
Peking duck: recipe at home. How to cook spicy sauce for duck? Sharpening ceramic and metal kitchen knives - cooking poultry quickly and without problems for kitchen knives - where the shot is, there is sharpening

Peking duck is a favorite delicacy of Chinese emperors that has survived several dynasties, a recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation of court chefs. You can touch the secret of cooking a Peking duck recipe at home, delighting loved ones or guests by cooking a familiar bird according to an exotic recipe.

After the guests of the Middle Kingdom in the 16th century tried this delicacy, the Europeans tried to repeat all this in their homeland, but like a classic recipe traditional cooking for technical reasons, it is very difficult to repeat. This was influenced by the absence traditional ingredients, and the recipe itself, passing by hearsay from one chef to another, has changed, adapted to the realities of those countries where it was prepared. For this reason, this dish already had several recipes and was prepared:

  • according to the classic recipe. According to this recipe, they tried to repeat all the actions that were carried out in China;
  • baked with oranges. This recipe was invented in France. Like everything French, it is distinguished by elegance, simplicity and excellent taste;
  • cooked in a slow cooker. This recipe is close to home conditions, when you want to cook Peking duck, and open fire breeding is prohibited in the apartment. Yes, and the meat in the slow cooker turns out to be more tender, the sauce prepared in advance can emphasize the piquancy of the dish.

Of the products, first of all, you will need the duck itself, which should not be thin and not fat, small and not small, preferably chilled, since when frozen with pieces of ice, meat tissues are damaged, especially during transportation. We will consider the remaining ingredients in a more detailed analysis of the preparation of the delicacy according to the above recipes.

Peking duck - a traditional recipe

According to the ancient Chinese canons good cook must also possess the basics of professions: a doctor, a philosopher, an astrologer. This helps to prepare food properly. Chinese food must correspond to three canons: - beauty - Qing, aroma - Yin and taste - Yang. And woe to that cook who has delicious, but not beautiful food, and the one who can carve the head of a dragon from a cucumber is famous. According to Chinese belief, eating is a pleasant daily ritual that most people obey in their minds. After all, it’s not for nothing that there is a proverb in China: “It’s better to offend a guest than leave him hungry” and if someone is unlucky in something: “he broke his bowl of rice.”

The duck cooking process begins with cleaning the skin and inflating it with compressed air, this process does not look very aesthetically pleasing, but is necessary to separate the skin from the meat and further evenly fry. After this procedure, a hole is tied into which air was supplied, the neck is broken in half and a twine knot is tied on it.

After the process of bathing in a hot bath, the duck is doused with a specially prepared sugar syrup and hung on a hook for several hours to drain all the liquid from it. Of course, knowing all these procedures, on the one hand, it is a pity for these ducks, but on the other hand, these birds lived a wonderful duck life in a special subsidiary farm, where they were literally carried in their arms, fed with selected grain, played special soothing music and taken out for a walk on the meadow and water treatments.

Cooking carcasses in the open air over a fire for emperors, hanging them on tree branches over fires, to which firewood from fruit trees was added, is a thing of the past. Now the duck is cooked in special restaurants, but in full compliance with all centuries-old recipes. Roasting takes place in special ovens with an open fire (simulating a fire), adding firewood and branches of fruit trees of peach, pear tree, sakura, which give the meat great taste and aroma.

The duck, which has hung for several hours on a metal hook so that all the liquid comes out of it, must now take 45 minutes. roasting in these ovens in order for her meat to be purchased unique taste, and the skin has a golden fragrant crust.

The crust should be exactly golden and crispy, as this is one of the attractiveness of its preparation. Serving duck meat is the correct cutting of pieces into equal parts.

The ability to cut the carcass correctly is the high skill of the cook, the duck must be divided exactly into a hundred exactly identical pieces, and the more even these pieces are, the more skillful the cook. Moreover, the main advantage of Peking duck is a fried golden crust, which should be on every piece of meat.

It is believed that best delicacy- this is the head of a duck, which is cut into two parts and laid out on a separate plate, and the brain from the head is one of the most delicious parts. Until now, it is believed that the secret of cooking Peking duck is kept in the strictest confidence.

Peking duck with apples

Cooking methods

If we are not in China and we do not have special ovens, then for ourselves or guests it is easy to cook a Peking duck recipe at home no worse than in a Chinese restaurant. If everything is cooked correctly, for example, with apple filling with which the duck can be stewed or well-fried. For cooking, a cast-iron deep frying pan or an ordinary culinary sleeve is suitable, then it can be baked immediately with a side dish, any cereal or other products suitable for a side dish will do.

Preparation of ingredients:

Preparation for cooking Peking duck with apples is not very difficult, for this you need to prepare a marinade in which it is enough to keep the carcass for several hours, marinades can be different:

  1. wine marinade. This marinade is made with dry wines and your favorite ingredients.
  2. mayonnaise with lemon juice. This marinade gives the duck a specific sour taste.
  3. marinade based on orange juice. This marinade imparts a persistent citrus flavor to ducks.
  4. tender with garlic. This marinade gives the duck meat a garlicky smell and aroma. Basically, such a marinade is prepared for an amateur

You can also simply rub the chicken with pepper, garlic, leaving it for several hours to absorb the flavors. Find marinade recipes there are many and you can find something for every taste.

When preparing from apples for stuffing duck, the skin does not need to be peeled, only the middle part needs to be removed. Apples can be cut. After the carcass is stuffed with apple slices, it is best to sew up the incision with threads.

Before putting the duck in the oven, it is best to cut off the edges of the wings so that they do not burn, and also remove all the glands located in the stomach and tail, as they can give the meat an uneven taste.

Consider a simple recipe for cooking such a duck with apples. The originality of the recipe is that the duck carcass is lined with apple slices from the inside and walls, soaking it delicate aroma from all sides.
Necessary products: an average duck weighing 2-2.1 kg, a few cloves of garlic, spices, seasonings, salt to taste, sour apples - one kilogram. (for example, seven).

Cooking method

The carcass is washed from the inside, all remaining insides are removed. Then it must be rubbed with salt, pepper and spices, not forgetting the abdomen. It is not necessary to peel the skin, the main thing is to remove the core. To the bottom of the deep cast iron pans or ducklings lay out a layer of chopped apples.

The belly is not densely stuffed with cut apples with a few cloves of garlic. Those cuts through which the inside was stuffed, it is better to sew up with a coarse thread. The carcass is laid belly up, put apple slices between the walls so that the duck is lined with apples on all sides. Baked 40 - 45 minutes.

Peking duck with oranges

General principles

The recipe for fried duck with oranges comes from France. This is not a daily dish, but for the holidays. According to a properly prepared recipe, duck meat acquires a very delicate and tasty aroma.

Food preparation

To cook duck with oranges, you need to choose an average bird for one and a half to two kilograms, when choosing a bird, you must use the following principle: tough meat and it makes a rough, tough dish. Excess fat in the duck will cause the meat to be spoiled with an unpleasant rancid odor. Be sure to remove all the insides and fat from the tail of the duck.


When using this recipe, duck meat turns out delicious, and the dish itself looks very elegant, because on the crispy baked duck crust there is very juicy, tasty duck meat in orange juice.
Required products:

  • duck carcass, 1, 6 - 2 kg;
  • 3-4 oranges;
  • 50 gr. lemon mayonnaise;
  • salt mixed to taste with black pepper.


