
Safe amount of alcohol per day. There is no better vodka

Each person has a different attitude to the use of alcohol-containing products. Someone needs to take it daily, some generally drink only on holidays, and there is a category of citizens who do not drink alcohol at all. Almost all people know that it is harmful to the body, because it affects many systems adversely. However, a large number of population is wondering if there is a safe dose of alcohol.

Safe dose of alcohol per day for men: the benefits and harms of alcohol

Alcohol in small doses can be beneficial to health. There is more and more scientific evidence about this. Alcohol lowers blood cholesterol, prevents the formation of blood clots, dilates blood vessels and thereby promotes more intense blood circulation. As a result, the likelihood of developing cardiovascular and some other diseases is reduced.
In a study of 1,900 people hospitalized with myocardial infarction, it was shown that those patients who took alcoholic beverages seven times a week during the year before a heart attack were 32% less likely to die from it compared to teetotalers. People who drink alcohol less than 7 times a week died 21% less often within 4 years after a heart attack compared to non-drinkers.

The results of another study showed that in older people who take daily alcoholic beverages in moderate amounts, the risk of developing heart disease is reduced by 47% compared to abstainers, regardless of age, race, blood pressure, the presence of diabetes, smoking and other factors. The study involved more than 2,200 people aged about 74 years.

Alcohol in a dose of more than 50 grams is a poison and harms most organs and body systems. The harm of alcohol is that 1 gram of it contains calories - 7.3 kcal. Alcohol is almost as high in calories as fat!

Safe amount of alcohol per day for men: the norm of alcohol

The permissible dose of alcohol per day for an adult male who does not suffer from chronic diseases should not exceed 30 ml of pure ethyl alcohol. According to WHO, 10 g of pure ethanol approximately corresponds to:

- 30 ml of vodka, cognac, whiskey, brandy or rum (40% vol.);
- 75 ml of fortified sweet wine, port or vermouth (17-20% vol.);
- 100 ml of dry red or white wine, including champagne (11-13% vol.);
- 250 ml of beer (5% vol.).

Often people are indifferent to alcohol during the working week, but at the weekend they begin to catch up with enthusiasm. This is fundamentally the wrong approach. It has been shown that a single intake of a large dose of alcohol is much more dangerous for the body compared to the uniform use of the same total dose during the week, but in small portions. If excessive libation is unavoidable, remember that:

- 75 ml of vodka will not cause significant damage to a healthy man who has no medical contraindications to drinking alcohol.

- 150 ml of vodka - maximum allowable amount when drinking alcohol once a week. WHO believes that this is the threshold beyond which alcoholism begins - a painful addiction to strong drinks. Average per formation addiction takes one to three years. Daily use more than 30 g of ethyl alcohol (75 ml of vodka) inevitably has a toxic effect on the liver. If the daily dose exceeds 60 g of ethyl alcohol, then the level of consumption is considered dangerous. In such cases, steatohepatitis develops in every 10th.

- The lethal dose of alcohol is from 4 to 12 g of pure ethyl alcohol per 1 kg of body weight. For a man weighing about 80 kg, this will be equal to 1-3 liters of vodka or other strong liquor. So much wide range dangerous dose caused by different abilities different people to the processing of alcohol.

The specialists of the Ministry of Health have calculated the norms of alcohol consumption for men and women, which can be used in the labeling of these products.

