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Pain in the right side can indicate many pathological conditions, and in order to identify and diagnose them, it is necessary to know the symptoms and features of the course of the diseases described in this article.

Painful sensations that occur in the right side of the abdomen, regardless of intensity and regularity, indicate that not all organs work as nature intended. After all, pain in the side, like other pain, is a signal that indicates the presence of a pathological process and the development of a disease that makes its own adjustments to the functioning of the body.

Pain in the right side: what can hurt in the right side?

Most often, specialists are treated with a complaint of abdominal pain. This is due to the fact that the abdominal cavity is a place of localization of a large number of organs, which, in case of any malfunctions, will certainly make themselves felt. As for the pain concentrated in the right side, then in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen are localized:

  • liver
  • pancreas
  • right side of diaphragm
  • right kidney
  • gallbladder
  • bowel loops
  • appendix
  • right ovary (exclusively in women)
Pain is a signal of "malfunction"

Quite a few organs are located in the right side, and sometimes self-diagnosis can be difficult, but you can determine exactly what it hurts by listening to your feelings and determining the localization of pain, its nature. The place of painful sensations will help determine their origin:

  • in the right hypochondrium - the body signals about "malfunctions" with the liver, which begins to hurt at a late stage of the disease due to weak innervation, and the gallbladder can also make itself felt
  • pain in the upper part, radiating to the back - indicates a problem in the pancreas
  • pain in the lower part - may indicate the presence of appendicitis, diseases of the ovaries and appendages, or inguinal hernia
  • pain at the level of the navel - pathological processes of the intestine

Side pain

It is important to understand that pain in many organs can radiate to various sides that are not characteristic of them, which sometimes makes the diagnosis incorrect and the treatment useless.

In order to avoid mistakes, the doctor must conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, take into account all the patient's complaints, and pay great attention to analyzes and research.

What do pains in the right side after removal of the gallbladder say?

After cholecystectomy, many people have a long-term postcholecystectomy syndrome, one of the symptoms of which is pain in the place where the organ used to be. As a rule, pain and heaviness disappear after a few weeks and are not particularly intense - the stressful period for the body does not last long and soon digestive system adjusts to work without a gallbladder.


Excision of the gallbladder is performed in the least invasive way, in which there is minimal penetration into the abdominal cavity and minimal tissue dissections are made, yet cholecystectomy is an operation and its consequence is necessarily a small inflammatory process at the site of cutting off the gallbladder.

The healing process may be one of the causes of short-term pain in the right side of the abdomen.

If after the removal of the organ there is severe pain, then this may indicate serious complications. In this case, pain will not be the only pathological symptom, and in combination with other signs and test results, it will not be difficult for specialists to determine what provokes pain.


In rare cases, people who have their gallbladder removed develop cholestasis, a liver disease in which bile stagnates in the bile ducts. Such a disorder is treated with medication, and the patient is also prescribed a strict diet.

Why can the right side hurt at night?

One of key reasons pain in the side on the right, which occurs at night, is considered to be fullness of the gallbladder. At night, when the body is in a horizontal position, the outflow of bile from the gallbladder is complicated and because of this, there is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the organ.

Pain at night

Pain caused by appendicitis may also occur at night. As a rule, soreness is felt in the upper abdomen and gradually "falls" down. The patient feels a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, nausea, his temperature rises.

Discomfort in the abdomen

It should not be excluded for night pain and the cause of overeating. If you had a heavy dinner with fatty, high-calorie and heavy food before going to bed, then you should not be surprised that there was pain in your stomach.

For relief, you should drink a drug that improves digestion and remember for the future that dinner should be as light as possible and after it is completed, 2-3 hours of activity should pass, and not sleep.

Video: What do pains in the right side say

Pain in the right side during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a difficult time when a woman has to recognize previously unknown sensations and processes in the body. But if these sensations are painful, then you need to be vigilant and listen to your well-being - this is very important so that both the baby and the mother remain alive and healthy after these difficult nine months.

Pregnant women should listen to the sensations with special predilection

During pregnancy, the uterus, which expands, begins to compress all the organs of the peritoneum. This can lead to pain in the right side. But you should not attribute all discomfort to the tightness of the organs, because this way you can miss the onset of a serious illness. Pain in the right side of the abdomen can be caused by appendicitis, diseases Bladder and kidneys, liver disease, "malfunctions" in the gallbladder, as well as difficult bowel movements.

Pain caused by overexertion

One of the rare and dangerous causes of pain is an ectopic pregnancy. It is important to identify this pathological pregnancy, which does not develop in the uterus, but in one of the fallopian tubes, in order to prevent the onset of bleeding and death in a woman.

Early registration and delivery of all necessary tests under the supervision of a doctor will prevent the serious consequences of such a pregnancy and other causes of pain in the right side.

Inform the gynecologist about all the features of the course of pregnancy

In pregnant women, pain can also occur for more harmless reasons. So, during this period of life, there is an increase in the production of hormones, weight changes dramatically and the load on the muscles of the back and spine increases. Therefore, if you feel pain in your right side, you should lie down, take a comfortable position and relax, and with regular discomfort, inform the doctor who is pregnant.

