
Useful tips for the home from experienced housewives. Tips for inexperienced housewives

Housekeeping requires certain skills and abilities, which, of course, come with experience. And at first, much does not work out as planned: the carpet seemed to be cleaned, vacuumed, but it was still covered in dust, and the linen was washed with the addition of a super fashionable washing powder, but it was not as snow-white as it was with mom and grandmother. There are many other little things that spoil our mood and poison our lives.

This is where the advice of experienced people comes to the aid of young housewives. And, of course, some of them will benefit you too. You just need to listen carefully, memorize and put everything into practice.

We erase cleanly

... To bleach kitchen towels, T-shirts and other things from stains that cannot be washed with normal washing, you need to lather the laundry with laundry soap and soak in a hot solution of whiteness (about 100 ml of whiteness per 3 liters of water). Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then wash and rinse in cold water. Soak whites and coloreds separately. White linen does not turn yellow, and colored linen does not shed very much.

... To wash tulle curtains, they must first be soaked, after brushing off the dust. Soak effectively in soda diluted in water (1 tablespoon of baking soda per bucket of water), leave for 2-3 hours.

Then prepare a washing solution: for 1 liter of warm water, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of detergent. It is better to use a powder for delicate washing.

When washing, the tulle does not need to be rubbed and twisted, just squeezing the product is enough.

Rinse in clean, warm water several times until the water runs clear. Rinse one last time in cool water. It is not bad to add a spoonful of vinegar to the water when rinsing, this will give the curtains a shine.

... Yellowed curtains are easier to wash if they are pre-soaked for a couple of hours in salted water (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water).

... So that colored products made of cotton fabrics and linen do not shed.

... Almost any shedding thing can be saved by holding it in a hot solution of ammonia. A pot with a capacity of 3-4 liters will require 1 vial (50 ml) of ammonia, a larger pot for a large item - 2 vials.

... So that woolen things do not “sit down” when washing, remember that the water, both when washing and when rinsing, should be equally warm. Do not leave a woolen item in water even for a few minutes.

…If a thing fell off, don't throw it away right away, try to restore it. Before washing, soak the item in a solution prepared from 3 tbsp. spoons of ammonia, 1 tbsp. tablespoons of turpentine and 1 tbsp. spoons of cologne per 10 liters of water.

…If you can’t wash your laundry right away, put it in a drawer or basket so that it “breathes”. Dirty linens must be dry to prevent moisture stains from appearing on them. It is very difficult to get rid of them.

... When drying for a long time, especially in the wind, the fabric becomes brittle, with destroyed fibers.

... Wipe the greasy places on the collar of a coat or suit with a cotton swab moistened with a solution of 5 g of table salt and 25 g of 10% ammonia. The shine will also disappear if the shiny areas are rubbed with a brush dipped in vinegar.

... To clean up a greasy suit (or other thing), lay a blanket, cover it with a clean towel and spread the suit on it. Evenly drive over the fabric with a brush dipped in a solution of ammonia (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), in one direction - along the pile. The fabric should be saturated with moisture. Hang the suit on a hanger for 10 minutes. Then iron it through a rag. Hang on a hanger again and clean with a dry brush, but now against the lint.

We remove and clean

Special composition for softening stains of grease and soot

Finely grate laundry soap, soak it in water, add soda.

The resulting slurry can be used to clean the stove, oven and other items.

Universal detergent

Such a tool is suitable for washing dishes, and for washing plumbing. Grate 1 piece of baby soap, add 1 glass of water, beat, add 1 more glass of water and gradually pour 250 g (half a pack) of soda into the foam. Beat again. Should be a paste. If it is applied to the surface and held for a while, it will wash even limescale.

Pots and pans made of steel-nickel compositions, electric stoves and ovens need special attention of the hostess, as the runaway soup, burnt sauce or fat leave stains on them that can be difficult to clean.

To achieve perfect cleanliness, you can use traditional products that have proven themselves for a long time and are in no way inferior to the most modern detergents and cleaning products. These are vinegar, soda, ammonia and, most surprisingly, baking powder.

... Wash metal utensils and the oven immediately after cooking. While the grease splashes are fresh, they are easily washed off with warm water and a small amount of detergent.

... Remove the dirt remaining in the grooves of the heating discs of the electric stove by sprinkling a small amount of dough baking powder on it, and then wipe it with a damp sponge and rinse with clean water.

...If something escapes during cooking, immediately wipe the stove with a drop of vinegar on it to reduce the smell of burning. Soak burnt dishes by adding dishwashing liquid and salt.

