
May is the time of opening summer terraces in restaurants. On Pyatnitskaya under an umbrella

A summer terrace can increase the overall turnover of a restaurant by a third. To do this, you should take care of a good location, stylish design and a host of other nuances. Although you can’t take everything into account: this spring, for example, the verandas of many Moscow establishments were empty for half a month due to bad weather. Owners
and restaurant managers told Inc. why it is necessary to prepare for the installation of the veranda in January, what part of the street can be occupied and what to do if the Moscow authorities decide to start repairs on it.

Permission to open a summer terrace is issued by the prefecture of the district in which the restaurant is located. The standard approval period is 30 days, but it can be extended, so it is better to do this in advance. It is best to agree on all documents before March 1, since the total time for entering the summer veranda into the scheme is 30 days, and the opening of the season is April 1. The installation of bulky canopies, stairs, new doors, entrances and other elements of the facade of the building, to which the veranda is attached, should be separately coordinated with the Moscow Committee for Architecture.

Million at the start

It costs nothing to agree on a veranda - the procedure is now as simplified as possible, but construction, a design project, furniture and floristry can cost from 500 thousand rubles to infinity, - says Maxim Ivanov, Ginza Project project manager. According to Timur Lansky, the founder of Chaihona No. 1 restaurants, the opening of one summer terrace costs about 1.5-2.5 million rubles. Its installation and dismantling make up 10-15% of the total cost. For these works, most restaurants hire the same contractor who made the veranda - in this case, there is a guarantee for operation. For example, the Soluxe club restaurant has been doing this for the third year already. But some make it on their own.

We used to assemble the veranda on our own - all the employees got together and turned into builders, - says Natalya Telkina, manager of the Happiness bar-restaurant. - Now we agree with loaders. You can meet even four thousand rubles, if you do not put the floor. We have a load-bearing roof, so we do not install a separate floor, stage or podium. Every three years we have a planned replacement of the roof.

The main item of expenditure when opening a veranda is the construction of a canopy. According to the 102nd resolution, these can be awnings (budget option) or more expensive pergolas - they better protect from the sun, wind and rain. Automatically opening and closing pergola roofs (which are required by law to open fully) and roller blinds that allow you to control the level of light in the room will cost even more.

In addition to the canopy, funds will be needed for landscaping the veranda, the purchase of additional furniture and utensils, blankets, lamps, candlesticks, curtains and blinds. You also need to take care of the timely recruitment of staff (waiters, hostesses and managers) and updating the menu.

Storage of the veranda also costs a pretty penny. Ginza Project restaurants, for example, rent a special warehouse for this for 30,000 rubles a month. Chaikhone No. 1 is a bit simpler - the restaurants have their own large and dry heated warehouses within Moscow, which fit all 15 verandas.

2. Power of attorney from the CEO. 3. Passport of the General Director.

4. Order on the appointment of the General Director (to confirm his authority).

5. Original and copy of the lease agreement (to confirm the property rights to the restaurant).

6. Floor plan.

7. Photographs of the exterior of the building.

8. 3D project of the veranda (explanatory note, situational plan of the site
on a scale of 1:2000, the general plan of the site on a scale of 1:500).

9. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

10. Documents for a land plot and data on the area of ​​land or lawn
(if the veranda is being built on private land).

There are no clear restrictions on how much of the pedestrian street a veranda can occupy. This issue is decided individually, depending on the width of the sidewalk and the traffic of the street. But in any case, the area of ​​​​the veranda cannot exceed the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe institution at which it is placed.

Each restaurant has a clear coordinated size of the veranda. Our dimensions are: 19000 × 7500 m³, says Ekaterina Zvezdina, manager of the Soluxe club restaurant. - The color of the design of the veranda must match the color of the facade. Our landlords, for example, offered us the following options to choose from: the metal structure should be gray or brown, everything else should be white or beige.

The veranda cannot be completely closed - for example, it cannot be completely glazed. Smoking is allowed only if the tables are on the floor (if on the podium - it is prohibited). It is also necessary to pay attention to the size of the podium, the color of the awning, the height of the fence and make sure that the edges of umbrellas and plants do not extend beyond the edges of the veranda.


The amount of profit received from the veranda directly depends on its appearance and the number of seats.

You can count on a 20% increase in profits, - says Ekaterina Zvezdina from Soluxe club. - In our case, 60 seats are added.

