
How to cook delicious apricot jam. Video: delicious apricot jam in a slow cooker, how to make jam # apricot jam recipe

It is believed that apricots came to us from China. It is not known for certain, but now apricots are popular both in Asia and in Europe.

These beautiful, round, yellowish-red pods with velvety skin and almond-like seeds are not only tasty, but also healthy.

The pulp of apricots contains inulin, fiber, sugars, starch, organic acids. The fruits contain vitamins C, PP, P, B1, B2. But most of all they contain carotene - vitamin A. Apricots also contain magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, copper, manganese.

Apricots are an excellent prophylactic for cardiovascular diseases. Dried apricots have a diuretic effect.

These fruits are high in iron. They are recommended for people suffering from anemia and anemia, as they increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Apricots must be included in the diet of people engaged in mental activity, because phosphorus and magnesium are useful for the active work of the brain.

Of course, it is better to eat apricots raw, but in order to enjoy their taste in winter, the fruits are dried and also preserved: they cook compotes, jams, preserves.

There are many ways to make jam. It is boiled from whole fruits, cut in half, into slices. Jam is also prepared with nucleoli, but this option is only suitable if the seeds (nucleoli) are sweet. This jam will appreciate even the most sophisticated gourmet.

Subtleties of cooking

  • In order for the jam to turn out to be of high quality, the fruits must be ripe, healthy and not wormy. Green apricots are not suitable for jam. Such jam will be tasteless and non-aromatic. Broken, wrinkled and overripe fruits are also not used, because they will boil soft. Of these, you can cook only jam and marmalade.
  • The preservation of the shape of the fruit depends on the method of cooking. It must be carried out in stages so that sugar penetrates into the fruits gradually. If apricots are covered with sugar and immediately boiled, then the sugar will quickly fill the intercellular space, the juice will turn into syrup and the apricots will boil, turning into porridge.
  • During cooking, the jam must not be stirred, otherwise the fruits will lose their shape. The pelvis can only be shaken slightly.
  • Foam, which will certainly appear on the surface in large quantities, must be removed with a slotted spoon or spoon.
  • In order for the finished product to look beautiful, the apricots must be the same size.
  • If the jam is made from whole apricots, they are first pricked in several places and blanched for five minutes at 80-90 °. Then quickly cooled.
  • When boiling apricots in halves, they are first cut and the pit is carefully removed. Large apricots are divided into two halves and cut into slices.
  • Jars for packing jam should be thoroughly washed, poured over with boiling water and dried well in the sun or in the oven. Do not pour jam into wet jars. Drops of moisture, falling into the jam, can cause mold and spoilage.
  • If the jam is rolled up with tin lids, then it is poured hot, filling the jars as full as possible. This jam is well stored in an ordinary room. The main thing is that the light does not fall on it and there are no heating devices nearby.
  • But most often the jam is packaged in jars in an already cooled form. Then it can be closed with ordinary parchment. This jam is stored in a dark cool place.
  • For cooking jam with seeds, varieties with sweet kernels are selected. The fact is that the bitter kernels contain the glycoside amygdalin. If the jam is stored for a long time, then this substance begins to produce poisonous hydrocyanic acid. Such preparation can cause poisoning. Therefore, jam with seeds or nucleoli is stored for no more than one year.

Apricot jam with pits: the first recipe

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • citric acid - 3 g.

Cooking method

  • Select ripe, worm-free fruits. Remove the stems. Wash well.
  • Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Immerse the apricots in boiling water and blanch for two minutes at 90°. Then cool under running cold water. Wait for the liquid to drain. Then each fruit must be pricked with something sharp.
  • Pour sugar into the cooking basin, pour water. Put on the stove and boil the syrup.
  • Dip apricots in syrup, add citric acid and bring to a boil, removing foam. Remove from stove.
  • Leave the basin with jam for 8 hours to cool.
  • Then put the jam back on the stove and bring to a boil again. Make sure that it does not burn: cook it over low heat. Remove the jam from the stove for the second time and let it cool for eight hours.
  • For the third time, put the bowl of jam on the stove and cook for some more time. You can check the readiness by placing a drop of syrup on a saucer. It must keep its shape. Also, the readiness of jam can be determined by the foam. By the end of cooking, the foam collects in the center of the basin, and does not diverge at the edges.
  • Cool the jam completely and arrange in jars. Cover with parchment paper, tie with twine or secure with an elastic band. Jam can be hermetically sealed. To do this, spread it hot in dry jars, cover with lids and immediately roll up with a special seaming machine. Cool down.

Apricot jam with pits: recipe two

Ingredients for five 0.5 l containers:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.25 kg;
  • water - 2.5 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Select only ripe apricots without wormholes for jam. Remove the stems. Wash the fruits.
  • Pour water into a large saucepan, bring to a boil. Dip apricots in it and blanch for five minutes at a temperature of 75-80 °.
  • Cool quickly by immersing in a colander in cold water.
  • Prick each fruit with something sharp.
  • In a separate saucepan, boil the syrup from 800 g of sugar and water.
  • Place all the apricots in a bowl. Pour in hot syrup. Hold for 4 hours.
  • Put on fire and cook for 5 minutes at a low boil, removing the foam that appears.
  • Remove from the stove again and leave for 10 hours.
  • Add the remaining sugar, put on fire and cook at a low boil until tender.
  • Cool in a basin, and then transfer to clean, dry jars. Close with parchment paper. If you want to roll up the jars with tin lids, then package the jam hot, filling the container as full as possible. Turn the sealed jars upside down and cool in this position.

