
If the pancake batter sticks to the pan. Why do pancakes stick to the surface of the pan? The right choice of dishes

At first glance, baking pancakes is an easy task. However, even the simplest recipe has its own subtleties of cooking. Knowing why the first pancakes stick will help the beginner not lose the desire to cook and further comprehend the basics of the culinary arts.


There can be several reasons why pancakes stick to the pan, from improperly selected dishes to mistakes in preparing the dough.

Incorrect selection of ingredients and their quantities. In a pancake recipe, all components are important: eggs, milk (or kefir), flour and other components. The lack of some or the absence of others will affect the quality of the dish. Therefore, it is better for beginners in the culinary business to do everything according to the recipe. This will allow you to gain experience so that in the future pancakes are obtained without lumps and do not burn.

Test consistency. When kneading dough for pancakes, it is very important to achieve the desired density. In order for the pancakes to turn out thin, openwork, you need a dough that resembles liquid sour cream. If too much flour was added and the consistency turned out to be too thick, it is diluted with an additional amount of liquid (milk, kefir, water).

If a lot of liquid was added to the dough, add more flour. It is important not to overdo it here. In order to avoid lumps, you can use a mixer. Some experienced housewives first dilute the thick dough, and then dilute it with liquid to the desired consistency. This will avoid lumps and not spill water or milk.


Baking in a new pan. A very common reason why pancakes stick to the pan, even with an experienced hostess. The best solution is to use old crockery for baking pancakes. However, if her condition poses a threat to health, and the new frying pan beckons with its beauty, then you should remember a few nuances.

Cast iron cookware should be seasoned with salt before first use. To do this, salt is poured into a cold pan in one layer and soda is added, mixing everything thoroughly. After that, the dishes are placed on the stove to heat up. The pan is left on the stove until the salt takes on a creamy hue. After that, it is washed under running water without the addition of cleaning agents. Grease the pan with oil before baking.

Insufficient pan temperature. Another reason why pancakes can burn is insufficient heating of the dishes before baking. This is usually associated with little culinary experience. In order to avoid burning pancakes, you should set the pan to heat up from the moment the dough is cooked. At first, it is better to put it dry, then, immediately before cooking, the pan is greased with a thin layer of oil.

Lack of oil. Some housewives add butter to the dough. However, if there is too much of this component, it will affect the taste of the dish. Therefore, many cooks advise greasing the pan. It is better to do this before each pancake. Then the dish will not only have an excellent taste, but each pancake will turn out to be delicate and beautiful.

Dishes not clean enough. You should remember the main advice of experienced chefs: there should be a separate frying pan for baking pancakes. Sometimes after cooking another dish, even after washing, small particles of it may remain in the pan. When baking pancakes, this will cause them to burn and break the integrity. If it is not possible to allocate a separate frying pan for pancakes, then the dishes should be thoroughly washed before cooking, then carefully wiping them with a dry towel.

Strong heating of the pan. In this case, the selection of the optimal temperature is carried out by sampling. With experience comes the necessary knowledge. You can first put the pan on a slow fire, gradually bringing it to the required limit. This will prevent overheating and burning of the dish.

Other reasons

  1. Haste in cooking. Pancakes require a special approach to both the dough and the baking process itself. After kneading the dough, let it stand for a few minutes. This is necessary in order for the flour to release the maximum amount of gluten. Thanks to this, the pancake becomes more elastic and does not tear.
  2. Lack of eggs. Eggs are an important ingredient in pancake batter. Of course, you can cook without them, because there are special recipes for this. However, real pancakes are impossible without this product. The lack of their quantity becomes the reason why pancakes stick to the pan.
  3. Features of the incoming ingredients. Quite often, those pancakes that were made on kefir stick. This is due to the special tenderness of such a test. In order for pancakes on kefir not to tear, you should turn them over carefully, slowly, with a special spatula. Before this, the pancake should be well fried in order to be more durable.
  4. Use of cold components. Before cooking pancakes, it is better to get all the components of the recipe out of the refrigerator in advance. Milk can be warmed up if necessary. The required temperature of the products will allow them to better interact with each other and the pancakes will not burn and tear.