For visitors, the view that opens from the summer veranda and its location are important - whether it is located in the walking area and how far it is from the metro station. In a quiet cozy courtyard, guests will also feel comfortable, and they will spend more time in such an atmosphere. - The components of success here are the same as in the restaurant - delicious summer food and drinks, good service and a favorable atmosphere, - says Maxim Ivanov from Ginza Project. At Chaikhona No. 1, summer verandas give an average 30% increase in restaurant turnover. They are decorated with soft sofas and a large number of green plants around.

We have 15 verandas and almost all of them are always full - they have a good location and design, - says Timur Lansky, founder and owner of the brand. - We stick to the style of our restaurants - we mix urban style with abstract ethnic elements.

Dust column

If you get caught up in the city's street renovation plan and still decide to make a porch, be prepared to take it apart in one day and give the city a building site.

We coordinated the project of the summer veranda for three months, but due to the planned renovation of the Garden Ring, unfortunately, we will not be able to install a full-scale structure, - says Anna Kalinina, director of the BBQ Brisket restaurant. Instead, the institution will make a mobile version of the veranda, which, if work begins, can be quickly dismantled. They will not install a podium, but simply put up tables and flowers.

After the start of construction work on the street, the revenue from the veranda can be halved. For example, the Simple Things restaurant on Pyatnitskaya last year and a half summer months could not open its veranda, as the entire street was dug up. During this period, the institution received less than 50% of revenue.

Use for decoration trees growing on the streets of the city (so as not to damage them),

Use tents, country, garden and interior furniture,

Disturb the peace of residents of nearby houses: make noise from 23 to 7 hours,
cook food with a strong smell and smoke, install bright lighting fixtures,

Use capital construction: bricks, building blocks and slabs, concrete, roof tiles, plastic films, etc.,

Use plant containers made of glass, structural concrete, raw metal and plastic,

Install umbrellas and awnings without at least one load-bearing wall.

What requirements must be met:

Containers with plants must be stable, unbreakable, non-staining,
without drain holes (so that water does not pour onto city streets),

Cafes should be equipped with a ramp and special markings for the disabled,

The veranda must be fenced with structures from 1.1 m to 3 m high around the entire perimeter
(for security),

Verandas should be designed in the style of the buildings to which they adjoin, and their extreme protruding points should be on the same line,

The height of umbrellas and pergolas cannot exceed the height of the ground floor of the building in which
there is a restaurant.

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Placement of a seasonal (summer) cafe, regulated by Decree No. 102-PP of 03/06/2015

Decree No. 102-PP

Is your cafe included in the deployment?

First, you need to find out if the restaurant is included in the layout of non-stationary seasonal facilities. Check if the address of your cafe or restaurant is included in the layout of seasonal cafes. For example, if there was another restaurant at this address, the previous owner of which submitted documents for approval of a site for a summer cafe, or you know that the veranda was in accordance with the law, then you, as a new owner, just need to submit your package of documents and a project for a summer cafe to approve this territory to its own legal entity.

There is another option - you want to get a large area for summer cafe verandas or considering an additional site for a seasonal cafe, you can collect the necessary package of documents, develop a project for a new area and submit it for approval. Examples for summer cafe placement

Summer cafe location season

Where can you place a summer cafe or what can serve as a playground?

Now let's find out where install a summer cafe and how to choose a platform for it.


The simplest and most standard is to place summer cafe on the sidewalk, along the facade of the building in which the restaurant is located. An outdoor cafe should be adjacent to a stationary catering facility or stand at a distance, but not more than 5 meters, from the entrance group in a straight line. We draw your attention to the fact that if you have an entrance with steps, a porch, then this distance is measured from the last step to the summer platform.

Important! When equipping a summer cafe on the sidewalk, it is necessary to leave a passage for pedestrians. This distance is calculated according to the type of street where the summer cafe is planned to be located.

Maria Andreeva


Very often, the lawn is not even considered as a platform for a summer cafe. But it is possible. Placing a summer cafe on the lawn allowed only with the installation of technological flooring, podium. Let's consider this option in more detail. What part of the lawn can be occupied to accommodate a summer cafe. If trees and/or shrubs occupying less than 50% of the lawn area grow on the lawn, then it is possible to install a flyer, if more than 50% - then it is impossible. If there is only a lawn on the site, occupy at least the entire one, but do not forget a few important points:
- the area of ​​the summer cafe cannot exceed the total area of ​​the restaurant, cafe
- when arranging a summer cafe on the lawn, it is necessary to provide a wooden podium
- the veranda should not go beyond the boundaries of a stationary enterprise

Not allowed! Placement of seasonal cafes using structures (equipment) arranged around (above) trees, shrubs and leading to full or partial enclosing of their crowns, trunks directly inside the seasonal cafe.

