
How to cut watermelon and melon on the table. What is the knife for cutting watermelon? Special spoon for balls

There are so many ways to cut a watermelon beautifully for festive evening. Many of them can be done with the usual kitchen knife, which is in the house of every hostess. But there is a special device that easily and simply cuts the fruit. different ways nice and fast.

But before you get acquainted with it, you will learn how to cut a watermelon with an ordinary kitchen knife.

What does etiquette say

For an official celebration, watermelon is served cut into pieces with a crust. They should not be too large so that they can be easily put into the mouth.

It is served at the very end for dessert. Berry goes well with ice cream, fruit juices and sweets.

The main thing is to cut it correctly in order to enjoy this tasty and useful berry and not think about how not to get dirty with juice.

You need to take it with special chopsticks or an ordinary fork.

Some prefer to dip the pieces in salad dressing or ice cream. But this can only be done at an informal event.

On the festive table home environment this giant berry can be cut into triangles, sticks, cubes and other ways, and in combination with ice cream and desserts, served without a crust in the form of small cubes, hearts or balls.

We cut watermelon for desserts and a children's table

Simple and sweet berry can become unusual and interesting if it is cut in a special way and served with desserts, such as fruits.

Here's how you can give watermelon slices an unusual look:

  1. cut in half, then into long circles around the entire perimeter;
  2. then again, for convenience, it is worth cutting into halves;
  3. and this is where the fun begins! Have to take metal molds for cookies in the form of hearts, stars or just rings and cut slices with them, like a cookie dough cake.

For small children, hippos, bears are suitable, for teenagers - stars, sponges and hearts, or just circles. They need to be put in vases with ice cream, desserts, or simply put on a dish. A very tasty dessert is obtained with watermelon balls, strawberries and raspberries, as well as creamy ice cream, strawberries cut into halves, and sugar cookies.

This cutting option will help you decorate children's table or holiday dessert.

How to properly and beautifully cut for a party

For a bright and creative party, you can cut the fruit beautifully and serve it on a tray in the midst of a dance evening. It will perfectly refresh in the heat, you just need to cut it correctly.

To do this, take small berry so that you can eat comfortably later. Many do not know how easy and correct to cut such a watermelon, but in fact it is very simple. At the beginning, you need to wash it and cut off the top with a tail and the bottom so that it stands steadily on the tray.

Then you need to put it and cut it vertically with a sharp and long knife into 8 equal parts.

You should get elongated slices, and so that the berry does not fall apart on the tray, make cuts 23 times the length of the slices. After that, the dessert can be served on a tray and eaten.

We cut a sweet and juicy "striped berry" for the festive table

Today there are many ways to cut a berry for a large holiday table. Some of them are used in restaurants and are made using special devices, others are available at home.

So let's start simple.

They can be made with a regular kitchen knife.

  1. Cut the watermelon into triangles with a peel. To do this, take a large watermelon and cut into halves. Then put it on its side and cut into thin circles, which are then divided into halves. After that, each of them is cut into 3 parts. You will get 3 triangles with a crust. They need to be put on a large flat plate and served. This method is suitable for any table and holiday;
  2. How Easily and quickly cut large watermelon into cubes. To do this, you need to cut the berry in half, then in thick circles, and then cut them into halves. The thicker the width of the circles, the larger the squares will turn out. Then you need to use a long knife to cut the circles with even vertical sticks, each of which is cut horizontally so that cubes are obtained. How thinner sticks, the more cubes are obtained and the smaller their size. They can be put in a salad bowl or fastened with other vegetables, cut in the same way in the form of sticks. This cutting method is suitable for a festive table, which has sushi and sea delicacies;
  3. How beautifully and correctly cut a watermelon into elongated slices. This is the easiest way that is used for home holidays. It is suitable for any style of celebration. watermelon big size you need to carefully cut into large and thin circles. After that, cut into halves and serve on a large table. flat dish. You need to eat it, putting it on a plate and dividing it into 3 parts, which you can take with a fork or hands by the crust. A small fruit is cut into slices like this: rinse the watermelon under water and remove the tail and bottom, then cut it in half vertically with a large and sharp knife and cut into slices. They need to be laid flat. big dish and serve on the table;
  4. There is another way that is used to decorate desserts with watermelon. For slicing, you will need a Parisian round ice cream scoop. It allows you to make balls out of berries that look beautiful in a vase with dessert.