Why do pancakes on kefir tear and stick to the pan?

    If the dough is watery, then add flour to it, but do not overdo it) and so that the pancakes do not stick, add about 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dough. Pancakes can also stick because of the pan, perhaps it is already old and everything sticks to it.

    Most likely, it’s not about kefir, although the proportions when preparing dough for pancakes are also important, but basically it’s not about the dough, but that the pan is not heated enough, this allows the dough to stick to it and tear, it’s not for nothing that they say that the first pancake is lumpy .

    For me, pancakes on kefir are the most delicious. And they can stick to the pan or tear for several reasons, they are easy to eliminate:

    Add a little flour to the dough, the dough should not be too liquid,

    the pan should be perfectly clean, preferably thick, and well warmed up, if the pancake is stuck, then before pouring the dough for a new pancake. clean the pan, then just start baking again,

    add a little vegetable oil to the dough,

    you can break another egg into the dough.

    By themselves, pancakes on kefir are tender, so you need to turn them over carefully, that is, they require patience in baking, but they are really tasty.

    Since I bake on kefir, the pancakes have never been torn or stuck. I bake on a thin pancake, and before each new pancake, I grease the entire pan with an oily silicone brush. And I also add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough.

    Perhaps there is not enough egg that would bind the dough. Add another one and see if it works. You can also add more flour for a thicker consistency.

    Do not use a cast-iron pan for frying, it is better to take with a non-stick coating, pancakes perfectly glide over it and do not stick.

    Most recently, for the first time in my 26 years, I successfully turned out pancakes on kefir, before that I had a bitter experience at school and somehow turned me away from such pancakes. But then I gathered the advice of all my acquaintances and friends, plucked up the courage and started. I will give a recipe, focusing on the rules for sticking pancakes:

    Ingredients: Kefir (I have sour-milk Agusha) - 1 l, water - 1 tbsp., eggs - 3 pcs., 1 tsp. salt and soda, vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons, flour - 3.5-4 tablespoons, vegetable oil or lard for frying and butter for greasing ready-made pancakes. The right pan is a thick and heavy cast-iron or modern pancake pan.

    Preparation: We heat the mixture of kefir, salt and eggs to a temperature of about 40 degrees ( hot, but no signs of boiling), add flour to the consistency of liquid sour cream, it took me 4 full glasses of McFa ( different flours require different amounts), add soda diluted in a glass of boiling water and vegetable oil. We mix. We bake pancakes very hot frying pan(I have cast iron) with a drop of vegetable oil. As soon as the pancake fried from without problems unsticks from a frying pan. Grease the finished pancakes with butter.

    Pancakes on kefir are softer and more tender than on milk or water, which is why they tear more easily. Add more eggs (for 2 pieces) and the dough will be more elastic.

    And so that they do not stick to the pan, you need to heat the pan and grease it with vegetable oil before the first pancake.

Cooking delicious pancakes is within the power of every housewife, if you have the right ingredients and a stove with a frying pan at hand. But we must admit that no matter how skillfully you bake, you can run into trouble at any time when the dish stops working out.

Now I would like to pay attention to this particular point and give answers to all questions of interest regarding why the dough sticks to the cast-iron pan, breaks, pancakes crumble, and also what exactly should the hostess do in such a case.

If you read this article, you will be able to understand the true reason for the force majeure situation that happened, when the pancakes are torn and sticky.

To date, many recipes are known. Even recipes that have been proven over the years can play a cruel joke with every housewife. During frying, the dough may stick to the pan, tear when turning.

Someone likes cakes more magnificent, someone loves those that glow in the sun with a lace base. If the pancakes are torn, then the first thing you should pay attention to is the kneading of the dough.

It's time to reveal the secrets that you no longer had questions: why failure awaited you in the kitchen.