  1. mix the mayonnaise with a mixture of salt and black pepper thoroughly, rub the carcass completely;
  2. peel the orange, divide the orange into several parts. Then the duck is stuffed with orange slices from the inside through the lower cuts. After that, the incision must be sewn up with coarse threads or pinched.
  3. preheat the oven to 181 gr., put the cooked duck on a baking sheet.
  4. put the tray in the oven. The duck is baked for about 100 - 160 minutes. So that the duck does not dry out, it must be watered with the juice formed during frying.

Peking duck in a slow cooker

General principles

Cooking in a slow cooker has some features, because. cooked in a multicooker, which closes hermetically.

We'll need you will need a medium-sized duck 1.7 - 1.8 kg, three apples, two medium-sized lemons, 2 cloves of garlic, black pepper.

The duckling must be washed well, gutted, cleaned out all the insides, cut off the fat in the tail. In order for the duck to turn out juicy, the carcass must be marinated for at least 1 hour.

Marinade recipe: 2 cloves of garlic, a full spoon of salt, a teaspoon of black pepper, all this is mixed and evenly rubbed into the skin of the duck, both from the outside and inside. Next, squeeze one lemon onto the duckling, put the rest of the lemon inside and leave it all for 1 hour, after wrapping it in cling film for the marinade.

After pickling, we take out the lemon from the inside, and place the pre-cut apples inside. We sew the carcass. In order for the skin of the duck not to stick to the bowl of the multicooker, we wipe it butter. Pour a small amount into the cup of the multicooker pan sunflower oil, smear the oil on the walls. We put the carcass on the back of the pan, close the bowl.

We cook on the multi-cook program at 130 degrees from 2 sides, turning it after 30 minutes. Instead of the multi-cook program, you can use the baking mode.

Peking duck - video

It is quite difficult to make Peking duck according to the classic recipe in an ordinary kitchen. To do this, you need to know special secrets and have numerous specific ingredients, as well as kitchen appliances. There are several basic ways how Peking duck is prepared. The recipe could be hanging a bird over a fire, which is bred from the branches of fruit trees. Then the meat acquires a shiny, beautiful crust of a reddish hue, a delicate texture and a fruity aroma.

How can Peking Duck be cooked? The original recipe for home use.

  • duck carcass for 2 - 2.5 kilograms;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • water and pasteurized milk - one incomplete glass each;
  • one and a half glasses of white flour;
  • green onions - a bunch;
  • vegetable oil - a couple of large spoons.

A simplified technology for cooking classic Peking duck in a modern kitchen:

  1. First, prepare the duck, to do this, gut it and pour boiling water over it. Dry the bird with a paper towel and rub thoroughly with salt. Then put the duck on a glass or a jar and put it in the refrigerator for half a day, while placing a wide bowl under it, since the juice will drain from the meat.
  2. Seal the prepared carcass in foil and place it on the wire rack. Place an oven tray under the bottom and pour 200 milliliters of water into it. Transfer the resulting design to the oven and bake the bird for an hour at 200C.
  3. For sauce, combine ginger, oil, pepper and soy sauce(four large spoons).
  4. Remove the bird from the oven, remove the foil and brush the carcass with the prepared sauce. Then wrap the limbs of the duck with foil and place it in the oven for another half an hour already at 250C.
  5. Make another sauce with honey and soy sauce. Take the duck out of the oven and brush it with this sauce. Peking duck is ready!
  6. You just need to bake pancakes and decorate the dish correctly.


Peking Duck


  • hoi sin sauce
  • cucumbers - 1 pc. big size
  • green onions - 2 large bunches
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 1 cup
  • milk - 2/3 cup
  • duck - 2.5-3 kg
  • sherry or rice wine - 1/4 cup
  • sea ​​salt
  • honey - 4 tbsp. l.
  • sesame oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • soy sauce - 5 tbsp. l.
  • ginger powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • freshly ground black pepper - 1 tbsp. l.
  • water - 1 cup


Frozen duck must be thawed. It's better to do it gradually. Take it out first freezer and keep in the refrigerator at a temperature of +3 for a day. +4°C. Then for another 10-12 hours leave it to thaw at room temperature. When the duck is completely thawed, cut off the upper phalanges of the wings with a knife or scissors for poultry.

Remove all excess fat from the duck - it is most of all in the neck and tail area. The fat that is under the skin correct processing will melt and run out while baking in the oven.

You need to cook the duck starting a day before it is served on the table. Boil the kettle, hang the duck by the neck (preferably on a hook, but you can just hold it vertically) and pour over it boiling water so that the skin of the duck turns white.

Let the water drain and pat the duck dry with a paper towel. Take dry sherry or Chinese rice wine and rub it on the inside and outside of the duck. Leave it to lie down for 5-10 minutes.

Take a big one sea ​​salt and rub the duck with it - inside and out. After that, the duck should be placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours, without closing anything. It is best if it is in a vertical position - suspended or mounted on a bottle. Blood will flow from the duck, so you need to put a plate under it.

After 12 hours, take the duck out of the refrigerator and brush the outside with honey. Honey should be spread over the surface in a thin even layer. Put it back in the fridge (again, preferably upright) - let it dry for another 12 hours.

Preheat oven to 190°C. Place the duck, breast side up, on a rack with a baking sheet underneath. Pour a glass of cold water into a baking sheet and cover the duck with foil so that the entire structure is tightly closed along with the baking sheet. Place it in the preheated oven for 1 hour.

Mix the ginger with sesame oil, pepper and soy sauce until you get a thick paste. Remove the duck from the oven, remove the foil and remove the baking sheet with the liquid, brush the duck evenly with the resulting mass with a brush. Raise the oven temperature to 260°C. Place the duck on the wire rack back into the oven for 25 minutes. Make sure it doesn't burn!

Remove duck from oven and brush with 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce. Turn off the heat and turn on the grill. Place the duck on a rack in the bottom of the oven for 5-10 minutes. until crispy. Remove duck from oven, let cool. Carefully cut all the meat from the bones and cut it in small pieces so that the crust is on each.

Prepare pancake batter. Mix flour with water and egg so that there are no lumps. While stirring, gradually add milk and vegetable oil. Finely chop the green onion and put it in ready dough. Bake very thin pancakes (it is better to use a non-stick pan to fry without oil).

Chop the green onion. Peel the cucumbers from the skin and seeds, cut into thin long strips and leave on a paper towel to drain excess juice. Take a pancake, grease with a little hoi-sin sauce, put the filling - onion, cucumber and duck on top, roll the pancake.


Peking Duck

Peking Duck - very popular and famous dish Chinese cuisine. Since ancient times, there have been two ways of roasting Peking duck: hanging over a fire and roasting in an oven, with a gradual change in temperature. Modern cooks more often use the second method of roasting Peking duck. The process of preparing the carcass and marinating the bird is lengthy, but the result is worth it. I think that at least once in your life you should definitely try to cook Peking duck! The meat is insanely tasty, soft and tender, and the crust. it is simply indescribable - crispy, sweetish, fragrant, similar to a caramel crust. Not everything turned out 100% for me, but the result conquered all my relatives and guests without exception! I advise! It's fabulously delicious!

The duck preparation process should begin the day before cooking. At the duck, carefully remove all the pads, hairline, rinse well under running water at room temperature. Cut off the upper phalanges of the wings, also cut off excess fat in the tail area.

