
How to clean a squid for cooking correctly. Quick cleaning of a frozen carcass

By adhering to these rules and tips, you can quickly clean squid:

  1. We clean the squid carcasses only after defrosting.
  2. Defrost them in the refrigerator or at room temperature. We do not use steam, water and other methods of thermal influence. They will spoil the taste of the product, as well as its smell and structure.
  3. We clean the squids carefully and slowly, otherwise gaps form.
  4. Some housewives clean squids after they are boiled. When cooking clams with skin and entrails, we run the risk of spoiling the taste, smell and appearance of the meat.

Squid dishes are very tasty and healthy. Their meat is combined with a variety of products, which allows you to experiment and create incredible culinary masterpieces. And they are very easy and quick to clean.

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To clean the squid from the film, there are several options. Each housewife, having tried each of them, will be able to choose the most suitable and convenient technology for herself, and subsequently spend a small amount of time cleaning carcasses.

cold way

One of the most common ways to peel squid from the film is to use the cold method. This technique is only suitable for freshly caught or properly frozen seafood.

Carcass cleaning sequence:

  1. We take the carcass and gently pry the film from one edge.
  2. The film must be removed from all sides gradually, as if removing a stocking.
  3. We clean the internal cavity - the chord.

The carcass has been cleaned.

hot way

For frozen seafood, the most common way to clean squid is to use the hot method. In it, seafood carcasses are subjected to short-term heat treatment.

The procedure for cleaning a carcass with a head and tentacles using the hot method:

  • Defrost carcasses. To do this, put the frozen seafood in a bowl and put it in the refrigerator or on the table. We are expecting a complete breakdown.
  • By pulling the head of the carcass, you clean the seafood from the insides.
  • Cut off the tentacles at eye level.
  • At this stage, the beak is removed.
  • Inside the carcass there is a transparent spine. It's a little hard, so it's not hard to find it. We delete it.
  • Only after all the previous points have been completed, the squid is ready to clean the film.
  • Wash carcasses thoroughly in plenty of water. Rinse the insides and dry them with dry paper towels.
  • We take a deep pan, pour boiling water there and immediately lower the carcass. We leave for two minutes. During this period of time, the film will depart, and the meat will not be cooked.
  • Under the influence of hot water, the film curls up. As a result, under the pressure of running water, you can easily solve the problem of how to clean squids.

Another common way to peel squid from the film is to use contrasting water temperatures. Its essence is very simple:

  1. To do this, you need to clean and rinse the carcasses.
  2. Put the seafood in a bowl, pour boiling water over it and immediately transfer it to a bowl of ice water and a small amount of ice cubes.

Thanks to this “contrast shower” for seafood, the film will come off, the meat will not be cooked and the cleaning problem will be solved.

If the squid is purchased as a whole carcass with a head and tentacles, then it is first butchered. To do this, they cut off the head, grope and take out a solid “beak” from it. The head itself and the tentacles are not thrown away, it can be used in salads, soups and second courses. The entrails are carefully removed from the body of the squid. After that, it remains to clean the carcasses from the colored skin. You can do this according to the diagram below.

It is more profitable to buy cut, frozen, but not peeled squid carcasses from the upper skin.

1. Get a transparent cartilaginous arrow from the carcasses. This is a vestige of the inner shell.

2. If there are remnants of internal organs, they must also be removed. After that, put the carcasses in a suitable pan and pour boiling water over them.

3. The upper skin will curl up, it remains only to rinse the clam and use it in various dishes.

Very fast and you can cook fried squid. For one serving of fried squid you need:

  • two peeled squid mantles;
  • 3-4 g of salt;
  • 2 g black pepper, ground;
  • 30 ml of oil.

1. Cut the clam mantle on one side and lay it out on the table. Make shallow cuts with a mesh. Drizzle with oil, salt, sprinkle with pepper.

2. After a quarter of an hour, heat the pan without oil. It is convenient to use either a grill pan or non-stick cookware.

3. Put the squid in a hot pan. First, put it on the side where the cuts are, and after 40 - 50 seconds, turn it over to the other side.

After another minute, the fried squids are ready. Give them the shape of a tube and serve with any sauce.

For two servings of squid salad you need;

  • 300 g of peeled squid;
  • 70 g mayonnaise;
  • pepper to taste.