... To remove hard water marks from the glazed surface of the tile, wipe the tile surface with a sponge moistened with a weak solution of ammonia, and then rub it to a shine with a dry, clean cloth.

... There are two ways to clean the bottles without a brush:

Finely tear newspaper, paper. Put the scraps into a bottle, pour a spoonful of sand into the same place, pour in a glass of water and shake vigorously. Then rinse the bottle with clean water.

Pour small pieces of raw potato into the bottle, fill up to half with water and shake vigorously. Then rinse the bottle first with soapy water, then with ordinary clean water.

... To clean silverware, lay food foil in a container, sprinkle salt arbitrarily and pour hot water over it. Place your silverware immediately, after a few seconds they will be clean, shiny and will not get dirty for a long time.

Secrets of a Clean Carpet

... No more than twice a year, the carpet can be cleaned with a non-rigid hair brush moistened with water and ammonia (2 tablespoons of alcohol per 1 liter of water). After cleaning, the carpet should be wiped dry with a clean cloth.

... You can also remove dust from the carpet in the grandmother's way. To do this, scatter Extra table salt (fine salt) over the carpet, and then sweep it with a broom, which is pre-boiled in soapy water. If the carpets are very dusty, then sweep away the salt with a damp broom.

... To clean the carpet and refresh its colors will help drunk tea. First, the carpet must be thoroughly vacuumed or knocked out. Wrap tea in gauze and wipe the pile of the carpet with this wet swab. You can simply sprinkle the sleeping tea on the surface of the carpet, and then sweep it with a clean broom or piece of foam rubber.

...To remove small specks from synthetic carpet, prepare a mixture of water and fabric softener in a 1: 1 ratio. Spray the entire area of ​​the carpet thoroughly with this mixture. The air conditioner contains an antistatic agent that will remove the static charge. The carpet can be vacuumed and all the motes will fall behind.

…To renew a carpet, wipe it with a solution of 1-2 caps of whiteness, a small amount of washing powder and a bucket of water. Then you need to wash it well.

How to remove stains from carpet

... Stains from beer, wine, liquor, vodka can be removed with warm water and washing powder. Moisten a rag with this solution and rub the stain, and then wash off the solution with warm water and vinegar (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

... Stains from coffee, cocoa, tea are removed with cold water and glycerin (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

...Stains from red wine and fruit juices can be removed with cold water and a little ammonia.

... Grease stains are removed with gasoline.

After the stain has been removed, the entire carpet should be wiped with a clothes brush dipped in a detergent solution, and then simply with a wet brush or sponge.

The microwave oven gets dirty quickly from frequent use. You can remove drops and raids from fat in a simple way.

We clean the microwave

Put a few slices of lemon in a saucer with water and put it in the oven, turn it on at full power for 3 minutes.

Then remove the saucer, and wipe the entire microwave area with a damp cloth. Grease and dirt are easily removed, and no unpleasant smell!

Do not use powders, detergents, rough cloths, brushes to clean the microwave oven. This can ruin the inner surface of the stove, after which it will quickly become unusable.

If you use rubber gloves, you will probably be interested in how to extend their "life". Here are some tips for this.

... When you have finished working, without taking off your gloves, wash your hands with soap and dry with a towel.

... Again, without removing gloves, pour 1 teaspoon of talc or baby powder into the palm of your hand and rub it over the entire surface, especially between the fingers. If you don't have talc on hand, you can use potato starch.

... When removing gloves, turn them inside out and powder with talc again. Gloves should be dried by attaching to the rope with a clothespin over the edge of the cuff, and not bending over the rope. Gloves that have a lining are looked after in the same way.

... In order not to create a greenhouse effect harmful to the skin, hands must be in contact with air during work, so larger gloves are much more hygienic than those that sit on the hand in a slip. Never pull on gloves - they will tear faster. It is better to sprinkle your hands with talc or starch.

Secrets of proper ironing

... Natural and artificial silk fabrics must be ironed from the inside out and with a not very hot iron.

... It is better not to iron silk knitwear. It is enough to pull the product in the right directions while it is still wet, returning it to its correct shape.

... Woolen items are ironed dry, but through a damp cloth. In this case, it is necessary to iron the same place until the fabric being ironed through is completely dry.

... Linen is usually ironed slightly damp, on the front side. If it is dry, it is better to sprinkle it with hot water before ironing. Only places with embroidery, so as not to deprive it of relief, are ironed from the inside out.

