
New Year's table for two menu options. With ice cream and champagne

The New Year holiday is celebrated in our country on a large scale. Long before the festival itself, preparations for the New Year's feast begin. In a few weeks, a list of dishes for the New Year's table has already been compiled and a list of products necessary for this has been formed. That is, everything that was bought up and prepared for weeks is planned to be eaten on New Year's Eve. Ready meals are stored for a short time, only a few days, then they become hazardous to health. Therefore, in order not to overdo it and then not throw away food, it is necessary to take into account how much and what needs to be cooked, that is, a New Year's menu is compiled. We offer recipes for the festive table 2019 of all types of main and additional dishes that do not require excessive cash costs and long preparation.

When compiling the New Year's menu, one should take into account where the festival will take place and the number of people. For example, booking a table for the New Year 2019 in a restaurant implies that you will be offered a certain list of dishes anyway. It remains only to choose the right ones, taking into account tastes and cost.

If the financial situation does not allow you to walk on New Year's Eve in a restaurant, then independently draw up a budget menu for the New Year for the family. In this case, you will not have to pay exorbitant prices, as well as doubt the quality and freshness of the prepared dishes. In addition, there will be an opportunity to think over the children's menu. Children's digestive system is quite fragile. Therefore, you should be careful with the choice and quantity of dishes. The celebration begins in the evening and lasts all night, which means that eating a heavy meal late can provoke unpleasant consequences. Your task is to select a festive, and at the same time, a dietary menu for a child, taking into account his age and taste.

  • From meat it is better to give preference to poultry: chicken, quail. Goose and turkey are considered more “heavy”.
  • If a crispy fried crust has formed on the meat during baking, then it is better not to give it to the child. Chicken breast (white meat) is considered the most useful and dietary.
  • The minimum number of spicy and fatty dishes, as well as salads with sauces, mayonnaise.

It will suffice:

  • Mashed potatoes / pasta + a piece of chicken / quail.
  • Salad without mayonnaise (or with a small amount) + cheese sandwich.
  • Dessert (piece of cake, cookies, waffles or chocolate).

A festive table for two does not require a large amount of products. Therefore, you can experiment with cooking a small amount of exotic dishes.

So what to cook for the New Year 2019? The menu should contain the following dishes:

  • Meat / fish.
  • Side dishes.
  • Salads.
  • Snacks, sandwiches.
  • Dessert.

Drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) are a separate item on the menu.

Holiday table decoration

On a festive New Year's Eve, it is necessary to decorate not only the Christmas tree. The table on which your culinary masterpieces will be placed requires special attention. It is decorated with thematic elements of decor:

  • Pine / spruce branches.
  • cones.
  • Compositions of Christmas balls and coniferous branches.

To add romance and mystery, you can decorate the New Year's table with thick yellow candles.

Decor options for holiday dishes

Leaves, twigs of greenery are used as decorating elements. Beautifully cut curly pieces are also suitable for decorations: lemon, cucumber, radish. Cherry tomatoes, olives, olives... Fruits and berries are suitable for decoration, however, they are used to decorate desserts.

Examples of decorating dishes and the New Year's table 2019 are in the photo below.

Dishes of the New Year's table

We offer simple recipes for New Year's dishes that do not require you to have special culinary skills and the presence of special tools and tools in the kitchen. Agree, it’s a shame to spend time (it’s not enough on New Year’s Eve), finances, and in return to get something completely different from what is in the photo.

Traditionally, at the festive feast there are: main courses, salads, appetizers, desserts. There are more than a dozen cooking options for even one dish. Therefore, we offer one easy, inexpensive holiday recipe for each menu item.

poultry meat

The easiest and least expensive option would be to cook the chicken with salt. For this you will need:

  • Chicken.
  • 1 kg coarse salt.
  • Medium-sized apple (3 pcs.).
  • Lemon.
  • Spices (to taste).
  1. Pour enough salt on a baking sheet so that the layer is 2-3 cm thick.
  2. Rinse the chicken and put apples inside (how many will fit). Sew up the edges with thread so that the apples do not fall out.
  3. Lay the chicken on its back on the salt layer. Pour over lemon juice, sprinkle with spices, salt.
  4. Place in preheated oven at 250-300℃.

On average, the cooking time is 1.5-2 hours.

Transfer the finished chicken to a beautiful dish (if the edges of the carcass were sewn together, remove the threads). You can decorate the chicken with finely chopped dill or parsley, lettuce, lemon slices. Cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices are placed around the carcass.

Baked fish

You will need:

  • Fish.
  • Spices for fish (sold already packaged).
  • Lemon.
  • Sour cream 200 g
  • Aluminium foil.
  1. Fish (preferably not bony) cut into slices.
  2. Salt each piece, sprinkle with spices, squeeze lemon juice.
  3. Pour the oil into a pan and put the fish in it. Pour in sour cream and cover with foil.

The finished fish is laid out on a lettuce leaf. Decorate with: green leaves (parsley, dill), lemon slices, as well as chopped green onions.

Festive garnish

For the New Year 2019, the main hot dish will be a side dish. Most housewives cook potatoes, but you can cook rice. You will need:

  • Round white rice 0.5 kg.
  • Bulbs of medium size 3-4 pcs.
  • Spices (cinnamon, a mixture of spices for pilaf).
  • Kernels of walnuts.
  • Vegetable oil.
  1. Rinse and soak the rice in water (30 minutes).
  2. Place the finely chopped onion in a bowl. Add sunflower oil and fry the onion until dark brown.
  3. For 1 st. rice needs 1.5 tbsp. water. Add the right amount of water to the pot with onions and wait until it boils. Onions should boil for 15-20 minutes. During this time, it becomes soft, and the water becomes brown. Stir the onion with a large spoon and rub it against the sides of the pan.
  4. We drain the water in which the rice was soaked and pour it into boiling “onion” water.
  5. Add spices, salt. Close the lid and leave on low heat. We are waiting for the rice to cook (and absorb all the water). After that, mix and close the lid tightly. Cooking time 8-10 min.
  6. Separately, fry the walnut kernels in a frying pan. Fry in vegetable oil over low heat.

