
Cleaning eggs from the shell. Five simple steps to perfectly boil and easily peel eggs

Don't say that you haven't experienced a feeling of wild rage when you peeled boiled eggs! Really a secret fast cleaning boiled eggs is quite simple. To do this, you need to properly boil the egg.

1. Put your eggs in cold water

Initially, the egg contains air bubble that should have been breathed. Also in the egg there are pores through which air should have flowed in for the future. So if you throw an egg into boiling water, then:

  1. There is a high probability that the instantly expanded air will not have time to exit through the pores of the shell, and the egg will simply burst completely.
  2. The white will harden faster than the air can escape through the shell and the egg will become irregularly shaped.

2. Salt the water before submerging the eggs

Even if the water has already boiled, and you have not yet put eggs in it, then it does not matter. Just salt a little water: 1 tbsp. spoon for 5 liters. The fact is that salt contributes to the very rapid folding of the protein, therefore, even if the egg cracks, the protein will curl up very quickly, clog the crack and prevent the entire egg from flowing into the pan.

3. Boil eggs over low heat

When water boils, swirls form at the bottom of the pot, which, under high heat, can cause the eggs to hit each other, and this will lead to the eggs eventually bursting.

4. Refrigerate the egg immediately after boiling, do not overcook

After the egg is cooked, immediately dip it into cold water. For what? And then to:

1. It was easier to clean due to peeling of the film from the shell due to temperature differences.

2. The protein was yellow and not black due to the release of hydrogen sulfide from the egg due to its rapid cooling.

If the egg is digested, then hydrogen sulfide will also form in it, of course, it will not cause great harm your health, but the color of the egg will spoil significantly. How long should eggs be boiled?

  • to get soft-boiled eggs, they are boiled for 5 minutes,
  • in a bag - 6 minutes,
  • hard-boiled eggs are boiled for 10 minutes.

5. Store eggs point down

If you store eggs with a sharp end down, then the yolk will always be exactly in the center of the egg and after boiling and cleaning the egg will be beautiful and symmetrical. There are other reasons too: there are more pores in the blunt end of the egg, so the egg will breathe better and keep its freshness longer.

If the egg is cooked correctly, then you can peel it in 4-5 seconds:

How to quickly clear boiled egg? Here are five ways to quickly peel hard-boiled eggs. Choose which method you like best.

Hello dear readers of my blog and YouTube channel viewers.

Sometimes we need to quickly clean up a large number of hard-boiled eggs. For example, we want to cook a big one, for big company or bake a mountain of egg pies and green onions for the whole family, but there is no time to crack boiled eggs for a long time.

I offer you 5 ways to quickly peel a boiled egg. Everyone, I think, will find the best way for themselves to cope with this difficult task, not only quickly, but also fun.

But before you peel the eggs, they must be cooked properly. So, cook hard-boiled eggs properly.

Place the eggs in a saucepan, then add enough cold water to cover them by 1cm. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to medium-high and simmer the eggs at a gentle simmer for 10 minutes. Pour out hot water. When using the eggs all at once, shake the pan gently so that the eggs crash into each other (to break the shell). Pour the eggs cold water in a saucepan. Let the eggs stand in cold water 15 minutes, adding more cold water or ice to keep the water cold.

So, we have perfect hard-boiled eggs. Now we need to quickly clean them up.

Method 1. How to quickly peel a boiled egg.

The first method is to remove the shells a little from the sharp end of the egg and a little more from the blunt end, and then blow it well.

How does this kid do it?

It's so easy and simple that even a child can handle it. But if you don't have such powerful lungs or just don't want to blow, our Asian friends come to the rescue.

Method 2. How to quickly peel a boiled egg.

The second way is to peel 5 eggs in 10 seconds at once without much effort.

Method 3. How to quickly peel a boiled egg.

The third way is similar to the second. As they say, find ten differences.

