
How to properly store chicken eggs with a sharp end. At room temperature

hatching egg- this is an egg that is laid in an incubator or placed on a laying hen to hatch offspring. Unlike a table egg, a hatching egg must have an embryo.

At poultry farms, all eggs that are intended for laying in an incubator are checked using a special device for the presence of an embryo in them (read about what candling of chicken eggs is and how it is carried out, and from you will learn about the rules for selecting and checking material for getting offspring). At home, the guarantee that the egg is hatching is the cohabitation of females with a rooster. Moreover, not all eggs can contain embryos.

Saving Features

ATTENTION: The room where it will take place must be equipped with special devices to measure humidity and temperature. In this case, there should be several such devices. This will allow you to get reliable data.

The place where the material will be stored must be well ventilated.. Since the shell is very thin and delicate, it absorbs various odors and aromas. Avoid drafts that affect the evaporation of moisture. After all, it is she who is so important for eggs.

Can it be stored at room temperature?

You can store the material for obtaining offspring of chickens when room temperature if it does not exceed 12-18 degrees. It is best to place the eggs on a windowsill with an open window.


If you observe the necessary temperature and humidity levels, then you can store eggs for 5-7 days. It has been proven that if the material is kept at room temperature for the specified time before incubation, the hatching of the chicks is much better.

But the following factors influence the duration of storage:

You can find more information about the incubation period for chicken eggs in.


At what temperature should chicken eggs be stored? If the eggs will be stored for more than 14 days, then it is worth maintaining a temperature regime of 8-12 degrees. If the material lies no longer than 8 days, then the egg storage temperature may be at the level of 15 degrees.

2-day storage at a temperature within 18 degrees is allowed. This temperature regime is below the "physiological level" (19-27 degrees). So significant development no embryo is observed at this temperature regime.

IMPORTANT: The growth of the chicken embryo can be restored at a temperature of 21-22 degrees. But with these indicators, its development is carried out abnormally: the blastodisc grows, there is no differentiation of the germ layers, deformity occurs and the development of the embryo is inhibited.

Table 1 - Temperature conditions

Incubation period days Temperature Humidity Turn Airing
1 1-7 37.8-38.0°C 55-60% 4-8 times a day -
2 8-14 37.8-38.0°C 50% 4-8 times a day -
3 15-18 37.8-38.0°C 45% 4-8 times a day 2 times a day for 10-15 minutes
4 19-21 37.5-37.7°C 70% - -

Learn in detail about the mode of incubation of chicken eggs in different periods, as well as see the tables optimum temperature, humidity and other factors by day is possible.

Ways to keep warm

Stability temperature regime in the incubator depends on the comfort of the temperature in the room where the incubator is installed. This is especially true for an incubator with PVC walls. Plastic is a great conductor of heat when it's cold outside.

Temperature maintenance is influenced by the volume of liquid that is concentrated in the incubator tray. The higher the water level, the more stable it is maintained.

In addition, it is extremely important to ensure a regular supply fresh air. At first, air exchange should be minimal. But as the embryos develop, air exchange increases. Air is very important last days when the embryo switches to pulmonary respiration:

Consequences of wrong conditions

Overheating eggs is hyperthermia. Taking into account the time influence of this factor, various changes in the development of the embryo are observed.:

  • If the temperature is raised to 40 degrees and above, then for 2-3 hours in the first days of incubation, the death of embryos and the formation a large number blood lines. Some of the embryos continue to develop with severe symptoms of various deformities.

    Among them, it is worth noting deformities of the head: non-overgrowth or underdevelopment of the skull, due to which a cerebral hernia is formed, unilateral or bilateral underdevelopment of the eyes occurs - anisophthalmia.

  • When overheated on the 3-6th day of incubation, an amnion and an abdominal cavity are formed. The latter remains open, in the internal organs - naked.
  • When overheated in the middle incubation days, hyperemia of the germinal membranes and embryos occurs. They develop hemorrhages under the skin and during internal organs. The amnion fluid is scarlet in color, hemorrhages in the allantois are noticeable.
  • When overheated in the last days of incubation, premature pecking and hatching occurs. The chicks are small, and their umbilical cord does not heal well.

The process is complex and responsible. In addition to the fact that it is necessary to prepare high-quality material, it is also necessary to observe a number of conditions during its storage, one of which remains the normal temperature regime.

