
How to make fresh raspberry jam. An interesting way to freeze raspberries for the winter: video

Favorite treat, which good housewives pamper their household in winter - this, of course, is jam. Made from berries and fruits that have been absorbed all summer sunlight, it cheers up and gives strength, especially if you eat it with hot tea and with your family.

Fragrant blanks

Summer, holidays, countryside... Those who were lucky enough to spend time with their grandmother in their childhood will definitely keep the best memories of these wonderful days in their memory. And, of course, it is unlikely that one will be able to forget the smell that fills almost every village house at the time of ripening berries and fruits - the smell of jam. And how wonderful it smells delicious raspberry jam!

The industriousness of our mothers and grandmothers in general can be envied, because how much strength and patience you need to put in to fill the shelves with pickles, marinades, compotes and everything that is usually stocked up for the winter.

Modern young housewives, who are trying to keep up with more experienced ones, have a hard time, because homemade preparations take a lot of time and effort, plus experience and proven recipes are also very important. In order not to fall face down in the mud, you can use more easy ways Surprise your loved ones with homemade treats. The first step may be to make raspberry jam according to a simplified recipe.

Note to young housewives

It is not necessary to spend the last days of summer fussing around the stove to make a couple of jars of jam. Try cooking that requires cooking and you will love this method. Need ripe fruit or berries, sugar and 15 minutes of time.

Such raw jam much more useful, because it does not undergo any heat treatment, which means that all vitamins and useful material are fully preserved. The taste of raw jam is not as rich and delicate as that of cooked, but it most closely resembles the taste of fresh fruits.

Storage conditions for raw jam are also different. You need to store it in the refrigerator or in a very cold basement, and for more long-term storage you can even freeze.

Why Raspberry

Raspberry jam without cooking, the recipe of which will be given below, is very tasty and healthy. It is recommended to start experiments on making raw jam with this berry. Raspberries contain a huge list of substances useful for the body:

  • vitamin C - strengthens the immune system, strengthens bones and teeth, promotes wound healing;
  • vitamin B - normalizes the nervous system;
  • vitamin A - improves vision, is responsible for skin health, growth and skeleton formation;
  • vitamin PP - normalizes the work of the stomach, improves blood circulation, fights cancer cells;
  • as well as glucose, magnesium, iron, essential oils and many others.

Raspberry jam helps with colds due to its antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. And raspberries improve appetite.

Children especially love raspberry jam, but babies should be fed with this delicacy in moderate amount, because it contains a large number of Sahara. If your baby is allergic, then pay attention to the yellow-fruited and chokeberry raspberries(yes, there is one too).

Raspberry jam without cooking. Recipe

Today you can buy pectin of various trademarks, but it is very important to follow the instructions on the package. Under the influence of high temperatures, pectin loses its properties, so it is added at the end of cooking. If you want to make raspberry jam thicker without cooking, the recipe must be supplemented with special pectin, a product with which you can store in the refrigerator or freeze.

The main advice that all hostesses give is that pectin should be stirred very well, otherwise jelly lumps will form in the jam.

Important: a clean jar and the correct lid

One of the reasons why jam or any other preparations will not be stored is unsterilized dishes. Many ways have been invented for a couple, in a pot of boiling water, in a microwave, in a double boiler, some even manage to sterilize dishes with alcohol.

We recommend using the most convenient and proven method - in the oven. It is necessary to wash the jars and put them wet in cold oven neck down. Then turn on the gas and set the temperature to about 160-170 degrees. Sterilization in this way takes about 10 minutes, but immediately remove the jars from the hot oven do not do it. You just need to turn off the gas, open the door and let glass containers cool down.

How to close raspberry jam

As for the lids, it is most convenient to boil them in a pot of water for 10 minutes, but this should be done immediately before use. jam, cooked traditional way, it is best to roll up, but it is better to close the "five-minute" raspberry jam and raw jam with a plastic lid or a metal threaded lid.

Many housewives in the summer are preparing blanks for the winter. Preservation can really come in handy in the cold season. It helps to make the diet more varied, it can be used to prepare the most different dishes and just eat to your heart's content. However, it should be recognized that most blanks are made by heat treatment, as a result of which the used fruits, berries and vegetables significantly lose vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. However, there are products that can be quite canned without heat treatment. So let's try to figure out how to make raspberry jam without cooking for the winter.