1. Place the cleaned squid in a saucepan. Fill with cold water. Heat up to a boil. Cook for 1-2 minutes and immediately remove the pan from the heat, and immediately remove the boiled clam from the hot water.

2. Cut the cooled squid into rings.

3. Add pepper and mayonnaise. Mix and serve.

I must add that many seafood are quite expensive. Squids are the most budgetary of them, they are available to most consumers. The taste of these clams, properly prepared, is excellent and dishes from them should be on the family menu.

With even a little experience, you can cope with this task in just a couple of minutes. With the right approach, the skin is removed like a stocking, with one movement of the hand.

When purchasing whole marine life, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will have to be cleaned on their own. The algorithm of actions is slightly different depending on whether you got fresh or frozen carcasses.

The squid carcass is completely covered with a film that must be removed. Why do it? The fact is that when cooked, it becomes very hard, literally rubber, and spoils the taste of the product. It is very simple to peel fresh squid from the skin, just grab the skin along the edges of the body and pull, it will come off with the so-called stocking.

On store shelves, squids that have been frozen are most often found. The main condition for their successful cleaning: first, the carcass must be thawed. Then we act according to the instructions.

There are several secrets to help you quickly remove the film from the squid.

  1. Before carving the squid, defrost it. The film from the ice cream of the raw product is practically not removed.
  2. Pay attention to the color of the carcass: whites without pink patches are easier to clean.
  3. Use a stiff brush to remove the skin: rub the surface of the squid and the film will come off.

After cleaning from the film, the carcasses must be thoroughly washed, boiled whole or cut. The method of cooking squid depends on the chosen dish.

Squid is a delicious and healthy seafood. Do not be afraid to diversify your diet with it, because cleaning and preparing it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

The process is incredibly simple.

  1. Prepare a pot of boiling water.
  2. Take the squids out of the freezer and place them in a bowl.
  3. Pour boiling water over seafood. At the same time, almost all of the skin will come off on its own.
  4. Immediately quickly drain the hot water and rinse the contents of the bowl under running water, carefully peeling off the remaining film. It is better to act quickly, otherwise squids cook very quickly and can even be cooked if they are not removed from boiling water in time.
  5. It remains only to remove the insides and the flexible spine.

There are situations when squids get home already defrosted. Summer heat and unforeseen travel delays should not prevent you from preparing a delicious dish. To do this, you need to perform the following algorithm.

  1. Prepare a pot of boiling water and seasonings (salt, bay leaf and pepper).
  2. Cut the carcass lengthwise and remove the insides.
  3. Rinse the meat well.
  4. Boil carcasses in seasoned boiling water for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Take out the squid. In this case, the films will remain in the water, calving themselves.

Ideally, your squid should be fresh. But if you live far from the places where it is caught, then you will have to use frozen, which will complicate the process a little and affect the taste of the product. But you don’t have to choose, but you want to serve a mollusk on the table. We will learn how easy it is to peel squid from the film!

If the hostess managed by hook or by crook to get a fresh future decoration of the festive table, then the cutting process becomes a little more complicated. Only the mantle, wings and tentacles are suitable for food, so your seafood must be guillotined, cut off his head just behind the eyes.

How to choose the right squid?

On store shelves, squids are most often found frozen. Choosing a high-quality and fresh product, we adhere to the following rules:

  1. Seafood, during transportation and storage, cannot be thawed, since they cannot be re-frozen. It negatively affects the taste of shellfish meat and complicates their cleaning. Therefore, shellfish carcasses should be separated from each other without problems. If they stuck together or froze to the drawer/freezer, they were re-frozen.
  2. Quality squids have white meat. If it acquired a different shade, for example, pink or gray, the product thawed and the skin "shared its color with the meat." Such a product has already changed its taste for the worse and will be very difficult to clean.
  3. We choose representatives of medium-sized sizes with a soft color, since their meat is more tender and tasty. Large and brightly colored mollusks are old individuals with tough meat.

Before you understand how to clean squid from the film, you need to choose and buy them correctly. Freshly caught squids are perfectly cleaned. In this case, the film, which is located on the outer and inner sides of the seabed, is removed like a stocking, very easily. However, fresh mollusks are caught by residents of sea coasts. Most people buy a frozen product.

