
Blackcurrant - benefits and folk recipes. Juice treatment

Blackcurrant juice- a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals. Blackcurrant is an amazing berry that is used to prepare various dishes. It is used for cooking jams, compotes, jellies, desserts or consumed fresh. But blackcurrant juice is in special demand. It can be easily prepared at home. And the use of delicious treats will allow you to get not only pleasure, but also benefits for the body.

Composition of blackcurrant juice

The composition of blackcurrant juice is unique. It is diverse and very rich in useful components. Among the main substances that are present in the composition, the following can be distinguished:

  • organic acids;
  • fructose;
  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • pectin;
  • iron;
  • potassium salts and other minerals;

The popularity of making juice from this berry is largely due to the significant content of vitamins, including B1, B2, K, C, D, P, as well as provitamin A. Among the trace elements, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium are isolated.

Helpful information! By the way, the calorie content of blackcurrant juice is low. It is only 40 kcal per 100 grams of finished treats.

Useful properties and contraindications

Useful properties and contraindications to the use of blackcurrant juice should be known to everyone who plans to consume a healthy treat. In addition to a pleasant aroma and unique taste, blackcurrant juice provides the body with such benefits as:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • getting rid of headaches (especially with colds);
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the body;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalization of liver function;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • improvement of blood composition.

Blackcurrant juice can be called a miracle drink for people who suffer from manifestations of sclerosis, as it has an anti-sclerotic effect. This can be achieved due to the fact that the juice improves the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. In addition, the drink can be a tonic, choleretic, antispasmodic or antioxidant.

Important! Doctors often prescribe the regular use of blackcurrant juice for people who suffer from stomach ulcers, kidney and liver diseases, diarrhea, gastritis (a form with low acidity), anemia, or have problems with urination.

Despite the multiple benefits, blackcurrant juice also has some contraindications. In particular, you should not drink freshly squeezed juice in such cases as:

  • post-stroke or post-infarction condition;
  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • hepatitis;
  • allergy.

In addition, it is not recommended to drink juice daily, as it quickly leads to excessive blood density and its increased clotting. Juice is able to increase the growth rate of hemoglobin, which does not always have a beneficial effect on well-being. That is why pregnant women and young children should drink the drink with great care.

Technology for making blackcurrant juice

The technology for making blackcurrant juice is standard, but quite a lot of cooking methods are known. They differ in the ingredients used, the concentration and taste of the finished juice. The most popular technologies are shown in the table.

Recipe Name

What will be needed?

Cooking technology

concentrated nectar

Black currant, sugar, boiled water

First you need to prepare the berries, for this they are washed, cleaned of excess debris and stems. It is convenient to use a colander. Next, the berries should be crushed with a crush. On the berries, you need to burst the peel, you do not need to achieve the consistency of mashed potatoes.

Water should be added to the finished mass (both ordinary and distilled will do), put the pan with berries on the fire and bring to a boil. After that, cooking continues on low heat for another half an hour. As a result, only concentrated nectar will remain.

Now you need to use a colander and gauze to separate the juice from berries and large particles. Please note that this process may take up to four hours for the liquid to drain. From time to time you need to mix the mass.

At the same time, you need to prepare the jars by sterilizing them in the oven, microwave or in the old fashioned way over boiling water. You can also dip jars with lids in boiling water for 20 minutes.

When the juice drains, it must be set on fire, bring to a boil, add sugar and cook for another 10-15 minutes, removing the foam with a spoon. It remains to roll the drink into cans. They should be wrapped in a warm blanket and left in this form for 1-2 days.


Blackcurrant and boiled water

It is necessary to clean the berries from excess debris. Next, blackcurrants need to be washed through a sieve and grind through a meat grinder. The finished mass is placed in a saucepan and set on fire. There you need to add water and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Now the mass should be rubbed through a sieve or use a press. Next, the mass should be infused for 2-3 hours. In conclusion, it is recommended to strain the juice through cheesecloth and bring to a boil again. Now it remains to pour the drink into jars and leave the containers wrapped for 2-3 days.