First option

To prepare such a jam, you will need one kilogram of fresh raspberries. In addition, prepare two kilograms of granulated sugar.

First of all, prepare the berries, sort them out, remove the leaves and stalks, rinse and dry if necessary. paper towel.

Next, pass the raspberries through a meat grinder or grind it in any other way. This work can be done with an ordinary mortar and pan. As a result, you should get a berry mass of a homogeneous consistency.

Measure out one kilogram of sugar, alternatively you can also use powdered sugar, it will dissolve much faster, so you can get ready-made jam in just a couple of hours. Mix the crushed raspberries and sugar until smooth and send to a place warm enough to completely dissolve the sugar. After three to six hours, spread the berry mass in sterilized jars, pour a thin layer of sugar on top, cover tightly with a lid and refrigerate. The prepared composition can be consumed immediately, so you can cook just amazing pancakes with it.

Such jam may well be stored in the refrigerator or cold basement throughout the winter.

Second option. Raspberry jam for the winter with lemon

To prepare this version of raw jam (without cooking), you will need a liter jar of raspberries, a kilogram of six hundred grams, two kilograms of sugar, one medium-sized lemon. For such a volume of jam, prepare four half-liter jars with four plastic lids.

First of all, clean the raspberries, rinse and dry if necessary. Grind the berries using a meat grinder. Also, this manipulation can be carried out using a blender or mortar. Next, grind one lemon to a puree state, along with the seeds, as well as with the skin. Do not forget to wash the fruit thoroughly, and also pour boiling water over it.

Such a composition may well be stored on the shelf of the refrigerator for a long time.

Third option

This version of jam has a special intoxicating taste. And all because, in addition to raspberries, it contains ordinary vodka. Do not be alarmed, there is quite a bit of it in this jam, it plays more of the role of a preservative.

So, you will need one kilogram of raspberries, one kilogram of sugar, and three tablespoons of vodka.

Combine clean and sorted berries with sugar, and set the container aside. After the raspberries release the juice, start stirring it until (not constantly, but only from time to time) until the sugar is completely dissolved. As practice shows, this will take you about six hours, and maybe even more. The prepared berry mass should have homogeneous consistency. Pour vodka into it, mix thoroughly and arrange in sterile jars. Close the containers with tight sterile lids and send them to the refrigerator.
The resulting jam not only has a special interesting taste, but also perfectly stored without delamination.

Fourth option

To prepare this version of raw jam, you need to stock up on a kilogram of raspberries, a kilogram of sugar and three hundred grams of blackcurrant. Do not forget to thoroughly clean all the fruits from leaves and stalks. First, freeze the currant berries, and then gently thaw them so that they remain whole. So they can absorb the right amount of sugar and will be in harmony with sweet raspberries. Grind the raspberries with a meat grinder, then combine it with sugar. Next, add whole currant berries to this mixture. Put the resulting jam in sterile jars, cork them and put them in the refrigerator. Such interesting sweetness will appeal to both adults and children.

Additional Information

In order for raspberry jam to turn out really tasty, you need to pick berries only in dry weather. Otherwise, the fruits will be watery and will not be able to produce finished product desired density. When harvesting raspberries, remove stems, leaves and twigs immediately. So you bring berries already prepared for processing to the kitchen.

Raspberry jam, cooked without cooking, is great source a wide variety of vitamins. Such a dish will not only brighten up your cold winter evenings, but will also help to cope with many diseases, especially colds, and prevent their development.

Ekaterina, www.site

P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

How much different jams every hostess cooks, just do not count. But there is one thing about which a special conversation. Miracle drug, summer in a jar fragrant dessert for tea, jam-healer - that's how they affectionately call it special jam. And it's made from raspberries. Raspberry jam is a real tradition for everyone in summer season. If we mention the benefits of dessert, then raspberry jam for the winter, a simple recipe for which everyone should know, deservedly has the status of one of the most useful. Yes, raspberry jam is also very tasty, but when preparing it for the future, every housewife, first of all, perceives it as an excellent folk remedy for colds, which will remove the heat, nourish it with vitamins, and give it strength. That's why you want to be fully armed when the army of viruses attacks all households. And still, beneficial features- this is, of course, wonderful. But I also want to remember amazing taste. This wonderful treat is indispensable on long winter evenings as an addition to fluffy pancakes or fritters. Raspberry jam is so bright that it simply bewitches even those who are in principle indifferent to this kind of dessert. It is simply impossible to resist even a small portion!


