
Ripe watermelon. How to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon: signs of maturity

We all love to eat delicious and juicy striped berries that can saturate, relieve thirst, improve well-being.

But not everyone is aware of how to choose a watermelon, and meanwhile, this procedure has its own characteristics, which we will analyze in this article. After all, having bought a beautiful, ripe-looking fruit, cutting it, you will feel considerable disappointment due to unripe or tasteless pulp.

But this is not so bad, but if the watermelon is also of poor quality, health problems will not keep you waiting long. To avoid this, pay due attention to his choice.

Now more than 1000 varieties of watermelons are known, each of which is unique in its own way. They differ in appearance, size, color and are conditionally divided into 3 varieties. The most popular and common watermelon is ordinary. How to choose and store it, we will consider.

To buy a ripe, juicy and tasty watermelon, you should know thoroughly what to look for when choosing. Otherwise, you risk wasting money by buying a beautiful, but not delicious watermelon.

When to buy watermelon: ripening season

On the shelves of supermarkets you can see large, beautiful watermelons in the middle of summer. But most likely they are grown with the help of special additives that are harmful to the body.

Remember, the natural ripening season for watermelons is in late August - early September.

During this period, they should be bought, and not strive to acquire early watermelon"stuffed" with nitrates.

Where to buy watermelon

Buy watermelons in outlets that have permission to sell melons. When making a purchase, make sure that the fruits are on the decks. The height of the flooring above the floor is at least 15 centimeters. They protect watermelons from dust, dirt and bacteria that can penetrate fruits lying on the ground or asphalt, because for bacteria the flesh of the berry is an excellent breeding ground.

It is strictly forbidden to buy watermelons on the side of the road. They are good at absorbing dust and other harmful substances. You run the risk of buying an excellent-looking watermelon that has a quality certificate, but contains substances hazardous to health.

Certificate for watermelons

Watermelons must have a quality certificate. When choosing a watermelon, ask the seller to present documents for the goods. The certificate must indicate the percentage of harmful substances, mineral fertilizers in the watermelon.

If not the original, but a photocopy of the document was presented, make sure that there is a seal on it, pay attention to its color - the seal must be in color. If it is black, it is possible that the certificate is fake, which means that the quality of watermelons is in question and you should not buy them.

no watermelon damage

When choosing a watermelon, make sure that it is intact, that there are no damages or cracks. Bacteria dangerous to health penetrate through the damage to the berry.

Cut watermelon should also not be bought for the same reason.

Attention! The sale of cut watermelons is prohibited by law.

watermelon size

There is an opinion that the ripeness of a watermelon is related to its size. But this is fundamentally wrong, because you can buy a large, but tasteless watermelon.

Choose a medium sized watermelon. By following this rule, you will definitely be satisfied with the purchase. After all, it is better to buy tasty and juicy fruit medium-sized than a mediocre-tasting giant.

Watermelon rind and degree of banding

One of the indicators of a ripe watermelon is a shiny, hard rind. When choosing a fruit, we press a little on it with a fingernail, if the peel is not pierced, the watermelon is good. In a ripe watermelon, moisture ceases to flow and the peel hardens.

A watermelon with clear, numerous stripes will also be ripe.

And one more secret - rub the peel, sniffing it. If the smell is grassy, ​​the watermelon is not yet fully ripe.

Yellow side and dry watermelon tail

A watermelon that has ripened in the field lies on one side. There will definitely be a bright spot on it. If the berry is fully ripe, the spot will be yellow and saturated. A light spot also appears after the watermelon tail dries up.

A dry tail of a watermelon, another indicator of its ripeness. But we take into account that it also happens in unripe, but long-harved watermelons from melons. Pay attention to a dry tail only in combination with all other signs.

The bottom of the watermelon and its sound

Watermelon is a bisexual berry. The bottom of the "female" variety is flat, with a wide circle, while the "male" variety has a convex bottom. When choosing a watermelon, pay attention to its "gender". "Female" variety, the most delicious.

Lightly tap on the watermelon you like. A ringing sound indicates that the watermelon is ripe. If the sound is muffled, put the watermelon aside and look for another fruit.