Next, the duck carcass should be poured with boiling water in a vertical position and hung by a hook above the sink. I placed the duck in the bag, making a hole at the bottom. Leave the duck in this position for 15 minutes.

Then the duck should be wiped with a paper towel and allowed to dry. Now the duck needs to be doused with sherry, even poured inside. Leave for 10-15 minutes.

Also cut off excess fat in the neck area. Put the duck on a jar (I have a 2-liter). Without wiping, rub the carcass well coarse salt. Here in this (not very attractive) form, in an upright position, put a jar of duck in a bowl or on a tray and place in cool place at 12 o'clock. Drain the liquid that will drain into the bowl periodically.

After 12 hours, without removing the duck from the jar, coat it with half of the honey (i.e. 2 tablespoons). And again leave the duck in this position for another 12 hours. After this time, the duck will absorb large quantity honey. Remove the duck from the jar and place it directly on the wire rack, breast side up, and place the wire rack on a baking sheet with water. Cover the baking sheet with the duck completely with foil, tucking the edges of the foil under the baking sheet. Send this whole structure with a duck to an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 70 minutes. While the duck is baking inside, prepare the mixture for a beautiful skin: mix half the soy sauce, sesame oil, ginger and black pepper.

Remove the baking sheet with the duck from the oven (after 70 minutes), remove the foil. Brush the whole duck with the prepared mixture. Remove the baking sheet, leaving the duck only on the grate (the bottom of the oven must be covered with foil, as the fat from the duck will drip and burn). Send the duck (it is better to wrap the edges of the wings and legs with foil) into the oven, setting the temperature to 250-260 degrees for 25 minutes, but you need to make sure that the duck does not burn.

While the duck is roasting, mix in the remaining honey and soy sauce.

Remove the fried duck from the oven, brush it several times with a mixture of honey and soy sauce and place in the oven again for 10 minutes, setting the “Grill” mode (if available). The crust should be a rich bronze color. I don’t have such a regime, I just baked the duck for 10 minutes at a temperature of 250 degrees.


Peking duck - the best poultry recipes

Peking duck is a Chinese dish that has gained popularity among consumers in many parts of the world. The main secret success - an incredible crispy crust, achieved through the implementation of a special technology, a stunning harmonious taste and non-standard serving.

Peking duck - a classic recipe

The classic Peking duck is a difficult recipe, as it requires fulfillment of moments that are not always available for execution at home. But if you still decide to take a chance and cook a delicacy at home, then you definitely need to know about them:

  1. To obtain a characteristic crust, the skin is separated from the pulp by blowing before processing the carcass. In restaurants, the procedure is performed using a compressor or a special pump.
  2. Next, the carcass is hung up and poured over with a liter of boiling water so that the skin stretches.
  3. At the next stage, the bird is pickled step by step, rubbing with sherry or rice vinegar, then salt, honey, and dried for a day.
  4. To implement the next stage, you will need a wood-burning oven in which the carcass will be baked, acquiring an authentic taste.
  5. Peking duck is served in special pancakes, cut into pieces, each of which must contain a skin.
  6. An indispensable addition will be Peking duck sauce Hoisin, fresh cucumbers and green onions.

Peking Duck Marinade - Recipe

The right marinade for Peking duck will allow you to get a delicacy as close as possible to the classic variation. And even if you are not able to provide the necessary specifications By following the step-by-step marinating procedure, you can enjoy the incomparable flavor of Chinese cuisine. The amount is calculated for a carcass weighing 2.5-3.5 kg.

  • sherry or rice vinegar- 50 ml;
  • honey - 150 g;
  • sesame oil - 20 g;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • salt.
  1. The bird is rubbed with sherry, and after 15 minutes with salt, left for 12 hours.
  2. At the next stage, the carcass is smeared with half a portion of honey and dried on a wire rack for another 12 hours.
  3. The remaining components are mixed and the dish is smeared with the mixture for half an hour before the Peking duck is baked.

Peking Duck Pancakes

An invariable addition, which necessarily accompanies Chinese dish, are Peking duck pancakes, the recipe of which is described below. They wrap ruddy slices of poultry, seasoned with Hoisin sauce and adding fresh cucumbers and green onions. The so-called "Mandarin pancakes" are baked in a dry non-stick frying pan without oil.

  1. The flour is brewed with boiling water, mixed with the rest of the ingredients and kneaded.
  2. Divide the lump into 14 servings, make cakes out of them, oil them on one side, close them in pairs and roll them out.
  3. Pancakes are baked until golden brown.

Peking duck in the sleeve

Peking duck in the oven right approach may surprise even those who are used to enjoying a dish from a restaurant prepared by Chinese chefs. Having taken care of the availability of ingredients, you need to try to make the dish soft, tender and with a crust at the same time. You can implement the recipe for this in the sleeve, spending a total of 2 days.

  • duck carcass - 1 pc.;
  • dry sherry or rice vinegar - 50 ml;
  • honey - 150 g;
  • sesame oil - 20 g;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • ground ginger and pepper - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt.
  1. The prepared bird is rubbed with wine, salt, and after 12 hours with honey.
  2. After another 12 hours, the carcass is placed in a sleeve and baked at 200 degrees for 1.5 hours.
  3. Remove the Peking duck from the sleeve onto the wire rack, grease with a mixture of the remaining marinade ingredients and continue to cook for another hour.

Peking duck from breasts

Next, you will learn how to cook Peking duck, using not a whole carcass, but exclusively breasts as a basis. In this way, it will be possible to reduce the marinating time and heat treatment meat up to 3 hours, and as a result, get a treat in all respects not inferior to the original. This option eliminates the need to mess with cutting the finished carcass.

  • breasts - 1.5 kg;
  • rice vinegar - 40 ml;
  • honey - 100 g;
  • sesame oil - 15 g;
  • soy sauce - 70 ml;
  • ginger and pepper - 1 teaspoon each;
  • salt.
  1. The breasts are marinated in salt and vinegar for 1 hour.
  2. The rest of the products are mixed, greased with a mixture of meat and baked on a wire rack for 30 minutes under foil.
  3. Spread the bird again spice mixture and bake until cooked without foil.

Peking duck with oranges

Peking duck at home can be cooked with oranges. This variation of Chinese cuisine differs from the authentic one and is adapted for independent execution in living conditions. A special piquancy and freshness is given by the zest and juice of citrus fruits, which enrich taste palette. It will take 2 days to arrange a treat for 6 people.

  • duck carcass - 2 kg;
  • Orange juice- 200 ml;
  • honey - 100 g;
  • cognac - 40 ml;
  • soy sauce - 70 ml;
  • ground ginger and pepper - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • orange peel.
  1. The carcass is flavored with cognac, salted and left for 12 hours.
  2. Rub the bird honey mixture with zest, stand for another 6-8 hours, after which they are placed in foil and baked in a preheated oven for 1-1.5 hours.
  3. The dish is flavored with a mixture of juice with ginger-pepper mass and soy sauce, transferred to a wire rack and browned.
  4. In about an hour, the Peking duck will be ready.

Peking duck with apples

Peking duck, the recipe for which is described below, will delight fans of roasting duck with apples. Apple stuffing for stuffing will give the right sourness to the meat and fill it with an amazing aroma. Seasonings used in the preparation of a traditional dish will give Chinese flavor. It will take a day to create 6 servings.