Juice for the winter

Black currant

Berries should be washed under running water and sorted out from debris. It is recommended to blot the fruits with a paper towel to get rid of excess moisture. Next, the fruits should be crushed through a meat grinder or use a blender.

Next, the berries are laid out in a colander, it is placed on a pan. Now you should take another pan, which has a capacity larger than the first. Pour a little water into the latter (enough for the water to reach 6-8 centimeters) and set a smaller pan with a colander.

The resulting structure is covered with a cloth and a lid. . This allows steam to be released when the water boils, which heats the berry mixture to remove the juice.

The structure must be set on fire and left to languish for two hours. Next, the liquid (while it is still hot) must be poured into sterilized jars and loosely closed with lids. Banks should be placed in warm water and bring the water to a boil. In this form, the jars should be pasteurized for 12-15 minutes, and then the lids can be tightly screwed on.

Black and red currant juice

Red and black currants, pure water

Berries need to be washed, sorted out from debris and unripe fruits. Next, the berries are filled with water. The pot must be set on fire and boiled until the fruits burst.

Now you need to squeeze the juice out of the mixture using gauze and a sieve. Next, the resulting liquid is put on fire and brought to a boil, then the fire is reduced so that the mixture does not boil. From time to time you need to remove the foam.

At the same time, the jars should be sterilized and, when the cooking is finished, pour a hot drink and roll it up. The jars themselves should be stored in a cool and dark place.


Blackcurrant, granulated sugar, water

It is necessary to wash the blackcurrant berries, get rid of debris and twigs. While excess water drains, you need to pour 200 ml of clean water into a saucepan and put on fire, bring to a boil. Now you need to pour the fruits there and wait until they become soft. Next, you need to add granulated sugar to a separate pan and the remaining water. The mass must be removed from the stove when the sugar is completely dissolved. It remains to grind the berries through a sieve, add hot syrup to the juice, mix and roll into jars that have been previously sterilized.

You can calculate the exact amount of ingredients depending on how much juice you plan to roll up for the winter. Usually sugar is added at the rate of 1 cup for every kilogram of fruit, and water is taken in the amount of one fourth of the mass of berries.

Recipes suggest making a drink with and without sugar. The benefits of a delicious treat will not be less. And it is best to choose the one that suits your taste preferences. Of course, you can also buy blackcurrant juice, for example, by choosing the Riga Balsam brand, which has proven itself on the positive side, but making juice with your own hands at home is an opportunity to pamper loved ones with freshly prepared delicious treats in autumn and winter.

Black, red, white...

Ripe currant sighs:

- If you don't rip me off,

I'll shower, then you won't find it.

Currant is a summer berry that can have a variety of colors. Regardless of the variety and type, delicious preparations are made from it: jam, jelly, compotes and, of course, vitamin juices.

Currant juice - general principles of preparation

Berries for juice are sorted out, freed from tails, leaves, various debris, then washed. You can not dry the currants, just put them in a colander and let the droplets drain. Often, a little water is poured into natural juice to reduce the concentration or reduce the acidity.

How to squeeze juice:

Manually. Use gauze or cloth. Mashed, sometimes boiled berries are placed in them.

Electric or manual juicer. The product is passed through a special device that separates the cake.

Take out with a juicer. A special device that evaporates juice.

Hot drink is poured into sterile jars, twisted. Or cool and consume in its natural form. In the second case, the product can not be subjected to heat treatment.

Recipe 1: Currant juice in a juicer for the winter

A juicer is a wonderful device that allows you to get natural juice with minimal time and effort. All that is needed is to load the product into the desired compartment. The disadvantage of this method is the need to add sugar, which stimulates the release of juice.