Another effective way- try to squeeze the watermelon with your hands, putting your ear to it. If the berry is ripe, the peel should crackle slightly and bend. If this does not happen, the fruit is not ripe.

By following these simple rules, you can choose a ripe, juicy, tasty watermelon, which will be a pleasure to feast on.

A brief algorithm of actions when choosing a watermelon

  1. Buy watermelon during its ripening season, which is at the end of August - the beginning of September. Buying early berries is not recommended.
  2. Make a purchase at a specialized outlet. Never buy watermelons on the side of the road, they can cause serious health problems.
  3. Check the certificate for watermelons, if it is missing, or its authenticity is in doubt, buy a watermelon elsewhere.
  4. Carefully check the watermelon you like for damage, evaluate the size, hardness of the peel, the degree of striping, the presence of a yellow side and a dry tail. Look at the bottom of the fruit. Tap on the fetus.

If you have not noticed any damage, the documents are in order, and the trading place is properly equipped, feel free to make a purchase.

Some useful rules for storing watermelons

Great taste depends not only on knowing how to choose ripe watermelon but also on the conditions of its subsequent storage. After all, not everyone immediately eats it, many intend to keep the watermelon and enjoy it in the winter, on New Year's holidays.

When storing watermelon, follow these guidelines:

  1. Choose a medium-sized fruit with a spot on the side for storage.
  2. Cut watermelon is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator.
  3. The best place to store watermelon is a dark cellar. Temperature - no more than +5 degrees. Taking the net, put a watermelon in it and hang it so that it does not touch anything.

Watermelon is a tasty, healthy berry. If you choose it correctly, following the recommendations and tips listed above, you will fully enjoy its taste and be sure that it will not harm your health.

Summer is loved for vacations and vacations, warm sea and family picnics, and of course, for watermelons. Juicy, sugary, sweet giant perfectly quenches thirst and hunger, and simply cheers up. Ripe watermelon is rich in vitamins C and PP, fiber and healthy carbohydrates. But everyone has heard about unpleasant cases of poisoning with these berries, so you need to be more attentive and careful than ever when choosing this delicacy. How to choose the right watermelon? What you need to pay attention to, how not to fall for the tricks of sellers, what should be useful minke whale? You will find answers to these and more questions in this article.

Of course, the fruits grown in our greenhouses and other countries flaunt on store shelves at any time of the year. But first of all, you need to understand that you will not find a ripe watermelon in May or June. And this is perhaps the main rule: do not rush to buy summer berries, because the time for their ripening falls at least at the end of July.

In order to quickly sell their fruits, unscrupulous agronomists enhance the growth of berries with the help of chemicals, using them a week before ripening. But the fact is that the last treatments can be carried out 20-25 days before harvesting, otherwise all the chemicals will get into your body or your children.

Ripeness in appearance

Breeders have bred a wide variety of varieties that differ in the color of the pulp: red, pink, yellow and white. But there is not yet a single variety that would change the color or structure of the peel depending on ripeness. But still there are little secrets when choosing a good watermelon. Thanks to these secrets, you can determine the ripeness in appearance:

  • the pattern on the bark should be clear and uniform (blurry patterns may be a symptom of a viral mosaic);
  • ripe berries have a glossy, hard skin that is difficult to pierce with a fingernail;
  • juice should not stand out from the peel;
  • the berry should not have dents.

Folk experiments have shown that good fruit has large distances between dark stripes on the skin.

Selection of watermelon by size

Choose ripe and sweet watermelon You can pay attention to the size and shape. But first you need to decide how to choose a watermelon without nitrates. First you need to understand what nitrates are. These are salts and esters of nitric acid, which adversely affect human body. They accumulate in plants due to frequent treatments. It is especially dangerous if vegetable growers process fruits just before they are harvested.

How to choose a sweet watermelon and not a nitrate one? Identifying a nitrate berry is very easy. The main signals are perfect shape fetus, too saturated color, huge size.