If you do not constantly monitor him and exceed the norm, but this is fraught with getting young animals with deviations and deformities.

Most often, they are used to breed chickens. Read our materials about what equipment options exist and how to make such a device yourself, as well as what it is at room temperature according to SanPiN.

This process is not as complicated as it seems at first glance, although it requires increased attention and responsibility.

Useful video

Watch a video about the features of storing hatching eggs:

These poultry products are so densely included in our diet that we cannot do without them. most of dishes, be it hot, appetizers or pastries. And therefore, this food, as a rule, is purchased for future use, but few people think about the shelf life of raw and boiled eggs in the refrigerator and without it. But in addition to chickens, there are other birds that generously give us eggs, and these ellipsoids in the shell already have their own requirements for keeping conditions.

egg story

Eggs have been valued by humans ever since the first birds were domesticated. Ancient poultry farmers immediately noted the high nutritional properties of this product, the ease of its extraction, unpretentiousness in storage, and ease of preparation.

The first "traces" of laying hens were found in India, where, according to many scientists, the first poultry farms were established. In the most developed ancient societies - Mesopotamia, Greece, Persia, Arabia and Egypt, rock carvings of chickens date back to the second millennium BC.

However, in the pharaonic lands, the cult of poultry farming was so widespread that they even learned how to incubate eggs there. Only priests were allowed to this important and even by some standards sacred act.

Today, everything is much simpler, and on a larger scale. Eggs are an indispensable product in every corner of the world, and especially in our country, where there are about 300 eggs per capita per year.

Thanks to such demand, laying hens on poultry farms fulfill and even exceed the plan, regularly replenishing the country's egg "treasury". But the question is, how long can eggs be stored, given the fact that they do not always hit store shelves immediately.

Chicken eggs are the most popular poultry product, and it is they, fresh and boiled, that most often end up in our refrigerator with a margin. In order for us to always be sure of the freshness of the goods, GOST has determined the expiration date for these products as well.

For factory eggs, according to the regulations of the state standard, there is no single capital period, since all products are divided into 3 categories, data on which are applied to the shell in the form of markings.

In this way, eggs can be stored:

  • dietary no more than 1 week from the date of production,
  • table and chilled - up to 30 days.

In addition, for the storage of this fragile product, certain conditions are provided to extend its shelf life until the deadline.

After buying eggs, be sure to determine in the refrigerator. best place for storing eggs, the lower shelf, extreme to the freezer, is considered, where the temperature does not rise above + 3 ° C.

Why You Shouldn't Store Eggs on the Refrigerator Door

Many refrigerator manufacturers equip egg trays on the doors, but you should not lay them out there. So why not store eggs on the refrigerator door?

The thing is that when you open the refrigerator compartment, warm air immediately enters the products located on the doors of the apparatus, displacing the cold. It is precisely because of such unstable "weather" that chicken ellipsoids can quickly become unusable.

Which end down to store eggs in the fridge

The layout of bird germs must be carried out in the grooves of special containers or trays with the end down, which the egg cannot be damaged, that is, narrowed.

The thing is that on the side of the wide base, the chicken oocyte has an air “corridor”, which, when pressed, can deform the shell and break the tightness of the natural “packaging”.

If the egg supply is so large that there is no room left in the container, then carefully place the eggs in a basket or bowl, the bottom and walls of which are lined with a soft cloth so as not to damage the shell.

Shelf life of boiled eggs

Boiled eggs in the shell can easily rest in the open spaces of the refrigerator for 2 weeks, however, for those eggs in whose shell a "hole" is found, the shelf life is reduced to 4 days.

Raw proteins can also be stored in the refrigerator for two days, for this they should be sealed in a container and placed deep into the coolest shelf.

What determines the shelf life

Also, do not forget that the eggs of different birds have various terms storage.

So, in a guinea fowl, for example, the egg shell is 1.5 times thicker, 3 times stronger than chicken, and besides, it has minimal amount pores, which makes it a long-liver on refrigerated shelves and beyond.

Quail "babies" are protected by lysocine, a natural bactericidal substance, thanks to which they can be stored for quite a long time.

How long can eggs be stored without refrigeration? This question was probably asked by many, especially those who have a well-established Agriculture and chickens, quails, turkeys, geese and guinea fowl regularly bring a generous "harvest".

