placed on the bottom of the pot as drainage. There it will rot, saturate the soil with additional substances, and also retain moisture. A drainage layer of foliage will reduce the amount of watering, protect home flowers from drying out during the heating season.

Ways to use in indoor floriculture:

Flowers with fragile roots respond well to the sleeping mixture in the composition of the soil: delicate violets, clivia, beloved by many begonias. To do this, mix the soil mixture and dry tea leaves in a ratio of 3: 1. Minus the introduction - provoking the development of soil flies.

For mulching potted plants, dormant leaf mass is not used. This can lead to root rot.

Some flower growers have a habit of watering the pots with the remnants of tea - this is a significant mistake in care. This is done only with plantings in open ground.

Fertilizing flowers with tea is useful and cheap at the same time. An infusion is prepared from 1 cup of dry raw materials and 3 liters of boiling water. Such watering is useful for cacti, ferns, hibiscus, anthuriums. The infusion is used in a cooled form in the same amount as water for irrigation. The prepared solution neutralizes acidity, so it is not recommended to abuse such watering.

Sleeping raw materials can serve as top dressing for seedlings on the windowsill. To do this, gardeners mix deciduous and garden soil, compost in equal proportions, add wood ash to the mixture in the proportion of 1 cup per bucket. The workpiece is kept in the cold during the winter. This allows you to disinfect it. Before sowing seeds, a dry substrate is poured into the prepared soil in a ratio of 3: 1. Such plantings grow strong, take root more easily after picking and transplanting into open ground. According to summer residents, sometimes only one tea mass is enough to feed seedlings.

Video about the rules for using welding.

Tea leaves from weeds, nettles and weeds - tea analogue

Not all summer residents resort to making tea potion from improvised raw materials, but in vain. Means, labor and time are required negligible, and the benefits of such top dressing are colossal. Those who wish to visually see the result should use the proposed recipe.

Cooking order:

There are many hunters to have tea in the country. These are flowers, and peppers, and tomatoes, and cabbage. Foliar feeding of cucumbers with such an infusion will save them from powdery mildew. Saprophytes living on the foliage cheer up from such a potion and begin to actively eat harmful fungal colonies. If there is no such tool, then they will help.

Folk ingenuity has no limits. Some gardeners perceive the used custard mass as an additional fertilizer, while others actively use it as the main plant nutrition. In any case, feeding with tea brewing is periodic, the remedy should not be abused.