It is advisable to decorate ready-made rice with nuts before serving. “Dark rice” with nuts is ideal for fish.

Unusual salad


  • Parsley 1 bunch.
  • Tomato 2-3 pcs.
  • Lettuce leaf.
  • Sweet pepper 1 pc.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Boiled beets 2 pcs.
  • Raw carrots 1 pc.
  • Lemon.
  • Vinegar.
  • Olive oil.

Grate carrots. All the rest cut and mix. Add vinegar, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Drizzle with olive oil.

If you prefer mayonnaise as a dressing, then we recommend the Minutka salad.

  • Tomato 3 pcs.
  • Processed cheese 1 pc.
  • Crackers white 60 g.
  • Garlic 1 clove.
  • Mayonnaise.
  1. Cut the tomatoes and add grated cheese on a coarse grater to them.
  2. Crush the garlic in a garlic press and add to the tomatoes and cheese.
  3. Salt, season with mayonnaise and mix.
  4. Crackers are added before serving the salad on the table so that they do not get soggy.

Greens are used as decoration.

New Year's snack "Spark"

To prepare it you need:

  • Processed cheese (2 pcs.).
  • Boiled eggs (4 pcs.).
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Mayonnaise.
  1. Grate cheese on a coarse grater.
  2. Separately crush boiled eggs and mix with processed cheese.
  3. Squeeze the garlic into the resulting mixture through the garlic press.
  4. Salt and add mayonnaise.

It is desirable to spread the appetizer on black bread.

New Year's desserts

As a dessert, they serve: jelly, waffles, chocolates, tubes with condensed milk or cream, cake, cupcake. Sweets can be bought from stores, but it is better and safer to cook them yourself.

The decoration of the festive table, of course, will be a cake. Since the dessert is served at the very end of the New Year's meal, the sweet product should be light and airy. Cake with cream will aggravate the already heavy load on the digestive system. Therefore, the lemon biscuit will be optimal.

Festive biscuit 2019

  • 4 eggs.
  • 3 art. flour.
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara.
  • Lemon.
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar.
  • 2 tsp baking powder.
  • 1 st. milk.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Vegetable oil 50 ml.
  1. Break the eggs into a large bowl. Add sugar (regular and vanilla) and baking powder. Beat everything well with a mixer.
  2. In the resulting mixture, grate the zest (peel) of the lemon. For a more lemony flavor, add squeezed fruit juice.
  3. Add flour, milk and vegetable oil. Once again, beat everything well with a mixer.
  4. Pour some vegetable oil into a baking dish. Please note that the form should be high, because the biscuit will rise. Sprinkle flour and breadcrumbs into butter. You should get a non-liquid and not dry mixture. Coat the entire surface of the baking dish with this mass.
  5. Preheat oven to 220-250℃. Pour the dough into the mold and set to bake. It is not advisable to open the oven until the dough has risen.

The cake will bake for 30-40 minutes. To check if it's done, poke it with a knife. If the knife is dry (no sticky dough), then the dessert is ready.

If everything is done correctly, then getting the biscuit out of the mold is easy. Run a knife along the side borders of the biscuit and form. Turn the mold over and the biscuit itself will fall out of it.

The biscuit is fluffy and airy. Sprinkle the finished product with powdered sugar, cocoa or coconut flakes.

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

The choice of alcoholic beverages by strength depends on: the needs of the guests and the hosts of the feast. A well-known rule: when drinking alcoholic beverages, drink them as the strength increases and have a good snack so as not to spoil the holiday.

The choice of soft drinks is also a matter of taste only:

  • Tea (green, black),
  • Coffee (natural, instant).
  • Cocoa.
  • Dried fruits compote.

The choice of menu for the New Year's table 2019 depends on the family's budget and taste preferences. Separately, you should consider a children's, dietary menu, because an immature digestive system may not be able to cope with an abundant amount of fatty and heavy food. Since there is usually a lot of work on New Year's Eve, choose dishes that do not take much time and effort, but at the same time will be tasty and unusual.

The upcoming 2019 offers hostesses to look at the festive menu in a new way, differently than in previous years. Indeed, the Pig is about to enter into rights, and she has her own temper and tastes. If you set the table in the spirit of the symbol of the year, it will definitely be remembered for a long time and many will like it. The menu for the New Year 2019 will require ingenuity and a variety of dishes.

What do you want to cook?

What does a pig like to eat?

Among the main features of the Pig are homeliness, commitment to home cooking, love for diversity, the ability to enjoy plentiful meals. All this suggests that in order to please her, you need to cook a lot of different dishes, preparations with whole basins will be out of place here. Nothing should be too much, invitees should be able to taste each dish and pay tribute to the ingenuity of the hostess.

All food must be exclusively home-cooked. Even if there are pizza lovers among the celebrating, it is not so difficult to make it yourself. Food should also be healthy, easily digestible. Based on this, you can make a list of what needs to be excluded from the New Year's menu:

  • prepared food to order;
  • semi-finished products and canned food;
  • excessively spicy and smoked food.

The basis of the menu should be such products: meat and fish (preferably different types), as many vegetables as possible (fresh, baked, boiled), fruits, mushrooms and nuts. It is imperative that all dishes are prepared as freshly as possible at the time of serving, so it is important to plan the cooking process in advance and involve assistants if necessary.

Moreover, after cooking, you need to find time to rest, otherwise you will not be able to get proper pleasure from the result of your efforts, which is absolutely unacceptable in the year of the Pig.

Light and hearty salads

Salads, as a rule, set the tone for the whole feast, so it is important to surprise guests and give them an unforgettable taste experience.

Original and easy to make layered salad with salmon, avocado, cream cheese and boiled rice. Provencal herbs, garlic, lemon juice are also added to them. It can be served as individual portions or in a large dish.

Incredibly juicy, awakening the appetite and preparing the eater for the main course salad with mozzarella and tomatoes won't take long. All you need to do is slice the tomatoes and cheese, arrange them in a row or circle to your taste, drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and decorate all this with basil and pesto.