How to use a watermelon cutter or how to cut with a device

Many housewives still do not know if there is a device in stores that cuts watermelons on its own. In fact, there is such a device and it is called a watermelon cutter. The device consists of a metal circle, divided into a certain number of sectors, and two handles on the sides. The watermelon cutter is suitable for berries of any size.

Sweet, refreshing and fun, watermelons are the taste of summer! If you are planning to eat a lot of these tasty ones, striped berries during the warmer months, make it creative and interesting. We offer several original ideas beautiful and fast cutting of watermelons.

Sliced ​​watermelon "Birds"

1, Half a watermelon cut into 4 parts. From each part, cut off the outermost piece of watermelon in the shape of a triangle to make a head for the bird. Now make a longitudinal incision, separating the pulp from the watermelon rind. Divide the flesh of the watermelon into slices with several transverse cuts.

2, Cut out the tail, eyes and crest for the bird from pieces of watermelon peel with a knife and attach them with toothpicks. For beauty, insert a dry clove into each eye.

3, Now push the watermelon slices into different sides.

"Watermelon Slices"

By cutting and spreading the watermelon in this way, you will get a bright, tasty dish for dessert!

1, Cut the watermelon lengthwise into two equal parts and cut off the tops. Stand one half upright and cut off the crust, leaving an untouched strip in the middle. Repeat the procedure with the second half.

2, Put the prepared half of the watermelon cut down and cut into equal slices with a sharp knife.

3, Transfer the watermelon to a serving dish and, for beauty, push the cut slices apart in different directions. If necessary, repeat the procedure with the second half of the watermelon.

Watermelon "Eskimo"

Simple and fast cutting watermelon - everything is very easy and cute!

1, Cut the watermelon into two equal halves. Put one of them cut-side down on a serving dish or tray and cut off the extreme parts from 4 sides.

2, Using a knife, mark the surface of the watermelon into approximately equal rectangles and make indentations in the center of each so that you can insert ice cream sticks into them.

3, Now insert sticks into the crust of the resulting rectangles and completely cut the watermelon along the markings.

Watermelon "Surprise"

Do you want to surprise and cheer up your guests? Treat them to this original watermelon!

1. This recipe calls for two equally sized watermelons. Cut off the rind and white flesh from one watermelon.

2, Using cloths soaked in water, clean the surface of the watermelon so that it becomes absolutely smooth.

3, Cut the second watermelon into two halves, removing the pulp, and cover them with the first, prepared watermelon.

4, Now bring the watermelon to the guests and ... Surprise !!!

Watermelon "Cocktail"

This is the fastest and most original way to make a delicious and healthy watermelon smoothie!


1, Cut a rectangular hole in the rind of the watermelon according to the size of the mixer blade.

2, using one paddle of a hand mixer, deeply immersed inside the watermelon, grind watermelon pulp right in the watermelon. (To make a cocktail, you can add to watermelon juice tequila, lime juice, sugar syrup and so on.)

3, Now insert a piece of a plastic glass into the hole so that you can pour the cocktail into glasses.

"Watermelon Fantasy"

After watching this video, you will learn how to cut a watermelon beautifully to make an unusual dish decorated with graceful figures for the festive table.

What do we know about watermelon? Useful and beautiful berry Plus, it's delicious as hell! All? And how to serve it to the table, or how to eat it, if you are not in your kitchen, but at some kind of reception? No, you can, of course, in the old fashioned way, bite into it with your teeth up to your very ears and, smacking your lips, spit it out watermelon pits in a neighbor's cup... If you don't care about your reputation and the opinions of others, you can. But let's look for more original ways of presenting.

In a botanical sense, this, to put it mildly, berry is still a vegetable, but it is served and consumed like a fruit - it is served for dessert. Difficult, isn't it? Go ahead.

Watermelon homeland is Africa, where they are still found in the wild. Watermelons were grown back in Egypt and even tried to select the sweetest varieties. Before getting to Europe, where it appeared no earlier than the Middle Ages, watermelon visited the tables of ancient rulers. He came to Russia from Central Asia, somewhere in the 15th century. AND for a long time the flesh was not eaten as much as watermelon rinds from which candied fruits were cooked. Small fruits were salted and used as a snack.