Any currant;

100 grams of sugar per 1 kg of berries;


1. Pour water into the liquid compartment.

2. We put it on the stove, turn on the maximum fire. The liquid should boil.

3. We sort out red or black currants, you can use different berries.

4. We shift the berries into a special container with holes designed for the product. Sprinkle with sugar on top.

5. Cover and keep covered for 1.5 hours.

6. After a while, open the tap and drain the currant juice. It is advisable to immediately substitute a sterile container.

7. As soon as the jar is full, we immediately seal it.

Recipe 2: Blackcurrant Juice Without a Juicer

A recipe for blackcurrant juice for those who do not have the opportunity to use a juicer. A little water is added to the drink, but this does not spoil its taste.


0.5 liters of water;

2 kg currants;

0.3 kg of sugar (less possible).


1. We sort out the berries, wash them, let the liquid drain.

2. We put it in a saucepan, take a potato crusher or any other pestle. We crush the berries until we get gruel.

3. Add prescription water, that is, pour in half a liter.

4. Put the currant mass on the fire, bring to a boil.

5. Reduce the intensity of the fire and boil the juice for half an hour.

6. Cover a clean cotton cloth in a colander. You can use gauze folded in several layers.

7. Pour the juice, squeeze the thick.

8. Add prescription sugar, you can throw less or do without it.

9. Put the drink on the stove, boil for three minutes.

10. Pour into a sterile container, tighten with metal lids, put away for storage.

Recipe 3: Redcurrant juice through a juicer

The most useful version of redcurrant juice, as it does not undergo long cooking. This recipe will require any juicer: electric or manual. The main thing is to squeeze the juice from the berries and roll them up correctly.


1 kg currant;

600 ml of water;

0.1 kg of sugar.


1. We release the washed berries from tails and spoiled specimens, rinse under running water. We shift the currants into a colander and leave for half an hour.

2. We pass the berries through the juicer. We evaluate the condition of the cake. If it is wet, then you can skip it again, it will not be worse.

3. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add water and sugar.

4. We heat the juice to a boil, remove the foam and immediately pour it into sterile bottles or jars.

5. Cork with metal lids.

6. Put the containers on the neck and leave to cool completely.

7. We turn it over to its normal position, send it to the basement or to the pantry room.

Recipe 4: Currant juice with honey

The recipe for currant juice, which can be prepared from red, white, black varieties. Sugar is not added, it is replaced by honey. Only a natural product is used, molasses and substitutes will not work. Hand pressed recipe.


2 kg currants;

3 spoons of honey;

0.5 liters of water;

2 mint leaves.


1. Put the washed berries in a saucepan, pour water, cover and steam under the lid until the skin is soft.

2. Periodically stir the mass so that the currant falls apart.

3. Cool, filter. We must squeeze the thick, it contains a lot of acid, pectin, and aromatic substances.

4. Pour the juice into a clean saucepan. You can just rinse this one.

5. Add mint leaves, boil for a minute.

6. Turn off, put honey, stir quickly until dissolved. With honey, the drink does not need to be boiled.

7. Pour hot juice into jars of any size, seal immediately. Cool upside down, no need to cover.

Recipe 5: Blackcurrant Juice with Apples

The recipe for a wonderful blackcurrant juice, for which you need apples. You can take overripe, broken, wormy fruits. All excess will go away and cut off. The only thing is that fruits with rot and mold will not work, even circumcision will not help.


1 kg currant;

1.5 kg of apples;

0.25 kg of sugar;

300 ml of water.


1. Cut the washed apples into pieces, pass through a juicer.

2. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add sugar and water and put it on the stove for now to shorten the time. Bring to a boil.

3. Currants are also sorted out, washed. We also process in a juicer.

4. Pour this juice into a saucepan with apple juice.

5. Boil everything together for a couple of minutes after boiling.

6. We take a ladle or ladle, collect liquid from the pan and pour it into clean jars. In the meantime, the juice should boil, do not turn off the stove.

7. We twist the covers. We cool the workpiece upside down and turn it over to its normal position. We move to the basement.

