
How to cook raspberry jam for the winter without cooking. Preparation for winter raspberry jam

According to this recipe, my family has been making quick raspberry jam without cooking for decades. In my opinion this recipe is perfect. Raw raspberry jam turns out to be incredibly fragrant - it smells and tastes like a real fresh berry. And the amazing ruby ​​​​color remains bright and juicy.

In terms of taste and appearance, the workpiece will never be compared with the boiled analogue. You will learn the secrets and subtleties of cooking how to make quick raspberry jam from my step-by-step photo recipe.

In order to cork a piece of summer in a jar, we need:

  • raspberries 1 part;
  • sugar 2 parts;
  • vodka 10 ml.


  • bank for conservation;
  • lid for conservation;
  • wooden pusher.

How to make raspberry jam without boiling

First, let's prepare the berry. Raspberries are not washed before such preservation - this is important! Therefore, the berry must be bought or harvested clean.

No matter how many raspberries you take, you always need twice as much sugar.

If you feel sorry for sugar, then raspberries can turn sour. In my case, raspberries were 0.5 kg, and sugar 1 kg.

Sprinkle raspberries with sugar and crush.

For crushing raspberries, I always use a wooden crusher. But you can crush raspberries with clean hands.

Then, we transfer this stuff into a saucepan, preferably aluminum, and heat it on the stove to a temperature of 85 degrees with continuous stirring.

Be sure to make sure that the jam does not boil. As soon as the mass has reached the required temperature, turn off the fire and set aside.

Then, fill the jar with jam, leaving 1-2 cm to the lid.

Now it's time for the secret. Just before rolling, pour a full tablespoon of vodka on top.

It is she who will protect our workpiece from all sorts of bacteria and swelling of the jar. After that, roll up the jar or twist the lid.

Quick raspberry jam without cooking with a secret is ready! We store it in a dark, cool place.

In the entire history of conservation in this way, the jar has never been blown. And on the table in winter and during the autumn-winter colds there is always fragrant, natural and very tasty jam. We especially love it with pancakes and tea. Bon appetit!

Delicate and fragrant raspberries, even in winter, can give a piece of summer happiness. There are many recipes with which you can pamper your household - harvesting raspberries for the winter without boiling: with sugar, five-minute jam, confiture, raspberries in currant juice, shyly reddening jelly, sweet fragrant syrup, tender baby puree. The fantasy of real cooks knows no bounds, some of them have a lot to learn.

How to pick and prepare raspberries

Healthy and extraordinarily tasty, raspberries generously give housewives the opportunity to make preparations for the winter throughout the summer. However, in order for jam, jelly or compote to come out bright, beautiful and tasty, the berries must be properly collected from the bush and prepared.

It is better if the berries for harvesting are clean and whole.

The most suitable time for collection is dry sunny weather, because from the rain the tender beauty becomes watery and unattractive. For the same reason, it is rarely washed, especially if collected in your garden. Only if the presence of bugs is suspected, the berries are poured with briefly salted water (1 liter of water + 20 g of salt) so that uninvited guests float to the surface. It is better to start processing berries right away, in this the berry is similar to felt cherries, which also begins to deteriorate quite soon, even in the refrigerator. In order not to be mistaken in proportions, it would be useful to remember that about 600 grams of raspberries are placed in one liter jar.

So that the beneficial components of raspberries do not disappear during long-term processing, its duration can be minimized. An excellent example is a five-minute, extremely tasty and not boiled, raspberry jam, which is prepared extremely simply. Minimal processing allows you to keep the tender berries whole and attractive.