The norms define the amount of drinking that corresponds to low, medium and high harm to health. For example, if a man drinks 1.5 liters of beer with a strength of 4.5 degrees three times a week, then the risk will be low, and if he relieves stress every working day, then the risk will increase to medium. Experts criticize this approach, arguing that the norms of alcohol consumption are purely individual.
federal state state-financed organization The “State Research Center for Preventive Medicine” of the Ministry of Health of Russia (GNITsPM) calculated the norms of alcohol consumption for men and women per week, which in the future may be indicated on bottles. Consumption is broken down into three levels of health risk - low, medium and high. Experts made calculations for common alcoholic beverages: vodka, cognac, whiskey, champagne, cocktail, beer, dry and fortified wine.
According to the calculations of the GNITsPM, if a man drinks 1.5 liters of beer with a strength of 4.5 degrees three days a week, then the risk will be low. The same dosage for five days will increase the risk to medium, and daily consumption of this amount foamy drink corresponds to a high risk.
Four bottles of fortified wine (18 degrees) with a volume of 750 ml per week for a man is a high risk, three is medium, and one is low.
A glass of vodka with a volume of 50 ml can be drunk twice a day for men with a low health risk, for a woman, while observing the level of safety, it is better to get by with one. If this norm is exceeded, the risk will turn into medium. According to the recommendations of the GNITsPM, a woman can drink two glasses a day (each 100 ml) of dry wine with a strength of 13 degrees. Or a glass of champagne with a volume of 150 ml. Such doses mean a low risk, even if drunk throughout the week. Daily consumption of 150 ml of an 18 degree shake will have a low risk for men, and for women this is already an average risk.
For calculations, doctors have identified a standard dose for each type of product - this is the amount of a drink that contains 10 g of ethyl alcohol. For example, for 50 ml of vodka the standard dose (SD) is 1.6 SD, and for 150 ml of champagne it is 1.3 SD. Further, the experts proposed a formula for alcohol consumption per week - the standard dose should be multiplied by the number of glasses or glasses, then by the number of days per week when alcohol was consumed, as a result, the desired result will be obtained.
Further, consumption per week can be checked on a scale of three levels - low risk (for men it is 21 SD, for women - 14 SD), medium (21-35 SD and 14-28 SD, respectively) and high risk (35-70 SD and 28-70 SD). Thus, consumption of 3–4 SD per day or 21 SD per week for men carries a low health risk. For women, a safe measure is 2-3 SD per day or 14 SD per week.
Oleg Zykov, director of the Institute of Narcological Health of the Nation, emphasized that it is impossible to identify acceptable and unacceptable levels of alcohol consumption, “similar recommendations or calculations of health risks can be made for each individual person, taking into account their body weight, the state of body systems, the enzymatic apparatus that breaks down alcohol, these points are discussed in WHO documents.”
- Moreover, there are situations in which alcohol should be reduced to zero - northern peoples should not be consumed, as they do not have enzymes that can break down alcohol. Alcoholics are also prohibited from drinking such drinks, he said.
Pavel Shapkin, head of the national alcohol policy development center, said that it is quite difficult for people to control alcohol consumption in certain doses and stop at the right time, taking into account the recommendations. He noted that the indicated recommended doses of alcohol contribute to the release of the hormone of happiness, dopamine, but when using the next minimum dose of alcohol, completely different processes begin - inhibition, alcohol acts as a sedative.
“It is clear that no one sits down at the table in order to end up under it in the future, but if a person is well, then why would he suddenly stop, so it’s worth saying that starting to drink alcohol is already a risk,” said Pavel Shapkin.
Earlier, the Ministry of Health announced that they intend to indicate the permissible levels of alcohol consumption on bottles in the future. This follows from the Formation Strategy healthy lifestyle of life, prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, which was also formed by the specialists of the GNITsPM.
The GNITsPM stressed that the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) were used to classify the doses of drinks and draw up a risk scale.

Everyone has heard about the dangers of excessive drinking, the only question is what to take as a measure? The World Health Organization has a fairly clear answer to this: allowable dose alcohol per day for an adult male who does not suffer from chronic diseases should not exceed 30 ml of pure ethyl alcohol. According to WHO, 10 g of pure ethanol approximately corresponds to:

- 30 ml of vodka, cognac, whiskey, brandy or rum (40% vol.);
- 75 ml of fortified sweet wine, port or vermouth (17-20% vol.);
- 100 ml of dry red or white wine, including champagne (11-13% vol.);
- 250 ml of beer (5% vol.).

All the given quantities are relevant based on the consumption of alcohol no more than five times a week. In addition, the allowable dose of alcohol for a particular individual will depend not only on gender and age, but also on body weight, nationality and genetic characteristics.

