
Papaya white. Uses of papaya seeds

Papaya is a palm-shaped tree no higher than 10 meters, the fruits of which look like our melon. Southern Mexico, America is considered the homeland, now the tree grows in tropical countries all over the world, there are even landings in the south of Russia. fruit tree all year round. The diameter of the papaya fruit is from 10 to 30 cm, the usual length is from 15 to 45 cm, it all depends on the variety. The botanical name of the plant is Carica papaya, a species and family of caricaceae. Foliage, trunk and fruit contain milky juice. Ripe soft fruits of yellow or amber color. Medicines are made from the juice of leaves and unripe fruits.

Papaya is an exotic and healthy fruit

When choosing papaya for their food, they take yellow, soft, with pinkish sides - these are considered ripe and sweet. There are varieties that give a green-colored fruit, they are taken according to the degree of softness.

Can you eat this exotic fruit as an ordinary melon - in its raw form, previously cleared of seeds and peel or stewed (often an unripe fruit is prepared this way). There are such ways of serving to the table:

  • cut the "melon" along, special spoon cut the seeds (throw away), then grab the ripe pulp with a spoon and enjoy;
  • peel (like zucchini), cut, remove seeds, cut into slices.
The taste of papaya is very diverse. In addition to the melon taste, there are those reminiscent of carrots or zucchini, there are sweet apricot shades, there is the Holland variety - the pulp of these small-sized fruits gives notes of coffee and chocolate, there are “floral” flavors. Lovers and connoisseurs of these exotic fruits recommend trying papaya from unsweetened varieties.

A few well-known palatable varieties are:

  1. Holland Papaya (Dutch). In orange peel, even better with pink sides. In Indonesia, this variety is called California.
  2. Red Lady. This variety is characterized by a rounded shape (it is not elongated like the others), it is also distinguished by a small content of seeds. It has bright red flesh and a taste unique to this variety.
  3. Hawaiian papaya. The name does not reflect where it grows this variety. It is grown in Thailand. Soft ripe fruit is very juicy, tastes like chewing gum(as in childhood). In Thailand, the price of one kilogram of fruit is about 40-60 baht (1.5-2 dollars).
  4. Solo papaya. It grows only in the Philippines, differs in small size and light yellow color.
  5. Pulled Philippine papaya.
  6. Papaya torpedo. Its weight is the largest, about 4 kg.
  7. Wild papaya.

How to peel and eat papaya?

Being for a long time in Thailand, I saw enough of how the locals clean this fruit there. Everything is very simple:

  1. cut the fruit in half lengthwise;
  2. Scoop out tough black papaya seeds with a tablespoon and discard;
  3. peel off a thin and soft peel with a knife;
  4. then cut the pulp into slices, cubes, etc., as it is convenient for anyone to eat and serve. But as a rule, they are cut into cubes, so it is more convenient to eat.

By the way, advice: after you cut the papaya into cubes, put it in the refrigerator for an hour, cold and juicy fruit in hot countries of the world, the very thing that the body needs!

Also, this fruit can be cut thin slices And dry in the oven at 60 °C. In dried form, it can easily be stored for 2-3 months or more.

Composition of papaya: vitamins and calories

The raw pulp of the fruit is very healthy and non-caloric. papaya calories per 100 grams - 39 kcal.

In the ripe pulp of the fruit per 100 g there is:

  • Fat - 0.14 g
  • Proteins - 0.61 g
  • Carbohydrates - 8 g
  • Also nutritional value represents water - 88.83 g
  • Monosaccharides / disaccharides - 5.9 g
  • Saturated fatty acid- 0.04 g
  • Ash - 0.6 g
  • Dietary fiber - 1.8 g
Useful vitamins:
  • C - 62 mg
  • A (RE) - 55 mcg
  • B9 (acid) - 38 mcg
  • The remaining groups B (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic) - from 0.02 to 0.2 mg
  • E - 0.7 mg
  • K () - 2.58 mcg
  • PP - 0.34 mg
  • Choline - 6.1 mg
Other macro- and microelements:
  • Magnesium - 10 mg
  • Calcium - 24.1 mg
  • Sodium - 2.98 mg
  • Phosphorus - 5 mg
  • Potassium - 257 mg
  • Zinc - 0.07 mg
  • Iron - 0.1 mg
  • Copper - 16 mcg
  • Selenium - 0.6 mcg
  • Manganese - 0.01 mg