Differences in recipes from different housewives lie in the different amounts of sugar required for jam - some prefer a 1: 1 ratio, others put only half a kilogram of sugar per 1 kg of raspberries and ensure the storage of the finished product in the cold, and still others do not spare 1.5 kg of sugar, but they are confident in the reliable preservation of delicacy. However, the principle of making five-minute jam is approximately the same for both raspberries and currants, and other berries:

Recipes for five-minute raspberry jam allow you to save a maximum of vitamins in it

  1. Clean and sorted raspberries are neatly laid out in an enameled or copper container (capacious and with a wide bottom).
  2. Raspberries are covered with sugar, based on the chosen proportion, and left for 2-4 hours. During this time, the released juice should cover the berries.
  3. Putting a bowl with future jam on the fire, you need to bring it, stirring slightly, to a boil and then cook for 5-7 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. During cooking, you can enjoy sweet foams that need to be removed from the surface.
  4. Thoroughly washed jars should also be further sterilized, especially if the amount of sugar is minimal. Do not forget about the processing of the lids.
  5. Carefully spread the hot treat into jars so that the contents reach the very top, and immediately roll up. The five-minute jam is ready, now you can place it in a place convenient for storage and enjoy an exquisite delicacy in the winter.

Raspberry with sugar

Many housewives prefer to do without heat treatment, and raspberries are simply mixed with sugar - such a preparation for the winter preserves as much as possible all the unique beneficial properties of berries. This method takes even less time than making a five-minute jam, and is available to absolutely inexperienced housewives. However, in order to reliably preserve the raspberries prepared according to this recipe, jars with blanks will have to be sterilized or the refrigerator should be chosen as their storage place.

Usually, sugar is added to the workpiece in a ratio of 1: 1

There are many recipes for preparing raspberries with sugar for the winter. The following recipes are most often used.

Method one:

  • strong and dry berries are stacked in rows in prepared jars. Each new layer is sprinkled with sugar, and the dishes are slightly shaken to get it between individual berries;
  • jars with raspberries are immersed in a large container of water and sterilized - 25 minutes will be needed for liter containers, 20 minutes for half-liter containers.

Sugar is an excellent preservative for berries

Method two:

  • raspberry berries are covered with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and left for a couple of hours, this is necessary to extract the juice;
  • then the berries are crushed and carefully, but carefully, mixed with sugar;
  • it remains only to arrange the raspberries in sterilized jars, covering them with a centimeter layer of sugar, and store them securely in the family cellar or refrigerator.

The resulting amazing jam from fragrant and tender raspberries, the preparation of which was done without boiling, will give an unforgettable pleasure during a family tea party and help to do without an unpleasant cold in winter.

Exclusive! Put whole and dry raspberries in a container, pour over honey and put in the freezer. The taste is unique!

Confiture - the first recipe

Colorful confiture, successfully prepared for the winter from raspberries with sugar, unusually quickly and without the usual cooking, will pleasantly diversify breakfast and bring a lot of pleasure. It cannot be said that the preparation according to the proposed recipe is too simple, although only one stage causes some difficulty. But the result obtained more than pays for all the efforts expended, and the colorful confiture pleases with an impeccably delicate taste.

The most delicate confiture will turn out if you remove all the raspberry seeds

The hardest part is getting rid of small raspberry seeds, which can be done with a sieve and pestle. Then the resulting mass must be mixed well with sugar. It will need 1.5 kg for every kilogram of sweet berries. It remains to decompose into jars, cover with lids and, for the time being, put in a cold place - fragrant and healthy confiture is ready.

Confiture - the second recipe

You can prepare a fragrant delicacy in another way, using cooking. The recipe requires the following ingredients:

  • fresh raspberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

If you spend a little more time on harvesting and boil the confiture, then raspberries can be stored without a refrigerator.

Mash the raspberries in a suitable dish with a wide bottom, carefully pour hot water over and cook for about 20 minutes from the boiling time. Then carefully, in several stages, add sugar and continue to cook for another 15 minutes. Pour hot confiture into clean and warm prepared jars and cover with lids. Throughout the winter, its pleasant aroma and delicate taste will remind you of a sunny summer.