Pain in right side during menstruation

Menstrual pain can be both physiological, that is, those that are a natural process, not a disease, and organic, which signal pathologies of the organs of the female reproductive system. Ultrasound will help determine the presence of any organ damage.

Pain during menstruation is common

The physiological causes of pain in the side during menstruation include:

  • stagnation of blood (when it is in in large numbers accumulates in the uterine cavity, for example, due to the bending of the uterus)
  • ovulatory pain (observed just before the onset of menstruation)
  • cycle disruption

Organic pain during menstruation occurs when:

  • benign formations of the female genital organs
  • inflammatory processes
  • abnormal pregnancy
  • acute surgical problems (such as cyst torsion)
  • other diseases unrelated to gynecology (appendicitis, bladder pathology)
  • after surgery (for example, after an abortion)

Video: Pain during menstruation

What does throbbing pain in the right side indicate?

If the throbbing pain is localized in the right side, then most often it speaks of intestinal problems, such as colitis and intestinal obstruction. In women, gynecological diseases most often manifest themselves in this way:

  • adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages)
  • right ovarian disease
  • ectopic pregnancy
  • some diseases of the urinary system

Throbbing pain is a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor!

What does a sharp pain in the right side mean?

Sharp painful sensations, as a rule, indicate serious diseases that are localized in the right side of the peritoneum. A dangerous cause of such pain may be inflammation of the process of the caecum, which is accompanied by fever, defecation disorder and nausea.

At the slightest suspicion of inflammation of the appendix, it is important to immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of peritonitis, which occurs when the appendix ruptures.


The symptoms of appendicitis may be similar to other diseases that are manifested by sharp pain. So, with a protrusion of the intestinal walls (diverticulosis), fever, nausea and constipation (disorder) also occur. Therefore, when performing an operation to remove the appendix, the surgeon carefully examines the intestines so as not to miss this pathology.

Diagnosis of the causes of pain depends on the general symptoms

Also, a sharp pain in the right side of the abdomen is characterized by the following diseases:

  • volvulus of the intestines - the intestine is clogged and peristalsis, blood flow and innervation are disturbed
  • duodenitis - duodenum becomes inflamed and the patient begins to be disturbed by a sharp pain in combination with the symptoms of indigestion
  • inguinal hernia - the abdominal wall ruptures and the omentum with part of the intestine falls into the subcutaneous space
  • hepatitis - sharp pain appears at a late stage of the disease
  • pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, which is accompanied by sharp and girdle pain

Video: How to distinguish appendicitis from other abdominal pain

Causes of dull pain in the right side

Dull pain accompanies the development of ectopic pregnancy in women, cholecystitis, kidney disease, hepatitis and urolithiasis. Additional symptoms that will necessarily be present in such diseases will help in diagnosing the causes of pain.

Intense pain can cause hepatitis

If a woman feels a dull pain in her abdomen, or rather in its right side, then this may indicate pregnancy, in which the fetus is localized in the right fallopian tube. As a rule, such a pregnancy ends at 5-6 weeks with a spontaneous abortion or rupture of the fallopian tube, as a result of which the woman feels severe sharp pain.

It is necessary to consult a specialist to prevent such a rupture, which is fatal from internal bleeding.

In addition, dull pains in the right side are characteristic of diseases of the kidney, which is located in the right side of the abdomen. It can be urolithiasis and even a kidney tumor, pyelonephritis, tuberculosis, its omission and vascular thrombosis.

What to do if the right side hurts a lot?

With pain in the right side and abdomen as a whole, painkillers are not recommended. After all, pain is evidence that something in the work of the organs is not proceeding as it should, and this is a signal for action that must be correctly deciphered, and not drowned out with analgesics. In addition, pain may indicate peritonitis or internal bleeding, and by taking painkillers and ignoring the need for medical attention, you will simply sign your own death warrant.

It is better not to postpone a visit to a specialist with severe discomfort in the side

With severe pain localized in the side, you should refer to:

  • therapist
  • gynecologist
  • surgeon
  • traumatologist
  • urologist
  • gastroenterologist
  • infectious disease specialist

A number of factors can provoke pain in the right side: from diseases of the digestive system to gynecological problems in women. Therefore, it is dangerous to self-medicate - not knowing your disease can cause great harm to your health.

A qualified specialist will help you sort out the problem

Tips for those who are faced with pain in the right side:

  • do not try to warm up the place of pain with heating pads and compresses - there may be a tumor, which, when heated, increases its growth. The same applies to internal bleeding, which, upon contact with heat, will become more intense.
  • do not drink diuretics and choleretic drugs without a doctor's prescription
  • with moderate to mild pain in the area digestive organs review your diet, but if the pain persists, seek qualified help to determine the source of discomfort
  • special attention should be paid to various pains for women in position, because during pregnancy the body is susceptible to many diseases that are important to identify on initial stage

Regular examinations will help prevent the development of diseases

With pain in the right side, you do not need to panic. If the pain is mild and episodic, then its source, most likely, is not a serious illness and you should not run to the doctor for help with it. But severe, frequent pain should not be ignored, just as one should not let one’s health take its course: go through the examinations recommended by specialists and then unknown pain will not become a faithful companion in life.