Papaya will bring considerable benefits to those who want to lose weight, like. It is nutritious and low in calories. The composition of the juice of fruits and leaves contains an enzyme - papain (protease), which is similar in physiological benefits to gastric juice. Therefore, papaya is in demand as dietary product improving digestion.

On the basis of an extract from papaya juice, medicines are prepared for intervertebral hernia, for neuritis of the facial nerve, for cerebral and spinal arachnoiditis, for osteochondrosis, for the treatment of diseased joints and keloid scars. Papaya juice heals burns, eczema, lightens freckles, strengthens hair.

Video about the benefits of papaya with Elena Malysheva in the program “Live healthy!”:

Papaya Contraindications

papaya is very useful diet fruit, but still, ignorance of some of its features can harm the body.

The composition, more precisely, in the juice of the whole plant, contains the alkaloid caripain, it is called latex juice. IN large doses it is a dangerous poison that causes skin irritation, allergies, indigestion, abdominal pain, poisoning, contains unripe fruit. Therefore, when choosing papaya, it is important to choose ripe fruit: soft, smooth, yellow. If there are doubts about maturity, then it is better to stew its pulp and serve it on the table like a stew.

It is dangerous to use papaya for people prone to allergic reactions or aware of intolerance to this product.

The papaya fruit is still quite exotic for our country, so the harm, like the benefits, has not been fully studied by Russian scientists. With this in mind, including papaya in your diet, try to stick to the measure.

One of the names of papaya - melon tree. Because the fruits are the same amber on the outside, but in shape and taste they resemble a melon.

When the pulp of the fruit is cooked on a fire, it emits an inimitable smell of bread crumb, hence another name - breadfruit.

Papaya fruits and leaves contain papain, which breaks down proteins. Therefore, in some countries, in order to make the meat softer, it is cooked with pieces of this fruit. For example, if a piece of meat is placed in a papaya palm leaf, then after a while it becomes more tender.

Video recipe - cupcake with papaya and nuts:

Papaya, or Melon tree, grows like a palm tree, but is a woody plant. The papaya is native to Mexico and Central America. This plant is severely limited in climatic conditions suitable for active growth and fruiting. Even short exposure to frost will damage the papaya tree, while prolonged exposure to frost will destroy it. Papaya grows well in artificial containers and greenhouses with moderate soil moisture and temperature.

Papaya is not a long-liver, but rather grows like a large grass, reaching a height of 15 meters. Side branches do not grow from the central trunk, except in cases of any damage. All parts of the plant contain latex. The papaya trunk is hollow inside, green or dark purple, straight with traces of scars from already fallen leaves. The diameter of the trunk at the base reaches 30 cm.

Papaya leaves grow directly from the top of the stem in a spiral on almost horizontal petioles, sometimes growing up to 90 cm in length. The leaf surface is divided into several, up to 9 pieces, segments with yellowish ribs and veins. The leaf life is 4 to 6 months.

On the trunk, at the bases of the leaves, on short petioles, fleshy flowers with five petals and light fragrance. On some plants, only female or only male flowers grow, sometimes bisexual specimens are found. Sex change of the papaya tree can occur throughout the year during high summer temperatures. A male or bisexual plant can become female after losing the top. How papaya is pollinated is not exactly known. Presumably the pollinators are wind or moths. Usually to get good harvests need artificial pollination.