Raspberry syrup

It is impossible to do without raspberry syrup in winter! It is needed everywhere - for ruddy pancakes, a birthday cake, a gourmet drink, as a decoration for ice cream. Its preparation is not difficult and does not take too much time.

Method one

  • raspberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 4 cups;
  • water - 8 glasses.

Raspberry syrup will be a wonderful dessert and a source of vitamins at the same time.

Put the clean and sorted raspberries in a saucepan, pour the right amount of water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring and removing the foam. Remove the berries with a slotted spoon, add sugar and continue to cook for another 5 minutes. Ready syrup is poured into bottles or jars and stored in a cold place.

Method two

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 0.5 liters;
  • lemon - 10 gr.

Grind the berries with a mortar or blender, add half a liter of water and leave until the morning. Mix the resulting mixture and strain, add sugar and lemon and again deprive her of her attention for a day. The next day, boil the syrup for one to two minutes, then pour into clean, warm bottles. It is advisable to store it in the refrigerator.

dried raspberries

Dried raspberries can be added to teas, pastries, compotes and desserts.

If time is sorely lacking, and the harvest is a success, you can simply dry it and provide households with vitamins for the entire slushy and frosty season. An indispensable condition - the berries must be chosen as dense as possible and even slightly unripe. Raspberries can be dried qualitatively and quickly in the oven - two hours at a temperature of 50 degrees, and then fifteen minutes at sixty degrees. Cooled, it is laid out in boxes or jars and placed in a cool and always dry place. Tea with dried raspberries is fragrant and enhances the protective functions of the body.

The variety of recipes for raspberry preparations for the winter allows you not to part with the fragrant berry all year round. Compotes, jams, jams are a great help in preparing gourmet dishes and are good on their own. Raspberries are not only a sweet and pleasant delicacy, but also a guarantee of good health. When choosing a method of conservation, you need to remember this and negate the slightest loss of vitamins and other useful components. And when the season comes, don't forget to stock up for the family and a couple of jars of vitamin cherry jam.

Secrets of storing raspberries without cooking: video

Collection and storage of raspberries all winter: photo

Good afternoon friends!

The next article in the Sweet Life series is thick raspberry jam for the winter. The best and simple recipes for this wonderful berry with a pleasant taste and delicate aroma.

The island of Ida is considered the legendary home of raspberries, and the red color is the color of the droplets of blood that, according to ancient Greek myth, the beautiful nymph Ida dropped, scratching herself on the branches of the bushes when she was picking a sweet berry for Zeus himself.

So let's get started.

How to cook thick raspberry jam for the winter with whole berries

For this recipe, we take 1 kilogram of raspberries, 1 kilogram of sugar.

Sort the collected raspberries, clean from leaves and stalks. Since I always pick berries in my garden, I never wash them. Excess water, make it watery, and the jam is liquid. We do not use water in our recipe at all.

We take a wide basin for cooking and put the berries in it in layers with sugar. First a layer of raspberries, the same layer of sugar. Next, again a raspberry layer, on top of it is sugar. Such a layered pouring will allow you to evenly distribute the sugar over the berries without resorting to mixing.

Do not use enamelware for cooking jam, in order to avoid burning.

We cover the basin with gauze and leave it overnight so that the berries release juice. In the morning we check - the berries gave enough juice and you can start cooking. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly cook a sweet and healthy treat.

There are two ways to prepare this recipe.

1 way- boil the syrup of the desired density. Pour the berries, bring everything to a boil, boil for 5-7 minutes and pour into jars.

2 way- apply reusable, short-term cooking. Now we will deal with this.

You can try both methods and choose the one you like best. In any case, you will get a thick jam with whole berries, which will be well stored all winter.

We put the basin on the stove, on medium heat. When the contents boil, the sugar will completely dissolve. Boil for 5 minutes, then remove from heat until cool. Stir carefully from the edges, so as not to damage the berry. You can simply shake the pelvis with rotational movements.