Apricot jam, sliced, pitted

Ingredients for six 0.5 l containers:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • fruit essence - 10 drops;
  • vanillin to taste.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe apricots, remove the stalks.
  • Cut each fruit in half along the groove. Take out the bones.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water. Boil the syrup. If it turns cloudy, strain through several layers of gauze.
  • Place the apricots in a cooking bowl with the cut side up. Gently pour hot syrup over. Leave for a day so that the fruits are saturated with them.
  • The next day, pour the syrup into a saucepan and boil. Pour over the apricots again. Leave for one more day.
  • On the third day, put a bowl of apricots on a small fire, bring to a boil and cook until the density you need. At the end of cooking, add the essence and vanillin diluted in a small amount of syrup.
  • Remove from stove. Cool completely. Arrange in clean and dry jars. Close with parchment paper.

Apricot jam "Five minutes"

Ingredients for five 0.5 l containers:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 400 ml.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe apricots that are not damaged by insects and diseases, remove the stalks. Cut in half. Take out the bones. If the fruits are large, cut them into slices.
  • Place the apricots, center side up, in a cooking bowl, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Leave for 6-8 hours (longer if possible). During this time, the fruits will give juice, which will partially dissolve the sugar.
  • After this time, pour water into the basin and place on the stove. If you want to get a thick jam, you can not add water. Bring to a boil over medium heat. So that the jam does not acquire the consistency of jam, do not stir it during cooking. You can only shake the pelvis a little or twist it from side to side. Boil for 5 minutes, be sure to remove the foam.
  • Then remove the basin from the stove and let the jam brew for 3-5 hours.
  • Bring back to a boil over low heat and simmer again for 5 minutes.
  • After 5 hours of infusion, repeat this procedure again.
  • Pour the hot jam into prepared clean and dried jars and immediately roll up the lids. Turn upside down and leave to cool in this position.

Apricot jam "Royal"

Ingredients for three 0.5 l containers:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • water - 250 ml.

Cooking method

  • Ripe but strong apricots are suitable for this jam. Sort them out, remove the stalks. Then wash the fruits well and dry.
  • From each apricot, making a small incision along the groove, squeeze out the stone.
  • Break the bones in a way convenient for you. Remove the skin from the nucleoli. So that the skin can be easily removed, immerse them in boiling water and hold there for several minutes. Although you can skip this step and use the kernels in their raw form.
  • Stuff the apricots with seeds, inserting them into the slot instead of seeds.
  • Place the apricots in a cooking bowl.
  • Put sugar in a saucepan, pour water. Boil the syrup. Pour the fruits over them, bring to a boil and remove from the stove. Leave for 10 hours to infuse.
  • Then again put on a small fire, bring to a boil, cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat, remembering to remove the foam.
  • Remove the basin from the stove and leave it to infuse again for 10 hours.
  • Bring to a boil for the last time and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • While hot, place the apricot jam in clean, dry jars. Seal tightly with tin lids. If you plan to close the jars with parchment paper, then the jam must be completely cooled in a basin and only then packaged.

Note to the owner

If you are afraid that the kernels in the jam can harm your health, you can safely replace them with something else: almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts.

In apricot jam, you can add cinnamon, lemon zest, cloves and other spices to taste. But there should not be many of them, so as not to drown out the natural apricot flavor.

On a cold winter day, a special pleasure is to open a jar of fragrant jam prepared in season. Learn how to make treats. Sweets lovers should pay attention to the most delicious recipes with juicy apricots and try them out.

How to cook pitted apricot jam

The basic rule for pitted apricot jam for the winter to turn out as intended is very simple. It is important not to miss the period of the middle stage of fruit ripening in summer. Velvety bright yellow-orange fruits must be ripe, without sourness, but not soft, in order to maintain their shape. Choose whole fruits, the same size, externally without defects, ugly spots, rotting sides. Then the taste of prepared pitted apricot jam for the winter will be impeccable.

The shorter the time between harvesting and the start of cooking, the more delicious the harvest will be. Another point - you need to strictly know the weight of the prepared fruit. Pitted apricot jam for the winter will turn out to be the right consistency if the proportions of sugar added during cooking are observed, the cooking recipe is not violated. You need a suitable dish in which the jam will not burn.

How to cook apricot jam in a slow cooker

Convenient, reliable multicookers help modern housewives cook not only soups, cereals, but also jams for the winter. The tried-and-tested method of preparing apricot preserves in pieces will appeal to you for its simplicity and versatility.

Product List:

  • peeled fruits - 800 grams;
  • lemon juice - from 1 pc., if small, or from 2/3 of the fruit, if taken medium;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort the fruits, remove the seeds, after washing.
  2. Leave the fruits in halves, or finely chop into slices to make jam-like jam.
  3. Place the prepared fruits in the multicooker bowl, pour in the lemon juice, sprinkle with sugar. Stir, let stand for about five minutes.
  4. Set the multicooker to “quenching”. Time - 50-65 minutes.
  5. Stir the first half of the time with a spoon only occasionally, the second - constantly, in order to avoid burning.
  6. Put the prepared thick sweet preservation hot into sterilized jars, roll up.