Pancakes stuck to the bottom of the pan

First of all, you need to indicate that there are many reasons why pancakes stick. Basically, it is worth highlighting these nuances: 1 Incorrect selection of dishes. 2 An ingredient is missing from the dough mix. 3 The baking method does not correspond to the correct solution. 4 There are too many ingredients in the mix.

It turns out that in order to make this treat at home successfully, you need to eliminate negative factors and correct them. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Where to begin?

Baking dish

The main reason, if the pancakes are torn or sticky, will be objectionable dishes. In principle, it is best to bake them in a cast-iron or aluminum skillet. It is not recommended to use new Teflon or ceramic pans.

The main reason is that on newfangled pans, a fatty film can form during heating, which prevents the pancake from sticking.

A heated cast iron pan does not need to be lubricated with vegetable oil or fat. Baking rosy and tasty cakes is a pleasure.

Therefore, if the question arises: why do pancakes stick to the pan and tear, what to do - pay attention to the quality of the dishes.

heating process

Pancakes may stick, tear, or not come off when flipped if the pan is not suitable for baking. Wash the pan only with a soft brush, you should not use an iron brush, because the fatty surface will be erased.

To return the fat layer, you need to put a dry frying pan on the stove and heat it up. You have to wait until the smoke comes out of it.

New frying pan

Why do pancakes tear when turned over if new dishes are used? Here it is worth paying attention to the process of running the pan. Fry the first time scrambled eggs on it, and then start baking pancakes. This will keep the cake from sticking.

The fault in culinary failures will be the wrong kneading of the dough. If you do not follow the correct indication of the recipe, then you can harm the quality of the finished product.


We have dealt with dishes. Before baking, they calcined the dishes, prepared them for frying, but starting to bake, do you understand that the cakes are still torn? Here it is worth understanding what to add to the dough so that the pancakes do not tear.

For thin pancakes

The desire to bake thin pancakes causes many housewives. Some bake them on kefir or water. Liquid dough on kefir or another dairy product should not be kneaded by eye, because this is the first reason for failure in the kitchen.

On a hot frying pan from a thin layer of dough, moisture will be corrected in a short time, and the cake will lose its elasticity and elasticity. In this case, the pancake will be fragile, it will quickly tear and begin to stick to the cast-iron base.

In this case, I advise you to correct the situation by adding a little bit of flour to the kefir dough. It is important to bring the mass to uniformity.

Do not hurry

Do not rush to prepare the dough for pancakes on kefir. Dilute the mixture, let it stand for about 30 minutes. Thus, you will simplify your task of baking. The dough will be pliable.

The thing is that the flour will release gluten, the pancake will become stronger, more elastic and will bake well in a pan. If it is indicated in the kefir test recipe to use this particular product, it is worth doing so. Otherwise, replacement is not recommended.

Adding eggs

The recipe includes chicken. eggs. Although it is important to note that there are also lean cooking options when this product is completely excluded. In this case, there is a high chance that you will fail. The quality of the dessert will be significantly lower than we would like.

Chickens are a kind of emulsifier of the composition. eggs. They are able to hold all the ingredients in the batch together into one strong whole. It is worth adding 2-4 pieces. chickens. eggs per 1 liter of liquid. For such an amount of liquid of one chicken. eggs will be too small.

To make the dough more docile for baking, you need to add a couple of chickens to it. eggs. It is important that the composition is homogeneous, there are no lumps. Kur. eggs will also help ensure that the pancakes acquire a beautiful ruddy color, and they bake very quickly.

In the event that you want to make pancakes with a thin base, I advise you to add more eggs to the dough. Then the lack of flour will not be negative.

The absence of eggs in the mixture or their lack is fraught with problems with baking on kefir or any other fermented milk product. To understand why the dough breaks when turning over, you should read my article to the end.

Vegetable oil in the dough

Adding dough to the batch, we put flour and chickens. eggs, but the result is still the same - does it tear and stick to the dishes? Then I advise you to add 5-7 tablespoons to the mixture. rast. oils.