  • 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

A simple recipe for raspberry jam for the winter

1. First of all, we will choose the dishes for making jam. From time immemorial, any jam has always been prepared in copper basins, since they heat up evenly and keep the temperature well. I decided not to deviate from traditions and make jam in a family copper basin. If there is no copper basin, with the task of cooking delicious jam will do well enamelware or dishes from of stainless steel. Well, if you use copper basin, it must be checked for the presence of copper oxide. And if such places are found, it should be etched with any abrasive. We will use sand. Carefully remove the oxide, and then wash the basin with soap and hot water. We dry the vessel (it is possible under the hot rays of the sun). Now the copper basin is ready for operation. Yes, we will still need a divider on the stove so that the basin warms up evenly.

2. Now let's deal with the berry. We sort out raspberries. We remove overripe and unripe specimens, sepals and other debris. Sorted berries carefully put in a colander and immersed in water. Raspberry is a very delicate berry, so you can wash it only by immersion. Immerse the colander several times, changing the water until it is completely clean. Next, leave the raspberries so that the excess liquid is glass. We do this whole procedure if the berry is bought on the market. If raspberries are collected on your site, then there is no urgent need to wash them.

3. Gently transfer clean and dry raspberries to a basin.

4. Fall asleep raspberries granulated sugar according to the recipe and leave for 5-7 hours so that the juice stands out. In the allotted time, the berry will be all in liquid, you can start making jam.

5. To cook raspberry jam for the winter on your own simple recipe, it won't take much time. It will take us literally 30 minutes. So, let's get started. We send the basin to a moderate fire. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook practically, stirring all the time, 30 minutes. Stir the jam with a wooden spoon, gently lifting the berry from the bottom. I use a long spoon made of food grade plastic (or some similar material). But in no case should you use an iron spoon when stirring the jam, because as a result of their interaction, oxidation occurs and the jam can slightly change the taste.

6. As soon as the raspberry jam begins to boil, foam forms on its surface. This is nothing but the first proteins, the remains of motes from berries, sugar. I mean, it's not jam at all.

7. Be sure to remove the resulting foam. Otherwise, she, remaining in the finished jam, will simply accelerate the souring of the product, which we certainly do not need.

8. At the end of cooking, the jam becomes transparent, with a beautiful red tint and amazing aroma.

9. While the jam is being cooked, you can simultaneously prepare the dishes. Responsibly approach the choice of cans. They should be without chips, any obvious damage. We take covers without defects, rust. After selecting the containers, they must be thoroughly washed with baking soda and rinse well running water. Well, then be sure to sterilize, and boil the lids. There are several ways to sterilize containers: over steam, in a microwave or oven. You choose the most suitable method for yourself, see for more details. The jars are ready, the jam is cooked. From the declared ingredients at the output, we get 800-900 g of finished jam. Pour the fragrant dessert into containers, cork immediately metal lids and flip upside down. We wrap the jam and leave it to cool completely on its own (at least a day). Next, you can transfer the jam to cool place for storage.

Raspberry jam "Five minutes".

Today, the recipe for making raspberry jam, which is called "five minutes", is widely used. What is the essence and all the charm this method? The heat treatment period is reduced, while the berries retain vitamins and minerals better, which is more beneficial for the body. So, we fill the berry with sugar and leave it for 5 hours. Then, pour all the juice that has formed during this time into a separate container and boil. As soon as it boils, pour it back into the berries, place the basin on slow fire and boil for exactly 5 minutes. Remove the bowl from the stove and leave to cool completely. Next, we send the cold jam back to the stove and after boiling, cook for 5 minutes. We leave to cool. Boil the third time for 5 minutes. Ready jam pour into sterile jars, roll up. Raspberry jam "five minutes" is ready!

Raspberry jam for the winter is thick.

There is another option for making raspberry jam, which deserves attention. This dessert has a very expressive raspberry flavor, as well as an amazing texture. It is quite thick, iridescent shades of red. This jam has little secret- during the cooking process, add pectin, a special mixture for jam or ordinary corn starch. This delicacy has a nice thick texture. The jam is not digested. Raspberries retain all their useful properties, as well as color and aroma. thick jam from raspberries for the winter can be safely used not only as a dessert for tea, but also as a filling for pies or pies.