Maria Andreeva


Maybe you are on the top floor of the building and you have direct access to the roof, which offers a stunning view of the capital? Do you think it is possible to put a veranda? We answer - if according to the documents the roof is operated and the building is not residential, then installation of a summer cafe on the roof possible!

Territory of business centers and shopping and entertainment centers

If your restaurant, cafe is located on the territory of a business center or shopping center, you can place the veranda of the restaurant on the stylobates and other open areas adjacent to them, the main thing is that your cafe has a separate entrance.

Do not forget! The summer cafe should be located at a distance of no more than 5 meters from the entrance group.

Maria Andreeva

Is the restaurant or cafe not on the ground floor?

If a stationary catering establishment is located in the basement of a building or located above the first floor, for example, on the second floor of a non-residential building. Install a summer terrace for a restaurant perhaps in case you have a separate exit to the street.

Do not forget!
- Place boundaries placement of a seasonal cafe should not violate the rights of owners and users of neighboring premises. The summer cafe should be located clearly within the boundaries of the restaurant. These boundaries are visible on the plans of the BTI, which are attached to the lease agreement for the premises.
- The area of ​​the summer cafe cannot exceed the total area of ​​the restaurant, cafe.
- If there are several catering establishments in the same building, then the outer border of your veranda should not go beyond the borders of the already established verandas of neighboring cafes and restaurants. At the same time, summer verandas of restaurants should be decorated in the same style.

Maria Andreeva

Environmental factors that influence the placement of a summer cafe

Public transport stops, pedestrian underpasses, subway technical facilities, station lobbies and subway pedestrian underpasses. In the presence of these factors, it is necessary to observe a certain distance from these elements to the boundaries of the summer cafe. Otherwise, when planning summer cafe placement, it is necessary to calculate the distance for the passage of pedestrians in accordance with SNiP 2.07.01-89 * Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements.

Elements of urban improvement

These include city lighting masts, bins, bicycle parking, flower beds, benches, etc. When planning the placement of a summer cafe in areas near which these elements are located, it is necessary to provide a passage for pedestrians. The streets and roads of the capital are divided into categories: streets and roads of main and local significance, as well as main streets. Depending on the category of the street where the summer cafe is planned to be located, the distance for the passage of pedestrians will be calculated in accordance with SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements, p. 6 "Network of streets and roads."

Types of summer cafes

Let's talk about the "formats" of the summer cafe. Of the standard ones, these are typical and individual summer cafes. Typical "summers" include sites that are equipped with such equipment as: umbrellas with a side, central support, multi-dome umbrellas, a retractable elbow awning, pergola.

Individual summer cafes are quickly erected collapsible structures. For example, this is a metal frame erected from metal pipes of various sections, a wooden frame, trusses.

Since May 2016, a new format of summer cafes has appeared in the capital - a compact cafe. A narrow sidewalk, it would seem that it is simply not possible to put up a summer cafe, but it is this format of summer cafes that allows restaurants to carry out their plans.

Arrangement of a summer cafe

What is a summer cafe, where to put it and what types of summer cafes are, figured out. Now consider options for arranging summer verandas.

Rules for arranging a summer cafe of a standard format

As summer cafe equipment can be used:
- umbrellas with central support
- umbrellas with side support
- multi-dome umbrellas
- retractable awnings with fastening on the facade
- retractable awnings with fastening on metal supports, one-sided, two-sided
- single-slope, double-slope, wall-mounted or free-standing pergola

Important! In terms of height, this equipment cannot be located higher than the 1st floor of the building (floors between the 1st and 2nd floors).

Maria Andreeva

Arrangement of a summer cafe with a pergola

To preserve the architectural details of the building, it is forbidden to attach the pergola awning to the facade! It is impossible to partially or completely block the decorative architectural elements of the facade of the building with a pergola! Pergola supports should not block the window openings of the room to which it adjoins. The step between the supports cannot be more than 6 meters.

Important! Inside the Garden Ring and on its outer side, the placement of a pergola awning is not allowed, with the exception of areas located outside the road network.