It is clear that it is not necessary to take an unnaturally large fruit. Most likely, such a plant succumbed to chemical treatment. It is best to choose a medium-sized fruit, about 6 kg. Do not discard the small fruit immediately. In most cases it will be a really unripe fruit, but it is possible that this is the variety.

Does the condition of the stalk affect the taste

The condition of the stalk is another factor that does not hurt to pay attention to when choosing a striped fruit. A ripe watermelon has a dry stalk.

But don't rely on this method alone. After all:

  • sellers know about this technique and deliberately pluck green berries, the stalk of which will dry out after some time;
  • the stem may simply be damaged;
  • in this way you can buy an overripe watermelon.

Choosing a watermelon by weight

In Asian countries, there is a strange method for determining the maturity of this gourd. Ripe fruits are actually lighter than water, and therefore those that float can be considered of high quality. Based on this, you might think that watermelon should be light. But if there was a rainy beginning of summer, then perhaps the selected fruit will be empty inside due to various diseases. The question is often asked: why is watermelon soft? Most likely, this fruit is overripe. Soft watermelon is usually heavy and seems to be delicious, but it will actually go to the trash can.

At the beginning of the watermelon season, choose berries weighing 4-6 kg, and already in the midst - 7-9 kg.

Choice of watermelon by sound

Even in old Soviet films, this method of checking watermelon was often shown. The sound can really say a lot about the insides. sweet berry. But few people know what sound a striped fruit should make after banging or squeezing. If, after knocking on the peel, a booming sound is made, then the fruit is ripe, if it is deaf, it has no place on the table. When squeezed with palms, a good round minke whale will make a characteristic crackle, this will not happen with green.

Secrets of a successful choice

Choosing a watermelon is a delicate matter, for some it can even be a kind of ritual. And for people associated with vegetable growing, choose good watermelon generally a matter of honor.

How to choose a good watermelon and not lose face? The main thing to remember about the following factors:

  • ripe watermelon occurs during the period of its natural ripening - the end of July;
  • the counter must be clean;
  • there should be no cracks, dents, punctures on the peel;
  • the skin should not be matte, but glossy;
  • when ripe, watermelon has a yellow earthy spot, not white;
  • when tapped, a ringing sound should come out;
  • when compressed, a crack should be heard;
  • unripe watermelon of medium size, weighing from 4 to 9 kg;
  • a dry stem does not always signal ripening.

Video "How to choose a ripe and tasty watermelon"

In this video you will hear helpful tips choice of ripe watermelon.

The end of summer is coming soon, which means it's time for delicious and sweet watermelons. By the way, did you know that the fruits of this annual herbaceous plant morphologically considered to be a berry?! In this small instructions I want to tell you how to choose the right ripe watermelon so that it is ripe and sweet. Since childhood, many believe that the ripeness of a watermelon can be determined by the sound, or rather by the knock. The mature sound is more deaf. And if you press it, it will crunch. And if the knock is sonorous, then it has not yet matured.
In fact, there are much more signs of watermelon ripeness. Let's look at them all.

On a ripe watermelon, a dry tail

The tail of a watermelon indicates its maturity: green indicates that the fruit was plucked too early and its taste will no longer be as juicy. Ripe will be the one that has already dried hard tail.

And if you are lucky and you are on melon, then in order to choose a guaranteed ripe watermelon there will be one that has a dry tendril on the stalk. Here he is:

On this basis, professional pickers on melons determine a ripe watermelon when they are loaded into transport.

How to determine maturity by soil stain

While the fruit is growing, it lies on the ground and this part of it has a yellowish color. It's called "Earth Spot". So the most ripe, and therefore very sweet, will be the watermelon, in which the earthen spot will be closer to dark yellow or even orange color. The greener the fruit, the lighter the spot, closer to white. Here is a prime example:

On the right is the “correct” watermelon. But the one on the left was plucked early and he was not ripe, so you should not take him.

We are looking for the right watermelon on the bee web

If you are looking at watermelons in a store when buying, then the so-called " bee cobweb". Here she is:

These are small brown spots, somewhat reminiscent of a web. They tell us that during pollination, the bees often touched the ovary of the fruit, that is, pollination was very intensive, which means the fruit will be sugar!

Boy or girl?