... Tulle curtains are not ironed. They wait for the water to drain from them, and hang them wet on the eaves. The fabric in this position is smoothed out by itself. But if ironing is still necessary, this must be done through gauze with an iron set to a low temperature and in the appropriate mode.

Using an iron, you can get rid of the stain left by chewing gum. Put any thing with a chewing gum stain on an ironing board, put white A4 paper on top and iron it with a hot iron, changing the paper several times. You will need several sheets of paper.

And the iron itself will be well cleaned if you heat it, and then wipe it with a soft cloth, in which a piece of wax is wrapped.

Cut or buy flowers early in the morning. They have a lot of moisture, and they stay fresh longer.

Before placing the flowers in a vase, trim the stems with a sharp knife. Split the branches of lilac, jasmine, chrysanthemums from below with a knife, and insert pieces of matches into the splitting points, then the plants placed in the vase will absorb water better.

All leaves on stems that are under water must be torn off so that they do not rot and spoil the water.

Do not place flowers in very cold water. Water should be at room temperature.

Many cut flowers are preserved better and longer if you put a piece of charcoal, a little ammonia or salt (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) into the water.

Roses and carnations keep well in sugar water. For a rose, a 10% solution is needed, and for a carnation, a 15% solution.

For dahlias, chrysanthemums, carnations, you can put aspirin in water (1/2 tablet per 3 liters of water).

To keep lilacs fresh longer, add a little manganese to the water.

Asters and chrysanthemums for a bouquet do not cut, but break. So they last longer.

If you want flower buds to open faster, add ammonia to the water (1/2 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

The ends of the stems need to be trimmed every day.

The roots of flowers in a vase will not rot, if you throw a piece of copper wire at the bottom of it, the flowers will stand for a long time.

Keep the bouquet in a cool room if possible and do not expose it to the sun.

Pleasant little things in the house

... Keep bright clothespins in the kitchen, they will come in handy to pinch bags of cereals and other bulk products.

... So that the lid on the pan does not slam shut during cooking and the steam condenses on it, put a new wooden clothespin on the edge of the pan.

... Do not rush to throw bags of coffee or sweets with a tight clasp into the trash can. They can store small household items, such as nails, screws, nuts, etc.

…Don't throw away your natural wine corks. Put them on the lids of pots, so it is convenient to take the lid without fear of getting burned.

Miscellaneous secrets

... To prevent the glasses from bursting when you pour boiling water into them, they need to be “tempered”. This procedure is scientifically called "letting go". Lay a thick, 20-30 millimeters, layer of newsprint on the bottom of the pan, then put glasses and pour cold water over. Bring it to a boil over low heat, then gradually reduce the heat. Turn off the gas and leave the glasses in the water until it cools to room temperature.

... If you need oppression for products in a glass jar, put 2-3 plastic bags into it, nested one inside the other, leaving the necks outside. Then carefully pour water and tie the bags. The oppression for the bank is ready. The same oppression can be prepared for a larger container using larger bags.

... To make it easy to wash the trays from the washing machine, prepare an vinegar solution (in a 1: 1 ratio). Put the trays in a basin or bucket and fill with vinegar water overnight.

... From olive oil and lemon juice, which can be replaced with vinegar, furniture polish is obtained. It is enough to mix the ingredients in equal amounts, spray on a wooden surface and wipe with a cloth.

... In order not to freeze the windows, put charcoal between the frames and cover with cotton wool.

... And so that the window frames open easily, grease the junction of the sashes with soap.

... If windows often fog up, you need to wipe the glass with a cloth soaked in a solution prepared from 1 part of glycerin and 20 parts of ordinary alcohol. Repeat the procedure after about 2 weeks.

... To get rid of an unpleasant smell in shoes, wipe the inner surface abundantly with a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Let the shoes dry and air out.

... If you rub worn leather shoes with orange peel, then its appearance will improve.

... You can reduce the smell of paint during repair work as follows: prepare 2 basins of cold water, add 150-200 g of salt to each bowl. Put them in the room. The smell will become weaker. The procedure can be repeated.

…If you want to test the quality of a washing powder, pour some water into a glass beaker, add washing powder and put in a piece of boiled egg white. Leave for a day. If the egg is almost completely dissolved, then the powder is good and will remove even hard-to-remove stains. If the egg remains as it was, the powder is no good.

... To remove a coffee stain from clothes, prepare a solution by mixing glycerin, ammonia and water in equal proportions. Apply the mixture on the stain and leave for a day, then rinse.

... A solution of vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water) cleans stains from glasses and mirrors well.