Is there a specific safe amount of alcohol for women?

According to the same WHO guidelines, permissible dose of alcohol for women calculated from the limit of 20 ml of pure ethyl alcohol per day. However, some medical sources recommend that women adhere to the limit of half the declared volumes. The thing is that the process of splitting ethyl alcohol is affected by the fact that:

– The average woman weighs less than a man, so objectively her body can process less alcohol per unit of time.

- With the same weight and height as a man, a woman produces less alcohol dehydrogenase - the main enzyme responsible for the breakdown of ethyl alcohol.

In addition, when calculating safe rate alcohol for ladies, such a subjective fact is taken into account that, in general, women are less inclined to drink alcohol, and therefore tolerate it worse.

During pregnancy and lactation, alcohol is completely contraindicated, since ethyl alcohol and its products in the body penetrate well through the placenta to the fetus and into breast milk.

Safe dose of alcoholic beverages per day

Often people are indifferent to alcohol during the working week, but at the weekend they begin to catch up with enthusiasm. This is fundamentally the wrong approach. It has been shown that a single intake of a large dose of alcohol is much more dangerous for the body compared to the uniform use of the same total dose during the week, but in small portions. If excessive libation is unavoidable, remember that:

- 75 ml of vodka will not cause significant damage to a healthy man who has no medical contraindications to drinking alcohol.

- 150 ml of vodka - the maximum allowable amount when drinking alcohol once a week. WHO believes that this is the threshold beyond which alcoholism begins - a painful addiction to strong drinks. On average, it takes from one to three years to form a bad habit. Daily consumption of more than 30 g of ethyl alcohol (75 ml of vodka) inevitably has a toxic effect on the liver. If the daily dose exceeds 60 g of ethyl alcohol, then the level of consumption is considered dangerous. In such cases, steatohepatitis develops in every 10th.

- The lethal dose of alcohol is from 4 to 12 g of pure ethyl alcohol per 1 kg of body weight. For a man weighing about 80 kg, this will be equal to 1-3 liters of vodka or other strong liquor. Such a wide range of dangerous doses is due to the different ability of different people to process alcohol.

Thus, maximum allowable amount of alcohol per day depends not only on the sex, weight and constitution of a person, but also on the frequency of drinking alcohol. Think about whether you adhere to the recommended norms or the amount of alcohol you drink is out of your control. If you have any doubts about this, be sure to get checked out by a doctor to make sure that you have not already caused irreparable damage to your health in general, and the health of your liver in particular.


1. Kostyukevich O. I. Alcoholic liver damage: social implications, clinical consequences and aspects of pathogenetic therapy // BC Appendix “Diseases of the Digestive Organs” No. 2 of 11.09.2007. - page 62

2. Diseases of the liver and biliary tract: A guide for doctors / Ed. V. T. Ivashkina. - M.: OOO Publishing House. house "M-Vesti", 2002. - 416 p.

3. Global report on alcohol and health (WHO, 2014): http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/112736/1/9789240692763_eng.pdf (Accessed 1.06.2016).

4. The most common diseases gastrointestinal tract and liver: a guide for practitioners / V. T. Ivashkin [and others]; under total ed. V. T. Ivashkina. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2008. - 170 p.

5. Schiff, Yu. R. Schiff liver diseases. Alcoholic, drug, genetic and metabolic diseases / Eugene R. Schiff, Michael F. Sorrel, Willis S. Maddrey; per. from English. ed. N. A. Mukhina [i dr.]. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2011. - 476 p.

6. Kalinin A.V. Alcoholic diseases liver: ways of treatment. - EF. Gastroenterology, No. 3, 2012. - 64 p.

8. Bellentani S., Saccocio G., Costa G. et al. Drinking habits as cofactors of risk for alcohol induced liver damage. The Dionysos study group // Gut. - 1997. - Vol. 41. – P. 845–850.

