
Looking for ripe fruit. How to choose an avocado

Every year there is a new number of avocado fans. Indeed, the buttery pulp with a nutty flavor is hard to resist. But, until now, few people know how to choose the right avocado so as not to throw money away. Indeed, in our stores this exotic fruit is not cheap at all. We read so as not to be mistaken.

By hardness

Some comrades, after reading ridiculous advice, the first thing they do when choosing an avocado is click on the skin. At what forces not sparing. Well, what does it give them? An unripe avocado will not wash, and an overripe one will easily spread in your hands. Zero sense. Even more damage. Because after such manipulations, the fetus begins to deteriorate after a few hours. First, a dark spot appears, and there it is not far from rotting. By the way, a completely unripe avocado can also begin to rot.

And yet, you can choose exotic in terms of hardness. You just need to know how to do it right. The skin is pressed lightly with the pad of the thumb. At the same time, the fruit itself should lie tightly in the palm of your hand. You should not poke at the avocado with your index finger, and even when it is in the window. This could end badly. For example, broken arms or jaw. The seller will break them for you when he sees how you handle a tender avocado. According to the results of a competent “research”, it is possible to determine the ripeness of the fruit with an accuracy of up to 90%:

  1. The skin is tight, practically does not lend itself under the finger - the avocado is unripe. Suitable for future purchase. Moreover, in room conditions, it will ripen quickly enough.
  2. The skin is soft, you feel like softened butter under your finger, but slightly springy - ideal for buying and using immediately or the next day.
  3. The peel is very soft, does not come back, almost porridge is felt under the finger - you should refuse to buy. The fruit is overripe, no longer suitable for eating.

As you can see, everything is simple. And you don’t have to make titanic efforts and try to crush an avocado right in the window.

Advice. You should press on the upper, narrower part of the fruit. So less likely to damage the fetus. Yes, and damage begins here, so you can easily find it.

By knock and weight

Take an avocado in your hand. It should be heavy and tight. Excessive heaviness speaks of the process of decay that has already begun. A too light fruit will be 80% unripe. It is worth making a mistake with the choice of an avocado once, and you will quickly learn by weight to determine the approximate degree of ripeness of the fruit.

Now about the knock. It would seem - dense pulp, small fruit size. Well, what else should be knocking? Bone! After all, inside every avocado there is a seed. In the immature, it is tightly connected to the pulp, while in the overripe it is already in a mushy environment. The ideal avocado for buying should have a slightly tapped pit when shaken. It is enough to do this procedure near the ear, and you will understand what is at stake.

Of course, it will not be a distinct rumble. But you will not confuse the characteristic muffled sound with anything. Try to remember and not make a mistake.

According to the color of the place under the stalk

Some avocados are sold with a piece of branch or stem. If the seller does not notice, then carefully tear off these unnecessary "spare parts" and look at the color of the pulp under them:

  1. The place is light, with a beige or whitish tint - the avocado is unripe, you can buy it for a future event or leave it at home, ripen in a paper bag.
  2. A place of color of various shades of green, closer to pistachio, sometimes a drop of juice stands out - the fruit is fully ripe and ready to eat.
  3. A place of dark shades, brown, brown, closer to black - the fruit has long been overripe and has already begun to deteriorate. This avocado is not good for food.

The avocado selection method is only suitable for freshly broken stalks. For those fruits that are already sold without twigs or cuttings, this method is not suitable. Because the place can be windy for a long time, and the pulp will still be quite decent in terms of maturity and taste.

By skin color

In general, we do not recommend focusing on this method of determining the ripeness of an avocado. The fact is that as many as 3 types of these fruits are sold in our country. And each variety has its own external differences, just in terms of skin color at different stages of ripeness. We can only say:

  1. The bright green color of the skin indicates some degree of immaturity of the avocado.
  2. A dark green, very saturated shade signals the immediate purchase of a fully ripened fruit.
  3. Brown, almost brown color tells how long the avocado has been living in this world. And such an overripe fruit is no longer suitable for eating.

The only exception is the avocado variety with a dark, almost black skin. It is never a bright green or any green hue at all. But you definitely won’t confuse this variety with anything, because the peel itself is very bumpy, with large pimples. It looks like crocodile skin. By the way, hence the other name of the exotic - alligator pear.