  • duck carcass - 2 kg;
  • antonovka - 2-3 pieces;
  • sherry - 50 ml;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • sherry - 40 ml;
  • soy sauce - 70 ml;
  • ginger, cinnamon and pepper mixture - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • salt.
  1. The prepared carcass is salted, rubbed with sherry and left overnight.
  2. The bird is brought to half readiness in a double boiler, after an hour.
  3. Fill with apples, rub with the rest of the mixed ingredients.
  4. Bake on a wire rack in the oven until golden brown.

Peking duck in a slow cooker

Peking duck, a quick recipe for which you will learn below, is not the same that many have tried in a Chinese restaurant, but taste characteristics sure to make you happy. IN this case use duck legs or breasts, since the specifics of the device will not allow you to make a whole carcass. A treat for four will be ready in 10 hours.

  • legs or breasts - 1.5 kg;
  • rice vinegar - 40 ml;
  • honey - 30 g;
  • oil - 40 ml;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • ginger, pepper mixture - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • salt.
  1. Cooking duck in Peking style begins with marinating the meat. Rub the pieces with vinegar and salt, stand for 7 hours.
  2. The duck is browned in oil on the "Frying", add a little water and the remaining spices and cook on the "Stew" for 1.5 hours.
  3. Evaporate moisture on the "Baking" and brown the slices.

It's good that holidays are a frequent occurrence in our lives. And in honor of solemn events, we try to serve something unusual to the table, confirming our culinary abilities. And very often festive dinner decorate poultry dishes. We invite you to learn how to cook Peking duck - a traditional dish Asian cuisine rapidly gaining popularity in Western countries.

What is it, Peking duck?

The recipe for this dish can be safely called ancient. No joke, it has been known since 1330, during the reign of the Chinese Yuan Dynasty, - it was then that Hu Sihui, the imperial physician, published a special method of cooking duck in his professional work " Essential Principles nutrition".

Presumably the homeland of the dish is the Chinese province of Shandong. From there, it came to the tables of the Yuan court in Beijing, the capital of China, earned great popularity and eventually became known outside the country under this name.

Before serving, the Peking duck is cut into pieces.

Peking duck is not just fried duck meat with spices. The peculiarity of cooking the dish is that you will need a lot of time and effort. But all costs will pay off in full.

There are two common ways to cook Peking duck that are traditionally used by modern cooks.

  1. The duck is hung over the hearth and fried in this state on fire. Firewood must be from fruit trees, more often - pear, date or peach. The skin in the process of frying acquires a reddish color and shine, becoming covered with a crispy crust. The meat is saturated with fruity aroma, becomes tender and soft.
  2. The duck is roasted in a closed oven, the temperature of which is very high at the beginning of the process. And gradually decreases over time. This method allows you to get a crispy skin and slightly fatty meat with juicy taste without bitterness.

There is another method called "chashao". It involves the presence of a special large fork, which is used to pierce the bird's carcass and hold it over the fire. But professional chefs recognized that the two previous methods are much simpler and more convenient.

It is unlikely that you can cook a real Peking duck at home. traditional recipe requires a special oven and tools, so the recipes we offer are adapted to the average capabilities of housewives. You probably have an oven or a slow cooker, and you can easily scald and dry a bird's carcass in your own kitchen.

Products for cooking

The peculiarity of Asian cuisine is spicy and spicy aroma. This also applies to Peking duck. Many spices are used in its preparation. special sauces. The traditional recipe includes, in addition to duck carcass, the following ingredients:

  • dry sherry or rice wine;
  • salt (required sea!);
  • Sesame oil;
  • ginger root (or dried ginger in the form of a powder);
  • soy sauce;
  • star anise.

Note! If you are against the use of alcohol even for cooking, you can replace sherry or rice wine with rice or wine vinegar.

It is customary to serve Peking duck thin pancakes from a test that needs:

  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 2/3 cup of water and the same amount of milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons of oil.

In addition, Hoi-sin sauce is a must. It is very difficult to make it at home, so try to buy it from a supermarket or specialty store.

Hoi-sin sauce is a must-have ingredient for Peking Duck

But if you are not afraid of experiments, you can try to make such a sauce yourself. For him you will need:

Mix foods and boil them. Better yet, buy ready-made Hoi-sin sauce to make the dish truly traditional.

And to decorate the dish before serving, you will definitely need green onions and fresh cucumbers. It looks like this: the finished duck is cut (Chinese chefs traditionally cut 108 pieces), the meat is placed on pancakes smeared with Hoi-sin sauce. Nearby you need to put a few pieces of cucumber, onion feathers, and roll the pancake into a tube.

Professional Chinese pokara, when cutting Peking duck, cut it into 108 pieces

Step by step recipes

We offer you several simplified recipes. We recommend choosing a Peking duck carcass for cooking: it is not very fat, unlike others, and besides, it has a thin skin. You also need to consider that cooking Peking duck will take you more than a day.

Traditional oven recipe

For this dish you will need:

  • 1 duck carcass of medium size;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 piece of ginger root;
  • 60 ml rice wine (or sherry);
  • 60 ml soy sauce;
  • 1 tablespoon five spice seasoning (“Five spices”);
  • 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • 2 star anise;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Duck carcass, carefully gutted, rinse well and dry with a towel or napkin. Trim excess fat - most of them in the neck and tail. Lay the carcass on a wire rack with a tray.

Prepare the duck carcass and place on the grill

To prepare the marinade, pour water into a saucepan. Cut the ginger root into circles and place in a saucepan along with honey, rice wine, soy sauce, star anise and 5 spices. Boil and cook for no more than 5 minutes so that the aroma of the products does not go away with the steam.

Prepare the marinade

Scald the duck carcass with marinade on each side. At the same time, the skin should tighten slightly and darken.

Scald the carcass with marinade on all sides

Take a clean dry pan. Place a bottle filled with water in it.

Put a bottle of water in a pot

Place the duck vertically on the bottle. Put the resulting design in the refrigerator, where it should spend at least a day. If you don't have a suitable bottle or don't have enough space in the refrigerator, place the carcass on a wire rack so that the air has an even access to all parts of the duck.

Put the duck carcass on the bottle so that it stands upright

The next day, remove the carcass from the refrigerator and leave at room temperature for at least an hour. Turn on the oven in advance: by the time the duck gets into it, the temperature should be 200 degrees.

Rub the duck with salt and carefully place breast side up on a rack with a tray. Send to the oven and wait fully prepared. When the skin is browned, pierce the carcass with a knitting needle: if the juice flowing out is completely transparent, then the dish is ready. It usually takes about an hour and a half to bake. Get the duck out of hell oven, let it rest for 40 minutes, cut the meat into slices and serve to guests as we described above!

One of the traditional ways of serving duck in Peking style is in pancakes or pita bread, with cucumber and green onions.

This recipe is quite simplified, you can easily cope with it. For comparison, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the method of cooking Peking duck in the oven, as close as possible to the traditional one. You will see how difficult it is for Chinese chefs to manipulate poultry carcasses.

A duck weighing about 2.5 kg is rubbed with salt and left at least overnight so that it is well salted. In the morning, the carcass is given a hot bath: it is repeatedly dipped in boiling water or poured from a kettle. Then they are left to dry.

After that, the duck carcass needs to be “purged”. For this, a special pump is usually used, but it can be replaced with a syringe with a thick needle. The skin is pierced and air is forced under it - so the skin will move away from the meat. The processed carcass is rubbed with honey and left to brew for an hour.

A marinade is prepared from soy sauce, sesame oil and honey. They need to coat the duck inside and out. And this is done every half hour for 4 hours, that is, 8 times.