Maria Andreeva

Different types of equipment may be used in the same area. This equipment can be mounted both on the existing coating (asphalt, tiles) with the equipment fastened to a depth of not more than 30 cm, and on the technological flooring (podium) on a temporary basis.
A wooden podium is acceptable for:
- placing a summer cafe on the lawn
- in the presence of a slope of the territory more than 3%
- in order to preserve fixtures and equipment from external factors;
- for wiring electrical cables for fire safety purposes;
- to drain water from the surface of the sidewalk;
- in the event that the territory provided for a seasonal cafe has a damaged sidewalk surface.

Summer cafe of an individual format

This format includes collapsible metal and wooden structures. A structure that consists of supporting posts along the perimeter, a roof frame in the form of guides, rails or trusses. Roof frame covering synthetic fabric (polyester). As a rule, a structure of this type is mounted on a wooden podium on a temporary basis and a fence with a height of at least 60 cm and not more than 90 cm is organized around the perimeter. A collapsible structure, as well as all summer verandas located on the podium, should provide free access , namely, be equipped with a ladder, ramp, handrails, special signs for the visually impaired and people with limited mobility.

Important! The width of the stairs, the ramp must be at least 90 cm, the maximum slope of the ramp is not more than 5%.
It is permissible to use an attached (removable) ramp.

Maria Andreeva

Rules for arranging a compact summer cafe

Fencing and decorative elements for a summer cafe

For fencing a summer cafe, you can use:
- wooden and metal fences from 60-90 cm high
- floor containers for gardening from 35-90 cm high
- hanging containers for landscaping
- tapestries with a height of not more than 150 cm.
- Adjustable screens with a height of not more than 90 cm in the assembled state, no more than 180 cm in the disassembled state.

Important! The fence for a summer cafe should not be “deaf”. It is forbidden to use inventory metal fencing.

Maria Andreeva

Fencing for a seasonal cafe, does not have to consist of boards, pallets, forged products, balusters, barrels, shutters, curly cutting can also be used. The use of tapestries as a decorative fence or decor gives the summer veranda additional comfort, security, as it can be 1.5 m high, and its interesting shape can give a “zest” to your cafe.

Adjustable Screens

Important! The structures of this fence must be made of rigid sections fastened together by elements that ensure their stability.

Maria Andreeva


Important! The trellis must have a massive base or distribution plates to ensure stability. You can also use a massive landscaping container to ensure stability.

Maria Andreeva


Important! Decorative fences with corner sections must be securely fastened together.

Maria Andreeva

Containers for gardening

- Containers for landscaping must be stable
- The floor container must not have legs (on a solid base)
- Hanging containers, as well as floor containers, should not go beyond the border of the summer cafe site
- The height of the decorative fence with hanging containers placed on them should not exceed 90 cm.

Maria Andreeva

Podium - technological flooring

When designing a wooden flooring, be sure to provide a staircase with a width of at least 90 cm. The staircase must be located inside the podium, not go beyond the boundaries of the summer cafe. Pay special attention to the requirements for people with limited mobility, namely a ramp with a width of at least 90 cm, for wheelchair users, it can be either built-in or removable (attached), handrails, signal markings and tactile indicators for the visually impaired.

Important! The height of the podium cannot exceed the mark of 45 cm. If the territory where the summer cafe is planned to be located has a slope, when leveling which the height of the flooring at the top point is more than 45 cm, then it is necessary to organize an intermediate step or several steps

Maria Andreeva

Lettering and logos

Advertising is prohibited. But as for the brand name, logo and name of the cafe or restaurant to which the summer cafe belongs, this is possible. Therefore, boldly apply the logo or the name of the cafe on the fence, containers for gardening, on awnings and umbrellas. But do not forget to follow certain rules, namely:
- logo (trademark) no more than 30 cm.
- an inscription (name) not more than 20 cm high.