Traditional pitted apricot jam recipe

The classic recipe for pitted apricot jam is useful if the hostess prefers traditional methods of preserving preservation for a year. Here is one option:

List of products used:

  • fruits of medium ripeness with a removed core - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • purified water - 300-350 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort out medium-sized fruits, wash, remove excess water with a napkin or let it drain, laying it out in one layer on a clean towel.
  2. Make neat cuts along the groove of each fruit, squeeze out the bone.
  3. Fill the prepared basin for jam with sugar and water, allow to boil until a monotonous liquid is obtained.
  4. Put the fruits in hot liquid syrup. Cover with a lid, leave for 7.5 -11 hours.
  5. After the end of the time, bring the sweet contents of the pelvis to the boiling stage and cook for 8.5-13 minutes. Turn off, leave for another 7.5-11 hours.
  6. Repeat the process three more times. Boil, not forgetting to remove the resulting foam with a spoon.
  7. Put the resulting hot apricot jam with a clear syrup into prepared jars, tightly close the lids. Storage - in normal temperature conditions (up to 22 degrees).

Video: recipe for apricot jam with orange

Apricots are a very healthy fruit that abounds not only in vitamins, but also in other useful substances. Most of all, they are endowed with vitamins A and C, thanks to which they protect the skin from premature aging, increase the body's strength to fight diseases. Minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems. To increase hemoglobin in the blood, people often eat apricots.

Another plus is the fiber content in apricots, which removes toxins from the body, restores intestinal function. Fruit pectin also has a positive effect on digestion, and a lot of it is released during the cooking process of jam. Despite the fact that the apricot is quite high in calories, it can also be eaten by those who follow the figure, but in small quantities. The product is also useful for children - it improves brain function, activates the growth of the body.

How to prepare for conservation?

The first thing to start with before harvesting sunny fruits for the winter is to select good fresh apricots. They should be smooth, bright and elastic. Spoiled, crushed fruits are removed to the side. Next, we wash the apricots under running water, it is better to clean the particles of dust and dirt with a new dish sponge. We send the fruits to a colander, then, when the excess liquid drains, put the fruits on a towel so that they dry completely. We take out all the bones before preservation.

Banks before heat treatment are thoroughly washed with a washing solution and rinsed under running water. The jars are sterilized in the usual way for you - in the oven, microwave or steam. It is convenient to sterilize them in the oven: preheat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius, put the jars in it for 15 minutes, then turn off the heat. You need to take the jars out of the oven just before seaming.

For the winter with apricots, you can cook jam, compotes, jams, juices, fruits in your own juice. Today we will tell you several ways to make apricot jam.

Seedless jam recipe with photo

Apricot jam is used for making desserts and confectionery.

Consider a simple and delicious recipe.

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Quantity: 1 portion


  • apricots: 300 g
  • sugar: 200 g

Cooking instructions

Jam prepared according to the above recipe has a beautiful amber color. Its consistency is quite thick. Therefore, apricot jam will become an indispensable component for making homemade cakes.

Jam with pit kernels


  • ripe, dense apricots - 1200 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • citric acid - 3 g.


  1. We separate the apricots from the pits, break the pits with a hammer and remove the kernels from them.
  2. Cooking syrup. To do this, mix 1 kg of sugar with a glass of water, put on fire and heat, constantly stirring with a wooden spoon.
  3. When the sugar is completely dissolved and the consistency becomes homogeneous, this will mean that the syrup is ready. But it's still too early to take it off the fire.
  4. Add the kernels to the sugar syrup and simmer for 10-15 minutes over low heat, remembering to stir.
  5. In a container with syrup and kernels, lay out the halves of apricots, sprinkle with citric acid.
  6. Bring the jam to a boil, remove the resulting foam.
  7. After 5 minutes, turn off the fire, leave the delicacy to soak for 8 hours. During this time, the jam will absorb all the flavors.
  8. After 8 hours, turn on the fire again and continue to cook the syrup with apricots until tender.

    To check the readiness of the jam, put a drop of syrup on the edge of a cold plate. If the drop holds its shape and does not spread, then you can remove the jam from the heat.

  9. In the process of cooking jam, we prepare jars - we wash them well and sterilize them.
  10. When the delicacy is ready, pour it into jars and roll it up.

The presented recipe for making jam takes time and patience. Despite this, housewives love it for its unique rich taste, which is obtained thanks to the kernels of the stones. You can purchase apricot kernels separately and add them to the jam, then it will turn out even tastier.

Recipe for cooking with slices

According to this recipe, jam was prepared by our grandmothers, it is time-tested. This delicacy is well suited as a filling for baking. It is worth considering that apricots here will need strong, slightly unripe. If they are soft, they will quickly lose their shape and turn into porridge.


  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • water - 300 ml.


  1. Gently wash and dry the apricots, divide into slices and remove the seeds from them.
  2. Put the slices of apricots in layers in an enamel bowl, preferably with the skin down.
  3. Prepare syrup from sugar and water.
  4. Pour fruit slices with boiled syrup and let it brew for 10-12 hours. It is best to do this in the evening before bed.
  5. Drain the infused liquid into a separate bowl, then put on the stove to boil.
  6. Pour the fruits with boiled syrup and leave for another 10-12 hours.
  7. Drain the syrup, bring it to a boil a third time.
  8. After that, fill them with slices and cook until tender, using low heat. Cooking should take about 1 hour. Do not forget to constantly stir the delicacy to avoid burning. The resulting foam must also be removed. The spoon is used exclusively wooden.
  9. Once the jam has cooked, remove it from the stove. Pour into jars and roll up lids.

Five Minute

A delicacy according to this recipe is not prepared in five minutes, as many people think. The secret lies in the fact that the jam is boiled 3 times for 5 minutes, but a considerable amount of time is expected between cooking. This method helps to preserve more nutrients, besides, the fruits do not fall apart.