By time of year

Some sources recommend focusing on the date of purchase. Say, some varieties of avocados are sold only in certain months. I wonder how this affects the degree of maturity and the right choice of fruit for the table? No way.

Moreover, now avocados are found on our windows all year round. Therefore, the target was chosen incorrectly. Better trust your fingers, eyes and ears than a schedule. Moreover, many are well aware of the possibilities of today's industry and agriculture. They don't give a damn about selling avocados from the August harvest in December and vice versa.

Advice. Try to choose an avocado with a pimply, dark, thick skin. This variety has a very small bone. Smooth fruits of light green color have a thin skin, but the bone inside is often just huge. As a result, very little pulp remains.

Now there is no problem for you how to choose the right avocado. You can safely stomp to the store for this unusual fruit. You certainly won't go wrong.

Video: how to choose the perfect avocado in the store

Avocado is one of the most "unusual" exotic fruits that hit the shelves of our stores. And this despite the fact that the yard has long been the 21st century! Most of us, when we see an avocado, experience both feelings of interest and danger. After all, we do not know what is hidden under the green skin of this "alligator pear", and therefore we expect anything from it. And in general...

Avocado - fruit or vegetable?

Avocado is such an exotic fruit for our country that some people still consider it a vegetable. Although this product cannot be a vegetable, because it grows on trees, the height of which often exceeds 10 and even 15 meters! Therefore, remember and tell others: avocado is a fruit. Unusual, mysterious, but still a fruit.

What is its feature? Judge for yourself…

Absolutely all parts of an avocado, except for the pulp, are poisonous (they won’t kill you, but they can spoil your well-being). Therefore, in order to eat an avocado, it must either be peeled (which is only available to humans) or swallowed whole. However, large animals capable of swallowing an avocado whole have not survived to this day (all died out a long time ago).

As a result, the wide distribution of this type of plant is impossible (animals cannot carry it around within their own gastrointestinal tract). And this inevitably should have led to the complete disappearance of the avocado as a species already thousands of years ago. But for some reason this didn't happen. That is why avocados are often called an "evolutionary anachronism" that has survived to this day only by a miracle. Fortunately, now this fruit is cultivated by people, so its extinction is now probably postponed indefinitely.

This representative of the laurel family is grown in Mexico, Chile, the USA, China, Spain and other tropical countries, including Israel, from where now, mainly, avocados come to our supermarkets.

Under the skin of an avocado is a very nutritious edible pulp, and inside it is an inedible stone (contains toxins). To taste, this fruit is very reminiscent of butter, especially if you mix it with a “pinch” of walnut. On the other hand, each person perceives avocados differently, and your opinion may be fundamentally different from the opinion of all gourmets in the world combined. So let's move away from discussing the subjective properties of avocados and move on to the objective ones ...

Chemical composition of avocado

How useful is avocado?

First of all, avocados are useful for their high nutritional value - more than 150 kcal per 100 grams of pulp. Which is equivalent to 20-25 grams of butter, but without a single milligram of cholesterol!

Of course, many women now can throw up their hands and think: "Here's a diet product for you ..." However, do not lose hope, because eating avocados can still lead to weight loss. The main thing is to choose the right diet (with a minimum amount of animal fats).

At the same time, another aspect is extremely important - having studied several recipes with avocados, you can feed your beloved men tasty and satisfying without fear of damaging their fragile cardiovascular system. Thus, you have the opportunity to extend their life for years and even decades! With avocados, the risk of developing atherosclerosis, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases is reduced by tens of percent. True, to achieve such results, you will have to almost completely exclude saturated animal fats from the diet, which carry excess cholesterol into our body.

Avocado helps to maintain normal levels of hemoglobin in the blood. But not due to the large amount of iron, but due to the presence of copper in it, without which iron is not absorbed in the body.

The beneficial properties of avocados also extend to the gastrointestinal tract. According to nutritionists, the fruits of this plant do a great job of cleansing the intestines from harmful microorganisms, toxins and toxins, which makes avocados a very worthy “cure” for constipation and eating disorders.

Due to the abundance of B vitamins, avocados are useful for anyone who experiences constant stress and has problems with the nervous system. This fatty fruit nourishes and strengthens nerve fibers, while increasing attentiveness and the ability to remember information.

The same thing happens with the skin, which, under the influence of the nutrients contained in the avocado, becomes smooth, silky and moderately moisturized. Which in turn leads to a gradual smoothing of wrinkles.