For baking, you can do without a bottle of water. To do this, in the oven you need to make the following design: on a baking sheet in which water is poured, install an oiled grate on which to put the duck. The temperature in the oven should be around 250 degrees. The duck is fried for 40 minutes, after which you need to lower the temperature to 160 degrees and leave for another 60 minutes. After that, the duck is turned over and baked for another 30 minutes.

with apples

For this recipe, you will need the same products as in the previous paragraph, just buy additional apples - Antonovka or Semerenko, these sour varieties are great for duck meat. Well, the cooking method will be slightly different.

Prepare the duck: cut off the paws and wingtips, if any (such complete carcasses cannot be found in stores - only on the private market).

Prepare the duck carcass

Be sure to remove fat from the tail, neck and breast: excess can spoil the dish.

Remove excess fat

Scald the carcass with marinade, as in the first recipe, and dry with a towel. Put on a jar or bottle, spread with honey and leave for at least 3 hours. Honey should be liquid - candied is not suitable!

Put the duck on the bottle and let it dry, smearing it with honey

It's time to determine the duck in the oven. Pre-stuff it with apple slices. Put as much as will fit in the abdomen.

Stuff duck with apple slices

After that, the abdomen must be sewn up so that the duck is soaked from the inside apple juice without loss of moisture. Grease the carcass again with honey. Wrap the tips of the legs and wings in foil.

Sew the belly of the duck, wrap the legs and wings with foil

Cover the whole carcass with a sheet of foil, press firmly so that there are no gaps left. Feel free to send in the oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Cover duck completely with foil.

While your duck is languishing and thinking in the heat, mix 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and 2 tablespoons of honey.

Prepare Peking Duck Sauce

Meanwhile, the duck carcass has already rested enough in the oven. Take it out and brush it all over with the prepared sauce.

Brush half-cooked duck with sauce

Return the duck to the oven, uncovered with foil, this time until fully cooked. In an hour and a half, the skin on the carcass will brown and become crispy.

Look how browned the duck is in the oven!

Now Peking duck with apples can be taken out and butchered. Serve to the table traditional way or as you wish, for example, with boiled potatoes and pickles!

Cut up duck and serve any way you like.

With oranges

We suggest you try duck with oranges. This method of cooking poultry is not very popular with us, but in vain. Orange gives the meat a rich, delicate flavor and is very pleasant taste. Moreover, you already know how to cook Peking duck, and this recipe is not much different from the previous ones.

In addition to the ingredients listed in the classic recipe, you will need:

  • 2 large oranges for filling;
  • 1 large orange (juice) for glaze;
  • juice of 1 orange and 1 lemon for marinade.

Prepare the carcass, as in previous recipes. Dip it in a marinade of lemon and orange juice, honey, rice wine, soy sauce, star anise, salt and 5 spices. Leave for a day in a cold room. Do not forget to turn over from time to time - the duck should be evenly soaked with marinade on all sides.

Take a deep baking dish, grease it with oil and place the duck with the belly up. Stuff with slices of two oranges. Sew up the belly so that the oranges do not escape from the duck when baking. Send the form to the oven for 2.5 hours at a temperature of 190 degrees. When the second hour of cooking goes, you will have to water the carcass every 15 minutes with the juice that has flowed out of it.

Meanwhile, make the glaze: mix the juice of 1 lemon with honey and wine (2 tablespoons each), and cook until the liquid is reduced by half.

Drizzle the finished duck with icing and serve with oranges

When the duck is ready, let it cool slightly, remove the orange slices from the abdomen and pour the glaze over the carcass.

In a slow cooker

It would be foolish not to try to use this miracle of kitchen technology to prepare such a dish. A multicooker will greatly facilitate your work and simplify the cooking process.

A whole duck simply won’t fit in the multicooker bowl, so take half the carcass. In addition, 3 more tablespoons of honey and salt to taste. Instead of marinade, use ready sauce Hoi-sin.

A whole duck carcass will not fit in a slow cooker, so take some part of it

Wash and cut the carcass, wipe each piece with salt and refrigerate for 3 hours. When the time has passed, take it out and brush with honey. The carcass should spend 1 hour in this state at room temperature.

It's time for Hoi-sin sauce. Dip each piece well in it. And for another 2 hours, leave the meat alone.

Now put the pieces in the multicooker bowl, pour in just enough water so that it does not reach the top layer of meat by a third. 3 tablespoons of sesame oil and soy sauce for taste and aroma, and you can turn on the “Stew” mode for 2 hours.

That's all, now the duck can be served on the table.

Video: Cooking Peking Duck

That's the whole secret of juicy and spicy Peking duck. Perhaps we have not reached the level of skill of Chinese chefs, but we have come much closer to the mysteries of Asian cuisine. Tell us in the comments if you have ever cooked this dish, what difficulties did you encounter? We hope you and your friends will like Peking Duck. Bon appetit!

Peking duck recipe at home for cooking in the oven is simple. Peking duck baked with spiced orange orange marinade with ginger, honey and soy sauce, it turns out fragrant, very tasty and festive.

Housewives like to cook duck and poultry stuffed or simply baked in the oven. The classic Peking duck recipe has several differences from the usual traditional baked duck. whole duck, the essence of the recipe is in the marinade, which is rubbed (Bei Jin Hao) Peking duck.

A real Chinese Peking duck recipe cannot be reproduced at home. To prepare a classic Peking duck, you need to have a special oven at home and Chinese Hoisin sauce, and the dish is prepared in original recipe two days.

visit Chinese restaurant and enjoy delicious duck in Peking style, not everyone has the opportunity, just like ordering Peking duck at home in a restaurant. By- home recipe Peking duck cooks faster than Chinese duck. In Beijing, the dish is considered one of the most popular dishes national Chinese cuisine.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. If possible, to prepare a real dish at home according to Chinese recipe, it is better to buy a duck of Peking breed. domestic duck too oily, has a thick skin. In order for the finished duck to turn out to be a real Peking duck with a crispy crust after baking in the oven, you need to choose a young bird with a small fat layer and a thin skin.

We offer you to taste the Peking duck at home and use the Peking duck recipe “adapted” to our conditions and bake the dish in conventional oven, we will marinate the duck in honey with orange zest.

Traditional roasted duck recipe with crispy crust and tender juicy meat complex and has a long history.

The history of the dish

The history of the appearance of the world-famous Peking duck recipe goes back to 1330, during the reign of the Yuan Dynasty. The recipe was first published by Emperor Hu Sihui's personal nutritionist in his book on delicious and healthy food- "The most important principles of human nutrition."

According to historical data, the recipe comes from the eastern Chinese province of Shandong. After the publication of the recipe, the dish became popular in the Yuan imperial court in Beijing, hence the name of the dish.

The Chinese consider Peking duck a national treasure, tourists who come to the Middle Kingdom, as a rule, want to do two things: taste delicious legendary dish- the most delicious baked duck (shaoyazi), prepared in a special way - and look at the Great Wall of China.

A few centuries ago, the traditional Peking duck was considered a delicacy in China, accessible only to the emperor, aristocrats and tourists. Peking duck glorified China to the whole world, went down in history as one of the favorite dishes of US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, US President Nixon.

Many world-famous politicians have appreciated the taste of juicy duck with tender meat covered with crispy golden crust which has become a classic of Chinese cuisine.