... Combs and hair brushes will be well washed if you lower them for 10 minutes in water with ammonia in a ratio of 4: 1. Then rinse with water and wipe dry.

... In order not to twist the edges of the oilcloth, you need to glue a wide piece of adhesive tape (about 3x3 cm) from its inside out.

... Dull scissors can be put in order, that is, they can be slightly sharpened if they cut an old iron washcloth with them.

1. Rust from the stove will disappear if you wipe its surface with hot vegetable oil.

2. If you cut an oilcloth tablecloth, then cover the cut on both sides with colorless nail polish. The cut will not be visible.

3. Grease the grater on which you are going to grate the cheese with vegetable oil. From this, the cheese will not stick together, and the grater is easier to wash.

4. If the kitchen smells bad, pour a little table vinegar into the pan and hold the pan over low heat until the vinegar evaporates.

5. Grease stains on the stove can be cleaned by sprinkling salt on the hot stove and wiping it with paper. To remove dried stains, use baking soda, then wipe with water and ammonia (a few drops per glass).

6. To grate a clove of garlic and not scratch your hands, we advise you to put a sheet of cellophane on the grater and rub the garlic through it. This method has one more advantage: all the chopped garlic remains on the film without clogging the grater.
Wipe a new oilcloth with a mixture of vinegar and milk (in half), this will prevent it from cracking.

7. The grater will become sharp again if rubbed with sandpaper.

8. A little salt placed in a tightly closed bread box will protect the bread from mold.

9. You can easily and simply replace mayonnaise with sour cream by adding mashed hard-boiled egg yolk and a teaspoon of mustard to it.

10. If you put a slice of carrot or lemon under the lid of a mustard jar or on a slice of sausage, both products will retain their freshness for a long time.

11. Moisten heavily soiled places in the oven with ammonia and leave overnight - in the morning, wipe off the dirt with a regular washcloth.

12. If the knives at the meat grinder are dull: dry the crackers and scroll them through the meat grinder. As a result, you will get breadcrumbs for cutlets, and the knives will be sharpened.

13. If a “foreign” smell appears in the thermos, it doesn’t matter: put a couple of tablespoons of rice in it, fill it with water and shake it well several times. Then rinse with hot water.

14. If you are going to use ice for drinks and cocktails, put a cherry berry (from compote or jam) or any other berry in each cell of the bath. Pour in fruit water and place in the freezer. These cubes look very impressive.

15. Lubricate the cut points of an unused onion with any fat - the onion will retain freshness and nutritional properties.
If you add a little milk to sour cream, it will not curdle in the gravy.

16. To protect open tomato paste from mold, apply a little dry mustard to the lid.

17. The tomato paste remaining in the jar can be protected from mold by sprinkling it with fine salt and pouring vegetable oil.

18. Withered vegetables (greens) can be refreshed by dipping them first in hot water and then in cold.

19. Drawers in kitchen tables are often difficult to pull out due to dampness. It is enough to wipe the side surfaces of the box with a candle and this unscrupulousness will disappear.

20. When you boil potatoes in their skins, the skin sometimes bursts. To prevent this from happening, add a few drops of vinegar to the water.

21. Soaking in vinegar, kvass, sour milk, cucumber, cabbage or beetroot brine is a reliable way to soften tough meat.

23. So that the cabbage rolls in the pan do not burn when stewing, put a lid of a smaller diameter than that of the pan with the handle up on the bottom of the pan. Lay cabbage leaves on the lid, and cabbage rolls on them.

24. So that cutlets, fish, meat or pancakes do not stick to the pan, you need to rub the preheated pan with raw egg white.

25. To cook delicious milk porridge, you must remember that cereals from whole grains (rice, millet, barley porridge) swell and boil more slowly in milk than in water. Therefore, it is better to boil them in water, and then, adding hot milk, bring them to readiness.

26. Fans of dishes cooked in a Russian oven can cook them in a gas stove oven. To do this, it needs to be slightly retrofitted: put a few bricks inside (preferably refractory). The oven is warmed up properly, after which it is turned off and the pans are put in it. The high temperature lasts for several hours.

27. In an open pan, up to 20 percent of vitamins are lost during cooking, and in a closed pan, no more than 5 percent

28. To get more juice from a lemon, put it in hot water for 5 minutes before squeezing it.

29. If the started lemon began to dry out, dip it in cold water. It will not only retain freshness, but also become juicier.

30. Don't throw away bell pepper seeds when cooking. Collect them and dry them. In winter, they can be added to food. The seeds, by the way, contain more nutrients than the pepper itself and give the dishes a wonderful flavor. You can do the same with all spicy seeds.