  • apricots (it is better to take unripe ones) - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 500 ml.


  1. Rinse fruits under running water, dry with paper towels.
  2. Divide the fruit into halves, remove the seeds from them.
  3. Place prepared apricots in a deep bowl or pan in layers, skin side down.
  4. In the process of laying out the fruit, each layer must be generously sprinkled with sugar. Cover the pan with a diaper, let it brew for one night.

    If it is not possible to carry out this procedure in the evening before going to bed, then it is better to start in the morning so that the fruits with sugar have time to infuse and let the juice flow.

  5. After a few hours, when there is a lot of juice to stand out, we start cooking.
  6. If the jam seems too thick for you, add the right amount of water. The saucepan is put on fire, its contents are brought to a boil, cooked over medium heat for 5 minutes.
  7. After the jam has boiled, it must be set aside to cool for 3 hours.
  8. Repeat cooking the treat 2 more times, taking a break of 3 hours between cooking. In total, the jam should boil 3 times for 5 minutes, for a total of 15 minutes.

If you are going to roll up jam for the winter, prepared according to this recipe, then after the third boil it should not be left to cool. Divide the jam into jars and roll up.

How to make thick jam

For this recipe, you need juicy, ripe apricots. Then they will easily boil, forming a gruel. This sweet mixture can be called half jam, half jam. Sugar in this case is not used much, since ripe apricots themselves should be very sweet.


  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 coffee spoon without a slide.


  1. Cut each fruit into two halves, remove the seeds.
  2. Put the slices in a bowl, cover with sugar.
  3. Immediately put the jam on the stove to boil, and after boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum.
  4. Cook the delicacy for 10 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.
  5. Add cinnamon to the sweet mass, cook for another 10 minutes. Since we took apricots soft, juicy, this time will be enough for them to boil.
  6. Roll up the finished jam or cool and serve.

royal jam


  • apricots (large, dense, ripe enough) - 4 kg;
  • plain water - 0.5 l;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - from 3 to 4 kg (focus on your taste).


  1. Take pre-washed apricots, remove the seeds from them with a wooden stick or a simple pencil. This is done as follows: insert a pencil into the recess where the stalk used to be, and with a slight movement push the bone with it from the other side. This way the apricots will stay whole.
  2. Break the bones with an ordinary stone or hammer, remove the nucleoli from them. Try to do this carefully so that the kernels remain intact.
  3. Insert the apricot kernels into the fruit in place of the extracted seeds. Place fruit in a jar to make jam.
  4. Make a syrup of water and sugar, sprinkled with citric acid. Pour the prepared mixture of apricots with kernels.
  5. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, remove the resulting foam, set the pan aside for 12 hours.
  6. Boil again and insist the same amount of time you need 2 more times.
  7. Pour jam into jars, roll up.

Every housewife wants her jam to be perfect. To do this, you need to consider a few useful recommendations:

  • Preparing jam, which involves boiling in several stages or steeping in sugar, allows you to keep the shape of the fruit.
  • If you are preparing jam with seed kernels, then you do not need to remove the film from them. It is she who gives the taste an unusual almond shade.
  • The remaining jam syrup can be added to cocktails and fruit drinks, cottage cheese casseroles, soak biscuits with it.
  • If it is important for you to keep the shape of the apricots or you are using the recipe for royal jam, it is not recommended to stir it with a spoon during the cooking process. It is better to shake the bowl in different directions, then the apricots themselves will move in the bowl and will not be damaged.
  • Before adding apricot kernels to the delicacy, it is recommended to taste them, as they may turn out to be bitter. It does not matter if the kernels are bitter, you can use almonds or walnuts instead.
  • Citric acid is used in recipes to preserve the taste of apricots, as well as to increase the shelf life of jam. Therefore, it is advisable to add lemon juice or citric acid to roll apricot jam for the winter.
  • If you come across overripe fruits, you do not need to throw them away, they will make good apricot jam.
  • Hot canning preserves the quality of the product more reliably, therefore it has an advantage over cold canning.
  • It is necessary to store closed jars of jam at room temperature (not higher than 27 C), avoiding direct sunlight.

Let your jam be tasty, fragrant and healthy.

Today we will again talk about apricot jam - thick, tasty and fragrant. And all because you can talk about it for a very, very long time! After all, this is one of the most delicious sweet treats and treats for tea.

There is hardly a person who would refuse it on occasion. In any case, I have not come across any. When someone comes to visit us, and I put a vase with an amber-colored treat on the table, very soon I have to refill it. It is eaten before the tea in the cups has time to cool.

And although several articles have already been written on this topic, links to them will be given at the end of the article, in my piggy bank there are still no less tasty recipes that are also worth preparing for them.

As you know, an apricot delicacy can be prepared both with whole fruits and with cut slices, or halves. Under certain cooking conditions, you can get it with whole intact pieces, or you can boil it down to the state of jam or confiture.

For lovers of this type of sweets, I would advise you to cook in small batches, and several different types. Because it is simply not possible to choose which one is tastier. All varieties are obtained one tastier than the other.

It is very good to drink tea with whole and half fruits. Personally, I love it when all the pieces are tangible and have weight. It is always nice when you come across a large piece of a berry or fruit. And here you can actually eat them whole.

But it is no less pleasant when there is a very thick jam, or confiture, or marmalade. It is also delicious to drink tea with them, and you can even cook delicious sweet pies or cookies with filling with such delights.

Therefore, I propose to consider today different recipes. And you, dear readers, choose for yourself what you like more.