Watermelon is very nutritious and healthy, its pulp has a beneficial effect on digestion. It has a lot of carbohydrates, all kinds of vitamins, among which are C, B1, B3, PP. It has anti-toxic and antibacterial property. It is introduced into the diet for diseases of the liver and kidneys, anemia, overweight, and intoxication. Watermelon sometimes becomes the mainstay of an overweight diet due to its low calorie content.

This usefulness is served at the table as follows: watermelon is peeled, cut into slices or slices. Such a watermelon is taken with a fork and eaten with a knife. Sometimes they wield dessert spoon. If the watermelon is cut with a peel, it is taken from a common plate with your hands, after which the fingers are wiped with a napkin. It should be put on a plate with the pulp towards you, and the crust away from you. Before sending it to your mouth, carefully remove the seeds from each piece with a knife.

Sometimes, if the watermelon is not sweet enough, honey, jam or sugar is served with it. If next to slices of watermelon you see a bowl with powdered sugar, take it in your left hand, and with your right - a spoon and sprinkle the dessert with powder.

And now a few original ways serving watermelon to the table:

1. Watermelon baskets

The pulp of the watermelon is taken out with a special round spoon, and from the peel, which does not lose its shape, they make a decorative basket with a handle and fill it appetizing balls pulp (as shown in the photo). You can make such a basket yourself and please your family with something unusual!

Such baskets can be filled with triangles or cubes of pulp if you do not have a special spoon (similar to the one used to scoop up ice cream). The photo shows different variants arrangement of such baskets.

2. Watermelon ice cream

If you want to do something completely original, make watermelon ... ice cream! Cut it into fairly large triangles and pierce each with an ice cream stick, as shown in the photo. And questions - how to eat this dessert, disappear at a glance at the serving. Children should appreciate this idea!

Try also dipping your ice cream in yogurt, nuts, or chocolate and putting it in for a while. freezer- you will get a completely different dessert.

3. Watermelon with shrimps

It's already quite independent dish. For it you will need: half a small melon, a pound of watermelon pulp, about 15 pieces raw shrimp, raspberry vinegar (1 tbsp), 3 tbsp. olive oil, a few basil leaves and ground pepper.

Remove the tails and heads from the shrimp, salt and pepper them, fry in oil.

Using a special spoon (you can use an ice cream spoon), take out the pulp of the watermelon and melon - you get pretty balls.

Wash and dry the basil. Whisk olive oil with vinegar, salt and pepper. Mix all prepared ingredients. Enjoy!

4. Grilled watermelon

Do not rush to turn up your nose - yes, yes, grill. Oddly enough, but it turns out very tasty! And it's pretty easy to prepare. Cut the watermelon into large chunks, sprinkle them olive oil, sprinkle with black pepper and grill for 10 seconds. Before serving, chill the dish in the refrigerator, just a few minutes!

5. Watermelon barbecue

If you have not stopped reading this article after previous recipe, which means you will survive the next culinary perversion. To prepare a real watermelon kebab, you need: raw smoked ham (ideally jamon), watermelon, melon, skewers.

The cooking technology is simple: each piece of watermelon and melon (previously cut into cubes), wrapped in jamon and strung on skewers. The taste will surprise you!

6. Watermelon sorbet

This dessert is just a lifesaver. hot weather! Not only is it tasty and juicy, it also quenches thirst.

Cut the watermelon into cubes, carefully removing all the seeds from it, and put it in the freezer (at least an hour!). Blend in a blender with grape juice, after holding the watermelon cubes at room temperature A couple of minutes. Add a couple of drops of lime juice. I recommend serving in bowls or transparent glasses, decorating all this splendor with mint!

7. Watermelon in Chinese

Don't worry, you don't have to wrap the watermelon flesh in nori sheets or serve it with rice, it's much easier. Take: 600 grams of watermelon, 2 egg whites, 4 tbsp. potato starch and the same wheat flour, 1 glass vegetable oil, 2-3 tbsp. powdered sugar.

Cut the pulp of the watermelon (pre-remove the seeds!) Triangles, breaded in flour. Mix proteins with starch diluted in a small amount water, and dip the watermelon triangles in this mixture. Fry in hot oil until light yellow. Before serving, sprinkle watermelon slices with powdered sugar.

8. Watermelon jelly with fruits

This unusual recipe that will surprise even the most demanding guest!

You will need: watermelon (weighing 2-3 kilos), all kinds of fruits and berries (apples, strawberries, grapes, peaches ...), 1 tbsp. dry red wine, 2 tbsp. sugar, 5 tablespoons of gelatin, cinnamon.