Despite the fact that you are buying frozen squid, you should be careful about buying. The key to successful preparation and pre-cleaning is proper storage and transport of marine life. So, defrosting and re-freezing of this product is not allowed.

Rules for a successful purchase of squid:

  1. Carcasses in a frozen state should be separate from each other, as if glazed in a small amount of ice. If you notice that several shellfish are attached to each other, this means that the product has previously been defrosted and re-frozen. Buying such seafood is not worth it.
  2. If you want to buy a quality product, you should give preference to those with a white carcass without splashes of blue and pink. Spots of other shades indicate that the color of the skin of the mollusk was absorbed into the carcass during the thawing process.

Buying low-quality seafood leads not only to poor cleaning of the carcass, but also to a distortion of taste. In addition, low-quality seafood can be harmful to your health.

Features of squid

As a biological species, squids appeared about 200 million years ago, in the Triassic period. The way they move is not found in any other living organism on the planet. These mollusks have a built-in “engine” that works on the principle of jet propulsion. Sucking in water, he releases it with force through a kind of "nozzle", which gives him a speed of up to 30 km / h.

Squids prefer salt water, at least 33%, so you won’t meet this monster in the “lightly salted” seas (such as the Baltic). Due to the admixture of copper, the blood of squids has a blue color, but crayfish with scorpions can boast of this. But three hearts - only these cephalopods have this.

Well, the "ink bag" is also exclusively their evolutionary invention. Not only does the discarded ink retain the shape of a squid, but the fish attacking this “cloud” become blind and lose their sense of smell due to the paralyzing property of this liquid. And while the fish is trying to understand what is happening to it, the squid quickly changes color and rolls away.

Cleaning method No. 3

When considering all the ways to clean frozen squids, you should pay attention to the method of cleaning boiled carcasses. In this case, they are pre-boiled, and only then freed from the film. At the time of cooking, the film may burst and gather into balls. Then it must be cleaned with a kitchen brush.

Freshly frozen squid is already sold without a head, so the process of cutting the carcass is accelerated, you do not have to cut off anything extra, just clean it from the inside. Then follows the transition to the removal of films, which seems time consuming. The process is actually not that complicated.

So, now you know how to clean the squid from the film. You can choose any method, depending on whether you have time and how important it is for you to preserve the taste of this unique marine life.

Squid dishes

You have already learned how to quickly peel squid from the film, now let's get acquainted with some dishes from these ancient monsters, for example, with Chinese squid.

You will need: a kilogram of squid, a couple of onions, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 2 tsp. sugar, herbs, salt and pepper to taste. We lower the peeled squids for 2 minutes in boiling water, then we recline them in a colander. Fry the onion cut into half rings until golden brown in a frying pan, then add the squid chopped into strips or rings and fry for a minute.

No less tasty are squids with vegetables. You now know how to clean a squid from a film, so let's move on to the process itself. For 600 g of clam pulp, we take two large carrots, two onions, pepper (preferably a mixture), 1 tsp. salt, 3 tbsp. l. unrefined vegetable oil and spices to taste.

Squids cut into rings, onions - large, carrots three on a coarse grater. We put everything in a suitable bowl and add the rest. The mass must be mixed and left for 20 minutes to soak the dish. Then we lay out the result in dry, clean jars, tighten the neck with foil and put it in the oven for 1.5 hours, heated to 220 degrees. Can be served both hot and cold.

Cooking seafood

You have already decided how to clean the squid from the film, it is worth moving on to cooking them. The process of heat treatment, as well as cleaning, raises a lot of questions for many housewives, and not every girl knows the cooking method. However, this is not difficult - now we will tell you how to do it.

To obtain tasty and tender meat of a marine inhabitant, it is necessary to lower the carcasses into boiling water for no more than 20 seconds. Only in this case you will achieve the best result.

Cleaning, cooking squid has its own characteristics, non-compliance with which will certainly affect the taste of the finished dish. Squids are the main component of many salads; delicious soups and snacks are prepared from them. Valuable protein, minerals and vitamins, as well as an affordable price, explain the popularity of this seafood. The taste and health benefits of a dish depend on many factors, but primarily on the main ingredient.