Video: Pain as a symptom. What hurts in the right hypochondrium

Treatment- fasting, strict diet and bed rest for several days. In the future, you should contact a nutritionist and gastroenterologist for optimization diet. If you ignore duodenitis, then it can lead to the formation of ulcers. Those, in turn, are eliminated only by surgery.

Intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction (constipation) is a deterioration in the process of pushing feces or complete blockage of the intestines with hard feces.

May be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea (due to the fullness of the duodenum);
  • urge to vomit, because the body can no longer take food;
  • frequent intestinal contractions. Outwardly, this manifests itself as a frequent and prolonged "rumbling";
  • gas retention and defecation;
  • possibly asymmetric;
  • general state deteriorates rapidly, the skin acquires a pale shade, the so-called "cold" sweat occurs.

The temperature in intestinal obstruction is normal. In rare cases, there is diarrhea and liquid emptying with a slight admixture of blood.

It hurts most in the hypochondrium, the person feels the urge to defecate, but going to the toilet does not solve the problem. Further, after 2-3 hours, the pain spreads throughout the abdomen, mainly in its lower part. And so on until defecation occurs. If at the same time you strain a lot, then there is a possibility of getting cracks in the rectal area.

Diagnostics includes an x-ray examination of the abdominal cavity (determine the level of gas and liquid in the loops of the intestines), ultrasound.

Treatment- is it an enema or. It is worth considering that even after a successful bowel movement there is a high probability of relapse, so a laxative should be “keep ready”. Why does this occur? It is mainly associated with the accumulation of toxins in the large intestine or the deterioration of peristalsis (for example, due to the use of painkillers). With intestinal obstruction, you should contact your local doctor.

Diseases of the liver and gallbladder

  • cholecystitis (inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder);
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • oncology (benign and malignant tumors);
  • fatty degeneration of the liver;
  • hepatitis.

With a disease of these organs, there is a violation in the bile circulation system, which leads to a malfunction of the whole organism, since the absorption of fats and a number of vitamins, such as A, D, E, K, worsens, salts of heavy metals are retained in the body, intestinal motility worsens.

There are pains localized in the region of the right hypochondrium, which can radiate to the back, right shoulder, with the most neglected radiate to the perineum, pelvis. Their strengthening occurs after fatty, fried, spicy, spicy foods, as well as heavy physical exertion and strong vibrations (horse riding, driving a car along rural roads, etc.).

Sudden, paroxysmal pains most often speak of cholelithiasis, dull, painful - about the development of one of the forms of hepatitis.

In this case, pain may be accompanied by:

  • skin itching;
  • yellowing of the skin and sclera;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • bitter eructation;
  • intestinal disorder.

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a therapist who will conduct the initial examination, write out directions for the delivery of general blood and urine tests, based on the results of which will give further instructions. This is usually a referral to a gastroenterologist or hepatologist. A narrow specialist will already prescribe extensive diagnostic measures, including a biochemical blood test, endoscopic or X-ray examination using a contrast agent, and after a course of treatment, including both drug therapy and the normalization of lifestyle and nutrition.

Diseases of the reproductive (genital) system

In men, pain in the lower part of the right side most often indicates:

  • inflammation of the prostate gland (dull squeezing pain, focus - just below the navel, can radiate to the right or left side, perineum. Temperatures up to 38 degrees occur only with an infectious form of the disease);
  • priapism (pain occurs due to prolonged erection, squeezing, dull. It comes from the area of ​​the penis and perineum, radiating to the area of ​​the prostate gland).

Pain in the right side below in women can cause the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the appendages (pain is dull, squeezing, may be supplemented by fever and mucous discharge from the vagina);
  • thrush (pain only at the initial stage of the disease, curdled vaginal discharge with bad smell, the temperature may rise slightly, burning pain occurs when urinating due to urine entering the inflamed areas of the vaginal mucosa);
  • rupture of the ovary (acute, squeezing pain in the appendix, may radiate to the right hypochondrium, the general condition of the patient deteriorates sharply, the temperature is up to 38 degrees, bloody discharge from the vagina appears, nausea).

These are the most common diseases of the reproductive system. Women for the initial examination should contact a gynecologist, men - a urologist. They prescribe further diagnostics and treatment.

In addition, in both men and women, dull, aching pains above the pubis or slightly shifted to the right can be caused by diseases of the bladder and / or ureters, while the urine becomes cloudy, with an unpleasant odor, sometimes with an admixture of blood.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Pain on the right, in the lower abdomen, can be caused and

These include:

  • arthrosis of the hip joint;
  • bursitis (inflammation of the periarticular bag);
  • joint inflammation in autoimmune disease;
  • dislocation and fracture (pain can occur even many years after the injury).

The pain is dull and gets worse for a long time to be in the cold or there is a physical load on the entire hip joint. May spread throughout the leg.

Diagnostics involves an x-ray. Subsequently, symptomatic treatment, including drug therapy and exercise therapy, in some cases, it may be necessary to fix the joint in one position or completely replace it.