No matter how you choose to cook raspberry jam, an excellent result awaits you at the exit! Bon appetit!

Step by step recipes fragrant jam from raspberries for the winter boiled, raw, with whole berries

2018-07-26 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams ready meal

0 gr.

0 gr.


50 gr.

200 kcal.

Option 1: The classic recipe for raspberry jam for the winter

Raspberry jam is not only delicious, but also very healthy. It is it, along with honey, that is included in the list of the most popular folk remedies for treatment colds. If the jam is prepared correctly, then it will stand without problems. whole year and even more, at any moment will come to the rescue, help to cope with the disease or simply please with taste and cheer up.


  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1.2 kg of raspberries.

How to make classic raspberry jam

For classic jam you can use crumpled raspberries, small or large, overripe, but not rotten, we take fresh berries. First of all, they need to be sorted out and washed. Since raspberries are very tender, pour into a sieve or colander not a thick layer and irrigate from the shower. Soaking the berries is not recommended.

Pour clean berries into a saucepan or other dish in which we will cook. Top with sugar. Do not mix, cover and leave for at least six hours. You can stand raspberries overnight, then they will give a lot of juice.

We put the berries, which have already released a lot of juice, on the stove and begin to heat. Gradually the remaining sand will dissolve. When boiling raspberry jam, foam will begin to form. We are not in a hurry, we wait a few minutes, let it gather, then we clean it.

Raspberry jam according to the classic recipe is prepared from 15 to 30 minutes. It is important that it does not burn. It is also not recommended to cook over high heat, let the mass boil slowly.

Since raspberries are harvested for the winter, we sterilize the jars. If this is done over steam, let the droplets dry, after which we lay out the jam, roll it up.

For cooking raspberry jam, it is very important to choose the right dishes. This is by no means an aluminum basin. The acid of the berries has a destructive effect on the oxide film, the substances will pass into the workpiece. Jam with aluminum is tasteless and harmful. It is better to give preference to dishes with modern coatings, stainless steel or enameled pans.

Option 2: A quick recipe for raspberry jam for the winter "Five Minute"

Five-minutes are called types of jam that do not undergo prolonged heat treatment. But the berries still need to stand a little with sugar, and preferably all night, so that the juice appears.


  • 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

How to quickly cook raspberry jam for the winter

Raspberries and sugar for five minutes are always taken in the same proportions. If you get 1.3 kg of berries or 2 kg, then just add the same amount of sand. Let the juice stand out for a few hours.

We put the raspberries with the liquid that has formed in the saucepan, boil. As well as in classic recipe, collect all the foam, but boil for exactly five minutes.

It remains only to pour the jam into jars. By the way, if there is a cold place for storage, then you can simply put on a tight nylon cover. If you plan to put the jam simply in the pantry or in the kitchen cabinet, then it is better to roll it up with a key. In any case, we take jars clean, dry, it is advisable to process them in advance.

You can try to cook raspberries with sugar right away, without waiting for the juice to appear, but then first you need to mash the berries a little, then slowly heat them up so that the sand dissolves, only then add fire.

Option 3: Raspberry jam for the winter with syrup

This winter jam option is ideal for dense berries. Thanks to the syrup and special technology, we get a fragrant and fragrant delicacy with whole raspberries. In addition to the main ingredients and equipment, you will need either a slotted spoon or a small colander to remove the syrup.


  • 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 0.3 tsp citric acid.

How to cook

We prepare syrup with citric acid and sugar. We mix it all in a saucepan, heat it up and dissolve it. After boiling, boil for three minutes. We put the dried berries in a saucepan and pour hot syrup over it. Again, do this carefully so as not to crush the raspberries.

Now all this needs to be covered and left to cool, let the berries soak. In turn, they will release flavor and color into the syrup, there will be much more liquid.

Carefully pour the syrup into the pan, you can catch the raspberries with a slotted spoon or use a colander. Boil for 15 minutes, check its density, you can try, if desired, we introduce more citric acid, you can replace it with citrus juice.

We return the berries to the syrup, boil together for about five minutes, and immediately send them to sterile jars. We try to evenly distribute the raspberries so that the same amount is obtained everywhere.