Did you know that watermelons are also distinguished by gender. "Men" are distinguished by a narrower and elongated shape. They have large seeds, and the taste is not very bright, but the flesh itself is very, very juicy. "Girls" are smaller and rounder. They seem to be squashed. They also have a very sweet rich taste and small seeds.

A big watermelon is a ripe watermelon!

Another way to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon is to look for medium-sized specimens weighing between 6 and 10 kilograms. At the same time, a good fruit is always quite heavy for its size.

The largest specimens are also not worth taking. The fact is that even "local" fruits (that is, grown in Russia) weighing more than 15 kilograms are pumped up to the eyeballs with nitrates. Unfortunately, the content of nitrates cannot be determined by eye.

Try to buy watermelons in trusted places. The point of sale must be equipped with a tray for these fruits and covered with an awning. Alternatively, a covered truck. Buying watermelons piled on the ground, and even next to the road, is clearly not worth it.
The most delicious watermelon should also be outwardly beautiful - shiny, not sluggish, without cracks, dents and scratches. The stripes are clear and contrasting. Through damage to the crust, dirt and bacteria enter the fruit and this can not only spoil the taste, but also cause indigestion.
Many sellers offer to cut a piece of watermelon you like for a sample. Doing this is not worth it. As a rule, sellers don’t wash knives and bring unnecessary bacteria inside the fruit, because of which it can quickly disappear.

languishing from summer heat, so you want to quench your thirst with something fresh and tasty. As well as possible, watermelon is suitable for these purposes. large berry beckons with crumbly pulp full of vitamins.

Alas, in Lately there is a tendency to reduce the quality of this product. And also unpleasant surprise may be unripe pulp. How not to bring home a "pig in a poke"? In this article, we will look at all the tricks that answer the most important question for the buyer - how to choose a watermelon. Tips will help you buy the safest, most ripe berry, which will certainly cheer you up, while bringing a lot of benefits.

Benefit and harm

Before you make a purchase, get acquainted with the fetus. The most delicious and ripe pumpkins contain the following substances:

  • vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • trace elements;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin;
  • lycopene;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates.

Low calorie content - 27 kcal per 100 grams of product - allows you to use the fruit in therapeutic diets. Delicious pieces are used in vegetarian cuisine. Useful material help get the job done gastrointestinal tract, replenish water-salt balance, strengthen the immune system, remove toxins, toxins, cholesterol from the body.

Sweet pulp can be consumed even by diabetics.

risk factor

Unfortunately, manufacturers often use hazardous chemicals for cultivation, and traders do not follow the rules for transporting, storing, and selling goods. In pursuit of money, they do not think about the end consumer. In order not to fall into the trap, you should know how to choose the right watermelon.


Looking at the vegetable shelves in the supermarket, it's so easy to be tempted to buy summer fruits during their uncharacteristic season. The first thing to remember before choosing a watermelon is the seasonality of a heat-loving crop.

Meanwhile, melon ripens in mid-August. By making a purchase before this time, you risk not only acquiring unripe fruits, but also getting serious poisoning. Producers are trying to harvest early, hitting the jackpot on the first wave of sales. For these purposes, the berry is plentifully pumped, processed chemicals For long-term storage goods. The sooner you give in to the temptation, the higher the risk of chemical poisoning.

Mass ripening of melons begins in mid-August and continues until the end of September. This time period is best time to buy a sweet watermelon without unnecessary chemicals.

Market vs Supermarket - Trading Rules

Choosing a watermelon is not an easy task. Where is it better to buy sweet melons - in the market or in the supermarket? The answer to this question lies in the seller's compliance with the rules of trade.

You should buy berries in places specially designated for sale - in the market or in a closed pavilion. Most supermarkets carefully monitor compliance with trade rules, requiring relevant documents from suppliers.

It is possible to purchase goods on the market if the following rules trade:

  1. the presence of a canopy from the sun and rain;
  2. distance from the roadway;
  3. availability of documents for each consignment of goods;
  4. the presence of a pallet with a height of 15-20 cm.

Trade in melons from the ground is a violation of the law.

