
Which nuts are lower in calories. Types and properties of fatty nuts

Doctors assure that plant foods do not harm the figure, especially if it is not processed, but the energy value of a number of products is doubtful. What nuts can you eat when losing weight, given their high calorie content, so that they show only positive qualities, and how many pieces per day will not harm the diet? How useful is this product and is it possible to lose weight and fat reserves with it?

Is it possible to eat nuts while losing weight

Doubts about the safety of this product in relation to the figure are generated by the amount of fat and calories, which is not at all inherent in dietary food. However, nutritionists are sure that nuts have so many benefits, especially for women, that it is unreasonable to throw them out of the diet. Fatty acids (especially Omega-3), vitamin E, polyphenols - these elements are vital for the body. Is it possible to eat nuts while losing weight? With caution - that's the answer of the doctors. You will not lose weight more slowly if you find your dose and understand what is best to combine them with and when to eat.

The healthiest nuts

If you take a fresh product - not fried with butter, not salted, not doused with glaze - it will only work for the benefit of health. However, doctors also identify the most useful nuts for weight loss, of which there are only 5 types. The rating, according to experts, looks like this:

  1. Almond.
  2. Walnut.
  3. Cashew nuts.
  4. Pistachios.
  5. Pine nuts.

Calorie content of nuts

The general indicator of energy value for this category of products ranges from 560-690 kcal, but all the calories in nuts are healthy. Vegetable fats, therefore, do not settle on the vascular walls. Protein is easily digestible. There are few carbohydrates, so they do not turn into a fat reserve. However, obese people need to decide which nuts can be eaten on a diet when the daily calorie content of the menu is seriously limited. Tables come to the rescue indicating the energy value and BJU of each of the nuts available in Russia.

The most high-calorie nuts

This category includes those varieties of this product, whose energy value has crossed the border of 650 kcal per 100 g. Experts advise using the elements of this group less often or in very small quantities. It is noteworthy that the most high-calorie nuts also have a high proportion of fat. The picture looks like this:

The lowest calorie nuts

If you have been trying to figure out how to properly include this group of products in your menu and what nuts you can eat while losing weight, the elements of this table are what you need. Their energy value is below 610 kcal in a 100 g serving, and, according to nutritionists, they are as safe as possible for the figure. The list of the lowest calorie nuts looks like this:

Nuts for weight loss

The main benefit of this food product lies in its high energy value, which is dangerous only if it is abused. Nutrition is a hallmark of nuts: if you feel hungry at the wrong time, you can eat a few things to eliminate your appetite for a long time. In terms of calories, such a serving will be approximately 100-120 kcal, which is commensurate with a sandwich of white bread and a slice of cheese, but the satiety of the latter is significantly lower. However, nuts for weight loss are safe only if the daily allowance is observed.

Is it possible to eat peanuts while losing weight

Scientifically, this product is classified as a legume, not a nut, and most nutritionists are skeptical about eating peanuts for weight loss. Why? In terms of calories, it is lighter than almonds or pecans, but it is high in fat, often provokes allergies and is poorly digested when raw. To level the last minus, experts advise letting the peanuts dry on a baking sheet or pan. In contrast to these shortcomings, he:

  • it has a high protein content, which is equivalent to meat (only calorie content does not allow you to eat as much peanuts as beef or chicken when losing weight), so it saturates better;
  • helps the body get rid of cholesterol;
  • actively accelerates metabolic processes due to the thermogenic effect;
  • contains serotonin, which helps maintain normal hormonal levels (a common cause of weight gain in women).

walnuts for weight loss

Along with oatmeal, this product is called the main helper of the brain, but it is not only beneficial for mental activity - the prevention of cancer, maintaining normal cholesterol levels, strengthening blood vessels, the presence of B vitamins. How valuable will walnuts be for weight loss? Doctors advice:

  • The fiber and protein contained in them are the main "enemies" of excess weight and indefatigable appetite.
  • It makes sense to replace sunflower oil in salads with squeezed walnut oil.
  • High calorie content requires reducing the daily amount of this product with a diet of up to 30 g, and for overweight people - up to 10 g.
  • Keep in mind that high acidity of the stomach, erosive damage to the mucosa, pancreatitis and too high a blood coagulation rate make it impossible to eat walnuts.