In 1864, the first restaurant was opened in Beijing, the main specialization of the institution was the preparation of Peking duck according to the classic recipe.

How to cook delicious Peking duck at home: rules

In cooking, there are several recipes and ways to cook delicious baked duck in the Peking oven. Peking duck has characteristic cooking features that are distinct from the classic roasting of poultry in the oven.

Duck before baking at home must be properly prepared so that the fried bird turns out to be the most delicious, juicy and soft, the taste is no worse than in a Chinese restaurant:

  1. Frozen poultry must be completely thawed and gutted before cooking.
  2. It is advisable to scald the gutted duck with boiling water. To do this, the cleaned bird should be put in a colander and scalded with boiling water from all sides. Scalding with boiling water will steam the skin of the bird, making it susceptible to pickling with spices.
  3. The prepared duck must be marinated for at least 12 hours (it is more convenient to marinate overnight). In China, they marinate for at least a day.
  4. Peking duck marinade is prepared on the basis of honey, with ingredients from spices, soy sauce, orange juice. Marinade for Peking duck should consist of sweet and sour components; spicy additives such as garlic and suneli hops are not suitable for marinating Peking poultry before frying.
  5. To cook the most delicious and juicy meat, the bird must be properly placed in the oven. Before the Peking duck is roasted in the oven, a deep baking sheet is placed under the grate to drain the duck fat. The baking sheet is placed in the oven and filled hot water. This simple subtlety helps to make the meat juicy when cooked, makes it easier to remove fat from the pan after cooking a whole bird.
  6. In the foil, the duck in the oven is baked evenly, the foil protects the skin of the duck from burning, as a result of the protection, the meat turns out to be baked, the skin turns into a beautiful shiny fried crust without any signs of charring.

In China, Chinese restaurants, Peking duck is served with Hoisin sauce. It is Hoisin - a sauce with a spicy sweetish taste - that serves as a seasoning for many dishes in Chinese cuisine, Hoisin is classic sauce for Peking duck. Hoisin is often used by Chinese cooks as a marinade, as a sauce and as a glaze for meat, especially for duck.

How to cook duck so that it is soft and juicy in the oven? Peking duck is appreciated by gourmets around the world, a masterpiece of Chinese cuisine is ordered in restaurants at home, connoisseurs tasty food go to a Chinese restaurant in their area of ​​residence to taste a delicious culinary miracle.

It is quite possible to deliciously make a Peking duck in your home kitchen with your own hands, to the taste of meat and with shiny crust slightly different from the branded Chinese original.

Peking Duck with Hoisin Sauce

Hoi-sin sauce is an essential ingredient for Peking duck, the sauce is a must if you want to cook a truly traditional duck at home, baked in the oven with a shiny caramel crust. Hoisin is difficult to buy in the store, but if you try, Hoisin sauce can be prepared at home using Chinese seasoning five spices.


  • whole duck carcass - 2 kg;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • liquid honey - 80 ml;
  • sesame oil - 40 ml;
  • wine vinegar 6% - 1 tsp;
  • garlic powder - 5 g;
  • Chinese seasoning 5 spices, consisting of five ingredients: dill, star anise, cinnamon, cloves, Ural licorice;
  • ground chili pepper - 5 g;
  • salt.


  1. We rub the prepared washed carcass with salt, place it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. In the morning, pour boiling water over the bird, dry it with a kitchen towel.
  3. With an ordinary medical syringe, we pierce the duck skin in several places and release air from the syringe under the skin.
  4. We take 2-3 tablespoons of honey and coat the carcass with honey on all sides.
  5. We remove the bird in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
  6. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey, the same amount of sesame oil with two tablespoons of soy sauce. Lubricate the duck with the marinade and return to the refrigerator while the oven heats up.
  7. Preheat the oven to 240 ° C, place a baking sheet with water on the bottom of the oven. We put a grate greased with oil on top. Lay the duck on the grill with its back down.
  8. After 40 minutes of roasting the duck, lower the temperature in the oven to 160 ° C.
  9. After 30 minutes, turn the bird over and continue cooking for another 60 minutes.
  10. A mixture of five Chinese spices combine with pepper and garlic powder.
  11. Mix loose spices with a tablespoon of sesame oil, wine vinegar and three tablespoons of soy sauce. Stir and get Hoisin sauce.

Serve the duck with homemade Hoisin sauce. Traditionally, the dish is complemented with pancakes with green onions and fresh cucumbers, cut into strips, for lovers hot snacks either can be submitted separately.

Duck in the Peking oven: a recipe with oranges

An adapted simple recipe for cooking at home - Peking duck with orange, in the composition of the ingredients simple recipe includes orange juice, orange peel, honey, duck itself, ginger and cognac.


  • whole duck carcass - 1.5-2 kg;
  • honey - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • soy sauce - 3 tablespoons;
  • zest of one orange;
  • cognac - 2 tablespoons;
  • orange juice - 1 tbsp;
  • ground ginger- 0.5 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • salt.


  1. Rinse the treated duck well, dry paper towels, cut off the tips of the wings.
  2. Rub salt on top and inside, pour cognac.
  3. Place the duck in the refrigerator in a saucepan or large bowl overnight.
  4. Then we take it out, coat it with a mixture of honey and orange peel and again clean in a cool place for 3-4 hours.
  5. We put the duck on a sheet of foil and wrap it, transfer it to a baking sheet.
  6. We put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for about 1.5 hours (drain excess fat during frying into a separate container).
  7. We combine orange juice, ginger, pepper, soy sauce in a cup and add a little duck fat (2-3 tablespoons). Mix everything or beat in a blender.
  8. We take out the duck, remove the foil (we close only the edges of the legs and wings with it so that they do not burn), pour the whole duck, including the abdomen, with the prepared marinade, and again in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 220-240 ° C, until reddened.
  9. We check the readiness as follows: we stick it in the most meaty place (for example, in the thigh) sharp knife if the juice flows out transparent without blood, then the bird is ready.
  10. We cut the finished Peking duck into slices and serve on a platter with savory pancakes from rice or wheat flour, .

Separately, to the finished Peking duck, cut into pieces, we serve a bowl with sweet sauce (for example, a mixture of soy and honey), fresh cucumbers, cut into strips, onions.

Before eating Peking duck, pieces of duck meat with skin, cucumbers and onions are placed in or thin lavash, smeared with sauce, and then rolled up.

Recipe for tangerine pancakes

Following the rules of Chinese cuisine, traditional dish to serve poultry to the table are Peking duck pancakes. The recipe for thin mandarin pancakes (flat cakes) is simple, and while the duck is cooking in the oven, you can bake pancakes for it without wasting time.


  • flour - 2 cups;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • sesame oil - 80 ml;
  • salt.


  1. From warm water, sifted flour and butter knead soft dough. Rolling the pancake dough cling film and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.
  2. Then we divide the dough ready for baking pancakes into small lumps.
  3. Roll out each piece of dough into a thin cake.
  4. We heat the pan and bake each cake alternately in a dry pan on both sides.

In the cooled Chinese pancakes we wrap the Peking duck with a varnished crust, cut into thin portioned pieces, add fresh cucumber, leek to the cake, serve it to the table and enjoy the taste of a real dish.

How to prepare and eat a dish in China

Peking roast duck is a famous dish far beyond China and in Beijing itself. Peking duck is traditionally prepared in two ways:

  1. They are hung and roasted over an open fire.
  2. The bird is roasted in a closed oven.

With the first cooking method, the skin of the baked duck turns out to be crispy, reddish and shiny, the meat is tender, juicy.