Salad with chicken and mushrooms will delight lovers of hearty salads. If desired, you can fold it in layers, or you can mix it. It also includes eggs, garlic, onions, prunes, yogurt.

Many housewives will surely remember a salad with a very appropriate name. "Pig in the Garden". Its peculiarity is the separate supply of ingredients in the form of sectors on one large dish. It enjoys well-deserved popularity at any festivities, because everyone can make their own salad.

The classic set of products includes: cucumbers, cabbage, beets, carrots, boiled chicken, french fries or baked. You can also add fragrant crackers with garlic and mayonnaise.

Meat New Year's menu

There are practically no restrictions in terms of the meat menu, but you should not cook the whole suckling pig, and in general you should not make pork the main dish. Whole body is perfect for this role. French duck in the oven. The filling here is orange slices, and the simplest dressing is salt, mayonnaise and pepper. Any vegetable side dish is suitable for duck.

While the oven is busy with the duck, it's time to think about "auxiliary" meat dishes. Here it is just possible to pay tribute without hesitation pork ribs. To fry them in a pan, garlic, onions and other suitable spices are useful. The main thing is not to overdo it with pepper.

chicken cutlets leave freedom for the creativity of the hostess. Minced meat can be supplemented with vegetables, cutlets can be made wide and flat or small, like meatballs.

You can lay them out in a circle or build a pyramid out of them, decorated with greenery - there are countless options.

Simple hearty side dishes

New Year's menu 2019 can't do without potatoes, this king of vegetables. The best way to serve it is baked. And so that it does not look too ordinary, it is enough to put thin plastics of cream cheese into its cuts and do not forget about spices, among which there must be dill. The secret of the most delicious potatoes lies in baking, first under a lid or foil, and in the end, open on the upper tier to give it a delicious crust.

To assorted baked vegetables was as harmonious as possible, approximately the following list of ingredients is recommended: eggplant, saffron, tomatoes, cucumbers, oregano, garlic and zucchini.

Spicy pumpkin with nuts and cinnamon can make guests forget about meat dishes. However, it will go well with duck baked with oranges. Slices of pumpkin should be greased with honey, sprinkled with cinnamon and walnuts and baked for only 10-15 minutes.

As a sauce, yogurt whipped with sugar, with the addition of finely chopped mint, is perfect.

Dessert menu for the Year of the Pig

Desserts for the New Year should be both light and dense so that everyone can sweeten the meal in a pleasant way. In the year of the Pig, however, you should not cook overly fatty sweets and add a lot of sugar to them.

Many sweet tooth will appreciate brownie with banana and nuts. There are a lot of options for this cake, for someone to taste, cut bananas into slices and in this form add to the chocolate-creamy part, someone prefers to beat them in mashed potatoes, mixing with cinnamon. After light roasting, nuts can be poured into the dough or decorated with a ready-made dessert.

Dairy connoisseurs will be delighted with pancake rolls with cottage cheese and strawberries. For the filling, you will also need sour cream, kiwi and pineapple (optional). You can decorate the dessert with mint leaves or chocolate chips. The rolls themselves can remain whole or cut into small pieces.

Great portioned dessert chocolate covered apples with nuts. They are made quite easily. You need to take larger apples, cut them, pour chocolate mixed with coconut oil, decorate with caramel and sprinkle with chopped peanuts or walnuts. After an hour in the refrigerator, the apples will be ready. By the same principle, you can cook slices of tangerines, oranges and bananas.

What's a Christmas menu without homemade cakes?! To make it match the spirit of the holiday, it is enough to give it the shape of a pig. It can be whole pies, buns, cookies. The role of the eye can be played by dark raisins or cinnamon sprinkled into a special recess.

Happy Drinks for New Year 2019

In conclusion, it is impossible not to say about drinks. The symbol of the year does not like the abundance of strong alcoholic beverages. One or two, no more. It is much preferable to serve mulled wine, berry juice, homemade lemonade, liqueurs, herbal teas and, of course, champagne.

For a plentiful and varied treat, you will need a large table and competent serving. Natural fabrics should prevail, natural colors, shades of yellow in combination with brown and green are especially welcome.

I am writing a menu for a very simple and budgetary table, and for beginners. This is more likely not a menu, but an instruction for preparing a classic New Year's table. Of the products available in almost any region of our "vast ro".

First of all, you will need a printer, well, or a pen, we will print it out and hang it on the wall.

The menu and list are for 10 people.
By day, by item, with a detailed shopping list.

If you are preparing for a larger quantity, then increase purchases in this way - by 20 one and a half times, by 30 - twice. Apart from piece products - apples, pears, rolled dough.

Sheet one. The actual menu.

1. Rolls with caviar

2. Rolls with pate

3. Meat platter

4. Herring under a fur coat

5. Olivier

6. Salad Hatei

7. Lightly salted fish

8. Stuffed pancakes

1. Fish skewers

2. Poultry baked with honey and mustard (chicken or duck or goose)

3. Baked potatoes

4. Baked apples

1. Tomato sauce

2. Tartar sauce for fish

1. Pear in wine with caramel

Sheet two. Shopping list.