"Five-minute" from pitted apricots with nucleoli

"Five Minutes" is very popular among our people. And not only with the use of apricots, but also with other berries and fruits. And there are several good reasons for this.

  1. Firstly, because it takes very little time to prepare it.
  2. Secondly, the product is not digested.
  3. Thirdly, it turns out incredibly fragrant and beautiful. Its color is amber-honey.
  4. Fourth, it keeps well even at room temperature.
  5. And fifthly, it's delicious — delicious!

We have already prepared a similar option according to a very simple and easy recipe, which invariably turns out to be a delicious delicacy. It was prepared without the presence of water and very quickly, in just one boil. If you are interested in the recipe, read it. It is for those who value their time very much. But also for those who love to cook delicious food!

But it is always good when there is a choice, so today there is a new recipe where we will cook the product in three stages for 5 minutes, but without insisting the syrup for 10-12 hours.

A delicacy prepared in this way will be very well stored just in the pantry, and will not be candied even without the addition of lemon juice or acid.

We will need:

  • apricots - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 150 ml

As I noted in previous recipes, the standard sugar content is given here and the finished product is quite sweet. If you want, then this amount can be reduced to 800 grams per kilogram of fruit.

Moreover, when we get the seeds, 800 grams of apricots will remain.


For cooking, we will need strong elastic fruits. However, they should not be underripe, otherwise we will not be able to get the taste and aroma that makes this option so beloved.

Take a kilogram, it will make a little more than a liter of the finished product. Enough to save it for the winter and taste it.

1. Wash the fruits, cut into two halves, or into four parts if they are very large.

2. Remove the bone. You can completely, or you can split it and remove the nucleoli. I propose to cook our sweet today with them. Kernels can be left in the peel. And you can briefly pour boiling water over them and pull off the entire skin. This can be done quite easily.

I have already brought to your attention the option with nucleoli. But who did not have time to get acquainted with it, follow the link, it is given there. And today the recipe, although also with nucleoli, will be much faster to cook according to it.

3. Prepare syrup. In order for the jam to turn out thick and viscous, for its preparation we will take only 150 ml of water. As a standard, 300 ml is taken for such a quantity of fruit, and as a rule, the same 300 ml remain in the form of syrup. And so as not to be left, I decided to try to make a syrup of just 150 ml.

It was possible to do without water at all, but then you need to have time to infuse and extract your own juice. Today we do not have such time, so we will use water.

4. Pour sugar into a saucepan and pour water over it. Put the pan on a small fire and stirring with a wooden spatula, melt all the sugar. You should get a thick and rich syrup.

Let it simmer after boiling for 3-4 minutes.

5. In the meantime, transfer all the fruits to a basin or other container in which we will cook. After the syrup boils for the allotted time, pour the berries over it. Gently shake the basin so that the syrup penetrates from all sides and wraps each piece with its sweet contents.

6. Put the basin on a small fire and bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, note the time and cook for no more than 5 minutes.

During cooking, foam will appear. It will need to be removed with a wooden spatula or spoon. Do not use metal spoons, and when cooking any jam, this is not welcome so that the product does not oxidize.

The foam must be removed. In fact, this is a protein, and if it gets into the container where we will store our finished product, it can adversely affect storage. Protein softens the fruit, and there is a high probability of souring or mold.

7. After 5 minutes have elapsed, carefully pour the syrup through a colander back into the saucepan in which the syrup was started. Let the apricots rest in a colander for a while so that as much of the syrup can drain off.

Then, so that they do not crush on a rigid grate, put them back into the basin.

8. And put the syrup back on the fire and bring to a boil again.

9. Let it boil for one or two minutes and pour over the apricots again.

10. Put on a small fire, bring to a boil and warm for 5 minutes, while not forgetting to shake the basin slightly so as not to spoil the appearance of the fruit by mixing, and remove the foam.

11. And once again repeat everything according to the same scheme - that is, drain the syrup, boil it, pour the fruits and cook everything together for exactly 5 minutes.

Before the last cooking, add the nucleoli to the contents, and cook for 5 minutes with them.

12. By this time, jars and lids will need to be prepared. They will definitely need to be sterilized. Banks can be sterilized over steam, but then be sure to dry thoroughly. Or sterilize clean washed jars in the oven for 30 minutes. The temperature for this must be maintained at 50 degrees.

The lids can be boiled in hot water for about 10 minutes. Then also let them dry.

13. As soon as the jam boils for the third time, carefully pour it into the jars. You can screw in both screw caps and caps that should be screwed with a seaming machine.

It is best to pour it hot, as this will be an additional guarantee of sterility.

14. Turn the twisted jars over and put them on the lids. This is also a mandatory procedure for further storage. Firstly, this will prevent oxidation of the lid itself, and secondly, it will be possible to check whether your jars are hermetically sealed. If not, then the liquid component will ooze and it will have to be redone.

15. It is better to store such a delicacy in a dark place. This will help keep the color for the entire storage period. It's also best to keep it in a cool pantry, or basement if you live in your own home.

It turned out delicious and incredibly flavorful. And it's also nice that all the halves were preserved intact and did not boil at all. Due to the fact that quite a bit of water was added, and even the syrup was boiled down a little three times, it also turned out to be thick. No more syrup left. And it is also very pleasing.

And even more will delight such a sweet pleasure on cold winter evenings, when you open the treasured jar and enjoy its contents with hot aromatic tea.

So, if you haven’t prepared such a jam yet, then don’t be lazy, go to the market, buy apricots and spend only 1 hour, or even less, preparing it! There will be something to please yourself and your loved ones in the winter!