9. International guide for monitoring alcohol consumption and related harm, World Health Organization. Dept. of Mental Health and Substance Dependence, 2000

Elizabeth Taylor, Liza Minnelli, Courtney Love, Britney Spears, Naomi Campbell, Drew Barrymore are far from full list stars who had problems with alcohol. Tobey Maguire has also publicly admitted to being addicted to the green snake, which nearly stopped him from filming the Spider-Man sequel. So what dose of alcohol is considered safe for a person? And where is the line beyond which addiction begins?

Can alcohol be helpful?

Yes, if we are talking O heart attack, hepatic or renal colic. At a time when there is no one at hand medicines, you can use cognac or vodka - 1 tablespoon of one of these drinks will relieve vasospasm and improve the patient's condition before the ambulance arrives. Small doses of alcohol also help people suffering from hypotension: 1-2 tablespoons of cognac can revive a person with low blood pressure. blood pressure. No one will argue with the beneficial effect of red dry wines on the human body. The fact is that in the skin of red grapes and in grape seeds contains resveratrol, a natural compound that has a powerful antioxidant action. Entering the human body with berries or with wine made from them, this substance prevents the development of cardiovascular and oncological diseases delays age-related changes in the brain and musculoskeletal system. Besides, natural wines improve digestion and prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Although the World Health Organization prohibits doctors from recommending any alcoholic beverages to their patients as a medicine. And all because useful alcohol can be only in small doses, but in large quantities it causes addiction and the development of alcoholism.

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What amount of alcohol is considered safe?

According to the recommendations of the same WHO, men should consume no more than 40 g pure alcohol per day (about 2 bottles of beer, 100 ml of vodka or 3 glasses of dry wine). And for women - 30 g of pure alcohol (1.5 bottles of beer or 80 g of vodka, 2 glasses of dry wine). And this is provided that 2 days a week a person will not take a drop of alcohol.

When does addiction begin?

Few dare to admit to themselves. Most people consider themselves light drinkers, and yet one person can drink a bottle of beer a day, but every day, while another drink rarely, but hard. Which of them has problems with alcohol? The World Health Organization knows the answer to this question too. WHO experts distinguish four forms of alcohol consumption.

    Bsafe form. This is when a person drinks no more than 210 ml (for men) or 135 ml (for women) pure alcohol in Week. At the same time, the amount of alcohol per day should not exceed safe doses: 40 ml (for men) and 30 ml of ethyl alcohol (for women).

    dangerousform. This is when a person exceeds safe doses and does not comply with the sobriety regimen. Doctors warn that with such an attitude towards alcohol, a person runs the risk of becoming addicted to alcohol in the future and getting one of the diseases associated with alcohol as a "bonus". overuse strong drinks(liver cirrhosis, stomach ulcer, anemia, heart failure, etc.).

    Consumption with harmful consequences. This is when a person drinks heavily (continuous drinking for more than 2 days), feels an irresistible desire to get drunk. But the most characteristic symptom this form - loss of control over the amount of alcohol consumed. That is, a person loses a sense of proportion, and therefore more and more often he gets drunk as an insole. The third form of alcohol consumption is not yet considered an addiction, but with it the brain and internal organs drinking man pretty worn out.

    Alcoholism. This form of alcohol consumption is characterized by a person's stubborn unwillingness to give up alcohol even in the name of shaky health. At this stage, the form of intoxication also changes, for example, before a person got drunk, became cheerful and fell asleep, and now he has an aggressive form of behavior. At the same time, the dose of alcohol drunk in one day grows several times.

Alcohol addiction test:

    Have you ever told yourself that it's time to stop drinking?

    Have you ever been criticized by others for drinking frequently?

    Do you feel guilty about your weakness for alcohol?

    Would you like to have a hangover?

If you answered yes to 2-3 questions, the probability of alcohol addiction is 90%.

Irina Chernaya

Thank you for the information provided by the narcologist of the highest category of the clinic "Medikom" Yuri Galich

Article reading time: 2 minutes

safe dose alcohol per day

In our country, as in many countries of Europe and America, the use of alcoholic beverages is permitted by law. At the same time, it is clear that alcohol consumption is addictive. And the toxic effects of alcohol in large doses cause diseases of the heart, liver and brain.