1. Pork (neck) 1-1.5 kg

2. Chicken 1-3 pieces (depending on which bird you are cooking for hot, if duck or goose, then you only need 1 chicken)

3. Liver 1 kilogram (chicken, pork or beef)

4. Duck or goose (if you are cooking this bird for hot)

5. Ham 350 gr or doctor's sausage 350 gr or 500 grams of beef (for Olivier)

6. 2 chicken breasts on the bone

7. Smoked sausage 500 grams

8. Red caviar 1 jar 120 grams (do not forget to read how to choose caviar)

9. Fillet of salmon or trout 1.5 kilograms

10. Herring fillet in oil 300 grams

11. Puff pastry yeast (!) 2 packs of 400 grams each

12. Butter 2 packs of 175 grams

13. Cheese Viola - 1 small jar

14. Cream 30% - 500 ml

15. Sour cream 250 grams

16. Kefir, 500 ml

18. Vegetable oil 2 liters

19. Egg 20 pcs.

20. Honey 100 grams

21. Red dry wine

22. Granulated sugar - 300 grams

24. Dry ground paprika (preferably coarsely ground)

25. Red ground pepper

26. Soy sauce

27. Mustard (2 small jars)

28. Green peas 1 can 280 grams

29. Pickled cucumbers (you can gherkins) 1 jar 800 grams

30. Tomatoes in own juice 1 can 800 grams

31. Potatoes 4 kilograms

32. Carrots 2 kilograms

33. Beets 1 kilogram

34. Lemons - 5 pieces

35. Green apples 12 pieces

36. Pears 10 pieces (hard, slightly unripe)

37. Zucchini - 2 zucchini

38. Salad pepper (paprika) - 2 pieces

39. Green beans - 1 pack 400 grams

40. Cherry tomatoes 250 grams

41. Garlic - 3 heads

42. Greens dill, parsley

43. Wooden skewers for barbecue

44. Decorative skewers for rolls with pate

45. Food foil 2 pack.

46. ​​Food film - 2 pack.

47. Paper napkins

The third sheet is your plan of action when you arrive from the store. Yes, I understand that such a detailed schedule looks ridiculous in some way. But on the other hand, this is just a safety net so as not to forget anything. Done - crossed out the item. Checked - everything is crossed out - you can relax your spine and not think until tomorrow.

The first day.

1. Purchase of products.

2.Pushing food in the refrigerator

3. Dough and green beans in the freezer, the rest in the refrigerator

4. Peel the garlic (all). Part use for boiled pork, the rest - in the refrigerator.

5. Marinate boiled pork. Stuff a piece of pork with garlic, making punctures with a small knife and inserting garlic cloves into these punctures. One head of garlic should be enough. Then smear a piece of meat thickly with mustard on all sides. Transfer to a bowl or container, cover with foil, poke a few holes in the foil and refrigerate.

6. Beef salad Olivier. Pour in water, salt, cook for 45 minutes after boiling. Remove from the stove and cool without removing from the broth. When it cools down, take it out, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator. Strain the broth and cook soup on it.

7. We salt the salmon. Cut off 1/5 of the salmon. Salt it with a tablespoon of salt, sprinkle with red pepper, finely chopped dill. Cover with lemon slices. Wrap in parchment (baking paper). If there is no parchment, grease several sheets of A4 with vegetable oil and wrap the fish in this oily paper. Leave for a couple of hours at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator.

8. Go through the liver. Watch carefully that there is no bile. If such a piece comes across, it is better to cut it off, or immediately throw it away from the chicken liver. Rinse the liver well, cut into smaller pieces (if beef or pork). Transfer to a bowl, cover with cling film, make a couple of holes in the cling film and refrigerate.

Second day .

1. Cook potatoes, half of the purchased. Pour in water, salt and cook until tender. Then we drain the water. We put the cooled potatoes in the refrigerator overnight. We'll clean tomorrow.

2. Cook carrots. Almost all. We leave one carrot for the pate. We cook like potatoes.

3. Cook the beets. Just like potatoes and carrots. We cook all vegetables separately and be sure to salt when cooking.

4. Bake boiled pork. We wrap the pickled piece of meat in several layers with foil and bake for 1 hour 20 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees in the oven. Cool the finished pork without unwrapping and put it in the refrigerator.

5. We shift the salted fish from the refrigerator to the freezer.

6. Cooking roulade for cold cuts. We cut the chicken along the back, you can cut the spine. Turn skin down. We remove the bones. We cut off the wings, chop off the bone at the leg. We also cut the leg. You should get a layer of chicken meat on the skin. If, when removing bones, you damage the skin somewhere, it’s not at all scary. Beat the meat a little, salt. Separately, stir 5-6 eggs with a fork and fry a thin omelet in a wide frying pan. Transfer the omelet to the layer of chicken meat and roll up. Wrap the roll with a cloth or gauze in two layers. Sew or tie. Put the wrapped roll into a bowl. Fill with water so that the water covers the roll by 2-3 centimeters. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to very low. Boil for an hour and a half. Remove the pan from the stove and leave to cool along with the roll. When it cools down, remove the roll, transfer it to a bowl, pressing something heavy on top. The remaining broth can be filtered and boiled soup - the new year is still far away, do not let your family die of hunger. Do not throw away the bones from cutting the chicken, put it in the refrigerator until tomorrow.

7. Cook pears for dessert in advance. We clean the pears from the peel, cutting it thinly with a potato peeler. We leave the cuttings. We put the pears in a saucepan. We mix 300 grams of sugar, 300 ml of water and the same amount of wine. Pour this mixture over the pears, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, leave the pears in the syrup to cool. When it cools down - we take it out, put it on a plate, wrap it with a film and put it in the refrigerator.

8. Wash the remaining potatoes well with a dishwashing sponge. And put it in the fridge.

9. Cook eggs. 10 pieces hard-boiled.

Day three. The most haymaking!

1. Peel boiled potatoes

2. Peel the beets

3. Peel carrots

4. Cooking herring under a fur coat

5. Cut vegetables and meat into Olivier. Potato-carrot in one bowl. Pickled cucumbers separately. Meat (sausage) separately. Cover with film. We pierce the film in several places. We put it in the refrigerator.

6. Pour green beans with water, bring to a boil, cook for 1-2 minutes, put in a colander. Cool, put in the refrigerator under the film.

7. Chicken breasts. Trim the meat from the bone and cut it into strips. We remove the meat in a bowl under the film in the refrigerator. Bones - separately.

8. Bones from a chicken breast and bones from a whole chicken fill with water, salt and cook after boiling for 40 minutes. Then throw the bones in a colander, when they cool down - carefully peel off all the remains of meat from the bottom and chop finely. This chicken meat will go into the stuffing for pancakes. And from the broth you can cook the soup again or freeze it for hangover days.

9. Marinate two chickens, or a duck or a goose. Stir honey with a jar of mustard. We wash the bird, dry it, blotting with napkins. And well lubricate the honey-mustard mixture inside and out. Transfer the bird to a bowl and cover with foil. We pierce holes in the foil - this should already become a habit - wrapped it up - with a tyk-tyk-tyk knife. We put it in the refrigerator, let it marinate there.