The third way. Add some cold water to the pot of boiled eggs, cover with a bowl and shake vigorously.

Method 4. How to quickly peel a boiled egg.

The fourth very elegant method of cleaning boiled eggs will be shown to us by an English lady. This method consists in breaking the shell well from all sides, inserting a spoon under it and quickly peeling the egg.

Method 5. How to quickly peel a boiled egg.

The fifth way is to lightly press the boiled egg and roll it on the table. Personally, this is how I prefer to clean eggs.

That's how we saw 5 ways to peel hard boiled eggs. Which way did you like best? What secret do you have that you use to quickly peel large amounts of boiled eggs? Write in the comments.

You will say that all this is good, and sometimes funny. But there is one more important point which sometimes becomes a real problem. I'm sure everyone has experienced it at least once.

I'm talking about the problem of peeling a very fresh egg.

And I don't mean the new eggs you just brought from grocery store. Did you know that eggs can be up to 3-4 weeks old in the store when you buy them? The older the egg, the more air you will get between the egg shell and the egg shell.

I mean the eggs we buy from the villagers. Eggs that the hen laid yesterday or the day before yesterday, and possibly this morning. This can really be a big problem peeling very fresh hard boiled eggs. If you've tried peeling a boiled egg that was too fresh, you know what I'm talking about. It's hard work and the end product isn't as pretty to look at. You try to peel off the shell, but you end up with half of the protein peeling off too.

Method 1. How to quickly peel a boiled very fresh egg.

And so, we have two options to beautifully clean fresh eggs. The first option is to wait 2-3 weeks for the eggs to age a bit. But it doesn't suit us. We want to eat these fresh eggs without waste.

Method 2. How to quickly peel a boiled very fresh egg.

Then we will resort to the second method. You don't have to wait for anything! We will not boil eggs, but we will soar them. We need a double boiler or a metal insert in the pan.

Are you also one of those guys who can't peel a boiled egg without removing the white from the yolk along with the shell? At first glance, peeling eggs is still a torment, however, there is simple ways avoid tragedy. Much has been written about this on the Internet, but you will not delve into the network in your free time to find the answer to this trivia question?

We have done everything for you. After reviewing everything that is written on the topic of cleaning eggs, we have selected four of the most popular methods and collected them in this article. How do you like the fact from the US Department of Agriculture, for example, that fresh eggs fall behind the shell with much more difficulty than those that have lain for a week? It turns out that in fresh ones there is almost no air gap between the shell and the egg. Yes, we didn't know about it either. In a word, keep complete guide for cleaning eggs.

1. Using baking soda

The method works like this: before you start boiling eggs, put a teaspoon of soda in the water. It will increase the pH of the protein, and for this reason the film, which is located immediately under the shell, will not stick, and the egg will become easier to peel.

Pour the eggs with water so that it covers them by about 5 centimeters and cook under the lid for about 10 minutes. This is one of the most known ways among housewives and amateur cooks.

2. With the help of the strength of the lungs

You don't smoke, do you? The fact is that this method of cleaning an egg will require considerable breathing power. After you've boiled the egg, punch two holes about the size of a two-ruble coin on the top and bottom of the egg. After that, remove the shell from the holes, put your mouth to the top and blow vigorously. In the video it works like this:

But keep in mind that this trick will require really strong lungs. Even the big guy in the video, when he applied his method, bulged his eyes with zeal.

3. With shake

If you have more than three eggs to peel, this old chef's trick will work for you. This will require large saucepan like for soup. After you boil the eggs, drain all the water, leaving about a centimeter of water from the bottom of the pan.

After that, start vigorously shaking the bowl, giving the eggs a rotational movement so that they spin like in a whirlpool. As a result of multiple collisions, their shells will crack, and the water contained in the pan will penetrate into the cracks, making the eggs surprisingly easy to peel.