In addition, it is believed that avocados can help cure diseases of the liver, kidneys, and eyes, and also protect the body from oncology and premature aging.

As you can see, the benefits of avocados are obvious. It remains to deal with the damage ...

Harm of avocado and contraindications to its use

There is only one contraindication to the use of avocado pulp - individual intolerance to the fruit.

As for harm, it has not been found at the moment. But this does not mean at all that avocados can be eaten in kilograms, because this will inevitably lead to weight gain and oversaturation of the body with the same type of fats, which, despite their naturalness, still cannot replace the entire range of fatty acids necessary for a person.

And, of course, we should mention the harmful properties of the bone, which contains toxins.

As a result, we have the following: if you don’t want problems, don’t eat avocado seeds and don’t overeat.

How to choose a ripe avocado

Due to the fact that avocados are a rare guest on our table, the choice of avocados in the store most often comes down to an external examination of the fruit in order to exclude mechanical damage and outright rot. At the same time, we can easily take a hard avocado, relying on the “species of the variety”, and then tell everyone who asks that avocados are not such a tasty fruit.

Naturally, the experimental way is the surest. However, "experiments" are better supported by at least some kind of theory. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with and carefully remember the following criteria for choosing a ripe avocado:

  • There should be no external damage and outright rot (well, you already knew that).
  • The peel should be elastic (not hard and not loose). Although there are variations here, because you can plan to eat an avocado in a week - then the unripe fruit is quite possible to take. In this case, you just need to put it in a paper bag or wrap it in a newspaper and leave it in a dark place with room temperature.

It should also be understood that varietal differences do exist. So, for example, Florida avocados have a more delicate peel, while California and Pinkertons have a tougher “crocodile” skin. Be sure to consider this when choosing.

  • The bone should make noise when shaking. More precisely, not the bone itself, but its core. In a noisy place, the sound of the core is extremely difficult to hear, so feel free to bring it to your ear and listen.
  • In the Florida avocado, the stone is large, in other varieties it is smaller. At first glance, this is a rather important factor that allows you not to overpay for a useless and toxic bone. However, if we take into account that the taste of different varieties of avocados is radically different, then saving on the bone is not the most reasonable decision.

The size of an avocado, like its color, has nothing to do with the ripeness of the fruit. Therefore, choose an elastic, "noisy" and in all respects clean fruit, and you will definitely not regret it!

I am always perplexed - in our stores, avocado fruits are sold mostly unfit for consumption. But someone is buying up these mountains of avocados!

1. In the store: Lightly press the avocado with your fingers. It should be slightly soft. Very hard avocados are often sold - they have pulp like wood, this is not at all the same. The avocado should not be rotten, not have transparent semi-liquid spots on the skin, but it should be soft - slightly succumb to the finger like a ripe peach.

2. Peel the avocado: cut it in half, cutting through to the bone.
Can be cut into quarters. Gently break into cuts, remove parts from the bone - they are removed easily if you bought a RIPE avocado fruit. Throw away the bone. Remove the skin from an avocado - it is removed very easily and completely if you bought a RIPE avocado fruit.

The pulp of a truly ripe avocado fruit is simply wonderful - soft, oily, with a light, fresh, unique aroma. Avocado, like cucumber, has a neutral taste, only in cucumber it is watery-fresh, and in avocado it is oily-fresh.

Avocados, like cucumbers, go well with soft white salted cream cheese or white soft salted cheese spread. You can put such cheese on bread, on top of a slice of avocado pulp - this is the food of the gods!

Like cucumber, avocado pairs well with shrimp and other seafood.

Try simple salad: mix peeled boiled and cooled king prawns with avocado slices and chopped lettuce, pour over with pink sauce (pink sauce: mayonnaise + ketchup in a ratio of 50:50).

Avocado is good to cook sauces for salads and hot, whipping its pulp in a blender with 10% cream and various flavorings - spices, seasonings, fried mushrooms, tomatoes, olives, etc.

stuffed avocado- do not throw away the avocado skin halves, prepare a salad using the avocado pulp and other finely chopped ingredients - and fill the avocado skin halves with this salad. Top with greens and chopped egg.

Enjoy the tasty and healthy avocado fruit!

How to choose the right avocado is a question that many housewives asked. What is an indicator of ripeness? How not to buy overripe fruit?

What useful properties does it have? We will talk about these and other issues.