10. Rollers. Take the puff pastry out of the freezer and let it thaw. It thaws very quickly - in an hour. While you are doing steps 12 and 13, it will already thaw. Unroll the roll of dough. Cut out circles with a glass. Approximately 14-16 circles are obtained from each piece of dough. Spread them on a baking sheet and bake for exactly 8 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. The finished ones are not rolled, but rather cover the “puff substrates” with a film and leave until tomorrow.

11. Wash zucchini and paprika, cut into Hatei salad, put in a bowl in the refrigerator under the film.

12. Pate. Take out the liver. Add chopped onion and carrots to it. Salt, pepper. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes (stir during baking). Cool down. Add butter, 1 pack. Pass through the meat grinder 2 times. Then mix well. Divide with wet hands into 20 parts. Roll each part into a ball and sprinkle with finely chopped greens. Remove the balls of pate in the refrigerator under the film.

13. Wash the apples.

14. Rub the head of garlic on a fine grater. Pour vegetable oil, stir, put in the refrigerator.

15. Gherkins 3 pieces or one regular pickled cucumber rub on a fine grater and put in the refrigerator.

16. Cut fresh salmon into large cubes without skin. For barbecues. Put in the refrigerator under the film.

17. Expand the boiled pork, cut it, and put it in the refrigerator under the film in piles.

18. Unfold the roulade from the cloth, cut into thin slices, wrap with foil and put in the refrigerator.

19. Peel the sausage, cut it, put it under the film in the refrigerator.

20. Carefully inspect the leftover vegetables. Maybe they will be enough to make a vinaigrette or beetroot salad with cheese, for example.

21. Tomato sauce. Punch the tomatoes in their own juice with a blender or scroll in a meat grinder. Add salt, sugar, vinegar. Bring to a boil, season with garlic (grated from the refrigerator, not all). Cool the finished sauce, put it in the refrigerator.

22. Pancakes. Get the dough, bake pancakes. Cool and put a stack of pancakes under the film in the refrigerator.

Day four. Festive. We do everything slowly, without straining.

1. We set the table - tablecloths, plates, cutlery, wine glasses. We cover early, we are not afraid. Dust will not fall asleep.

2. Cook caramel sauce for dessert. Melt two or three tablespoons of sugar in a dry frying pan or in a saucepan until caramel color. Then pour in the cream, slowly, stirring the sugar. When we pour in all the cream, we continue to boil them until thickened, and a little more. Constantly stirring with a whisk. Then we remove and cool. You can immediately take a wide and slightly deepened plate and pour caramel sauce into it. When the sauce has cooled down, put the pears that were boiled in wine directly into the sauce. Tails up. Here, in fact, a chic dessert is ready. You can immediately put on the table.

3. Pancakes. Stir chicken pieces from the bones with Viola cheese. We lay out the pancakes, spread the filling on the edge. We turn the pancakes into tubes, cut in half obliquely. Lay out on a plate. Ready.

4. We take out the herring under a fur coat from the refrigerator, sprinkle the top with the yolks of boiled eggs, through a grater. All.

5. We take out a piece of salted fish from the freezer. After 15 minutes, it will thaw enough for cutting. Cut into thin slices, arrange on a plate. Decorate with lemon slices and herbs.

6. Rollers. We take out puff "cookies". Carefully cut off the top of each roll with a sharp knife. We put 10 rolls on one dish. Put a small piece of butter in the center of each. On top of the oil, add two-thirds of a teaspoon of red caviar. One can of 120 grams is enough for 10 rolls.

Spread 20 other rolls on other dishes, also cutting off the tops. Put a ball of pate in the center of the roll. Pierce the pate with a decorative skewer, with half a cherry tomato strung on it. All.

7. Meat platter. Lay the boiled pork, roulade and sausage on a large flat dish with a fan. Garnish with the remaining cherry tomatoes and herbs.

8. Skewers of fish. Sprinkle fish pieces with salt, dry paprika. Pour lemon juice, vegetable oil. Stir and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then string onto skewers. Arrange the skewers on a baking sheet. Bake them for 10 minutes at 200 degrees in a preheated oven. Therefore, I advise you to put them in the oven when the guests are already at the table. And don't forget to set a timer! To keep the skewers dry.

9. Tar-tar. The easiest sauce ever. Served with fish skewers. Mix grated cucumbers, sour cream and mayonnaise. Add grated garlic and finely chopped dill.

10. Pickle potatoes in advance, but not too early. Cut potatoes with skin into large slices, salt, add paprika, pour over with vegetable oil and mix well. Before baking, store in the refrigerator under a film so that it does not darken.

11. Cook hatei in two pans. On one, fry the chicken fillet with strips of soy sauce. On the second, fry zucchini with paprika (salt), pouring lemon juice. At the end of frying, add green beans to the zucchini so that it has time to warm up with all the vegetables. Then mix the vegetables with the chicken, put the salad on a plate. Ready.

12. Olivier. Mix vegetables with meat (sausage), pickles. Add green peas, boiled eggs (cut), mayonnaise. Mix and put on a plate.

13. Do not forget to put the tomato sauce on the table. He goes great with hot potatoes.

When guests arrive, you will have:

1. Quickly bake and serve salmon skewers

2. Put the bird on a baking sheet

3. Put potatoes in slices on a baking sheet

4. Get apples (they are already washed and dry)

5. Put the poultry and potatoes in the oven

6. Set the TIMER

7. Stir the potatoes every half hour

8. Every half hour, observe the readiness of the bird, pouring it with the fat released during baking

9. An hour later, put the apples on a baking sheet with the bird and pour them with the same fat as the bird, then bake the apples with the bird.