4. With a glass of water

The Youtube video of this egg-cleaning method has almost 24 million views. Place a freshly boiled egg in a glass of thick glass. Fill the egg with water, cover tightly with the palm of your hand and start shaking the glass vigorously. The main thing is that the glass is wide enough so that the egg has time to pick up speed and hit the shell against its walls.

We are sure that you have repeatedly wondered: how to quickly peel an egg. Of course, if you are a vegan or have an allergy to protein or yolk, then you will most likely be interested in how to peel Walnut, but today we will talk exclusively about eggs.

Have you ever peeled a whole mountain of chicken eggs? For salad, okroshka, stuffing for pies? The task is not difficult, but sometimes boring and monotonous that sometimes you want to eat. Moreover, the shell is separated along with the protein, which has to be thrown into the trash almost half of the egg. Horror, simple, but there is a way out!

It turns out that modern life hackers and just observant people have come up with a lot of ways helping to quickly clean the egg. Yes, and the video was shot, which clearly shows how they easily and simply cope with this task. Don't believe? Let's look at all these methods in order.

We all know that after boiling the egg must be lowered into cold water, then it will be easier to peel it. However, this proven method sometimes fails: for example, eggs may turn out to be unexpectedly fresh (and this is good), or you forgot to salt the water in which they were cooked, or the planets did not converge, or an asteroid fell, or something else. Do not despair, we will show you some ways with which you will learn how to quickly peel eggs.

  1. Method number 1. This method is more suitable for men because they have better developed lungs. And here are the lungs, you will be surprised? The fact is that we will clean the egg, literally blowing it out of the shell. After it is cooked and cooled down, we make small holes from both ends of the egg - blunt and sharp. Place a plate in front of you. Now take more air into your lungs and blow strongly into more sharp end eggs. The shell will remain in your hands, and the egg will “pop out” to the surface of the dish.
  2. Method number 2. Another method that allows you to peel an egg in 3 seconds. And you will do this without breaking it, but cutting it in half. Boil the egg, cool, and as is, in the shell, cut into 2 halves. Now scoop the egg from the first half with a spoon. It will quickly separate from the shell, and the surface of the protein will remain smooth. This trick is suitable when you need to clean very fresh egg. Usually, difficulties occur with such eggs: they are difficult to separate from the shell, and the cleaning process seems long and useless. Also, when cutting, you can peel an egg that is not hard-boiled, but soft-boiled.
  3. Method number 3. Another fun and fun method to quickly peel a boiled egg. Boil an egg, take a glass and fill it about 1/3 with water, you can drop a little vinegar. Now cover the glass with the palm of your hand and shake it well for 3 seconds. This is best done over the sink. Water will spray into different sides, but nothing - but the egg will remain intact. After such a “shake”, the egg will quickly move away from the shell and you can easily remove it.

We clean an egg in 5 seconds

There are also other methods that allow you to quickly peel a boiled egg - literally in 5 seconds. For example, before cooking pierce the blunt end with a needle raw egg . And then, when the eggs are cooked, easily separate the shell.

food the value of eggs is very high, so you need to clean them very carefully so as not to leave half the egg in the peel. The benefits of this product are familiar to both nutritionists and doctors, so before you release it from the shell, do not be lazy and use one of the proven methods.

If you've ever had trouble peeling eggs while cooking, you've come to the right place. No more sticky shell particles and long fuss with the protein, which stubbornly does not want to separate, no matter what you do! In this video, the craftsman shows how to clean an egg while saving time.

First you need to hold it in cold water. Once the egg has cooled down enough, it peels with just a few strokes!

How to quickly peel an egg

It really works! In order to avoid difficulties with cleaning the egg, you just need to lightly press the cold one against the table and roll it over the surface, continuing to press. The shell will crack evenly, and you can separate it by dividing it into two parts right in the middle of the egg. Now I will always do this!

Did you like this method that makes cooking easier in the kitchen? Tell about it to everyone who might be interested!

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