Almonds for weight loss

According to experts, if any nuts in a diet can help deal with excess weight, then this is almonds. He is a leader in this matter, although this cannot be said in terms of calorie content. Fatty acids, the content of which is over the top, protein and fiber, make almonds popular for weight loss. It drowns out the feeling of hunger better than other nuts, creating an illusory feeling of a full stomach, even if you eat only 8-10 nucleoli. A number of trace elements (especially magnesium and copper) from the chemical composition of almonds dampens the desire to eat sweetness, so it is very much appreciated during diets.

Nutmeg for weight loss

This is the only representative of this category of products that gets into food as ... spice. It is not chewed like almonds or cashews, but is added to food when ground. The chemical composition of the fruits of nutmeg is no less rich than that of its other "brothers", but it is valued by nutritionists an order of magnitude more strongly. Nutmeg for weight loss is useful from the standpoint of its ability to increase cell temperature, which entails the burning of body fat. Like other spices, it:

  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • improves the functions of the digestive tract;
  • suppresses hunger;
  • reduces sugar levels.

If you talk about which nuts are the most useful for weight loss, nutmeg will be in the forefront. Try adding it in the amount of a couple of grams (ground) to any drink (it will perfectly complement hot tea, especially in winter), salad, rice, or even mixed with kefir or cottage cheese. This volume is enough to suppress hunger, help metabolism. Just do not overdo it - actively eating nutmeg is undesirable, especially with stomach diseases or excessive outflow of bile.

Hazelnuts for weight loss

The hazelnut or lombard nut is hardly mentioned as a food that can be valuable in controlling or reducing weight, but it is needed by the whole body. The toxin-free liver, bone tissue, and blood vessels will thank you. There are so few carbohydrates here, and the risk of an insulin surge is so insignificant that hazelnuts are allowed for both diabetics and obese people. In terms of manganese, it surpasses the rest of the nuts. Eat hazelnuts when losing weight and not only need to be dosed, because. it can provoke a headache due to vasospasm.

When is the best time to eat nuts?

If it is desirable to eat this tasty product separately from the rest or not to combine it with heavy food (vegetables instead of meat, no bread, etc.), doctors do not argue among themselves, then when is it better to eat nuts - in the morning or in the evening, from each of them can get diametrically opposite information. It is recommended to leave high-calorie food for the first half of the day, but at the same time, it is better to drive away acute hunger before bedtime with a couple of nuts than with candy.

  • Mix nuts with oatmeal during breakfast - you will forget about hunger for 3-4 hours.
  • Try replacing a handful of almonds with an afternoon snack - you will eat less for dinner.
  • A few nuts in a green salad without dressings in the evening - not high in calories, but satisfying.
  • At night, you should not eat any nuts, even the most low-calorie ones.

How many nuts can you eat per day

The norm per day for a person without excess weight is 30 g. This is about 200 kcal (approximate figure), which is recommended for a non-main meal. Vegetarians can increase the dose to 50-70 g, which will be equal to a good hearty lunch. The exact amount of how many nuts you can eat per day must be set for each type separately, taking into account the difference in calories and weight:

  • almonds - 12 pcs.;
  • hazelnuts - 8 pcs.;
  • walnut (halves) - 6 pcs.;
  • pecan - 7 pcs.;
  • cashews - 9 pcs.;
  • pistachios - 8 pcs.

Video: what nuts are the most useful

Even someone who does not know exactly how many calories are in nuts will say that there are a lot of them. You can even taste the fact that they are rich in fat. Nutritionists have calculated that if you eat only 3 "extra" walnuts a day, then in a year the weight will increase by 5 kilos. So what - to completely abandon these gifts of nature, so as not to spoil the figure? Do not rush to draw conclusions!

Nuts are a powerful source of energy and nutrients

A valuable, nutritious, and most importantly, very tasty product is nuts. Many people eat them as a snack or add them to pies and salads. Nuts, like seeds, are very "contagious": it is enough to eat one, as the hand reaches for another, and the whole pack or vase is imperceptibly emptied. These fruits contain a whole range of vitamins and useful microelements. One problem - in terms of calories, they are far ahead of other plant gifts.

A person eats different types of them. To find out which ones you can (and if you can at all) eat while losing weight, just find out what the calorie content of nuts is.