This move should help rectify the situation. Such a measure will help soften the dough, create a fat barrier between the dough and the pan. Plus, it's foolish to deny that pancakes take on a special flavor.

They won't dry out, and flipping the tortillas in the pan won't be a problem.


The recipe may indicate the use of soda. In this case, it is worth strictly observing the prescribed amount.

If there is an excess of white powder, then the taste will be in danger, the treat will become unnaturally yellow, and lose stickiness during kneading. Pancakes will stick 100%, and even disintegrate during cooking.


If you add too much sugar to the pancake batter, then there may be a problem with the pancakes sticking or falling apart. Plus, they can burn, because sugar will create a caramel effect.

Sweet tooth can sweeten the treat, but only when the cakes are served to the table. I advise you to take jam, honey, sugar. powder or condensed milk. Sax. sand can be put into the dough, but in a minimal amount.


The dough can be flavored with cardamom, you can put cinnamon or vanilla. Feel free to add other spices too, but know when to stop. Too much will ruin the taste, but that's not the only problem. The strength of the batch will decrease, the cake will no longer be complete. A sense of proportion must always be remembered.

Proper frying of pancakes that do not stick to the pan

It seems that everyone can cook pancakes, but there are some housewives who try to avoid this dish, believing that it is simply impossible to cope with the dough sticking to the pan.

Kids, on the contrary, like it when moms make different pancakes and serve them with tea for breakfast. So that cooking does not lead you to complete horror, you should get the hang of handling the dough correctly, learning how to fry it and how to grease the pan.

All this will allow you to bake your favorite pancakes that will not stick. This is a really important skill that will not be superfluous for any hostess.

warm up

The basic rule for cooking pancakes is: so that the dish is not lumpy, it is worth pouring a couple of tablespoons into the pan. rast. oils. It is important to heat the pan so that the first smoke appears, and then only pour the dough.


Many people think that baking is not worth it in cooking oil, cl. butter or margarine. These products contain water. When the liquid boils away during heating, the dough begins to stick to the pan.

Pancakes in this case may begin to burn. It is important to know how to grease the pan. This is what I propose to talk about right now:

  1. Grease the bottom of the pan only once. This must be done before baking the first pancake. All other bake exclusively in a dry frying pan. Only as needed lubricate the dishes with a brush smeared with rast. oil. You can do the same with a piece of lard.
  2. To make thin and medium pancakes for breakfast, I advise you to choose medium or above medium heat.

If you bake lush and delicate pancakes, you should set the medium or less than medium heat. A similar rule works if you bake liver pancakes.

Summing up

This article comes to an end. All the secrets of successful pancakes are presented by me above. I hope that my tips will be useful to you, and you will remember me with a kind word. You can bake any kind of pancakes in accordance with them, including liver, sweet, thick, thin, etc.

Summing up, let's clarify once again what is needed so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan during baking:

  1. Observe the exact amount of ingredients according to the recipe for kneading the dough.
  2. The dough is kneaded until it becomes even in color and homogeneous in composition.
  3. Remove lumps from the dough, knead flour, chickens. eggs until thick, only then bring to the desired structure.
  4. Heat the dishes before baking, greasing the rast. fat or oil.
  5. Oven only on medium heat.
  6. Flip the pancakes, lifting the edges in a circle. For these purposes, a spatula or a knife will be useful.

By following the above tips, you can bake perfect pancakes for breakfast at home, both liver and honey, as well as many others. Questions why the cakes stick or tear when you need to turn them over will never arise again. After all, there are no more reasons for this.

My video recipe

Why do pancakes stick to the pan? This question has been asked at least once in their lives by all housewives. How annoying it sometimes happens when something doesn’t work the first time, especially if it’s a simple and so familiar dish! It would seem that it is difficult to make dough and bake? But when not only the first pancake, but also the second and third come out lumpy, you begin to understand that something went wrong.

In the preparation of pancakes, as in any other business, there are subtleties and nuances, and any violation of the rules can lead to disastrous results.