We put the cooled jam back on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, then leave to cool completely. During cooking, a foam forms, which must be removed. Why does it seem to me that raspberry foam is the most delicious of all foams. Don't you think so?

We repeat this cooking cycle 3 times - bring to a boil, boil and cool completely.

At the last cooking, boil until tender. It acquires a beautiful maroon color, and the syrup becomes thick. And we managed to keep the berries whole.

Readiness is very easy to check. Pour a teaspoon of hot syrup on a flat plate, and swipe with a spoon. If the groove remains and hardens, then the sweet treat is ready. If you want to make it thicker, add pre-soaked gelatin to it.

Look how beautiful, fragrant, thick with whole berries!

We prepare jars and lids in advance. We sterilize in any way you like. Pour boiling water into jars under the very neck, close tightly with lids and turn over. Wrap with a blanket to cool down slowly.

As it cools, the raspberry delicacy thickens.

What a fragrant, tasty and thick raspberry for the winter we got!

Recipe for raspberry jam without cooking


  • raspberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

Step by step preparation:

We take ripe and undamaged berries, sort them out. Remove leaves and stems.

We fall asleep with sugar. And here there will be a few nuances: berries with sugar can be mashed with a wooden mortar, or beat with a blender until smooth. I like to leave the berries whole. To do this, leave the covered raspberries for 6 hours.

During this time, the raspberries give juice, now you need to mix it gently until the sugar is completely dissolved, and try not to damage the berries.

We take prepared, clean, plastic containers and fill them. Close the lids and store in the refrigerator or freezer. The most interesting thing is that even in the freezer, the jam does not freeze much. The syrup becomes viscous and thick, ruby ​​​​color with a strong pleasant raspberry aroma. And we will save it for the prevention or treatment of colds.

Option 2. Thick jam for the winter without boiling berries

Raspberry jam - five minutes for the winter. Raspberry jam recipe 5 minutes

A lot of housewives like to cook raspberries according to the five-minute recipe, because it cooks quickly. Only at the same time it is necessary to manage to make it thick and tasty, and try to preserve the vitamins as much as possible.

Today we will cook five minutes of grated raspberries with sugar. The ratio of sugar and berries is 1:1. We do not use water, due to this the syrup will turn out thick and viscous.

We carefully sort the raspberries, it is not necessary to wash them. If you notice worms in it, fill the berries with salted water for 10 minutes (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water). When the living creatures emerge, drain the salt water from the berries and rinse it well. We recline in a colander, give the opportunity to drain the water and dry.

Then we spread it in a basin in which we will cook.

Crush the raspberries with a crusher or with a blender.

We fall asleep with sugar, mix gently, for even distribution and leave overnight in a cool place.

In the morning, mix well again and put on a small fire.

Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved.

After the sugar is completely dissolved, add fire, bring to a boil and boil for 5-7 minutes.

Carefully collect all the foam that appears during the boil.

Sterilize jars and lids. Pour the hot jam under the very neck, close with tightly twisted lids. Turn upside down, wrap with a blanket and leave to cool completely. Store in a dark and cool place.

Raspberry jam for the winter in a slow cooker

  • raspberries - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • cooking time - 1 hour

Recipe for thick jam in own juice

Raspberries prepared according to this recipe retain their natural taste, delicate raspberry aroma and an unusually beautiful ruby ​​color.

We wash the berries, dry them, sprinkle with sugar.

Leave for several hours, until the raspberry juice completely soaks the sugar.

Stir and put on the smallest fire. The main point is to prevent a strong boil.

As soon as the jam boils, immediately remove from the stove. Leave until completely cool. Then, repeat this procedure two more times. This will achieve the density of raspberry delicacy we need.

Pour hot into sterilized jars, roll up the lids. Store in a dark, cool place.

In this article I tried to collect simple recipes for thick raspberry jam. With a detailed description and photo, how to cook and how much, how to make thick, how to save for the winter.