About the energy value of nuts

Among those who need to lose weight, there is such a myth: if you replace meat with nuts in the menu, you can get rid of extra pounds without suffering and restrictions. Only those who have never been interested in what energy value and composition nuts have can believe in this legend. The calorie content of these products (per 100 grams and per 30 grams) will be as follows:

  • walnuts - 700 kcal; 185 kcal (7 cores);
  • Brazilian - 703 kcal; 186 kcal (6 fruits);
  • cedar - 620 kcal; 188 kcal (167 nuts);
  • almonds - 694 kcal; 163 kcal (23 nucleoli);
  • hazelnuts - 707 kcal; 178 kcal (21 pieces);
  • pistachios - 610 kcal; 158 kcal (49 pieces);
  • peanuts (ground) - 551 kcal; 166 kcal (28 pieces);
  • cashew - 633 kcal; 155 kcal (25 pieces);
  • pecan - 861 kcal; 193 (19 walnut halves);
  • coconut - 669 kcal; 200 kcal.

Why do you need to know how many calories are in a 30-gram serving of nuts? Because that's how much the weight of a package with a delicious snack is.

There is a favorite in the walnut family - this is the most expensive and rare specimen. It grows in Australia and costs about $30. per kg. This delicacy is called macadamia. The energy value of such elite nuts is 718 kcal.

To what extent is the calorie content of nuts combined with dietary characteristics? The table shows that none of these products can be called low-calorie, which means that those who do not want to lose their slim figure should be more careful with them.

How many caloriescan be found in 1 nut?

The safe portion of nuts depends on their nutritional content. Since the fruits contain an impressive supply of fat, it is important how much energy is hidden inside 1 nucleolus. The answer will also not please those who are dissatisfied with their weight. So, 1 nut has stored so many kilocalories for you:

  • whole walnut - 26 kcal;
  • cedar - 1.12 kcal;
  • almonds - 7 kcal;
  • hazelnuts - 8.4 kcal;
  • pistachios - 3.2 kcal;
  • peanuts - 5.9 kcal;
  • cashew - 6.2 kcal;
  • pecan - 21 kcal.

Some people wonder how many calories are in a young (unripe) walnut. He really lags behind in energy value from his more "adult" relative, but not by much. But the taste of such a product differs sharply from a ripe fruit.

Benefits or calories? The truth is somewhere in the middle

Each of the nuts is useful for the body. So, walnuts contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. It is a powerful antioxidant. And ellagic acid, which this product is rich in, effectively supports the immune system. If you eat 4 to 6 walnuts a day, it will be good for the body and will not affect your weight in any way. Indeed, at the same time, the daily supply of calories will increase by 156 kcal - this is the norm for snacking between main meals.

Pine nuts contain almost all unique amino acids, and their protein is completely absorbed by the body. You can eat a maximum of 100 g per day. Almonds are the champion in the amount of vitamin E. A safe serving is 30 g. Hazelnuts contain a lot of iron, strengthens blood vessels. In order not to get better, 7 pieces per day are enough.

Nuts are considered to be the richest source of vegetable fats and proteins, and therefore many of them are considered excellent meat substitutes. That is why chefs use the nutritional properties of this product in the course of cooking in any form: whole, chopped, crushed. Often it is added to salads, snacks, pates, meat dishes.

Given these features of the product, it is often included in diets. Let's see why? This nutritious and valuable product is a unique source of fatty acids, proteins and carbohydrates. In them contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals, and also there is iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the metabolic process. In addition, due to the calorie content, nuts replace many prohibited foods.

What are the benefits of nuts for losing weight?

Modern nutritionists advise not to exclude this product from the diet with any diet, because PUFAs help to stabilize the metabolism, burn extra pounds, make up for the lack of energy. They should be introduced into the diet correctly:

  • You need to eat 8-10 nuts daily. So you can help the body get useful elements and prevent anemia.
  • The product can be fried, eaten in dried form and add honey to it. They are complemented by salads, cereals and other dishes.

Calorie content of various nuts

Nutritionists emphasize the ability of nuts to quickly saturate the body and at the same time not gain extra pounds. The secret is to increase serotonin, which helps to reduce appetite, improve mood and stabilize cardiac work. All types have this property, but the most high-calorie nuts are:

Calorie content of nuts (table)

Despite the fact that this is one of the most original products, given its calorie content, it is allowed to eat no more than fifty grams daily. To understand the number of calories in one hundred grams of the product, you should read the table:

Product Squirrels Carbohydrates Fats Kcal
Coconut 3 28 33 379
pistachios 20 7 50 554
Brazilian nut 13 11 65 564
Sesame 19 11 48 564
Peanut 29,2 10 50 610
Pine nuts 11 19 60 628
Cashew 25 13 53 642
Almond 18 15 57 644
walnut 15 10 64 647
Hazelnut 16 8 66 703

Having considered the data, it can be noted that most of the protein is present in peanuts, and nuts enriched with vegetable protein saturate the body for a long time. Wherein most of all the body receives trace elements and amino acids. Nut protein is the most complex, and therefore it also keeps the muscles in a normal state.