How to choose a quality product

The right choice of products is the first thing to start with. When choosing in a store, pay attention to unpeeled squid. When cleaning carcasses in production, steam treatment is used; after cooking, their meat turns out to be dry and tough. Selection Tips:

  • Clams should be whole with a flat surface.
  • Fresh squids have a pinkish tint, but can be gray and purple. A foreign color on the carcass indicates that violations were made during storage.
  • Release date and expiration date must match.
  • You should not buy a product if the carcass is a lump of indeterminate shape. Consequently, the product has already been thawed and frozen more than once. The ice is of a yellowish tint, the brownish color of the carcass with multiple tears and cracks will only confirm your suspicions.
  • An expired expiration date, as well as blurry numbers on the package, are a reason to postpone the purchase.

How to clean

Defrost before cleaning. Some housewives seek to speed up this process and for this they place the carcasses in hot water. From such a thermal effect, they will really quickly defrost, but all the nutritional value of seafood will “leave” in hot water. Defrost squid, however, like any frozen product (meat, fish, offal) should be at room temperature. As soon as the clams become plastic, we proceed to cleaning. To do this, you will need a cutting board and a sharp knife.

With one hand, press the squid firmly against the cutting board, and with the other, carefully remove the skin (thin film) from it. It happens that the film is difficult to clean. Then you need to put the squid in a colander and pour over boiling water. The film is simply washed off with water, and the one that remains is easily cleaned.

If the clam has a head and tentacles, they need to be cut off. The head can be thrown away without regret, and the tentacles will come in handy for one very tasty snack - stuffed squid, but more on that later. Cut off the “wings” from the carcass and remove the skin from them. They can also be used for food. Now you need to clean the squid from the inside. There are transparent chitinous plates similar to cellophane - they need to be carefully cut out.

Heat treatment

Heat treatment is another difficulty that many housewives face when cooking squid. It is worth digesting them a little and the meat will become tough and tasteless. In addition, it will greatly decrease in size. So that the mollusk does not lose its taste and pleases you with tender juiciness, it is boiled for only 1.5-2 minutes. There is another option for cooking squid. They are poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and kept in water for 10-15 minutes. Regardless of the method of cooking, first boil water with salt, bay leaf, allspice and bitter peppercorns, and after about three minutes we lower the carcasses into it. Spices will kill the specific smell of the inhabitant of the deep sea. Most often, clams serve as one of the ingredients of a variety of salads. If they are served as an independent dish in the form of an appetizer, then it is recommended to sprinkle it with lemon juice and sprinkle with fresh herbs (rosemary, parsley, basil).

Stuffed squid

As already mentioned, the tentacles, "wings" are eaten. They can stuff shellfish. Stuffed squids will be an excellent appetizer at a festive feast.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean and wash the clam, chop the tentacles into small pieces, about 1x1 cm.
  2. Grind three cloves of garlic, add pepper, salt, herbs.
  3. Beat one yolk with a spoonful of vegetable oil and mix with herbs and chopped tentacles.
  4. Stuff the squids with this filling and stab them with toothpicks.
  5. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the carcasses over high heat on both sides.
  6. Pour in 100 g of white wine, add parsley, paprika and simmer under a closed lid until the squids become soft.
  7. Put the carcasses on a wide dish, pour over the sauce in which they were stewed, sprinkle with lemon juice.

Seafood salad

Squids for salads are cleaned in the same way as for other dishes. Cut off "wings" are cut into strips and used in the recipe of your choice. To prevent the carcasses from drying out, after cooking they are covered with a towel or a plastic bag. Let them cool before slicing seafood for salad. Different temperatures of salad ingredients can lead to the development of pathogens, which will cause rapid spoilage of the product.

Squid - cephalopod, predatory mollusk , living in warm, southern seas. Most often, carcasses are eaten, although the tentacles are also edible. This low-calorie seafood is rich in phosphorus, protein, calcium and iodine. There are a lot of squid cooking techniques - they are boiled, fried, stewed, canned, dried. Moreover, it is very simple to cook these mollusks, you just need to know how to clean squids and also how to heat treat them correctly in order to preserve the original taste.

To take or not to take? Or which squids are worth buying.

“What a fish, such an ear,” people say. This is true for squid as well. To enjoy a delicious dish, you need to choose a good source product. The sea delicacy is sold most often in frozen form, chilled specimens are less common.

Determining the quality of a chilled product is not difficult - the top, colored film should be easily removed, and the color of the carcass under the skin should be exceptionally white. If blue or pink shades are present, the squid is stale.