In order not to crush whole raspberries, it is advisable not to pour them unnecessarily into other dishes, collect them without garbage, immediately start making jam.

Option 4: Raw raspberry jam for the winter

No cooked treat can match the flavor and aroma of raw raspberry jam. It can be cooked with bones or ground, but it is important to keep it as clean as possible. Any accidental mote can lead to damage to the workpiece, all efforts will be in vain. We also carefully observe the proportions. We do not reduce the amount of sugar.


  • 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.

Step by step recipe

We put clean, but dry raspberries in a saucepan, add all the sugar at once and grind, you can mash with a pestle. Cover, leave for four hours.

Stir again and crush the raspberries. Cover, let stand for a couple more hours. Stir again and do this until all the sand has dissolved. If the grains remain, then the jam can be sugared. This can be prevented lemon juice but still it is better to let the sugar melt.

We lay out the raw jam in clean jars, put on nylon caps sent for storage in the refrigerator. At high temperatures raw jam will not stand until winter.

If the sand does not want to dissolve in the raspberries, then you can heat the mass a little. Just put on a small fire, stir constantly and in no case bring to a hot state. Turn off as soon as the jam becomes warm, stir, if the grains still remain, then you can repeat the procedure.

Option 5: Thick raspberry jam for the winter

Technology repeated boiling familiar to many housewives. This method allows you to get a very fragrant, rich jam, but not always at the exit. thick treat. In fact, the addition of granulated sugar is of great importance. You do not need to pour out the entire norm at once, it is better to introduce this ingredient in several doses. Here is an option with lemon, but raspberry jam will also work great without it.


  • 5 kg of raspberries;
  • 5 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 lemon.

How to cook

To make the jam thick, you need to take dry berries. Either we do not wash them (if the raspberries are collected on our site), or we do it quickly, carefully, then dry thoroughly. We throw it into a saucepan or into a basin, pour 2.5 kg of sugar. Leave for three hours, maybe a little more.

We turn on the stove, put a basin with jam and let the raspberries boil well. After removing all the foam, boil for several minutes and turn it off. Here it is important not to cover with a lid so that condensation does not collect on it. You can throw on a towel or napkin that will protect from dust, accidental litter or insects. Leave the raspberries for six hours.

Add the rest of the sugar to the jam. You can divide the sand into three times, enter it in three doses, but the raspberries are juicy, this is enough. Put it on the stove again, squeeze the lemon. If the foam appears again, then also remove. After boiling, stir quickly and turn off the stove.

We lay out the raspberry jam in jars, close and put away for the winter in a cool place. It is best to keep it away from light to preserve the vitamins as much as possible.

How to check the readiness of raspberry jam? You need to drop a little syrup on a cold plate and watch. A drop is not one at once and quickly spread. If the jam slowly spreads into different sides, then it's ready.

Option 6. A simple recipe for raspberry jam for the winter

One of the most basic preparations for the winter is raspberry jam, as it has many beneficial vitamins and properties that are great to help fight colds in the cold season. In addition, it is very tasty, fragrant. Classic recipe it is simple, for cooking you only need fresh raspberries and sugar.


  • raspberries - 3 kg;
  • sugar sand - 2.5 kg.

Step by step recipe

Rinse the berries in a colander under running water, then put them on a paper towel and leave to dry for half an hour.

Put some raspberries in an enameled saucepan, sprinkle lightly with sugar, put raspberries again and again sugar, and so on until all the berries and sugar are gone.

Cover the container with all the contents with a clean cloth, set aside for seven to eight hours.

Place the bowl of raspberries and sugar on the slowest burner of the stove and cook, stirring constantly, removing foam as it appears.

When the jam boils, cook for a quarter of an hour and turn off the heat.

Dry the sterilized jars on a clean cloth and fill them with slightly cooled jam.

After complete cooling ready-made treat send to the basement for storage.

If you don’t have raspberries in your summer cottage, and you buy berries in the markets to prepare the blank, be sure to look at the berries on appearance so that they are not damaged, whole, of a pronounced red color, then you can not even rinse them before cooking.