Undoubtedly, all avian oocytes require refrigerated storage for long-term preservation. However, even at home, raw eggs can be perfectly preserved in a dry, cool, dark room, where the temperature does not exceed +15 +18 ° C, and the humidity is 85%.

Shelf life:

  • chicken eggs in shell under such conditions is 4 weeks,
  • quail - 1 month,
  • Caesar - up to 4 months.

However, unfortunately, boiled eggs can hardly repeat the same trick, since finished product in this form can remain fit for food for no more than 3 days.

Storage methods without refrigeration

And then the question arises, is it possible to store eggs without a refrigerator for a longer time? We will find the answer from our ancestors, who came up with a way to save these poultry products from 2 to 12 months.

Preservation with paraffin

The first method is quite simple and very effective. Lubricate each testicle with paraffin, melted fat or oil, after which we carefully lay them in a box or basin, pouring salt or grain in layers.

Then we send the filled container to the cellar or basement, where at a temperature of +15 ° C poultry products can be stored for up to 6 months.

storage in fat

In the old days, eggs were also smeared with varnish, dried, laid out in ceramic pots and filled with melted fat. Such “canned food” could be stored in the underground or cellar from 1 to 2 years.

Lime storage

Another option for one-year-old storage of eggs is to place bird germs in a solution of slaked lime so that it covers the “bookmark” by 2 cm.

Usually such filled pots were kept in glaciers or in the coldest place of the cellar. However, the method was not in great demand, since lime had an extremely negative effect on the taste of proteins.

Storage table for raw and boiled eggs

Type of eggs Cold storage Storage without refrigeration
Shelf life How to store. Optimum temperature Shelf life
Chicken: soft-boiled It is best to store boiled eggs in the middle of the refrigerator compartment, where the temperature varies between +2°C and +4°C Up to 2 days outside the refrigerator boiled eggs stored at room temperature +20°C on a table or in a cupboard in a cardboard tray, basket or bowl, covered with a cloth napkin. No more than 1 day
Hard boiled Easter 2 weeks No more than 3 days
Fresh homemade You can’t store eggs on the door! The best place for storage is the closest compartment to freezer, where t= + 1°C +3°C. Or in a dry (50% humidity) fresh zone at t = 0 ° C. In an egg tray with a narrow end down, in a basket or container lined with cloth. Up to 4 weeks In a cellar or cool, dark pantry at 15°C and no more than 85% humidity in a cardboard tray, basket, deep container or box lined with cloth or sawdust Up to 3 weeks
Raw store bought Up to 3 weeks Up to 2 weeks
Quail Up to 60 days 30 days
Goose 1-2 weeks No more than 4 days
ostrich 3 months 1 month
duck 1-2 weeks No more than 4 days
turkey Up to 3 weeks Up to 2 weeks
Guinea fowl eggs In any compartment of the refrigerator compartment at a temperature between 0°C and 10°C in a basket, deep container or egg container. Up to 6 months 2 months

Well, here we figured out how to approach the storage of egg stocks wisely.

Now, knowing for sure what the shelf life of raw and boiled eggs in the refrigerator and without it, you definitely will not let such a valuable product disappear.

IN daily diet most families are chicken eggs. Without this product it is impossible, for example, to bake fragrant pie Or make an omelette. We regularly go to the market or the supermarket for eggs, and upon returning we put a useful purchase in the refrigerator in the hope that at low temperatures the eggs will remain fresh for a long time. After a while, we lament that the product has gone bad, blaming anyone for what happened: sellers, a refrigerator, a poultry farm, but not ourselves. However, you need to remember: in most cases, chicken eggs go bad due to improper storage at home.

Source: depositphotos.com

Why is it important to follow the rules for storing eggs?

Spoiled eggs are not only money thrown to the wind, but also a serious risk to human health. If you eat a spoiled egg, you can end up in the hospital for a long time. Carefully read the recommendations on how to store eggs in order to get the most out of them. Compliance with special rules is a matter of both economy and safety.

Storing eggs in the refrigerator

Eggs are not recommended to be stored on the refrigerator door. Periodic exposure to warm air currents accelerates product deterioration. Only a few eggs can be placed on the door, which you plan to use in the coming days.

You can significantly increase the shelf life of eggs (up to 3-4 weeks) by placing them in the compartment for fruits and vegetables. Domestic eggs in the refrigerator at a temperature of +1 ... +2 ° C will lie for up to 3 months. You can also follow these recommendations when storing quail eggs.