The benefits of raspberries are well known and due to its unique composition. There are vitamins in this berry (especially valuable are A, groups B, C), and minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium and others), and valuable acids (folic, tartaric, formic, salicylic). Coumarin, which is part of raspberries, improves blood clotting, iodine helps with bronchitis, and glucose and fructose are essential components for nourishing the brain and heart. Well, raspberries for colds are the first remedy for lowering the temperature and general relief of the condition.

All good berries! But what to cook from raspberries so that all its useful properties are preserved as much as possible? Vitamin C - the most effective for colds - is destroyed during heat treatment. Partially or completely during cooking, other useful substances that make up raspberries are also destroyed. This means that most of the useful components will be preserved in raw jam. And besides, raspberry jam without cooking is also the easiest way to save raspberries for the winter.

This simple dish is a must have in your cellar. This preparation will be especially useful for children.

To prepare raspberry jam without cooking for the winter, we sort out the berries, sort out low-quality ones, and rinse with cold water.

We make raw raspberry jam in the following proportions: we take 2 parts of sugar for one part of the berry. Sugar will act as a preservative, and our jam will keep well.

Let's grind the sugar with a raspberry wooden crush.

We sterilize jars and lids in advance.

Immediately put our jam in jars, not reaching 1.5-2 centimeters to the edge.

Fill the space left to the edge of the jar with sugar.

We just need to close the jars with sterile lids. Our raspberry jam without cooking for the winter is ready.

Raspberry jam for the winter, perhaps, can be considered one of the most popular recipes for harvesting this berry. The reason for this is the unusual taste, aroma and healing properties of raspberries. Such a delicacy is familiar to almost every person since childhood, because during a cold we were often given tea with raspberries.

Drinking raspberry tea is both healthy and tasty, and besides, you can fill pastries with jam and use it for other purposes. Preparing a wonderful dessert is simple, just use the right technology and delicious jam for the whole family is ready.

Raspberry jam five minutes


  • fresh raspberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.8 kg.

How to make five-minute raspberry jam for the winter:

No matter how strange it may sound, it is not necessary to wash raspberries - when washed, the berries lose some of the flavor, plus when cooked, they can boil and lose their shape. However, dust and dirt must be removed. Therefore, we carefully sort it out and literally for 10 minutes. pour lightly salted water - at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. salt without a slide per liter of water. The berry must be completely hidden. After a few minutes, everything unnecessary will pop up. We catch the living creatures with a slotted spoon, drain the water from the berries and quickly and carefully rinse it with a weak pressure of water so as not to damage the integrity of the berries.

We throw the washed berry into a colander, then we fall asleep with sugar. Mix gently so that it is evenly distributed, and leave for 4-6 hours, maximum overnight and in a cool place.

Another secret to keeping tender raspberries whole is that the serving of berries should not be large, and the container where it will be boiled should be voluminous. Otherwise, the freer the raspberries in the container, the better.

We heat the berry over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, after which we increase the heating power to the maximum and boil the jam for 5-7 minutes.

When cooking, a foam will form - we arm ourselves with a slotted spoon and mercilessly remove all of it. Firstly, this way the jam will boil better and more evenly. Secondly, the remains of the foam can provoke the development of bacteria, and the jam will turn sour. We remove the jam from the stove and prepare the jars.

canning. Wash jars and plastic lids thoroughly, using soda and a stiff brush or sponge, rinse with water and scald with boiling water. Ready. Sugar is an excellent preservative, so the container does not need more thorough sterilization. It is undesirable to use metal lids for twisting, because from them the jam will change color to dark red, even burgundy.

We pour the jam into jars, wait until it cools down, and put it away for storage. We are waiting for winter to treat ourselves to delicious and fragrant sweet preparations.

Raspberry jam for the winter thick with whole berries


  • 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

To get thick raspberry jam, you need as many berries as sugar. Proportion: 1 to 1.