Apricot slices in their own juice

In almost all of my previous recipes, I described options where either halves, or large slices, or whole fruits are used. But from small slices it turns out no less tasty treat. In addition, it turns out to be very thick, much thicker than when cut into larger pieces.

And I propose to consider now just such an option.

It is this recipe that is remarkable in that according to it we will prepare a thick fragrant delicacy without adding water, only with the presence of sugar and our own juice.

We will need:

  • apricots - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1.6 kg


For the recipe, we need fruits of medium maturity. Do not take very hard, they are not yet ripe, and will not give the desired taste and aroma.

Do not take very ripe ones either, they will boil soft, and you will get jam.

If you want to get a thick jam with preserved slices, use just the fruits of the desired hardness.

1. Wash and dry apricots. Then cut into two halves, remove the stone and cut into small slices or cubes. As you wish, and as convenient. It is only desirable that the pieces turn out to be approximately the same size, so that they warm up evenly, and it does not happen that some pieces remain intact, while others completely lose their shape.

I cut into cubes about 1.5 cm in size.

2. When the apricots are peeled, they must be weighed. The weight you get is important for how much sugar you take. I got 1.6 kg, which is why I take the same amount of sugar.

3. Put the cut slices in a basin and cover them with sugar. Shake well so that it is evenly distributed over all the pieces.

4. Leave in this state until the apricots release juice. It depends on their variety and degree of maturity. You can shake the contents several times during this time.

You can also leave it overnight. If it is very hot, then you can leave it in the refrigerator.

5. As soon as enough juice appears, put the basin with all its contents on medium heat. Boil. During this time, while the jam is heated, foam will form. It is desirable to remove it, it is best to use a wooden spoon or spatula for this.

Leftover foam may affect storage quality.

6. Bring to a boil and immediately turn off. You don't need to boil.

7. Leave the contents to cool and infuse for 8 - 10 hours. This is how it should turn out after insisting.

Then again put on fire, and again bring only to a boil. Then stand another 8 - 10 hours.

8. Sterilize jars in advance. This can be done by any of the many well-known methods. I will not now digress on this topic, so as not to waste the time of those who have been able to do this for a long time.

9. Now that we have everything ready for completion, let's proceed to the final stage. Let's get our jam. By the third time it became a beautiful amber color, very thick and viscous. Just the way we expected to see it.

10. Put it on the fire, bring to a boil. Foam will form again, carefully remove it. The finished product should be transparent, luminous.

Once it boils, cook for 5-6 minutes.

11. Then immediately pour into jars. To do this, you can use a funnel with a wide neck.

The finished product should be about 2 liters, plus or minus a little. It depends on how juicy your fruits were.

12. Tighten the cans with lids, even screwed, even with the help of a seamer. Then turn them over, cover with a towel and leave to cool completely.

13. Then store in a dark, cool place, after turning them over to their usual position.

The method when the product is infused several times with long time intervals is called "proofing". It allows berries and fruits to be most well nourished with syrup and their own juice. They can be said to be in liquid caramel.

Then it heats up again and cools down again. The fruits are completely saturated and this allows them to be preserved even in their entirety, both in and in slices, and in those with which we cut them.

So in this recipe, the slices were preserved in the form in which we prepared them. And the delicacy itself turned out to be very thick and beautiful.

Pitted apricots in the Redmond slow cooker

You can prepare delicious jam, as well as jam in a slow cooker. The cooking process is not very different. At the end of the recipe I will tell you how to cook it.

We will cook our delicacy in a Redmond pan.

We will need:

  • apricots - 1 kg
  • sugar - 0.5 kg
  • water - 0.5 cups
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon


1. Wash and dry apricots. Then cut as you like. You can cut them only into two parts, or into four, or even slices of any size.

It is better to use dense fruits for cooking. Soft and very ripe will quickly lose their shape. But if you are making jam, you can use them.

2. Pour the prepared water into the multicooker bowl.

3. Add chopped apricots.

And top with sugar. We don't use a lot of sugar. But if you are sweet, you can add a kilogram of sugar per kilogram of fruit.

Close the bowl with a lid.

4. Select the mode - Stewing, product - Vegetables. Set the time to 30 minutes. The contents will be prepared in this mode at a temperature of 99 degrees.

5. After 12 minutes, carefully open the lid. We see that the contents are already boiling, and foam has formed on its surface. It must be carefully removed.

But before you start doing this, you need to check whether all the sugar has dissolved. To do this, stir the mass with the silicone spatula that was included in the kit, or use a wooden spoon or spatula. Be sure to mix starting from the bottom.

In principle, enough liquid has formed and nothing should burn

7. After 18 minutes, it's time to turn off the multicooker. Mix the contents again and add lemon juice.

And then mix again.

8. Hot pour it into pre-washed and sterilized jars, cover with the same lids. Turn the jars upside down and cover with a towel. Leave in this form until completely cooled.

9. Then turn back. Store in a dark cool place.

From this amount of products you get about a liter of jam. It is thick, amber-yellow, fragrant and very tasty. Therefore, those who like to cook in a slow cooker cannot find a better recipe.

It is really very tasty!

Apricot jam in a slow cooker

Jam is thicker than jam. And it is prepared to eat just like that, as well as to be used as a filling for pies, pies and muffins.

The difference from the previous recipe is that:

  1. It is not necessary to use dense fruits, you can take them very ripe.
  2. You need to cut apricots either into cubes with a size of about 1.5 cm, or into small slices.
  3. Avoid water in ingredients
  4. Instead of lemon juice, add half a twisted peeled lemon or orange.
  5. You can also add their zest, grated on a fine grater.