So let's go.

Overseas miracle

Have you ever wondered how to make the right choice? Yes, you are right - the question is rather complicated. This is an unusual exotic that got into our stores from the tropics themselves!

It is interesting that all its parts, with the exception of the juicy pulp, are poisonous. It is impossible to die from such a poison, but light poisoning can be obtained in no time.

It has a special nutty oily flavor, so it is widely used in cooking.

It is used in the preparation of sauces for rolls, the rolls themselves, for making soups, salads, smoothies and cocktails, or simply spread on bread.

The range of these overseas "guests" in our hypermarkets is mainly represented by three varieties.

They are brownish, dark or light green in color, with a small bone and easily removed skin, or with a large bone and an incredibly pleasant taste.

If you want to buy a version with a small core and a large amount of nutritional fiber, then pay attention to the pimply varieties in a dark green hue. Such representatives have a very thick surface layer and a small core.


The pulp is incredibly useful. Not containing cholesterol in its composition, it has a high calorie content, which is due to the indicator of 160 kcal per 100 g.

Obvious pluses:

  • weight loss with the right diet;
  • improvement of the cardiovascular system;
  • an increase in the percentage of iron absorption by the body, which is due to the content of copper in dietary fibers;
  • improvement of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthening the nervous system due to the content of B vitamins;
  • increase mindfulness and memory due to the content of saturated fatty acids;
  • elasticity, silkiness and hydration of the epidermis increases due to the high content of vitamins;
  • possibly protects against cancer and some kidney diseases - these studies have yet to be done.

All these advantages are due to the chemical composition presented in the table:

Value Quantity per 100 g
calories 160 kcal
Fats 14.66
Squirrels 2 y.
Carbohydrates 1.83 g
Water 72.23
Alimentary fiber 6.7 g
Saturated fatty acids 2.1 g
Mono and disaccharides 0.66 g
vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, K, PP, Beta-carotene, Choline
Minerals Potassium (485 mg), Calcium (12 mg), Magnesium (29 mg), Sodium (7 mg), Phosphorus (52 mg), Iron (0.55 mg).

If you suffer from hypertension, include avocados in your daily diet - high blood pressure will stop bothering you.


No major harm has been found. However, if you suffer from individual intolerance to the substances contained, then it is not recommended to eat it.

If you decide that the fruit is harmless, and start consuming it in exorbitant quantities, then we warn you - this action will lead to a set of extra pounds.

In addition, despite the beneficial properties of the product, its excessive use will lead to a glut of the body with one type of fat, which is not enough to replace the entire spectrum of fatty acids needed for a person.

Be sure to remember that the kernel and peel contain toxic substances, so they should not be eaten.

It is necessary to cleanse the product of toxic components, and even then you can enjoy the unusual taste of this "tropical pear".

Summarizing the above, we emphasize that you do not need to eat the kernel and skin, and you should not eat too much - only if you follow the measure in food, it will not harm you.

How to choose a quality fruit in a store

Look carefully from all sides. The ripe version should not have any damage, spots, cracks, dents on the surface.

If there are any, then most likely it is rotten or overripe.

If you managed to get a ripe specimen, then it will have a sweetish aftertaste, a loose oily structure, which can be determined by easily crushing it with a fork.

If it is unripe, then the taste will be bitter, and the fibers are hard. The cut after a short time begins to darken and deteriorate.

To prevent this from happening, you can sprinkle it with a few drops of lemon or lime juice - this will preserve the original color and presentable appearance.

In the store, you need to pay attention to:

  • color;
  • elasticity or softness;
  • condition of the peduncle;
  • weight and sound when shaken.

It is better to determine the degree of maturity by all four criteria, and not by one of them - then the purchase will be of high quality in 90% of situations.

Choice of skin color

The peel changes its shade depending on the degree of maturity:

  • yellow green. Indicates immaturity. In this case, you need to hold it in a sunny place for about 5-6 days, and it will become soft and tasty.
  • light green. It should ripen 2-3 days until it reaches the proper degree of ripeness.
  • Intense green color. Representatives with this color can be added to various dishes, but they are also able to lie down for several days without spoiling.
  • Brownish green skin. Look closely to see if the fruit is overripe. If it is still good, you can consume it immediately.
  • Brown color with spots- indicates that he overripe and is no longer suitable for food.