Where you can not buy melon

Making a purchase in a spontaneous market or from a car by the road is not best idea. The fruit easily absorbs harmful substances from the environment. The slightest microcrack in the peel and the pulp will become a nutrient substrate for the reproduction of microbes. A watermelon that has been lying on a counter by the side of the road will easily absorb heavy metals from exhaust gases.

Which fruit is better to refuse completely

Supermarkets are also fraught with danger. Often, cut fruits are sold in a closed trading area; in the market, you are unlikely to succumb to the temptation to try a piece of juicy pulp. And the ostentatious cleanliness of the store can lure the buyer into a trap. risk to acquire unripe watermelon decreases, but it becomes possible to catch an intestinal infection.

Never buy a cut fruit.

It is not known why the berry was cut. She may have started to deteriorate. If dirty tools were used during the cutting process or the fetus was not washed, pathogenic bacteria probably got inside. So that the pulp does not get dirty, sellers pack it in cling film. Such material will only contribute to the rate of reproduction of microorganisms.

Submit your documents!

Before choosing a watermelon at a retail outlet, ask the seller about the availability of documents. By law, each product is subject to mandatory or voluntary certification. Merchants must have a certificate of conformity for each batch of melons.

This document contains the following information:

  1. importer;
  2. the country in which the culture was grown;
  3. harvest date;
  4. compliance with quality standards (content of harmful substances);
  5. the period of sale of the goods.

The presence of a blue seal is a guarantee of the quality of the goods.

If the seller does not present the relevant document, it is better to refrain from buying.

Folk omens

Choose a ripe watermelon will help folk omens. People have long learned to determine the degree of maturity of the fetus by characteristics. An experienced buyer pays attention to the following parameters:

  • the presence of damage;
  • peel exterior;
  • sounds made during tapping and compression;
  • the size of the earth spot;
  • the degree of drying of the "tail";
  • the weight of the goods.

It is better to rely not on specific signs, but on their totality.

Crust Characteristics

Determining the ripeness of a watermelon outward signs includes a thorough inspection of the shell. On the peel there should be no dents, cracks, visible signs of damage. Even tiny cracks will become "gates" for the bacterial flora. Microorganisms will cause fermentation, spoilage of the pulp.

If the cut fruit has a sour smell, stop eating it.

Choosing the right ripe watermelon will help appearance crusts. It hardens after the whip dries up, because the water stops flowing through the "umbilical cord". If the peel is easily injured by nails or smells like cut grass, you have an unripe fruit in front of you.

peel exterior

When choosing a watermelon, pay attention to color scheme peel. The shell of a mature berry is glossy. The exterior of the peel is of considerable importance - the brighter the contrast between the stripes and the background, the higher the chance of acquiring a ripe melon. Small light spots are welcome, evenly scattered on the surface of the crust.

The presence of an earth stain

In the process of maturation, the "minke whale" constantly lies on one side. The place of contact of culture with the soil is called an earthen spot.

It is colored yellow or light orange. Its diameter is 5-10 cm. This section of the bark must correspond to the parameters described above, that is, it must not have dents, cracks, or signs of damage. The absence of stripes indicates that melons did not move during maturation. A white earthen spot indicates the immaturity of the fetus.

How to check the degree of maturity by the state of the stalk?

A ripe watermelon must have a tail. Through it, the culture received nutrition throughout the entire growing season. After maturation, the lashes dry out. If the stalk is green, full formation has not yet occurred.

A dry tail is also present in a long-harvested berry, so you should not rely entirely on this sign.

A yellowish and dry stalk indicates that you have a juicy, sweet watermelon in front of you.

Knock-knock who lives under the crust?

Perhaps the most popular way to choose a treat is to tap the shell. Experienced buyers competently listen to the "musicality" of the fetus. To choose a delicious watermelon by sound, just a couple of nuances will help you:

  1. a ripe berry will respond to tapping with a ringing sound;
  2. when the poles are compressed, a mature pumpkin makes a characteristic crack, bends a little.