Other diseases

Adhesive disease in the abdominal cavity

Another pain in the right side from below may indicate adhesive syndrome. This is when the peritoneum sticks to the intestines, interferes with normal peristalsis and provokes its blockage. Most often it is a consequence of previous operations, fibrin prolapse, inflammation of the pelvic organs, hemorrhage in the abdominal cavity. In this case, the pain is localized throughout the abdomen, but it hurts the most in the right side, since it is there that the bends of the large intestine (for the most part) are located, which are pressed against the very peritoneum. Patients themselves claim that the pain is throbbing, squeezing, as if something is being squeezed inside.

Diagnostic methods:

  • radiography of the peritoneum, incl. passage of barium through the gastrointestinal tract (tracking with an x-ray how the contrast agent moves),
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • (study of the intestinal mucosa by introducing a probe).

The problem is fixed surgery or removal of part of the intestine. ethnoscience does not offer any alternative means to eliminate adhesions.

When assistance is not provided in a timely manner. there is a possibility of death, incl. as a result of mechanical rupture of the intestine.

It is often a congenital disease, usually diagnosed in boys, and appears on the right side 3 times more often than on the left.

The reasons for the development of a hernia can be:

  • the birth of a baby ahead of schedule;
  • heredity;
  • groin injuries;
  • overweight or vice versa severe thinness;
  • constant strong physical activity;
  • chronic constipation;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • pregnancy.

Why does pain occur on the right side with an inguinal hernia? Because it stretches the peritoneum. More precisely - there is a gap between the muscle plates. The worst scenario is the infringement of a hernia, when the muscle plates return to their original position and squeeze the soft tissues, the intestines. This will definitely happen if the patient refuses the operation. With the hernia itself without infringement, there is no pain. If the contents of the peritoneum are squeezed out through the hernia, and it is subsequently compressed, the patient has a sharp throbbing pain with tension in the abdominal muscles.

It is diagnosed by the following methods:

  • general examination by a surgeon;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • radiography with the introduction of a contrast agent;
  • Ultrasound of the inguinal canals, scrotum (in men).

Doctors insist that An inguinal hernia can only be repaired with surgery. and transplantation of the mesh layer between the "parted" muscles. It is worth noting that the risk of recurrence remains at a high level.

What can and cannot be done?

For pain on the right, in the lower abdomen, it is better to take the following measures:

  • drink anti-inflammatory;
  • refuse water and food;
  • try to move less
  • cook brine and drink if there was vomiting or diarrhea;
  • if necessary, artificially induce vomiting.

Under no circumstances should you:

  • take painkillers
  • drink enzymes;
  • apply heat.

Self-medication without establishing the exact cause is a high risk of only exacerbating the problem. So, it is better to wait for the arrival of the ambulance. The most important thing is the correct diagnosis. And this task should be entrusted to doctors!

Pain in the lower right abdomen is one of the most common reasons for patients to visit the department emergency care. The lower right abdomen is located below an imaginary horizontal line drawn under the lower right hypochondrium and to the right of an imaginary vertical line along the navel.

Associated symptoms include:

Pain in this area is usually acute and may be spontaneous or chronic, as well as dull or acute, localized or diffuse, and radiate to the back.

There are many structures in the right lower abdominal region in which it can occur. These internal structures include part of the large intestine (called the cecum), the appendix and ascending colon, parts of the small intestine, the right ovary and fallopian tube, and the right ureter. The reason that the side hurts below, in the right side of the abdomen or behind can be any anomalies or violations of one or more of these structures.

The most common causes of pain on the right:


The most common reason why the side hurts on the right, in the lower abdomen is appendicitis, or inflammation of the appendix. It occurs in about 10% of people and most often occurs between the ages of 10 and 30, although it can occur at any age.

The cause of appendicitis can be an infection or a blockage that leads to inflammation and swelling. Symptoms usually begin as aching pain around the navel or in the middle of the upper abdomen and then progress to the lower right side of the abdomen. This pain worsens after a few hours.

Associated symptoms of appendicitis include:
  • subfebrile temperature,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • loss of appetite
  • constipation
  • or diarrhea.

If you experience these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.


Pain associated with ovulation can occur in either the right or left side of the lower abdomen. As a rule, no medical intervention is required. However, sometimes due to the same localization, it is confused with the symptoms of appendicitis.

Pain during ovulation occurs about 2 weeks before the next period, when the egg is released from the ovary. It can be aching in nature, manifest as a cramp, be sharp and sudden. It is usually not severe, but may be accompanied by spotting or bleeding from the vagina. It is relieved by painkillers and rest, but if the pain comes with fever and nausea, infection, then this should be considered as appendicitis.

Kidney stones on the right

Small crystalline deposits may form inside the kidney, especially when the urine becomes too concentrated. Stones from the kidney to the bladder can pass through any part urinary tract. This is a very painful process, although it does not lead to permanent damage.

Symptoms include severe pain under the right ribs, including on the side and back, which may radiate down the lower right side of the abdomen and into the groin. It can come in waves and fluctuate in its strength.