If you need to immediately use for food, then choose specimens with a rich green skin color. If you need time for transportation or long-term storage, then it is better to choose light green with a yellowish tinge.

Choice for softness

Many buyers make a big mistake by pressing hard with their finger on the surface, thereby injuring it and creating favorable conditions for decay.

The suitability of the product can be determined by lightly pressing the pad of your finger on the surface. If she concave a little, and then immediately returned to its original position, it means that it is in the best stage of maturation. This can also be indicated by the juice that stands out when pressed.

If the peel remains in a bent state, then this indicates friability, and, consequently, overripeness.

When choosing, press on the upper, narrower part - rotting begins from it, and you can more accurately determine the suitability without damaging the skin.

So the surface should be:

  • elastic;
  • not rotten;
  • some juice may be released.

If, when pressed, the peel does not sag, and feels firm, then it takes a few more days to ripen. And, on the contrary, it is overripe if the peel is too soft and loose, does not return to its original position after pressing on it.

Choice by cutting

The color of the cutting is an important indicator of maturity. In a ripe specimen, it will be light yellow or dark brown. Why such a difference in color?

The “overseas miracle” has a light handle at the optimal stage of its maturity, and it darkens when overripe.

For complete certainty, you can tear off the stem and see the tone of the pulp. She happens:

  • Light pistachio in color and emits a drop of fragrant juice, then you can safely take it - ripeness is at the right stage.
  • Light beige or white, it will take several days to fully ripen.
  • Dark brown, almost black - not good for food, because it is overripe.

Choice by knock and weight

A big mistake buyers make is choosing the heaviest avocados. By weight, ripe representatives should be weighty, but not excessively.

If you choose the heaviest and softest specimen, there is a high probability that it has already overripe. And, conversely, too light weight is an indicator that it will be immature.

As for knocking, this is also a convenient way to determine ripeness. The fact is that inside each such overseas representative there is a bone of a fairly large size, inside of which there is a core.

Here it is knocking when shaking, indicating sufficient ripeness.

In unripe ones, it is tightly attached to the walls, and overripe individuals envelop both the bone and its inside with rotten gruel.

When shaking, bring the fruit to your ear, and you will clearly hear the knock of the kernel on the lignified walls.

Also note:

What to do with unripe fruit

Having bought unripe fruit in the store, do not despair.

And, although their taste is a bit like a tasteless pumpkin or a green pear, it is still fixable, and you can enjoy them in a few days.

How to speed up the process?

1 way. Put the purchase on the window - the sun's rays will do their job in 2-3 days.
2 way. Wrap them in a newspaper or paper bag with bananas or apples. This will speed up maturation.
3 way. Place the paper bag with the purchase in an environment where it is more than 25 degrees Celsius.
Sometimes these methods don't work. This happens in cases where the shell was damaged during transportation. In this case, instead of ripening, immediate decay occurs.

You should not keep such exotics in the refrigerator - they will not only not ripen, but even begin to deteriorate.

Do you love avocados the way you should love them? By the way, is an avocado a he or it? Berry, fruit or vegetable? How and with what it is eaten, how to recognize a ripe fruit and what to do with it next? All these questions quite recently swept through the minds of our compatriots, who first saw an exotic product on the counter. Today, most of us, especially those who have made healthy eating one of their life priorities, know firsthand how to handle avocados, and most importantly, why. And they are right - these funny-looking exotic fruits are really a storehouse of nutrients for the human body. And yet, before buying, no, no, and they will doubt which copy to choose.

The ripeness of avocados is still a mystery to many who have recently become acquainted with the beneficial properties and features of eating avocados. Therefore, for them and for everyone else who is not indifferent to their diet, we will tell you how to accurately determine the ripeness of an avocado.

Avocado: appearance and features of ripening. Signs of a ripe avocado
In order to immediately dispel doubts, we admit: an avocado is not a vegetable or a berry, but a fruit. Because of its unsweetened taste, it is indeed often referred to as a vegetable, and you will most likely find it on sale in the vegetable section. However, the avocado is a fruit, which is clearly evidenced by the design of the fruit: one large bone around the fleshy shell. It is unlikely that the European colonialists, who once tasted avocados for the first time in South American lands, thought about its botanical affiliation, but intuitively called the fruit "alligator pear", which emphasizes its relationship with fruit crops. As for taste, it favors the use of avocados in mains and savory dishes rather than as a dessert, as is typical for fruits. In general, ripe avocados taste quite neutral, which makes them a good component of soups, salads, and many snacks. Turning to the seller, you can safely ask him to give you the selected avocado, since in Russian this is a neuter word, and it does not decline and looks the same in singular and plural.