There are two types of papaya: Hawaiian and Mexican. In supermarkets, you can usually see exactly the Hawaiian varieties. Their fruits are pear-shaped, grow up to 0.5 kg, with yellow skin when ripe. The flesh of the fruit is bright orange or pinkish in color, with small black seeds in the center. Hawaiian varieties are easier to harvest because papaya trees rarely grow taller than 2.5 meters.

Mexican papayas are much larger, their fruits can weigh up to 5 kg. Their flesh can be yellow, orange or pink, depending on the variety. Their taste is less intense than that of their Hawaiian relatives, but still quite pleasant. A papaya fruit is considered ripe if it is juicy, sweetish and has a melon-like aroma. The fruits and leaves contain papain, which aids digestion and is used to tenderize meat. Papaya seeds are edible and have spicy taste somewhat reminiscent of black pepper.

How papaya is grown.

Papaya prefers to grow in warm, sunny and hottest places. It is desirable to protect trees from constant winds and excessively wet areas where rainwater. Papaya grows in warm, well-drained soils. Excess moisture will quickly destroy the plant. The soil must be kept moist hot weather and dry in cold weather. salt water or soil Melon tree does not tolerate.

Watering is the most important aspect when growing papaya. Plants should be kept on the dry side to avoid root rot. But at the same time it is necessary enough water to maintain large leaves. A tree damaged earlier by frost is most susceptible to root rot.

Papaya is a fast growing plant and therefore requires regular application of nitrogen fertilizers. Concentrated organic fertilizers such as bird droppings are often used. The tree does not need pruning, although some growers pinch seedlings to encourage the development of multiple shoots instead of a central one.

For healthy growth and fruiting, papaya needs summer warmth and a frost-free climate. Such conditions can be provided artificially by creating frames with covering materials around the plant and organization. additional sources heat. Prolonged cold, even without negative temperatures negatively affects growth and fruiting. Mexican papayas are more hardy than the Hawaiian varieties.

Papaya is usually propagated from seeds. They are germinated in a purified form in sterile soil and then planted in open ground. IN ideal conditions seeds germinate in about two weeks, but this process can take three to five weeks. Seedlings usually begin to bloom at the age of 9-12 months.

Papaya trees are very sensitive to transplants and do not tolerate root damage well. Therefore, they are transplanted only once, when transferred to a permanent place in open field, while the earth lump must be kept intact. It can also be propagated by cuttings, but this process is more laborious, although such a papaya grows as a genetic copy of the parent plant and begins to bear fruit earlier.

Papaya fruit can be harvested when most of the skin of the fruit acquires a yellowish color. After a few days of maturation room temperature fruits become almost completely yellow and slightly soft to the touch. If a dark green fruit is plucked from a tree, then it will be impossible to achieve its proper ripening and, accordingly, its taste will suffer. Ripe fruits can be stored at 7 degrees Celsius for up to three weeks. Green papaya fruits cannot be eaten raw due to their latex content, and are often boiled like vegetables when they are.

Tell your friends about it.

Papaya or "melon tree" is one of the most popular and widespread plants in the tropics. By economic importance it occupies one of the leading positions, since this culture successfully uses not only fruits, but also fibrous very strong bark from which ropes are made, and young loose wood, which is absent in adult trees, since they are hollow. Among the countries cultivating this fruit, India is the leader, where up to 4,000 tons are grown per year, and Brazil with a capacity of up to 2,000 tons.

Papaya is one of the earliest to bear fruit. In hot areas, some varieties of plants begin to bloom at the age of three months. But at the same time, even with excellent care, trees do not live more than five years. However, since the greatest yield comes only at this time, fragility does not play any role.

At regular use of this fruit, strength is restored, wounds and burns heal faster, mood improves, the body comes into tone, its protective properties against colds increase, and cancer. In addition, papaya is very useful for beriberi, hernia and pregnancy (this is similar to and).