The squid has 3 hearts connected to tentacles. And the eyes of some specimens are of different sizes.

The classic case is frozen squid. This is the most convenient method of storing shellfish. However, only the product that was frozen once fresh will be tasty, and then it was not allowed to defrost during storage. If the carcasses are prepared and stored correctly, they will be effortlessly separated from each other, but if the product has already been thawed, it will be difficult to separate it into separate copies. It is also worth paying attention to the position of mollusks in a frozen briquette - in production they are laid in even, neat rows.

You can often find squid tubes in stores - already peeled, beautiful carcasses. When purchasing such a product, it should be noted that heat treatment is used during cleaning in production, and this tender meat does not like high temperatures terribly. Therefore, such a "convenient" purchase is likely to disappoint you with the rigidity of the final dish.

How to Prepare Whole Calamari

Probably the most important thing in preparing squid is to know that they cannot be thawed “quickly” using a microwave or hot water. Frozen carcasses should be left on the kitchen table (or better in the refrigerator to avoid sudden changes) and wait until they become soft.

It is not necessary to completely defrost the product; it is just more convenient to clean the squids if they are a little frozen.
  1. Firmly holding the squid by the body with one hand, with the other we carefully separate the insides from the walls, sticking a finger inside the body.
  2. We take out everything that we managed to separate by pulling on the tentacles.
  3. We wash the bodies of mollusks under running (maximum cold) water, removing the remnants of the insides.
  4. The second part is cut in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes. We throw away the waste, and look for a beak at the junction of the tentacles - it is easily removed by pressing a finger.

How to clean squid from the film

There are several cleaning methods. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. So what is the best way to clean squid?

The first and most gentle method is to remove the films manually. You just need to pick up the skin with a knife at the wide edge of the tube and pull it, removing it like a case. If the squid has been frozen for a long time, the films can tear in the hands and then you have to clean them with a knife.

It seems that the carcass is already clean, but this impression is false. The mollusk is also covered with a thin, transparent film, which must also be removed.

The body of the squid along its entire length is supported by a cartilaginous plate (gladius), resembling plastic. She effortlessly pulls out of the carcass.

The second cleaning method is much faster. You just need to boil water and lower the squid into it for 1 second (no more !!!). The films will immediately curl up, they can be easily removed from the carcass.

The third way is a contrast shower. The blanks must be placed so that the water can immediately drain, for example, into a sink or colander, and then scald the squid with boiling water. Immediately after that, pour ice water over it. The tentacles are cleaned in the same way, with the only difference being that you have to tinker with removing the suckers.

It is best to process under a stream of cold water so that small particles of the film are immediately washed off and do not stick to your hands. You can clean squid after boiling. It is enough to rub them with a soft brush, removing the curled pieces of the film.

How to cook squid properly

This tender meat categorically does not tolerate long-term exposure to high temperatures, which makes it look like hard chewing gum. Therefore, boiling carcasses is not recommended. The most optimal solution is to stock up on slightly salted boiling water, dip the squids into it, wait until the water boils again and immediately remove the pan from the stove. It is enough to keep the product in water for 5-7 minutes to cook the meat.

If for some reason the meat is overcooked, it can be saved by boiling on a minimum heat for 40-50 minutes. The taste will remain the same, but, unfortunately, some trace elements will evaporate with steam. To add flavor to the water, you can add dill, fennel or a slice of lemon.

Boiled squids are often used for salads or cold appetizers.

What if it's fried?

Sea creatures are no less tasty and fried. It is necessary to fry in hot oil for 3-5 minutes, after cutting them into rings or strips about 5 mm thick. For a more delicate dish, the blanks can be dipped in a classic batter (a mixture of eggs, milk and salt).

Shellfish acquire a very original taste when grilled on coals. In most recipes, meat is recommended to marinate, for example, in a mixture of 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 100 grams of dry white wine and spices to give the finished product flavor and avoid dryness. With this preparation, you should constantly water the meat with the sauce remaining from the pickling. It turns out a healthy barbecue from rings, smelling pleasantly of smoke.

Goodies from a sea predator

Calamari stuffed with rice and mushrooms


  • gutted squid carcasses - 4 pcs;
  • rice - 80 gr;
  • fresh mushrooms - 150 gr;
  • butter - 50 gr;
  • carrots - 100 gr;
  • egg - 2 pcs.

