
Gooseberry jam with oranges is a fragrant, healthy delicacy. Original and simple recipes for gooseberry jam with oranges

During the harvesting season, each housewife strives to roll up as many different jams as possible. Someone cooks a sweet treat according to traditional grandmother's recipes, and someone likes to experiment. You can come up with interesting recipes yourself, but it’s better to use proven ones, such as gooseberries with oranges.

Boiled gooseberry jam with oranges

For jam you will need the following products:

  • green gooseberries, slightly unripe - 1 kg;
  • large orange - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking technology:

  • Wash the gooseberries and dry them on a towel. Remove the tails and sepals.
  • Wash the orange with a brush and under hot water. So it will probably wash off the special lubricant with which oranges are processed to increase the shelf life.
  • Cut the orange into small pieces and remove the pits. Leave the peel. Set aside a small handful of orange slices on a saucer.
  • Twist all the gooseberries and most of the oranges in a meat grinder.
  • Put the fragrant mass in a bowl for cooking jam and sprinkle it with sugar. Add the slices of oranges that are on the saucer.
  • When a lot of juice forms in the basin, it will take from 1 to 2 hours, transfer the dishes to the fire. Cook the jam at a slow boil for 10 minutes.
  • After the jam becomes cold, boil it again for the same 10 minutes.
  • Pour hot jam into small jars. Keep them in a cool place.

You can put a tablespoon of lemon zest in this jam - it will become even more fragrant. Add the zest at the second boil.

Raw gooseberry jam with oranges

This recipe is useful for those housewives who prefer the so-called “live jams”, i.e. without heat treatment.

Prepare for him:

  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • medium-sized orange - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1.4 kg.

Sort the gooseberries and remove unnecessary parts (dry sepals and ponytails). Wash the berries and dry them. Wash the oranges too and remove the peel from two - you will no longer need it. Cut the citrus fruits into slices and remove the seeds. Now twist three oranges (one with a peel) and the whole gooseberry in a meat grinder. Put the mass in a saucepan and add half the sugar (700 g). Stir the mass and when it is completely covered with juice, add the remaining 700 g of sugar. Let the jam brew for 3-4 hours. During this time, stir it periodically so that the sugar is completely dispersed. Arrange the finished jam in jars and close with nylon lids. Keep it in the refrigerator only. Try to eat the workpiece within a month. With longer storage, it will begin to oxidize (become darker in color) and may begin to ferment.

Raw gooseberry jam with oranges, if you didn’t have time to use it in time, you can digest it for 10 minutes. When boiling, some of the liquid will begin to evaporate from it, and the jam will become overly sweet. To balance the taste, add half a twisted orange to it.

Collecting fragrant gooseberries in the summer, we imagine how we will prepare amazing desserts from them. Jams, preserves - all these delicacies are incredibly tasty, especially on winter evenings, when the whole family gathers at the table and drinks their favorite tea. But you always want to cook something unusual, because the main thing for us is the happy faces of our relatives. Therefore, today our article will be devoted to blanks that have been popular in recent years, in which gooseberries and orange are incredibly harmoniously combined in an amazing way. There will be several cooking options, so you are guaranteed to be able to replenish your culinary piggy bank with new recipes.

The sweetness of gooseberries and orange sourness play together surprisingly pleasantly.


All the recipes that will be presented below are very convenient in one thing - there is no need to select any particularly large variety of gooseberries, since we will grind the berries in a blender. It is also important that we will cook gooseberries with orange without boiling, and this will help save time. In addition, you may well use green, yellow or red fruits - here, rely only on your taste and what result you want to get. So let's get started!

gooseberry and orange

In the first recipe, we invite you to cook amazing to your taste with an orange without cooking. This dish is also called raw jam. This dessert is notable for the fact that it completely preserves the aroma and taste of fresh fruits. There is no need to take the whole day to prepare it - just combine the ingredients, grind them and put them in sterile jars.

It will be stored for a long time, however, for this, the proportions of the ingredients indicated in the recipe should be observed, and the finished product should be stored in a cool place where the air temperature will be maintained at the same level.


  • soft gooseberries - 900 g;
  • large ripe orange - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.

On a note! If you prefer to use cane sugar in desserts, then its amount will be somewhat smaller - no more than 900 g! Otherwise, the jam will turn out too sweet, despite the presence of an orange!

How to cook?

  1. We sort out the berries and discard the rotten ones. Using nail scissors or a small sharp knife, cut off the ponytails and leaves.
  2. We mill oranges - we free them from the peel and white films.

    Advice! To quickly separate the orange fillet, you should remove the upper skin from it with a very sharp thin knife, “grabbing” the white subcortical layer along with it. After that, gradually cut out each slice, directing the knife into the middle of the fruit, while sliding the blade near the side white film!