31. A failed thermos cork can be replaced with Styrofoam wrapped in plastic wrap. This cork does not swell and holds heat well.

32. To make it easier to clean eggs after boiling, add a little salt to the water while boiling.

Series article helpful tips for housewives will help you organize your working day at home.

Every woman knows that being a housewife in the house is like being the head of a large firm. There are many tasks on the shoulders of a housewife, the implementation of which is responsible. Feed the children and husband, wash things, clean the house, follow the flowers, do homework with the children, go to the store, etc., you can’t keep track of everything, but you need to do everything. How to deal with all this?

Tips for housewives who do not have time to do anything, but really want to become good housewives.

  • You must understand that the first task is the right organization. A woman acts as a leader in household chores, so it is necessary to be able to organize. Remember the concept of division of labor. Those. some things can be done by a husband or children, this will unload your working day.
  • Next, you need to be able to prioritize. Those. what is more important at the moment, but you need to arrange it correctly.
  • Then the main thing is planning. Planning is simply not enough. Saying you can't plan is just silly. Women are just specialists in this matter, they plan something all their lives. Moreover, planning should begin in the morning.

In the morning, too, everything should be in order, statistics show that about 60% of women housewives spend a lot of time in the morning only wandering aimlessly around the house, not knowing what to do.

In planning, focus on the distribution of tasks for days, i.e. Don't dump everything for one day and then not know what to do with it.

Break it down by day of the week. For example: Monday - laundry, Tuesday - go to the store, Wednesday - cook, Thursday - cleaning, Friday - cook, Saturday - day off, Sunday - cook. This will help you reduce the amount of work you do each day. But the plan must also be correct.

Advice on how to plan for housekeeping.

There are five steps for this.

  1. Schedule regular meetings and activities.
  2. Decide on one main thing for each day.
  3. Add three to five small tasks to the daily main task.
  4. Choose a time that is convenient for you to do your main daily business.
  5. Make a schedule of important events. The next step is to create modes. Morning and evening, which would provide for the sequence of your actions in the morning, when breakfast is served, and in the evening, when you serve dinner and do the main household chores.

And also remember that if you did not have time to do some main thing, then transfer it to the next week, and not the next day.

Pay attention to how much time you spend cleaning the entire apartment. Half a day will fly by in worries and you won’t have time to look back. There is a good way to spend half an hour a day cleaning. To do this, distribute the work around the house as follows: today they cleaned one room, tomorrow the next. Or an option like this: one day to wash the floors. Another day - dusting, putting scattered things in places, also allocate half an hour of a free day. Thus, you will maintain the general order in the house, spending from 10 to 30 minutes a day.

Combine cooking with washing in a washing machine and you will do two jobs in one period of time. Of course, with hand washing you will not get such an effect.

Get ready. for example, cutlets for several meals. Part for the day of preparation, put the rest in the freezer. At the same time, you can freeze ready-made cutlets or formed raw ones. Taste qualities will be preserved in both cases, after freezing the food, as freshly prepared. You can freeze a lot of dishes in this way, you get a homemade semi-finished product.

Consider time for unforeseen circumstances. It is desirable that your plan be written down so that you do not miss anything. Include time for personal activities in your plan, try to match it with your lifestyle. And then you will succeed and you will become best housewife!

Housewife: Recipes, home tricks, gardening, parenting and more.

Each of us has our own ways and secrets for cleaning the house. And it doesn't matter what we do and how much free time we have with you. For both the working woman and the woman staying at home, it is important that cleaning the house takes as little time as possible.

With age and increasing experience in housekeeping, each housewife accumulates her secrets for housekeeping and house cleaning. But for young housewives, often, these secrets are still ahead.

This article will be devoted to a selection of tips from experienced housewives for quick and, most importantly, high-quality house cleaning.

What is house cleaning

Therefore, for cleaning the house it is necessary to use modern means. Fortunately, their choice is now huge. It is enough to choose for yourself the most optimal, in terms of price and quality, means. This will both simplify and speed up the cleaning process.

6. Use of modern disinfectants for cleaning

One of the important home cleaning tips for housewives is the use of disinfectants for cleaning the house. That is, products containing chlorine or another substance that kills microbes. This is especially important if you have small children and pets in your home.

7. Washing floors and other surfaces with special rags and mops

Of course, you can wash the floor in the old fashioned way, by making a doormat from old pants or towels. At the same time, modern rags and mops for washing floors will allow us not only to save cleaning time, but also to wash the floor surface with much greater efficiency, regardless of its material.