Avocado fruits ripen on tall trees cultivated in both the Americas, Africa and Israel. On the territory of Europe, avocados are sold all year round, and their ripeness practically does not depend on the season. In addition, there are about 400 varieties of avocados, each of which differs slightly in the size and shape of the fruit, but only a few of them are imported to us. Therefore, in supermarkets or markets, you will most likely find one of these three varieties of avocados with their characteristic features:

  1. california avocado- in a ripe state, a variety with a very dark, brown-green, sometimes almost brown skin, the flesh under which is soft and not elastic. Such an avocado is good for making pates, sauces and guacamole, but not salads. When choosing a Californian avocado, carefully examine its surface: on a dark skin, it is difficult not to notice damage and signs of spoilage. But this variety of avocado is ripe throughout the year.
  2. Florida avocado- the skin of this variety, even in a ripe state, remains green and remains thin and smooth. The pulp under it is always dense, even being very ripe it keeps its shape well. Therefore, choose such an avocado if you plan to cook a salad or a roll. True, it is possible to find Florida avocados on sale only in winter and spring, but their taste is the mildest, and the calorie content is the lowest of all varieties of avocados.
  3. Avocado Pinkerton It is considered a universal variety and, in terms of skin color and pulp density in a ripe state, it occupies an intermediate position between the two previous varieties. The ripe fruit is covered with large pimples and has an elongated shape with an oblong narrow part. And the stone in the Pinkerton avocado is the smallest, which means that it has more pulp than in the fruits of other varieties of avocados.
To extend the shelf life and safety during long-distance transportation, avocados are usually picked unripe. Sometimes they do not have time to fully ripen and go on sale not quite suitable for eating. Therefore, it is very important to be able to distinguish a ripe avocado from a green one (not by color, but by ripeness). This is not so difficult to do if you remember when choosing fruits that unripe avocados are usually hard when pressed against a smooth, light-colored skin. The bone in them is firmly fixed in the pulp. If you manage to buy and cut such an unripe avocado, then inside you will find a dense, dryish core that tastes like a hard pear or a small pumpkin. In addition, the pulp of an unripe avocado is bitter and does not affect the taste of the whole dish in the best way. But too soft, pliable avocado skin is not a good sign. Most likely, you have an overripe fruit in your hands, the middle of which has already softened too much and looks more like porridge than the oily-fruity pulp, which is how a ripe, unspoiled avocado should be. What other characteristics does an ideal alligator pear have? Read about it below.

Choosing a ripe avocado
Only a perfectly ripe avocado, without dents or overripe areas, has a mild, slightly nutty flavor and a surprisingly pleasant, tender and buttery texture. Such a fruit gives any culinary specialist a huge field for creativity and gastronomic experiments. The easiest and healthiest method is to use avocados in cold dishes (salads, sandwiches, and as a side dish on their own) or simply pour over lemon juice and eat on its own. Avocado appetizers take longer to prepare, but traditional Mexican guacamole sauce, cold mashed soups and avocado pâtés have been and remain hits of all restaurants. Regular consumption of uncooked avocado prolongs youth, strengthens the immune system, makes the skin supple, and hair and nails strong and shiny. Want to experience these miraculous effects for yourself? Then try to determine the quality and ripeness of an avocado by the following signs:
Do not be upset if you learned about these nuances too late and already managed to buy an unripe avocado. You can also try to save the situation: for this, put the unripe fruit in a paper bag along with a large banana and / or apple and leave it at room temperature for a couple of days. If the avocado has not been damaged or spoiled, then during this time it will ripen under the influence of "neighbors". This trick can be used if for some reason you need to buy an avocado in advance and keep it for a short time (up to a week). Then specifically buy an unripe fruit, and as the cooking time approaches, speed up its ripening in the described way with the help of a bag and ripe fruit. By the way, for storage, the pulp of an avocado can even be frozen. But it is best, of course, to buy an alligator pear immediately before use - after all, only fresh fruits retain a maximum of vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances. Therefore, often treat yourself and your loved ones to dishes with fresh, ripe avocados and be healthy!