Recipe 6: Refreshing Redcurrant Juice with Lemon and Mint

A variant of redcurrant summer juice prepared for immediate consumption. The drink has a pleasant, refreshing taste will delight in the heat. From it you can also prepare fruit ice for other drinks, including alcoholic ones.


0.9 kg currants;

400 ml of water;

0.5 lemon;

1-2 sprigs of mint;

0.15 kg of sugar.


1. We put prescription water on the stove, add granulated sugar to it and throw mint sprigs. Do not forget to rinse the greens well with clean water.

2. Remove the zest from the lemon and also send it to cook in a saucepan.

3. Boil the fragrant syrup for about five minutes, then filter and return to the pan.

4. Remove the currant berries from the brushes, rinse.

5. Squeeze juice using any device. If there is nothing, then you can simply kill the berries with a combine and strain through several layers of gauze.

6. Pour the juice into a saucepan with syrup.

7. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and also send it to a common drink.

8. Let the contents of the saucepan boil, cool.

9. For ice, you can put mint leaves or lemon slices into molds, then pour over the prepared juice and send it to the freezer.

Recipe 7: Currant Juice with Orange

A variant of fragrant currant juice for the winter, which is prepared with the addition of an orange. We choose a large, large fruit. If it smells on the outside, it will be fragrant, sweet and inside.


1.4 kg of currants;

1 large orange;

250 grams of sugar;

500 ml of water.


1. We wash the orange with a brush, you need to clean all the pores of the zest.

2. Take a grater and remove the thin skin.

3. Throw the zest into the water, add sugar and set to boil.

4. We clean the orange itself, disassemble it into slices and remove the seeds.

5. We wash the currants, pass through the juicer.

6. Following the currants, we skip the prepared citrus slices. We connect everything.

7. We filter the boiled syrup from the zest for five minutes.

8. Combine currant juice with syrup.

9. Cook the drink for a couple of minutes after boiling.

10. We drink like this or pour it into sterile dishes, roll up the lids.

Recipe 8: Blackcurrant Juice with Raspberries

Raspberries and currants are wonderful berries that ripen at the same time. So, why not prepare them together? Recipe without juicer.


1 kg currant;

0.7 kg of raspberries;

0.2 kg of sugar;

300 ml of water.


1. Put the washed currants in a saucepan, add pure raspberries and knead everything together to a state of gruel.

2. Add water, put on the stove and cook for about fifteen minutes.

3. Cool, filter and squeeze all the thick well.

4. Put the juice on the stove again, now you can add sugar. To taste, you can pour a little cinnamon into such a drink.

5. Boil for a few minutes, be sure to catch the foam on the surface.

6. Pour into sterile dishes, tighten the lids.

Recipe 9: Spiced Red Currant Juice

An amazing juice variant in which various spices are added. Redcurrant is filled with the missing aroma and turns out to be simply delicious. Juice is squeezed out in any way.


1.5 liters of juice;

2 cloves;

1 cinnamon stick;

0.5 vanilla pod;

1 small piece of ginger;

1 pinch of nutmeg.


1. We put juice on the stove, add half a liter of clean water. If liquid was added during squeezing, then we use more juice.

2. Take a piece of gauze and fold it in two layers.

3. We put all the spices on the gauze, tie it in a knot and throw it into the juice.

4. Simmer the drink over low heat for about 15 minutes, do not let it boil. We take out the fragrant bag with one spoon and squeeze the juice out of it with the second.

5. Add sugar, now you can add fire and let the drink boil.

6. Stir, pour into jars, send for storage.

In addition to red and black currants, juice can also be prepared from the white variety. But such a drink is not very aromatic, it does not have a pronounced taste. Therefore, it is better to combine berries with other types of currants, with cherries, raspberries.

If you add a few cherry leaves when brewing redcurrant juice, then the drink will be very fragrant. When rolling the juice, the leaves must be removed.

If the juice turned out to be too sweet and cloying, then you should not immediately add water. It is better to close the concentrate for the winter, so you can save jars and lids. And you can add water at any time.