To check freshness raw eggs, you need to place them in a deep bowl of cool water (you can check one egg or a dozen at once - it depends on the volume of the bowl). Fresh eggs will sink to the bottom (they were laid 1-7 days ago). Eggs that have floated to the surface are old and dangerous to eat. If the eggs float under water without floating to the surface, then they are no longer fresh, but they can still be eaten (they are 7-20 days old).

How to keep eggs fresh at room temperature?

There is no single answer to the question of how long eggs can be stored at room temperature. Shelf life ranges from 3 weeks to 3 months, depending on the storage method chosen.

The air temperature in the room should not exceed +20 °C, relative humidity - 85%. direct sun rays should be avoided, the storage place should be dark. If it is the height of summer outside the window, and the apartment is hot, then it is better to put the eggs in the refrigerator.

Helps keep product fresh saline solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of table salt in 1 liter of water, carefully place the eggs in a salty liquid and place the container in a dry, dark place.

For long-term storage chicken eggs without a refrigerator, they can be individually wrapped with paper (office, newspaper, culinary), after lubricating the shell egg white in 2 layers.

To keep eggs fresh without a refrigerator for up to 3 months, they should be greased with animal fat or vegetable oil, put in wooden box with loose filler: sawdust, salt, shavings, wood ash or oats. It is advisable to cover the filled box with breathable burlap and put it in cool place: cellar, pantry, cellar.

If you find that you bought a soiled egg and washed it under water, the product should be used immediately. Water washes away the natural bactericidal layer, as a result of which the egg can become rotten in a couple of days.

How to store boiled eggs?

Boiled eggs in the refrigerator spoil much faster than raw ones. They can be stored on the coldest shelf for up to 1 week. If the shell was damaged during the cooking process, the shelf life of the egg is reduced to 2 days. Peeled eggs are best eaten during the day, since the shell no longer protects the protein and yolk from dangerous microorganisms.

most pleasant and rich taste the eggs are in the first few days after they were laid by the hen. During this period, their benefits are maximum. When eggs are stored for a long time in the refrigerator or at room temperature, part of the unique properties product. That is why at home it is advisable to stock eggs for no more than 1 week.

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Text: Olga Kovalenko

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What is the shelf life of eggs in the refrigerator? Is there a difference between the rules for storing chicken and quail eggs? How long do boiled eggs keep? And the broken ones? What about at room temperature? Let's figure it out.

How many days to store?

The shelf life of chicken eggs in the refrigerator depends on their condition. If they are raw and there are no cracks on the shell - up to 90 days at a temperature of 2-5 ° C. At a temperature of 5-15 ° C - up to 30 days. In more warm conditions storage is not recommended.

If the egg is raw, but broken, then in a closed container it will “live” on the shelf for two days.

The shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator can be up to 20 days. At room temperature, they will deteriorate faster, since already at 5-15 ° C they can be stored for no more than four days. Watch the integrity of the shell: it is advisable to eat cracked or peeled eggs within two days. The yolk spoils faster than the protein.

If boiled eggs are to be kept warm (for example, you take them with you on the road), then wrap them in paper napkins, not in plastic bag, and eat within twelve hours.

Easter eggs are sometimes lubricated with vegetable oil after painting to make them shine. This clogs the pores on the shell, which allows the product to be stored for a week.

Ready meals containing eggs will last up to four days.

An egg that is up to nine days old can even be eaten raw or half-cooked (unless, of course, there is one hundred percent certainty that there is no salmonella or other microorganisms). If it is "older", then it is better to boil it hard-boiled or make an omelette out of it. If the shelf life is coming to an end, it is advisable to use the product for baking.

Which eggs keep the longest?

Contrary to the stereotype, the color of the shell depends only on the breed of chicken and does not affect the quality and taste. It is true that brown shells are thicker and more resistant to microcracking than white shells. Therefore store brown eggs maybe a little longer. Also, the shelf life is reduced if the shell is dirty, but washing reduces it even more.

The shelf life of eggs in the refrigerator also depends on their variety. You can distinguish dietary, canteen and small. According to the standards, the first ones are stored for a maximum of a week at a temperature of three to twenty degrees. Canteens - up to twenty days under the same conditions and up to 120 days at temperatures from zero to two degrees.

Duck and goose eggs should preferably be eaten within two weeks. Turkeys "live" as long as chickens.