The colors of the roof of the summer cafe according to Decree No. 102-PP

At arrangement of a summer (seasonal) cafe, you can use only those colors that are described in the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 102-PP of 03/06/2015. Permissible color numbers are presented from the catalog of the NCS Beckers Color System palette for roofing umbrellas, awnings, prefabricated structures. Each of the colors can be used alone or in combination with other colors, alternating them in the form of a strip. Examples of NCS Beckers Color System Color Numbers

NCS code decoding table and suitable RAL color

Color sample and most suitable RAL number NCS(S) CMYK RGB
RAL 3009 6020-Y90R   0 58 35 70   92 50 51
RAL 3020 1580-Y90R   0 100 85 15   189 7 33
RAL 2004 1070-Y70R   0 81 79 0   236 75 48
RAL 1033 0580-Y30R   0 55 100 0   240 132 0
RAL 1018 0530-Y20R   0 21 60 0   255 209 122
RAL 1003 2502-Y   0 0 10 33   184 183 173
RAL 1016 0540-Y   0 3 70 0   254 230 107
RAL 6010 3050-G70Y   20 0 92 47   130 135 0
RAL 6011 4020-G50Y   20 0 50 48   124 134 91
RAL 6005 5040-B90G   100 0 80 60   0 81 52
RAL 6000 6010-G10Y   35 0 40 65   76 95 76
RAL 5019 5040-B10G   92 0 15 70   0 70 85
RAL 9001 1002-G   5 0 8 5   235 240 231
RAL 1019 6500-N   0 2 5 65   109 109 107

Summer cafe with allowed colors of the roof, umbrellas, collapsible design

The traditional Japanese style at the World Trade Center complex inspires peace and tranquility. Sushi, rolls and tonkatsu feel at home here.

Meets summer with a new chef (Olga Suzdalkina) and a new menu. Light, green, fresh, it fits perfectly into the mood of the summer terrace. Panca, aji amarillo, cancho corn, chocolate mole, mora berries - the dishes are still prepared with a Peruvian flavor. But the veranda is quite Moscow-like, with sofas, a “fence” of living greenery, hookahs and a nice bonus in the form of a valet parking.

He opened a secluded summer terrace - a real corner of coolness just 200 meters from the Central Department Store. Soft sofas, greenery in tubs, heaters and blankets in case of bad weather, plasma for the World Cup - all the attributes of a summer holiday are here. Summer cocktails and lemonades make the veranda an ideal place for leisurely gatherings.

The veranda under the high glass arcade of the White Gardens business center is open around the clock. There is a lot of natural wood, white fresh flowers in spectacular clay pots. Stylish designer consoles, elegant multi-colored pillows, warm and cozy blankets create a country mood.

Overlooking the city: for beauty

The meat restaurant opened a veranda on Akademika Sakharova Avenue. All summer long, dishes from seasonal products will be served here, on Thursdays some of the best cover artists in Moscow will perform, and on Saturdays there will be barbecue parties, author's cocktails and dj-sets.

He opened a large balcony on the 16th floor of the Smolensky Passage and demonstrated an excellent view of the city center. The Old Arbat, the high-rise of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the blue ribbon of the Moscow River - everything can be viewed in detail. And at the same time try the summer menu of Vladimir Mukhin, who has collected seasonal local products, combining them in the most unexpected combinations.

The highest outdoor veranda in Europe this year invites you to a luxurious Italian journey in the style of dolce vita. At an altitude of 354 m in good weather, it is a special pleasure to see such a close sky and squint from the bright sun while sipping a refreshing cocktail.

On Bolshaya Dmitrovka, thanks to the retractable roof, in summer the whole thing turns into a large veranda. Here you should try dishes from the seasonal menu with an abundance of fish and seafood and signature cocktails, and at the same time admire the panoramic view of the city.

Veranda on the roof of the Hymeney shopping center with a view of Zamoskvorechie and romantic sunsets. Here summer comes earlier, lasts longer and leaves the most vivid impressions.

This is the name of the veranda on the tenth floor of the retro-futuristic design hotel Standard. Exactly so many degrees of view open from this height. The high-rise of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pushkinskaya Square, Tverskaya and Strastnoy Boulevard, as well as a bar and grill where shrimp, salmon fillet, squid, rib eye and flounder are cooked on live fire.

The restaurant's veranda is one of the closest to Red Square and the center of all city life, with a stunning view of the Bolshoi Theater. A great place for a morning meeting over a cup of coffee, a business lunch or a romantic dinner. The breakfast menu is open every day from 08:00 on weekdays and from 09:00 on weekends. In addition to the main menu, it is worth trying the traditional "Russian Set" of 5 courses - the author's reading of Russian cuisine by chef Andrey Shmakov.

In summer, the entire second floor of the restaurant turns into a large terrace. Floor-to-ceiling windows open, uniting the veranda and the hall into one luxurious space filled with light and fresh summer air.