Meticulous doctors from Europe and America did not limit themselves to the banal statement that “drinking is harmful”, but established those doses of alcohol, the use of which causes a low risk to health. Experts from the World Health Organization conducted research and established critical doses of alcohol that are safe for our health. In this article, we will discuss what a standard dose of alcohol is and how much alcohol WHO experts recommend drinking.

Standard dose of alcohol. What is this?

Obviously, alcoholic beverages of different strengths contain different amounts of pure alcohol.

For unification, WHO experts have established the concept Standard dose of alcohol- the amount of alcoholic beverage in which there is alcohol in an amount equivalent to 10 grams of pure alcohol.

1 standard dose of alcohol is 100 ml. dry wine (10 - 13% vol), or 30 ml. vodka (40% vol), or 200 - 250 ml. light beer(4.5 - 5% vol).

WHO experts recommend drink no more than 21 standard drinks per week for men.

  • 100 ml. * 21 SDA = 2100 ml. dry wine (13% vol.) or 3 bottles of 0.7 liters. dry wine.
  • 250 ml. * 21 SDA = 5250 ml. light beer (4.5% vol.) or 10 -11 bottles of light beer, 0.5 liters each.
  • 30 ml. * 21 SDA = 630 gr. vodka (40% vol)

WHO experts recommend women drink no more than 14 standard drinks per week. At the same time, 2 days of complete sobriety are required per week. It's easy to calculate "how much it will be in grams" of your favorite drink:

  • 100 ml. * 14 SDA = 1400 ml. dry wine (13% vol.) or 2 bottles of 0.7 liters. dry wine.
  • 250 ml. * 14 SDA = 3500 ml. light beer (4.5% vol.) or 6 - 7 bottles of beer, 0.5 liters each.
  • 30 ml. * 14 SDA = 420 ml. vodka (40% vol.)

British scientists WHO experts have found that the use of alcohol in such doses causes a minimal risk to health.

These criteria do not work in cases where a person is already suffering alcohol addiction And long time refrains from alcohol (2-3 months), and then, in a state of "binge drinking" for 2-3 days, he drinks the monthly "norm".

In my opinion, WHO experts did not deprive drinking people. A man can drink quite strong vodka 1-2 times a week. How much more for a working person? You can drink 10 - 11 bottles of light beer on the weekends and "under the ram". And you can relax for 5 days after work and relieve stress by using 100 - 120 gr. vodka or 2 bottles of beer during a 5-day working week. On weekends, there is no stress, so if you please, also rest from alcohol.

These calculations, in my opinion, correspond to the tolerance (tolerance of alcohol) of a healthy, alcohol-independent person. With the development of addiction, intoxicating doses of alcohol grow, the drunk alcohol is “not enough” and to achieve the effect of intoxication, a person drinks everything large doses alcohol.

Moreover, I think that a person who will diligently follow these recommendations (considering himself “obliged” to drink 600 grams of vodka a week for health) in the presence of a hereditary predisposition is not immune from the development of alcohol dependence. In the case of dependence, in addition to increasing tolerance to alcohol and the amount of alcohol consumed, the frequency of drinking also increases. The requirements for their quality are reduced.

How much alcohol can a person drink per day?

People have different attitudes towards alcohol. Some people cannot live a day without sipping at least one glass of vodka. Some drink several times a month and only about special occasions. There are also individuals who are completely indifferent to alcoholic beverages.

However, despite such a different attitude towards drinking, everyone is well aware that alcohol acts on the body like a poison, gradually destroying not only the health, but also the moral character of the drinking person.

Safe rate of alcohol in Russia

Is there a safe amount of alcohol? Doctors cannot give a definite answer to this question. Some doctors assure their patients that they can drink no more than one dose of alcohol during the week, others are sure that the amount of alcohol exceeding 60 ml of vodka and 150 ml of wine per month already indicates drunkenness. Scientists to determine safe for human body doses of alcohol even brought out a lot of different formulas. But most narcologists agree that each person has his own purely personal norm of drinking, which directly depends on his individual characteristics.