10. Potatoes are cooked for an hour, a maximum of one and a half. The chicken is cooked for an hour and a half. Duck and goose - a little more. But not so much more that your guests fall into a hungry swoon))

11. Everything. We rest, we have fun.

A few weeks before the New Year, when a barely noticeable magical aroma of tangerines already appears in the air, a very crucial moment comes in every family. The whole family gathers for advice, armed with a pen and a notebook, and a New Year's menu is compiled. This is a very responsible, time-consuming, but at the same time incredibly pleasant thing. I want the New Year's table to have delicious salads, and unusual snacks, and hot dishes, and dessert, and properly selected drinks. Each member of the family has his own opinion and his own “taste of the New Year” on this matter. For some, this is the unchanged and favorite salad "Olivier", and for others - stuffed chicken or jellied fish. We invite you, without changing family traditions, to cook all your favorite things, and even please your guests and loved ones with something new and original, offering wonderful recipes for New Year's dishes.

The New Year's menu includes snacks, salads, a hot dish, a side dish, various drinks, fruits and, of course, desserts. Without them, it is simply impossible to imagine the New Year. The main rule of the New Year's menu: food should be varied, tasty and beautiful!

Cheese sticks with avocado cream

400 g cheese
150 g 5% cottage cheese,
100 g feta cheese,

1 garlic clove
juice of ½ lemon,
50-10 g salmon,

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, pour it in the form of thin cakes into a non-stick pan and heat over low heat. The thinner the layer of cheese, the more openwork your basket will turn out, and, conversely, the more cheese, the denser it will be. Once the cheese starts to melt, remove the pan from the heat. Carefully remove the slightly cooled cakes with a spatula and place on inverted glasses previously greased with vegetable oil. Put the glasses of cheese in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit and scoop out the pulp with a teaspoon. In a blender, mix cottage cheese, cheese, garlic, herbs, lemon juice and avocado. Fill the cheese baskets with the resulting cream, put the salmon cut into thin slices and folded in the form of roses on top, decorate the baskets with dill sprigs, sprinkle a little with lemon juice.

4 sweet peppers
250 g cheese
150 g butter,
2 cloves of garlic
10 walnut kernels,
1 bunch of parsley.

Carefully remove the seeds from the pepper, removing the stalk. Grate frozen butter and cheese. Pass the garlic through the press, chop the nuts and finely chop the greens. Mix everything and fill the peppers with this mixture tightly. Put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, and then cut into slices 5-7 mm thick and serve to the festive table on lettuce leaves.

10-12 radishes,
100 g fat-free cottage cheese,
yolk of 1 boiled egg,
1 fresh cucumber
1 tsp sweet mustard,
2 tbsp sour cream
sesame seeds,
herbs, salt, pepper - to taste.

For a thoroughly washed radish, cut off the tops and carefully remove the core, leaving the walls about 5-7 mm thick, cut the bottoms a little for stability. Mash the yolk with cottage cheese, add sour cream and mustard, salt, pepper and beat this mass thoroughly with a mixer. Cut the cucumber into thin circles and lay them on a dish. Fill the radish cups with the prepared stuffing and place on the cucumber slices. Sprinkle with sesame seeds on top, decorate with herbs.

400 g boiled chicken meat,
300 g champignons,
150 g canned pineapple
¾ stack. sour cream
¼ stack. white wine,
2 tbsp chopped walnuts,
2 tablespoons mayonnaise,
spicy mustard, lettuce, a little dill.

Finely chop the meat and mushrooms and fry them. Then cool and mix with pineapple chunks. Mix together sour cream, mayonnaise, wine and mustard (to taste) and beat with a mixer. Season the mixture of meat, mushrooms and pineapples with this sauce. Put bowls or voluminous glasses on the inside with lettuce leaves and fill them with a prepared cocktail salad. Sprinkle chopped nuts on top and garnish with herbs.

1 pineapple
150 g shrimp
1 apple
fresh parsley,
a few sprigs of parsley
mayonnaise, salt.

Cut the pineapple in half lengthwise. Remove the hard core, cut the flesh into cubes. Cut peeled apples into strips. Chop cooked and peeled shrimp. Tear lettuce with your hands. Mix prepared foods, salt, season with mayonnaise and put in pineapple halves. Before you put the dish on the festive table, decorate it with parsley sprigs.

Tomato and grapefruit appetizer

200 g tomatoes,

200 g soft cheese
50 g olives.
For sauce:
3 tbsp olive oil,

Grapefruits and tomatoes, peeled and white films, cut into thin slices, cheese into cubes. At the bottom of the dish, put the first layer of grapefruit mugs, the second - tomato slices and cheese. Garnish the salad with olives on top. From oil, herbs, salt and pepper, prepare the sauce, pour it over the salad and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then take out, sprinkle with herbs and serve.

Salad of avocado and pine nuts


200 g green lettuce leaves
100 g cheese
1 egg
¼ stack. shelled pine nuts,
2 tbsp butter,
2 tbsp olive oil (or any other vegetable oil),
1 tbsp breadcrumbs,
juice of half a lemon
salt pepper.

Cut the avocado in half, scoop out the flesh with a spoon, sprinkle it with lemon juice and crush with a fork. Finely chop lettuce leaves and mix with avocado, salt, pepper, season with olive oil. Cut the cheese into small cubes, dip each cube in an egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in butter. Sprinkle these fried cheese pieces and pine nuts on top of the finished salad.

700 g salmon fillet,
1 bell pepper
1 red onion
vegetable oil,
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.
For marinade:
a piece (1 cm) of ginger root,
3 garlic cloves,
1.5 tsp coriander seeds,
½ tsp salt,
1 tbsp vegetable oil.

Toast the coriander in a dry frying pan over medium heat for 1 minute. Then remove from heat, let cool and grind in a mortar. Mince the garlic. Mix together all the spices and salt. Cut the fish fillet into pieces, roll in spices, pour over with vegetable oil and refrigerate for 2 hours. Cut the onion into quarters, bell pepper into large pieces. After the time has passed, string fish on wooden skewers, previously soaked for 15 minutes in water, alternately with sweet peppers and onions. Salt, pepper, drizzle with oil. Grill on the top rack of the oven (on the grill function) on both sides for 15 minutes.