Wash the watermelon and cut it in half. Remove the pulp so that the walls of the watermelon are as even as possible. Boil water in large saucepan and hold each half of the watermelon over the steam for 4-5 minutes, cut down. Grind the pulp through a sieve into a separate bowl, cut the fruit into cubes, removing the bones first, if necessary. Boil sugar syrup (for 0.5 liters of water - 1 tablespoon of sugar) and dip fruit in portions for 2 minutes. Make sure they don't boil over! Remove fruit quickly with a slotted spoon. In this fruit decoction, add wine, pureed watermelon, remaining sugar, cinnamon. Bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes.

Soak the gelatin in a small amount of water (boiled!) And after straining the fruit-watermelon broth, add the swollen gelatin into it.

Now the most interesting. Put some fruit in the watermelon halves, pour over the syrup and refrigerate. When the jelly hardens, again put some fruit and pour over the jelly, and so on until the end. When the procedure is completed, cover the halves cling film and refrigerate for at least 4 hours! Before serving, you need to cut your “watermelon” along with the crust into slices and ... break the applause!

Try it, you will definitely succeed!!!

There are many different recommendations on how to cut a watermelon into cubes, bars, ordinary slices and even stars. At first glance, it may seem that some of these methods are incredibly complicated, but it's worth trying and "filling your hand" as you will see the opposite.

Watermelon is not only tasty and healthy treat. This is a whole symbol of fertile autumn, which gives us such generous gifts. It will decorate any holiday, whether it's a beach party or a luxurious wedding. Look especially impressive unusual slices. But besides the spectacular appearance Convenience is also important. If you're wondering, the tips and photo examples in this article will help you get inspired.

When thinking about how to cut a watermelon correctly and beautifully, many imagine one of the two most common ways. The first involves cutting into slices, like an orange, and the second recommends cutting round slices from the watermelon, starting from the top, and then cutting them in half. However, there are still many interesting ways cuts. They also deserve attention.

Convenient bars

Once upon a time it was customary to cut a watermelon in a circle into identical slices. This method is not very convenient, especially in the case of especially large specimens. It is difficult to cut it, and it is inconvenient to eat huge cuts. But recently, another wonderful method has gained well-deserved popularity - cutting into bars, with which we will begin our review of methods. How to cut a watermelon beautifully and quickly with a regular knife is clear from the following illustration.

Cut the fruit in half, turn one of the halves over and cut with a sharp long knife, making cuts perpendicular to the board. You can serve this watermelon wide dish, tray, plate. It is convenient to take the bars, remove the bones from them and eat.

even cubes

This method is often used when watermelon is planned to be served on a buffet table. Bamboo skewers can be inserted into the cubes and guests do not have to get their fingers dirty. Watermelon cubes are often used for making snacks, combining them, for example, with feta, cheese, salted salmon, spinach and olives.

How to cut a watermelon into cubes? To do this is quite simple. First, cut the fruit into flat round slices, as you would cut a sausage. Then cut off the skin. Cut the slice into strips and then into cubes. For this procedure, it is better to use a wide sharp knife.

Figured pieces for salad cocktails and decor

Other ways to cut a watermelon into cubes or other figures may come in handy. With ordinary cookie cutters, you can get pieces of almost any shape. If you are interested in this method, choose concise simple shapes without small details: stars, hearts, rhombuses, circles.

Work on a large flat surface. First, cut a circle from the watermelon, remove the seeds as much as possible. Using a cookie cutter, cut out the shapes and let the excess juice drain. These figurines can be decorated fruit cakes, ice cream, sorbets and other desserts. Watermelon figurines go well with salty snacks of cheese, fish, grilled vegetables.

Special spoon for balls

Once upon a time, we could only see such people in foreign TV series about a beautiful life. Today, a special spoon, with which you can cut balls from the pulp of watermelon and melon, is available to everyone. You can buy it at kitchen supply stores.

Such a spoon is very useful for those who are thinking about how to cut a watermelon quickly and beautifully. Watermelon balls look spectacular in many desserts. Spoons that have two nozzles are especially good. Then you can easily get the balls of the right size. They can also be submitted as independent snack, putting it in a basket or vase cut from the peel of a watermelon.