Unripe fruits contain a large number of papain - an enzyme that perfectly breaks down proteins, promotes the digestion of starch and fats. This enzyme is similar in physiological action to gastric juice, due to which papaya fruits are used as a dietary product that promotes digestion. It is also used to soften tough meats. To do this, small pieces of the fruit are added to the roast, and if such meat is wrapped in papaya leaves, after a couple of hours it becomes soft.

Papain also has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, and therefore, it is used for the manufacture medicines, such as creams for the treatment of various dental diseases. Tableted it is used for diseases digestive system such as gastritis and as a blood anticoagulant in the treatment of thrombosis. This enzyme is also common in cosmetology in ointments for removing freckles, and with the help of keratin, also obtained from papaya, unwanted body hair is removed.

Papaya juice treats herpes and diseases of the spine, as it contains an enzyme that helps restore connective tissue in the intervertebral discs. Milky juice extracted from unripe fruits is effective as an anthelmintic, in eczema and in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The composition and calorie content of papaya

Papaya is rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements. It contains vitamin B1, B2, B5, B6, E, K, PP, ascorbic and folic acid, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, sodium, fluorine, iron. On average, 100 gr. the product accounts for 39 kcal, which indicates a low-calorie fruit, while it perfectly satisfies hunger and gives a feeling of fullness.

How to eat papaya

When choosing papaya, it should be taken into account that it is smooth, elastic, but also soft enough, yellow in color. Fruits are usually harvested for sale unripe, they can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks, and the temperature is raised to ripen them.

Papaya is used as fresh, so they cook from it various dishes. In countries where this fruit is common, it is used as full breakfast. If the fruit is very ripe, then it is better to prepare sweet desserts from it. In terms of taste, papaya is very similar to melon, but its aroma is not melon, but ripe raspberries.

Before eating, papaya should be cut lengthwise, remove the seeds with a spoon and peel. Next, cut the pulp into slices or pieces. The grains are edible and have a pleasant peppery taste. They are used in dressings and also added to salads.

papaya dishes

There are a lot of dishes that are prepared from papaya, these are desserts, soups, salads, main courses, drinks and much more. We suggest trying this fruit as a dessert or making a salad with it.

Papaya in hot caramel

This dessert is very common in the East. It is usually served with pancakes and pancakes. To prepare it you will need:

  • papaya - 1 piece;
  • sugar - 100 gr;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • toasted sesame seeds - to taste.

Pour the sugar into a container without a Teflon coating and fill it with water. The syrup should be boiled until it thickens and turns light brown. Peel the papaya, cut into pieces and add to the caramel. Dessert should be served immediately, hot, sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Papaya, avocado and ham salad

To prepare the salad you need:

  • large papaya - 1 pc;
  • avocado - 2 pcs;
  • leaf lettuce - 120 gr;
  • ham;
  • olive oil;
  • some white wine vinegar.

Peel and cut the avocado and papaya into cubes, tear the lettuce leaves with your hands, also cut the ham in small pieces. Combine ingredients together olive oil and vinegar, mix and enjoy an unusual and refined taste.

How to salt / salt pink salmon, trout, black, red caviar at home How to make kvass at home, how to make sourdough for kvass.

Papaya belongs to woody plants, the genus Karika, the Dwarf family. This is a low palm-shaped tree, on average it reaches a little more than a dozen meters in height, Mexico and the central regions of America are considered the birthplace of growth. It is limited by climatic conditions, since even small frosts can destroy the plant, but it grows well in artificially created conditions at a certain temperature and humidity.

In the wild, papaya is found in Asia and tropical America. There are also experimental plantings in the south of our country, as it is considered a fruit tree, but where it is grown, their own varieties are bred that are suitable for climatic conditions.

plant description

The tree grows for only a few years, so it cannot be called a long-liver, it has a straight trunk, completely devoid of side shoots. The color of the trunk is green or dark purple, without a core, the base itself is a little over thirty centimeters. The leaves are rather large in diameter, located in the upper part of the stem, palmately dissected with long petioles. The leaves can remain on the plant for up to six months, after which they fall off.

