
Useful tips and original ideas for a picnic. How to have a family picnic

Summer is the time for vacations, rest and relaxation, a warm time when you can go to the sea, mountains or forests. If you do not have the opportunity right now to pack your suitcase and go to the resort, why not have a little picnic in nature leaving the city limits?

It is not surprising that the first picnics appeared during the time of the ancient Romans, and still exist. The European aristocracy loved to go on picnics and often combined them with hunting.

Residents of every big or small city probably know the places where you can relax from the bustle of the city, cook delicious dishes grill, take a walk in the woods or swim in a lake or river. If you are planning a picnic in nature, perhaps our helpful tips will help you.

Picnic in nature: what to take on a picnic?

Picnic fees - troublesome business. Who did not catch themselves thinking about taking everything they needed, and upon arrival at the place, found out that this important, it turns out, left at home. For example, many people forget such important things as matches, salt, knives.

In order not to get into a similar situation, make a habit of yourself every time before a trip or hike write a list of what to take with you especially focusing on the most important things. Referring to the list, neatly stack all things.

The list could be as follows:

- Knives(better a few and better if they are well sharpened in advance)

- Opener/corkscrew

- Cutting board(Better plastic and light, you can have several, if a lot of people, so that several people cut food)

- Dishes(usually for a picnic they use a disposable or plastic utensils that does not break and is easy to transport)

- Forks / iron tongs / spatulas(Take at least one iron fork or tongs with you in order to turn some dishes during frying or check their doneness. It is more convenient to remove vegetables or meat from the grill with iron accessories, rather than plastic forks)

- Napkins and towels

- Brazier(Folding braziers are a handy invention that will help you cook on the grill and will not pose a fire hazard like regular fires. It is much easier to place skewers and nets on the brazier than to look for any frying devices in the forest)

- Skewers, nets(Indispensable if you are grilling)

- Bedding, bedspread, pillow or rug(In summer, the ground usually warms up well, but it's better to play it safe and use extra bedding to keep warm)

- Disposable tablecloths or oilcloths(Convenient for placing dishes on them)

- Folding furniture(Useful if you don't like to sit on the ground)

- Garbage bags(Optional: you can put the garbage in the empty grocery bags)

- Matches/lighters

- Coals or firewood(Optional if you will not make a fire, and also if you go to the forest - dry firewood is usually enough there)

- Hatchet or saw(for chopping wood)

- Paper or means to light a fire more easily(With the help of old newspapers, it is much easier to light a fire in a fire)

- Jar of salt/pepper(These spices are indispensable, especially if you are grilling something or eating fresh vegetables. Salt is most often forgotten)

- Spray or ointment against mosquitoes and other insects(May come in handy in the evening when flying vampires are especially bloodthirsty)

- Sun protection(If you go to the forest, where there is enough shade, sunscreen, glasses, hats, umbrellas are not necessary, but on the banks of a river or lake, these things may come in handy)

- Mini first aid kit(Absolutely! Many people forget or do not want to take medicines with them, in particular, iodine and bandage, although in nature these things can come in handy. If you are driving, the driver usually has a first aid kit. Check its contents in advance and supplement if something is missing)

- Games(Think about how you will entertain yourself in nature in advance. If you take children, be sure to think about what to do with them, otherwise the children will seek their own adventures and may get into trouble. For example, take balls, toys, badminton or other accessories for outdoor games)

- technical water(Useful for washing hands if there is no nearby body of water)

- Soap, antibacterial liquid or wet wipes(Soap can be taken liquid in a small bottle)

- Warm clothes(Outside the city, where there is no asphalt and concrete, the temperature is usually somewhat lower than in the city, so warm clothes can come in handy, especially if you plan to stay on a picnic until late in the evening)

Picnic furniture

Picnic Furniture - a highly indispensable thing. You can sit right on the grass or sand on the bedspread and it is not necessary to take chairs and a table with you. Of course, it is much more convenient to sit at a small table.

First of all comes to mind folding furniture. When choosing it, remember three important things: it must be durable, easy to fold and unfold, and be comfortable to use. To do this, when buying, you should carefully check all fasteners, spread out the chairs, determine whether it is comfortable for you to sit on them. Here are some examples of picnic furniture:

Original set of picnic furniture: chairs and a table in one suitcase:

Ordinary folding chairs with an iron base and rag seats.