In the second method, the duck has a crispy crust, the meat is fatty, but very tasty and soft. Despite various ways frying, the taste of the finished duck is special, it is impossible to forget.

Roast duck in Peking style is popular for two reasons - a special method of preparation and the original cutting of the carcass and serving. The cook cuts over 100 pieces of one roast duck thin slices meat with skin. Thin duck skin is crispy and very tasty, duck wrapped in a pancake becomes even tastier.

Peking duck is usually eaten wrapped in a pancake tube, in fact the dish is rice or stuffed. TO delicious pancakes meat soup is served with duck from duck parts left after butchering the bird.

We hope that now each of your festive table will be decorated with Peking duck, cooked according to a homemade recipe or traditional in the oven.

Duck is one of the most popular dishes not only during the hunting season. Duck recipes are perfect for anyone holiday table. And, of course, traditionally new year holiday do not do without the duck baked in the oven. On New Year instead of the Christmas goose, many people cook duck in the oven.

  • how to cook duck

Duck is especially good when cooked in a baked form or in a stew. If you want to know how to cook a duck simply and quickly, choose a recipe for baking. Duck baked in the oven- the most successful and simple version of its preparation. Take note that a whole duck baked in the oven looks much more attractive and festive.

  • stuffed duck

Duck baked in the oven can be stuffed, which is very tasty! Stuffed duck is two in one: both a side dish and meat! Most often, baked duck is stuffed with the following products: porridge, cabbage, dried fruits, quince, apples or oranges, they can be used as an addition to meat. Fragrant duck with a golden crust lying on a dish with a side dish - what could be tastier?

  • how to prepare duck for roasting

Duck baked in the oven needs preliminary preparation to cooking. The duck carcass should be well washed, dried, with feathers completely plucked. Cut a fat over the tail of the duck, you can cut off the tail altogether. Duck meat has a specific taste, so it can be marinated before cooking. For the marinade, lemon juice, wine, vinegar with spices and spices are used.

The best recipes for cooking duck baked in the oven

Duck baked with apples

The recipe for this duck in the oven will allow you to evaluate classic taste duck meat, which will be given a special piquancy by the sour apples used in the preparation of the duck. This recipe for cooking duck in the oven is quite simple and affordable for young housewives.

Ingredients for Roasted Duck with Apples:

  • duck - about 2 kg
  • apples - 0.5 kg
  • lemon - 1 piece
  • spices: ginger, cinnamon, black pepper

The process of cooking duck baked in the oven with apples:

  • duck carcass preparation

As always, it’s worth starting with the preparation of the duck carcass. If the duck was frozen, then it must first be thawed, it is advisable to do this gradually - first it is placed in the refrigerator, then the defrosting process continues at room temperature. Chilled duck does not require such manipulations. If the duck is not plucked well enough and hairs remain on the carcass, they must be removed. To do this, the carcass can be singed over the included fire. gas stove, feathers and hairs will quickly burn. The remaining "stumps" can be easily removed, for this the carcass must be rolled in flour, and then wiped with a damp towel. Next, the duck should be thoroughly washed with water.

  • preparing duck rub mixture

The mixture for rubbing the duck carcass is prepared in a separate bowl, salt and spices are poured there, all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The duck is evenly rubbed with the homogeneous mixture prepared in this way.

  • cooking duck mince

Then proceed to the preparation of the filling. Apples are washed, peeled, pitted and cut into slices or cubes. Next, you need to squeeze the juice of one lemon and sprinkle chopped apples with it so that they do not darken. Apples are sprinkled with salt and cinnamon, other spices can be added if desired - the filling for the duck is ready.

  • roast duck stuffing

The duck is stuffed with the stuffing prepared from apples. It is not necessary to be zealous and tightly stuff the carcass with apples, as there is a risk that during baking in the oven, the skin of the bird can stretch and burst. After the stuffing is completed, the duck carcass must be sewn up; for this, coarse threads and “over the edge” stitches are used. Using toothpicks is an easier and less time consuming alternative to stitching. On both sides of the duck, small cuts are made and duck wings are tucked into the resulting pockets. This is done so that during the baking process the duck retains its shape and does not turn out to be dry and wrinkled.

  • roast duck with apples in the oven

The stuffed duck is placed on the pan with its back down and paws up. The pan is placed in a preheated oven. Every 30 minutes it is recommended to open the oven and water the duck with gradually melting fat. Typically, the baking process stretches for one and a half to two hours. It is very easy to determine if the duck is ready - you need to pierce the carcass with a knife in the thickest place. If the juice that stands out at the same time is without blood, then this means that the duck is ready and it's time to turn off the oven.

  • how to serve duck baked in the oven with apples

Before serving the duck on the table, the threads or toothpicks are removed. Duck with apples is usually served hot. The apples stuffed with the duck are laid out on plates as a side dish. The duck itself can be effectively butchered in the presence of guests, and everyone present can put tidbits on a plate.

Duck baked in a sleeve with apples

  • duck - two kilograms
  • apple -1 pc
  • prunes - 100 grams
  • potatoes - two pieces
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • honey - to taste
  • lemon juice - to taste
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil - for lubrication

To prepare a duck in a sleeve baked in the oven with apples, it is necessary to wash the duck carcass and dry it. Next, grease the duck carcass with honey, rub with garlic, salt inside and out, pepper, sprinkle lemon juice and leave to marinate overnight.

After that, wash the apple, dry it and cut into small slices. Push the prunes and apple slices into the belly of the duck and sew up with a thread. Wash potatoes, peel, cut into small pieces, salt and pepper.

After that put stuffed duck into the sleeve, overlay with potato slices, fasten the sleeve on both sides and transfer to a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Bake the duck in the sleeve in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 2-2.5 hours.

Almost at the end of the readiness of the duck, open the top of the sleeve and leave the duck to brown well in a hot oven.

Peking duck in the oven

  • duck carcass - 1.5-2 kg;
  • honey - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • soy sauce - 3 tablespoons;
  • zest of one orange;
  • cognac - 2 tablespoons;
  • orange juice - 1 tbsp;
  • ground ginger - 0.5 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • salt.

We wash the processed duck well, dry it with paper towels, cut off the tips of the wings. Rub salt on top and inside, pour cognac. Place the duck in the refrigerator in a saucepan or large bowl overnight.

Then we take it out, coat it with a mixture of honey and orange zest and again put it in a cool place for 3-4 hours.

We put the duck on a sheet of foil and wrap it, transfer it to a baking sheet. We put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for about 1.5 hours (drain excess fat during frying into a separate container).

We combine orange juice, ginger, pepper, soy sauce in a cup and add a little duck fat (2-3 tablespoons). Mix everything or beat in a blender.

We take out the duck, remove the foil (we cover only the edges of the legs and wings with it so that they do not burn), pour the whole duck, including the abdomen, with the prepared marinade, and again in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 220-240 ° C, until it is reddened. We check the readiness as follows: we stick a sharp knife into the meaty place (for example, into the thigh), if the juice has flowed out transparent without blood, then the bird is ready.

We cut the finished Peking duck into slices and serve on a dish with unsweetened pancakes made from rice or wheat flour, thin Armenian lavash.

Separately, we put on the table a bowl with sweet sauce (for example, a mixture of soy and honey), fresh cucumbers, cut into strips, onions.