Ecology of consumption. Life hack: Using wallpaper and light-colored paints, you can visually increase the volume of the room. Dark tones...

I. Apartment renovation

1. The nail is easily driven in if its tip is dipped in vegetable oil.

2. If sugar is added to the cement solution, it will become much stronger.

3. Alabaster, diluted with milk, hardens longer - it is easier for them to seal cracks with a brush.

4. If the oil brush is very hard, dip it in boiling vinegar for 1 minute.

5. The room, which has just been pasted over with wallpaper, cannot be aired for several days, otherwise the wallpaper will begin to bubble and peel off.

6. Tiles are easier to cut when wet. In this case, it is less likely that it will break.

7. Imported tiles are more expensive than domestic ones, but when laying them, you don’t have to align the edges of the tiles so that they lie close to one another.

8. Tiles that have fallen out can be firmly fixed on zinc white, thickly rubbed with natural drying oil. But it will take a long time to dry.

9. Washable wallpaper should not be pasted over a sunny room - under the influence of sunlight, such wallpapers emit substances harmful to health.

10. Using wallpaper and light-colored paints, you can visually increase the volume of the room. Dark tones visually reduce its volume.

II. Cleaning of the apartment

1. Scratches on polished furniture can be repaired with a matching shoe polish.

2. You can wipe the mirrors with cotton wool soaked in cologne or alcohol (vodka). You can use cold water with an admixture of linen blue - this will give the mirror a pleasant shine. For the same purpose, a diluted infusion of tea is suitable.

3. It is recommended to clean a yellowed enamel bath with salt and vinegar.

4. Tiles in the bathroom are recommended to be wiped with vinegar and water (1: 5). You can use a soap solution with the addition of ammonia.

5. What is painted with light oil or enamel paint is recommended to be washed with water without soap and soda (they make the paint dull). You can add ammonia to the water (a teaspoon per liter) - it removes dirt and adds shine. After washing, wipe with a dry cloth so that yellow spots and streaks do not appear.

7. A new broom, mop, broom will last longer if soaked in hot soapy water before use.

8. A white mark on a polished surface caused by a hot object can be removed by wiping it with alcohol and vegetable oil.

9. Rub with a woolen cloth in circular motions.

10. Do not wash windows with soap, as it forms a film on the glass that is difficult to clean.

11. A strong solution of vinegar removes stains from glasses and mirrors (1 tablespoon per glass of water).

12. A brush soaked in salt water will help restore the golden color to straw products.

13. The color of the carpet will become brighter if you sprinkle it with fine white salt in the evening, and the next day remove the salt with a soft, clean, damp cloth.

14. Linoleum floors should not be washed with hot water or water with the addition of soda or ammonia - linoleum tarnishes and deteriorates.

15. You can wash with warm water with the addition of laundry soap, then rinse and wipe dry.

16. About once every 3 months you need to wipe the linoleum with natural drying oil, and then carefully wipe it off with a soft cloth. You can rub linoleum with a mixture of wax, paraffin and turpentine (1:1:5), which must be mixed while heated.

17. Wipe parquet floors well with a damp cloth soaked in cold water with the addition of glycerin (a tablespoon per glass of water). Washing parquet with hot water is not recommended.

18. Chrome-plated surfaces can be wiped with a cloth dampened with soapy water.

19. Nickel-plated surfaces are cleaned with pastes and liquid cleaning compounds. For example: a slurry of ammonia and tooth powder. When such a mixture dries, the product must be wiped with a dry cloth and polished with a cloth.

20. To make serving knives shine, they need to be cleaned with raw potatoes. A few drops of lemon juice will also work.

21. Porcelain dishes should be washed with water and ammonia.

22. Crystal dishes cannot be washed with hot water - this makes them cloudy and covered with a network of small cracks. If, after washing, wipe it with a woolen cloth with starch blued with blue, the dishes will shine more strongly.

23. Dark plaque from silver and silver-plated products can be easily removed as follows: wash the product in warm soapy water, then clean it with a soft cloth dipped in a mixture of ammonia with chalk or tooth powder. Then rinse with warm water and dry thoroughly.

24. Silver, silver-plated and cupronickel products can be refreshed by washing them in warm water with baking soda (50 g per 1 liter of water) or in warm soapy water with ammonia (1 tablespoon per 1 liter). After this, the product should be rinsed with clean water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

III. Useful kitchen tips

1. Peeling potatoes darkens the skin on the hands. To avoid this, it is necessary to moisten your hands with vinegar before work and let them dry, and after work immediately wash with soap and grease with cream.