Associated symptoms include: pain when urinating, pinkish, reddish, or brownish urine that may be cloudy and foul-smelling, nausea, vomiting, fever with chills, and frequent urination.

Sometimes everything goes away if you drink plenty of water and take painkillers. However, if the condition is severe, it is worth consulting with your doctor about possible removal of the stone.

right kidney infection

An infection in the bladder or urinary tract can spread to the kidneys, causing inflammation and pain. It is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, back, side or groin. There is a persistent urge to go to the toilet a little, and this urination can be painful. Urine comes out with pus or blood. In this case, an increase in temperature is often observed.

If left untreated, an infection in the kidneys can lead to widespread infection or organ damage. Thus, antibiotic treatment is required to prevent complications, so you should seek the advice of a doctor.

right ovarian cyst

Sometimes cysts appear on the surface of the ovary - fluid-filled sacs that can grow and cause discomfort. Although they are usually harmless and can go away on their own, they can grow and cause pain in the lower abdomen. This is a dull, aching pelvic pain that is persistent or intermittent and may radiate to the lower back and hips. Pelvic pain can occur almost at the very beginning or at the end of menstruation. The menstrual period may be irregular. Pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and pressure on the bladder or rectum may also be associated with its severity or fullness.

While most ovarian cysts go away on their own, you should see your doctor if you suddenly develop lower abdominal or pelvic pain that is accompanied by fever or vomiting.


Another common cause of pain in the right lower abdomen (or left side) is constipation. This happens when you are unable to walk easily on a large scale on a regular basis and instead endure hard stools less than 3 times a week. Tension, bloating, and pressure in the rectum is accompanied by pain. It usually disappears with a bowel movement and is not accompanied by additional symptoms. To get rid of this ailment, you need to change your diet and take stool softeners or laxatives.

Ectopic pregnancy

When a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, it results in an ectopic pregnancy. A fertilized egg may end up in the right ovary, fallopian tube, or abdominal cavity and cause severe pain. If it occurs on the right side, it may be mistaken for appendicitis. However, it is not difficult to determine the real cause, because the process is usually associated with a delay in menstruation, symptoms early pregnancy and vaginal bleeding.

This requires immediate medical advice because the fallopian tubes can rupture and cause severe bleeding that is life-threatening.

A summary of the most common causes of pain in the right lower abdomen:

The nature of the pain

Associated symptoms

Treatment / Elimination

Appendicitis Dull aching pain, which becomes sharp, begins in the middle of the abdomen and shifts to the lower right part of it. The peritoneum becomes soft.
  • Temperature,
  • nausea, vomiting,
  • loss of appetite,
  • constipation
  • or diarrhea.
Surgical removal of appendicitis.
Constipation Dull pain in abdomen when stool cannot be passed. Tension, bloating and pressure in the rectum.
  • Relieve symptoms, promote the passage of stool;
  • Use laxatives, change diet.
Pain during ovulation Dull, or sharp, sudden, convulsions. Occurs 2 weeks before due date, with or without vaginal bleeding.
  • taking painkillers,
  • rest
Stones in the kidneys The pain may be sharp, comes in waves, fluctuating, spreading along the back and groin.
  • Pain when urinating
  • pink, red, or brown urine that may be cloudy and smelly
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • fever with chills
  • and frequent urination.
  • mild - nothing or analgesics;
  • Severe - surgery.
kidney infection Pain in the lower abdomen, back, side or groin.
  • Persistent urge to urinate
  • painful urination,
  • pus or blood in the urine
  • temperature.
Antibiotic treatment
Ovarian cyst Dull, aching pain in the pelvis, which can also radiate to the lower back and thigh.
  • irregular periods,
  • gravity,
  • bloody issues,
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • pressure.
  • Moderate pain - nothing, or analgesics;
  • Severe - possibly surgery.
Ectopic pregnancy Heaviness in the lower abdomen or pelvic pain
  • Delay of menstruation,
  • signs of pregnancy
  • bleeding from the vagina.

Less common causes of pain in the lower right abdomen include:

  1. Colon cancer - occurs in older patients and manifests itself in the form of constipation or changes in the intestines, chronic abdominal pain, and noticeable weight loss.
  2. Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection in the female reproductive organs caused by sexually transmitted bacteria.

    Abdominal pain is accompanied by:

    • vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor
    • violation of menstruation,
    • increased body temperature,
    • pain in the lower back and during sex.
  3. Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue from the uterus grows outside of it, such as on the right ovary, fallopian tube, or intestines, causing severe pain experienced during menstruation.
  4. Inflammatory bowel disease - chronic inflammation of all or part of digestive tract including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. These are painful and debilitating conditions that manifest as chronic diarrhea, weight loss, and can sometimes lead to life-threatening complications.

Pain in the right side can be caused by diseases not only of the abdominal organs, but also of the respiratory organs (bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, pneumothorax, lung cancer), heart and circulatory system(rheumatic carditis, arterial hypertension, thrombophlebitis, pericarditis, pre-infarction condition), peripheral nervous system(arachnoiditis, myelitis, ganglionitis, epilepsy) and other causes up to the fact that a person carries a bag on his right shoulder or sleeps on his right side on a hard mattress.