By the way, these folding chairs can be found with additional pockets for a bottle and personal items:

If you're lucky, you can find such a chair without legs, but with a comfortable back:

The original idea is a suitcase table built into a bicycle:

Instead of a chair, for example, you can use a hammock by strengthening it between the trees:

picnic utensils

An important detail for a picnic - dishes in which the products will be transported. They must not hesitate along the way, save fresh look and smell. It is better to place each product in a separate small container - sausage, cheese, vegetables.

You can cook some meals at home, and then take them with you if kebabs in nature do not appear in your plans. To keep the product, on the contrary, warm, you can use plain foil or special thick foil containers.

If it is very hot outside, and it is far enough to go to the picnic place, you can build homemade fridge bag, shifting food containers with bottles of pre-frozen water.

Sandwiches with butter, sausage and cheese can easily go bad in the heat. They should not be wrapped in plastic bags, but in parchment paper and then in foil. You can even find it in the supermarket special paper, which does not tend to be impregnated with fat.

Picnic utensils are usually chosen to be non-breakable and easy to transport. ingenious inventiondisposable tableware made of plastic or cardboard, which does not need to be washed, which does not break and does not take up much space.

As it turned out, not everyone loves such dishes, since they are quite fragile, quickly break in the hand, bend easily and does not allow you to keep a lot of things on a plate. Moreover, it can even melt if you keep something hot in it. Therefore, you can use hard plastic or even iron plates.

Useful little things for a picnic

We offer you some original picnic ideas that will make your vacation much more comfortable:

1. Cooling bottles of drinks is sometimes a big problem in nature, but not where there are water bodies. For example, you can use children's inflatable sleeves and ropes to keep the bottles in the water and not let them get hot:

2. Fruit basket from a cardboard plate. Don't want to bring bulky fruit bowls with you? You can make comfortable and roomy containers for fruits. Take one cardboard disposable plate, cut about 1 centimeter from the edge, and then draw a square in the central part with a pencil and a ruler.

Do four notches as shown, then lift the edges up and secure with paper clips. Seal the edges with double tape or glue to make a box. Glue colored tape around the perimeter so that the box holds and does not fall apart.

3. Afraid to keep food on the ground so as not to attract a large number of insects? Use umbrella hanging on a tree branch, in which you can put products:

4. Homemade picnic tent. A great idea for those who want to hide from the sun. In order to hang a light curtain, you can use a plastic circle and ropes or clothespins. Hang the circle on a tree branch, and attach the curtain to the circle.

5. Original idea to prepare portion boxes with products for each picnic participant, for example, if you go for a walk in the forest or on the beach. In order not to get food and share it on the spot, you can simply make such blanks like "rations":

6. Cup holder. Do not like to drink drinks from plastic disposable cups? You can take a small glass cup for a picnic and make such an unusual holder for it from thick wire and a wooden skewer:

7. Napkin for storing cutlery. This original item You can sew with your own hands from scraps of cotton fabric. For work you will need:

- A rectangular piece of material (several pieces of different colors are possible)


Satin ribbon



Sewing machine

- Threads

Let's get to work:

1) Finish a piece of fabric around the edge and fold three quarters as shown in the picture, this will be the envelope for your appliances.

2) Pre-sew to the top edge lace ribbon.

3) From one edge inside the envelope, sew satin ribbon folded in half.

4) Sew the edges on the sewing machine to get this envelope:

5) Attach to the envelope the devices that you are going to store in it and mark the borders so that you can do matching pockets.

6) Sew on a typewriter smooth vertical lines of pockets.

Your picnic napkin bag is ready! It can be tied into a roll.

8. So that your cover on which you will sit does not become damp from damp earth, lay an oilcloth under it. This is especially important if it has only recently rained and the earth and grass have not yet had time to dry.

9. To transport and carry glass bottles, Can wrap them in a kitchen towel like this:

10. To prevent insects from getting into your drinks, glasses can be cover like this:

11. Disposable packaging may not always be disposable. For example, egg packaging perfect for a picnic:

12. From an ordinary large sieve, you can make something like this tent from flies and other insects, which are enough in nature:

Picnic area: where to have a picnic?

A place for a picnic, of course, I want to choose cozy, clean, away from the highway, noise and bustle of the city. If possible, head out of town first to find such a place if you have nothing in mind. You can ask friends and acquaintances where they usually relax.