The last assumption can be called the most plausible, because some people are able to get drunk from a glass of wine, while others “do not take” a bottle of vodka. It is most dangerous to drink alcohol to the weaker sex. A woman is very quickly drawn into drunkenness, and even small doses of alcoholic beverages cause her addiction. Drinking regularly, a lady runs the risk of becoming an alcoholic after 2 years. Men are more resilient to alcoholic beverages and drink less quickly - in 10 years.

Russian doctors have carried out numerous studies, as a result of which they came to the conclusion: men of average build, in order not to fall asleep, can consume up to 250 ml of wine, 500 ml of beer and no more than 50 ml of vodka (or other drink with a strength of up to 40 degrees) per day. In women, the allowable portion of alcohol per day is less: wine - no more than 150 ml, beer - up to 330 ml and vodka - 30 ml. It should be understood that we are talking about only one of the listed alcoholic beverages, and not all at once.

Scientists believe that these portions are not able to provide negative impact on human health. If you drink alcohol above the safe limit, then strong drinks will gradually and steadily turn you into a real alcoholic.

Not only gender is taken into account when calculating the safe rate of alcohol for a person. Climatic conditions also play an important role in the process of being drawn into alcoholism. It has been noticed that in cold regions people fall asleep much faster than in areas with a comfortable temperature regime.

Another factor that must be taken into account when determining the allowable dose of alcohol is the age of the drinker. The younger the body, the faster it gets drunk, and therefore more sensitive to negative impact ethyl alcohol. A young man who drank low-alcohol beer will get tipsy faster men middle-aged who drank strong drinks.

The above figures are relative, since each person, based on their characteristics, must independently determine their allowable rate, which will be comfortable for their well-being. It should be understood that alcohol, even in the smallest quantities, is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women, children, adolescents, drivers and people taking any medications.

Passion for alcoholic beverages - the path to alcoholism

According to WHO, drinking about 8 liters of alcoholic beverages throughout the year, a person causes irreparable damage to his health. At the same time, domestic narcologists note that the average Russian can drink alcohol from 15 to 18 liters per year, and this is already a threatening sign of drunkenness.

Why do people drink more than the allowed norm in Russia? For most of our compatriots, the concepts of "drink" and "holiday" are synonymous. Not a single celebration takes place without tables sagging from the weight of bottles of vodka, cognac, and wines. Inviting guests to your house and not putting a bottle of alcohol in front of them is considered a sign of indecency.

If in a normal situation a person is able to control the amount of alcohol consumed, then during a feast he consciously allows himself more to relax and have fun. It is not for nothing that after the holidays, all kinds of chronic ailments worsen in people. In order to comply with the norm, a person needs to clearly determine for himself how much he can drink and not exceed his daily limit. This is the only way to develop a culture of drinking.

But not only holidays contribute to the development of alcoholism. sick viral infection, some people prefer not to be treated medications but strong drinks. Alcohol does help to destroy pathogenic microbes, but along with them, it slowly and surely destroys the entire body.

And those people who, during treatment, combine taking strong drinks with medicines, do themselves a disservice: even the smallest portions of vodka, cognac or other drinks, taken with pills or potions, deal a crushing blow to the liver, pancreas and cardiovascular system. In addition, excess portions of alcohol contribute to the development of alcohol addiction.

The inability to control oneself while drinking strong drinks is very dangerous. A strong excess of the permissible norm of alcohol causes severe alcohol intoxication and can be fatal to humans. For the moderate drinking adult citizen lethal dose can become 1200 g of vodka drunk in a short period of time.

In the presence of serious diseases, alcohol poisoning occurs much faster. Very dangerous condition signals low temperature body (3-4 degrees below normal) and heavy breathing. Usually 12-36 hours after ingestion huge amount alcohol, a person's heart stops and death occurs.

How do they drink abroad?