A pleasant aroma of currant juice will give lemon zest. You can use not only fresh crusts, but also dry ones. Some housewives prefer to twist the zest in a coffee grinder to a powder state. This solves the problem with straining, eliminates additional hassle.

Redcurrant blanks are bright, tasty and always look appetizing. But they can also be useful. To do this, you need to minimize the heat treatment time of the berries and not add too much sugar. These requirements are met by redcurrant juice, which even an inexperienced housewife can prepare for the winter. Being a juicy berry, redcurrant allows you to get a lot of drink without spending a huge amount of time and effort on cooking.

Cooking features

Redcurrant juice is bright, has a rich aroma and taste. Its preparation does not require high culinary skills. Even an inexperienced cook will get a result that he can be proud of if he takes into account a number of points when cooking.

  • Using a juicer, it is not necessary to peel the currants from the twigs, but when processing the berries in any other way, you will have to spend time to cut off the tails. If this is not done, the juice will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste and will be stored worse.
  • When brewing redcurrant juice according to any of the recipes, you can add a few currant leaves, previously washed well, to it. Before pouring the drink into jars, the leaves must be removed from the pan.
  • When making redcurrant juice, sugar is usually added to it. It increases the safety of canned food and makes their taste more balanced.
  • Banks intended for storing redcurrant juice in winter must be washed with soda and sterilized in any convenient way. Lids are also sterilized, usually by boiling. Plastic lids are not suitable for closing juice, metal ones are needed to ensure tightness.
  • Redcurrant juice is most often made concentrated by diluting it with water just before serving. It is advisable to close such juice in small jars, from 0.5 liters to 1 liter.

Red currant juice is stored in a cool room, the temperature in which does not exceed 18 degrees. Then the drink will stand without spoiling for at least a year. An opened jar can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Redcurrant juice through a juicer

Composition (per 1 liter):

  • red currant - 1.2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort out the currants. Rinse it without removing the branches.
  • Pass the currant through the juicer.
  • Pour into a stainless steel or enamel container. It is impossible to cook currant juice in aluminum dishes, since this material, oxidizing, forms harmful substances.
  • Add sugar to juice and stir.
  • Put the juice container on a slow fire. Heat it while stirring to achieve complete dissolution of sugar.
  • Continue heating until the juice boils.
  • Boil it for 5 minutes, remove from the stove.
  • Sterilize jars and suitable lids.
  • Fill jars with juice, roll up.
  • Turn over, cover with a blanket, leave to cool in a steam bath for additional preservation.

The juice made according to this recipe can be used to make jelly and other desserts. If you are going to drink it, the drink must be diluted with water in a ratio of at least 1: 1 before drinking.

Tart red currant juice

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • red currant - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • water - 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the currant. Let it dry by scattering the berries on a towel that absorbs moisture well.
  • Remove stems from berries.
  • Turn the currant through a meat grinder. It can be crushed in another way, for example, using a blender. Astringent taste appears due to the destruction of small seeds inside the berries.
  • Put the currant mass in a basin, pour a glass of boiled water. Boil 5 minutes after boiling. Strain through a sieve.
  • Collect the cake in gauze folded in several layers, wring out.
  • Add the remaining water and sugar to the redcurrant juice.
  • Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Pour the juice into prepared jars, seal them tightly.
  • Leave to cool upside down, wrapped in a warm blanket.

Red currant juice, closed for the winter according to the above recipe, can be drunk without diluting.

Spicy redcurrant juice prepared with a juicer

Composition (per 0.75 l):

  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • orange - 100 g;
  • carnation - 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 sticks;
  • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • currant leaf - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  • Place the prepared berries in the upper compartment of the juicer.
  • Add sliced ​​orange and spices.
  • Sprinkle the berries with sugar.
  • Pour water into the container of the juicer provided for this purpose.
  • Direct the hose from the juice collection container into a sterilized jar.
  • Turn on the unit or put it on the stove.
  • Boil the berries until the juice stops flowing through the hose.
  • Roll up the jar, let it cool in a steam bath.