5 veal chops on the bone,
2 cloves of garlic
1 lemon
a few sprigs of fresh sage
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
2 tbsp butter,
salt, black ground pepper.

Rinse the chops well, pat dry with paper towels, and season with salt and pepper. In a frying pan, heat vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. butter and fry the chops on both sides until golden brown. Put the meat in a baking dish, cover with foil and place in an oven heated to 180 ° C for 10-15 minutes. Put the remaining butter, minced garlic and sage leaves into the pan and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Put the finished meat on a dish, pour butter with garlic and sage and serve with thinly sliced ​​lemon.

700 g cod fillet,
4 tomatoes,
3 bulbs
1 lemon
3 garlic cloves,
2 tbsp butter,
½ stack white wine,
½ stack cream,
5-6 black peppercorns
parsley, salt, pepper.

Cut the cod fillet into pieces, salt, pepper and drizzle with lemon juice. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes. Chop the onion and fry in butter until golden brown. Then add tomatoes, chopped garlic, black peppercorns, wine to the onion and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Add salt, pepper and chopped parsley. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, pour some of the prepared sauce on the bottom, add cream, lay a layer of fish on top, pour sauce, then fish again, and sauce on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for 15-20 minutes.

1 chicken
2 tomatoes
1 onion
1 stack sour cream
½ stack white wine,
1 tbsp flour,
1 tbsp butter,
salt pepper.

Cut the chicken into small pieces, salt and fry in butter with finely chopped onions. When the onion turns golden, pour in the wine, add the tomatoes, previously peeled and diced, close the lid and simmer until tender. To prepare the sauce, sauté the flour without oil, preventing its color from changing. Then add sour cream to the flour, bring to a boil, add salt and pepper. Arrange the cooked chicken pieces on a platter and pour over the sauce.

2 chicken fillets,
2 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp honey,
2 tbsp soy sauce,
½ tsp provencal herbs,
1 tbsp sesame,
2 tbsp olive oil,
¼ stack. dry white wine
greens, physalis - for decoration,
salt, black ground pepper.

Rinse the chicken fillet, pat dry, rub with salt and pepper and fry in vegetable oil until cooked, put on a plate. Put garlic, passed through a press, Provence herbs, sesame seeds into a pan, pour in wine, soy sauce and honey and bring to a boil over low heat. Put the chicken fillet in the prepared sauce and simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes, turning often so that the pieces are well saturated on all sides, and the sauce begins to caramelize. Put the finished dish on a plate, decorate with herbs and physalis.

Roast with mushrooms and cauliflower

500 g of pork pulp,
500 g cauliflower,
200 g champignons,
3 garlic cloves,
1 st. canned green peas
3 art. l. finely chopped green onion,
2 tbsp. chopped dill and parsley,
1.5 stack. meat broth,
2 tbsp starch,
salt pepper.

Cut the meat into small portions, lightly beat off, sprinkle with salt, pepper and fry in very hot oil on all sides until golden brown. Then transfer it to a ceramic pot. In the oil remaining from frying the meat, fry the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmushrooms, lightly salt and put on the meat. Disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences and lay it on top of the mushrooms, put green peas on top of everything. Dilute starch in meat broth, add garlic, passed through a press, salt to taste. Pour the roast with the resulting mixture and simmer it in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C for 30-40 minutes. Sprinkle the finished roast with herbs, let stand under the lid for 10-15 minutes and serve.

5-6 small potatoes
100 g smoked bacon with meat veins,
50 g butter,
a few lettuce leaves
greens, salt, black ground pepper.

Wash the potatoes thoroughly, dry them, cut off small “lids” and cut out part of the pulp, leaving walls 1.5 cm thick, salt and pepper. Cut the fat into small cubes, put it in potato cups, and put a small piece of butter on top. Wrap each potato in a sheet of foil. Put on a baking sheet covered with coarse salt and bake in an oven heated to 180 ° C for 40-60 minutes. Remove the finished potatoes from the foil, put on a dish lined with lettuce leaves, garnish with slices of fresh vegetables, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Sour cocktail with champagne

½ glass of champagne
½ lemon (juice)
1 piece of sugar
1 circle of orange,
2 ice cubes.

Put a piece of sugar in a glass, pour lemon juice over it. Carefully, so as not to raise the foam, add the champagne. Garnish the edge of the glass with a slice of orange and serve a festive drink with a straw.

300 g cranberries
200 ml 30% cream,
400 g vanilla ice cream,
a few pieces of meringue,
2 tbsp powdered sugar
1 tbsp citrus liqueur.

Mash half of the cranberries, leave the second as is (instead of cranberries, you can take raspberries or strawberries, only in this case you will need half the powdered sugar). Sprinkle all the berries with powdered sugar and add the liqueur. Whip the cream well, break the meringue into small pieces. Mix the prepared ingredients with ice cream and arrange the dessert in glasses.

On our site you will always find even more New Year's recipes. Set a delicious and beautiful table, and most importantly, be happy in the coming year!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Together. What could be better? Outside the window, snowflakes silently fall, firewood quietly crackles in the fireplace, warmth and happiness emanates from the soft skin spread on the floor, and in the kitchen - a mountain of dirty dishes left after cooking culinary delights in the sink, a hob spattered with grease, a slight aroma of burnt cakes from the oven ... However, all this can be avoided. More precisely, leave only the first part with skins and snow flakes, and omit the household thriller with elements of culinary action.

So, in order to arrange a romantic New Year with the least loss for yourself, it is not at all necessary to give up home comfort and book a table in a cafe. Although, of course, there is such an option - for the laziest and most unromantic romantics. We will go in a completely different way. To begin with, let's decide what is the most important thing in the New Year? Naturally, a festive (in our case, romantic) atmosphere, the feeling of which makes the simplest things magical. To achieve its presence in your home is quite simple.

We decorate open racks and shelves with decorative candles of different sizes and shapes. A couple of candles in the form of a cute snowman or an angel with wings powdered with snow will not hurt either. You can also use glass balls, popular all over the world, filled with water, with wax snowflakes swirling inside them. But know the measure - the apartment should not resemble a Christmas tree decorations shop.