The summer veranda looks stylish and concise: Mediterranean furniture, a sea of ​​flowers, soft blankets, natural coolness and the noise of the fountain - the main decoration of the White Square. A special attraction is round-the-clock operation.

Green: for contact with nature

On the veranda, they pour bubble brut and craft beer and stock up on fresh oysters and broad-toed crayfish: they go with a bang on weekends to melodic funk and soul.

He got two verandas at once - the front one overlooking the Kuznetsky bridge and the chamber one in the courtyard. Both are equipped with large umbrellas to protect from the sun and are surrounded by flowers and greenery. Three new light fruit cocktails and a menu of surf&turf dishes that combine meat and seafood are designed especially for warm evenings on them.

The veranda in Tretyakovsky passage is buried in hydrangeas and serves as a backdrop for selfies for fashionistas of all stripes. On the menu, you have to choose from the largest in the world
assortment of crabs (11 species) and over 900 wines.

If this is a collective image of all Georgian apartments, then its veranda is the famous Tbilisi balcony? However, the view from here opens not on a miniature green courtyard or street, but on the Moscow River and a wide embankment. Lots of air, thoughtful design to the smallest detail, comfort, taste of national dishes and world-famous Georgian hospitality - on the Kazbek balcony it is nice to start the day with coffee, have a hearty dinner and drink wine in the evenings.

Reminiscent of a winter garden or a greenhouse, the restaurant's veranda is the right place to think about the green power of vegetables and herbs and taste the dishes of gastrobotanist Andrey Kolodyazhny: fennel salad with kohlrabi or beef with burdock cream.

With music: for mood

Opened a porch in blue and white, she spilled the restaurant onto the street. In the evenings, sirtaki dance and beat plates, and starting from 9.00 in the morning they invite you for a Greek breakfast with pies from their own bakery.

Entices with musical Thursdays on a huge veranda under a bright tent overlooking the art mecca of the capital - Red October. It serves music for gourmets and food for music lovers. Distinctive features of the hedonistic menu are high-quality music, Pan-Asian cuisine in tandem with European hits, and a conceptual bar list.

The summer terrace of the cafe on the corner of Pyatnitskaya and pedestrian Klimentovsky is the only one in Moscow where you can sit at the bar. In the evenings, very good street musicians play nearby, which exacerbates the pleasure of food, communication and summer.

He captured the roof with a view of Neglinnaya and Tsvetnoy and arranges spectacular show programs and dances here until the morning, and during the day he gathers for long and relaxed brunches (2200 rubles without restrictions). For large companies and families, several large community tables have been provided. There will be enough space, sun and communication for everyone.

This season, according to the Moscow Department of Trade and Services, 26 summer cafes should appear in parks, including such large ones as Sokolniki, Gorky Park, VDNKh. Also, verandas can be placed on lawns, but not on the roofs of houses and at transport hubs. Seasonal verandas also cannot be placed closer than 25 meters from metro entrances and closer than 5 meters from underground pedestrian crossings. However, the latest rules were in effect last year. But the area in which there are uniform standards for the design and installation of summer cafes, approved two years ago, has expanded.

“In 2014, the standards applied only to seasonal establishments that opened within the Boulevard Ring,” Alexei Nemeryuk, head of the Moscow Department of Trade and Services, told RG. “In 2015, to cafes located within the boundaries of the Third Transport Ring. Starting this year standards have reached the borders of the Moscow Ring Road.

According to the head of the department, 2,047 objects were included in the territorial scheme for placing open verandas this season. But this does not mean that just as many cafes will open. “So many catering establishments have the appropriate permits,” Nemeryuk explained. “Let me remind you that now in Moscow there is a rule: permission to open a seasonal cafe at a stationary establishment is issued once and for all. A month is allotted for issuing permits, not six months, as before” .

Nemeryuk clarified that not all restaurateurs equip their summer terrace during the season. The reasons may be different, for example, there is no money for additional staff. According to the head of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers Igor Bukharov, as a rule, they do not use the main staff to work in summer cafes, they hire seasonal workers - usually students. But they also need to pay.

As in the past year, restaurateurs do not intend to spend money on decor. Individual projects of summer verandas, as explained in the Moscow Committee for Architecture, where they are agreed upon, are ordered by a few owners of stationary cafes. “Revenues of stationary cafes are falling,” Bukharov notes, “here, as they say, there is no time for excesses.” Therefore, most summer cafes will consist of wooden terraces with flooring or metal structures covered with awnings made of waterproof materials. Or restaurateurs simply arrange tables with chairs under umbrellas and flowers in tubs around the edges.