That is why, only a specialist can answer the question why the pain arose and make the correct diagnosis by comparing several factors. He must also prescribe therapy to eliminate the pain, which, depending on the diagnosis, may include physiotherapy, drug treatment, droppers, injections.

Localization and nature of pain

To determine the damage, the side is visually divided into 3 parts horizontally:

  • Subcostal;
  • lateral;
  • iliac;

Pain may also be felt in the back or abdomen.

Having decided on the location of the pain syndrome, the specialist must find out from the patient its nature and strength. Below we will consider which diseases are characterized by what pain and in what place they are located.

Pain in the right hypochondrium is caused by organs such as the right lung, gallbladder, pancreas, liver, intestines and diaphragm. Among other things, discomfort is caused by a violation of the nervous system or can radiate in diseases of the heart, pelvic organs or spine. Pain in the right hypochondrium may occur due to excessive physical exertion on the body.

If discomfort increases during palpation, then this may indicate inflammation in a sluggish course. In this case, the pain is characterized as acute and very strong. Consider the main diseases that provoke pain in the right hypochondrium:

Gallbladder diseases

  • Cholecystitis occurs due to inflammation of the gallbladder, with a burning, sharp pain in the right side. Also, discomfort can be on the right side of the back and near the spine. Patients complain of cramping pain. They feel bloating, increased gas formation, constipation.
  • Cholelithiasis formed as a result of deposition of bile pigments from which stones are formed. At the same time, some patients feel severe pain in the right side and back, nausea, heaviness, while others do not experience any symptoms.
  • Biliary dyskinesia - a complex disorder of the biliary system resulting from the development of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.), improper diet, the appearance of worms, and injuries. It manifests itself in two forms - hyperkinetic, i.e. contraction of the gallbladder is too active, which causes short-term sharp pains in the right hypochondrium, and hypokinetic, which consists in a weak contraction of the gallbladder, in which a person feels prolonged dull pain, often of a bursting or pressing nature. The basis of treatment is diet.

Diseases of the pancreas

Pain on the right occurs only with problems with the head of the pancreas, in other cases, characteristic sensations occur in the left hypochondrium.

  • Tumor benign or malignant appearance may appear as a result of stretching of the capsule. With an increase, it compresses neighboring organs, so patients feel pain in the right hypochondrium and in the back, there is also increased sweating, sleep disturbance, and general malaise. The causes of occurrence may be different. The disease develops with a genetic predisposition, after viral diseases. It is also the result of strong blows.
  • Pancreatitis, being a strong inflammatory process, provokes sharp or throbbing pains in the right side, which often radiate to the back and left hypochondrium, i.e. are enveloping in nature. Also, diarrhea, belching, flatulence often appear, accompanied by general malaise, weakness, impaired appetite and sleep. Patients have an increase in temperature up to 38 ° and blood pressure. Treatment consists of drug therapy.

Liver disease

  • If the right side under the rib hurts, then this phenomenon may be a consequence liver cirrhosis. Unpleasant sensations are given to the lower abdomen, may be from the back, aggravated by pressing. At the same time, there is a strong increase in the mammary glands, a decrease in the testicles, a decrease in body weight, dystrophy, and varicose bleeding.
  • Another reason why the right side hurts can be the presence hepatitis A. At the same time, patients experience yellowing of the skin, darkening of urine and lightening of feces, and fever.

In addition, most liver diseases cause heaviness in the right side, as the damaged organ fills with blood and swells, thereby stretching its capsule, supplied big amount pain receptors.

Bowel disease

  • Appendicitis occurs due to inflammation of the appendix and manifests itself in the form of sharp cramping pains, which can be localized not only on the right, but also felt from the back, near the spine. This causes dry mouth, general malaise. The disease requires immediate surgical intervention.
  • Diseases of the small intestine include a wide list of diseases and the causes that cause them, but almost all have very similar manifestations - patients complain of frequent diarrhea with undigested food residues, rumbling, swelling, as well as pulling, aching, bursting pains, often localized to the right of the navel or in epigastric region.
  • duodenal ulcer arises due to malnutrition, weakened immunity, active reproduction in the stomach of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, frequent stress, taking hormonal drugs. With this disease, severe pain appears in the right hypochondrium or above the navel, mainly on an empty stomach, incl. at night time. Often pain is noted under the shoulder blades or in the region of the heart. Patients also complain of belching, heartburn, nausea, and bloating. Treatment consists of following a diet and taking medications; in advanced cases, surgery may be necessary.

Diaphragm diseases

  • Hernia provokes sharp pains in the right side. Due to the weakening of the ligamentous apparatus and the appearance of a protrusion under the skin, migration occurs internal organs. Patients cannot fully move, exercise. In most cases, the disease requires mandatory surgical intervention.
  • diaphragmatitis is called severe inflammation of the diaphragm, which occurs as a result of the penetration of pathogenic organisms with blood or lymph flow, and the disease can also become a complication of inflammatory processes occurring in the lungs, liver, and abdominal cavity. It provokes sharp pain on the right, disrupts the active contraction of the diaphragm. Patients feel unwell, dry mouth, loss of appetite.
  • Tumor, especially malignant , is a fairly rare disease for this organ. Feeling of heaviness in the chest and lack of air, shortness of breath and other unpleasant symptoms, incl. pain in the right hypochondrium, appear when the tumor reaches large sizes. In the initial stages, it can be detected by chance during x-ray studies. Treatment is surgical only.