Before eating Peking duck, pieces of duck meat, cucumbers and onions are placed in a pancake or pita bread, smeared with sauce, and then rolled up.

Duck with apples in the oven

  • 1 duck of medium size;
  • 8-10 apples;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of flour;
  • 1 teaspoon crushed cumin;
  • 8-10 olives;
  • 1 sprig of parsley;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.
  • 1 st. a spoonful of flour;
  • 0.5 cup meat broth;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of fat

Wash and dry the prepared duck carcass. Grate inside and out with cumin and salt, stuff with small, seeded apples, then sew up the duck with threads. Then coat with sour cream and place on a greased baking sheet with the back down. Place the baking sheet in a very hot oven and roast the duck until it is browned. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and fry the duck until tender, pouring over the secreted juice. When the duck is almost ready, put the rest of the apples on a baking sheet and bake.

Remove the finished duck from the oven, free from threads and apples, lay on a dish with the belly down, pour over the sauce. Lay the apples with which the duck was stuffed around, lightly crush them with a spoon and arrange separately baked apples on them. Insert olives into the cutouts of large apples and decorate with herbs.

Prepare the sauce: pour the juice released from the duck into the flour browning, add 0.5 cups of broth, bring to a boil and strain.

Duck baked in the oven with apples

  • 1 piece duck
  • 8-10 medium sized apples
  • pepper,
  • Bay leaf,
  • cinnamon,
  • lemon juice (1/2 tsp)
  • nutmeg,
  • salt - to taste

Rinse the duck, clean from the remnants of the feather, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice. Inside the duck put 3-4 apples (how many will go in), spices. Put in hot oven(220 gr C). Drizzle duck with fat from frying. Cook 1 hour. Reduce the heat in the oven to 160 degrees C, put the rest of the apples in a bowl. Fry another 20 min. Serve hot. Apples can be baked separately and decorate them with a dish for the festive table.

Duck baked in foil

  • duck - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • or butter - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • salt to taste

A simple recipe for cooking duck in the oven. Wash the duck, dry it with a napkin and rub the inside with salt and pepper, grease the outside with oil. Tie the shins together with a thread, wrap the bird's carcass in foil (3-4 layers) and place in a cold place. Bake the duck in foil in coals, leaving a hole in the foil for steam to escape. Serve duck baked in foil with raw vegetable salad.

Duck baked in the oven

Duck baked according to this recipe is tasty, tender and fragrant, so how to cook a duck.

  • duck,
  • mayonnaise,
  • two onions, one small head of garlic,
  • water, lime juice,
  • ground black pepper, red ground pepper, paprika, salt.

Wash and dry the duck known way. Then rub the duck with mayonnaise and a mixture of spices. Peel and chop the onion. Garlic is also peeled and chopped. Stir in the prepared onion and garlic.

Prepare a duck roaster. Lubricate it with vegetable oil. Fill the duck with a mixture of garlic and onions, pour over lime juice. Poke the hole with toothpicks.

Onion and garlic in a small amount put on the duck outside. Put the bird in the form. Pour a glass or half a glass of water so that the bird does not burn. To avoid burning the duck, the wings and ends of the legs can be wrapped in foil.

Bake the duck in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Approximate time baking one and a half or two hours.

Duck in the oven with oranges

For some reason, almost everyone tried the duck with apples, and only a few with oranges. And this dish is more tasty and refined. Subtle flavor And sweet and sour taste oranges are very harmoniously combined with duck meat. We encourage you to check it out for yourself. Such a duck is often called Christmas duck, but it can also be cooked for other holidays or on a day off.


  • carcass of a young duck - 2.0-2.5 kg,
  • 2-3 green celery stalks
  • 1-2 oranges.

For glaze - 1 orange (juice), 2 tables each. lies. sweet wine (preferably dessert) and honey.
Marinade: 1 orange (juice), 1 lemon (juice), 1 tablespoon each. salt and vegetable oil, ½ table. lies. black pepper and provencal herbs, 1 tsp. dried sage (optional but recommended)

How to cook duck with oranges

Cut off excess fat and skin from the carcass in the neck and tail area, Remove the extreme joint at the wing.

Dip a cleanly washed carcass without giblets into the marinade (squeeze juice from lemon and orange, and mix the rest of the ingredients). Leave the bird overnight or for a day to marinate in the cold, periodically turning over so that it is soaked from all sides.

The form where it is planned to bake the duck (preferably with high sides so that the juice from the carcass does not spread), grease with oil and lay the bird on its back. Cut the orange into slices and place in the inside of the duck along with green celery stalks. If celery is not available, replace it with apples or carrots. Vegetables and fruits placed inside the duck not only make it juicy, but also saturate it with additional flavors. Bake for 2-2.5 hours (190C). In the second hour of baking, the duck must be watered with juice flowing from the carcass every fifteen to twenty minutes.

For the glaze, squeeze the juice from the orange, add wine and honey and cook until the mass doubles. It should become thick, like syrup. Let the finished duck cool slightly, about fifteen minutes, remove the celery, remove the oranges and spread around the carcass and pour over it with glaze sauce.


Of course, if the cats in your house cannot wait long while you cook the roast duck for the right recipe, - then you can just bake a duck for them and give them apples and tangerines in addition to in kind, to speed up the process.

Sharpening ceramic and metal kitchen knives - cooking poultry quickly and without problems for kitchen knives - where the shot is, there is sharpening

It is not a fact that by shooting a duck or a goose the hunter will be able to blame the rest of the process on his wife, who, in theory, should cook all this for you. Many cook themselves. But even those whose wife is her own chef for a long time hunting can be brought to help in the kitchen, and even There is no escape from sharpening kitchen knives.

When preparing slaughtered poultry, kitchen knives run the risk of getting into serious binding many times. The fact is that when cooking game, the hostess will easily want to not only cut off the legs of ducks or cut the whole carcass, but even after cooking, cut it or cut it for Peking duck. And what will happen if the owner hit heaps and small fractions - the knife cannot escape the meeting with lead, and look at that with fashionable European tungsten shot, God forbid.

Given the fact that the knowledge of the duck anatomy, the hostess, as a rule, does not suffer, then the cut will certainly have to be on the bones, and if it is a goose, in which now there is solid reinforcement, and not meat (autumn - “it goes on oxygen, at full throttle, without stopping”, therefore the goose is thin like a greyhound dog), then bad knives - like a skiff, and good ones, even if they become unusable, it's a pity ... At least - sharpening will be inevitable.

And one more thing - if the hostess was warned that they don’t cut bones with ceramic knives, like Damascus ones, but she, nevertheless ... then, if the husband is harsh and in love with knives more than you ... until the husband notices, it’s better to sharpen accidentally chipped knives by yourself. And then they also blame him - that since he does not sharpen, then you do it yourself ...

Well, in general, if the husband himself is too lazy to constantly sharpen knives, or he simply doesn’t know how to do it, and if he doesn’t exist at all ... In any case, even without any special knowledge and skills, you can handle it with sharpening knives yourself, easy and simple - if you have a portable semi-automatic Nakatomi sharpener with diamond stones. Electric diamond sharpener Nakatomi NEC-2000 is the most convenient device for sharpening ceramic and steel knives at home.

So your Peking duck will be cut perfectly evenly(which is important both for a tender and well-cooked duck, and for one that will have to be torn with teeth like a fighting dog) - if after cooking the duck you cut it with perfectly sharpened knives, so as not to spoil so much work by chopping with dull knives.