  3. We send the prepared berries and orange fillet to the blender bowl and grind until smooth. To do this, you can also use a meat grinder by installing the smallest grate.
  4. Pour sugar into the berry-fruit mixture, mix and leave everything at room temperature overnight (≈9 hours).
  5. After, we shift the gooseberries with orange and sugar into clean jars and seal tightly.

Gooseberry, orange and lemon

In this recipe, we added another citrus fruit, lemon, to grated gooseberries with orange. Let's find out how to properly prepare such a combination.


  • ripe gooseberry fruits - 1.3-1.5 kg;
  • large lemon - 1 pc.;
  • large orange - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2.3 kg.

How to cook?

  1. We clean the fruits of the gooseberry from all tails and leaves, rinse in plenty of water.
  2. Wash citrus fruits thoroughly, cut into slices and remove all seeds. We do not touch the zest of oranges, we remove from lemons.

    On a note! The lemon zest will be slightly bitter, so it's best to remove it!

  3. We grind the prepared products in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.
  4. Pour the berry-fruit mixture into a large saucepan or basin, add sugar and leave for a day, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula.
  5. After the specified time, gooseberries with orange and lemon are laid out in sterilized jars and tightly closed with lids.

orange and banana

But the orange will require heat treatment. The output is a delicacy with a magical touch of the mysterious East, and the reason for this is spices and spices.

  • ripe gooseberries - 900 g;
  • ripe orange - 2 pcs.;
  • large ripe banana - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 900 g;
  • carnation - 6-7 buds;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick.

How to cook?

  1. We sort out the berries, wash them, peel them from the stalks and grind them in a blender.
  2. Wash the orange thoroughly, remove the peel, remove the seeds and also chop.
  3. In the pan where the jam will be cooked, we combine the berry and fruit masses.
  4. Bananas are freed from the peel, cut into small pieces and sent to the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Add sugar, mix and leave everything at room temperature for 1.5-2 hours. During this time, the juice should stand out.
  6. Turn on the gas supply and bring the contents of the pan to a boil. When the first bubbles appear on the surface, lower the cloves and cinnamon stick into the mass. Cook everything for about 5 minutes.
  7. We extract cinnamon and, if possible, cloves from the finished dessert, pour it into clean jars and cork for future use.

Recently, unusual blanks for the winter have become increasingly popular. Now it's the turn of the gooseberry jam. Add citrus fruits, bananas and spices to it and enjoy the new taste of such an ordinary and unremarkable dish before. Bon appetit!

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Gooseberry with orange without cooking- a delicious homemade delicacy that you should definitely prepare for the winter if you want healthy and fragrant fruit desserts to always be on the table. In addition, due to the lack of heat treatment, it will not take you much time to prepare this dessert.

Fragrant jam can be served to the table just for tea, pancakes and pancakes, used as a filling for homemade cakes. And if this year you can only prepare a couple of jars for testing, then next year your loved ones will require you to replenish your stocks of berry blanks. Like other "raw" jam, it must be stored under special conditions - it must be cool in the room, so most often the jars are stored in the refrigerator.

Gooseberry with orange without cooking

Gooseberries with oranges without cooking - recipe, which has several advantages over other cooking options. Firstly, this dessert has a fantastic taste, and secondly, without heat treatment, all products retain their natural color, so the delicacy has a very appetizing appearance.

Thirdly, thanks to citrus fruits, the delicacy has an excellent aroma. And let's not forget about the benefits, because all vitamins are preserved in a raw dessert, and especially ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the body in the autumn-winter period.

    Berries - 2 kg

    Oranges (large) - 5 pcs.

    Granulated sugar - 2.5 kg

The diet must include berries and fruits. In summer, this is not a problem, but what to do in winter. To do this, you need to make blanks. If there is a gooseberry in the country, then jam must be made from it. In the absence of your own plot, the berry can be purchased at the market.

However, there are some contraindications to the use of gooseberries. With peptic ulcer, it is not recommended to use the berry. And in other cases, it is very beneficial for the human digestive and immune systems.

The article will review several recipes for making a delicious dessert for the winter. Therefore, you will have the opportunity to choose the most suitable option.

Gooseberry jam with orange for the winter. Gooseberry + orange recipe (without cooking)

To prepare an original berry dessert, you can add an orange. This recipe does not involve heat treatment, so gooseberries and oranges retain all their beneficial properties. Also, you can add 1 lemon, but this is to taste. We will do without lemon!


  • 1 kg of gooseberries.
  • 6 medium sized oranges
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.

Cooking process

Rinse the orange fruit thoroughly under cold water. Together with the peel, pass it through a meat grinder or blender.

Then sort the gooseberries, rinse under running water, remove the stalks and seeds. After that, also pass through a conventional meat grinder.

Mix everything thoroughly and sprinkle with sugar, then stir again so that all the grains of sugar are completely dissolved.

Put the dessert in a convenient container. It is better to use plastic containers. Then the delicacy must be removed in the freezer.