Diseases of the right lung

  • Cancer is a malignant disorder of the epithelium of the lung tissue. Has a weak pain sensitivity of the peripheral parts of the right lung, which do not have any pain receptors. Symptoms include expectoration with blood, a slight increase in temperature up to 37.2 °, sudden weight loss, bad breath, cough, fatigue.
  • Pleurisy is an inflammatory process. It affects the serous membrane. It is characterized by strong cutting discomfort in the chest on the right. Patients cough intensifies, breathing becomes difficult.
  • Pneumonia is an acute lung injury. Refers to infectious and inflammatory diseases. With damage to the right lung, pain is usually localized in the right hypochondrium, but it can also be of a girdle character. In patients, the temperature rises to 39 °, they begin to suffer from chills, shortness of breath and weakness.

Pain in the right hypochondrium from the back can provoke improper gymnastic exercises, fitness, the consequences of surgical intervention are not excluded. Acute pain can signal organ damage arising not only as a result of injuries, blows, stab wounds, but also with internal high blood pressure and other pathologies that pose a threat to life. That is why when the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Dull, aching, or dagger-like pain develops with intercostal neuralgia which compresses the intercostal nerves. In order not to feel pain, a person begins to warp to the healthy side, as a result, the intercostal spaces begin to stretch and the pressure that irritates the nerve endings decreases. Also, with this disease, the patient may experience increased sweating, painful muscle contractions, and a change in the shade of the skin.

Under the ribs on the back are the kidneys. Diseases associated with this organ often have aching and dull pain sensations:

  • Urolithiasis disease is a urological disease characterized by the formation of stones in urinary system. When they move or change the position of the body, physical activity there may be a dull or pulling pain in the right side. But an acute cramping already speaks of a serious complication - the closure of the urinary duct with a stone.
  • Pyelonephritis is an infectious disease of the kidneys. It is formed due to bacteria entering the body through the urinary tract. Manifested by nausea high temperature, painful sensations of a dull, pulling nature, aggravated by deep breathing, palpation and tapping.

The reasons that cause pain at the waist level can be very different - from an unbalanced diet, as a result of which increased gas formation is formed, causing discomfort on the side of the intestine, to serious problems with the spine or with the genitourinary system.

Here are just some of the diseases that can cause such pain:

  • Dorsopathy belongs to the group of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spinal column and surrounding tissues caused by malnutrition, increased loads or injury. Patients have a pulling or aching pain in the right side, less often they describe the nature of sensations as shooting. There may also be tingling of the skin, weakening and thinning of the muscles. The disease can affect any part of the spine, but more often the lumbar suffers. Massages, exercise therapy, physiotherapy will help get rid of the disease.
  • Protrusion is a complication of osteochondrosis, in which only the inner part of the fibrous ring surrounding the intervertebral disc is disturbed. Most often, this pathology occurs in the lumbar region, so pain is manifested from the back at the level of the waist and below. There may also be chronic pain and tingling in the legs, weakness of the femoral muscles, in rare cases, urinary disorders. Treatment includes drug therapy and physiotherapy methods.
  • Cystitis occurs when inflammation of the bladder, or rather its mucous membrane, as a result of the penetration of pathogenic organisms into it through the urethra. The disease is characterized by painful frequent urination, sometimes with blood. There are also burning, stabbing pains in the perineum and in the region of the bladder in the acute form, and constant, aching at the level of the waist in front and behind - in the chronic form. The basis of treatment are antibiotics, which allow to destroy the infection that caused the disease.

This symptom can occur in many diseases of the pelvic organs, abdominal cavity, urinary tract, therefore, in order to determine how life-threatening it is, one must focus on the nature of the pain, the speed of its occurrence, and additional symptoms. For example:

  • sharp, sharp, sudden onset pain they can talk about rupture or torsion of the organ, this problem is especially common with the ovary in women, blockage of the urinary or biliary tract with a stone, intestinal obstruction, and if a shock condition is still observed, the person loses consciousness, tachycardia appears, then intra-abdominal bleeding can be assumed. All of these conditions require urgent surgical care.
  • slight constant aching or dull pain usually indicates incipient inflammatory processes, circulatory disorders, exacerbation of chronic diseases, so you should not delay going to the doctor in order to find out the causes of these unpleasant sensations as soon as possible.
  • periodic pain, i.e. either sharply appearing or subsiding may indicate inflammation of the appendix, and if such a nature of pain is observed in a child and is accompanied by vomiting and increased gas formation, then volvulus can be suspected. In both cases, immediate surgery is required, otherwise death may occur.