Option 7. Another quick recipe for raspberry jam for the winter

IN next recipe jam is prepared without cooking. The berries are simply sorted out, rinsed, crushed with sugar, allowed to stand for a while so that the sugar crystals dissolve and rolled into sterile jars. The advantage of this recipe is that the jam does not lose its natural flavor at all, and it can be used not only for ordinary tea drinking, but also for making various desserts, such as pudding, soufflé, pies. Its only drawback is that it can only be stored in a refrigerator or a cold cellar.


  • 2.5 kg of raspberries;
  • three kg of sugar.

How to make raspberry jam for the winter

Spread prepared fruits in small portions in a colander and scald with hot water.

Transfer to a large enameled container, combine with granulated sugar and knead well to a puree state, you can use a hand blender for this.

Covering the crushed berry with a towel, let stand for half an hour to completely dissolve the sugar crystals.

Floor liter jars sterilize, let dry on a clean cloth, also sterilize the lids in a separate container.

Having filled the jars with jam to the very neck, roll up the lids.

We store in the refrigerator.

For more reliable storage, jam jars can be sterilized for several minutes.

Option 8. Thick raspberry jam for the winter

A slightly different cooking option, here the berries are first partially sprinkled with sand, insisted for a while, then boiled a little and pour in the remaining sugar. It is thanks to this delicious treat It turns out a thick, stretchy consistency, similar to jelly.


  • fresh raspberries - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg.

Step by step recipe

Put the prepared berries in a wide container, add half of the granulated sugar, set aside for 12 hours.

Remove the foam if necessary and stir, cook for ten minutes.

Turn off the stove, pour in the second kilogram of sand, stir vigorously.

After sterilizing and drying the jars, fill them with jam and roll up with sterile lids.

After cooling under a thick cloth, send to the basement until winter.

If you do not like the small raspberry seeds present in the jam, just cool it down a little after cooking and rub it through a sieve.

Option 9. Raspberry jam for the winter with blackcurrant

The combination of raspberry and black currant makes the jam even more healthy and aromatic. Currant slightly interrupts the sweetness of raspberries, making the delicacy refreshing in summer.


  • raspberries - 2 kg;
  • 2 kg of black currant;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

How to cook

After going through the berries, remove the dry cuttings from the currant. Rinse, dry.

After filling the raspberries with half of the prepared sugar, cook on a small flame for 6 minutes, reduce the fire to a minimum and cook the same amount.

After cooling the raspberries, add the remaining sugar, stir well, boil a little more on the same fire.

Let cool again.

Send again to small fire, lay out the blackcurrant, boil for 14 minutes.

Arrange in jars, tighten the lids with a seaming machine.

After cooling under a fur coat, store in the basement until winter.

For more fast food all berries can be immediately mixed with sugar, then the cooking time should be increased to 25-30 minutes.

Option 10. Raspberry jam for the winter "Five Minute"

And this is the most the best option, since the berries are not boiled here for a long time, due to which they do not deform much, remain beautiful and appetizing, the jam itself acquires a thick consistency.


  • raspberries - 3.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 3.5 kg.

Step by step recipe

Cover the prepared berry with sugar and set aside for 6 hours.

Boil the mixture after boiling for five minutes, removing the foam and stirring often.

Arrange in sterilized jars, close with simple lids.

After cooling, transfer to the basement for storage.

If you do not have a basement for storage, it is better to roll up such a jam with metal lids and store it in a regular pantry at room temperature.

Option 11. Raspberry jam for the winter with gelatin

Interesting and sophisticated option raspberry jam. Fans of various jams and jelly desserts. The density of jam allows you to use it not only as a dessert for tea, but also as fragrant stuffing for various flour products.


  • raspberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • filtered water - 360 ml;
  • citric acid - 25 g;
  • gelatin - 6 g.

How to cook

Pour gelatin into a small mug and, filling it with slightly warmed water, leave to swell for 16 minutes.

After sterilizing the half-liter jars, put them on a soft cloth to dry.

Put the prepared raspberries in a deep enameled container, add sugar, pour in some water, mix, put on a small fire, cook for half an hour.

Add citric acid and swollen gelatin, let it boil for another quarter of an hour over low heat.

Arranged in dried jars and cooled, send to the cellar.

Instead of citric acid, you can take a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Option 12. Raspberry jam for the winter with syrup

And if you have collected not quite ripe raspberries, with a dense structure, use this version of raspberry jam for the winter. It is thanks to the syrup and the unusual method of preparation that an incredibly tasty, fragrant and very appetizing delicacy for the winter is obtained.