The shelf life of quail eggs in the refrigerator is longer than the rest: up to three months, and at room temperature - up to thirty days. Such properties quail eggs provides the content of a large amount of lysozyme, which prevents the reproduction of pathogens.

We take into account the date of purchase and demolition

At the time of purchase, you should check not only the absence of cracks, but also the date of packaging. The egg is most useful in the first month after laying. After this period, some properties of the product change. This does not mean that eggs cannot be eaten, just the result of their use will be less expected. For example, when preparing dough.

In general, an egg is one of the few foods that rarely spoils (provided it is placed in a cool, dry and dark place). Moreover, on the day of demolition, its taste is less pronounced than after a few days.

For health, it is not so much the shelf life of eggs in the refrigerator that is important, but the absence of dangerous microorganisms. After hygienic and heat treatment, the latter are destroyed. If homemade mayonnaise is being prepared, it is recommended to add vinegar (6% or 9%) to it.

Another thing is that during long-term storage, the eggs gradually dry out, since there are microscopic pores in the shell. Microorganisms penetrate through them, which also reduces the “life span” of the product. That is why it is recommended to lubricate the eggs with fat, oil, petroleum jelly, or simply wrap them in paper.

And yet, if the store packaging contains all the necessary dates, then it is problematic to determine the day of demolition on the market. In this case, experts recommend storing eggs for no longer than three weeks.

General rules for storing eggs

There is a special compartment in the refrigerator door for storing eggs, and many are annoyed that there are only eight cells, while the package contains ten. But you should not be angry, because it is recommended to store on this shelf only those eggs that will be eaten in the coming week. The door often opens and closes, which increases the temperature on its shelves, and also contributes to mechanical damage to the shell.

If longer storage of the product is expected, then the top shelf of the refrigerator is suitable for this, and it is better to place eggs on it closer to the back wall. You can use special Plastic container or the packaging in which the eggs were sold. They should lie with the sharp end down and not touch each other.

Eggs should not be placed in close proximity to meat, fish or any food with a strong flavor. It is impossible to wash before storage, because after this procedure the protective film on the shell is destroyed, which also reduces the shelf life.

If there is no refrigerator

No problem! Fill a crate or box with dry sand, sawdust, salt, wood ash, oats, bran, millet, peat - whatever you find. Lubricate the eggs with any fat or vegetable oil and place in the box with the sharp end down, then cover it with something. If the humidity in the room is low, then you can not worry about the safety of the product for two to three months.

If there is a need for longer storage, then take a clay or glass container and place the eggs in it with the sharp end down. Dilute slaked lime (300-400 g per bucket of water) and pour it over the eggs so that the solution covers them by about ten centimeters. The container must be tightly closed. In this form, the shelf life can reach one year, but on condition that the temperature in the room does not exceed 10 degrees.

This method has a significant drawback - the eggs acquire bad taste. Moreover, the method is applicable only to very fresh product. It is desirable that the eggs be laid on the same day that they are placed in the lime mortar.

Now you know what is the shelf life of eggs in the refrigerator, at room temperature and in other conditions.

Eggs have been eaten for thousands of years. Primitive people looked for the eggs of birds and mammals and consumed them raw. Until now, eggs are an indispensable product on our table. However, chicken eggs are considered the most popular. In order for chicken eggs to retain their freshness for a long time, you need to be able to store them correctly. In this article, you will learn how and how long you can store eggs in the refrigerator, as well as several reliable, while original way how to store eggs at room temperature.

The most important thing about egg storage

Do not store chicken eggs on the refrigerator door - constant movement and currents of warm air will significantly reduce their shelf life.The best place to store eggs in the refrigerator is the compartment for vegetables and fruits. But don't stack too many rows on top of each other, as the bottom rows may crack.Using folk remedies theoretically, you can extend the shelf life of eggs up to one year, but it is better to try to consume them within a month after the demolition.

How to properly store eggs

Since eggs can be eaten not only as an independent product, but also used to make pies, salads, meatballs, desserts, snacks and other dishes, many housewives try to stock chicken eggs for future use. Therefore, it is important to know how and how much chicken eggs can be stored at home in order to indispensable product did not harm health.

You can store chicken eggs both in the refrigerator and at room temperature. Moreover, the chosen storage method will not greatly affect how many eggs can be stored. They also keep for a long time at room temperature.