Otherwise, the recipe remains unchanged. The proportions of apricots and sugar are the same, and the cooking process itself is the same.

Apricot halves in Polish amber syrup

And in this way they prepare their favorite jam in Poland. It has its own characteristics of preparation, a sweet delicacy is considered a real gourmet treat for real gourmets.

Despite this fact, it is not difficult to prepare it. Moreover, it is prepared in one step. No need to wait until it is infused for 2 - 3 days. I just welded it once and that's it. This once again proves the saying that "Everything ingenious is simple!"

And to make it more interesting for you, I decided to show it to you on the example of a video. We specially removed it for this article.

This is such a simple yet interesting recipe.

I think that the recipe will interest you, and you will cook according to it. Let not from two, so at least from a kilogram of fruit.

Apricot jam fried in a pan

There is also such an original, I’m not afraid of this comparison, cooking method. Usually such a delicacy is not prepared for long-term storage, or it is stored in the refrigerator.

The recipe is interesting and very fast. And, of course, very tasty. Yes, it cannot be otherwise when it comes to apricots.

We will need:

  • apricots - 4 cans chopped apricots
  • sugar - 2 same jars


1. Wash the apricots thoroughly and let them dry. Then cut into two halves and remove the bone. Cut the halves into cubes of 1.5 cm, or a little more.

Put them in a jar, in which you will later store your workpiece.

A feature of this recipe is that we determine the amount of sugar in relation to the main product not in kilograms, but in cans. So, for two cans of chopped fruit, we need one of the same can of sugar. Therefore, you need to put chopped fruits just in a jar.

2. Put the pan on medium heat, it is better to take it with thick walls. Pour two jars of chopped fruit into it.

Then add one jar of sugar.

Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Fry the jam over medium heat and make sure that it does not burn, we do not need caramel in this case. After some time, the apricots will release juice, and the sugar will completely dissolve.

3. The contents settled down a bit and there was room for two more cans of chopped fruit and a can of sugar.

Pour both, and mix, again until the sugar is completely dissolved. Fry over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

It is advisable not to leave the stove at this time, stir and monitor the condition of the ingredients.

4. Fry (or boil) until a sufficiently large amount of syrup is formed. Sliced ​​fruit should be completely immersed in it, as if "bathing" in it.

5. Sterilize thoroughly washed jars. You can do it steamed, in the oven, as in the previous recipe, or in the microwave. To do this, pour 100 ml of water into each jar and put them in the microwave. Set to full power and sterilize for 4 minutes. This is the fastest way.

After this time, take out the jars and drain the water.

Rinse the lids, add water and boil for 4-5 minutes.

6. When our jam has let out a lot of juice and all the sugar has dissolved in it, you can add a little fire, set the time and fry it for 7 - 8 minutes.

You also need to remove the resulting foam.

7. Then pour it into jars, for this it is very good to have a funnel with a thick neck. Close the lids and turn over, placing them on the lid. Cover with a towel and leave in this form until completely cooled.

8. Then turn over again, already in their usual position, and put in a dark, cool place, and preferably in the refrigerator.

To be honest, I have never kept such jam in the apartment, and I don’t know how it will behave there. Although I think that all other jam behaves as usual. Heat treatment, in principle, was sufficient.

I cook it and keep it in the fridge. And even then, not very long. We start eating it about a month after cooking, and eat it even before the onset of cold weather.

From this amount of ingredients, 4 cans of the finished product should be obtained. Provided that we use the jars the same as measured all the ingredients.

Greek apricot jam with walnuts

In the last article, I brought to your attention, where in the middle of a whole apricot there was a pleasant surprise in the form of a walnut or a nut from an apricot seed.

It is not for nothing that this method has such a name. Its preparation and preparation must be treated very delicately so as not to damage the fruits and maintain their integrity throughout the entire cooking process.

And this recipe also provides for the presence of a walnut, but it is easier to cook it. Although I must say that the result is no worse.

We will need:

  • apricots - 1 kg
  • walnuts - 3/4 cup
  • sugar - 1 kg


1. Wash the apricots and let the water drain. Then cut into halves, or quarters, as you like more, and as you like. Do not chop the nuts very finely.

2. Put one and the other into the basin, and cover with sugar. Shake the basin so that the sugar penetrates to the very bottom. This will contribute to a faster and better release of juice. Moreover, if you cut the fruits into quarters, the juice will begin to stand out faster.

3. Let the ingredients brew for 6 hours, during this time shake the contents every hour.

4. After the allotted time, check how much juice stands out. If it turns out to be enough for cooking, then good. If it was formed very little, then pour half a glass of boiled or spring water.

5. Put the basin with all the contents on medium heat and hold there until the sugar is completely dissolved. While heating, you can shake it a few more times, or lightly stir the sugar so that it does not stale at the bottom and burn.

6. After the jam boils, detect for 5 minutes and warm it well over low heat, removing the foam.

7. Then remove from heat and let cool and infuse for 8-10 hours.

8. And after that, put it on fire again and bring to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes, shaking gently every 5 minutes. This is necessary so that the apricot slices are evenly heated and saturated with syrup.

If you want to get a thicker product, then cook for another 15 minutes.

In general, when preparing any jam, you should know such a trick. When intensive foaming stops, and the mass begins to boil more slowly at the same temperature, this means that our delicacy is cooked and ready to be transferred to jars.