A step-by-step recipe for raspberry jam for the winter with whole berries:

We sort out the berries, but do not wash them. Sprinkle with sugar (in the proportion of 1 kg of berries per 1 kg of sugar), layer by layer in an enamel saucepan. Leave overnight or for 6-8 hours. During this time, the berries will give juice.

We put the pan on the stove and turn on the medium heat. The contents of the saucepan will soon boil, and the sugar will dissolve. After boiling, the jam should be boiled for 5-10 minutes, and then turned off.


During the cooking process, stir the raspberry jam so that it does not burn. But it is better to do this not with a spoon, but by rotating the pan in a circle (holding the handles). This will keep the berries whole, not crush them.

When the jam boils, foam forms. It needs to be removed. With foam then it’s delicious to drink tea after a hard day at the stove

Miracle Buttocks - 3-5 kg ​​of fresh strawberries every 2 weeks!

Miracle buttocks Fabulous collection is suitable for windowsills, loggias, balconies, verandas - any place in the house or apartment where the light of the sun falls. You can get the first harvest in 3 weeks. Miracle buttock Fabulous collection bears fruit all year round, and not only in summer, as in the garden. The life of the bushes is from 3 years or more, from the second year you can add top dressing to the soil.

The jam that has cooled down after the first cooking is put back on the stove. Bring to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes. Then turn off, cool and repeat the cycle again. In total, the jam should be boiled 3 times. Thanks to this, it becomes thick and maroon. So,

How much to cook raspberry jam so that it is thick and the berries remain intact?
You need to cook in 3 stages:

  • 1 time: 10 minutes after boiling;
  • 2 times: cool and cook again for 5 minutes after boiling;
  • 3 times: let cool again and boil the jam for 5 minutes.

The readiness of the jam is checked drop by drop, after the 3rd boiling. The jam should cool down and when it is ready, the droplet does not spread. It becomes viscous and viscous. Sweet raspberry jam, at the same time, fragrant, bright and thick.

How much jam is made from 1 kg of raspberries?

From 1 kg of raspberries and 1 kg of sugar, a little less than 1 liter of finished raspberry jam was obtained

The berries were almost completely preserved intact and unharmed. Fragrant and healthy thick raspberry jam for the winter is ready!

Raspberry jam for the winter without cooking

Berries with granulated sugar are a storehouse of vitamins for the whole family. This dessert is very easy to prepare, so even a culinary amateur can create it. Raspberry jam for the winter without cooking is also called “live”, the berries are not heat-treated, they can be kept raw. Pros:

  • Jam relieves fever, headache with a cold. Another useful property: a reliable strengthening of immunity.
  • The finished product is often used to make various pastries.
  • With "cold" preservation, the need to spend a lot of time at a hot stove disappears, which is especially unpleasant in the summer.

In order for a fragrant delicacy to turn out to be pleasant to the taste and have a low calorie content, all proportions must be strictly observed.

To make raspberry jam for the winter without cooking, you need the following products:

  • ripe berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


The main product is carefully sorted out, damaged berries and sepals are removed. After that, the raspberries are placed in a large bowl to make it easier to grind. Sugar is added to the berries. The mixture should be left for a couple of minutes.
After the ingredients turn into gruel. This is best done with a wooden mortar. The mass should be homogeneous. Future raspberry jam for the winter is laid out in dry, sterilized jars.

Fragrant fresh dessert sprinkled with sugar. A layer of sweet sand under the influence of juice will harden, creating a solid layer. It will protect the workpiece from air ingress.

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Jars with raspberry jam for the winter are closed with a lid. Dessert is recommended to freeze and store in the refrigerator.