Here are the most common reasons why pancakes tear and stick to the pan:

"Wrong" frying pan

Ideally, this should be an old "cast iron" with a thick bottom or a Teflon crepe maker. Any food will stick to a scratched non-stick coating. The same result will be obtained if it is a new cast iron or aluminum pan. The thing is that the oil leaves a film on these metals that cannot be washed the first time without caustic substances. From time to time, the oily coating thickens, and the baking process is simplified. It is better to have a separate pan specifically for pancakes. But if you cook them once a year for Maslenitsa, then, of course, this does not make any sense.

Read also:

Almost any frying pan can be made suitable for baking pancakes by calcining salt in it. It is necessary to pour the spice with a layer of 5 mm and a tablespoon of soda, mix and put on the included stove. When the mass acquires a beige tint, pour it out and wipe the surface with a dry cloth. Lubricate the bottom and walls with a thin layer of butter or a piece of bacon - and you can start baking.

Not enough butter in the dough

This problem is perhaps the easiest to solve: you just need to add it, mix well and start baking again. Remember that oil, like all fats, floats to the surface. Therefore, before pouring a new batch of dough to fry, you need to mix it thoroughly. The pan, even if it is non-stick, must be oiled before baking the first pancakes. Then you can already look at the situation: if nothing else sticks, then there are enough fats. If the problem persists, it is better to bake everything in butter than to throw away the dough.

The pan was poorly or unevenly heated

Everything will inevitably stick to the cold bottom. You can check if the dishes are heated well by dropping a little dough. If it sizzles and starts to cook instantly, you can start baking.

Too thin or thick batter

It, as you know, should look like liquid sour cream. Everything is simple here: you just need to add flour or milk until you get the perfect consistency.

Few eggs

For lean recipes, the problem of sticking is very relevant. Flour will improve the situation, but such pancakes are unlikely to be thin and delicate. Dough without eggs is better to brew, that is, add very hot milk or water to the flour. Boiling water will give elasticity, and nothing will stick.

Too much soda

Excess of this substance will give the pancakes friability and an unpleasant taste. This problem is perhaps the most difficult to fix. You can cook another dough - without soda - and gradually pour in the spoiled one, each time preparing a trial pancake. The hostess will have to do this until she is satisfied with the result.

Milk is considered the classic basis for making pancakes. However, there are some secrets here too:

  • eggs should be at room temperature. Take care of this in advance - take them out of the refrigerator 3-4 hours before cooking;
  • choose only fresh products and high-quality flour. A dish cooked on expired ingredients will not only stick and tear, but also threaten with poisoning;
  • flour must be sifted - then unnecessary lumps will not appear in the dough;
  • milk should be warm.

Recipe for pancakes with milk that will never stick


  • milk - 750 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer until white, add salt.
  2. Heat the milk in the microwave or on the stove, pour into the egg-sugar mixture.
  3. Soda repay lemon juice and add to the products.
  4. Sift the flour and add it to the mass in several approaches, mixing thoroughly each time, until all the lumps are broken.
  5. Leave the mixture to stand for about an hour. During this time, the flour will swell, and you will see the actual consistency of the dough. It should be like sour cream. If it turns out thicker, add more warm milk, if liquid - flour.
  6. Add oil before frying and mix well.

It is more difficult to work with kefir as a base: pancakes on it turn out to be loose and easily stick and tear. To prevent such a scenario, you can knead the dough in half with milk or water. Such ingredients will give it strength, and kefir will make the taste delicate and light. At the same time, both water and milk should be very hot, almost boiling water.

Recipe for lacy "non-sticky" pancakes on kefir


  • kefir - 400 ml;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • soda - 1/2 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Combine flour, kefir, eggs, salt and sugar in a saucepan and mix with a mixer.
  2. Pour soda into a glass of boiling water, stir quickly and pour into the dough. Mix thoroughly and leave for 10-15 minutes. at room temperature.
  3. Pour in the oil and start frying.