Sometimes within the city there are special places in parks and near lakes, where you can make barbecue and relax, but usually such places attract large crowds of people, and the noisy fun of the neighbors can be annoying. by the most good option will find his hiding place outside the city limits where you could visit more than once.

Residents of large cities often complain that everything good places for picnics have long been known so a lot of people want to go there. Then you will have to take a seat in advance (for example, arrive early in the morning).

You can have a picnic even within the city on the roof of your apartment building! If you do not have the opportunity to go out of town, why not go up to the roof? By the way, some beach lovers even sunbathe on the roofs.

Picnic menu

No picnic does not do without food and drink: after all, you will spend more than one hour in nature, so about delicious menu, of course, it is worth taking care in advance. Find out in advance what each of the participants of the banquet prefers. If the company is large, agree on who will take with them, who will cook what dishes.

If you have little time to pack, you can of course take raw vegetables, greens, bread, cuts (sausage, cheese, cheese), and marinated meat from the shop. However, there are hundreds of recipes great food, partially cooked at home which will be perfectly absorbed in nature.

Most popular dishes and picnic food:

2) Grilled fish

3) Grilled vegetables and mushrooms

4) Fresh vegetables, greens and fruits

5) Sandwiches

6) Cookies and pastries

8) Potato baked in a fire

9) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

Dishes for a picnic in nature

Many of you are most likely roasting at picnics exclusively kebabs or other meat dishes , however, there are many other delicious and healthy meals Grilled. For example, they are very tasty grilled vegetables. IN summer time these vegetables abound: zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, Bell pepper as well as mushrooms.

You can take a little bit of these vegetables and fry the vegetable pieces between the frying of the meat. Vegetables make a great side dish for barbecues.


Champignon mushrooms should be marinated beforehand. Take 0.5 kg of champignons, wash and dry them, place in a regular plastic bag without holes (better in several bags), then pour in 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup olive oil add some pepper to taste. Then tie the bag tightly and mix the contents well. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

sweet peppers place immediately after cooking in a plastic bag for 5 minutes so that the skin comes off easily. Tomatoes on the grill, they cook quickly enough, they can be cut into 2 halves, or put whole over the coals. After cooking, they acquire a rich sweet taste.

You can put vegetables on the grill, or you can thread the pieces onto the skewers like barbecues. Also, sometimes vegetables, cut into pieces and oiled, are wrapped in foil in portions, then, as it were, baked over coals. The main thing here is to endure right amount time for everything to cook through. Don't worry if the vegetables are a little crunchy. if you love soft vegetables hold them longer.

Potato often take with them to bake in a fire, however, along with fatty meat he may seem too heavy. It can be offered to cook for vegetarians who do not eat kebabs.

Also easy to grill fish, but for her it is advised to use a lattice. Especially tasty salmon, trout, sardines and others fatty species fish. Before frying, the fish must be marinated: you can simply roll in spices for fish, salt, pepper. The coals for frying should have a white coating, and the heat should not be as strong as for meat, since the tender meat of the fish cooks very quickly. Typically, 2 cm thick fillets are cooked for about 5-6 minutes on each side.

Picnic snacks

sandwiches- Another indispensable dish for those cases when you go on a picnic, not intending to fry a barbecue there. However, sandwiches can be useful and for those waiting for grilled meat, since this is a very long business: after all, you need to prepare everything, collect firewood, light a fire, wait until the firewood turns into coals, and only then fry the meat.

In order not to die of hunger while waiting, you can take with you ready sandwiches or make them on the spot.

An interesting recipe is offered for big company . Such a sandwich can be prepared at home, and just cut at a picnic. It is convenient to transport it.


For this wonderful sandwich you will need: A loaf of bread (preferably round and tall), favorite toppings for sandwiches (sausage, cheese, mayonnaise or pesto to taste, green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, boiled chicken or turkey meat).

Cut off the top of the bread roll and scoop out all the flesh, leaving just a crust.

Then start layering your ingredients, smearing them with sauces.

When the bun is filled to the top, cover with the top. Your puff sandwich ready for a picnic!

By the way, sandwiches will be especially tasty if you grill bread right over the fire. Before cooking the meat, place a few slices of bread on the grate and fry them until crispy:

You can also try filling sandwiches stuffed with cheese, vegetables, meat, and only then bake them over the coals. You will make a great hot sandwich:

Picnic sandwiches can be made in the form canape cutting a large sandwich into small portioned pieces and pierce them with toothpicks. To do this, you can take a long French loaf, cut it in half, and then stuff it with your favorite ingredients. cover from above top layer and cut into pieces.