And how much can you drink in other countries? In the US, a safe dose of alcohol for men is 30 ml of pure ethyl alcohol per day (this amount is found in approximately 300 ml of wine, 600 ml of beer or 40 ml of vodka). For American Women allowable rate alcohol is exactly 2 times less than for the stronger sex. Doctors in the United States are sure that if you drink alcoholic beverages in the indicated doses, then they will contribute to the prevention of diseases. of cardio-vascular system.

The British turned out to be less conservative than the Americans. In the UK, the permitted dose of alcohol is 32 ml of pure ethanol for men and 24 ml for women.

In Australia, an adult man, not being afraid to harm his health and get drunk, with a clear conscience, can afford to drink alcoholic beverages containing no more than 20 ml of alcohol. For women, this rate is reduced to 10 ml per day.

In South Africa, the allowable portion of alcohol is 24 ml of pure ethanol per day for the male population. South African women can drink no more than 12 ml.

There is an opinion that the dose of alcohol recommended by doctors per day is not only safe, but also very useful, and moderate drinkers live longer than teetotalers. But adherents of the hypothesis warn that only dry red wine can bring benefits, there will be no benefit to the body from stronger drinks.

People who are indifferent to alcohol do not care much about how much you can drink in a week or month. They find joy in work, travel, sports, hobbies, communication with friends and loved ones. Allowing themselves to drink, they always know their norm and know how to stop in time. These happy people are not afraid of alcoholism. Well, for those who do not know how to control themselves, the only way to avoid dependence on alcoholic beverages is not to listen to stories about safe doses of alcohol and not to drink at all.

How much alcohol can you drink without harm to health

Almost no feast is complete without alcoholic beverages. Naturally, the question of how much alcohol can be considered harmless is the most relevant. Indeed, is there a safe dose of alcohol, and how to calculate it correctly?

Safe Dose of Alcohol for Men and Women

The bodies of men and women are significantly different. It has been proven that more pernicious influence alcohol affects women specifically, and therefore, a safe dose of alcohol for the fair sex should be two times lower than for men. In this case, the type of drink and its strength play a huge role. Moderate alcohol consumption does not harm the body, and in some cases allows it to normalize its work. So, how much alcohol can you drink per day?

We can talk about a safe dose of alcohol only if a person knows how to control the amount of alcohol he drinks and does not have a tendency to alcoholism. Also, the safety of alcohol is out of the question if the person's parents suffered from alcohol dependence.

Just like any other alcoholic drink, the wine must be of high quality and have natural composition. At the same time, the use of a cheap drink bottled in cardboard boxes is not recommended. If you have a bottle of real red or white wine, then experts say that from one glass a day there will be nothing to worry about. This statement applies to both white and red wines.

There is a concept of what is the maximum allowable dose of pure alcohol. In simple words is 10 grams of absolute alcohol. On average, this dose is contained in 250 ml of beer. Men without harm to health can consume up to 2-3 such doses per day. In other words, the representatives of the stronger sex are not recommended to drink more than 750 ml of beer per day. As for women, they are allowed to consume no more than 250 ml of beer.

On average, this dose is contained in 250 ml of beer.


Champagne is celebratory drink and differs in rather small fortress. Experts do not recommend drinking more than two glasses of champagne per day, as for women, they are allowed only one glass. It is important to monitor the quality of the drink and control your desires.

Whiskey is a hard liquor that is not inferior in alcohol content to vodka. Scientists were able to determine that the average person can drink up to 30 grams of whiskey per day without snacking. For women, this volume is 15-20 grams.

In this case, we are talking about high quality vodka, characterized by purity. Up to 60 grams of vodka can be consumed per day without snacking. If we are talking about a woman, then this dose should be divided in half.

For an adult male who does not suffer from chronic diseases and does not have a tendency to alcoholism, you can drink up to 30 ml of pure alcohol per day. As in other cases, for women, this volume should be divided in half so as not to harm health.