Raspberry jam for the winter thick with gelatin

There are very few pectin substances in raspberries, so it is unlikely to cook something thick from it without adding thickeners of various kinds. And with gelatin it turns out beautifully, viscous, bright and fragrant.
It is logical that the more gelatin is put, the thicker the consistency of the product will turn out, up to the state of confiture. But if we call the workpiece “jam”, then a viscous flowing consistency will be quite enough - we take a moderate amount of gelatin.

You will have to store the jam in the refrigerator or cellar so that the structure of the delicacy is well preserved. From a kilogram of raspberries, you get two half-liters of jam and another vase for testing.


  • 1 kg fresh or frozen raspberries;
  • half a glass (100 ml) of water for boiling berries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • 1 package (15 gr) gelatin;
  • 0.5 cup of water to soak it.

Step-by-step recipe for raspberry jam with gelatin for the winter:

Pour gelatin with cold boiled water, mix well and leave to swell while processing fresh raspberries.

We sort and wash the berries, let the water drain. If the raspberries are home-grown, clean, not dusty, it is not necessary to wash them.
We put the raspberries in a saucepan, add about half a glass of water. Bring the berries to a boil over low heat.

Raspberries begin to actively release juice and for the most part the fruits fall apart, but fragments of berries remain. Be sure to remove the foam.

At the same time, we sterilize cleanly washed jam jars and lids in a bowl of boiling water - 15 minutes is enough. By the time the raspberry jam is laid out, they should have time to dry. Add sugar to raspberries. And cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes.

Add citric acid. It compensates for the cloying raspberry jam, making it brighter.

In addition, as a lemon preservative, it will contribute to better storage of preservation.

Remove the raspberry jam from the heat and let it cool slightly to 85-90 degrees before introducing the gelatin, which has already swollen beautifully. Add gelatin.

Well, to the very bottom, mix, return the pan to the stove and bring to a boil, turn off the heat.
Quickly, so that it cools down sooner, pour the raspberry jam into dry, sterilized jars. You don’t need to turn over the lids, just close it, let it cool to room temperature and put the jam in the refrigerator or transfer it to the basement.

Having cooled down, raspberry jam for the winter acquires a pleasant texture - like thick jelly. It perfectly preserves the taste and aroma of raspberries.

Raspberry jam for the winter - a recipe with lemon

Adding fresh lemon to raspberry jam will give the sweet preparation a special piquancy - one that the addition of citric acid will never give.


  • 2 kg raspberries;
  • 2.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • a quarter of a lemon.

A simple recipe with a photo of raspberry jam with lemon:

Fold the berries in an enamel bowl, cover with sugar. Leave overnight.

If the room is very hot, it is better to put the dishes with raspberries in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

During the night, raspberries under the influence of sugar will drain and give a lot of juice. Put a container with raspberries and juice on the stove, bring to a boil over very high heat. Immediately after boiling the raspberry syrup, reduce the heat. Boil raspberry jam on the slowest fire for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally and removing the foam with a wooden spoon. The longer the raspberries cook, the thicker the jam will be.

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Five minutes before the end of cooking, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and mix.
Let the jam cool slightly. To speed up this process, you can place a bowl of hot raspberry jam in cold water. Arrange the cooled raspberry jam in sterile jars and roll up. Store blanks for the winter in a dark, cool place.

Video - recipe: raspberry jam for the winter in a slow cooker

  1. Raspberry jam is better not to digest. Firstly, it will not be so tasty, the berries will become dry and without flavor. Yes, and such jam will be sugared quickly. And if you don’t cook it, you take a risk, the jam can quickly turn sour or become moldy.
  2. By the way, so that the jam does not get moldy, fill the top of the jar with sugar, you get a sugar cork and then the jam can stand for years and nothing will happen to it.
  3. Malicious worms often settle in the berry, to remove them, fill it with water, adding a handful of salt, they will all float up, and it will not be difficult to remove them.
  4. What can be added? Here you have literally endless possibilities. Put orange slices, melon, pumpkin, traditional gooseberries and cherries or cherry leaves.