Ice cream on a skewer

If you think that curly cutting is not up to you, but you want something unusual, try mastering the following simple way. You just need to cut the watermelon into triangles and insert ice cream skewers into the peel.

In case you liked this method, you don't even need to worry about aspect ratio. Cut the watermelon the way you feel most comfortable without worrying about it. Bright fruit ice cream in any case will look impressive and appetizing.

Children will especially enjoy these treats. They don't get dirty as easily as regular ones. large slices, and in design they resemble ice cream so beloved by children. In addition, it will be easier for you to get rid of the bones. This idea can be very useful for those who are going to arrange a holiday for the kids.

Slicer for straight slices

If you are wondering how to cut a watermelon, methods, tips with explanations and descriptions of special accessories will help you find fresh ideas. Fans of traditional slicing can really come in handy with a slicer.

With it, you can quickly cut the fruit evenly and beautifully. It's easy to use. Lay the washed watermelon on the base, place the slicer on top, grab the handles and lower it down. To cut into slices ripe fruit, it will take some effort, but the knives installed in the slicer are quite sharp. They will easily cope with the peel and will not destroy the tender flesh.

When choosing a watermelon, take into account the diameter of the slicer: the watermelon must pass into a circle, otherwise even slices will not work.

Knife tongs and cutting methods

The following accessory is very common abroad. It is a pair of knives with which you can not only cut a watermelon into slices, but also use it like tongs. They can lay out the watermelon on plates.

Such a knife allows you to cut slices from a watermelon cut in half. They come out even and uniform. Such a device will also help those who are considering how to cut a watermelon into cubes. To do this, you will first need to walk along the watermelon, and then across.

serving watermelon

It is important not only how to cut the watermelon into cubes, balls or curly bars, but also how to serve it to the table. If you have already mastered simple techniques cuts, you might like the idea of ​​serving watermelon slices in a rind bowl.

To do this, you will most likely need a peel from another watermelon. It is difficult to cut the flesh and keep the whole peel.

Carefully scoop out the pulp with a long-handled spoon. Try not to damage the peel. Then turn the watermelon vessel over so that the excess juice drains. Think over the decor in advance. It can be a basket or a teapot, a turtle, or even a shark's head with its wide-toothed mouth. For work, you will need a long, sharp knife, and a short one, with which you can cut out small details. You can attach various decorative elements with the help of toothpicks.

Watermelon as an art object: what is carving

If you have already got your hands on curly cutting watermelon, and balls, hearts and stars no longer seem like an impossible task to you, maybe you should try something more advanced? Today, such a direction of art as carving is gaining more and more popularity. It involves figured carving of fruits and vegetables (and in the case of watermelon, even berries). To work, the carver uses various tools similar to those used by the cabinetmaker. The following illustration shows a carving work carved from a single watermelon and decorated with twigs with small flowers.

In the work, the artist can use the coloring of the layers: upper layer watermelon is dark green, followed by a pale greenish crust, under it almost white layer. These colors are used to highlight rich, ripe flesh. Of course, such work requires considerable skill, but even for those who cannot afford carving, such beauty can be a source of inspiration.

Watermelon is a summer sweet treat that is loved by adults and children alike. The main thing is that the watermelon is ripe and sweet. Let's talk about how to choose it and cut it correctly.

Time to buy watermelons

When determining the time of purchase of watermelons, one should take into account where they were brought from. Usually this sweet product deliver:

  • Winter and spring– from Southeast Asia
  • Spring and early summer– from Israel, Greece and Turkey
  • July August– from China and Central Asia
  • End of August - beginning of September- watermelons from the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions, the Krasnodar Territory

by the most delicious watermelons winter are brought from Thailand. Considered a safe purchase ripe watermelon from Israel and Turkey, there are no means for the growth and ripening of these fruits. Later than all, Astrakhan watermelons, beloved by many, appear on sale. Watermelons ripened in the Astrakhan steppes will be available for sale only in late August - early September. In the Astrakhan region, trial harvesting of watermelons takes place in early August, selective harvesting of these fruits - in the middle of the month, and selling - from about August 25th. Yes, exactly in early September the buyer has every chance to buy a real delicacy from the Astrakhan region.

If in more early dates you are assured that there are real ripe Astrakhan watermelons on the counter, either they are deceiving about the place where the watermelon is grown, or, much worse, the watermelon is stuffed with preparations to accelerate ripening. This product is harmful to health.