Regardless of the presence of a snack, the harmless dose of alcohol remains the standard. Snack helps reduce bad influence alcohol on the body at higher doses of drinks. In addition, a hearty meal during a feast keeps a person from getting drunk and significantly alleviates the symptoms of a hangover the next morning. Moderate alcohol consumption not only avoids unpleasant hangover symptoms, but can also have a stimulating effect on the body.

You can drink up to 30 ml of pure alcohol per day

Benefits of drinking alcohol

Despite the fact that no doctor will prescribe alcohol for you instead of traditional treatment, nevertheless, drinking alcohol in reasonable doses allows you to cope with some diseases. It is important to take into account the following points:

  • drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited for teenagers and young people under 21;
  • a person should not suffer from alcoholism;
  • you should not drink alcohol during exacerbation of chronic diseases and in the presence of serious problems with the nervous system.

As for the positive aspects, they are individual for each individual drink.

  • Champagne- Increases appetite and taste perception of a person. If you have a cold, you can boil a glass of quality champagne with a teaspoon of sugar and drink it at night. The drink inhibits the development of pathogenic and disease-causing organisms. Not recommended for people with gastritis, as it increases gas formation.
  • Red wine- useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system and problems with the intestines. Suppresses the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • White wine- increases appetite, allows you to normalize sleep with various disorders. In small doses, you can drink without harm to health, both men and women.
  • Cognac- dilates blood vessels, which helps people suffering from hypertension to cope with headaches. Also, the drink contributes to the normalization nervous system. It is worth noting that it is necessary to choose a light-colored cognac with a longer exposure.
  • Vodka- a small amount of vodka is useful for stomatitis, tonsillitis and other problems with the mucous membrane of the mouth and larynx caused by infectious microorganisms. In addition, vodka allows you to normalize the work of the stomach and intestines. However, when using this drink as medicinal product you should be as careful as possible, since it is vodka that most often becomes the cause of alcoholism.

What is dangerous surrogate

Any alcoholic drink must be different high quality. The use of surrogates is fraught with serious consequences, even if you follow a safe dose. Most often, people suffer from such problems as:

  • vision loss;
  • failure of the kidneys and other organs;
  • swelling of the brain;
  • paralysis.

Surrogates of high toxicity even in small quantities may cause death.

How to calculate your hangover-free rate?

In order for you not to have a headache in the morning after the feast, experts recommend in advance to learn how to calculate your “hangover-free” rate of alcohol. Below is an example of a safe volume calculation various drinks for a person weighing 70 kilograms.

For 1 kg of human body weight, there should be no more than 1.5 g. pure alcohol. Thus, it can be calculated that for a person weighing 70 kg in general there should be no more than 105 grams!

For example, 50 grams of vodka contains 20 grams of pure alcohol, so an adult man can drink up to 262 grams of vodka per day. On average, this amount equates to 6 stacks. It must be learned that alcohol consumption should be strictly controlled by the person himself.

Even if you managed to avoid a hangover, you should not think that alcohol does not have a negative effect on your body. In order for the brain to begin to experience the effect of intoxication, it is enough to consume only 19 grams of pure alcohol!

You can only talk about a safe dose of alcohol if a person knows how to control the amount of alcohol they drink.

How much alcohol can a person drink per day?

Let's start with the fact that any alcohol is, first of all, a poison for the body. It takes a lot of time and resources for the processing of alcohol and the elimination of decay products from the organs. In this case, there is a certain dose of alcohol, which is the limit. This dose is a relative value. For example, for older people or teenagers, a lower dosage may be considered dangerous.

Consider marginal norm alcohol on the example of a person weighing 70 kg. In this case, the danger to the body is 170 grams of pure alcohol, after which the person will begin to experience bouts of severe intoxication. In the absence of timely medical care death is possible. In terms of vodka, this dose will be 585 ml. For a complete recovery of the body after such a load, it is necessary to allocate a week or two.

It is important to understand that any rate of alcohol consumption per day is a relative value, the changes of which are influenced by multiple factors. If you are not sure that you can control yourself and do not know how to drink properly, drinking alcohol should be completely abandoned.