Associating discomfort with actions

Pain may occur after or during certain activities:

Pain in the right hypochondrium usually appears after a couple of hours, especially often you can expect them to come if you have eaten fatty, fried, smoked, spicy and other junk food. Depending on the nature of the pain, the following diseases can be assumed:

  • dull and bursting pain, sometimes radiating under the shoulder blade and accompanied by nausea, bitterness in the mouth may indicate an exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis;
  • if dull, aching pain turn into sharp, stabbing, paroxysmal accompanied by diarrhea, a feeling of bloating, nausea, then we can assume biliary dyskinesia or inflammation of the bile ducts;
  • aching and cramping pains, which are joined by bitter belching, heartburn, nausea, weakness and trembling in the body, may indicate duodenitis or bulbitis.

In some cases, pain in the right hypochondrium after eating may occur due to inflammatory processes occurring in the stomach or pancreas, but more often, if there are malfunctions in these organs, the pain appears on the left, and not on the right. But in any case, wherever painful sensations appear after eating, they require urgent and high-quality diagnostics.

Sometimes, when walking or running fast, a stabbing pain in the right side appears in completely healthy people . Scientists are still arguing why this happens. One explanation is that with a sharp increase in blood circulation, the blood “bypasses” the diaphragm, entering directly into the limbs, so its spasm occurs. To avoid such a reaction of the body, it is necessary to eat 2-3 hours before training and conduct a thorough warm-up before more serious exercises.

If pains in the right side occur even when walking slowly or even with the slightest movements, then this is a reason for an early visit to a medical facility, since they can be signals of serious inflammatory processes in the liver and gallbladder, and also indicate the occurrence of appendicitis or hematoma.

No less often, pain during movement is associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.- osteochondrosis, sciatica, lumboischialgia, intercostal neuralgia, etc. are manifested by sharp, sharp, pulsating, less often aching and pulling pains, which can be localized not only to the right or left of the spinal column, in the lower back, under the shoulder blades, but also give to the limbs.

It is wrong to think that if it hurts in the right side when inhaling, then this can only be associated with diseases of the respiratory system(pleurisy, pneumonia, etc.), although, of course, if acute pain is accompanied by a severe cough and high fever, then the likelihood of making these diagnoses increases, which requires prompt medical treatment.

No less dangerous diseases, in which there are severe pains in the right hypochondrium during inhalation, forcing people to breathe superficially, are pericarditis, pulmonary embolism, and renal colic. In the absence of timely medical care, death can occur.

Pain from dull, aching to burning, sharp, sharp, subsides at rest, may appear with inflammation of the intercostal muscles and nerves, as well as with a fracture of the ribs. In the latter case, hemoptysis, severe swelling, cyanosis, bruising at the site of injury can also be observed.

Associated pain with various conditions

Under certain conditions and in the presence of a number of additional symptoms, the diagnostic picture can change dramatically.

  • . Pain appears in 70% of cases. It is localized in the lower abdomen, depending on the cause, it may be more felt on the right or left. An unpleasant sensation can be pulling, cutting, resembling contractions. There may also be an increase in temperature up to 37 °, increased sweating, constant thirst, weakness.
  • . They are frequent "allies" in case of poisoning. The pain is sharp and cutting in nature, and it is often impossible to clearly say where it hurts - in the right side or the left, because. pain sensations cover the entire abdominal cavity. In addition, patients experience vomiting, nausea, dry mouth, and thirst.
  • . This tandem in most cases indicates diseases of the gallbladder. This may interfere with the functioning of the liver. Dull, aching, arching pains occur due to the accumulation of bile, and patients are also accompanied by nausea, weakness, and constant thirst.

Gender-related pain

In addition to common diseases, a number of diseases can be gendered and associated with pathological conditions reproductive organs:

In the stronger sex, the prostate gland is most often affected. Aching, pulling pain, accompanied by painful emptying, may indicate prostatitis, acute pain and difficulty urinating - about adenoma, paroxysmal, acute pain and blood in the urine are often harbingers of a malignant tumor or indicate the presence of stones.

In the beautiful half of humanity, pain in the right side can be the result of:

  • tubal pregnancy disorders, in which the fetal egg begins to develop outside the uterus, while there is a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, stabbing - in the right or left side, in case of delay, the fallopian tube may rupture and the patient may die.
  • right ovarian apoplexy is another condition that requires prompt hospitalization, because, due to a violation of the integrity of the organ, bleeding into the abdominal cavity is observed. In this case, a person feels a sharp pain in front of the lower abdomen.
  • torsion of the right ovarian cyst. With this disease, intra-abdominal pressure and blood circulation increase. The disease is characterized by severe pain in the lower abdomen. Unpleasant sensations may increase with movement.
  • acute inflammation of the appendages- with this disease, the patient feels a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the right side, to the lower back, sacrum, inner thighs, rectum, sometimes there are sharp pains from the back. In this case, fatigue, drowsiness, loss of appetite, irritability, inadequate psychological reactions appear.

Diagnosis and treatment

Choosing a specialist to contact for medical care, and the diagnostic methods that he will apply, often depend on the nature of the pain. So acute ones require a thorough examination of the body with the help of ultrasound, and aching and chronic ones require the results of clinical tests. Also, the treatment depends on the diagnosis, i.e. the cause of the pain, and can be either a diet or urgent surgery.