How and how long to store eggs in the refrigerator

When stored in a refrigerator, eggs should not be placed in special compartments located on the refrigerator door. Eggs are very fond of stationary conditions storage, and being on the door, the product will constantly come into contact with warm air currents, which means it will deteriorate faster. Store eggs in the refrigerator in a drawer designed for fruits and vegetables. There is the coldest and most humid place in the refrigerator. You can store chicken eggs on the door, but only if you use them in the near future.

The optimum temperature for storing eggs in the refrigerator is 1-2°C. Store-bought eggs should not be refrigerated for more than 1 month. Fresh domestic eggs can be stored for about 3 months.

How and how long to store eggs at room temperature

Fresh, recently laid eggs can be stored at home for 3 weeks. However, the temperature in the room should not cross the line of 20 degrees. At the same time, the relative humidity in the place where the eggs lie should be set at 70-85%.

The most common ways to store eggs at home without a refrigerator are:

  • storing eggs wrapped in paper;
  • storage of eggs in saline solution.

It is very good to store eggs at home in plain paper. To do this, wrap each egg in a separate piece of paper. Baking paper, newspaper, or plain office paper will do. Put them in a basket and put them in the coldest place in the house.

Salt solution is great for keeping eggs fresh. Simply dissolve 20 g of salt (1 tbsp) in a liter of water. Then dip the eggs into the solution and place the container in a cool, dark place. How many days can eggs be stored this way? It is known that salt is an excellent preservative, while storing eggs in a saline solution in a room can be up to 4 weeks.

How long to keep boiled eggs in the refrigerator

Surprisingly, boiled egg spoil faster than raw.

Hard-boiled, in the refrigerator can be kept no longer than 15 days. But if the shell was damaged during the cooking process, such eggs can be stored for only 4-5 days.

The fact is that mold spores and pathogenic bacteria quickly penetrate into the cracks. Harmful microorganisms begin to actively multiply under the shell, due to which the product quickly deteriorates.

Other ways to store chicken eggs

There are several interesting ways how to store eggs without refrigeration. All of them have been proven over the years and by the experience of many housewives, they can also be safely taken into account.

  • Grease the eggs and then place in the oat box with the pointed ends down. In this case, the eggs should not touch each other. Top chicken eggs should be covered with a good layer of oats.
    You can cover the shell with egg white. The protein is applied in two layers. And each layer dries well. The eggs are then wrapped in paper and sent to long storage to a dark place.
    For long-term storage, each testicle should be smeared with a mixture of melted paraffin or wax with sunflower oil.
  • You can store eggs in a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). To do this, prepare a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate and put chicken eggs into it for a few seconds. After that, dry them. Eggs treated with potassium permanganate solution can be stored in the apartment for 2-3 weeks.
    Store at room temperature fresh eggs possibly in a mixture of charcoal and bran.
  • In rural areas, chicken eggs are often used sweet water. Dilute 2 kg of sugar in 2 liters. Boil the syrup and wait until the sand is completely dissolved. When the syrup becomes warm, dip the testicles into it for 2-3 seconds, then dry them. paper towel and put in a box.
  • For storage, chicken eggs should be lubricated with glycerin or vaseline ointment. Then the eggs should be placed in a box and placed in a cool and ventilated room.
  • To store eggs at home, it is possible to use the usual table salt. To do this, place the eggs loosely in the box and carefully sprinkle with coarse salt.
  • In the villages, eggs are prepared for storage in this way: they are transferred to a bag and abruptly immersed in a vat of boiling water, and then dried and sent to a cold, dark place. Eggs should be laid with sharp tips down.
  • You can store eggs in a solution of liquid glass or lime. Moreover, if each egg is immersed in melted paraffin before pouring the solution, then such eggs can be stored without fear for a long time - for 1 year. Liquid lime can be prepared as follows: dilute 0.5-0.6 kg of quicklime in 10 liters boiled water. Let the solution stand. In this case, the solution should be thoroughly mixed every 3 hours. Then it must be filtered through a sieve or gauze and then the eggs should be lowered into it. If you like this method of storage, please note that only a glass or clay container should be used for lime mortar, and only fresh eggs should be sent for storage. Also make sure that the level of lime is 2-3 cm above the level of the eggs. After that, the container with lime and eggs should be closed with a lid, and the edges should be sealed with paraffin. Store eggs in this form in a dry and cool place.