  • a little more than three kilograms of raspberries;
  • 3,200 kg of sugar;
  • 460 ml of water;
  • citric acid - 55 g.

Step by step recipe

Wash fruits gently under running water.

Leave on paper towel for 15 minutes to dry.

Pour water into a separate small saucepan, dissolving citric acid and sugar in it, heat on a small burner of the stove for about 3 minutes.

Immerse the dried berries in the syrup, stirring slowly, close the lid and leave for 15 minutes so that all the berries are saturated with syrup.

Carefully free the fruits from the syrup, armed with a slotted spoon or colander.

Boil the berries over medium heat for 20 minutes.

Pour the syrup into the boiled berries, let it boil for a few more minutes and immediately pour into a sterile container, close the lids.

When boiling berries without syrup, take a sample, add more citric acid to taste.

Delicate and fragrant raspberries, even in winter, can give a piece of summer happiness. There are many recipes with which you can pamper your household - harvesting raspberries for the winter without cooking: with sugar, five-minute jam, confiture, raspberries in currant juice, bashfully blushing jelly, sweet fragrant syrup, gentle baby puree. The fantasy of real cooks knows no bounds, some of them have a lot to learn.

How to pick and prepare raspberries

Healthy and extraordinarily tasty, raspberries generously give housewives the opportunity to make preparations for the winter throughout the summer. However, in order for jam, jelly or compote to come out bright, beautiful and tasty, the berries must be properly collected from the bush and prepared.

It is better if the berries for harvesting are clean and whole.

Most right time for collection, dry sunny weather, because from the rain the tender beauty becomes watery and unattractive. For the same reason, it is rarely washed, especially if collected in your garden. Only if the presence of bugs is suspected, the berries are poured with briefly salted water (1 liter of water + 20 g of salt) so that uninvited guests float to the surface. It is better to start processing berries right away, in this the berry is similar to felt cherries, which also begins to deteriorate quite soon, even in the refrigerator. In order not to be mistaken in proportions, it would be useful to remember - in one liter jar fits about 600 grams of raspberries.

To useful components raspberries did not disappear during long-term processing, its duration can be minimized. An excellent example is a five-minute, extremely tasty and not boiled, raspberry jam, which is prepared extremely simply. Minimum processing allows you to keep tender berries whole and attractive.

Differences in recipes from different housewives are different amount sugar that is required for jam - some prefer a 1: 1 ratio, others put only half a kilogram of sugar per 1 kg of raspberries and provide storage finished product in the cold, and still others do not spare even 1.5 kg of sugar, but they are confident in the reliable preservation of goodies. However, the principle of preparation five minute jam approximately the same for both raspberries and currants, and other berries:

Recipes for five-minute raspberry jam allow you to save a maximum of vitamins in it

  1. Clean and sorted raspberries are neatly laid out in an enameled or copper container (capacious and with a wide bottom).
  2. Raspberries are covered with sugar, based on the chosen proportion, and left for 2-4 hours. During this time, the released juice should cover the berries.
  3. Putting a bowl with future jam on the fire, you need to bring it, stirring slightly, to a boil and then cook for 5-7 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. During cooking, you can enjoy sweet foams that need to be removed from the surface.
  4. Thoroughly washed jars should also be further sterilized, especially if the amount of sugar is minimal. Do not forget about the processing of the lids.
  5. Carefully spread the hot treat into jars so that the contents reach the very top, and immediately roll up. Five-minute jam is ready, now you can place it in a place convenient for storage and enjoy gourmet delicacy in winter.

Raspberry with sugar

Many housewives prefer to do without heat treatment, and raspberries are simply mixed with sugar - such a preparation for the winter preserves everything as much as possible unique useful properties berries. This method takes even less time than making a five-minute jam, and is absolutely not available. experienced housewives. However, in order to reliably preserve the raspberries prepared according to this recipe, jars with blanks will have to be sterilized or the refrigerator should be chosen as their storage place.

Usually, sugar is added to the workpiece in a ratio of 1: 1

There are many recipes for preparing raspberries with sugar for the winter. The following recipes are most often used.