Prick each piece with toothpicks or skewers so that they do not fall apart and place in a suitable bowl.

If you would not like to make the usual sausage and cheese sandwiches, you can use others healthy recipes . For example, like this unusual sandwich Can be made with avocado


You will need: French long loaf of bread, pieces of boiled chicken breast, ripe avocado, onion rings (pickled or fried), pesto sauce, arugula, soft goat cheese.

Cut the loaf lengthwise into two rugs, grease the bottom with cheese and lay all the ingredients on it in layers. Then cover with the top of the loaf.

Cut into serving pieces.

Great sandwiches can be made in the form of lavash rolls. All ingredients can be prepared at home, wrapped in pita bread, and then slightly heated on the grill before serving.

But such rolls will turn out tastier. with grilled vegetables.


You will need: Raw chicken breast, soy sauce, a couple of spoons of honey, eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers, salt, pepper.

Cut the chicken breast into pieces about 1 cm thick, pour over soy sauce, honey, salt, pepper and leave to marinate for 15 minutes. Cut the vegetables into thin rings (0.5 centimeters). Fry everything on a grate, greased vegetable oil, over the coals to golden color. Put everything on pita bread and wrap it in a roll.

Ready rolls again put on the grill for a couple of minutes and fry on both sides. You can add fresh herbs and sauce to the roll.

Picnic Games

1. Water paintball. In nature, you usually want to play active fun games. If beach volleyball or badminton are already tired, you can come up with something more original, for example, water paintball.

This game is similar to regular paintball, but instead of expensive paint guns, it is enough to take simple water pistols. Unlike ordinary paintball, where you can end up with serious bruises, water paintball is completely safe and can be played with children.

The rules are simple: you can split into several teams, and then try to hit your opponents with a jet of water. The team whose members are the least "wet" wins.

2. funny football. Playing football, it turns out, can be a lot of fun, for example, if you pair up the players and tie one of the player's legs to the leg of a partner. Then play like normal football, except for the presence of a goalkeeper, which will not be needed, since scoring goals will be quite difficult anyway.

3. Pantomime. A very popular game for parties and picnics, which is also called the Crocodile game. The more people play, the more interesting. Split into 2 teams. One team selects one person to show pantomimes, the other team comes up with a word that the first participant must show using gestures and facial expressions without using speech and sounds. His team guesses the word. Then the teams change. The team that guesses the words the fastest wins.

You can have a picnic in nature at any time of the year, but it is much more difficult to do it in late autumn and winter than in the warm season. Therefore, a priori, we will consider a picnic in nature in the summer, but all outdoor parties that take place in late spring and early autumn can easily be attributed to the same category. Then, when it is still or already warm enough.

Before organizing a picnic in nature, you need to decide on the theme of a friendly party. It can be barbecues on the river bank, tea drinking with muffins in the park or frying pork ribs in the backyard of your cottage.

Depending on this, the menu and all the attributes accompanying the meal (dishes, napkins, folding furniture, etc.) are selected. The proposed article describes in detail the entire process of preparing for a picnic.

See how a picnic in nature can be organized in the photos that illustrate everything you need for this event on outdoors:

How to have a picnic with friends outdoors

Good organization of a picnic with friends in nature- the key to the success of any party. Whether you are planning a picnic in nature, a barbecue in the backyard, or a small buffet at the buffet, a few simple steps help him to be more successful.

  • You may have a spacious backyard, but what if it rains or winds? Everyone can be squeezed into a small living room. Don't invite more people than can fit in your house. Of course, if you live in a place with exactly predictable weather, you can afford to be more flexible. And remember: no matter where the party is, regulars will flock to the kitchen.
  • Push the main supplies to create space for snacks and other party food. Use cooler bags if needed. Fill them with ice for well-chilled drinks and food.
  • Remember that not everyone is going to try every dish, and you don’t need to be sad if someone didn’t get grandma’s potato salad when there are plenty of other foods around. Simple snacks able to fill any gap and they are easy to cook and freeze if something remains.
  • There's a reason cruise ships and hotel buffets are arranged the way they are. Learn from the experts and create your own path for guests. A stack of trays at one end of the table will tell you that this is the starting point. It seems logical to put cutlery in the same place, but holding the tray along with forks and spoons with one hand while serving snacks or pouring soup is not an easy task with the other. Place them at the other end of the snack table where they can be easily picked up after the food is on the tray.