The ceiling plinth using ordinary adhesive tape can be decorated with several balloons in the form of hearts, decorated with rain or tinsel. If the walls in your house are painted, then one of them can be applied with a New Year's romantic application made of self-adhesive colored paper. The New Year is a holiday that we have loved since childhood, so why not play a little boyishly and depict something like “Sasha + Masha = Love!” on the wall! and surround the inscription with New Year's snowflakes, or create a whole picture in a free manner, telling about your happy life together and about the plans that you are building for the New Year? Something in the style of "Lovers" by Marc Chagall or candy wrappers from chewing gum "Love is". It is worth noting that self-adhesive paper can be easily removed from the wall, and the pleasure that you get from joint creativity will be inexhaustible.

As for the Christmas tree, it all depends solely on your preferences. What will it be? Living forest beauty? A big artificial Christmas tree from the store? A miniature decorative Christmas tree, located on a coffee table, or branches of a real spruce, placed in a vase? It's up to you to decide. The main thing is that your Christmas tree brings joy. Decorate Christmas tree branches with chocolate candies in a beautiful wrapper, write your wishes to each other and declarations of love on paper-cut snowflakes and hang them on the spruce too. Each warm word spoken aloud or written on paper, each piece of sweet chocolate are small particles of one huge happiness that you could once see in each other and keep.

Now let's move on to the New Year's table. New Year's dinner for two should be easy, after which you want not to fall apart in front of the TV in an easy chair, but to take a walk around the winter city at night, invite your beloved to dance or, having bought crackers in a stall, salute under the windows of the apartment and, holding hands, under the cheerful roar of the New Year's "cannonades" make a cherished wish. I think that heavy, long-cooking dishes should be completely excluded from the menu, creating it from light snacks, salads, fish or chicken dishes, which can be prepared in advance easily and quickly, without bothering to stand in front of the stove for many hours and wash a huge amount of dishes.
Here are a few dishes that are easy to prepare, but look more than elegant on the festive table.

Salad with tomatoes and cheese

4 medium tomatoes
2 sweet peppers
250 g cheese
½ cup sour cream or unsweetened yogurt

We cut the tomatoes into slices, pepper into strips, salt, pepper, season with sour cream or yogurt, and a chic salad is ready. By the way, cheese can be replaced with Adyghe cheese. The taste will not get worse from this, rather, it will acquire a softer shade.

Egg balls with cheese

This dish always looks delicious, and even the most unseasoned man in kitchen affairs can cook it.

6 eggs
50 g butter
150 g cheese
75 g walnuts
dill greens
3 art. l. mayonnaise

We rub hard-boiled eggs, cheese and butter on a fine grater. Add mayonnaise, salt, pepper and mix thoroughly. We roll small balls from the resulting mass, put half a walnut inside each, roll the balls in chopped dill (you can use walnut crumbs instead of dill) and put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
I think that in one of these balls, instead of a nut, you can put a ring or a small pendant around your neck. I don’t know how practical it is, and how it will affect the health of the girl’s teeth, but it’s undeniably romantic.

Burrito (8 servings)

This unpretentious dish will add Mexican passion to your relationship. Initially, a burrito is a wheat tortilla, in which the inhabitants of Mexico wrapped meat and onion stuffing, seasoned with spicy sauce. In our case, the burrito will be healthier and less spicy.

2 thin lavash
300 g boiled or canned mushrooms
1 can of canned corn
½ green lettuce
2-3 tbsp mayonnaise
salt, pepper to taste

We cut each pita bread into 4 parts. In each of the "lavash" pieces, put the filling of mushrooms, corn, chopped lettuce and mayonnaise, and roll up the envelope. Burritos are ready!
Note: canned corn can be replaced with canned beans, mushrooms can be replaced with pieces of boiled chicken, and a little seasoning from a mixture of peppers can be added to mayonnaise.

chicken chops

1kg chicken fillet
2 eggs
salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Chicken fillet should be cut into small pieces, beat off lightly, salt and pepper. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl, add salt, pepper, if desired, dried herbs and a little grated cheese. Heat butter or vegetable oil (to taste) in a frying pan, dip the chicken fillet pieces in the egg mass, then in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides until golden brown. All preparation will take you no more than half an hour.

fish rolls

As you know, fish cuisine is low-calorie and healthy. In addition, fish cooks much faster than meat and, when handled correctly, looks very appetizing.

500 grams of red fish fillet
500 grams of white fish fillet
2 slices of white bread
1 bulb
salt, pepper and herbs to taste

Fillets of red and white fish must be passed separately through a meat grinder. Onion, bread soaked in water or milk, also pass through a meat grinder and equally add to both minced meat, pepper, salt. Put a layer of minced red fish on cling film, sprinkle with herbs, put a layer of minced white fish on top. Flatten the resulting “dough”, roll it into a fairly tight roll with a cling film, cut into pieces and bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. I note that fish rolls are good both hot and cold.

Bunch of sweet grapes, juicy mandarin slices and chilled champagne will complement your menu and make it truly festive.

Romance in table setting is an equally important detail in preparing a New Year's Eve for two. Small candles in transparent candlesticks, neatly laid out cutlery, dishes made in appetizing cream colors, an elegant tablecloth in a large cage, napkins carefully nested in silvery holder rings - all this will look very cute. But sometimes you want the festive table, pouring into the cozy intimate atmosphere of the house, not to separate two loving people with plates and glasses, but to connect them behind itself in the truest sense of the word. The best embodiment of such a desire can be a table with low legs or a large wooden tray with treats arranged on it.

Landing on soft cushions or a shaggy carpet with a glass of champagne in hand, if not in front of a real fireplace with crackling wood, but in front of an LCD monitor broadcasting what we have achieved this year and what we still have to do, or in front of a homemade painting created by in a single burst of creativity and love, you will feel real warmth. It will strike twelve o'clock, and under the cries of the celebrating crowd outside the window, you will once again catch yourself on the most important thought - what bliss it is, this quiet happiness to be together. Together.

Svetalana Rozhdestvenskaya