Such minimalism is typical for many European capitals. But as for smoking on summer verandas, it seems that we will have to forget about it after all. Last year, restaurateurs whose summer cafes consisted of tables and chairs were not forbidden to display ashtrays. This issue has not yet been resolved. As explained in the Department of Trade, Rospotrebnadzor is against smoking in summer cafes.

WG / Maria Pakhmutova / Olga Ignatova

Opening of the summer terrace in the restaurant "Nani"

In mid-May, the restaurant of Georgian cuisine "Nani" on Malaya Dmitrovka will officially open the summer season.

The festive opening of the veranda will last for two days: May 19 and 20. These days, a Tbilisi bazaar will be held here - with vegetables, fruits, spices, sweets, traditional souvenirs, guests will be treated to snacks from chef Irma Chagelishvili, wine will flow like water, and at 20:30 jazz singer Nani Eva is scheduled to perform. After the concert, guests will be entertained with cover versions of Georgian songs.

A cozy veranda is located on the balcony of the 2nd floor, on the inside of the building, allowing guests to relax from the noise of the capital's streets.

Throughout the summer, Nani is going to arrange evening gatherings in the fresh air, serve homemade lemonades, as well as dishes from a special menu designed specifically for the new summer season.

The veranda of the restaurant is designed for 100 seats.

Veranda at Chinese News Restaurant

Season is open! In the third restaurant of the Chinese News chain, recently opened on Novy Arbat, a veranda has been opened. 8 tables, 16 seats, parking nearby and no road reconstruction, construction dust and noise. Needless to say, this is a rarity these days.

Lovers, admirers and fans of Chinese cuisine simply need to stop by here to try the famous Xiaolongbao dumplings, a huge portion of tomato soup with seafood, canonical pork ears or an alternative to already slightly bored, beaten cucumbers. Most of the dishes in Novosti are prepared and served in an average of 5 minutes, which means you can have a quick bite here and continue your walk ... or still stay longer and relax in the shade with a glass of cold white or an author's cocktail from Katya Efimova.

The veranda is open on weekdays from 12:00 to 00:00. Opening hours will be extended on weekends.

Summer terrace of the restaurant "Chugunniy Most"

The summer terrace of the Chugunny Most restaurant is already open. And she is very beautiful. This is the first veranda on the noisy Pyatnitskaya street - small round tables, comfortable chairs with soft pillows, a lot of colorful blankets for those who are cold. The chef and sommelier on the summer veranda especially recommend new wine snacks. The spring, very special menu at the Chugunny Most restaurant is exclusively true wine snacks and decanters different with wine.

The new section of wine snacks is dedicated to crab, because the chef of the Chugunny Most restaurant, Alexander Golubchikov, is sure that the taste and tenderness of crabs are perfect for both light white and rich red. Ceviche with crab and avocado (190 rubles) is served on thin lentil flour papadam, and profiteroles (320 rubles) are stuffed with a mousse of crab, cream, feta cheese, shrimp, fresh cucumbers and cilantro. Quiche lauren with crab (290 rubles) served with beetroot balsamic, carrot cream, shrimp chips and Wakame seaweed. Wine in the "Chugunny Most" is now also poured into beautiful decanters (small 250 ml and large 500 ml), so that spring guests can afford more. The sommelier has collected the most popular positions of the Old World for bottling by decanters, because the task is not to amaze with new knowledge, but to give an opportunity to have a good rest. Three white wines that are poured from bottles into decanters are Italian Pinot Grigio (420 rubles for 250 ml and 740 rubles for 500 ml), French Sauvignon Blanc (550 rubles / 990 rubles) and Russian Chardonnay (700 rubles . / 1250 rubles). Three red wines are French Cabernet Sauvignon (550 rubles / 990 rubles), Spanish from the Rioja region (600 rubles / 1090 rubles) and Krasnodar Raevskoe Renaissance (800 rubles / 1420 rubles).

Terrace AQ Kitchen: gastronomic "fiesta" in outdoor mode

At the intersection of Bolshaya Gruzinskaya and 1st Brestskaya streets, in the corner of a small cozy square, you will smell paella again and you will hear the cin-cin of glasses of sparkling wine raised for the summer, for the sun, for taste and color. AQ Kitchen, the restaurant of international Michelin-starred chef Adrian Quetglas, opens its veranda.