What to bring for a picnic

Good idea: always keep everything you need for a spontaneous party on hand. And no candles forgotten in the store because you were too busy thinking about what to make a cake with. Get a big box, write "Party" on it, and fill it with the essentials. Candles, Balloons, paper garlands, cake decorations and any decor of your choice. Everything you need for a picnic in nature is best prepared in advance and kept in one place.

The next time you decide to throw a party, you will have peace of mind knowing that everything you need is in place. All you need is to cook food and enjoy the fun. When building your box, keep the after-holiday sales in mind. At this time, prices for goods for the holiday fall sharply.

Let's look at what to take to a picnic in nature so that the party is more successful. Paper utensils and plastic utensils are often used for barbecues, birthday parties, or where you would find it difficult to wash regular dishes. Set aside a basket or box in the kitchen to keep everything you need there. To avoid being too wasteful, consider buying reusable melamine tableware instead of disposable paper and plastic plates. They are made from recycled materials, you can find cups, bowls and everything else. You can also buy a cheap set of "regular" utensils and keep them especially for picnics and barbecues. Try to avoid glass and porcelain. During a party, a glass or cup can be easily dropped, and who wants to clean up the glass when the yard is full of friends and family members?

See what kind of outdoor picnics can be organized - the video shows various options friendly and family outdoor parties:

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The weather is good, it's warm outside and the sun is shining. It's time for outdoor barbecues and picnics. It is worth taking care of leisure in advance. Come up with games, contests, an entertainment program that will amuse your company and will not let anyone get bored from the monotony.

You will need:

Choose a place

The place for a picnic depends on who will be there and at what time. And also for what purpose you are going. It is better if you look for a territory somewhere nearby so that you do not have to get there half a day.

Some on fresh air like to fish and fry meat, then pay attention to places near rivers or lakes. But if you take children with you, then it is better to refuse such a vacation. After all, the kids strive to fall into the water.

Also, on vacation with a child, you should carefully examine the clearing so that there are no nettles, thorny bushes, deep holes or broken glass.

If it's sunny outside, then take care of the cover. If it's a beach, you can put up an awning or an umbrella.

Find a place with trees and near a body of water - this will be ideal.

Rest in the park

It is worth checking with the administration whether this is prohibited. Barbecue is allowed in some park areas.

The park is a great place to spend time with your family. You can walk, and later sit on the grass for a bite to eat (after taking all the food with you).

There are places where you can buy fast food, water, ice cream. So that children are not bored, come up with family fun: ride bicycles, play catch-up, take pictures for memory.

On a family weekend, try to make time for each other, remember interesting moments of the past, dream about the future.

In the forest

You will need dishes, barbecue, skewers, water, napkins, bags, insect repellent, bedspreads or folding furniture. Wash fruits and vegetables in advance, prepare snacks in the form of canapes and sandwiches.

So that the company of adults is not bored, you need to come up with fun games and contests.

The most exciting will be the quest. It is better to prepare everything in advance, but you can orient yourself on the spot and quickly do everything. It is necessary to draw a map, which will indicate the place where the treasure is buried (even if it is an ordinary cone or a box of beer). You can hang hints on napkins. It will take a couple of hours big company friends.

You can split into teams. Whose first finds the treasure, she won.

You can play the game "Broken Phone". The essence of the game is that each person speaks into the ear of the next person what he heard from the previous one. You need to speak quietly. Even in an adult game, at the end you get a word that is completely different from what it was at the beginning.

For lovers of board games, you can take cards, backgammon, dominoes, chess, etc. with you.

It's great if someone has a guitar. These songs will be remembered for a long time.

On the beach

Relevant for the beach "Water shooters". It's like paintball, but with water pistols. They can be played with friends and children. You can split into teams and "wet" opponents. Whose team at the end of the game will be less wet, they won.

Sports team games with a ball are also popular on the beach: beach or water volleyball and football. Such games can be played on the sandy beach, in the water and in the pool.

In hydropark

The hydropark has its own entertainment, so for family vacation, and for relaxing with friends there is something to do. Eg:

  • Catamaran or boat ride.
  • Paintball.
  • Table tennis and tennis games.
  • Rugby.
  • Visit water slides and other attractions.
  • Taste delicious grilled dishes at beach restaurants.