Girls and boys

Determining the gender of melons is a favorite factor of choice among buyers. Watermelons are not divided into "boys" and "girls" - this berry is same-sex. But on folk myth to choose the most delicious instance, you must adhere to the following rules:

"Boys" have a bulging ass with a tiny circle. They are more watery and contain less sugar. The bones of males are black, there are quite a lot of them. The "boy" is slightly elongated relative to the vertical axis.

The female sex is more compact, rounder, sweeter, has fewer bones. In addition to the shape, pay attention to the structure of the ass - in the watermelon "girl" it is flatter with a large circle.

Weight category

Some varieties amaze with a large mass - it sometimes reaches 18-20 kg! It is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of eating to satiety, so among the "giants" try to choose individuals with less weight.

And it’s better not to get carried away and follow the rule of the “golden mean” - let an instance with a mass of 5-7 kg become your chosen one.

Safety first

Buyers have long heard about. Watermelons are fed with nitrogen to accelerate growth and ripening, so you need to choose the right specimens with a minimum of dangerous chemistry.

Unfortunately, it is possible to determine the presence of chemistry only in a cut berry. Try to refrain from eating the pulp if you find the following factors:

  • the pulp contains a large percentage of yellow or white elastic fibers;
  • lilac tones are a dangerous sign;
  • the cut surface does not crumble with grains, the cut is smooth with a glossy sheen.

Sometimes a purchased watermelon has red flesh, and the berry itself is not sweet. This can be both a natural process and indicate the presence of chemistry. During maturation, sugars are accumulated solely under the action of sun rays. Cloudy, damp, cold weather could affect natural process accumulation of carbohydrates. For the same reason, voids are sometimes hidden under the crust.

Knowing how to choose the right watermelon, you can not worry about the quality and safety of the purchased product. Let the advice of experienced buyers help you make right choice, feast on juicy pulp tasty and healthy berries.

Your health depends on how well the watermelon is chosen. And since the season solar berry very soon it will be in full swing, in today's article we will consider this issue in detail.

After all, we all want to enjoy a ripe, sweet and amazingly delicious watermelon without fear for our health. And each of us wants to eat only organic fruit, without nitrates and pesticides. Well, this is quite real, if you take a responsible approach to the choice of southern berries.

All members of my family love to eat juicy watermelon. At the same time, we always try to get the maximum benefit from it and preferably without harm to health. This is especially important for those who have small children growing up in the same way as ours. Indeed, in order to give a baby (especially under the age of three years) a sunny berry, you need to be sure of its quality and safety.

A juicy and ripe southern berry has a number of characteristic features:

How to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon without nitrates?

Nitrates are dangerous, primarily because they tend to accumulate not only in fruit crops but also in the human body. Worse than that, with their large accumulation, oxygen starvation, poisoning and even death can occur. Therefore, it is very important to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon without nitrates, which unscrupulous producers like to use, especially when growing early fruits.

The easiest method to test sunberry for nitrates is to purchase special device, the compact size of which will allow you to carry it with you always. If you don’t have a nitrate meter, then as soon as you get home, dip the watermelon into a bowl of water: ripe and sweet fruit won't drown. If the berry has sunk, immediately return it to the seller!

At the watermelon grown bona fide manufacturers, the cut fruit will have a granular surface of a moderate reddish color. Most of the seeds will be dark, not white.

If the pulp of the berry is bright pink or even purple, and the bones are predominantly white color, be careful: in front of you is a watermelon stuffed with big amount nitrates. Remember the main thing: if the fruit raises doubts about its quality, it is better to refuse the purchase and choose another one!

Choosing sweet, ripe and good watermelon for sound and appearance

First, pay close attention to its peel. It should be firm to the touch, while it should be free of chips, cracks and damage. The peel of a good berry is not matte, it glistens in the sun, but it does not have a wax coating.

Sweet and ripe fruit there is a yellowish spot on the peel, which is formed from lying on the ground. At the same time, the striped pattern itself is clear, bright and not blurry. Please note: the more saturated green color has a crust, the more likely the excellent quality of the watermelon!

In addition, be sure to look for black dots or injection sites on the peel. The fact is that to give the watermelon a presentation, some sellers use saltpeter injections.