On the veranda of AQ Kitchen, guests are welcome for lunch, dinner and a bright refreshing wine accompaniment from the author of the wine list Vlada Lesnichenko Adrian will gladly accept everyone who loves tasty and plentiful food and those who love gourmet: singles, couples, business groups and cheerful companies with children and pets. The AQ Kitchen veranda is very dogs friendly. A bowl of water for all pets.

The main hits of the menu: poultry pate in the form of a yellow duck, served with poached apples; beef tartare; sea ​​bass carpaccio, Lebanese salad with baked lamb and sumac spices, tapas set, Thai soup with chicken and lemon jelly, Fish open ravioli with cream of tomatoes and parmesan, Moroccan chicken with couscous and pear chutney , stewed veal cheek with potato stew and puffed herbs, lamb tongue with beetroot bulgur and fresh herb mousse, pig shank with spicy quince puree, Brussels sprouts and pickled apple, ox tenderloin with spices and sweet potatoes. Desserts in hits include Cuba Libre, a warm brownie with cactus sorbet, an ice dome of coconut with pineapple sorbet. And a lot of summer, refreshing lemonades and cocktails!

Wine list and drinks: AQ Kitchen collected wines bit by bit, which are fully in line with the new smart buy trend. A small, tireless map, comfortable prices, well-known and well-known regions, iconic wines and raisins that did not have time to get bored; and most importantly, Adrian's wine selection. AQ Kitchen is, first of all, a restaurant, not a wine bar, but without good wine, good cuisine will not sparkle, will not come to life.

The ideal gastrosphere of Adrian Quetglas's cuisine, where guests enjoy eating, having a good time and coming back again and again, is the main goal of AQ Kitchen.

ADRI BBQ: the first time - in rows of terraces

ADRI BBQ will have its own small “victory”: the restaurant opens its summer terrace for the first time. Adrian Quetglas can't do without a "light": we will put a grill and a barbecue on the veranda, and each guest will be able to make his own meat to taste. The summer space is designed for 60 gourmets who, like us, love juicy, tasty and on a "live" fire. Vegetables, meat, fish, seafood and even desserts are prepared on all kinds of grills - brazier, oven, Josper. For those who cannot imagine terraces without the clink of glasses, ADRI BBQ can fill them with something truly interesting. Wines of the Old and New Worlds are offered for bottling: young green from Portugal, orange from Georgia, domestic sparkling wines, as well as the best of traditional hits and the most daring of new products in volumes of 90 and 150 ml.

"Scottish cage": a summer terrace in the very center of Moscow

A small summer terrace will reappear in the Scottish Cage restaurant. Every day from 12:00 to 01:00, guests can enjoy the comfort of a stylish veranda located in the inner courtyard of the restaurant, which offers a wonderful view of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Listy, and Moscow greenery envelops it, giving a special privacy in the very center of the capital. Graceful chandeliers with soft light, pleasant background music, lemonades based on wild berries and herbs in the bar, everything is done so that guests can fully enjoy the pleasant atmosphere. For those who find summer evenings chilly, Scottish blankets will definitely be brought.

Those who are in a hurry to meet the summer and love spiritual meetings on the veranda, from May 22 to May 31, in the evenings in the Scottish Cage restaurant, not only a warm welcome, but also a warming drink awaits.*

*see your waiter for details

Number of seats - 16.

Summer terrace in the restaurant "Botik Petra"

The Mediterranean restaurant on Lesnaya is getting ready for the summer. Very soon, white tents of the summer veranda will appear here.

As in the restaurant itself, it will feel like home here. On cold evenings, the veranda will be heated by gas heaters, and the waiters will offer guests warm blankets. During May, Botik Petra will offer refreshing lemonades and light fish snacks from the summer menu, which has already been taken care of by the restaurant's chef Kirill Rubanov.

N.Tesla: Summer terrace on Rozhdestvensky Boulevard

People walking along the boulevard will definitely be interested in the bright veranda of the third restaurant of the author's Serbian cuisine "N.Tesla". A cozy veranda with a beautiful view of the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God will gather all lovers of Serbian specialties from the updated menu from Nikola Kovacevic. On warm days, it will be nice to quietly swing here, waiting for the selected dishes and soft drinks.

Veranda opening hours:

Daily from 10:00 to 00:00 h

Number of seats - 45.