In the hydroparks of different cities, various entertainments are offered. On their territory there are even cable cars, exercise machines, museums and discos.

It is better to take food to the hydropark from home. It's safer that way. Take foods that do not spoil quickly and that you can quickly snack on.

in the meadow

This is a great place for both romantic pastime and activities. In summer, you can’t walk in open areas for a long time, but in spring such a picnic will be just right.

For a romantic date, think over every little thing (plaid, corkscrew, cups, forks, napkins, etc.). Think especially about food. You can make canapes, cut cheese, wash grapes, strawberries and take a bottle of wine or champagne.

Outdoor games are often played in the meadow, as it is a large and flat area. Ideas for playing in a spacious clearing:


    You can play alone or in teams. The player's task is to pass the pass to his person, so that he is not intercepted by an opponent from the other team. The player must not hold the frisbee for more than 15 seconds. Like football, only without hitting the goal.

    Fancy football

    Get in pairs and tie one leg of each. Divide into teams and start playing like football. In this game, it is not necessary to choose a goalkeeper, since it is quite difficult to get into the goal with a tied leg.


    You will laugh at your friends and at yourself in different poses. Those who cannot resist fall, and therefore leave the fun game. Interesting and funny not only for an adult company, but also for children.

    Blindfolds or catch-ups

    You can play with children. A man is blindfolded with a handkerchief, and he must catch everyone else. Everyone runs around and clap their hands.

In the country

Outdoor recreation is great at any time of the year. Children can play football, basketball and other active games. The main thing is to have a place to play. You can ride around the neighborhood on bicycles, roller skates (if the road surface allows).

Also quite interesting and exciting game of badminton. It can be played by both adults and children.

In addition to the usual weekend at barbecues with alcohol, it is interesting to arrange a themed holiday in the country. You can, for example, come up with a party in the 90s. Pick up the songs that were then hits and dance until you drop. From food, fast food is perfect: burgers, hot dogs, chocolates, Coca-Cola. The company will be delighted with such an idea.

The quality of life does not mean a tight wallet, but means our attitude to our daily life, to its simple pleasures. Let's talk about popular outdoor recreation - picnics, how to organize them, required set in the basket of products and utensils and, of course, table setting. Vacationers should take care of the quality of their rest, providing it with comfort, and the aesthetics of the table will only add pleasant emotions and memories.

Before you say what to take on a picnic , we will stipulate that a meeting of relatives and friends in the fresh air can be organized in a country house or cottage, or you can simply go out of town and settle down in a picturesque clearing. And the difference in the set in the basket is significant!

Picnic in the country

Usually in the country there is the necessary furniture, barbecue and utensils. We just have to take care of a beautiful, bright tablecloth, napkins and cutlery. And you should not reduce the whole holiday of meeting loved ones to a joint dinner and the simplest table setting. Everything can be arranged in such a way that the guests will be satisfied, and you will pass for a family where high quality life and love for comfort.

Of course, we do not offer you to set the banquet table in best traditions catering companies. We invite you to think over the entire picnic, serving A table which should be remembered, and jokes passed from mouth to mouth until the next outing!

Most the best option for such feasts - Buffet! Your tasks: to pick up a linen (it looks exquisite in nature!) tablecloth, to match it - napkins and dishes. Serving dishes should be used for meals, and for portion needs - plastic (reusable). Don't forget to decorate the table with flowers, and common meals decorate with vegetable and fruit slices.

In addition to table setting, pay attention to the desire of your guests to sit somewhere, relax, retire. This is very important for all outdoor enthusiasts. Therefore, a picnic set, in addition to food, should include comfortable rugs, blankets, and pillows that cover not only the grass in the clearing, but also any suitable surfaces where you can sit down.


A picnic set in a basket adds up very quickly if we often go out of town with a crowded cheerful company. If trips out of town are quite rare, then we advise you to make a list and always refer to it when necessary. After a couple of outings into nature, it will be added to you or “settled down” and your basket will become optimal.

Filling the picnic basket


The number of products depends on the number of picnic participants, of course! Vegetables and fruits must be present, and it is appropriate to include pickles there. The entire list will depend on the menu, which does not need to be limited if you are traveling for a whole daylight. Appetite in the fresh air is played out in earnest!