Method one:

  • strong and dry berries are stacked in rows in prepared jars. Every new layer sprinkled with sugar, and the dishes are shaken slightly to get it between individual berries;
  • jars with raspberries are immersed in a large container of water and sterilized - 25 minutes will be needed for liter containers, 20 minutes for half-liter containers.

Sugar is an excellent preservative for berries

Method two:

  • raspberry berries are covered with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and left for a couple of hours, this is necessary to extract the juice;
  • then the berries are crushed and carefully, but carefully, mixed with sugar;
  • it remains only to arrange the raspberries in sterilized jars, covering them with a centimeter layer of sugar, and store them securely in the family cellar or refrigerator.

Received amazing jam from fragrant and tender raspberries, the preparation of which was done without cooking, will give an unforgettable pleasure during family tea party and will help to get through the winter without an unpleasant cold.

Exclusive! Put whole and dry raspberries in a container, pour over honey and put in the freezer. The taste is unique!

Confiture - the first recipe

Colorful confiture, successfully prepared for the winter from raspberries with sugar, unusually quickly and without the usual cooking, will pleasantly diversify breakfast and bring a lot of pleasure. It cannot be said that the preparation according to the proposed recipe is too simple, although only one stage causes some difficulty. But the result obtained more than pays for all the efforts expended, and the colorful confiture pleases with an impeccably delicate taste.

The most delicate confiture will turn out if you remove all the raspberry seeds

The hardest thing to get rid of small bones raspberries, which can be done with a sieve and pestle. Then the resulting mass must be mixed well with sugar. It will need 1.5 kg for every kilogram of sweet berries. It remains to decompose into jars, cover with lids and, for the time being, put in a cold place - fragrant and useful confiture ready.

Confiture - the second recipe

cook fragrant delicacy It can be done in another way, with the help of cooking. The recipe requires the following ingredients:

  • fresh raspberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

If you spend a little more time on harvesting and boil the confiture, then raspberries can be stored without a refrigerator.

Mash the raspberries in a suitable dish with a wide bottom, carefully pour hot water over and cook for about 20 minutes from the boiling time. Then carefully, in several stages, add sugar and continue to cook for another 15 minutes. Pour hot confiture into clean and warm prepared jars and cover with lids. All winter long pleasant aroma And delicate taste will be like a sunny summer.

Raspberry syrup

Do without raspberry syrup winter is not possible! It is needed everywhere - for ruddy pancakes, birthday cake, gourmet drink, as decoration for ice cream. Its preparation is not difficult and does not take too much time.

Method one

  • raspberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 4 cups;
  • water - 8 glasses.

Raspberry syrup will be a wonderful dessert and a source of vitamins at the same time.

Put the clean and sorted raspberries in a saucepan, pour the right amount water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring and removing foam. Remove the berries with a slotted spoon, add sugar and continue to cook for another 5 minutes. Ready syrup is poured into bottles or jars and stored in a cold place.

Method two

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 0.5 liters;
  • lemon - 10 gr.

Grind the berries with a mortar or blender, add half a liter of water and leave until the morning. Mix the resulting mixture and strain, add sugar and lemon and again deprive her of her attention for a day. The next day, boil the syrup for one to two minutes, then pour into clean, warm bottles. It is advisable to store it in the refrigerator.

dried raspberries

Dried raspberries can be added to teas, pastries, compotes and desserts.

If time is sorely lacking, and the harvest is a success, you can simply dry it and provide households with vitamins for the entire slushy and frosty season. An indispensable condition - the berries must be chosen as dense as possible and even slightly unripe. Raspberries can be dried qualitatively and quickly in the oven - two hours at a temperature of 50 degrees, and then fifteen minutes at sixty degrees. Cooled, it is laid out in boxes or jars and placed in a cool and always dry place. Tea with dried raspberries is fragrant and enhances the protective functions of the body.

The variety of recipes for raspberry preparations for the winter allows you not to part with the fragrant berry all year round. Compotes, jams, jams - a great help in cooking fine dining and good on their own. Raspberries are not only a sweet and pleasant delicacy, but also a guarantee good health. When choosing a method of conservation, you need to remember this and negate the slightest loss of vitamins and other useful components. And when the season comes, don't forget to stock up for the family and a couple of jars of vitamin cherry jam.

Secrets of storing raspberries without cooking: video

Collection and storage of raspberries all winter: photo