For example, pistachios are low in complex carbohydrates and will take much longer to digest. That is why the body will be full for a long time. Although there is a lot of fat in nuts, they should not be afraid. Vegetable fat does not harm the body, and even helps to better absorb vitamins. Eating such a product daily, you will provide yourself with a great mood and health!

One of the most popular plant foods used as a substitute for animal fats and proteins are nuts. Nutritionists and gastroenterologists recommend using different types of nuts to maintain the body, increase immunity and correct weight. Despite the high calorie content, kernels are often included in menu recipes used for weight loss. For those who calculate the calorie and fat content of foods every time, it will be interesting to learn about the fat content in different types of nuts.

It would seem that nuts are nutritious and high in fat, which means they cannot be used while observing dietary nutrition. In fact, cedar kernels include various useful trace elements, vitamins and minerals. With the regular use of walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, almonds or cashews, a person significantly increases immunity, activates the mechanisms responsible for a quick recovery from various diseases.

Nutritionists note the high content of vegetable protein in cedar kernels. This component is similar in composition to animal protein, which we get from meat, eggs, and dairy products. However, vegetable protein from walnut kernels is completely absorbed by the body. Thanks to this, after a small amount of nuts eaten, it saturates faster and relieves hunger.

About calories

Given the high content of useful components, vitamins and microelements, any nuts are an indispensable, nutritious product in the daily diet.

When consumed in reasonable quantities, walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts are allowed to be added to food for children from the age of five. But let's not forget that this is a fatty product. For general development and for competent menu planning, you need to know about the fat content and calorie content of different types of nuts.

Detailed data are presented in the table:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal
26,3 45,2 9,9 551
Brazilian nut 14,3 66,4 4,8 656
15,2 62,0 7,0 654
Acorn 8,1 31,4 53,7 509
Chestnut 3,4 3,0 30,6 166
pine nut 11,6 61,0 19,7 673
Cashew 25,7 54,1 13,2 643
Coconut 3,9 36,5 4,8 364
Manchurian walnut 28,6 61,0 7,7 643
Almond 18,6 60,0 13,0 609
Pecan 9,2 72,0 4,3 700
pistachios 20,0 50,0 7,0 556
15,0 61,2 9,4 651

By studying the information presented in the table, we see that pecans are the most high-calorie nuts. For every 100 grams of product, there are 700 kcal and approximately 72 grams of fat. For comparison, we see from the table that walnuts and almonds are in second place in terms of fat content. The fat content of walnuts is 62%, almonds - 60%. From this it becomes clear that the fattest nut in the world is the pecan.

But the advantage of nuts lies not only in high calorie content and fat content, the fatty acids that are part of walnuts, almonds, pine nuts and other varieties of nuts are of great benefit. Fatty acids in walnut form contribute to a quick cure for diseases of the stomach, intestines, and liver. In terms of calories and nutritional value, walnut kernels are comparable to meat products.

Pine nuts are very useful for hematopoiesis, the functioning of the cardiac, vascular, intestinal and other body systems. Studying which nuts are fatty and high-calorie, you should pay attention to the fruits of the cedar pine. According to the nutritional table, cedar kernels have a calorie content of 673 kcal for every 100 grams of product. In terms of fat content, 100 grams of cedar fruit contains 61 grams of fatty oils.

About the fattest type of nuts

The fattest nut in the world is the pecan. In appearance, this product resembles walnut kernels familiar to all of us from childhood. However, pecans are nutritionally superior to walnuts. A small handful of pecans contains 12% of the daily value of protein and 9% of micronutrients. Considering the maximum calorie content equal to 700 Kcal, a handful of 100-120 grams of nuts is enough to satisfy the feeling of hunger for an adult.

Nutritionists focus on the complex digestibility of pecan by a child's body. The high content of fats and acids causes indigestion and disorders in the digestive system of children. Therefore, up to 5-6 years of age, it is not recommended to treat babies with pecans.


To date, mankind knows several dozen names of nuts. Among them, the fattest is the pecan variety. For every 100 grams of product, there are 72 grams of fat and 700 kcal. In second place in terms of calories and nutritional value are walnuts. They are followed by almonds. But despite the different fat content, each of the known species includes a lot of useful components, fatty acids, vitamins, and trace elements.