Boil rice. Process the carrots on a fine grater and sauté in melted butter for 3-5 minutes. Mushrooms cut into small pieces and fry in sunflower oil.

Boiled eggs cut into cubes. Mix rice with eggs, add carrots and mushrooms. Put the prepared tubes in hot water, fill them with rice mixture, chop off the place of stuffing with toothpicks and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

Seafood salad with creamy garlic sauce

  • squid - 100 gr.;
  • hard cheese - 60 gr.;
  • crab sticks - 100 gr.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;

for the sauce:

  • garlic 2 teeth;
  • butter - 50 gr.;
  • fat cream 100 gr.;
  • slice of lemon.

Boiled squids, eggs, hard cheese cut into cubes, crab sticks in circles, add green onions. To prepare a creamy garlic sauce, fry thin slices of garlic in butter, add cream, simmer a little (5-10 minutes), cool, dilute with a drop of lemon juice and, if desired, spices.

Sea rings in batter with sauce

  • frozen squid - 500 gr.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • milk 3 tablespoons;
  • hard cheese - 100 gr.;
  • sour cream - 200 gr.;
  • breadcrumbs - 3 tablespoons;
  • flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • refined sunflower oil, ground black pepper, herbs, salt.

Boil squid tubes, cut into rings. For batter, combine the egg with milk and salt a little. For breading - mix breadcrumbs and flour in equal proportions. Fry the squids in a large amount of oil (it is necessary that the oil completely covers the rings), dipping first in batter, and then in breading. For the sauce, grate the cheese on a fine grater, add crushed garlic, herbs and dilute it all with sour cream.

Properly cleaned and cooked seafood will allow you to create incredibly tasty and healthy culinary masterpieces that will not leave indifferent either the layman or the inveterate gourmet.

Cleaning squid seems to be an unusually difficult task for many, and as a result this tasty and healthy product is not often included in the diet. But from squid you can cook a lot of both everyday and festive dishes! You just need to learn how to clean them properly.

What kind of cleaning do squids need

The structure of the mollusk

squids are cephalopods. Usually they are from 0.25 to 0.5 m long. They live in the northern seas and in subtropical waters. Squids have 5 pairs of tentacles and a torpedo-shaped body. Supporting cartilage runs along the body. The tentacles have suction cups. Squids are an object of fishing and are widely used in cooking.

The difference between cleaning fresh and frozen food

Edible squid body and tentacles. The entrails, head, jaws are thrown out. The tentacles are cut off at eye level and, if they are to be used, are cleaned of suckers.

As a rule, you can buy unfrozen squid where they are caught. Most often, frozen squids are found in stores, but freezing allows you to save useful properties and taste. From fresh, unfrozen squids, the skin is easily removed, and with frozen ones, you will have to work a little longer.

It is best to defrost squids in the refrigerator, putting them there from the freezer overnight.

A few words about buying frozen squid. Squid meat, thawed more than once, has an unpleasant taste and smell, so, first of all, you need to evaluate them in appearance. The skin of the carcass should be brownish or have a pinkish-purple tint, but the meat is only white. If it turned yellow or turned purple, then this is a sign that it has been defrosted.

How to cut a whole carcass

To clean a squid, you need to take it with one hand by the head, and with the other - by the body. Tentacles extend from the head of the mollusk. If you pull on the head, it quickly separates along with the insides.

The jaws are hidden between the tentacles. They must be removed.

There is a transparent plate in the body of the squid, which must be removed. Then you should carefully remove all films, including thin, transparent ones that cover the body of the squid inside and out.

This will require two containers. In one of them you need to pour cold water, you can even add ice. In the second - put the squids, pour boiling water over them and quickly transfer them to cold water. Films from temperature differences are easily removed.

You can also put squid in a container, pour hot water over it and keep it there for no more than two minutes, otherwise they will be “rubber” and tasteless. The skin of the squid is rolled up and then easily peeled off under running water.

Home cleaning options on video

How to clean a whole squid (not frozen)

How to quickly clean squid

How to cook squid easily

How to remove transparent film from squid

Adding peeled squid to dishes

After removing the films, squids should be washed well and dried a little. Now you can

Squids are not a product of everyday demand, but in recent years this exotic mollusk has begun to appear more often on the tables of our compatriots. Mistresses, wanting to pamper their household with an original dish, choose squids. Some of them, having bought frozen carcasses in the supermarket, do not even know how to approach them.