To determine by the sound whether the berry is ripe, you need to put it on one hand and gently knock with the other. If the fruit makes a dull sound, which at the same time gives into the hand on which the watermelon is located, then feel free to buy it!

Tips for choosing a good and ripe watermelon when buying from the market

The bazaars and markets are full of unscrupulous sellers who strive to sell you low-quality fruit at a high price. Examine and “listen” to the berry as described in this article, and you will already save yourself from buying a low-quality product.

Trying a watermelon when buying on the market, as our mothers and grandmothers did, is absolutely not worth it. The fact is that a knife unwashed during the day, which is used to cut the fruit “to try”, and the heat are good sources creating a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

If you do not have a nitrate meter, I advise you to take a bottle of water and a few glasses with you to the market. These simple and handy tools will allow you to determine the presence or absence of nitrate in the selected watermelon.

So, ask the seller to cut you a piece of pulp from the "test" watermelon. Pour half a glass of water and dip the fruit in it. If the water becomes only slightly cloudy after 2-3 minutes, then you can take such a watermelon. If the water turns colored, go to another seller, because this one has a berry full of nitrates!

Of course, with this approach, you can spend a lot of time choosing one watermelon, but it's worth it, because you don't need poisoning and other health problems from eating low-quality berries, right?

Video on how to choose a ripe, sweet and delicious watermelon in the store

When choosing a southern berry in a store, first ask where it came from. Ask to see the quality certificate for the watermelon you are selling, since legal outlets must have it. If it is not there, I do not advise you to risk your health by making a purchase in such a store.

In supermarkets, sunny berries must be chosen as carefully as in the markets. At the same time, do not forget to keep the receipt from the purchase so that you can return the poor-quality fruit or make a claim to the seller in case of watermelon poisoning.

In order to make the process of choosing a juicy berry more clear to you, I have found for you great video. Be sure to watch it - there the expert tells in detail and shows all the nuances of checking watermelon for quality and ripeness.

Life hacks of experts on choosing a good watermelon

Watermelon experts have their own tricks for picking a good berry. First of all, they advise paying attention to the stain on the peel. If it has a diameter of 5-7 cm and is yellow or light orange, then the fruit is ripe and tasty. If the mark is white, the berry is not quite ripe.

A ripe watermelon should have a hard rind that is almost impossible to pierce with a fingernail. If, with the slightest pressure, you managed to pierce the berry, then they want to sell you an unripe fruit.

When you turn it in your hands, it should be firm to the touch on all sides. When choosing a watermelon, choose "girl" as it is sweeter. The fact is that the southern berry has two sexes. How to find a female among its fruits? Pay attention to the bottom (where there is no tail) of the watermelon - it should be flatter than the "boys".

When buying a solar berry, pay close attention to the place of sale. It is very important that the outlet is equipped with a canopy and special pallets with a height of at least 0.2 meters for storing fruits.

We choose a ripe watermelon in the garden (melon)

The surest indicator of the maturity of a berry in the garden is a completely dried tendril in front of it, that is, the closest to it. In this case, the tail remains green, not yellow!

The place where the fruit is in contact with the ground should have a yellowish or orange tint. In addition, the skin of the watermelon must be firm. This indicates that the berry is ripe.

Be sure to watch the following video if you want to learn how to accurately determine maturity southern fruit on melons and choose the most delicious of them.

How to choose the right delicious watermelon in October?

In October, the watermelon season comes to an end, so, as a rule, they are no longer unripe. However, there are several nuances of choosing a southern berry in the fall.

So, in October, you should buy the most immature, in your opinion, fruit, which is characterized by the almost complete absence of a yellowish spot on the rind and a green tail. The fact is that by the end of the season it is not recommended to choose a fully ripened fruit, since in this case it will certainly be overripe and tasteless.

At the same time, what is good about autumn watermelons is that they no longer contain nitrates and pesticides that give them at the beginning of the season. marketable condition. But the benefits and taste remain without fail!

Do you know how to choose the right watermelon so as not to get poisoned by it? If you have your own secrets that were not covered in this article, be sure to share them in the comments. useful experience. See you soon!