2. All glassware - glasses, vases - can be washed without special means. To do this, add a little vinegar or coarse salt to warm water. The dishes will become cleaner and more transparent.

3. Aluminum pans will shine again if they are boiled with potato peels, apple peels, rhubarb peels, or a vinegar solution.

4. Darkened enamel pots should be boiled with any dishwashing detergent, and then rinsed with hot water. But if you boil them twice a month with a solution of vinegar, they will not darken.

5. If something is burnt in a saucepan, you can pour cold water on the bottom and add salt. After a few hours, food remains can be easily removed. For enameled pans, this method is suitable: pour the pan with hot water with the addition of a spoonful of soda, leave to stand, and then boil - the remnants of food will go away perfectly.

6. Frying pans can be cleaned easily as follows: slightly warm them up and rub them with salt, and then with parchment (in extreme cases, with plain paper).

If the runaway milk spilled on a hot stove, you need to fill the flooded place with salt and cover it with wet paper - then the smell will not spread throughout the room.

7. So that bugs do not start in the flour, you need to put a few cloves of garlic in the bag where it is stored, without peeling the top skin.

8. Flour should be sifted periodically and poured into a clean bag.

9. To make knives, scissors, etc. easier to sharpen, you can put them in a weak saline solution for half an hour and sharpen without wiping.

10. Washing the meat grinder is much easier if you skip raw potatoes at the end.

11. Do not dry the meat grinder near a heat source - this will dull the knives.

12. New glass beakers will not break if they are placed in a vessel of cold water, heated slowly to a boil, and left to cool in the same water.

13. Metal foil for baking will last much longer in the refrigerator - it does not stick together.

IV. Eliminate odors

1. An unpleasant smell on the hands (from fish, garlic, etc.) can be removed by rubbing the hands with salt, and then washing them with soap.

2. The smell of garlic from the mouth can be removed by chewing parsley.

3. The smell of fish from pans and pots will disappear if they are rubbed with warm salt and then rinsed.

4. The smell of onions can be removed by rubbing kitchen boards, cutlery with dry salt.

5. You can get rid of an unpleasant smell in the kitchen by boiling water with vinegar in an open container and ventilating the room after a few minutes. For the same purpose, you can put an orange or lemon peel on a heated burner, or pour a little salt on a hot stove.

6. The smell of runaway milk spilled on a hot stove can be localized by filling the flooded place with salt and covering it with wet paper - then the smell will not spread throughout the room.

7. To remove the smell of paint from the room, you need to rub the head of garlic and leave it for a while in the room.

8. The smell of oil paint in the apartment will disappear faster if you put plates of salt in several places.

9. The smell of tobacco from the room is poorly expelled even by a draft. But this can be done like this: open the windows and put 2-3 wet towels in different places in the room. They absorb tobacco smell well. For the same purpose, you can light a few candles in the room where you smoked.

V. Jewelry

1. After wearing jewelry, wipe it dry with a cloth to avoid sweat stains.

2. Store your jewelry in a dry place.

3. Amethysts, topazes, pearls, turquoise lose color intensity under the influence of ultraviolet rays - they should be stored in the dark.

4. Gilded items can be cleaned by wiping their surface with a cotton swab dipped in cologne, turpentine or egg white.

5. A golden item will shine more if you hold it in sweetened water for a while.

6. You can restore shine to gold and silver jewelry by washing them with the following composition: ½ cup of soapy water and 1 teaspoon of ammonia. You can use a soft toothbrush for this. After processing, rinse the product with water and wipe dry.

7. To clean silver items, you need to lower them into a solution of hot water and ammonia (1:1). When the solution has cooled, remove the products from the water and wipe gently.

VI. Shoe care

1. An unpleasant smell from shoes can be eliminated with hydrogen peroxide by wiping the shoes from the inside with a cotton swab moistened with it. For the same purpose, a solution of potassium permanganate is used.

2. Formalin is used to disinfect shoes: the shoes are wiped inside with a cloth moistened with formalin, and placed in a plastic bag, tied and left for a day. Then the shoes are taken out and aired.

3. Suede shoes are well cleaned if they are held over steam and then brushed with a special brush. If suede shoes are heavily soiled, then they are cleaned with soapy water with the addition of ammonia. After cleaning, it is desirable to treat suede with a water-repellent preparation.