Cleaning and cutting squid at home takes a lot of time and discourages cooking from them in the future. By learning some secrets, you will be able to "handle" seafood without the hassle.

Preparation: selection in the store, storage at home

The secret to making a delicious squid dish is choosing the right one. Food that has been frozen several times is more difficult to clean and has lost its flavor. How to recognize the "correct" squid?

  1. Firstly, carcasses should not be frozen to each other. The seller should easily separate them, and not "tear off" from the bulk.
  2. Secondly, the meat should have a beautiful white color. A red-blue tint is released by the skin during thawing.

It is better to cook purchased squids on the same day or, without defrosting, send them to the freezer.

We clean thawed squid from the film

Occasionally in stores you can get on already thawed squids, and sometimes it also happens that the clams are thawed at home, waiting for the hostess to be free from other things. Do not be discouraged, and in this situation you can cook a delicious dish. The main thing is to follow the procedure:

  1. Boil an incomplete pot of water.
  2. After making an incision along the carcass, gut it.
  3. Rinse meat thoroughly.
  4. Dip the squid into the pan and hold for 10 seconds.
  5. After pulling out the carcasses, you will find that the transparent shells remained in the water.

Video tips

How to clean frozen squid

This procedure is done in five steps:

  1. Bring a half pot of water to a boil.
  2. Get the squids out of the freezer and fold a deep container (bowl, pan).
  3. Pour boiling water over carcasses. Due to this action, almost the entire skin will separate itself.
  4. Quickly drain the water and rinse the seafood under cold running water, carefully removing the film. If you do not hurry, the carcasses will boil.
  5. Gut the insides, remove the backbone.

How to clean freshly caught clams

The best squids are those that were not frozen, but were brought from the seabed directly to the kitchen, or they were cooled for several hours before being sold. The meat of such mollusks is nutritious, healthy and tasty.

Some housewives in this case are frightened by the presence of a head and tentacles, because they will have to be removed on their own. This procedure does not require special skills. The head is cut off and discarded, and the tentacles are cut off near the eyes and used to cook the dish. They also have a shell, and it will need to be removed in the same way as with a thawed carcass.

The procedure for cleaning fresh squid carcasses and tentacles is as follows:

  1. Bring the required amount of water to a boil.
  2. The clams, freed from the insides, are placed in a colander, doused with boiling water, and then placed under a stream of cold water.
  3. The film is removed by pulling from the thick part towards the thin one. It is more convenient to scrape off the wings with a knife.
  4. Clean the tentacles in the same way. This is easy to do, since the skin under the influence of boiling water will separate on its own.

How to cook squid and how much

There are various ways to cook squid, so I will give three of the simplest and most popular.

  1. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, add salt and spices. On a slotted spoon, lower the carcass for 10 seconds in boiling water, then remove it. Cook the rest of the carcasses in the same way. It turned out a semi-finished product for further cooking (slicing into salad, stew, etc.).
  2. The second method is suitable for cooking frozen, previously peeled blanks. All carcasses are lowered into boiling water with spices, kept on low heat for 1 minute, turn off the stove and let stand in hot water for another 10 minutes.
    After boiling water, put thawed clams into it, turn off the fire and let it stand for 10 minutes.

Video recipe

  • On various sites, it is advised to cook squid for about 4 or even more minutes. Doing this is not worth it! Overcooking will make seafood tough. In addition, it will lose nutritional value and taste.
  • For flavor, half a lemon or a bag of black tea is added to the water in which the mollusk will be boiled.
  • When removing films, keep in mind that both colored and transparent casings must be removed. If the hostess does not notice or deliberately leaves the film, then after cooking the meat will be tough and tight.
  • Don't buy large calamari. Their meat has a bitter taste, and it will take more than an hour to cook such giants. In this case, the finished dish will be tough.

The nutritional value of seafood cannot be overestimated. Squid meat is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. There is a great variety of dishes that can be prepared from this mollusk. It is a valuable component of many salads; it is stuffed, stewed, fried, boiled, baked, salted and even marinated. If you decide to please yourself and your family with a delicious squid dish, now you can do it without much difficulty, based on my advice.