The juice according to this recipe is fragrant, it can serve as the basis for non-alcoholic mulled wine.

Redcurrant juice has a rich taste and color, has a pleasant aroma and remains healthy. Even a novice hostess can prepare this liquid delicacy for the winter if she listens to the advice of more experienced chefs.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Black currant- extremely useful, takes second place after rose hips in terms of vitamin C content. It also contains, PP, carotene, potassium, iron, citric, malic and other organic acids, pectins, tannins, sugars.

Blackcurrant has a therapeutic effect on stomach ulcers, gastritis with low acidity, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, metabolic disorders, anemia.

"An aqueous extract of black currant increases the antimicrobial activity of tetracycline, penicillin, biomycin and other antibiotics by 10 times."

It has been established that the substances that cause the color of the skin of currant berries have a detrimental effect on influenza viruses A2 and B. Black currant significantly increases.

" In an experiment, black currant increased the number of surviving animals infected with a lethal dose of staphylococci by 5 times. "

The amount of juice per reception (for adults) should be no more than a tablespoon: otherwise, overexcitation of the nervous system is possible. The amount of vitamin C in the prepared juice depends on how it is prepared. It is better to juice with juicers than in juicers. The fact is that in a juice cooker a large amount of vitamins breaks down: high temperature affects, steam condenses, and therefore the juice is diluted with water. The juice obtained in the juicer must be mixed with sugar (a glass of granulated sugar per glass of squeezed juice). The juice soon turns into a jelly that can be stored without sterilization at room temperature in a dry, dark place.

In addition to juice, they are very useful and infusions from its leaves, which are also used as a multivitamin and general tonic in order to increase the body's resistance to various infections. At the same time, the fruits and leaves have anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, choleretic and blood-restoring effects.

In this regard, currants can be used in combination with other means in the treatment of increased bleeding, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, liver, biliary tract and respiratory organs.

An infusion of leaves is given to children with. For those who love tea, we advise you to brew dried berries or dried leaves in winter and drink decoctions. This will help increase the body's resistance to influenza and flu-like illnesses.

Blackcurrant is distinguished by its unique vitamin composition, so in every family they try to prepare this berry for future use, preparing all sorts of delicacies from it and especially natural juice! Blackcurrant juice prepared at home has a large amount of nutrients and nutrients, which are preserved to a greater extent during processing!

How is blackcurrant juice prepared for the winter?

Making homemade currant juice begins with picking berries. Preference is given to all fruits that do not have decay and are fully ripe. Having collected the required number of berries, they are immediately washed and sorted, crushed or twisted. For each kilogram of such a crushed currant mass, add 150 ml of cold water, stir and put it all to boil. Heat treatment should be carried out over medium heat, with occasional stirring.

Boiled black currants are left for a few minutes to cool slightly, after which they are transferred to a sieve in small portions and rubbed. If you are not too fond of messing around with such masses, then use a juicer! The separated berry mass is used to make jelly, so it can be packed and sent to the refrigerator, and everything else must be boiled, now with the addition of granulated sugar.

Sugar is weighed at the rate of 250 g for each kilogram of unboiled currant mass (initial). After pouring sugar into the separated natural currant juice, it is allowed to dissolve slightly. To do this, stir and let stand for about half an hour.

A ten-minute boil will allow the sugar residues to dissolve, and the juice itself to take on “full readiness”. At the moment of boiling, all foam formations must be removed from the surface. All that is left now is to store the product, but do not rejoice! It is this process that should be considered the most responsible. Therefore, glass jars are washed in advance. Be sure to sterilize the containers, not forgetting the metal lids, after which they are allowed to dry completely - so that nothing gets inside.

Fill the jars with still hot currant juice, without topping up to the brim. You don’t need to add any fixers, the juice will keep perfectly, although if you are still worried, you can put a little acetic acid and roll it up, you don’t need to turn it over! It remains, after the currant juice has completely cooled down, put it away for storage, closer to all winter preparations!