More often, main dish lunch "on the grass" is a shish kebab. And it is worth trying other hot dishes, for example, pilaf or roast in a cauldron, vegetables and mushrooms baked on a fire, a rich variety of canapes and hot sandwiches with a delicious smoke flavor!

The main condition is to prepare all the products for eating and cooking at home: wash and clean, if you need to boil or pickle.

Crockery and cutlery

Now on sale there are whole sets for a picnic, offered in a convenient configuration, which takes into account all the needs of vacationers. The set includes both accessories for serving, as well as dishes and all kinds of devices for comfort.

What to put in a picnic basket?

- products placed in food grade plastic containers - for their transportation and preservation;

- disposable cups and cutlery;

- tablecloth (preferably washable), napkins, toilet paper and garbage bags;

- drinking water (as much as possible if there is no reservoir in the place of rest);

— Rugs and karematy for comfortable sitting.

Table and chairs

The need for a table with chairs is not even discussed by many participants of the outing! “Why?” they ask. Perhaps you just don’t know this charm, when you can sit comfortably at the table even in nature?

If there are real men in your company, then making comfortable folding chairs and tables is not a problem. If you feel sorry for your time, then a very comfortable table and chairs can also be purchased in the distribution network. However, this shouldn't be a problem either.

What exactly to take with you depends on the method of arrival at the chosen place. If you get by public transport, then the set is minimalistic, if by personal transport, then you can take with you a lot of the benefits of civilization: from packages of coal for a fire to pillows and air mattresses for relaxation. And when leaving, do not forget to remove all traces of your feast, so that next time you can return to the pure "glade of your soul."

To make all participants happy, the picnic, table setting and dishes on it were thought out and prepared with love. And don't forget to take it with you good mood, laughter and jokes!

Ksenia Petrovich

21.05.2015 | 940

I will tell you how to prepare for a Sunday picnic in nature so that you and your friends will enjoy it.

To be honest, for as long as I can remember, I have always been the organizer of school parties, student sabantui, and family meetings. I really like to think over the concept, make a menu and solve small organizational issues. I have already “grown up”, but I still like to arrange all sorts of interesting events.

With the advent of warm days, I often gather friends for large-scale picnics. This is not only a great pastime, but also an opportunity to chat with friends. Because in the middle of the week, oh, how not enough time for this.

You are not required to pledge money when buying food and drinks on your own. Calculate the amount in advance, divide it among everyone and invite your friends to chip in. By the way, do not hesitate to call your friends who will help you cook.

How to choose a picnic spot?

I usually invite friends to my dacha with my husband, but it is not always possible to do this. Then we choose a nearby park or recreation area where it is allowed to wallow on the grass, or there are equipped gazebos. Great option- a beach near a body of water.

Of course, you should choose a more or less deserted corner so as not to disturb others and save them from the opportunity to gawk at you.

If you fail to take the gazebo, you can easily move to the bedspread. Small folding chairs will also come in handy.

What to cook for a picnic?

A picnic is a meal in nature, so it may well do without kebabs, with which there is quite a lot of trouble. But do not think that everyone will remain hungry and chew grass. I can offer you many interesting ideas for a picnic with friends.

So, what to put in the basket so that everyone is full and satisfied?

  1. I cook baked chicken, but when I'm at home, I cut it into pieces. small pieces so that at the picnic everyone does not have to get dirty, tearing off portioned pieces.
  2. From meat products, without which men will be bored at this celebration of life, I can offer homemade hamburgers. You can prepare them in advance for a large company.
  3. Usually go with a bang thin pancakes With various fillings: with ham, mushrooms and onions, cheese, crab meat, chocolate paste.
  4. Diverse vegetable salads I, as a rule, present in tartlets.
  5. I make sandwiches with ham and sausage.
  6. Fresh vegetables and fruits are a must for a picnic.
  7. As for drinks, you should ask in advance who will drink what. It is important to take care not only of alcoholic, but also non-alcoholic options.

How to have fun at a picnic?

Heart-to-heart talk is, of course, good, but still, so that none of my friends get bored, I try to entertain them with a variety of games and contests. Otherwise, everyone breaks into groups and communicates only with the “chosen ones”.

I ask my friends to bring a ball, Frisbee plate and board games.

I am very glad that my friends made friends with my husband's friends and we spend a great weekend on picnics together. I hope my advice will help you become the organizer of the next Sunday picnic, which will be a great success.