Peduncles are formed in the axils of the leaves, subsequently turning into large fruits, orange or yellow, they can grow up to 8 kilograms. There are plants only with female or male peduncles, but there are also mixed flowering. Pollination of flowers occurs, possibly with the help of wind or insects, it is not known for sure, but in order to get a higher yield, papaya is artificially pollinated.

What a papaya looks like with fruits is quite an interesting sight, the fruits are arranged on it like clusters hanging from top to bottom.

types of papaya

There are mainly two types of this plant, Hawaiian and Mexican varieties.

Growing a plant

When growing this plant, choose well-drained soil and elevated areas, as it does not tolerate excessive moisture. It is desirable that the soil be fertile and neutral, so acidic soil can destroy the plant.

The site is chosen with good sun exposure and closed from the winds, in hot weather the soil needs constant moisture, while in cold weather it should be dry. Proper watering is the main thing for good growth papaya and root rot warnings.

Since this plant grows very quickly, it constantly needs to be fed with nitrogen, as well as concentrated organic fertilizers especially bird droppings.

The papaya plant does not need pruning, but some gardeners sometimes pinch seedlings to get additional side shoots.

Propagation of papaya fruit

Papaya is mainly propagated by seeds. For planting, sterile soil is prepared, consisting of sand, soddy soil and humus, planted in cups or small containers with well-moistened soil, several seeds, no more than three. Under ideal conditions, seed germination can take up to two weeks, but usually seedlings appear after a month and a half or a little less.

After the plants grow a little, the strongest sprout is left, the rest are removed. After the plants get stronger, they are transplanted to a permanent place of growth, very carefully so as not to damage the root system. Since they do not like transplants, this process is carried out only once. When transplanting to a permanent place, two or three plants are also planted in the prepared hole, in order to subsequently leave only the healthiest and strongest seedling.

Can you propagate this useful fruit and cuttings. But this is a rather laborious process, and with this method of reproduction, papaya will begin to bloom only after a few years.

Diseases and pests

Aphids and spider mites are considered the main pests of this plant; preparations designed to destroy them are used to combat them. Powdery mildew is considered one of the diseases of papaya, which can appear during prolonged rains and cool weather; copper sulfate is used to eliminate this problem.

Beneficial features

papaya is exotic tropical fruit has been known for its beneficial properties for centuries. His beneficial features used in medicine, used in cooking. This healthy fruit contains:

  1. Fats.
  2. Squirrels.
  3. Vitamins.
  4. Carbohydrates.
  5. Alimentary fiber.
  6. Water.

Papaya is delicious and useful product, which contains a large amount nutrients. It contains the enzyme papain, which breaks down heavy protein compounds that are present in animal meat. Therefore, papaya has long been used to soften meat products by adding it during cooking. Ripe fruits of this plant are eaten fresh, unripe ones must be heat treatment, as they contain a large amount of latex in their composition.

Possessing powerful antioxidant properties, eating papaya helps prevent many diseases.

In addition, papaya is widely used in cooking. Salads are made from it, they are used in ripe form as a nutritious and complete breakfast, they are added when cooking meat and fish dishes, soups, to improve them palatability. Unripe fruits of useful papaya, used for stuffing meat dishes which gives them a special taste and sophistication. Syrups are made from the pulp of papaya, which are used to make alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

Papaya fruit contraindications

Almost like everyone else tropical fruits, this useful fruit has its own contraindications, it is pregnancy and lactation, low blood sugar, allergies to papain and latex, it is not recommended to use papaya before the upcoming operation at least two weeks in advance.

In all other respects, this is an incredibly tasty and healthy product that can be consumed by almost everyone, but at the same time observe the measure.