4. If the shoes are too tight, you need to pour a little cologne, alcohol or table vinegar into it. After that, the shoes will take the shape of the foot, and the skin will become softer.

5. So that the shoes do not creak, you need to soak the sole with hot natural drying oil or grease with linseed or castor oil.

6. If new shoes “burn” your feet in hot weather, you can wipe them from the inside with three percent vinegar.
So that the shoes do not get wet, you can treat them with the following solution: dissolve 40 g of fish oil, 10 parts of wax, 3 parts of turpentine in a water bath. Apply the cream in liquid form.

7. Dry sports shoes can be soaked in warm water until the leather is soft. Then you need to wipe it inside and out, dry it, grease it with glycerin and stuff it tightly with newsprint.

8. In warm weather, it is better to use emulsion creams for shoe care, which dissolve well and allow air to pass through, and in winter - organic solvent creams (they provide an air- and waterproof film).

9. Dried shoe polish can be restored by adding a few drops of turpentine to it and warming it gently.

10. It is useful to wash shoe brushes with water with the addition of ammonia.

11. To soften the leather of shoes that have not been worn for a long time, you need to rub it with plenty of castor oil and let it soak in.

VII. Fur and leather

1. Leather items can be refreshed by rubbing them with beaten egg white. Contaminated skin can be washed with warm unboiled milk.
Skin color will be restored if you lubricate it with glycerin.

2. Leather products will give shine to coffee grounds. Thickness should be wrapped in a woolen or flannel cloth and wipe the skin with vigorous movements.

3. Leather products can be cleaned with soap and water and ammonia, and then wiped with a cloth soaked in castor oil (or petroleum jelly or glycerin).

4. Worn places on leather products should be wiped from time to time with a cloth moistened with glycerin or fresh orange peel.

5. This will help restore their original appearance.

6. A soiled leather bag can be cleaned by wiping the leather with a cut onion. As the onion gets dirty, you need to make a new cut.

7. After completing the procedure, wipe the bag to a shine with a clean soft cloth.

8. A dark leather handbag will get a shine if you wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice.

9. You can also update a leather handbag in this way: gently wash in warm soapy water, to which a little ammonia is added. Then dry and wipe with a cloth soaked in castor oil.

10. For cleaning sheepskin coats, a soapy solution with the addition of ammonia is used. After that, the product should be treated with another solution: 20 g of glycerin, 20 g of ammonia, 5 borax per 0.5 l of water. Then the sheepskin coat needs to be dried and washed by hand.

11. Suede jackets and coats should be cleaned with the following solution: 1 tablespoon of ammonia in 5 tablespoons of water. Then things must be gently wiped with a cloth moistened with a composition of 1 teaspoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water.

12. If new leather gloves turned out to be tight, wrap them in a wet towel, and after 2-3 hours put them on and dry them on your hands.

13. To restore the shine of tarnished fur, you need to grind the walnut kernel into powder, tie the resulting powder into three-fold gauze and rub the fur through the hair with this swab after the nut oil has been absorbed, the fur will acquire a beautiful lasting shine.

VIII. Stain removal

1. A greasy stain on the wallpaper can be removed by applying to it for 2-3 minutes a piece of soft thick cloth moistened with pure gasoline and slightly wrung out. The fat dissolved in gasoline will be absorbed into the fabric. Tooth powder impregnated with gasoline is used for the same purpose. When the powder dries, it must be brushed off the wall with a brush. An old stain will have to be treated twice.

2. A dark mark from hot on furniture can be removed as follows: rub with half a lemon until the stain turns pale. This operation must be repeated until the stain disappears completely.

3. Spots from light liquids on furniture can be removed by soaking a sponge in vegetable oil, and carefully drive it along the wood fibers. You can also use a paste of mayonnaise or vegetable oil mixed with salt (apply, leave for two hours, then rinse). A mixture of linseed oil with turpentine (1: 1) is also suitable (similarly).

4. Grease stains from a fur coat can be removed in two ways: 1) wipe the fur in one direction with a cloth moistened with refined gasoline or a special stain remover; 2) wash the stains with a solution of washing powder or foam from soap chips. At the same time, rub the solution or foam into the fur so as not to moisten the leather base. After such treatment, wash the place where there was a stain with water, dry the fur (but not in the sun!), And then knock out the fur coat with a beater.

5. Fat from canned food is removed with chalk or tooth powder left in a contaminated place overnight.

6. If you urgently need to get rid of a greasy stain, you can sprinkle it with tooth powder and iron it through paper.

7. Tea stains on table oilcloth are easily removed with lemon juice. published

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