Why do pancakes tear and stick to the pan? Almost every novice hostess is looking for the answer to this question. Bake beautiful and - it's almost an art. But you can get the hang of it pretty quickly. You just need to remember a few important rules for preparing this dish. It is about them that we are talking in this article.

Having studied the information offered here, each hostess will understand the causes of the problems that arise when baking the national Russian dish - pancakes.

Reason #1: Not enough eggs

Why are pancakes bursting? Maybe the recipe was broken during the preparation of the dough? When kneading it, you must strictly follow the description. As a rule, pancakes stick and tear if there are few eggs in the dough. Protein and yolk is the link of all other ingredients. The deficiency of these ingredients leads to the fact that the structure and density of the dough are violated. It is possible to save such a workpiece. Add 1-2 eggs to the dough. Mix the resulting mass and add a little flour to it. Once again, mix everything thoroughly. The dough should be of a uniform consistency.

Reason #2: Not enough flour

The reason why pancakes tear when turned over may be a lack of flour in the kneading. Moisture quickly drains from a very thin dough in a hot pan. It leaves a very thin and porous cake. It is very difficult to turn it over, and sometimes it is simply impossible. If such a nuisance happened to your dough, add a little flour to it and mix until all the lumps are broken.

Do not rush to bake it immediately. Leave the workpiece to brew for half an hour. During this time, the flour will release the gluten, which will make the structure of the dough more dense.

Reason #3: Lack of Fat

Be sure to add a couple of teaspoons of vegetable oil to the dough during the kneading, because the lack of fat in the dough can be the reason why the pancakes are torn. The taste of the dish will only benefit from this. And the cakes themselves will easily turn over and be removed from the bottom of the pan.

In addition, it is recommended to lubricate the mold itself with fat. This can be done with a piece of unsalted lard or any vegetable oil. But with the latter, the main thing is not to overdo it. Fat, a thin layer, should be greased only the bottom of the pan. It is convenient to do this with a napkin dipped in oil or a brush.

Reason #4: Too Much Sugar or Spices

When making pancake dough, try not to overdo it with spices. Vanilla sugar, pepper, coriander and other seasonings change its strength. As a result, thin pancakes will both burn and tear. And even the most common granulated sugar in the composition of the dough can cause a violation of the integrity of the cakes. Therefore, it should be kept to a minimum. Additional sweetness can be given to pancakes after cooking, anointing them with jam or honey.

Reason #5: Bad frying pan

In order for the process of baking an old Russian dish to bring you pleasure, it is important to choose the right frying pan for this business. Ideally, it should be cast iron. The walls and bottom of this form are quite thick, which contributes to uniform baking of the dough. You can also use modern ones to make thin cakes. Experienced chefs recommend having separate dishes for baking this dish, that is, it should only be used for pancakes, because those forms in which meat, fish, vegetables are fried can have small scratches and notches. An uneven bottom surface can also be the reason why pancakes tear when baking.

Such a modern unit as an electric pancake maker has proven itself very well. It is advantageous in that it can bake several thin pancakes at once. The temperature program, set according to the instructions, allows the hostess not to worry that the pancakes will burn or not bake. Even a novice cook with the help of such an assistant as an electric pancake maker will be able to cook ruddy and delicious cakes.

Learn how to bake pancakes the right way. Tips for beginners

You have already learned the main reasons why pancakes are torn. Next, let's talk about the rules of the baking process of this dish. If you follow all the rules described below, you will no longer have problems with making thin cakes.

  • Knead the dough clearly according to the instructions, lay the amount of products. which is indicated in the recipe.
  • Knead the dough until it has an even color and a uniform consistency. In order not to form lumps, you must first stir the flour with a small amount of liquid (milk, water, kefir), and then add more.
  • Before pouring the dough into the pan, it must be heated and then greased.
  • It is recommended to bake pancakes on moderate heat.
  • Turn the cakes over with a spatula, initially lifting the edges in a circle.

Why do pancakes tear when frying? Now this issue is no longer relevant. You know all the secrets of cooking this dish.