Papaya, a low, slender tree with a thin, branchless trunk 5-10 meters high, crowned with an umbrella of palmately dissected leaves on long petioles. The leaves are large, 50-70 centimeters in diameter. The flowers develop in the axils of the petioles, turning into large fruits, 10-30 cm in diameter and 15-45 cm long. Ripe fruits are soft and have a color from amber to yellow. Papaya fruits can vary greatly in shape and size. Ripe fruit skin red-orange color, and the pulp is reddish, dense and sweet in taste.

Papaya trees can be male and female. "Men" pollinate flowers, and trees - "women" bear fruit. Sometimes it happens that the trees - "men" also bear fruit, and the fruits grow on them in the form of a long chain. It is considered a natural mystery. Papaya seedlings grow very quickly - the first crop can be harvested after 6 months. Papaya ripens very quickly, the peel of the fruit changes its color from green to golden orange when ripe. Usually papaya is harvested for sale in the markets when the fruit is still green.

Ripe fruit should be firm to the touch, greenish-orange skin should be smooth and slightly soft. If the fruit is not ripe enough, put it in a dry, dark place to ripen. Peel the papaya, cut the peeled fruit lengthwise, remove the seeds from the chopped fruit rings. Papaya should be stored in the refrigerator, ripe fruit is stored for no more than 5-7 days.

Useful properties of papaya

Papaya is sweet and tasty, and at the same time this fruit is excellent low calorie food for people on a diet. There are 39 calories in 100 grams of papaya.

Papaya contains proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, sodium and albumin enzyme. Papaya is not inferior to melon in usefulness, one would think that yellow gives carotene, but in the case of papaya, this substance is carikaxanthin.

Healing properties papayas have been recognized since ancient times. This fruit is extremely beneficial for digestion, as papain contained in it helps the body extract the maximum nutrients from food. Papaya juice is sometimes used to treat insect bites and relieve pain from burns. Papaya is also actively used in the production of cosmetics around the world. Exfoliating agents for the skin are made from this fruit, and papaya juice is used to treat skin diseases.

Papaya is recommended for peptic ulcer 12 - duodenal ulcer, with colitis, bronchial asthma. This fruit normalizes the liver, blood sugar. With the help of papaya, they cleanse the intestines, it gives strength and vigor to the body.

Papaya is able to neutralize the action of excess acid in the human stomach, and therefore is useful for those who suffer from heartburn, hernia or gastritis. It is also recommended for pregnant women.

Easily digestible, mashed papaya perfect food for babies and an excellent tonic for growing children.

Papaya juice is very useful. In some tropical countries, it is used in the treatment of the spine, gastric diseases and eczema. But its beneficial properties do not end there: papaya juice is an excellent anthelmintic.

Papain is also used externally: in medicine - to treat burns, and in cosmetology - to remove unwanted hair and to remove freckles. Its mechanism of action on the hair is simple: it destroys keratin, thus weakening the grown hair and preventing the appearance of new ones.

From the peel of the still unripe papaya fruit, milky juice is extracted, which, in dried form, is used by modern medicine to cure eczema, as well as various stomach diseases.

Dangerous properties of papaya

Despite the fact that papaya is a healthy dietary fruit, it also has certain features, ignorance of which can harm the body.

IN unripe fruits papaya juice is poisonous and dangerous.

The composition, more precisely, in the juice of the plant, includes the alkaloid caripain, which is called latex juice. IN large quantities it is a dangerous poison that causes allergies, skin irritation, indigestion, poisoning, and abdominal pain. If you bought a papaya and saw that its juice is colorless and watery, this means that poisonous qualities are present, which is why you cannot use the fruit for food. Juice good quality must have a uniform white color. Therefore, when choosing papaya, you need to choose ripe fruits, which should be soft and smooth, have a bright yellow color. If there are doubts about maturity, then it is worth stewing the pulp of the fruit, and serve as a stew.