It is one of the most ancient products on the planet. Its homeland is considered the territory of modern Iran. Since ancient times, this nut has been called "royal", since only noble persons ate it. Until some time, this fruit was not available to the poor.

It is known that the daily use of such nuts contributes to a significant increase in brain activity. It is included in the mandatory diet of people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle and monitor their weight. Despite the high fat content, this product is widely used in the preparation of various diets. You can learn about the calorie content of a walnut (1 piece and 100 g) from our article. Here we will talk about the benefits of this nut, including for weight loss.

Calorie content of walnuts (per 100 g)

Many dieters try to avoid such a high-calorie product as a walnut. It seems to them that it is enough to eat one small nut, and all their efforts will be in vain.

The calorie content of walnuts is certainly high and amounts to 654 kcal (in 100 grams). But do not be afraid of this number. In fact, 100 grams is about 50 nuts. Even an adult can not eat such a quantity of such high-calorie fruits. Also, by simple arithmetic calculations, you can find out that the weight of 1 nut is 5 g. From here you can also understand how many calories are in one walnut. Let's consider this question in more detail.

Walnut: calories per 1 walnut

Doctors and nutritionists believe that the norm of eating nuts per day is 4-6 pieces. Thus, eating 50 pieces or 100 g of this product is not necessary at all. With such uncontrolled use, only walnuts can bring harm.

The calorie content of 1 nut is calculated from the total calorie content per 100 g. It is already known that 100 g contains 654 kcal, that is, 6.54 kcal per 1 g. One walnut weighs about 5 g. Thus, the value of 6.54 is multiplied by 5 g and we get the calorie content of 1 nut, which is equal to 32.7 kcal. From here you can calculate the daily rate.

Without harm to the figure, a person can eat 4-6 pieces of a product such as a walnut. Calorie 1 pc. is 32.7 kcal, which means that the calorie content of 4-6 nuts will be equal to 132-196 kcal. Such a number of calories will not bring significant harm to the figure, but there will be a lot of benefits from eating nuts.

The nutritional value

Since ancient times, walnuts have been used as a medicine, without thinking at all about its calorie content. It contains an almost complete set of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are not produced by the body itself, but are very important for its normal functioning, and many other useful components. The B vitamins, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc are found in high amounts in walnuts, and vitamin E makes this product especially rich in antioxidants. It contains 50 times more ascorbic acid (vitamin C) than citrus fruits.

The special uniqueness of the walnut lies in the fact that it contains This is a completely unique compound that not only protects healthy cells of the body from possible infection with cancer, but also disinfects the sick. That's how useful a walnut is. The calorie content of 1 nut is only 32.7 kcal. Proteins in 100 grams of walnuts contain about 15 g, fat - 65 g, and carbohydrates - only 7 g.

Beneficial features

For the body is as follows:

  1. With regular use of walnuts, brain function improves. Thanks to increased blood flow, more oxygen and nutrients are supplied to it, which contributes to its normal functioning. Including they are recommended for use by schoolchildren.
  2. Walnuts also help athletes withstand heavy physical exertion (1 piece, the calorie content of which is 32.7 kcal, increases energy several times).
  3. Nuts are useful for the prevention of anemia, heart and thyroid diseases. The magnesium contained in them helps to reduce nervous excitability, and dietary fiber helps to improve bowel function.

Despite the high calorie content, walnuts must be present in the diet of every healthy person.

Harm and contraindications

Harm from the use of walnuts can only be associated with an allergy to this product, which leads to rashes on the skin and oral mucosa. Therefore, it is important to monitor the amount of nuts eaten. In addition, excessive consumption of this product can lead to brain spasm. The norm is 4-6 nuts per day.

How important is the calorie content of 1 walnut for weight loss?

Despite the high calorie content, in one of the well-known diets, walnuts are recommended to completely replace all animal fats. As you know, any body, even during weight loss, needs fats. But, in addition to this, nuts also contain a lot of useful substances that fight bad cholesterol. So, such fats will be much more useful than animal origin. But this is not all the benefits that a walnut can bring during a diet.

The calorie content of 1 nut, as you know, is 32.7 kcal, and the amount of fat in 5 g (1 nut) is 3.26 g. Calculating this is elementary, given that 100 grams of nuts contain 65.2 g of fat. 4-6 pieces, which doctors recommend eating daily, contain 13-19 g of fat, while the norm for a healthy person is 40 g.

All these calculations allow us to conclude that walnuts are good for the body and can be eaten even during a diet.