Keep the jam in the refrigerator. Other ingredients can be added if desired, so feel free to experiment.

Royal gooseberry jam with cherry leaves. Royal recipe:

Green berries make delicious preparations for the winter. To enhance the taste, various ingredients are added to the dessert, in our case, these are cherry tree leaves. However, it is not necessary to use them, since this recipe should contain a minimum of products.

The taste of delicacy turns out to be aristocratic. The main feature of this recipe is that it is better to use berries that are slightly unripe, in which case they will retain their integrity.


  • 1 kg of gooseberries.
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.
  • Some cherry leaves.
  • 1.5 cups of water.

Cooking process

The collected or purchased berry must be carefully selected. Crumpled, dried and rotten gooseberries are not suitable for making jam. It is also necessary to remove the stalks and ponytails.

To extract the pulp, you need to slightly cut the berry near the spout. For this procedure, you can use a special device with a loop. Then the gooseberries must be washed under running water so that the seeds do not get into the dessert. Put in a colander to completely glass the liquid.

For the preparation of dessert, such a rare ingredient as cherry leaves is used. They are needed at the stage of soaking gooseberries. Put the berries in a bowl, then cover them with leaves. As a result, the jam acquires a beautiful and transparent color. Leaves are recommended to be plucked away from the transport road, they need to be soaked for a couple of hours in water. Leave the berries in this form for 6 hours.

At the next stage, the berry must be thrown into a colander to drain all the liquid. Cherry tree leaves are no longer needed, so they can be thrown away.

To prepare the syrup, you need to bring water to a boil, then add granulated sugar to it, and cook for about 3 minutes to dissolve all the grains. Then turn off the heat and put the soaked gooseberries into a container with syrup, and leave it for 4 hours so that the syrup cools completely.

After that, put the berry on the stove and cook for 5 minutes. Then remove from heat and let cool. The procedure must be repeated at least 2 times to make the syrup thick enough.

Glass jars need to be washed, held over steam, and then dried. Arrange the cooled dessert in prepared jars and roll them up with sterilized lids. Wrap in a blanket and put in a dark place for several hours. It is recommended to store the berry dessert in the refrigerator.

Gooseberry jam "Five minutes" - a simple recipe for the winter

From the name it is understood that it takes no more than 5 minutes to cook a delicacy. However, the entire cooking and preservation process takes longer. In this recipe, it is also recommended to use an unripe berry, in which the seeds are not yet sour.


  • 1 kg of gooseberries.
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar.
  • 1 glass of water.

Cooking process

First of all, the berry must be sorted out, debris and stalks removed. Then the gooseberries need to be thrown into a colander and washed several times, then wait until the water is completely drained.

Washed berries should be placed in a container with a thick bottom and covered with sugar. Put the bowl on the stove, wait for it to boil, be sure to remove the foam and cook for no more than 5 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula.

When the jam has cooled, it must be decomposed into glass jars and sent to the refrigerator. There is another slightly modified option: boil the syrup, in which add the washed berry.

Dessert should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.

Emerald gooseberry jam with walnuts (Tsarskoye)

Another recipe for royal or emerald gooseberry jam. To give the royal dessert a piquant taste, you can add walnuts to it. The recipe is quite simple. As a result, you will get an even healthier jam with additional nutrients, which is very important in winter. In addition, such a delicacy quickly saturates.


  • 1 kg of gooseberries.
  • 0.5 cups of shelled walnuts.
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.
  • 0.5 l of water.

Cooking process

Chop the walnuts into medium pieces, then fry them in a dry frying pan. It only takes a couple of minutes for them to turn golden.

At the next stage, you need to pour cold water over the leaves of the cherry tree. Put the container on the stove, bring to a boil, then remove from heat. The prepared broth should cool completely.

Sort the berry, remove the leaves and the stalk. Then carefully remove the seeds so as not to damage the integrity of the gooseberries. Then rinse it under running water.

Now the most difficult stage. It is necessary to cut each gooseberry, carefully remove the pulp and knead a piece of nut inside. Despite the difficult task, the work will justify itself, because the jam will turn out to be very tasty and nutritious.

Place the berries with nuts in an enamel pan. Add granulated sugar to the cherry broth and bring the liquid to a boil so that all the grains dissolve. Thanks to this syrup, the dessert will be amber in color.

Pour the prepared syrup over the berries. Put the container in a cool place so that the jam is completely cool. One day will be enough. After this time, the dessert must be put on the stove, brought to a boil, and then simmered over low heat for about 10 minutes.

After that, it remains only to spread the jam in glass jars, which must first be sterilized. Otherwise, the dessert may turn sour in a couple of days.

Bonus! gooseberry jam

From gooseberries you can make not only jam, but also jam. The recipe for its preparation can be seen below in the video.

Try to make more preparations for the winter to diversify your diet. Gooseberries are a healthy berry, so you can’t ignore it, and be sure to make delicious jam.

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