Rules for choosing watermelons

How to choose a watermelon? Of course, it must be safe for health and have excellent taste.

Place of sale of watermelon- a supermarket or a specially designated place for sale (market, market place). It is strictly forbidden to buy watermelons along the roads, poisoning with toxic substances is possible. The product must have a certificate indicating the place where the watermelon is grown.

watermelon weight. It is believed that best weight watermelon - five to seven kilograms. This is evidence that nitrate fertilizers were not used when growing watermelon. However, the weight of a watermelon is determined by its variety and place of growth. The best Astrakhan watermelons, which are sold at the appropriate time for their ripening, are watermelons weighing 7-11 kg.

Appearance of a watermelon. How to choose the right ripe and sweet watermelon? Make sure the watermelon is not damaged. Through the damaged crust, numerous harmful microorganisms can enter it. In no case should you buy watermelon in pieces! Sliced ​​watermelon spoils very quickly, especially if stored outside the refrigerator. Watermelon should have a glossy surface. For the choice of Astrakhan watermelons, the contrast of light and dark stripes is important.

The presence of a dry and yellow tail in a watermelon. This is a sign of his maturity. The green tail indicates the immaturity of this berry. You should not buy a watermelon where the tail is cut off, this may be an indication that the qualities of the watermelon are hidden from the buyer.

The presence of a yellow or orange spot on the side of the watermelon, in the place where the watermelon was in contact with the ground, also indicates that the watermelon is ripe. An immature spot will be white.

Watermelon shape. According to it, watermelons are divided into the so-called "boys" - they are elongated, and "girls" - these are flattened and round. Experts believe that “girls” watermelons are sweeter.

Sound when tapping and pressing on a watermelon. This sound should be loud and distinct. And if you press on a juicy and ripe (not overripe) watermelon, you can hear a crunch.

How to quickly cut a watermelon

Types of cutting watermelon:


  • Slicing across. Just cut the watermelon crosswise and eat its flesh with a spoon.
  • The usual (classic) way. Cut the watermelon lengthwise. After cutting off the tops, cut it into slices of 1-2 cm.
  • Cake method. The tops of the watermelon are cut off, it is cut in half. The halves are cut like slices of a cake.
  • To serve guests. As usual, the tops are cut off, the watermelon is cut into 4 pieces along. With the help of a long flexible knife, the pulp is separated from the crust, while it is not removed from the slices, but cut and served on the crust as on a plate.
  • For salad. Watermelon in this case is cut into cubes. The watermelon is cut in half, the peel is removed from half of the watermelon, put it with the pulp down. Holding the knife parallel, circles are cut, they are then cut into sticks, which, by cutting across, are turned into cubes.

Types of cutting and decoration of watermelon for the festive table

Watermelon - perfect product to demonstrate design skills. Can be offered various options cuts for the holiday.

Ball cutting. The notch of the watermelon pulp in the form of balls can be done with an ordinary spoon with sharp edges, but it is more convenient to do this with a noisette spoon. Balls can simply be placed in a vase. And you can use half the peel of the same watermelon in the form of a basket-vase for them. You can also make a vase-ship out of the crust, if you stick skewers with “sails” pricked on them from the same crust.

Figure cutting. It's easy to make with a variety of cookie cutters. To do this, you need to cut the watermelon into pieces and cut out figures from them. These sweet and juicy figurines can be served with cream or dessert sauces.

Ice cream triangles. To do this, the watermelon is cut into triangular pieces, into which ice cream sticks are stuck. It turns out a bright calorie-free "ice cream". You can pour such "ice cream" chocolate icing, sprinkle with nuts, etc.

You can give watermelon cubes and bars the look of original cakes or sushi by decorating them with other fruits, herbs and cream.

Special skills and tools (at least the presence of Thai and carving knives) will require carving(artistic cutting) watermelon. With this method, you can get beautiful and elegant watermelon bouquets.

Time and methods of storing watermelon

Whole good watermelon in a cool ventilated area can be stored for a very long time (2-3 months). How long does a sliced ​​watermelon keep in the fridge? Shelf life is very short no more than a day and only at a temperature of 2-5 degrees C and an air humidity of 85-87%. Watermelons should not be stored near other fruits and vegetables, it is strongly recommended not to store them near melons, tomatoes and bananas.

How to cut a watermelon - video

Cut watermelon into chunks

Slicing watermelon into triangles