9. By the end of cooking, we should already have sterilized jars. Pour the resulting product into them and turn them over, placing them on the lid. Leave in this form until completely cooled.

10. And turning over again, put in storage in a cool dark place.

Well, aren't you tired of reading recipes? Tired?! Of course, it's a responsibility! I would like to make high-quality preparations for the winter, so that neither labor nor money is wasted. And for this you need to have delicious proven recipes. Which I tried to offer you today.

Have you chosen something to your liking? I hope you have chosen. That's good! Then go to the market, buy delicious apricots and cook the same delicious delicacy for the joy of yourself and all your loved ones.

Bon appetit!

Bright apricot jam many love. Apricots can be harvested for the winter in halves, whole, cook thick jam or slices.

Your apricot jam transform if you add various nuts, mint, oranges or lemons. In winter, jam is used to make pies, buns or as a fragrant, sweet dessert for tea.

Verified apricot jam recipes for your attention. 5 easy-to-make recipes: apricot halves jam, thick jam, apricots with walnuts, apricot jam with oranges, apricot jam with pits.

You will get fragrant apricot halves, tea drinking with such a dessert in winter is a great delicacy.

Ingredients: pitted apricots 1.2 kg, sugar 1.2 kg.


Sort apricots, remove rotten and damaged fruits. Wash the apricots in water. Cut the apricots in half with a knife, carefully remove the pits so that the halves remain intact.

Put the halves in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar. We leave the apricots for 8-10 hours to let the juice go.

Put the apricots on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Skim off the resulting foam. Wash and sterilize jars and lids.

Finished apricot jam halves Arrange in jars and roll up the lids, store in a cool place. You don't need to cover. I got 1.5 liters of sweet apricot jam.

Jam is very easy to prepare, in the end you will get a very tasty, thick and fragrant jam.

Ingredients: pitted apricots 1.2 kg, sugar 600 g.


Wash the apricots, remove the seeds by cutting into halves or breaking them with your hands. Place the pitted apricots in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Mix well and put the apricots with sugar in a saucepan to make jam.

Place the saucepan over low heat and bring to a boil. Cook on the smallest fire for 15 minutes, if foam appears, remove. Stir the jam occasionally. After the time has elapsed, turn off the heat and leave the apricot jam to cool to room temperature.

Repeat the cooking procedure for 15 minutes and cooling 2 more times. If you cook the jam longer, it will become like jam.

Arrange the finished apricot jam in sterilized jars and roll up the lids. From this amount of ingredients, 2 half-liter jars with fragrant, thick apricot jam came out.

Adding walnuts to jam will give a special taste and aroma.

Ingredients: pitted apricots 1.5 kg, sugar 1 kg, walnuts, peeled 150 g.


Wash the apricots and remove the pits. Sprinkle apricots with sugar, mix.

Put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer until the juice becomes clear (it took me 15 minutes). Remove foam constantly.

Pour walnuts to the jam, mix and cook for 20 minutes over low heat.

Prepare jars and lids in advance, wash and sterilize. Pour the finished apricot jam with walnuts into jars and roll up the lids.

From these ingredients came out 3 half-liter jars of fragrant jam.

Video - Apricot Jam - Very Tasty and Easy

Very fragrant and tasty jam from apricots with oranges. This jam has a citrus aroma with a particularly delicate taste.

Ingredients: pitted apricots 1.6 kg, sugar 800 g, oranges 400-500 g.


Wash the apricots, remove the pits, sprinkle with sugar and mix. Wash the oranges and cut into half rings with the skin. Combine oranges and apricots with sugar.

We put the pan on the fire, cook over low heat, removing the foam. After boiling, cook for 25-30 minutes, until foam completely ceases to form.

Sterilize jars and lids. Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up the lids.

It turned out 1 liter, and 2 half-liter jars of fragrant jam.

A delicious delicacy is jam with apricot kernel, which resembles a nut in taste. Children love this jam, which can replace sweets. The nucleolus, being inside the apricot, is soaked with syrup during cooking - it comes out very tasty.

Ingredients: apricots 1 kg, sugar 1 kg, water 100 ml.


For jam, prepare large and dense apricots with sweet pits. Wash apricots and remove pits. To keep the apricots whole, grasp the fruit with your fingers and use a wooden stick or similar object to push the pit out.

Break the bones with a hammer and take out the kernels inside them.

Make syrup from sugar and water. Pour boiling syrup over apricots. After complete cooling, drain the syrup and after heating the syrup, pour the apricots again.

Repeat procedure in general 3-4 times. We don't cook apricots. Pour the finished apricot jam with a stone into sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Store jam in a cold place.

Excellent filling for rolls, pies and cookies. Fragrant and tasty apricot jam is prepared very simply.

Ingredients: apricots 2 kg, sugar 700 g, water 50 ml.


Wash apricots, remove pits. Pour into a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water, cover with a lid. Put on fire for 10-15 minutes to soften.

Remove the pan from the stove, grind it into a homogeneous mass with a blender, you can also rub it through a metal sieve, but it takes a long time, but the result is the same.

Add sugar, mix and put on fire. If you have sour apricots, you can add more sugar. Cook after boiling for 30-40 minutes, until the jam thickens a little. Skim off the foam that appears during cooking, and stir occasionally. The duration of cooking depends on the variety of apricot.

While the jam is cooking, prepare jars and lids: wash and sterilize.

Pour the finished apricot jam into jars and roll up the lids, turn the jars upside down and leave to cool completely.

Video - Apricot jam with nuts

These are the most popular recipes for apricot jam for the winter, which we shared with you, will always be at your fingertips.
